HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 10/1/1974....... October- l._,_-1974__.._.------ MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF. -.'SUPERVISORS October 1, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Edw: Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Peter Hanson, Larry Seidel, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Stephen Barry, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham. 18 present 0 absent 18 Total present The following petition to call a special meeting was read: No. 2 September 10, 1974 TO: Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: You are hereby petitioned to call a Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, October 1, 1974, at the Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin ;or the following purposes: 1. To meet as the County Equalization Committee with representatives of the Wisconsin Department of Taxation. 2. To consider all other matters which may come before the said Board of Supervisors. Signed: Date The petition was signed by the following Board members: Seidel, Rude, Barry, Spears, Rnderson, Erickson, Berweger, A.Hanson, Bromberg, Meierotto, E.Johnson, Carter, Heglund, Renoos, Hoagland; Barningham, W.Johnson, P.Hanson Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Berweger that the petition be received and placed on file. Motion carried. Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Erickson to dispense with reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. No. 3 Walter Barningham, Chairman of the Board, suggested that County Board Meetings should begin`' with an opening prayer and pledge of allegiance. The suggestion appeared to have the support of the Board and a motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Rude and carried that the suggestion of Mr. Barningham be approved. Chairman Barningham then asked the Board to rise for the pledge of allegiance which was followed by a prayer given by Larry Seidel, a member of the Board. No. 4 Howard Reynolds, Supervisor of Assessments and Keith Simpson, deputy, representing the Department of Revenue, were present at the meeting and presented the Board with a recommended equalized valuation of the various taxing districts of the County for 1974. October 1 —1974 Mr. Simpson presented two informational sheets to each of the Board members and then pro- ceeded to review them with the. Board. A lengthy discussion followed. Many of the Board members raised questions which were I answered by Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Simpson. After the discussion, Mr. Reynolds handed the clerk the resolution with the valuations as proposed and stated that the Board could either take action on the resolution immediately or lay it over to the November Meeting. No further action was taken at this time. No. 5 Ken Todd, Ashland County Board Chairman and Wallace Randby, Area Development York, Lake Superior District Power Company appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of providing some form of public transportation from several locations in Bayfield County, especially the c3L5J' Bayfield area,to Ashland. It was•,pointed out that many people would travel to Washburn and Bayfield from Ashland to do business. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Renoos to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM by Walter C. Barningham, Co. Bd. Chairman, with the following members answering roll call: No. 6 o Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E..Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Total 18 The discussion pertaining to public transportation continued. No. 7 Moved by Rude, seconded by A. Hanson that the Bayfield County Executive Committee work with the Ashland County Board to further study the matter and report back to the Bayfield County Board. Motion carried. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by E. Erickson that Bayfield County be authorized to expend up to $5000 as a subsidy for the proposed,public transportation system. A roll call vote.'was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 8a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W.Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A.Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Barningham Nayes - E. Johnson, Renoos Ayes - 16 Nayes - 2 Total 18. Motion carried. • October No. 9 James Shaw, Director of the Unified. Services Board, appeared before the Board in regard to the proposed 1975 Budget of the Unified Board and also answered questions.the Board had regarding the Unified Board. Mr. Shaw. mentioned that mental illness,. chemical dependency and developmental disability centers were all part of the program. Carolyn Beres, Director of the Ashland Bayfield County Developmental Disabilities Center, Inc., spoke to the Board on the needs of the Developmental Center and the facilities that are needed for a workshop program. It was brought to the attention of the Board that the Developmental Disabilities Board is planning on moving the -!.location of'the site to Ashland as the facilities now used in the Bayfield County Courthouse are not adequate. Members of the Board indicated their objections to having the site moved from Washburn to Ashland. Mr. Rude, a volunteer member of the Dev- elopmental Disabilities Board, brought to the attention of the Board the high rental cost for the proposed site in Ashland. It was suggested to Carolyn Beres that they make a further study of the proposed move. No. 10 Ralph DeSalvo, Dept. of Health & Social Services, Division of .Corrections, appeared before the Board regarding new jail facilities which are needed in Bayfield County. Mr. DeSalvo cited the many faults with the present jail and stated that he was of the opinion that large expenditures should not be made on repairing or remodeling the jail as the facility just would not meet the present requirements. Mr. DeSalvo then stated that he realized that even if -the County would start immediately with planning for a new jail, it would be atleast two years before the jail would be completed and that some minor work would have to be done during that period. He further stated that unless the County did take some positive action by next spring or summer in regard to replacing the present facility, he would have no alternative but to restrict the use of the jail. In answer to a question of the type of restrictions, Mr. DeSalvo stated that:the facility would very likely be limited to an overnight detention center for male adults, allowing no minors, females or sentenced prisoners. No. 11 Moved by Spears, seconded by Renoos that the Sheriff's Commission and Executive Committee study the matter and make recommendations to the County Board at the November Meeting regarding a new jail. Motion carried. No. 12 The following communication was read: � 3 4 er 1. 1974 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations May 31, 1974, County of Bayfield. c/o County Clerk Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Government Employer: Your U.C. Account # is - 692003 State Substitute Amendment 2 to 1973 Assembly Bill 934, which has become law, extends unemploy- ment compensation coverage to employes of counties, cities, villages and towns with population exceeding 5,000, all school districts, and all other government units, retroactive to January 1, 1974. Sec. 108.02 (28) Wis. Stats. defines the term "government unit" to mean "this state, any school district, county, city, village, town or other public corporation or entity, or any combination thereof and any agency of any of the foregoing." Since you meet the statutory requirements, a determination to this effect is enclosed. You have been assigned the U. C. account number shown above. It will appear on reports and correspondence from us. Please refer to this number when writing us about your account. By statute, all government employers are required to finance their.benefit costs on a reimburse- ment basis. Benefits will be paid to eligible former employes when due and charged to your U. C. account. At the end of each calendar quarter, you will be billed for these charges. Reimbursement payment is due two months after the close of the calendar.�quarter. The filing of a quarterly report of employment and wages (Form UC-101-N) will be required for each calendar quarter. The report form, with instructions, will be mailed to you prior to the end of the quarter. Further relevant information and material will be mailed to you. If you should have questions j regarding your U. C. account, or unemployment compensation in general, you may write (see above) I or telephone us at Madison 608-266-3161. DEPT. OF INDUSTRY, LABOR AND HUMAN RELATIONS Employment Security Division Unemployment Compensation P.S. Your county highway dept. was previously covered (prior to 1-1-74) under a voluntary election. The unemployment account assigned to the highway department will remain open to provide credit weeks to county highway department employes for work weeks prior. to.January 1, 1974. Therefore when any county highway department employe files a benefit claim you will receive two separate wage reportsrequests (Form UC203) for any employe who had worked for the highway department in both 1973 and 1974. These two wage reports will be combined by us and one monetary determination will be issued. Your county,.highway department employes, along with all other county employes, are covered under the new account we have assigned since January 1, 1974. The prior county highway department account will be closed when 1973 work weeks can no longer be used for benefit purposes. All reimbursement billing in the future will come under your new account number. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 13 August 21, 1974 Edward A. Pajala, Bayfield County Clerk Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Ed: In reference to.our telephone conversation August 15, it is with regret that I resign my appointment to the Planning Committee of the Four County Unified Board. I do not have'the'-time to spare to study and familiarize myself with the problems and functions of this committee. The meeting time and place also presented a problem. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours truly, Robert 0. Carlson j Rt. #3, Box 43D Ashland, Wisc. 54806 Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to receive the communication and place it on file, Motion carried. October 1, 1974 No. 14 Moved by Heglund, seconded by Seidel that Rod Buchele, 4-H Youth Agent, receive a free plat book. Motion carried. No. 15 Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Carter that the Red Cliff Tribal Council receive a free plat book. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, Raymond Mammoser, a veteran member of the Bayfield County Board, departed from our midst on the 7th day of -March, 1974;-and WHEREAS, The public service rendered by our deceased member was exemplary and worthy of special consideration and commendation by the Board, and WHEREAS, It is appropriate that such recognition become a part of the permanent records and history of Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in special session, this lst day of October, 1974, pause, in'remembrance of Raymond Mammoser, in recognition of his public service, his contributions to good government and above all in remembrance of Ray as a friend of all, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Resolution be entered in the official journal of Bayfield County and that a copy thereof be delivered to the family of Raymond Mammoser by the Chairman of the Board. Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham Clifford Hoagland Moved by A..Hanson, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The Board stood for a moment in silent respect in memory of Raymond Mammoser. The following resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, Bayfield County, through its Board of Supervisors and the Highway Department thereof, has caused County Trunk C to be re -located under anofficialrelocation order now on file with the Bayfield County Clerk, project No. S0268(5), a part of said relocation commencing at a point approximately 1120 feet North of the Southeast corner of Section 18, T. 49 N., R. 5 W., Town of Bayview, Southeasterly to the Southeast corner of Section 27, T. 49 N., R. 5 W., Town of Washburn of said Bayfield County and, WHEREAS, said portion of said relocation of County Trunk C has now been completed and is suitable for public travel, and WHEREAS, the portion of said County Trunk C which has been replaced by said relocation as aforesaid is no longer necessary to the Bayfield County trunk highway system, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the relocation of said County Trunk C as completed under the aforesaid project No. 50268(5) and the Order for said relocation on file with said County Clerk, be accepted as, and designated as official part of Bayfield County Trunk Highway System, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the portion of County Trunk Highway C running from a point in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW4 of NEµ) Section 27, T. 49 N., R. 5 W., where it joins said relocated County Trunk Highway C running East and then Southerly through the Town of Washburn and re -joining said relocated County Trunk Highway C at a point in the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 49 N., Range 5 W., Town of Washburn be and the same is hereby discontinued, as said discontinued portion of said highway is substantially indicated on Exhibit TT A" attached hereto and made.a part of this resolution, said discontinuance to be effective Sept. 11, 1974, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effect of the discontinuance of said portion of highway shall not effect a reversion of the right-of-way of said discontinued highway to any owner or former owner of lands upon which said discontinued portion of County Trunk Highway C is located, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the discontinued portion of County Trunk Highway C, as hereinabov described, shall revert to the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, subject to the juris- diction of said Town, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, State of Wisconsin, Superior, Wisconsin, for final approval as required. Edwin Renoos Peter Hanson Joseph Berweger Edwin Erickson Eric Johnson Moved by Berweger, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 18 REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE To: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the properties described as follows be approved, The Southeast Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section Twenty-six (26) , Township Forty-three (43) North, Range Five (5) West is changed from Forestry Use, to Agricultural Use. The East One-half (E 2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW4) , Section Nine (9) , Township Forty-three (43) North, Range seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use, to Agricultural Use. October 1, 1974 Dated: Oct. 1, 1974 Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Herbert Spears Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee W. H. Carter Arthur C.-Hanson Walter Barningham Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Carter to receive the report and place it on file; Motion.carried. The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 19 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance adopted Oct. 1, 1974 be and the same is hereby amended: 1. The Southeast Quarter (SEµ) of the Southwest Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty-six (26) Township Forty-three (43) North, Range Five (5) West is changed from Forestry Use, to Agricultural Use. 2. The East One-half (E2) of the Northwest Quarter (NWµ) , Section Nine (9) , Township Forty-three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use, to Agricultural Use. Dated: Oct. 1, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Arthur Hanson Herbert Spears Walt Barningham Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance. Motion carried. No. 20 Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by W. Johnson to take no further action on the resolution establishing the equalized valuation of the County until the November Meeting of the Board. Motion carried. l The following resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, the Personnel Policy adopted by the Bayfield County Board at the July meeting made provisions for certain fringe benefits for county employees, and WHEREAS, the provisions as outlined in the policy covering fringe benefits for part-time employees would reduce the county contribution for health insurance as' it affects certain employees, and e 2 October 1, 1974 WHEREAS, it was not the intent of the County Board to reduce the county.contribution for health insurance of any employee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that where application of the new policy would in effect reduce the county contribution of any employee now covered under the health insurance program and for which the county is making a contribution, the county will continue to make the same contribution as is made for other full time employees. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E.-Hoagland Edwin Erickson Bennie R. Rude Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Moved by Erickson, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, it is necessary to employ a Registered Nurse in the Home Nursing Service, and WHEREAS, a job description has been written into the Bayfield County Job Specification Manual adopted by the County Board, and WHEREAS, the job description of a Registered Nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse employed in that position is not the same as for a Registed Nurse or a Licensed Practical Nurse employed in the Bayfield County Rest Home, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a new job classification which is attached to and made a part of this resolution be set up to apply to Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses employed in the Home Nursing Service, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Bennie Rude Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Copy of job classification is on file in the Office of the County Clerk. Moved by Rude,aeconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Highway employees are represented by General Drivers Local No. 346 in labor negotiations, and WHEREAS, other county employees are not represented by a labor organization; and WHEREAS, the salaries established for any one group of county employees has a direct bearing on the salary requests of other county employees, and i October 1, 197.4 r., WHEREAS, in order to keep the salaries of all county employees as equal as possible, it would appear to be in the best interest of the county thata member of the Personnel Committee participate in the negotiations for a labor contract between the highway employees and General Drivers Local No. 346, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Personnel Committee, or some other member of the Personnel Committee appointed by said chairman, be appointed to act as a member of the committee negotiating for a new labor contract with the highway employees. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Bennie Rude Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Barry to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Law Enforcement Committee is -processing applications for the position of County Drug Abuse officer, on a full time basis, and WHEREAS, Certain,guidelines relating to the selection of an applicant for.said position have been established by the State which guidelines do not conform to present County hiring policies, and WHEREAS, Participation by the County in said program requires that said State guidelines be followed, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Law Enforcement Committee be and it is hereby authorized and directed to follow said State guidelines in the hiring procedures for said position, and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That such waiver of County hiring policy in this instance shall not -be considered to be a precedent in any other case. C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Bennie R. Rude Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Moved by Seidel, seconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution The following resolution was read: No. 25 Motion carried. WHEREAS, the County Officers have been elected to hold their yearly seminar in Bayfield County, next year, in the month of June, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County, Sawyer County and Ashland County are elected to be hosts for the convention, and WHEREAS, the seminar is to be held at Telemark Lodge, Cable, Wisconsin, in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, there is a necessity for a money appropriation from each County host, we are October 1, 1974 asking for an appropriation of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) from each County, and WHEREAS, it is possible that amount will not be expended, it will be returned to each County donor. Lois Arntsen, Clerk of Courts Earl Pedersen, Register of Deeds Nick Pristash, County Treasurer Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to refer this resolution to the Executive Committee and have a representative of the officers involved meet with the committee to discuss this matter further. Motion carried. No. 26 A letter from Ted Kramolis, who was the County IFYE delegate to Barbados, thanking the Board for the assistance given him was read to the Board. Mr. Kramolis described his visit to Barbados and stated that it was a very beneficial and interesting trip. Moved by Anderson, seconded by Spears.to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. No. 27 The arrangement of the furniture in the County Board Room was. again discussed. It was pointed out that although the present arrangement did have some advantages, it did appear to be the ultimate solution. It was decided that further rearrangement of the furniture would be made prior to the November meeting. Ila Bromberg, Board member, offered her assistance in arranging the furniture. No. 28 Louis Stolle, Bayfield County Nutrition Program Director, appeared before the Board and informed the Board of the progress of the Nutrition Program to date. Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Renoos to adjourn. Walter C. Barningham, Chair a Bayfield County Board Motion carried. Edward A. Paja , Clerk Bayfield County