HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 7/30/1974MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JULY 30, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Walter C. Barningham, Chairman of the Bayfield County Board. t The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meiurotto, Ila Bromberg, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Peter Hanson, Larry Seidel, Herbert Spears, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Stephen Barry, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - Wallace Johnson Present 17 Absent 1 Total 18 Wallace Johnson arrived shortly after the meeting came to order. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Meierotto to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. The following petition to call a special meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Super- visors was read: No. 2 July 2, 1974 TO: Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: You are hereby petitioned to call a Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, -July 30, 1974 at the Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin; for the following purposes: 1. Resolution - re: Brule Estate Subdivision 2. Resolution'- re: to re -convey certain lots in the Town of Port Wing to said town 3. Resolution - re:'Illegal tax deeds on Melvin Dahl property - Sand Island 4. Resolution - re: Laakso Claim 5. Resolutioni- re: County Board voting rules 6. Resolution - re: Rotating County checking account with all county banks 7. Receive various communications 8. Resolution - re: Lake Shore Erosion 9. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance 10. Zoning Report - re: Comprehensive Amendment 11. To consider all other matters which may come before said Board of Supervisors Signed: Date: The petition was signed by the following: Hoagland, Heglund, Seidel, Anderson, W. Johnson, Rude, Spears, E. Johnson, Bromberg, Erickson, Berweger,Barry, Renoos, P. Hanson, Carter Total - 15 Julv 30. 1974 No. 3 Mr: .Richard-Uinzen, Pitney.--Bowys:.=r.epresentatiwe';_ appease- -before the Board to discuss advantages of placing a postage meter in the Bayfield County Courthouse. No. 3a Moved by Barry, seconded by Eric Johnson to refer this matter to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion carried. No. 4 Mr. William Christianson, representing the Drummond Bank, and Mr. Willard Ogren, representing the Iron River Bank, appeared before the Board in regard to rotating the County checking account with the three County banks. Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Spears that the Board authorize the rotation of the County checking account with the three County banks. Each bank to carry the account for a one-year period. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 4a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, P. Hanson, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Naves - Rude, Seidel Ayes - 16 Nayes - 2 Total 18 Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 5 TO: .The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as providing by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the petitions described as follows be approved: That portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Fifteen (15) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest (SW) corner of said forty, thence North (N) along the section line a distance of Two Hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning; thence East (E) on a line parallel with the South (S) line of said forty a distance of'Four Hundred Eighty - Four (484) feet; thence, North (N) on a line a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet thence West (W) a, distance of Four Hundred Eight -Four (484) feet on a line parallel with the South (S) line of said forty to the West (W) line of said section; thence South (S) along the Section line a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet to the point of beginning. be changed from Agricultural use to Industrial use. Fsopy July 30, 1974 That portion of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE 4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) , of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast (NE) corner of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ), thence running Westerly (W) along County Highway "C" right of way to the property line between the Sveda property and the County Highway property being the point of beginning. Thence Southerly (S) Two Hundred (200)feet, thence Westerly (W) to the right of way of State Trunk High- way Thirteen (13), thence Southeasterly (SE) along State Highway Thirteen (13) to the right of way of County Trunk "C" thence Easterly (E) along the right of way of County Trunk "C" to the point of beginning. be -changed from Commercial use to Agricultural use. The South One -Quarter (S4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Eleven (11) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Five (5) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The South One -Quarter (S 4) of Section Four (4) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. Government Lot Two (2), and the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Nine (9) Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) and the Northwest One - Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Nine (9) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance be amended to create Section 2.12 to read as follows: This section shall not apply to farm buildings, sheds, temporary shelters and similar structures other than farm residences in agricultural districts provided setback requirements are met, except in a flood plain area where a land use permit will be required. The Zoning Committee also recommends that the following petitions be denied: The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Two i (32) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (5) West, not be changed from Residential-2 use to Agricultural use. The North One -Half (Nz) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ), and the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ), and the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ), and the North One -Half (Nz) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ), and that portion of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Southeast One - Quarter (SEµ) lying South (S) of Perry Lake Road, Section Eight (8) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, not be changed from Residential-1 use to Agricultural use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) and the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Southwest One - Quarter (SWµ) , and the North One -Half (Nz) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ), of Section Thirty -Three (33), Township Forty -Six (46) North, Range Seven (7) West, not be changed from Forestry use to Residential -Recreational use. July 30, 1974 Lot Five (5) , Block A, Section Twelve (12) , Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, not be changed from Agricultural use to Residential-1 use. That a new Agricultural district requiring Four and One -Half (42) acre lot sizes in the A. A. Biglow Subdivision in Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Four (4) West be denied. Dated: July 30, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee William Carter Herbert G. Spears Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Arthur Hanson Walter Barningham Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Spears'to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. (Petitions and notice of publication and hearing are on file in the Office of the Bayfield County Clerk) The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No: 6 The,Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted May 4, 1971, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, That portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-:4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Fifteen (15) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest (SW) corner of said forty, thence North (N) along the section line a distance of Two Hundred (200) feet io the point of beginning; thence East (E) on a line parallel with the South (S) line of said forty a distance of Four Hundred Eighty - Four (484) feet; thence, North (N) on a line a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet thence West (W) a distance of Four Hundred Eighty -Four (484) feet on.a line parallel with the South (S) line of said forth to the West (W) line of said section; thence South (S) along the Section line a distance of Four Hundred Fifty (450) feet to the point of beginning, is changed from Agricultural use to Industrial use. That portion of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4), of Section Thirty -Four (34), Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast (NE) corner of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the South- west One -Quarter (SWµ), thence running Westerly (W) along County Highway "C7 right of way to the property line between the Sveda property and the County Highway property being the point of beginning. Thence Southerly (S) Two Hundred (200) feet, thence Westerly (W) to the right of way of State Trunk Highway Thirteen (13), thence Southeasterly (SE) along State Highway Thirteen (13), to the right of way of County Trunk "C" thence Easterly (E) along the right of way of County Trunk "C" to the point of beginning. is changed from Commercial use to Agricultural use. The South One -Quarter (S4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northwest One - Quarter (NW-4) of Section Eleven (11) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry use to'Agricultural use. G"g July'30, 1974 The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Five (5) , Township Forth -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The South One -Quarter (Sµ) of Section Four (4), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. Government Lot Two (2), and the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Nine (9) Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) and the Northwest One - Quarter (NW-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Nine (9), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE µ) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry use to Agricultural use.. That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance is amended to create Section 2.12 to read as follows: This section shall not apply to farm buildings, sheds, temporary shelters and similar structures other than farm residences in agricultural districts provided setback requirements are met, except in a flood plain area where a land use permit will be required. Dated: July 30, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee William Carter Herbert, Spears Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Arthur Hanson Walter Barningham Moved by Seidel, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing Ordinance. A discussion followed and Jake Heinlein, Zoning Administrator, informed the Board where the properties involved were located. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance with the following results: No. 6a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Rude Ayes - 17 Nayes - 1 Total 18 Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 7 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES July 22, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk ;County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Julv 30., 1974 Zo 7 J The State Geographic Names Council, at a recent meeting held in Madison, approved the fol- lowing name for a feature located in Bayfield County, pending approval of the County Board: TWENTY MILE. CREEK This feature is described on the attachment to this letter. We would like you to take action on the name at your next County Board meeting so that we may proceed with the processing of the name through the U.S. Board on Geographic.!. Names. Unless we receive a report on such action before September 20, 1974, or a valid reason why no action was taken, we must consider our action as meeting with your approval and will submit the name to the, . S. Board on Geographic_ Names accordingly. Very truly yours, Joseph P. Corbin, Secretary State Geographic Names Council TWENTY MILE CREEK BAYFIELD COUNTY Not: Twentymile Creek or Pearl Creek LOCATION: Approx. 10-mile stream heading in Section 8, Township 44 North, Range 5 West, and flows to Section 10, Township 45 North, Range 7 West (Grandview Quad.) REQUESTED: Bayfield County Board APPROVED: State Geog. Council - 4/1/74 County Board - U. S. Board - NOTIFIED: Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Berweger to approve the foregoing communication. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, the present radio equipment of the Bayfield County Highway Department is not considered adequate and requires updating, due to the fact that it often fails to provide ,county wide communication especially during weather turbulence of electrical storms and blizzards when it is most needed, and WHEREAS, there is a need to provide radios in additional Highway Department trucks and it is not considered practical to purchase more of the old system type radios, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that $20,000 of the Revenue Sharing Funds payable to Bayfield County be appropriated to the Bayfield County Highway Department for the purpose of financing a hi -band radio system. SIGNED: Joseph Berweger Edwin K. Renoos Eric E. Johnson Edwin Erickson Peter Hanson COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by P.. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. �,3- 0 !1- Julv 30, 1974 A roll call vote was taken on.the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 8a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Total 18 Motion carried Moved by Erickson, seconded by Seidel to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM with the following members answering roll call: No. 9 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham, Absent - none 18 present No. 10 Chairman, Walter Barningham commented to the Board regarding a letter he had received from the North Central Guidance Clinic. The organization will have the new name of North Central Communi Health Center, Inc. Mr. Barningham stated that pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation, each County Board chairman shall appoint two members to the Board of Directors with at least one being a member of the County Board and also a member of the Sk42 Unified Board. Chairman Barningham then appointed W. Johnson and B. Rude as members of the Board of Directors of the North Central Community Health Center, Inc. No. 10a Moved by Erickson, seconded by Carter to confirm the foregoing appointments made by the County Board Chairman. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, the County of Bayfield has publicly announced that it plans to engage in spraying the defoliant 2,4,D in the County's forest crop lands; AND, WHEREAS, These announced plans parallel those plans announced by the National Forest Service for similar spraying in the Chequamegon National Forest; AND, WHEREFORE, the plans announced by the U.. S. Forest Service, which paralleled the county's announced plans, met with sizable public opposition from the citizens of Bayfield County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Bayfield shall not proceed with its plans to spray 2,4,D, as announced. Ila Bromberg District #2 July 30, 1974 1. Moved by Bromberg, seconded by P. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. The following correspondence in regard to the above resolution were read to the Board. No. lla Mrs. Ila Bromberg - Bayfield County Board Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mrs. Bromberg: Gary E. Sherman Attorney -at -Law Herbster, Wise. 544844 July 29, 1974 I regret being unable to attend Tuesday's session of the county board, but, as you know, I'm attending the federal Court hearing 'on the Forest Service's spraying. I wish you would read this letter into the minutes for me. Public apposition to the spraying by the Forest Service in Bayfield'County has been strong. Certain members of the south shore area have asked me to represent them, and, if the state is successful in obtaining its preliminary injunction, these citizens and perhaps several environmental groups, will intervene as plaintiffs. The issues in the county's use of defoliants are the same as in the Forest Service's use. The county is required to file an extensive, balanced, interdisciplinary impact -statement before spraying. This statement should speak to the peculiar problems of the time and place in which spraying occurs and should discuss alternatives. A blanket conclUsory statement does not do this. This action has encountered massive opposition from the citizens of the county. I personally have not heard a single expression of support for the spraying from south shore area residents, and my circle of acquaintance is not narrow. It seems likely that, if the county decides to go ahead with this action despite the opposition of its citizens, then legal action is almost certain to follow. I doubt;. -however, that this will be necessary, since I am confident that the county is a responsive local government and not a heartless bureaucracy. Yours very truly, Gary E. Sherman No. llb RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America, through the National Forest Service, has announced that they will use certain chemical defoliants in the Chequamegon National Forest in the near vicinity of the Town of Clover; AND, WHEREAS, those certain defoliants - 2,4,5T and 2;4D - which contain the contaminant Dioxin, are known to pose a hazard to life, health and safety, being reportedly responsible for severe birth defects and even death; AND, WHEREAS, the method to be used to apply the defoliants creates a risk that it could be blown by the wind or washed into the water table, thereby coming into direct contact with the residents of the Town of Clover, as well as all of the wildlife and plant life of, the area; AND, WHEREAS, the only benefit claimed to derive from this application of dangerous chemicals is cheaper cost than other commonly used methods of accomplishing the same objectives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the town board of the Town of Clover, this 13th day of June, 1974: THAT the Town of Clover, by its town board, and at the urging of a number of - its citizens, is opposed to the spraying of dangerous chemical defoliants as proposed by the National Forest Service because of the extreme hazard to :Life, health and safety in the Town of Clover; July 30, 1974 AND, THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to: The U.S Department of Agriculture,. Washington D.C. f'The Regional Office of the U.S. Forest Service, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Congressman David Obey, Waahington, D.C. Senator Gaylord Nelson, Washington, D.C. Senator William Proxmire, Washington, D.C. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin Representative Dan Theno, Ashland, Wisconsin The cost of said copies and mailing to be donated by certain residents of the Town of Clover. William Hepner, Forest Administrator, explained to the Board about the spraying to be done in the forest. Harry Lowe, County Agricultural Agent, also made.comments r.elative.to.the spraying of the forest with 2,4,D. Mr. Hepner and Mr. Lowe,both stated that in their opinion, the chemical 2,4,D which the County proposed to use was not harmful to either humans or wildlife if used in the low concentration form as proposed by the Forestry Department. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. llc Ayes - Bromberg, Rude Nayes - Erickson, Meierotto, E. Johnson, Hoagland, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Ayes - 2 Nayes - 16 Total 18 Motion Lost The next item taken up was the proposed remodeling of the County Board Room. Edwin Erickson suggested to leave the County Board Room as is. A lengthy discussion followed. No. 12 Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by W. Johnson to authorize and direct the Executive Committee to proceed with remodeling and removal of the furniture as proposed. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 12a Ayes - Meierotto, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Seidel, W. Johnson, Anderson, Barry, Renoos Nayes - Erickson, Bromberg, Rude, P. Hanson, Spears, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Berweger Barningham Ayes - 8 Nayes - 10 Total 18 Motion Lost Moved by E.Erickson, seconded by Spears that the furniture in the County Board Room be re -arranged, placing the head table in what now is considered the rear of the room and placing as many of the.benches as:,possible.in the area between the dividing rail and the judges bench and bar and the balance of the benches in the gallery area where they now are located but facing the opposite direction and further that the tables and chairs used by the County Board members be placed in the area between the head table and the benches. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has adopted and is enforcing a zoning'ordinance, and WHEREAS, Said ordinance prohibits any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing, improving or moving any building or structure without first obtaining a permit, in each instance, from the Zoning Administrator of said County, and WHEREAS, Said Zoning Administrator must examine all plans and specifications for the proposed construction when application is made for such permit, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County and the public to require a ,3 permit from said Zoning Administrator for any excavation, grading, fill- or other similar construction in mudslide areas defined to be in areas within Bayfield County within 1000 feet of the high water mark of Lake Superior, NOW THEREFORE BE.IT RESOLVED, That no excavation, grading,fill, construction or other similar project shall be commenced in said designated mudslide area without a permit therefore issued by the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, upon application therefore, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said Zoning Administrator shall require review of each permit application to determine whether the proposed site and improvements will be reasonably safe fbom mudslides. If a proposed site and improvements are in a location that may have mudslide hazards, a further review must be made by persons qualified in geology and soil engineering; and the proposed new construction, excavation, grading or other like improvement must be adequately protected against mudslide damage accordingly and said improvement shall not aggravate any existing hazard. William Carter Dated: July 30, 1974 Larry Seidel Walter Barningham Art C. Hanson _ Herbert Spears Edwin K. Renoos Moved by Carter, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Julv 30..1974, The Bayfield County Personnel Policy as proposed by the Personnel Committee was presented to the Board: No. 15 The clerk went through the policy and explained to the Board the various changes that were made in the old policy as well as the various additions and deletions. All -new items were thoroughly explained and questions were answered. It was pointed out that since adoption of the old policy, the County Board had approved granting employees Friday off when any of'the holidays which are normally allowed as days off fall on a Saturday. This item was over -looked by the Committee in preparing the new policy and it was suggested that it should continue in force. AMENDMENT 1. It was moved by Renoos and seconded by Rude to amend the policy to add to Item 13B the following language: If any of the above holidays fall on a Saturday, then the Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Motion carried. AMENDMENT 2. It was moved by Meierotto and seconded by Heglund that in order to be in compliance with the statutory provisions of 59.87 the policy should be amended to include the following on Page 16: The Statutory provisions of Section 59.87 entitled "University Extension WorkT1 shall govern, should any conflict arise as between the provisions of this Personnel Policy and said Statutory provisions. Motion carried. Moved by Hoagland, seconded by- Renoos to adopt the Personnel Policy as amended. Motion carried. The following petition was read: No. 16 Jacob E. Heinlein Zoning Administrator Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board; The Bayfield County Zoning Committee has requested me to petition you for a comprehensive amendment to the Bayfield County Zoning ordinance. Sincerely yours Jacob E. Heinlein Moved by Carter, seconded by Bromberg that the petition be received and placed on file and that the Zoning Administrator prepare copies of the Comprehensive Amendment for distribution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 17 TOWN OF GRAND VIEW July 29, 1974 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: As County Unit Chairman of the Wisconsin Towns Association, I am pleased to announce that the 1974 Association Convention will be held at Telemark Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 and 2, 1974. `a This will be a big event and a first for northern Wisconsin. The reason being, of course, is } that before it was impossible to find a facility in the north with adequate capacity for such a large group. a We would like to invite Bayfield County to participate in our Convention, which will host v � j between 700-800 delegates, and anything to help promote the County in this respect would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Warren J. Dickrell, Chairman Bayfield County Unit, Wisconsin Towns Association Moved by Renoos, seconded by Seidel that the County contribute $250 to the Bayfield County Towns Association for use at the Wisconsin Towns Association Convention for promoting Bayfield County. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 17a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - A. Hanson Absent - Anderson Ayes - 16 Nayes - 1 Absent - .1 Total 18 The following communication was read: No. 18 RO BERT N . LED IN Dist. Attorney Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: July 30, 1974 Motion carried. Re: Iron River and Brule Estates - First Addition - SW4 of Section 11-47-9 West Bayfield County is the owner of all of the above described subdivision except out lot A, which is located in the NE corner of the property and is separated from the balance of the sub- division by a town road. This subdivision consists of approximately 160 acres partially located on Simpson Lake, which is a small lake of perhaps less than 20 acres in area. The County owns approximately one-half of the lakeshore on Simpson Lake. .10 July 30, 1974 Persons have requested that this property be advertised for sale. The' -'subdivision consists of a recorded plat having approximately 630 separate lots with widths of 50 feet. If the property is sold through the usual procedures, there is a.liklihood that development woQu�ld resu�lt�whic 7 would not be in the public interest due to the size of the lotsg ands NvfYt:It is recommended, that the Board consider the following alternatives in reference to this property:�/ 1. That the entire subdivision be withheld from sale and entered under County special -use lands, pursuant to Section 28.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 2. As one alternative to the foregoing suggestion, the property could be advertised for sale under the regular tax title sale procedures with the provision that prior to transfer of the title to the successful bidder, such bidder would be required to vacate the plat. 3. As a further alternative, the County could consider advertising the property in 40 acre tracts with provisions to be contained in the deed restricting future sales to metes and bounds descriptions which would comply fully with the provisions of our comprehensive zoning ordinance. Under the special -use lands'Statute, the Town only would receive revenue. The benefit to the County would result from planning and development funds which might be available through the State. Considering the probability of over use of the lake should this property be sold to private interests, it is recommended that the Board give first consideration to the option set forth in paragraph 1. If a decision as to disposition is made today, I shall be glad to draft a resolution accordingly to be presented to the Board. Very truly yours, Robert N. Ledin P.S. The Town of Hughes has made a request to the County for a transfer of a parcel of land from the County to the Town for garage purposes. The Board may wish to consider this request in connection with this parcel of land. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by E. Erickson to receive the communication, place it on file and that the matter be referred to the Conservation and Forestry Committees for further study. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.' 19 WHEREAS, The State Legislature has provided, by enacting Chapter 331, Laws of 1973, that each Family Court Commissioner and assistant Family Court Commissioner in the State of Wisconsin, ` shall receive a salary supplement to be paid by the State through each individual County, and WHEREAS, Said supplement for part-time Family Court Commissioners is established in the � I amount of $2,000.00 per year, effective as of July 1st, 1974, and WHEREAS, The budget of each Family Court Commissioner must be amended to reflect the provision i for said salary supplement, and WHEREAS, The accounting procedures as between the counties and the State Department of Revenue have been outlined in an Information Bulletin M-96 provided all County Clerks by said Department of Revenue. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the budget of the Family Court Commissioner for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is increased in the amount of $1,000.00, said amount to be transferred from the contingent fund to said budget, to represent the amount of the aforesaid salary supplement during the' year 3917=1, 1974, _ r and that said salary supplement shall be disbursed by Bayfield County through its officers to said Family Court Commissioner in semi-monthly installments as provided by said law, commencing retroactively to the 15th day of July, 1974, and Julv 30, 1974. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the accounting methods reflecting such budget change and corresponding anticipated revenue from the State be entered in the records of Bayfield County in accordance with the directive of the State,Department of Revenue hereinabove referred to to -wit: Information Bulletin M-96, dated July 10, 1974. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger Moved by Rude, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution: Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of a parcel of land in.Section Fifteen (15), Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Five (5) West, containing approximately Eighty (80) acres, which property is presently designated as a Bayfield County Park, and WHEREAS, W. L. Williams is the owner of the West One-half of the West One-half of the Southeast Quarter (W 2 of the W2 of the SE µ) , Section Ten (10) , Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Five (5) West, less a parcel of land in the Northeast corner of said description, and WHEREAS, Said parcel of land represents the only available access to said County park property, and WHEREAS, The owner of said property has agreed to sell said property to Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County and the public to make said purchase at an agreed price of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Bayfield County purchase said described property belonging to W. L. Williams for a consideration of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the purpose hereinabove set forth. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger Moved by W. Johnson, seconded ly Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 20a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none M Ayes - 18 Nayes . - 0 Total '18 Motion carried. 3 Julv 30. 1974; The following resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, A notice and claim for damages against Bayfield County by Arne J. Laakso and Ruth S. Laakso has been filed with the-Bayfield County Clerk, said claim for damages being based on an allegation that personal injuries were received by said Ruth S. Laakso during an arre.,St of j Gary Laakso, the son of said Ruth Laakso, by a Deputy Sheriff for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County to make an investigation into the facts of said case before acting on said claim, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That said notice and claim for damages hereinabove referred to be referred back to the Executive Committee of this Board of Supervisors for further study and a report made to the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in November, 1974. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, The Town of Port Wing is the former owner of Lots Twenty (20) through Twenty-five (25), inclusive, Block Nine (9), Port Wing Proper, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, title to said lots having been transferred to Bayfield County by virtue of a tax foreclosure proceeding brought by Bayfield County on delinquent taxes for the year 1957, and WHEREAS, The Town of Port Wing has made application to Bayfield County for the transfer of said lots back to the Town of Port Wing, and WHEREAS, It has been the policy of Bayfield County to make such transfers back to the former owners of lands lost by tax deed proceedings within certain time limits, and WHEREAS, It is deemed appropriate to follow the aforesaid policy in reference to this request, i NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue and deliver a deed to the Town of Port Wing conveying the above described premises to said Town for a consideration equal to all of the delinquent taxes outstanding against said lots, together with interest, penalties, and taxes which have accrued since the date of transfer of title to Bayfield County. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Julv 30, 1974 The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, The U. S. EPA has made an initial grant offer in the amount of $483,000 for assistance in the demonstration of sediment and erosion control in the Red Clay area of Wisconsin and.Minnesota, for a program which has an estimated total cost of $3,759,:150 with the estimated Federal share of $2,819,362; and �; WHEREAS, The grant offer has been made to Douglas County as fiscal agent and recognizes a five county agreement of February 21, 1974, between Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron I Counties, Wisconsin and Carlton County, Minnesota to share in responsibility to carry out I ` the objectives of the project, and WHEREAS; The initial cost to Bayfield County as its contribution toward phase l is in the amount of $1,127.00, which is the planning phase of said project, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County to cooperate in said Federal program, and WHEREAS, It is contemplated that additional sources of Non -Federal funds and services will be identified to carry out part of the Non -Federal share of the implementation phase of this project, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby accept its responsibility to carry out the objectives and terms of the Federal grant offer. dated June 28, 1974, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sum of $1,127.00 be transferred from the contingent fund to the budget of the Soil and Water Conservation Supervisors, said funds to be utilized j by the Board of the Soil and Water Conservation Supervisors for Bayfield County's share of the -planning phase of said project. Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISORS Walter Barningham Arthur Meierotto Ila Bromberg Stephen Barry Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg to adopt.�,the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 23a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0* Total 18 Motion carried. following resolution was read: No. 24 I WHEREAS, As of January 1, 1975, all public assistance programs, with the exception of General Relief, will be funded through taxes other than the property tax and i , g P P Y 4 WHEREAS, General Relief is currently administered by over 700 separate local units of government, and .�`i; WHEREAS, This fragmentation results in administrative inefficiency and inequity of treatment, V� NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 30 day of July, 1974 to support reform of the General Relief System, such reform to include administration by the County Departments of Social Services, supervisbn by the State Department of Health and Social Services, the elimination of legal settlement and chargebacks for relief, va State share in funding which, at a minimum, would protect counties against the loss of charge- I back revenue, uniform State standards for eligibility and benefits, and an appeal process, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution upon passage shall be sent to the Bayfield County legislative delegation, to Governor Patrick J. Lucey, and to the Resolutions Committee of the Wisconsin County Boards Association for action at the September annual meeting. DATED: This 30 day of July, 1974. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter { Bennie R. Rude Ila Bromberg Peter Hanson 1 , Moved by Rude, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The folbwing resolution was read: No. 25 WHEREAS, The Department of Social Services is responsible for burial of Supplemental Security Income recipients and Medical Assistance recipients, which are 100 per cent reimbursible, and WHEREAS, The County no longer has an appropriation under the headings of Old Age Assistance, j Disabled Aid and Blind Aid, therefore BE IT RESOLVED Bst the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 30th day of y I July, 1974 that the amount of $1,000.00 be transferred from the Administrative account to a separate burial account. DATED: This 30th day of July, 1974 PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson C W. H. Carter Peter Hanson Bennie R. Rude j Ila Bromberg Moved by Bromberg, seconded by P. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. July 30, 1974 U. I The following resolution was read: No. 26 WHEREAS, Federal funds have been allocated to hire low income unemployed persons to work in the public service area of energy conservation at the local level, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been allocated sufficient funds to hire one person under said energy conservation program, and WHEREAS, the employment of a person hired under the above said program is fully funded by Federal funds without any local funding, and WHEREAS, the program now has been funded to operate through December 31, 1974 with a possibility of an extension beyond that date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the County Board is authorized and directed to hire one person to work on said energy conservation employment program. SHERIFFS COMMISSION C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Bennie R. Rude Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 26a Ayes - Erickson, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Heglund, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Mei.erotto, E. Johnson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson Berweger Ayes - 9 Nayes - 9 Total 18 The following resolution was read: No. 27 Motion Lost. WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors by Resolution designated the Southeast Quarter (SEµ) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE-4 of the NEµ), Section Nineteen (19) , Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Four (4) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin to be entered under the Forest Crop Law, and WHEREAS, Entry of said lands under said Forest Crop Law has not been completed, and WHEREAS, Said lands are now outside of the boundaries designated by the County Board and accepted by the Department of Natural Resources as an appropriate area in which to block Forest Crop Lands, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County'to release said lands from the effect of said resolution and to make said lands available for sale under the direction of the Land Sales Committee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Resolution hereinabove referred to affecting said described lands be and the same is hereby rescinded and said lands shall be included in the list of tax title lands available for sale under the direction of the Land Sales Committee. June 30. 1974 Carl E. Anderson, Arthur Hanson Larry Seidel Eric Johnson Herbert Spears Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. J The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, The 1974 in rem tax proceeding included a delinquent tax assessed against the SWµ of SWµ, less .5 acres railroad, Section 16, Township 47 North, Range 8 West, Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, Said delinquent tax represented an alleged omitted property for the year 1966, and WHEREAS, Said tax was not a legally omitted tax permitting such assessment in that said description was actually taxed but on information and belief was not sufficiently taxed, and WHEREAS, Said description was not included in the final Judgment in said proceeding in that said assessment and the assessment procedures were invalid, and WHEREAS, Said tax records in the office of the County,Treasurer may be cleared by charging back said assessment to the Town of Iron River, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That said tax in the principal sum of $112.23 represented by a tax certificate #569A"for the year 1967, be and -the same is hereby charged back to the said Town of Iron River. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication and deed were read: No. 29 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION July 17, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Subject: Project 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road STH 135 Bayfield County Parcel 56 Dear Mr. Pajala: As you are aware, the proposed improvement of STH 13 will necessitate acquisition of a portion of property owned by Bayfield County. A legal description of the real estate required is included on the attached instrument of conveyance. i - ■ July 30, 1974 In accordance with Statutory and Administrative requirements an appraisal has been made of the Bayfield County property and an approved offering price of $25.00 based on said appraisal, has been established as just compensation for,the land needed. The appraisal of the existing property was made without regard for any decrease or increase in value caused by this proposed highway project. However, full consideration was given to any damage or special benefit that the completed highway improvement might have on the remaining property. We sincerely trust that the above offer will be agreeable. Accordingly, we request that the County .adopt the appropriate resolution to convey the land as described and proceed to execute the enclosed conveyance and return same to us in the envelope provided. Upon receipt of the executed conveyance and a copy of adopted resolution, a check in the above amount will be sent to you. We will be pleased to provide any additional information you may desire regarding this acquisition. Sincerely, John D. Minor Real Estate Agent (attached deed) THIS INDENTURE, Made by Bayfield County, Wisconsin, a Municipal Corporation , hereby quit- claims to The State of Wisconsin, grantee the following tract of land in Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin; Fee Title in and to the following tract of land located in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, des- cribed as: All that part of Government Lot 2, Section 4, T. 49N., R. 4 W., as described in Volume 132 of Deeds at Page 15 lying within the boundary of STH 13 right-of-way, which is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 4. T. 49N., R. 4 W., thence S. 890 27, 54" E., 1046.99' along the north line of said Section 4 to an intersection with the centerline for STH 13, which point is the place of beginning, thence continue S. 890 27' 54TT E., 176.14', thence S. 690 441 08" W.,,101.04' to the point of curvature of a 10 59' 10" curve left, thence along the are of said curve left 125.89', thence S. 830 591 28" W., 106.31', to the point of curvature of a 10 57' 33" curve left whose tangent bears S. 600 02T 45TT W., thence along the arr_ of said curve left 251.57', thence S. 650 27' 2411 W., 1999.89', to the point of curvature of a 51 44' 03" curve left, thence along the are of said curve left 301.10', thence N. 410 48' 26" W., 80.0', thence N. 550 19' 14" E., 206.39', thence N. 510 52' 57" E., 105.50' to the point of curvature of a 50 14' 53" curve right whose tangent bears N. 640 41' 34" E., thence along the are of said curve right 14.52', thence N. 650 27T 24TT E., 122.77', thence N. 240 32' 36" W., 38.OT, thence N. 650 27T 24" E., 410.0', thence S. 240 32' 36" E., 13.OT, thence 650 27' 24" E., 1334.52', to the point of curvature of a 00 44' 34" curve right, thence along the arc of said curve right 598.75', thence S. 890 27' 54" E., 203.0' to the place of beginning. Said parcel contains 0.5 acres more or less including 0.2 acres previously acquired for highway purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said grantor has caused these presents to be executed this day of , A.D., 19 (Balance of copy of deed with space for signature and certification, etc. on file in the County Clerk's office.) i s1 (9 July 30, 1974 Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Spears to refer this matter to the Highway Committee. Motion carried. Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by E. Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried. cum►-�..�, Walter C. Barningham, LLrman Bayfield County Clerk Edward A. Pa ala, Clerk Bayfield County