HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/16/1974ril 16, 1974 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS APRIL 16, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call:- No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meivrotto, Ila Bromberg, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Peter Hanson, Larry Seidel, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Cant Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Stephen Barry, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Total present 18. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Meierotto to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. NO. 2 Hoagland nominated Walter Barningham as chairman of the County Board. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Rude, seconded by W. Johnson that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Walter Barningham as chairman of the Board. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for Walter Barningham as chairman of the Board for two years. NO. 3 Berweger nominated Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the County Board. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by P. Hanson that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the Board. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the Board for two years. Chairman Barningham asked the -Board -to rise for a moment of silence in respect to the l memory of Raymond J. Mammoser, former supervisor of District No. 6, who passed away on March.7th. NO. 4 The chairman suggested that the members representing each of the 5 highway districts meet together for a caucus to decide on a nominee or nominees for their respective highway district. This policy has been followed in the past and the Board agreed to this method of nomination again. It was pointed out to the Board that additional nominations can be made from the floor by any member of the Board. The caucuses were held and the Board proceeded to elect the highway committee. April 16, 1974 Meierotto reported that Edwin Erickson was nominated as a candidate for District ##1. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Rude that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Edwin Erickson as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cas- the unanimous ballot as directed and Edwin Erickson was declared elected a member of the highway com- mittee representing District #1. Hoagland reported that there were two nominees in District #$2 which were Eric Johnson and Arthur Hanson The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Seidel that -the nominations be closed. Walter Barningham appointed Meierotto and Renoos to act as tellers and they passed out ballots to the Board. The results of the first ballot were as follows: Eric Johnson 14 Arthur Hanson 4 Eric Johnson was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #2. W. Johnson reported that Joseph Berweger was nominated a candidate for District ##3. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Barry, seconded by Anderson that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Joseph Berweger as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Joseph Berweger was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #3. Seidel reported that there were two nominees in District #4 which were Peter Hanson and Bennie Rude The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Meierotto that the nominations be clo-_ed. The results of the first ballots were as follows: Peter Hanson 10 Bennie Rude 7 Peter Hanson was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #4. Edwin Spears reported that Renoos was nominated a candidate for District #5. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Erickson, seconded by E. Johnson that the nominations be closed and that the clerk Edwin cast the unanimous ballot for Renoos as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the Edwin unanimous ballot as directed and Renoos was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #5. The following communication was read: No. 5 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Transportation April 3, 1974 Bayfield County Clerk Dear Sir: Estimated 1975 Allotment for State Trunk Highway System ril 16, 1974 You are hereby notified that the estimated allotment in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, under provision of Section 20.395 (4qf) and 84.03 (3), for eXpenditures on the State Trunk Highway System in your county is $122,000.00. i By joint action of your county and the Highway Commission, such allotment in the sum of I $122,000.00 has previously been authorized to be advanced for the improvement of portions of State Trunk Highway 13 between Washburn and Bayfield. i No further action is required with reference to such previously approved advance. I Sincerely, B. E. Gehrmann Highway Commission Secretary BEG:pd CC;DE#8 County Hwy. Commissioner Moved by Berweger, seconded by.Renoos to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 6 R. R. l Washburn, Wis . March 4, 1974 Bayfield County Board Members Bayfield County Court House r. Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 o Dear Sirs: With this letter I hereby request the County Board members to please consider permitting me i to continue my insurance coverage with the county group. e �i I realize thatthe county policy regarding group insurance requires me to be an employee with �:•"' e ' the county for ten full years. However, as of this date, my total employment time with the county is nine years, ten months. 01. Due to the recent death of my husband, I am forced to seek an early retirement because of a lack of transportation. It is for this reason that I ask the Board members to consider my request. I will be very grateful if the members will allow me to continue paying for my hospitalization insurance and remain with the county group. Your consideration of this matter will be much appreciated. - Sincerely, Mrs. Nettie Harvey Moved by Anderson, seconded by Seidel to allow this..reques.t = Motion carried. NO. 7 Mr. Louis Stolle, Nutrition Program Director, appeared before the Board a gave a brief report on the Program to date. He informed the Board that the Nutrition Program was now } actually in operation and that the first meal had been served at the Washburn Civic Center on Monday, April 15th. He also stated that he hoped to have other sites in operation shortly. George Phillips, area game warden, appeared before the Board in regard to bear baiting and the bear season. i\ NO. 9. o I Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Carter to support Bill 544S which bans bear baiting and that a telegram be sent to the Governor immediately stating the Board's support of the Bill. Motion carried. NO. 10 Larry Young, Highway Commissioner, appeared before the Board in regard to a new proposed highway construction project on CT"AT1 north of Iron River. He informed the Board that the project is only in the planning stage at this time. The following County Fair Financial Report was read: No. 11 Washburn, Wisconsin April 8, 1974 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: Following is the 1973 Bayfield County Fair Financial Report. REVENUES DISBURSEMENTS Administrative Income $ 516.03 Administrative Expense Aid - State 4,211.63 Aid - County 11,485.87 Entries - Speed 70.00 Gate Receipts 2,897.75 Grandstand Receipts 3,477.50 Space & Privileges Including Rides and Shows 840.97 Building Rental 100.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 23,599.75 Cash on Hand NONE TOTAL $ 23,599.75 All State Taxes Assoc. Dues & Memberships Advertising Insurance Judges Maintenance Buildings & Grounds Officers Salaries & Expense Plant & Equipment, Permanent Police, Gate, Other Help Postage, Express, Drayage Premiums Printing Purses - Speed Rental of Equipment Ribbons & Badges Special Acts & Features Superintendents & Assistants Supplies Telephone & Telegraph Water, Light & Power Outlay TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Cash on Hand TOTAL BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE $ 703.00 240.30 84.00 995.10 515.62 518.80 1,379.31 1,380.79 89.00 3,496.56 336.86 5,619.00 538.62 1,001.00 285.00 20.24 3,006.53 1,367.88 1,270.42 91.36 59.32 $ 23,599.75 $ 23,599.75 Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Walter Barningham Carl Anderson Moved by Meierotto, seconded by A. Hanson to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. �--oj 8 '22 April 16, 1974 'F. The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, Section 73.06, Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the Department of Taxation shall annually call a meeting of the local assessors for each -county -for conference and instructions relative to the duties in the valuation and assessment of,property, and WHEREAS, Section 73.06 further provides that the Department of Revenue may also call a similar meeting of local clerks and such other officials as 4ieems advisable for conference and instruction relative to their duties in the valuation and assessment of property, and WHEREAS, said Section further provides that such officials upon notice of such a meeting shall attend the meeting and shall receive, therefore, travel expense and compensation as the Board may establish, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessors or other local officials called to the aforementioned conference shall be paid the same per diem and mileage as is paid to members of the County Board at regular or special County Board Meetings. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland . Walter Barningham Arthur Meierotto Moved by Rude, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results No,.;. 12a Barry Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, Rude, P. Hanson, Spears, Heglund, .Carter, A. Hanson, Berweger, Nayes - Erickson, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Seidel, W. Johnson, Anderson, Renoos, Barningham Ayes - 10 Nayes - 8 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has established a University Extension program as provided for by Section 59.87 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Section 59.87 (2) of the Statutes provides that when such a program has been created, the County Board shall create a committee on agriculture and extension education, and WHEREAS, it has been the policy :in Bayfield County to delegate to the County Board Chair- man the authority to appoint the agriculture committee, and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the County to grant the Chairman such authority, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board shall continue to have the authority to appoint the members of the committee on agriculture and extension education. Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Carl Anderson Walter Barningham Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. F2 April 16, 1974 The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the Soil Conservation Service has hired two men for the 1974 spring and summer season to survey town road banks for erosion problems and also to help supervise roadside seeding and other town and county roadside soil and water conservation p rojects, and WHEREAS, these men will be working in the field most of the time but during periods of inclement weather there is a need for office space to be used to work on their maps and plans relating to the above mentioned projects, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board authorize these two S.C.S. employees to use the old law library located behind the county board room for the spring and summer months of 1974 for the above mentioned purpose. Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISORS Carl Anderson Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Ernest Heglund Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS, Ted Kramolis has been an outstanding 4-H member and is currently a 4-H club leader in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, he has been designated by the State 4-H Club Department of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, to represent Wisconsin in the International 4-H Youth Exchange and Youth Development programs in St. Kitts, an island located in the Caribbean Sea, from June 10 to September 24, and WHEREAS, Mr. Kramolis will live with families on this island and not only be involved in the cultural exchange of educational work but will also help the people with their youth development i program which will, no doubt, involve working with youth organizations, and WHEREAS, he will bring back to Bayfield County information, slides, and other data on the people and on the island of St. Kitts, and and WHEREAS, Mr. Kramolis is supplied with only half of the necessary expenses for this project, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Bayfield County Board furnish $350.00 to cover one-fourth of the cost of this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these funds be taken from the contingency fund. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, BAYFIELD COUNTY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE & EXTENSION EDUCATION Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Walter Barningham Carl Anderson Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 15a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berwege r, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Total 18 Motion carried. 85 The following resolution was read: No. 16 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED,.That the rates for the publication of Official County Board minutes and publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing.year, $1.52 per folio for the first publication .462 per folio for printing supplements of County Board proceedings for the distribution of the supplements by other than the official paper BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the publisher of the official paper send a copy of the i County Board minutes to each County Board member, to the Clerk of each'Town, Village and City, Town Chairmen not on the County Board, Village Presidents and City Mayors. a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the minutes of the County Board be printed within 60 days �t ( after receiving copy from the County Clerk.' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That THE IRON RIVER PIONEER be the official paper for the ensuing year, effective April, 1974. 0 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham C. E. Hoagland Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by W. Johnson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Walter Barningham with the following members answering roll call: No. 17 Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Total 18 present. The following resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns a one-half undivided interest in the following described i4 c i lands, to -wit: The South One-half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the 4 'N Southeast Quarter, Section Thirty; the West One-half of the Southwest Quarter, Section Twenty, �a all in Township Fifty-one North, Range Four West; the South One-half of Section Twenty-four, except the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Township Fifty North; Range Eight West; the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section Eighteen, Township Fifty North, Range Seven West, consisting in all of Five Hundred Sixty acres, and WHEREAS, The remaining one-half interest in said lands is owned by a private individual, and WHEREAS, By resolution adopted July 18, 1973, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorized the Forestry Committee to consummate a trade of interests in said lands with said private owner on a forty for fort+- basis to the end that Bayfield County and said private owner would each possess a full interest in an equal number of said forty acre descriptions, and WHEREAS, Said Forestry Committee has caused a cruise and evaluation to be made of said lands, and � * 2 8 April 16, 1974 WHEREAS, Said Committee has recommended and said private owner has agreed that the division of said lands shall be as follows: To Bayfield County, the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section Eighteen, Township Fifty North, Range Seven West; the North One-half of the Southeast Quarter and the North- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-four, Township Fifty North, Range Eight West; the South One-half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty, Township Fifty-one North, Range Four West. To Richard F. Wartman, grantee of D. and M. Milani, the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Eighteen Township Fifty North, Range Seven West; the South One-half of the South One-half of Section Twenty-four, Township Fifty North, Range Eight West and the West One- half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty, Township Fifty-one North, Range Four West, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Quit ClaimDeed conveying the aforesaid interests of Bayfield County in the following described lands to Richard F. Wartman, grantee of D. and M. Milani, to -wit: The North east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Eighteen, Township Fifty North, Range Seven West; the South One-half of the South One-half of Section Twenty-four, Township Fifty North, Range Eight West and the West One-half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty, Township Fifty-one North, Range Four West, and I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk in and for Bayfield County is hereby authorized and directed to accept from said Richard F. Wartman a Quit Claim Deed conveying the interest of said owner to Bayfield County of all of'his interest in and to the following described lands, I to -wit: the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eighteen, Township Fifty North, { Range Seven West; the North One-half of the Southeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-four, Township Fifty North, Range Eight West; the South One- half of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty, Township Fifty-one North, Range Four West. Arthur C. Hanson Larry Seidel Carl E. Anderson FORESTRY COMMITTEE Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution,. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, Bayfield County, through its Conservation Committee, has entered into a joint program with the Department of Natural Resources to provide and maintain snowmobile trails within the County, and WHEREAS, It is necessary that the County procure easements across certain private lands for the purpose of opening up and maintaining said trails,and WHEREAS, Certain private owners require changes -in the standard form of easement used by Bayfield County prior to agreement to execute such easement, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County to make such changes from time to time in order to secure such easements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Conservation Committee of this Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to enter into specific agreements with such private land owners for the purpose of obtaining such easements which will not, in the judgment of said Conservation Com- mittee, be detrimental to,Bayfield County, and 28 April 16, 1974 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That such easements as may be accepted and approved by the Conservation Committee shall, when required, be executed by the County Clerk in behalf of Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Conservation Committee is hereby authorized to accept unilaterally executed easements running from the owner of the affected lands to Bayfield County and that in such instances the present form of easement may be altered accordingly. Arthur Hanson CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Larry Seidel Carl E. Anderson Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Ordinance was read: No. 20 BAYFIELD COUNTY TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION, ITS STRUCTURE POWER AND DUTIES. There is hereby appointed by the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board, A County Traffic Safety Commission consisting of: Rudy Frechette, Sheriff, representing the Division of Highway Safety Coordination. W. T. Wambach, Superior, District 8, Highway Engineer. Larry Young, Washburn, Highway Commissioner. Sgt. Keith Wilder, Spooner, Wisconsin State Patrol. Richard Fredericks, Drummond, Bayfield County Traffic Law Enforcement. Paul Kopp, Washburn, representing Education. John Blahnik, Washburn, representing Medicine.' Thomas Fox, Washburn, representing Law. Mary Kahn, Solon Springs, representing Women's Highway Safety Leaders. The Chairman of the Commission shall be elected annually by Commission members. MEETINGS 1. The Commission shall develop a meeting schedule that includes a minimum of four (4) meetings per year. 2. The Commission shall appoint a secretary to keep a record of attendance, minutes and all official proceedings. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES 1. To secure voluntary coordination and re-inforcement of highway safety activities conducted by the various political subdivisions of the county in the functional areas of: DRIVER EDUCATION CODES AND LAWS TRAFFIC COURTS ALCOHOL IN RELATION TO HIGHWAY SAFETY IDENTIFICATION AND SURVEILLANCE OF ACCIDENT LOCATIONS TRAFFIC RECORDS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES HIGHWAY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES PEDESTRIAN SAFETY POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES DEBRIS HAZARD CONTROL AND CLEANUP SCHOOL BUS SAFETY ril 16, 1974 2. Review and develop a written statement of highway safety needs in the aforementioned functional areas and develop immediate priorities and long-range goals for highway safety improvement. 3. To advise the county board and its various committees on highway safety matters. 4. It shall maintain liasion with highway safety programs carried on by the political subdivisions of Bayfield County and related state functions conducted in the county. 5. It shall act as an advisory body to the county highway safety coordinator for the purpose of developing local actions necessary to implementing projects under the federal highway safety act of 1966. 6. It sahll cooperate with nonofficial organizations and groups in developing and conducting public information programs directed to highway safety improvements. 7. Develop procedures for periodic review of local highway safety improvement programs. COMMITTEES AND STUDY GROUPS 1. The Commission may establish special study groups or sub committees necessary to meeting its responsibility as outlined in this Ordinance. Walter C . Baritingham Chairman, County Board of Supervisors Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 21 TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the changes described as follows be approved: That portion of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty-two (32) lying East of Mill Pond Lake and South of Highway Sixty-three (63) and that portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Thirty three (33) lying South of Highway Sixty-three (63) and West of the C. M. St. P. & 0. R. R. right of way in Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. That portion of Government lot One (1) lying East of Highway Thirteen (13) in Section Thirty- four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, and that portion of Government lot One (1) lying East of Highway Thirteen (13) in Section Thirty-three (33) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential-1 Use. Section 2.12 of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance is deleted. Section 2.12 read as follows: "This section shall not apply to sheds, temporary shelters, farm buildings other than residences, and similar structures, provided that set -back requirements are met." Dated: April 11, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Eric Johnson William Carter Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Seidel to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. April 16, 1974 IS The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 22 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance,'adopted May 4, 1971, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, That portion of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty-two (32) lying East of Mill Pond Lake and South of Highway Sixty-three (63) and that portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW µ).of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-"4) of Section Thirty-three (33) lying South of Highway Sixty-three (63) and West of the C. M. St. P. & 0. R. R. right of way in Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. That portion of Government lot One (1) lying East of Highway Thirteen (13) in Section Thirty-four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, and that portion of Government. lot One (1) lying East of Highway Thirteen (13) in Section Thirty-three . (33) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Residential-2 Use to Resid- ential-1 Use. Section 2.12 of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance,is deleted. Section2.12 read as follows: "This section shall not apply to sheds;, temporary shelters, farm buildings; other than residences, and similar structures, provided that set -back requirements are met." Dated: April 16, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Eric Johnson Larry Seidel W. H. Carter Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing Ordinance. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors by Resolution passed at its February, 1973 meeting, authorized the construction of a one-story addition to the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital building, and WHEREAS, The Executive.Committee was authorized to do such acts as might be necessary in the planning and construction of said addition, and WHEREAS, The plans for said construction have progressed to the point of the advertisement for bids for such construction to be submitted and acted upon by said Committee during the month of May, 1974, and WHEREAS, Arrangements have been made by the Board of Directors of said Hospital to finance the above cost of said construction without cost to Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the acts of said Executive Committee and the planning state.of said construction be and they are hereby approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Committee is hereby authorized to accept bids for said construction and to proceed .with the construction of said addition as may be in the interest of Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That at the time of the execution of contracts for such construction by the County, said Executive Committee shall be charged with determining at said time that said Hospital Board has made financial arrangements for the total financing of the cost thereof,and ril 16, 1974 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Executive Committee and the officers of Bayfield County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to do such acts as may be necessary, subject to the conditions herein set forth, to accept bids, enter into contracts and to continue supervision of said construction until final completion, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the participation.of Bayfield County in said plan for the construction of said addition and the actual construction thereof is subject to the provisions of all of the original resolutions pertaining to the construction and operation .of said Bayfield County Memorial Hospital and the Letter of Intent and Indemnity Agreement executed by the officers and directors of the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital now on file in the off -ice of the Bayfield County Clerk. Wallace, Johnson Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland W. C. Barningham Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by E. Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. •Motion carried. The following resolution and ordinance were read: No. 24 'I WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County to amend the Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance in reference to speed of motor vehicles on highway5within the County to conform to 4 I the State Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Ordinance attached hereto in reference to said amend- ,- ment be and the same is hereby adopted and shall be effective upon publication. ti7 a1 Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland W. C. Barningham ORDINANCE The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby Ordains as follows: That the present Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended as follows: 346.57 (4) (hm) Notwithstanding par. (h), during an energy emergency, in the absence of any other fixed limits or the posting of .limits as required or authorized by law, 55 miles per hour. Section 2 - speed limits, Section 346.58 (2)-55 miles per hour except 45 miles per hour on town roads and county trunk highways for any commercial vehicle or combination of commercial vehicles, except motor busses, having a gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds. Any part of the Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance in conflict with this amendment as to speed on highways within Bayfield County is hereby rescinded. Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution and ordinance. Motion carried. �i s \l The following resolution was read: No. 25 WHEREAS, The Ashland-Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc. is interested in expanding its programs for the developmentally disabled; and WHEREAS, It has been proposed as a part of said program that a garden project be instituted, an WHEREAS, The County owns certain lots near the Bayfield County Court House where said Develop- ti •yea i mental Center is located, which would be suitable for said project, said lots being described as Lots 7, 10 and 11, Block 77, Original Townsite, City of Washburn, and 41 WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of the County to permit said organization to use said Lots for said garden purposes, ril. 16 _ 1974 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Ashland-Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc. be and it is hereby permitted to use Lots 7, 10 and 11, Block 77, Original Townsite, City of Washburn, for garden purposes for a period of one year, and that a continuation of said project thereafter shall be subject to County Board approval. Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland W.C. Barningham Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 26 WHEREAS, the rate of pay for grand and petit jurors has been set at $10.00 for each day's actual attendance upon any circuit or county court, and and WHEREAS, said rate has been in effect since January 1, 1958, and WHEREAS, jurors do not serve by choice but rather by order of the court, and WHEREAS, in most instances jurors actually suffer a monetary loss if called to jury duty, WHEREAS, Section 255.25 makes provisions for the county board to set the rate of pay for any juror summoned to serve at a rate of not less than $4.00 nor more than $16.00 for each day's actual attendance and 10 cents for each mile traveled, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the rate of pay for furors called to serve in Bayfield County upon any circuit or county court shall be set at $16.00 per day for each day they are called to serve and 10 cents per mile for each mile of travel in going and returning by the most usual route of travel. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto W. C. Barningham Moved by Meierotto, seconded by E. Johnson to adapt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 26a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto; Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, 'Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Total 18. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 27 BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Personnel'Committee at the request of the Highway Committee that the position of Patrol Superintendent remain under the jurisdiction of the Highway Committee and that said Patrol Superintendent's position be deleted from the State Bureau of Personnel's Study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Patrol Superintendent remain at the same rate of pay of $3.75 per hour with overtime being paid after 45 hours per week. And no retroactive or longevity pay being made to him. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Highway Committee be allowed.to adjust wages of the Patrol Superintendent. Submitted By: C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Ernest Heglund Edwin K. Renoos 97 April 16. 1974 Moved by,Erickson, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, both Delores Niska and Beatrice Kelly have been employed by Bayfield County for ten and fourteen years respectively, and WHEREAS, Beatrice Kelly is responsible for the organizational responsibilities relating to the Bayfield County Fair and is required to provide information on a variety of subjects relating to Agriculture, Resource Development, Home Economics, and University sponsored E.T.N. programs in the absence of the Agricultural Agent and Home Economist, and WHEREAS,, Delores Niska is responsible for the bookkeeping relating to the Bayfield County Fair, the Extension Office, and the Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors as well as the keeping of the records and correspondence for the Bayfield County 4-H Club Program, and WHEREAS, both the above named employees supervise as high as twenty Fair employees before and when the Fair is in operation, and WHEREAS, the State Bureau of Personnel has classified both of the above named employees as Stenographers, and WHEREAS, this is inconsistent with the policy set by the Bureau in that employees in charge of County programs and who supervise other employees are at least entitled to a Secretary classi- fication, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that both Delores Niska and Beatrice Kelly be classified as Secretaries and be awarded the salary schedule designated for this position by the State Bureau of Personnel. Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE & EXTENSION EDUCATION Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Ernest Heglund Carl Anderson Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Renoos to refer the foregoing resolution to the Personnel Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 29 WHEREAS, the recent Bureau of Personnel study and recommendations for classification and salary adjustments for county employees did not include County University Extension employees, and WHEREAS, County University Extension employees are awarded:erank based on merit, educational background and years of service by the University of Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the county contribution to the salary of these employees is not considered in cost of living raises by the University of Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the salaries of these employees are negotiated jointly by the University of Wisconsin Extension and the Bayfield County Committee on Agriculture and Extension Education, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the county salaries of Margaret Oldenburg, Rodney Bdchele and Harry Lowe be increased by $20.00 per month. Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE & EXTENSION EDUCATION Carl Anderson Ernest Heglund Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing resolution. Fy April 16,, 1974 A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 29a Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berwege r, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, Hoagland, Rude Ayes - 15 Nayes - 3 Total 18 NO. 30 Motion carried. Moved by Renoos, seconded by E. Johnson that proposed ordinances or changes in ordinances by department heads be referred to the proper committee for presentation to the Board. Motion carried. The following OACDIn13r+e.F'. .lL-04,S, read: No. 31 DRAFT ORDINANCE FOR COUNTY COMMISSION ON AGING AS RELATED TO AREA AGENCIES ON AGING WHEREAS, the older people of Bayfield County are now and have long been contributing"to this county's social and economic well-being. In order that these members are able to be a vital part and in order to meet their unique needs, increased planning and services must be provided.With the attention now being given by the national and state governments and in our own community toward senior citizens, it is important that the county also contribute in an effective manner toward making a positive impact on the lives of its older citizens. There- fore, be it resolved that the following ordinance be hereby adopted; 1. Bayfield County Commission on Aging Created There is hereby created a Bayfield County Commission on Aging. 2. Purpose The Commission shall act to improve the quality of life for the senior citizens of Bayfield County. 3. ADDointin!a Authorit The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the chairman of the County Board, subject to confirmation by the County Board. 4. Membership of Commission (a)The Commission shall consist of at least 9 but no more than 13..m At least 51 percent of the members shall be senior citizens 60 years of age or over, and at least one member shall be under the age of 30. No more than 2 members shall be elected county officials. (b)Tenures: The members shall serve for a term of 3 years with the exception of the original first membership whose terms shall be staggered -- 1/3 - 3 years, 1/3 - 2 years, 1/3 - 1 year. (c)Organization, Bylaws:The Commission shall at its first meeting proceed to elect a Chair- person, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary. Officers so elected shall serve for a term of one year. The Commission shall be authorized to adopt its own bylaws and procedures pro- viding they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Area Agency on Aging. (d)Representation on Area Rgency-on Aging: The Commission shall elect a member to the Board of Directors to the Area Agency on Aging in the Planning and Service Area. (e)Responsibility of Delegate to Area Agency on Aging: The County Commission on Aging shall recommend to its member of the Board of.the Area Agency on Aging its selection of Priori- ties as listed in the State Operating Plan under''Title III. 5. Duties, Powers The powers and duties of the Commission, which shall be exercised and performed in confor- mity with the laws and ordinances of the County of Bayfield, shall be as follows: '(a),The Commission shall act as the clearinghouse for all county (public and Private) programs on aging and the Area Agency on Aging. (b)The Commission shall provide current information on the ages, income, population, and demographic characteristics of the elderly in the County to the Area Agency on Aging. ril 16 (c) The Commission shall delineate areas that need services and utilize existing community programs through community cooperation and coordination that will provide an efficient method for delivery of services. (d)The Commission shall indicate the need for particular legislation with back-up data. (e) The Commission shall make available to County Supervisors the information and research relating to the effects of proposed legislation. (f) The Commission shall act as the mechanism through which the voices of the older person can be heard on any and all issues relating to the well-being and enhancing the function of the elderly as contributing members of the community. (g) The Commission shall be authorized to establish sub -committees to encourage community involvement, but in keeping with the purposes and objectives of the Commission. (h) The Commission shall in cooperation with the Area Agency on Aging encourage the development of new and expanded programs for older adults consistent with delineated areas of need. (i) The Commission shall make an annual report of its activities to the County Board -of Super- visors and shall make such other reports as the County Board from time to time requires. (j) The Commission shall cooperate with the Area Agency on Aging and related -public, and private agencies and the older citizen in planning efforts. (k) The Commission shall prepare annually a budget for necessary and reasonable expenditures to be incurred by the Commission in accomplishing its goals and mandates subject to review and approval of the County Board. 6. Administrative Assistance The County Board of Supervisors shall provide for the needs of the Commission including office space. 7. Relationship All departments and divisions of county government shall assist the Commission in fulfilling its purpose. Submitted by Bayfield County Board of Social Services Wallace Johnson William Carter Arthur Hanson Bennie Rude Edwin Dashner appeared before the Board an d explained briefly the foregoing ordinance. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing ordinance with the following results: No. 31a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Heglund, Berweger Abstahed - Ila Bromberg Ayes - 15 Nayes - 2 Abstain - 1 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution and lease were read: No. 32 WHEREAS, The Ashland-Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc. is presently occupying premises in the basement of the old Court House building, and'' WHEREAS, Said organization and the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Super- visors tentatively agreed, subject to the approval of the Board, that certain improvements shall be made in the rooms to be occupied by said organization, and WHEREAS, A proposed lease has been drafted setting forth the conditions of said agreement as to certain remodelling to be dorAe by Bayfield County and a certain rental consideration to be paid by said organization for the use of said Court House space, and r WHEREAS, A form of said proposed lease is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County to enter into such a lease agreement with said organization, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee and the proper officers of Bayfield County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforesaid lease agreement with said Ashland-Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc., to proceed with the remodelling and refurbishing of said Court House space as described above, to let contracts therefor not to exceed the total sum of $3600.00 and to do such further acts as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution and the provisions of said proposed lease. Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Wallace Johnson C. E. Hoagland W. 'Barningham LEASE THIS INDENTURE, Made this day of April, 1974, between Bayfield County, Lessor, and the Ashland-Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc., Lessee, WITNESSETH, That the Said Lessor does by these presents lease and demise unto the said Lessee a certain room in the basement area of the old Court House building, being a part'of the Bayfield County Administration building, said room being formerly known as the Agricultural office, for a period of two years, commencing on the lst day of the month following the com- pletion of the remodelling hereinafter referred to. AND IT :IS HEREBY AGREED, That Bayfield County shall, prior to the lst day of September, 1974, refurbish and redecorate said office space, including installation of new -floor covering, lighting fixtures and a double hood for a stove, two sinks, laundry tubs, exit light, and cleaning and painting of the entire described premises to be leased hereunder as aforesaid; that said refurbishing and decorating is understood by the parties hereto to entail a cost of not more than Thirty-six Hundred Dollars ($3600.00). Payment in terms of rental and utilities for the above described premises shall be in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per month, payable on the 1st day of each month, commencing on the effective date of this Lease as set forth above. It is agreed by the parties hereto that the rental consideration hereinabove referred to shall be paid by Lessee only until such time as the total amount of $3600.00 is repaid by way of said rental. payments. At the expiration of this Lease, terms shall be negotiated by the parties hereto. Lessee agrees not to underlet said premises, and at the expiration of said term, said Lessee shall quit and surrender said premises in good condition, ordinary wear excepted. Lessee shall provide for all insurance coverage required to hold Bayfield County harmless from any action, claim or causes of action as a result of the activities conducted on said premises by Lessee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have caused these presents to be executed on the day and year first above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: BAYFIELD COUNTY By EdwardA. Pajala; Bayfield County Clerk. ASHLAND-BAYFIELD COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL CENTERS., INC. HE Secretary n> F62,?� April 16,-1974 STATE OF WISCONSIN ). ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Personally came before me this Pajala, Bayfield CountyClerk, and day of , 1974, the above named Edward A. Secretary of the above named Ashland- Bayfield County Developmental Centers, Inc., to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public County, Wis. My commission expires Moved by Rude, seconded by Barry to adopt the foregoing resolution and lease-. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 33 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Transportation March 6, 1974 Mr. Lawrence Young, Commissioner Bayfield Co. Hwy. Dept. 311 S. 1 Ave. E., Box 428 Washburn, Wis. 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wise. 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 1186-1-21 S.T.H. 137-East Co. Line Rd. U.S.H.2 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a previously approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Division of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, Bernard E. Gehrmann Hwy. Commission Secretary Moved by Berweger, seconded by Erickson to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Transportation February 21, 1974 Mr. Lawrence Young, Commissioner Bayfield County Hwy. Department 311 S. 1 Avenue E. Box 428 Washburn, Wis. 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wis. 54891 No. 34 ril 16, 1974 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain changes in location and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above designated project and highway. The relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are trans- mitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests shall be made by the Division of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, Bernard E. Gehrmann Highway Commission Secretary Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Erickson to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The County Board Room remodeling project was again taken up. Especially for the benefit of the new members, Edward Pajala gave abbrief resume of the prior action of the County Board in regard to the remodeling of the County Board Room. A sketch of the original plan as pro- posed by Robert Novack, Architect, was shown to the Board and it was explained that the Board had felt that the cost of that plan was excessive. The Board at the February meeting author- ized the Executive Committee of the Board to proceed with a less costly plan. The Board was informed that the committee is now in the process of receiving quotations for removing the old jury box and judges bench and bar, installing new carpeting and purchasing tables and chairs which can be arranged in any manner to make the room more suitable for other group meetings and conferences as well as county board meetings. No further action was taken by the Board. Moved by Seidel, seconded by Erickson to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter C. Barninghanr, rhairman Bayfield County Boar of Supervisors E ward A.- Pajala, Cle Bayfield County