HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/12/1974November 12, 1974 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman, at 9:40 AM. The meeting opened with a prayer and pledge of allegiance led by Larry Seidel, Board member. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Peter Hanson, Larry Seidel, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, -Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Stephen Barry, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - Eric Johnson Present 17 Absent 1 Total 18 Moved by Erickson, seconded by P. Hanson to dispense with reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. An invitation from the Bayfield County Rest Home for afternoon coffee was presented. The invitation was read and accepted. The following communication was read: No. 2 Office of County Highway Commissioner Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 November 12, 1974 To: The Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County,•Wisconsin County Board Members: I herewith submit my application for reappointment to the position of Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Your vote of confidence will be greatly appreciated as it has been in the past. I wish, at this time, to once again request your support by'extending to me your approval of my reappointment as Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Very truly yours, Lawrence C. Young Erickson nominated Lawrence Young for Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. The chair called three times for additional nominations. November 12, 1974 Moved by Rude, seconded by P. Hanson that the nominations be closed. Motion carried. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Spears that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Lawrence Young as Bayfield County Highway Commissioner for a term of two years. = The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Lawrence Young was declared elected Highway Commissioner for Bayfield County for a term of two years. No. 3 The Highway Jursidictional Study was presented to the County Board by William Wambach, Allen Renz and Don Wilson, representing District 8, Wise. Dept. of Transportation, Division of Highways. Slides of the proposed highway system for Bayfield County were shown by Allen Renz. Mr. Renz informed the Board that it is proposed to have five separate classifications of highways, principal and minor arterials, major and minor collection colle:tor roads, and local roads. v The arterials would be part of the.State and Federal system and the collector roads would be part of the County highway system. The major collector roads would be eligible for FAS aids. It was further pointed out that the study group was recommending the following changes in the highway jurisdictions in the County: STH 11137" would revert to a County highway; CTH "B" from the junction of FF north to CTH "H11 in Douglas County would revert to a town road; CTH's ".I" and "J" located near Bayfield would also revert to town roads. A town. road from Drummond to Delta would be added to the CT system. CTH "K" in the Town of Russell would become part of STH "13" and that part of STH"113" between the two intersections with Highway "K" would revert back to a town road. Forest Road T1236t1 from Ino to CTH "C" would become part of the CTH system. Rittenhouse Street in the City of Bayfield would also be added to the CTH system. A town road in'the Town of Barnes known as the Pease Road and CTH "A" from the intersection with "N" north to STH "13" would become part of the STH system. Objection was voiced by members of the Board to change the classification of CTH "13" from the easterly intersection with 11K11 to the westerly intersection with "K" to a Town Road. It was pointed out that that portion would still receive much heavy traffic and it would be difficult fortthe town to keep the road in repair. RESOLUTION NO. 4 IS FOUND ON PAGE 331 MOTION NO. 4a Moved by Berweger, seconded by Erickson to amend the resolution to read "that the portion of Highway "13" from the east junction of CTH 'TKtt to the west junction of CTH "K" be shown on the plan as a CTH and as a minor collector. Motion carried. NO. 4b A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution as amended with the following results: Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto; Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Spears, W. Johnson, Anderson Ayes - 14 Nayes - 3 Total 17 Motion carried. i November 12, 197.4 The ;:following Resolution was read: No., 4 WHEREAS the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in a resolution adopted April 20, 1971, authorized a "Memorandum of Agreement" for a Bayfield County Jurisdictional Highway Planning Study11 to be made by.the State of Wisconsin and Bayfield County, and WHEREAS the Bayfield County Jurisdictional Highway Planning Study is now complete and has been accepted by a vote of interested officials and citizens at a public meeting at Iron River, Wisconsin on October 22, 1974, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors adopt the Bayfield County Jurisdictional Highway Planning Study, SIGNED: Joseph Berweger Peter Hanson Edwin Renoos Eric E. Johnson -Edwin Erickson BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE bit, 040 a9XIa. ,o,¢ '/t,Z ck.Q.a f-o ct RESOLUTION NO. 5 TYPED AFTER ROLL CALL No. 6 Gilbert Durkin, DHSS Community Human Services Program, appeared before the Board to discuss the Community Human Services Center Program for Wisconsin. The program would be a pilot program which would coordinate the various welfare programs. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Seidel that the matter be referred .to the Social Services Committee for further study and report back to the Board on their findings— r r �� Motion carried. Q, Moved by Erickson, seconded by Berweger to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by the County Board Chairman with the following members answering roll call: No. 7 Erickson,,Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Absent - Eric Johnson Present 17 Absent 11 Total 18 The following resolution was read: No. 5 BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE PETITIONING FOR ADVANCE AND ALLOCATION OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. ALLOTMENTS WHEREAS, to accomplish the improvement of.a portion of STH 13 from Washburn to Bayfield, and a portion of USH 2 between STH 137 and the East County Line, it becomes desirable to agree upon the reassignment and allocation of current reserves and the.advance of future years allotments to become available to the credit of this county for state trunk highway improvements, we BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission is hereby petitioned to allocate, advance and commit the sum of $849,217 or as much thereof as required for the heretofore described improvements to STH 13, and USH 2, the amount so allocated, advanced and committed to be deducted from the current balance and from future allotments as they accrue to the credit of this county under Section 84.03 (3), Wisconsin Statutes, beginning with the allotment accruing in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, or such earlier,allotment as may be available; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution, when,approved by the State Highway Commission, shall supercede the County Board's action of November 13, 1973, allocating the previous unexpended balance and petitioning for advancement of Bayfield County's future State Trunk Highway Construction Allotments and shall constitute an agreement pursuant to Section 84.03 (5)., Wisconsin Statutes. Presented by: Joseph Berweger Peter Hanson Edwin Renoos Eric Johnson Edwin Erickson Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing rdsolution.Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 8 Law Offices NORLIN AND SPEARS Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 November 7, 1974 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 0 Gentlemen: Mr. Ed Pajala, County Clerk, has informed me that my term as Trustee for Pureair San has expired. I would be pleased to continue as your representative if you would care to re- `r appoint me. .s Very truly yours, Robert M. Spears } I Moved by Seidel, seconded by Spears to receive the communication and place it on.file. I Motion carried. Berweger nominated Robert Spears as Trustee of the Pureair Sanatorium. The chair called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Rude that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Robert Spears -as Trustee of the Pureair Sanatorium for a term of three years. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Robert Spears was,declar.ed elected Trustee of the Pureair Sanatorium for a term of three years. c; _ p�� 0 November 12, 1974 The following communication was read: No. 9 November 7, 1974 Mr. Ed Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Dear Mr. Pajala: I understand that my term on the Board of Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home expires in December. I would appreciate it if you would convey to the Board of Supervisors that I would like very much to continue in this capacity. I believe that our Rest Home is such an important institution - the time spent on decisions regarding its function is -most satisfying. I am truly enjoying serving on this Board. Sincerely, Carolyn P. Sneed Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. Rude nominated Carolyn Sneed as Trustee of the Rest Home. The chair called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Anderson, seconded by Seidel that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Carolyn Sneed as a Trustee for the Bayfield County Rest Home for a term of three years. The clerk -cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Carolyn Sneed was delcared elected Trustee of the Rest Home for a term of three years. The following resolution was read: No. 10 PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIEGD COUNTY WHEREAS for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on thb-work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered toLbe for the best interests of the county. PRESENTED BY: Joseph Berweger PeterHanson Edwin Renoos Eric Johnson Edwin Erickson BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Erickson, seconded by P. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. L The following resolution was read: No. 11 BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session on this 12 day of November, 1974, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schools, conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. RECOMMENDED BY: Joseph Berweger Peter Hanson Edwin Renoos Eric Johnson BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Seidel, seconded by Heglund to adopt the•foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 12 Resolution County Aid Construction & Maintenance During the Calendar Year 1975 Notice: Section VII on page 3 of this resolution authorizes the County Highway Commissioner, sub- ject to supervision and control by the County Highway Committee, to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate county highway personnel. This change in form was made in 1945 in view of Attorney General's opinions dated March 6 and March 24, 1945. If this form conflicts with any existing general rules or civil service plan, -or if the County Board wishes to limit the authority which would be conferred by this provision, the attached form should be appropriately altered in consultation with the District Attorney. Attention is directed to the fact that any action taken by the County Highway Committee in exercising its powers must, to be effective, be recorded in the minutes of.the County Highway Committee's meeting. SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1975 under the provisions of Section 20.395 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes, and the additional sums herein appropriated, shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS the Division of Highways has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Three hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred dollars ($329,300.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Sections 83.10 and 20.395 (2)(yb) and (2) (yd) of the Statutes, for the county trunk #ighway system in the county, but -the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending next June 30. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, rightC!of-way and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, November 12,_ 1974 E5 which are not recovered from Federal Funds and to expend any balance for construction, repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, and for other authorized purposes as required including maintenance of buildings, snow and ice removal and control, and to re-imburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made there- from, pursuant to Section 83.01 (6) of the Statutes.. COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND SECTION III. WHEREAS it appears that certain additional highway improvements in the County are necessary and warranted, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County'Board does hereby appropriate the sum of($168,000.00) One hundred sixty-eight thousand dollars"for the purposes set forth under Section 83.065 of the Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION IV. WHEREAS appropriations are made herein, in addition to the amounts to be received from the state and available for work in the county under Section 20.395 of the Statutes, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the county to meet such appropriations as follows: For :Elie various purposes as set forth in Section III hereof the sum of One hundred sixty eight thousand dollars ($168,000.00) SECTION V. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific Highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year. SECTION VI. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.393 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after next June 30 BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required forthe purposes for.which appropriated prior to next August 1, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.395 of the Statutes.. SECTION VII. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provisioniis made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, pro- vided however that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in -its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend or reinstate any such person. The term "Personnel" or "Person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, formen, clerks, steno- graphers or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. PRESENTED: November 12, 1974 By: Joseph Berweger Edwin Renoos Edwin Erickson COUNTY HIGHWAY - Peter Hanson Eric E. Johnson COMMITTEE November 12; 1974 Moved by Berweger, seconded by Renoos,fo adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read:- No. 13 STATE OF WISCONSIN) ) SS. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) Robert N. Ledin, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and acting District Attorney in and -for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he was such officer during The years 1973 and 1974; that during the year 1974, no collections were made by said office as and for fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to criminal or County -matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that there was collected from the period August 1, 1973 through July 31, 1974, on old -age assistance liens the sum of $2,503.79, representing Bayfield County's share of said collections, all as more fully set forth in the records of the Department of Public Welfare in and for said Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That this report is made to the County Board of Supervisors at their November meeting, pursuant to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Robert.N. Ledin Moved by Spears, seconded by P. Hanson to accept the foregoing report. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the corn growers in Southern and Central Bayfield County have had severe corn crop losses due to an early frost which occurred on September 2, 1974 and the apple crop in the Bayfield area of Bayfield County was damaged by.a hail storm on July 17=18,.1974, resulting in damaging from 15 to 75% of the fruit depending on the location of the orchard, and WHEREAS, the frost damage greatly reduced the feed supply of the farmers experiencing this problem, and WHEREAS, cost of concentrates have increased and milk and livestock prices have declined, and WHEREAS, the prices of hail damaged apples are reduced by 2/3 of the price of unblemished apples, which resulted in a severe loss in income from the apple crop,.and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Honorable Patrick J. Lucey, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, declare the.areas of Bayfield County that experienced frost and hail damage as a disaster area. Respectfully Submitted, T J! .BA.YFIELD COUNTY CQMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE & EXTENSION EDUCATION J1 :i J" Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Stephen Barry j Walter Barningham Ila Bromberg Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Renoos to adopt. Motion carried. November 12., 19.74 NO. 15 Moved by Renoos, seconded by W. Johnson that the Board adjourn and meet as a Committee of the Whole for a Public Hearing on the Budget. Motion carried. The Public Hearing was called to order and it was pointed out that the purpose of the hearing was to allow the public to appear and discuss and raise questions about the proposed 1975 County Budget. No one appeared for the hearing. NO. 16 Moved by Renoos, seconded by Spears to adjourn the hearing and reconvene as a County Board. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in the past been a member of the Wisconsin Board Association, and WHEREAS,;it is? -deemed to be to the best interest of Bayfield County to continue said membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that:.Bayfield County continued membership in the Wisconsin County Boards Association, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be instructed to pay to the Wisconsin County Boards Association the annual membership fees and magazine dues amounting to $482.12. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Carl E. Anderson Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland William Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Report of the Committee on Equalization was read: No. IS TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee on Equalization of Bayfield County, after a careful examination of all evidence and data placed before us by the Supervisor of Assessment,of-said county and all other data at our disposal, do hereby agree that the following valuations set out after each taxation district are the full and correct valuation of the real and personal property of said county for the -year 1974 and recommend that the county assessment of district values be made on said basis. November 12, 1974 DISTRICT TOWNS: Barksdale Barnes Bayfield Bayview Bell Cable Clover Delta Drummond Eileen Grand View Hughes Iron River Kelly Keystone Lincoln Mason` Namakagon .Orienta Oulu Pilsen Port Wing Russell Tripp Washburn VILLAGES: Cable Mason CITIES• Bayfield Washburn TOTALS TOTAL VALUATION 6,784,380 14,650,900 6•;159,.700 3,390,400 .:4,761-2150:- 1#,545,940 3,298,630 4,289,610 9,818,920 5,460,000 6,559,440 3,708,.750 •,13,006,670.,. 3,758,900 2 �,.904, 900,. 2,004,900 3,289,100 11,372,100 .2,.498,000 3,265,110 1,233,950 3,769,800 2,042,100 1,238,760 1,942,900 2,298,450 528,300 6,683,870 11,045,320 $ 156,310,950 Respectfully submitted, Walter Barningham Carl Anderson C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger W. H. Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by Renoos, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing valuations. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption with the following results: No. 18a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, S pears, Carter, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - W. Johnson, Heglund, A. Hanson Ayes - 14 Nayes - 3 Total 17 Motion carried. November 12, 1974 fYI ;s N The following resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did on July 30, 1974 take action to authorize the County Treasurer to rotate the County checking account with the banks in Iron River, Drummond and Washburn, and WHEREAS, the action provided that each bank should carry the account for a one year period, and WHEREAS, it was mutually agreed that the regular demand deposits be made in the State Bank of'Drunmond beginning January 1, 1975, and WHEREAS, it now appears that the supply of voucher checks used in the County Clerk's office will be exhausted on or about December 15, 1974, and WHEREAS, the cost of printing a small supply of checks to carry over until January lst would be exorbitant, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the transfer of funds to the State Bank of Drummond shall be made at such time that the supply of voucher checks now being used is exhausted, and be -it further RESOLVED, that the checking account shall be carried with the State Bank of Drummond until on or about January 1, 1976, at which time it will be transferred to the Security State Bank of Iron River. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Walter Barningham Carl Anderson C. E. Hoagland .,Joseph Berweger W. H. Carter, Arthur Meierotto Moved by Spears, seconded by Barry to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, it may be necessary to make shortinrm loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this 12th day of November, 1974, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loams in the amount not exceeding $50,000.00, in the aggregate, if -in their''opinion it should be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. EXECUTIVE'COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Carl Anderson Joseph Berweger`' Walter Barningham Coi E. Hoagland William Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion.carried. ovember 12. 1974 The following resolution was read: No. 21 I - G WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take,tax deeds on the Sale of 1970, therefore be it, hereby i RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1970 by the IN REM procedure under Section 75A21, Wisconsin Statutes. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Carl Anderson Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham C. E. Hoagland William Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Carter to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22_ WHEREAS, the several committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required, in the conduct of the business of -said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by Statute, and WHEREAS, by action of the County Board, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the Statutory limit may be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the several committees of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, be and they are hereby_authorized to hold such meetings during the year 1975 as may be necessary to the proper conduct of the business of said Bayfield County. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Carl Anderson Joseph Berweger Walter Bam Ingham C. E. Hoagland W. H. Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by Rude, seconded by A. Hanson to adopt. Motion.carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, the County Budget is made up about 14 months in advance of the closing date of accounts, and WHEREAS, there are occasions when due to.unforeseen expenditures, over -runs will occur in department budgets, now therefore be 1- RESOLVED, that the County Clerk, County Treasurer and the County Board Chairman be and they are hereby authorized to expend additional county,:funds in such amounts as.may be necessary to cover said budget deficiencies. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Carl Anderson Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham C. E. Hoagland William Carter Arthur Meierotto Moved by Berweger, seconded by Erickson to adopt. Motion carried. u November 12, 1974, 'ry}Ty�a b U � The following communication was read: No. 24 Risberg Recreational Real Estate, Inc. Hayward, Wisconsin 54843 November,5, 1974 Mr. Edward Pajala County Clerk - Bayfield County Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Re: SW A SW 4 of Section 18, Tnp. 43 North, Range 9 West I suppose it is inevitable considering the amount of lands that we have dealt in through the years that we might slip once in awhile on something and awhile ago my attention was called to the fact that I still have an undivided one-half interest in the above 40, the other undivided one-half interest being owned by Bayfield County. Our research indicates that we purchased this a long time ago along with some other property and apparently we have overlooked this undivided one-half and for many years it was not on the tax roll but now for the last couple of years it has been on the tax roll. I recently had my title insurance agent verify the situation and I am anxious now to make some disposition of the land one way or another and I would be open to any suggestions. For example since this is virtually surrounded by Bayfield County Forest Crop land perhaps it would be appropriate to negotiate an exchange whereby I deeded my interest to Bayfield County and in return received equivalent value in someother land that Bayfield County does not wish to retain. I am leaving on vacation for a few weeks and there is no hurry anyway but you might wish to have your County Forester examine the 'land if he is not already familiar with it and come up with a value and then write me your suggestions on the disposition. I will either agreeable to purchasing your undivided one-half interest or selling my undivided one=half interest. I will look forward to hearing from you by the end of November when I return. Sincerely, Perry A. Risberg Moved by Seidel, seconded by Spears to -refer the matter to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 25 RSVP RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM November 1, 1974 Mrs. Ila Bromberg Representative Bayfield County Board Route 1 Box 426 Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Ila, I am writing a request for a matching fund cash grant from Bayfield County Board to assist our Retired Senior Volunteer Program. It is unfortunate that I did not receive permission to appear personally before your board at an earlier date, but this was only granted to me at our last CAP board meeting of October 29th. Realizing all 4 county boards in my area will be meeting on November 12, a personal appear- ance at each --is impossible. I am enclosing copies of our past 3 months reports. This shows the amount of the grant, (2nd year continuation of a 5 year grant from ACTION) $29,567 of which $23,,505 is federal funds and $6,052 matching in -kind or in -crash. 3?2 November 12. 1974 We are finding a way to raise acceptable - in -kind needs, but have a mandate to raise $1500 cash wi in the 4 counties we serve. Presently we have 14 volunteers in the Iron River area and will be signing up several in the Cornucopia area with the able assistance of Mr. Steve -Brace. I have talked with Mr. Stolle of the nutrition program and he said I could assist his program in the Oulu, Herbster, Port Wing and Cornucopia area. With our very fine insurance coverage for Volunteers I think you would be pleased with having RSVP a part of your county. A pro -rated request according to population is $350 for Bayfield County. I think my personal track record for working with and for the elderly population is becoming very well known and I hope to expand in continuing to assist in getting more funds.into this area for their needs. Any assistance your board may grant will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Nellie Heffner, RSVP Director 616 W. 2nd St. Ashland, Wis. 54806 (Copies of reports on file in the county clerk's office.) 'Moved by'W. Johnson, seconded by Renoos to refer this matter to the Social Services Board for further study. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 26 Mary Tone - Box 103 'Ashland, WI 54806 Oct. 14, 1974 Mr. Wallace Johnson, Chairman Executive Committee Bayfld County Board 212 Second St. West Ashland, WI 54806 Dear Mr. Johnson: I have been asked to head a committee to recommend a project of lasting value to celebrate the Bicentennial in our area. I live in Barksdale but work in Ashland so presumably can be'area minded.' The consensus is that a documentary film showing the history, topography, the social, cultural i and commercial development of this area would be feasable within the financial resources available. A by-product of the film would be 2 books (one adult, one juvenile), filmstrips, and pictorial representation of the region. These by-products as well,as-the film can be used by -educational, cultural and industrial agents to promote the area. 7 Additional funds will be requested from three commissions in Madison interested in such a project and willing to spend funds in the northern part of the state. THE PROPOSAL: that Ashland and Bayfield Counties each appropriate $5000 over a 2-year period to help finance this project. I have spoken to the Finance Committee of the Ashland County Board, and they will recommend the adoption of this proposal to the County Board. I am now asking that the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board consider this proposal and its recommendation to the Bayfield County Board. Should the 2 county boards accept the idea, then a detailed proposal will be written. If the committee is informed in time by the Executive Committee as to its action, such a written proposal can be made available to the county board at its budget hearings, or a•member of our committee will appear to explain the project. Yours,truly, Mary Tome BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Rude to receive and place on file. Motion carried. vember 12, 1974 NO. 27 A communication from the Wisconsin Association of Municipal Homes was read. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Carter that the communication be received and filed in the office of the County Clerk. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, the clerical work in the Bayfield County Sheriff's Department has increased to a degree where it is no longer in the best interest of the County for the Sheriff or his deputies or his jailers to perform the work, and WHEREAS, it appears that the clerical work will. continue at the same level or increase, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Sheriff's Commission be authorized to hire a one-half time clerk to perform said clerical work, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Personnel Committee of the County Board shall be authorized to determine the proper classification of the aforesaid employee with the appropriate salary as previously adopted by the County Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be effective upon passage. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Bennie Rude Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Edwin Erickson Moved by Erickson, seconded by Hoagland to adopt. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 29 P. 0. Box 697 Rhinelander, WI 5450.1 November 1, 1974 Mr. Clifford Hoagland, Chairman Bayfield County Sheriff's Committee Port Wing, WI 54865 Dear Mr. Hoagland: On Wednesday, October 30, 1974 the anticipated needs for a Bayfield County Law Enforcement facility and Jail were reviewed with Sheriff Rudy Frechette. The meeting was most fruitful, resulting in recommendations relating to office areas, jail capacity, ancillary areas and proper relationships of such areas. For your information, the jail capacity suggested is as follows: l.- Four cell maximum security section for mmle adults 2.- Two cell sections for juveniles or female adults 2 - Receiving cells 1 - Six capacity dormitory for work release and trustees Total capacity would be sixteen (16). November 12. 1974 It appears at this time that the next step to be taken by the appropriate County officials would be to review the suggested plans which Sheriff Frechette will have available. If approved by i County officials, a request to the County Board to authorize the engaging of an architect to pre- pare preliminary schematics and provide cost estimates would be undertaken. In the interim, if I can be of further assistance, -please be assured of my availability. Sincerely, Ralph J. DiSalvo Detention Supervisor DIVISION OF CORRECTIONS Moved by Seidel, seconded by Spears to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 30 WHEREAS, the County Board at the October 1, 1974 meeting, directed the Bayfield County Executive Committee and the Sheriff's Commission to make a study of the need of a new jail,a nd WHEREAS, the joint committee has studied the matter and is of the opinion that construction of a new jail facility is necessary, and WHEREAS, members of the Sheriff's Commission and the Sheriff have visited several new jails in the area to aid in determining the size and type of facility that should be constructed, and WHEREAS, the joint committee is of the opinion that a jail with a total capacity of sixteen inmates would be adequate, and WHEREAS, in order to determine the approximate cost of the facility, it is necessary to engage the services of an architect, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the joint committee comprised of the Sheriff's Commission and the Executive Committeecbe authorized to engage the services of an architect to prepare schematic drawings f and provide cost estimates for a new Bayfield County jail, and be it further RESOLVED, that upon completion of the schematic drawings and cost estimates, they be presented to the County Board for consideration. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SHERIFF'S COMMISSION C. E. Hoagland Joseph Berweger C. E. .Hoagland Wallace Johnson W. H. Carter Bennie R. Rude Arthur Meierotto Stephen Barry Edwin Erickson Moved by Rude, seconded by Spears to adopt. Motion carried. The following Notice of Injury and Damages was read: No. 31` NOTICE OF INJURY AND DAMAGES TO: County Clerk, Bayfield County and Deputy Thomas Kinney Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 ATTENTION: County Clerk, County Board and County Officers, Agents and Employees_ RE: RUTH S. LAAKSO vs. BAYFIELD COUNTY, et al 3 November 12, 1974 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Ruth S. Laakso was injured as a result of negligent action on the part of a Bayfield County Deputy Sheriff, Thomas Kinney, while in the performance of duties in his official capacity on December 9, 1973. Mrs. Laakso's injuries were specifically caused by the negligent action of Deputy Kinney when he pushed her aside causing her to fall backwards and injure her back, her muscles, her spine and her nervous system while Deputy Kinney was pursuing Mrs. Laakso's.son.Gary, while making an arrest in her home. c 1 Said County, its supervisors, officers and employees ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Ruth S. Laakso by her attorneys, the undersigned Marcovich and Cochrane by Michael J. Milliken, DOES HEREBY CLAIM and demand satisfaction for said injuries. Dated this 6th day of April, 1974. MARCOVICH AND COCHRANE By: Michael J. Milliken Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Seidel to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following Notice and Claim for Damages was read: No. 32 NOTICE AND CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO: County Clerk, Bayfield County Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Attention: County Clerk, County Board and County Officers, Agents and Employees RE:` RUTH S. LAAKSO vs. BAYFIELD COUNTY, et al YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Ruth S. Laakso was.inj,ured as .a result of negligent action on the part of a Bayfield County Deputy Sheriff, Thomas Kinney, while in the performance of duties in his official capacity on December 9, 1973. Mrs. Laakso's injuries were specifically caused by the negligent action of Deputy Kinney when he pushed her aside causing her to fall backwards and injure her back, her muscles, her spine and her nervous system while'Deputy Kinney was pursuing Mrs. Laakso's son Gary, while making an arrest in her home. Said County, its supervisors, officers and employees ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Ruth S. Laakso by her attorneys, the undersigned Marcovich and Cochrane by Michael J. Milliken DOES HEREBY CLAIM the aggregate sum of Twenty-five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) in damages from you for the following itemized damages': Medical expenses, loss of wages, together with pain, discomfort, loss of enjoyment of life and permanent impairment which will affect and cause her future loss of earnings. Dated this 6th day of April, 1974 MARCOVICH AND COCHRANE By:- Michael J. Milliken Moved. by Rude., seconded by W. Johnson to deny the foregoing claim. A roll call vote was taken on the denial of the foregoing claim with the following results: No. 32a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 17 Nayes - 0 Total 17 Motion carried. November 12, 1974 The following Notice of Injury and Damages was read: No. 33 NOTICES'OF INJURY AND DAMAGES TO: County Clerk, Bayfield County and Deputy ThomasfK nney Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 0 Attention: County Clerk, County Board and County Officers, Agents and Employees n RE: ARNE J. LAAKSO vs. BAYFIELD COUNTY, et -al YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Arne J. Laakso was injured and has suffered damages as a result of injuries caused to his wife by negligent action.on the part of a Bayfield County Deputy Sheriff, Thomas Kinney, while said officer was in the performance of his duties in his official capacity on December 9, 1973. Mrs. Laaksois injuries were caused by the negligent action of Deputy Kinney when he pushed her aside causing her to fall backwards and to injure her back, her muscles, her spine and her nervous system while Deputy Kinney was pursuing Mrs. Laaksois son Gary, while making an arrest in her home. Said County; its supervisors, officers and employees ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Arne J. Laakso by his attorneys, the -undersigned Marcovich and Cochrane by Michael J. Milliken, DOES HEREBY CLAIM and demand satisfaction for said injuries. Dated this 6th day of April, 1974 MARCOVICH AND_COCHRANE By: Michael J. Milliken Moved by Anderson, secondeddby Seidel to receive and place on file., Motion carried. The following Notice and Claim for Damages was read: No. 34 NOTICE AND CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO: County Clerk, Bayfield County And Deputy Thomas Kinney Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Attention: County Clerk, County Board and County Officers, Agents and Employees RE: ARNE J. LAAKSO vs BAYFIELD COUNTY, et al YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Arne J. Laakso was injured and has suffered damages as a result of injuries caused to his wife by negligent action on the la rt of a Bayfield County Deputy Sheriff, Thomas Kinney, while said officer was in the performance of his duties in his official capacity on December 9, 1973. Mrs. Laaksois injuries were caused by the negligent action of Deputy Kinney when he pushed her.aside causing her to fall backwards and to injure her back, her muscles, her spine and her nervous system while Deputy Kinney was pursuing Mrs. Laaksois son Gary, while making an arrest in her home. Said County, it supervisors, officers and employees ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Arne J. Laakso by his attorneys, the undersigned Marcovich and Cochrane by Michael J. Milliken, DOES HEREBY CLAIM the aggregate sum of Twenty-five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) in damages from you for the following itemized damages: Medical expenses and loss of consortium. Dated this 6th day of April, 1974. MARCOVICH AND COCHRANE By: Michael J. Milliken Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Heglund to deny the foregoing claim. A roll call vote was taken on the denial of the foregoing claim with the following results: No. -3 4a Ayes - Ericksoll, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes. - 17 Nayes - 0 Total 17 Motion carried. November 12, 1974 2 The following communication was -read: No. 35 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Natural Resources September 9, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: This is to inform you that at their August meeting the U.� S. Board on Geographic Names approved the following name for a feature located in Bayfield County: Broadax Lake Attached is a description of the feature. This constitutes.final:approval of the name. Very truly yours, Joseph P. Corbin, Sec. St. Geog. Names Council BROADAX LAKE ,BAYFIELD COUNTY Unnamed LOCATION: Approx. 3.7-acre lake located in Section 33, Township 46 North, Range 7 West, and Section 4, Township 45 North, Range 7 West (Drummond Quad.) Moved by Erickson, seconded by Barry to receive and place on.file. Motion.carried. The following communication was read: No. 36 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Natural Resources August 7, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisc. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: This is to inform you that at their July meeting the U.S.Board on,Geographic Names approved the following name for a feature located in Bayfield County: Mud Creek Attached is a description of the feature. This constitutes final approval of the name. Very truly .yours, Joseph P. Corbin, Sec. St. Geog. Names Council MUD CREEK BAYFIELD Unnamed LOCATION: A 2-mile-stream heading in Section 17 and flows to Section 15, Township 46 North, Range 6-West (Grandview Quad.) Moved by Barry, seconded by Carter to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 37 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Transportation June 30, 1974 Bayfield County Treasurer Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Treasurer: Allotment for County Trunk Highways June 30, 1974 Sections 20.395 (1) (QA) and 83.10 (1) , Wisconsin Statutes 348 November 12. 1974 The enclosed check is in payment of your.county's.allotment.for county trunk highways available June 30, 1974, pursuant to Sections 20.395(1)(QA) and 83.10(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The amount of the allotment is as follows: Proportionate Share of $3,500,000 $53,233.64 County Trunk Highway Mileage at $65 per mile $11,828-70 Total Allotment $65,062.34 A(- copy of this letter is being mailed to the County Clerk in compliance :with.Section 14.58(10), Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, B.E. Morelock, Jr., Director Bureau of Budget, Finance and Accounting By: D. E. McDaniel Chief of Accounting Moved by Berweger, seconded by Meierotto to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 38 State of Wise./Dept. of Transportation August 12, 1974 TO THE TREASURER OF: SUBJECT: Supplemental Highway Aid County Trunk Highways j Sec. 20.395 (1) (gb)l and 20.395 (1) (gb)2 Wisconsin Statutes June 30, 1974 The enclosed State Treasurer's check represents the balance of your 1974 highway aids pursuant to Sections 20.395 (1) (cab) l and (1) (qb) 2 after deducting the amount previously .paid to you on April 15, 1973, in accordance with Section 20.395(1)(gb)2e, Wisconsin Statutes. This allotment is supplemental to and is to be used for the same purpose as the county trunk highway allotment under Section 83.10(l). The total amount available for the counties is apportioned among them on the basis of the last allotment for county trunk highways under Section 83.10(1). The total of the supplemental aid for county trunk highways for your county under Sections 20.395(1)(gb)1 and (1)(gb)2 is detailed on the enclosed summary chart. A copy of this letter is being.mailed to the clerk of your municipality in accordance with Section 14.58(10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk of the municipality shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall file and keep this statement for six years. Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Dir. Bureau of Budget, Finance and Accounting By: D. E. McDaniel, Chief Accounting Section Moved by Berweger, seconded by Erickson to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read:. No. 39 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Transportation August 1, 1974 Mr. Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Bayfield County Highway Department 311 S. lst Avenue East Box 428 Washburn, Wis. 54891 Mr. Edward A..' Pajala County Clerk, Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 1186-1-21 STH 137-East County Line Road U.S.H.2 Bayfield County _._.._.... .... The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a previously approved right of way plat and-to.acquire -certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and -the -map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. C The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Division of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, B. E. Gehrmann Highway Commission Secretary RELOCATION ORDER Project Name of Road 1186-1-21 S.T.H.137-East Co. Line Road Right of Way Plat Date Plat Sheet Numbers May 30, 1974 4.0 through 4.3 Description of Termini of Project Highway U.S.H.2 County Bayfield Date of Previous Order March 1, 1974 Beginning at a point 1252.4 feet north -and 553.2 feet east of the center of Section 10, Township 47 North, Range 5 West, thence easterly to a point 1470 feet east and 78 feet north of the southwest corner of Section 36, Township 48 North; Range 5 West. To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve, or maintain a portion of the highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09., Wisconsin Statutes, the Highway Commission hereby orders that: 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the plat. 2. The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the :.Division,of Highways, in the name of the State of Wisconsin', pursuant to..the.provisions of Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. 3. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Commission. July 29, 1974 B. E. Gehrmann Hwy. Commission Secretary Moved by Barry, seconded by Seidel to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was. read: No. 40 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Transportation April 15, 1974 TO: COUNTY TREASURERS Re: Pre -payment of 1974 Supplemental County Trunk Highway Allotment s. 20.395 (1) (qb) 1 & 2 The enclosed State Treasurer's check in the amount indicated on the attached chart represents the 1974 pre -payment of the Supplemental County Trunk Highway Allotment --pursuant to s.20.395 (1) (qb) 2e. This pre -payment is computed'as 50 percent of the total Supplemental County Trunk Highway Allotment paid in 1973. The exact amount available for the 1974 Supplemental County Trunk Highway Allotment will be determined after the close of the current fiscal year on June 30, 1974. The balance of this allotment will be computed and remitted as soon as possible thereafter. This payment is supplemental to and to be used for the same purposes as the Basic County Trunk Allotment of June 30th. Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Director Bureau of Budget, Finance and Accounting By: D. E. McDaniel, Chief, Accounting Section Moved by Berweger, seconded by Bromberg to receive and place on file. Motion carried. November 12. 1974 The following.,eommunieation and relocation order was read: No. 41 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Transportation July 12, 1974 Mr. Lawrence C. Young, Com. Bayfield County Highway Dept. 311 S. 1 Ave. E. Box 428 Washburn, Wis. 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a previously approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests -to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Division of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, Bernard E. Gehrmann Hwy. Commission Secretary Project Name of Road 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road Right,of,Way:Plat Date Plat Sheet Numbers April 2, 1974 4.0 through 4.18 Description of_Termini of Project Highway S.T.H. 13 County Bayfield Date of Previous Order February 19, 1974 Beginning at the intersection of Bayfield Street -and Fourth Avenue East, City of Washburn, thence northerly and northeasterly to a point 240 feet west of the intersection of Payne Avenue and Seventh 8treet,.Ci.ty of Bayfield To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve, or maintain a portion of the highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat.for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Highway Commission hereby orders that: 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the pla' 2. The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the Division of Highways, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. 3._ This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Commission.... July 11, 1974 B. E. Gehrmann Hwy. Commission Secretary - Moved by'Meierotto, seconded by Heglund to receive and place on file.: Motion carried. November 12, 1974 The following communication was. read: No. 42 State of Wisconsin/Dept. of Transportation September 25, 1974 TO THE CLERK OF: BAYFIELD COUNTY .. Estimated County Trunk Highway Allotment Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1975 Pursuant to s. 84.01(18),.Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of.the following estimated county trunk highway allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975. Basic County Trunk Allotment s. 20.395 (1) (qa) to be paid on June 30, 1975 $ 65,000.00. Supplemental County Trunk Allotment s.20.395 (1)(qb) 1 & 2 $ 264,300.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED 1975 ALLOTMENT $ 329,300.00 Pursuant to 20.395(1)(gb) 2e, the payment of the supplemental allotment will be made in two installments. The first installment, or prepayment, equal to one half of the 1974 Supple- mental County Trunk Allotment, will be paid April 15, 1975. The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1975. The total actual allotments will be determined after the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1975. Sincerely, . Bert E. Morelock, Director Bureau of Budget, Finance and Accounting Moved by Seidel, seconded by Berweger to receive and place on fi.l�b. Motion carried. The following communication and budget were read: No: 43 .BAYTIELD COUNTY REST HOME Washburn, Wisconsin October.11, 1974 Finance Committee Bayfield County Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: On'behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home, I submit the following budget estimates for the .year 1975, subject to wage changes which may be made by the County Board. Respectfully submitted, Ann H. Bratley, NHA BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME: BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME Proposed Budget -.1975 Administration Salaries $ 17,000.00 Supplies 700.00 `I` c_L.f:rTelebhone 6 0 0.0 0 Employee Benefits & 47,000.00 Incidental Labor Costs Travel 1,400.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 Department Total $ 69,200.00 Care of Patients Dietary Salaries $ 21,000.00 Food 191X0;00 Dishes & Utensils 300.00 Dietary Supplies 650.00 Drugs 1,000.00 Medical Supplies 2,000.00 Patient Care Salaries 86,500.00 Recreation 300.00 Personal Services & Supplies 100.00 Department Total $ 130,850.00 November 12, 1974 Housekeeping & Propert Maid Salaries $ .9,800.00 j Bedding 800.00 I Household Supplies 3,000.00 Laundry Salaries 11,500.00 Laundry Supplies 2,500.00 Plant Salaries 33,200.00 Fuel 4,500.00 Elect. Water & Sewer 3,000.00 Maintenance.Salaries 3,200.00 Building Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 i Ground Supplies & Expense 700.00 Department Total $43,700.00 Prepayments Insurance $ 2,500.00 Outlay General 5,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $25.1,25.0.00 Estimated Receipts for 1975 Medical Assistance $181,900.00 Private 35,300.00 Total $217,400.00 Moved by Rudecl, seconded -by Cart egetot approvevtheli.fgr,6goingnbddget. Motion carried. The following communication was'raad: No. 44 Eau Claire Lakes Area Business Assn., Inc. ! . Barnes Wis. Star Route Box 1546 Solon Springs, Wis. 54873 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Please be informed that we, the members of the Eau Claire Lakes Area Business Assn Inc., do concur and are in absolute agreement with the recent letter sent you by the Barnes Town Board in which they denied the petition to re -zone the Eau Claire Lakes,submittedc-by the so ! called "Friends of the Eau Claire Lakes Inc-" Thank you. Yours truly, Roy Wolski President E.C. Lakes Area Business Assn., Inc. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 45 April 23, 1974 I County Board Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Board Members: Is the County Board considering changing the law in regard to trailer parks or campgrounds in residential - recreational district areas? If so, as a tax payer I do not want a change. The Court has ruled against a change and that is how it should remain. Sincerely Roger E. DeRusha _..__._.._._ ____..__._.._...---...._._._..__...._...November .._...12�, 19 7 4 ..._ _and ._.__..__._No_y_ November er_13....,.__l9 7 4 Moved by Spears, seconded by Carter to receive and place on file. Motion carried,: Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to adjourn until November 13th at 9:30 AM. Motion carried. NOVEMBER 13, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The meeting opened with a prayer and pledge of allegiance led by Larry Seidel, a member of the Board. The following members answered roll call: No. 46 Present - Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Peter Hanson, Larry Seidel, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Stephen Barry, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - none Total present - 18 NO. 47 John H. Maitland, CPA, Auditor for Bayfield County appeared before the Board to discuss the new accounting system revised by the State. Mr. Maitland explained to the Board that the annual report to the State and the County Budget must show the expendituressand receipts by function rather than by department. This will require breaking down each of the department budgets to show the purpose of the expendi- tures. It was pointed out that if the schedule of accounts for the County is changed to comply with the new system;'it will require updating the accounting equipment in the Clerk's office. NO. 47a Moved by Rude; seconded by Carter that the Executive Committee be instructed to make a further study on the new accounting.system and possible purchase of new equipment and report back to the County Board. Motion carried. NO. 48 Robert Ante, Commander, Civil Air Patrol, appeared before the Board and briefed the Board on the operations of the Civil Air Patrol. Mr. Ante requested that the County contributionfor the Civil Air Patrol be increased to $1,500.00. The amount proposed by the Executive Committee was $500.00 which is the same amount that has been appropriated in previous years. No er 13, 197 NO. 48a Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Hoagland to include in the budget an amount of $1500.00 for the Civil Air Patrol. A roll call vote was taken on the -adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 48b Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: :No. 49 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did on February 26, 1974, approve a Compensation Schedule for Bayfield County non -represented positions as recommended by the State Bureau of Personnel, and WHEREAS, the salary schedules were considered to be the fair and pvpper ranges as of January 1, 1974, and WHEREAS, the cost of living has increased substantially since January 1, 1974, necessitating further adjustment in the salary schedules, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of the County Board has made a study of all salaries and the appropriate necessary adjustments, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the maximum monthly compensation in each classification as shown in the Compensation Schedule adopted on February 26, 1974 be increased in the amount of $55.00, and be it -further RESOLVED, that where an hourly rate is indicated in the compensation schedule, the adjustment in said hourly rate shall be in an amount which will amount to $55.00 per month, based on a work week of forty hours per week, and be it further RESOLVED that the hiring rate and the mid -point rate shall be adjusted in each classifi- cation pursuant to the standards for establishing and maintaining monthly salaries and pay ranges described on pages 8 & 9 of the aforesaid Compensation Schedule. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Edwin Erickson Bennie Rude Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Erickson to adopt. C. E. Hoagland John Skulan, together with Rose Hovey and Louis Stolle representing the Bayfield County Non -union employees, appeared before the Board. Mr. Skulan read to the Board the following prepared statement: Members of the Board, we have come before you out of deep concern for the future welfare of the non -union employees of Bayfield County. There is no doubt in our mind that all those here are well aware of the inflationary problem facing us and we are sure the word inflation has been brought up more than once during the course of this meeting. November 13, 1974 As it stands we must rely soley on.our merits, and the good judgement and common sense of this group to provide us with a salary so as to keep us in the actual realm of our present times. The increase which was granted us last year by a State study group had no built-in protection against runaway inflation as which has occured in 1974. Therefore, the wage increase was nearly outdated before it was even presented in March, making manyo,of us rely on past reserves,,loans, or have other members of our families seek employment to carry us through the times. It is not our intent to put any blame upon this Board or any other Board for that matter, as to the situation we are in. We only ask that our state of welfare be considered with con- cern by each and every member present. - It is felt by the majority of the non -union employees, as proven by this petition, that $55..00 as suggested by the Personnel Committee is a.repetition of.last year as there is no relief in sight for the easing of inflation, thus, jeopardizing our welfare even more and unfortunately weccannot afford anymore. As an added note we would like to state that the Court House Janitor in Iron County, a neighboring County under the same pressures as we are, is presently as of this date receiving a wage of $780.22 per month. The following are wages received by Administrators and heads of departments in Bayfield County: Treasurer - $700.00---$80.00 less than Iron County Janitor V.A. Officer - $760.00,--- 20.00 less than Iron County Janitor Sheriff - $820.00 JUST 40.00 more than Iron County Janitor Forest Administrator - $700.00 --- 80.00 less than Iron County Janitor County Clerk - $790.00 JUST 10.00 more than Iron County Janitor Zoning Administrator - $720.00 --- 60.00 less than Iron County Janitor So to the members of this board we beseech that you give this matter, in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the petition, your undivided attention and act on them accordingly so that we may be afforded a chance to re-establish ourselves once again. We also ask that any decisions be brought to'a roll call vote in our presence. We thank you for the opportunity to appear before you. Respectfully submitted this 13th day of -November 1974. John H. Skulan Rose Hovey Louis Stolle Nominated members of the Bayfield County non -union wage negotiating Committee. Mr. Skulan handed the Clerk the following petition which was signed by 59. employees and the Clerk read the petition to the Board. PETITION The undersigned Court House and non -union employees of Bayfield County, hereby petition the County Board to grant the request made by the Employee's Negotiating Committee for a salary adjustment as follows: (1) A cost of living provision to be adjusted every three months.,on a computation basis of 1� per hour for every 3 tenths of 1/ increase as periodically published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. November 13, 1974 (2) An "across the board" increase, in the amount of $100.00 per month, for -.each position, 1 t applied to the maximum rate of pay as set forth in the current Compensation Schedule for Bayfield County, in addition to the cost of living provision contained in paragraph (1) above. It appeared to be the consensus of the Board that no definite action should be taken on the resolution until further negotiations are made between the Highway Department Committee and the Highway Union Representatives in regard to the Highway Labor Agreement. It was suggested that in fairness to all the County employees, the foregoing..resolution should be tabled at this time. Clifford Hoagland spoke to the Board on the feelings of the Personnel Committee. MOTION NO. 50 Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Rude to table the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 51 WHEREAS, the Medical Secretary in the County Nurse's office has requested that the Bayfield County Compensation and Salary Schedule be altered, to increase the salary of said secretary to the maximum level of County Deputies as said Deputies are now compensated, and WHEREAS, said request appears to be a proper adjustment in the salary schedule.relating to said position, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That the salary of the -Medical Secretary in the Nurse's office be increased to the present maximum level of County Deputies' salaries, effective January lst, 1975. (2) That.in addition"to the increase in salary for said Medical Secretary in paragraph one above, that said secretary shall also receive such"increases in salary and/or other benefits as may be granted to County Deputies, for the year 1975. (3) That for the year 1975 and thereafter, the Medical Secretary shall receive the same compensation and benefits as.County Deputies. (4) That commencing January lst, 1975, the position of Medical Secretary shall be knows as Medical Secretary and Deputy. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Moved by Seidel, seconded by Bromberg to adopt. Bennie Rude Stephen J. Barry Ernest Heglund Walter Barningham Carol Deeth, County Nurse, appeared before the Board in regard to the foregoing resolution. A roll call vate was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 51a Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Carter, A. Hanson, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos Ayes - 8 Nayes - 10 Total 18 Motion Lost. P, p November:13, 1974 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Erickson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:10 PM with the following members answering roll call: No. 52 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E.Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A.Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Present 18 N0. 53 Ted Kramolis, Bayfield County IFYE to Barbados, appeared before the Board and showed many items bf`interest which he brought home from the Island. He again thanked the Board for their appropriation of money towards his trip. NO. 54 Moved'by'W. Johnson, secbnded'by'Heglund to'reconsider R'esoliition #51-rega.rding the Medical Secretary re-elassification'and have another roll'call'votee 'Resolution #51 was then re -read.' A request was made that -there should be a roll call vote on the, question of -reconsidering Resolution #51. The chair'granted the request and a roll call vote was then taken on the motion to reconsider Resolution #51: No. 54a Ayes —Meierotto, Bromberg', Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel,.W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Spears, Anderson-,Berweger,'Ba,rry, Renoos Ayes - 10 Nayes - 8 Total 18 Motion carried. MOTION NO. 55 Moved by Seidel, seconded by Rude -to adopt Resolution #51. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of Resolution #51 with the following results: No. 55a Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, Rude, Hanson, Seidel, Heglund, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, E. Johnson,,Hoagland, Spears, W. Johnson, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos Ayes - 7 Naves 11.' Total 17 Motion Lost. MOTION NO. 56 i Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Anderson to again discussResolution#49. in regard I to pay increases to county employees. MOTION NO. 57 Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by A. Hanson to adopt Resolution #49. November 13, 1974 Q ro Rude felt that it should be referred to the Personnel Committee. MOTION #58 Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Bromberg to refer this matter back to the Personnel Committee for further negotiations. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 59 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has entered into a program in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Wisconsin, to provide a net work of snowmobile trails within the County which will be invironmentally sound, in the interest of the public and the recreational program of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS Said Department requires that the County in implementing said program, provide said Department with a comprehensive plan as to the location and extent of the proposed snow- mobile trails within the County, and WHEREAS, The Conservation Committee of this Board has, through its recreational personnel, established a proposed network of snowmobile trails within the County as shown on a map of the County, attached hereto as exhibit T1A", and WHEREAS, Said Department of Natural Resources requires that the County Board of each County approve such comprehensive plan as to location and extent of the proposed snowmobile trails, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proposed plan for snowmobile trails within Bayfield County, as set forth on said schedule "A", be and the same is hereby approved., -and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Conservation Committee of this Board shall have the authority and is hereby directed to implement and carry out said plan to the end that said proposed network of snowmobile trails shall be opened up and maintained under the .rules and regulations as set forth by said Department of Natural Resources under the authority of Chapter 350 of the Wisconsin Statutes as said Statutes may be supplemented from time to time by Orders of said Department. Larry Seidel Herbert Spears Carl Anderson Arthur Hanson Eric Johnson Moved by Seidel, seconded by Spears to adopt. Mr. John Skulan, appeared before the Board to explain the new trail system. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 60 WHEREAS, there is included in the Compensation Schedule for non -represented positions the classification of a Courthouse Custodian and a Head Courthouse Custodian, and WHEREAS, in Bayfield County the duties of the Head Custodian are identical with the exception of the added responsibility of weekend duty during inclement weather especially in the winter and the additional responsibility of purchasing regular custodial supplies, and WHEREAS, the Compensation Schedule provides for a difference in salary of $35.00 per month based on the maximum salary for each classification, and November 13-, 19744 WHEREAS, the additional duties cited above could be equally divided between .the two custodians, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that each of the present custodians presently employed by Bayfield County be delegated equal responsibilities and be it further RESOLVED, that the salary of each of the custodians be adjusted to be the average of the two separate salaries now being paid plus any general increase that may be granted by the County Board to the employees, and be it further RESOLVED, that the effective date of this re$oluti.on shall be January 1, 1975. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland W. H. Carter Carl E. Anderson Walter Barningham' Moved by Carter, seconded'by P. Hanson to adopt. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 61 TOWN OF CLOVER HERBSTER,.WISCONSIN 54844 October 11, 1974 Mr. Edward Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. ''Pajala: Enclosed is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Clover, July 12, 1973, concerning the desire to acquire county owned land. At the October loth, Town Board Meeting, this land was again discussed. As no gravel has been found on this forth, the Town Board of the Town of Clover, again requests that this resolution be presented -to the Bayfield County -Board, at their next meeting. Sincerely, Signe Dana, Clerk Town Board Meeting; OCTOBER 10, 1974 WHEREAS no gravel has been found on the NWµ of SEµ, Section 21, Township 50, Range 7 W. and Whereas the Town of Clover needs said land, the following action was taken: It was moved by Opie Beeksma- to -again - request the Bayfield County 'Board to consider the resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Clover, July 12th, 1973,-Seconded by William Celinsky, Carried. The July Resolution being; Town of Clover Town Board Meeting: July 12, 1973 Resolution: Whereas;-Bayfield County owns the NWµ of the SEµ of Section 21, Township 50, Range 7 W. and. 'the Town of Clover needs said -NWµ of the SEµ. Section 21, Township 50, Range-7 West, for the availability of said and fill materials, for public use, be it-herefore resolved -to dedicate such property for a site -for said, fill and materials for public use., 3 65 November 13, 1974 WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Clover has complied with the policy as set forth by the Bayfield County Board, dedicating such property to public use by required resolution: Resolved, that the Town of Clover be allowed to purchase the NWµ of the SEµ, Section 21, Township 50, Range 7 West, for the consideration of delinquent taxes, plus interest and other charges as computed by the Bayfield County Treasurer. Signe Dana, Clerk Wm. Celinsky, Chairman Opie Beeksma & Clayton Beckman, Supervisors I, Signe Dana, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is true and a correct copy of the resolution,adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Clover, on July 12, 1973, and again renewed at a Tawn Board Meeting held on October 10, 1974 Signe Dana., Clerk Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by E. Johnson to receive and place on file. Motion carried. MOTION No. 62 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Barry to sell the foregoing description to the Town of Clover® Motion carried. MOTION No. 63 Moved by.E. Johnson, seconded by Renoos to authorize and direct. the.,.Executive Committee of the County Board to study the foregoing sale and determine the amount of.consideration. Motion carried., The following communication was read: No..64 ...U. S. Department ,of, Agriculture, Forest Service Chequamegon National Forest Park Falls, Wisc. 54552 Reply to: 5420 Purchase Subject: Martin; W.R. - #3651 FS, Cheq. National Forest, Wis. TO: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Mr. W. R. Martin; 4363 Sheldon.Drive, LaMesa,,.Californi.a,.has.proposed to sell to the U.S. Forest Service, the following described land: Lots 23 and 24, Block 61, original townsite of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. These lots are adjacent.to the present location of the office of our Washburn Ranger District. Enclosed is a letter of consent.from John Wroblewski, Mayor, City of Washburn. He was consulted by the District Ranger at Washburn, Wisconsin. You may wish to consult him. If the Board wishes to comment on the proposed purchase, we would appreciate hearing from the Board at their earliest convenience. If the City of Washburn wishes to make additional comments, these comments are most welcome. A carbon copy of,this letter will be sent to Mayor Wroblewski_ so that the City may comment if they desire. Wayne K. Mann Forest Supervisor 3t November 13, 1974 Moved by Spears, seconded by P. Hanson to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The following petitions were read: No. 65 COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Reefer Creek Bridge on the Pioneer Road on the Half Section Line, Sec. 7, Township 48 North, Range 9 West on a°public highway maintainable by the'Town -of'Oulu requires immediate emergency replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu has provided for such -portion of the cost of construction as is re- quired by Statute.- • '.+ The total cost -of replacement is $2658.48. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Oulu in the amount of $1329.24, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Harvey Taipale Rudy W. Lind Norman Tuura TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF OULU BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81-.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Muskeg River Birdge on the Muskeg Road on the Section Line Road Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 9 West on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Oulu requires immediate emergency replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu has provided for such portion of the cost of construction as is re- quired by Statute. The total cost of replacement is $2422.02. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Oulu in the amount of $1211.01, all in accord- ance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Harvey Taipale Rudy W. Lind Norman Tuura Moved by Berweger, seconded by Meierotto to receive and place on file. Motion carried. 0 2 November 13, 1974 d 16 Q-) The following resolution was read: No. 66 COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid on the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of. the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and the county's Share is appropriated as follows: AMOUNT RAISED TOWN BRIDGE BY LOCAL UNITS Oulu Muskeg River Bridge Oulu -Reefer Creek Bridge County Levy 1211.01 1329.24 AMOUNT OF COUNTY AID GRANTED 1211.01 1329.24 2540.25 The County Board does hereby levy.a tax to meet said appropriations on all of the property in the county which is taxable for such purpose. WARNING:. It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made in the county budget, but that this levy shall not be duplicated. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY:. Joseph Berweger Peter Hanson Edwin Renoos Eric Johnson Edwin Erickson Moved by Bromberg., seconded by Spears to adopt. Motion carried. NO. 67 The annual Report of the Bayfield County Highway Committee and annual Report of the Highway Commissioner were received. ' A motion was made by P. Hanson and seconded by E. Erickson to place the reports on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 68 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void -in that said certificates &ere issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are baxed are not justly reassessable. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. Wallace Johnson Carl E. Anderson Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham C. E. Hoagland W. H. Carter Arthur Meierotto Re: TAXES OMITTED FROM SALE OF 1974. November 13, 1974 .82 77�� Name of Claimant & Reason of Year of Cert. Allowed.Face Illegality Description Sale No. of Cert. Town of Clover Lot 4 & part of Lot 3 desc. in V.110 P.481 less par. desc. in V.233 P.298; V:237 P.150; V.237 P..28; V.246 P.255; V.246 P.274; V.255 P. 160 Sec. 26-51-6 1974 737 105.82 Double Assessment Town of Drummond Townsite of Drummond 1974 802_ 58.78 Parcel is Owned by Bayfield County Moved by Carter, seconded by E. Erickson to adopt. Motion carried. Delinquent Tax charged back to District_ 105.82 The following resolution was read: No. 69 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Traasurerrs report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said .report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reass,essable.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective.towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. Wallace Johnson Carl E. Anderson Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham C. E. Hoagland W. H. Carter Arthur Meierotto Re: ILLEGAL TAXES November 13, 1974 November 13, 1974 Name of Claimant & Reason of Illegality Description Town of Barnes Par. in Lot 2 desc. in V. 201 P.150 Sec. 8-44-9 Illegal Assessment Year of Cert. Allowed Face Sale No. of Cert. 1970 61 9.33 1971 35 2.03 Town.of Bell Sec. 13-50-6 1972 256 10.56 N2 of SW NW-W 1973 212 8.80 Illegal Assessment of river Town of Clover Par. in Lot 1 desc. in V.169 P.497,. Sec. 4-50-7 1971 332 1.21 Illegal Assessment Town of Clover Unplatted part of Lot 1 Sec. 5-50-7 1971 334 187..67 Illegal Assessment Tn. of Grand View Govt. Lot 12 less part desc. in V.126 P. 186; V.209 P. 43; V.212 P. 571; V.212 P. 87; V.215 P. 404 Sec. 20-44-5 1969 985 57.69 Illegal Assessment County owned Town of Hughes Par. in Lot 2 Sec.14-47-9 1971 564 37.50 1972 6399 39.38 Illegal Assessment incomplete desc. Tn. of Iron River Par. in Lot 2 desc.' in V.142 P.23 Section 28-47-81969 568 353.95 Double Assessment Tn. of Iron River No,desa. 1969 574 57.42 Illegal Assessment Town of Kelly St SE less par. desc. in V.163 P-.55 (3.99A.), Sec. 19-46-5 1969 624 6.68 1970 1370 7.16 1971 670 8.14 1972 741 7.16 1973 580 8.00 Double Assessment Moved by E.'Erickson, seconded by Hanson to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 70 Delinquent Tax charged back to District 11.36 19.36 1.21 187.67 57.69 76.88 353.95 57.42 37.14 WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reservation, namely,the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)(b) of the Wbconsin Statutes, November 13, 1974 J z NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, duly assembled, this 13th day of November, 1974, that application be made to the State of Wisconsin, for assittaneeuunder the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1975, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall continue in force from year to year and that the proper officers of Bayfield County shall make claim annually for such financial assistance in policing said Reservation and for expenses directly connected therewith, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such application, as is required under the provisions of Section 20..455 (2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes. C. E. Hoagland Bennie Rude Stephen Barry Edwin Erickson Ernest Heglund Moved by Rude,,seconded by Hoagland to adopt. Motion carried. The following application was read: No. 71 John H. Maitland Certified. ,Public Accoutant Box 777 Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 October 17, 1974 To the Executive Committee Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1974, at per diem rates of $160.00, $120.00, $70.00, and $40.00 for principal, senior, semi -senior and junior clerk -accountants, respectively. It is - estimated that the cost of the general county audit will not exceed $6,400.00. In addition to the foregoing, an estimate of $440.00 is made for the 1974 annual state report and an estimate of $220.00 for the 1975 Bayfield County Fair report. Should additional services be requested by the Executive Committee, financial arrangements will be agreed upon at that time. The audit will include the records of the general county, sinking funds and Highway Department, as in previous -examinations. of Bayfield County, and will be completed by October 15, 1975. Respectfully submitted, John H. Maitland Certified Public Accountant Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg to accept the foregoing application. Motion.carried. I November 13, 1974 The following University Extension Office Budget for 1975 was read: No. 72 November 6, 1974 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Committee on Agriculture and Extension Education hereby submits the following proposed budget for the University Extension Office for 1975. The itemized budget is as follows: Salary, County Agent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 4,760.00 Car Expenses, County Agent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000.00 Travel Expenses, County Agent- - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400.00 Office Expenses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,000.00 Regular Clerk Hire (1) - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 , 580.00, Regular Clerk Hire (2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,580.00 Regular Clerk Hire (3) - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - . 5., 232.00 Agricultural & Resource Development Committee- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,750.00 Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisors - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000.00 . Northwestern Assn - Soil & Water Conservation Districts (dues)- - - - 40.00 Pri-Ru-Ta (dues) - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Wis..Ass'n of Soil & Water Conservation.Districts (dues) - - - - - - - 75.00 County Truck & Jeep Maintenance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - 400.00 Professional Improvement - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - 450.00 Salary, Extension Home Economist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,520.00 . Car Expenses, Extension Home Economist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000.00 Travel Expenses,, Extension Home Economist- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.0.0 Adult Programs. - - - - - - . -. - -. - - - . - . - - - - - -. - - - - - - 250.00 Salary,;4-H & Youth Agent- - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -.- -.-. 2,760.00 Car Expenses, 4-H & Youth Agent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211000..00 Travel Expenses, 4-H & Youth Agent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350.00 4-H Clubs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00 4-H Leaders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,800.00 TOTAL $44,597-00 OUTLAY $ 1,000.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND EXTENSION EDUCATION Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Ila Bromberg Moved by Meierotto, seconded by.Heglund to approve the foregoing budget. Motion carried. The following Fair Budget was read: No. 73 November 6, 1974 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Fair Committee requests an appropriation of $32,750.00 for the 1975 Bayfield County Fair. The proposed budget is as follows: November. 13,, 1974 REVENUES: DISBURSEMENTS: Gate Receipts i $ 3,000.D0 Advertising $ 1,400.00 Exhibitor Fees .450.00 Insurance 0 1,500.00 i Grandstand Receipts 4,000.00 Judges 700.00 Concessions 200.00 Maintenance, Building, etc. 3,000.00 Carnival 600.00 Officers Salaries 2,000.00 Horse Race Entry Fees 100.00 Police,.Gate, etc. 2,500.00 Change i 500.00 Postage & Freight 500.00 State Aid -on Premiums 4,000.00 Clerk Salary 1,200.00 County Bd. Appropriation 19,900.00 Printing 800.00 Premiums6,000.00 C Purses - Speed 2,500.00 Rental of Equipment 500.00 Ribbons & Badges 100.00 Special Acts & Features 5,000.00 Superintendents & Assistants 2,000.00 Supplies 1,300.00 Telephone & Telegraph 150.00 Water, Light & Power 300.00 Wis. A.ss'n of Fairs (Dues) 100.00 Change 500.00 Auditing 200.00 Wis..Sales Tax - Ticket Sales 400.00 Replacement of Damaged or Stolen Articles 100.00 TOTAL $ 32,750.00 $ 32,750.00 OUTLAY $ 1,000.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE Arthut:Meierotto Walter Barningham Stephen Barry Ernest Heglund Ila Bromberg Moved by Carter, seconded by Seidel to approve the Fair Budget. Motion carried, The following.communication was read: No. 74 DEPT..OF THE ARMY St. Paul Dist., Corps of Engineers St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Board of Commissioners Bayfield County Washburn, Wis. 54891 23 April 1974 Dear Sir;. Kristine and S. W. Jensch, Washington Grove, Maryland, has applied to this office for authori- zation of plans to remove an old dock and replace it with new materials consisting of two untreated cedar -log rock filled cribs and a deck of untreated 20-inch planks. The proposed November 13.: 1974 p 0 J dock is located on the south :shore of.Sand Island, one of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior, -immediately north of the north shore of Wisconsin. Three drawings, attached hereto, show the layout and location of the proposed dock. We would appreciate your comments, objections and/or concurrence before 7 May 1974. - Sincerely yours, WM. L. GOETZ Chief, Construction -Operations Division Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Berweger to receive and place on file. Motion carried. The possibility of the County participating in new Manpower Programs whereby the County will receive federal grants for placing unemployed people in public positions was discussed. . ' It was pointed out by the clerk that by action of the County Board at a recent meeting, the County could not participate in such programs unless authorization would be granted by the County Board. MOTION NO. 75 Moved by A. Hanson, seconded by Hoagland that Bayfield County should participate in the various Manpower Programs and apply for grants when funds become available. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:. No. 76 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF COUNTY MONEYS ..RESOLVED, that the following banking institutions: All Banks in Bayfield County, Wisconsin qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and are hereby designated, until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys coming into the hands of the treasurer of The County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin. RESOLVED FURTHER that withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named depositories shall be only by order check, as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes; that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the following persons: Edward A. Pajala, Clerk, and Nick Pristash, Treasurer, and countersigned by (1) Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman, and shall be so honored. RESOLVED FURTHER, that in lieu of their personal signature(s), the following facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by.them as.below shown: Walter C. Barningham (signed) Edward A. Pajala (Signed) (S-_ ) Nick Pristash. (signed) may be affixed on such order check(s)I that any one of the above named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimile(s) notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons. FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution.until changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective above named depositories. Walter C. Barningham THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by The Bayfield County Board of�Supervlsors at a legal meeting held on the 13-th day of November, 1974. Date: November 13, 1974 (Signed) Edward A. Pajala, Clerk November 13, 1974 Moved by Meierotto, seconded by.Heglund to adopt, Motion carried. NO. 77 Walter Barningham, Chairman of the Bayfield County Board, re -appointed Lorraine Squires 9it to the 51.42 Board for a term of 3 years. Moved by Anderson, seconded by Spears to approve the appointment. Motion carried. The matter of re-classifying Delores Jackson and Beatrice Kelly, employees in the Extension Office was again discussed. A resolution was presented to the County Board at the April meeting referring the request to re-classify the above named employees to the Personnel Committee with power to act. The Personnel Committee did consider the request at their meeting on November 8 and there now seemed to be some difference of opinion whether the committee at the November 8th meeting actually approved the request to re-elasgify or approved of the matter being brought to the County Board for final action. The committee appeared to be in favor of allowing the County Board to take final action and the following action was taken. MOTION NO. 78 Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Heglund that the re-classification of Delores Jackson and Beatrice Kelly from Extension Stenographers to Extension Secretaries be approved. Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Rude that a roll call vote be taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion: No. 78A Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, P. Hanson, Seidel, Heglund, Barningham Nayes--.Erickson, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Spears, W. Johnson, Carter, A.. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos Ayes .6- Nayes 12 TOTAL 18 Motion Lost. j, �ti I MOTION NO. 79 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Bromberg that the Bayfield County Board have 6 County Board meetings annually.at regular intervals and that. the Executive Committee be authorized to set. the dates. Motion carried. The 1975'Propos'ed Bayfield County budget was next presented to the Board: No. 80 370 November 13, 1974 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1975 TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: - The undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Super- I i visors hereby submit the proposed county budget for the year 1975, together with a report of operations. VALUATIONS The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has recommended a total county valuation of $ $156,310,950.00. This increased valuation will result in decreased state aids and regardless of action on the part of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, it is the amount the State of Wisconsin will use in its determination of aids to the county and local school districts. COUNTY LEVY The legal county levy limit is 1/ of the total valuation; an additional levy for debt retirement and other specified items may be made in addition to) the 1/ limit. The maximum levy would provide $1gr563,109.50 in taxes which is $1,291,184.48 more than the proposed levy of $261,924.52, which is -substantially lower than the $492,102.04 levied for the 1973 budget and only $2,491.39-higher than the 1973 tax levied for the 1974 budget. Again in 1975 the continued j reduction in levy can largely be attributed to Federal Revenue Sharing funds received by the county and surplus cash which can be applied to the 1975 budget. HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Many of the State programs administered by the Bayfield County Department of Social Services previously funded on a percentage basis with the county are now paid entirely from state and federal monies. -This provides further tax relief to the county property taxpayer. This funding which began in 1974 now includes AFDC (aid to families with dependent children) as well as the other catagorical aids,of Old Age Assistance, Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Disabled and Medical Assistance programs. The Bayfield County Rest Home continues to be operated at full capacity of 30-32 patients. At the present time there are 5 private pay patients in the home. Private pay patients are charged the actual per capita cost of operation. According to information now available, Medical Assistance payments amounting to $18.76 per patient day will be received by the home in 1975. These rates are subject to periodic adjustment. Effective January 1, 1974 the Unified Services Board (51.42) became operational. This board which included members from Ashland, Iron, Price as well as Bayfield County is charged with funding programs in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities and chemical dependency (alcohol and drugs). In October, this board voted to take over the responsibility of operating the North Central Guidance Clinic which also provides services to the four county area. The committee has included an amount of $40,000.00 in the proposed budget for expanded services of the Unified Services Board during the year 1975, although the State of Wisconsin is committed to a 100% level of funding for the basic services to be provided in this area. The Tri-County Sanatorium is still operating at below capacity. The per capita cost of approximately $47.00 per day is still below the cost of care in general hospitals. The Home Health Nursing Service is expected to continue at about the samelevel as in 1974. No,vemb.e.r 13.... ....... .____._.__ HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES $20,000.00 of Federal Revenue,Sharing Funds has been appropriated for the purchase.of a new Hi -Ban:! Radio System to replace the present Low-Bani'system which does not provide adequate communication in this large county. A request has been made in the budget for an appropriation of $168.,000.00 to be used as follows: $18,000.00 for repairs on Highway Department buildings; $50,000.00 for the purchase of machinery, in particular four new patrol trucks which will replace the 1966 models which now have many miles on them; $100,000.00 will be used for an FAS project on CTH "A" to be built in 1976. For this project Federal Funds are available in the amount of $175,000.00. Also included in the budget are two County Bridge Aid projects for the Town of Oulu at a cost of $2,540.25. INDEBTEDNESS The only county indebtedness continues to be the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital Bond issue. Annual principal and interest payments are included in this budget. The amount is offset in the revenue section by an equal payment by the hospital board. FINANCE Major factors in the continued accumulation of surplus'cash for the county have been increases in revenue from timber sales,.high prices on sale of county tax title lands offered for sale and interest on investments. The Emergency Employment Act is expected to continue in operation until March 30, 1975. Several municipalities are continuing to participate in this program. Federal Revenue Sharing receipts from the period beginning July 1, 1973 and ending June 30, 1974 in the amount of $221,735.00 have been applied against various departmental budgets. The anticipated additional Revenue Sharing Funds are being held in reserve to offset 1976 budget items. Purchase of the 1970, '71, '72 and '73 local taxing district equities of the delinquent taxes, by the county, has been completed pursuant to a resolution adopted by the County Board in November 1973. AUDIT The 1973 Audit Report, submitted by John Maitland, C.P.A., has been completed on schedule. Copies are available for your inspection at the office of the County Clerk or from any Executive Committee member. We.recommend acceptance of the auditor's proposal to audit the 1974 county records. The Executive Committee is pleased.to present this proposed 1975 Bayfield County Budget proposal for your consideration with a very minimum increase in tax levy of less than $3,000.00 and including $100,000.00 of surplus cash into a special building account. Conservative bud- geting of previous years has had a large impact in making this possible. We recommend the approval of the 1975 budget as presented. 7- 9 November 13, 1974 EXPENDITURES I Acct. 1974 Recommended -No:- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriation for 197S Revised 51101 County Board $ 11,500.00 $ 15,650.00 j 51103 County.Clerk 25,170.00 31,230.00 511104 County Treasurer - FRS $ 17,840.00) 51104 County Treasurer - Other 17,020.00 none ) 17,840.00 S1110 Elections 10,000.00 2,245.00 31120 Court House 25,000.00 27,400.00 S1122 Special Accounting 5,7S0.00 6,840.00 j 51128 Property & Liability Insurance 2,500.00 1,7S0.00 f 1 51201 Workmen's Compensation 2,500.00 1,300.00 51203 Retirement Fund (County's Share) 38,000.00 56,000.00 51204 Social Security Fund (Co. Share) 20,000.00 22,000.00 51205 Health Insurance (County's Share) 10,000.00 10,000.00 51301 District Attorney - FRS 7,160.00) 51301 District Attorney - Other 25,480.00 19,728.00) 26,888.00 51304 :family Court Commissioner 1,200.00 3,480.16 51310 County & Circuit Court 35,830.00 40,330.00 51311 County Court 10,809.22* 13,274.79* 51351 Coroner 2,000.00 4,000.00 51401 Assessment, Tax Roll Supplies & Addressograph 9,480.00 11,415.00 51403 Assessor of Incomes 500.00 400.00 51404 Supervisor of Assessments 2S0.00 none $ 252,989.22 $ 292,242.95 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 52101 Sheriff - FRS 75,000.00) , 52101 Sheriff - Other 110,810.00 40,144.00) 115,144.00 52104 Highway Safety none 300.00 52105 Crime Laboratory 1,050.00* none i 52109 Civil Defense 6,080.00 14,540.00 52110 Apiary Inspection 200.00 200.00 52111 Fire Suppression 200.00 150.00 S3306.1 Drug Abuse Officer none 8,740.00 S2113 Civil Air Patrol .:, S00.00 500.00 1,500.00 52115 Criminal Rewards 500.00 S00.00 52201 Register of Deeds 24,730.00 25,474.00 i 52203 Indian Police 2,500.00 10,430.00 TOTAL $ 146,570.00 $ 175,978.00$176,978.00 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 53101 County Nurse - FRS 25,000.00) 53101 County Nurse - Other 22,690.00 12,975.00) 37,97S.00 S3103 Home Nursing Service 11,063.00 11,460.00 53107 NACHPO 420.00 420.00 53112 Nutrition Program for Elderly none 120,271.00 53201 Tuberculosis San'. 58,409.00 83,490.00 53203 Tuberculosis San. = Other Counties none none S3303 Mental Patients in Outside Instit.108,619.17* 54,427.22* 53306 Unified Services Board 13,962.18 40,000.00 *State Special Charges November 13, 1974 Acct.. EXPENDITURES 1974 No-. HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Appropriation:;, 1533.08 Community Developmental Disabilities Services Bd. $ 4,650.00 53401 Home & Infirmary 203,920.00 53404 Wisc. Colony & Training School 2,559.98* 53405 State Care of Dependent Children 234.75* 53406 State General Hospital 3,857.97* 53407 State Orthopedic Hospital 1,530.72* 53601 Welfare Admin. - FRS 53601 Welfare Admin. - Other 200,000-00 536.0.3 ,General Relief 5,000.00 536G8 Indian Relief none 53704 :Aid to Families with Dep..Chi.ldrer225,000.00 53704..L1Aid to Families with Dep. Children - F none 53705 St. Medical Assist. Program 25,000.00 53701.1 Burial none 53801 Veteran's Relief 750.00 53802 Veteran's Service Office 23,938.00 53804 -Care of Veteran's Graves 200.00 53901 Jail & Sheriff's Residence 4,800.00 53903 Industrial School for Girls 678.22* 53904 Industrial School for Boys 1,125.39* 53907 Correctional Instit. & Camp 302.10* TOTAL EDUCATION & RECREATION 55106 'County Library & Bookmobile 55108 Agricultural Agent 55111 Historical Society 55207 Fairs & Exhibits $ 918,710.48 TOTAL CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 56102 State Aid Forestry Fund 56104 Conservation 56105 Snowmobile Trail Mainten. 56107 Soil & Water Conservation 56201 Five County Development 56203 Regional Planning Commission 56204 Zoning - FRS 56204 Zoning 2 Other 56206 Severance Tax Due State 56207 Severance Tax Due Districts 56208 10/ of Timber Sales to Municip. 56209 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment $ 7,136.00 37,200.00 1,000.00 31,300.00 $ '76,636.00 $ 38,420.00 14,400.00 5,000.00 4,600.00 150.00 3,450.00 29,733.00 18,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 1,750.00 TOTAL $ 125,503.00 *State Special Charges $ 5,000.00) 200,000.00) $ 30,000.00) 5,627.00) Recommended. for 1975 $ none 246,250.00 629.07*Cr. 827.69* 5,228.67*Cr. 1,487.85* ,205,000.00 5,00&.00 30:,000.00 312,400.00 10,100.00 none 5,000.00 10 0 ..0 0 25,.725.00 200.00 5,050.00 60.17* 3,880.36* 537.18* $ 1,193,803.73 $ - 8,895-.00 44,597.00 400.00 32,750.00 $ 86,642.00 $ 35;601.29 21,240- 00 8,000.00 none 150.00 4,250.00 35,627.00 18,000.00 9,000.00 500.00 1,700.00 $ 134,068.29 November 13, 1974 G Acct. No. INDEBTEDNESS 57201 Retirement of Bonds TOTAL UNCLASSIFIED 59101.1 Bureau of Personnel Study 59102 Co. Contribution for Conventions 59104 Tax Deed Expense 59105 Maps & Plat Books 59106 Repairs to Tax Deed Property 59108 Emergency Employment Act 59110 .,Employee Longevity Pay TOTAL TOTAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OUTLAY 61103 County Clerk - FRS 61103 County Clerk - Other 61120 Court.House - FRS 61120 Court House - Other 61310 County Court 61401 Assessment & Address. - FRS 61401 Assessment & Address. - Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES (CONTTD) 1974 Appropriation. - $ 60,260.00 I $ 60,260.00 $ 3,000.00 none 5,330.00 8,500.00 200.00 75,000.00 none $ 92,030.00 $1,672,698.70 none none 700.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 650.00) $ none ) 500.00) none ) 4,365.54) none ) $ PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 62101 Sheriff -:FRS $ $ 11,000.00) $ 62101 Sheriff - Other 11,000.00 none ) 62101.1 LF.E.A.A. 2,000.00 62109 Civil Defense none 62201 Register of Deeds - FRS 2,170.00) 62.201 Register of Deeds - Other 750.00 none ) TOTAL $ 13,750.00 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 63101 County Nurse $ 500.00 $ 63112 Emergency Medical Serv. Council 1,853.00 63201 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 4,785.00 63401 Home & Infirmary - FRS 63401 Home & Infirmary - Other 2,500.00 63601 Social Services Administration - FRS 63601 Social Services Administration - Other none 63802 Veterans Service Office 600.00 TOTAL $ 10,238.00 5,000.00) none ) 1,600.00) none ) Recommended for 1R75 Revised $ 63,940.00 $ 63,940.00 $ none 800.00 4,515.00 250.00 200.00 28,000.00. 7,300.00 $ 41,065.00 $1,987,739.97 $1,988,739.97 650.00 500.00 none 4,365:54 5,515.54 11,000.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 2,170.00 $ 24,170.00 $ none none none 5,000.00 1,600.00 $ 6,600.00 November 13, 1974 EXPENDITURES(CONT'D) Acct. 1974 Recommended No. EDUCATION & RECREATION Appropriation for 1975 OUTLAY 65108 Agricultural Agent - FRS $ $1,000.00y 651.08 Agricultural Agent - Other 500.00 none ) $ 1,000.00 65202 County Parks - FRS. 11)500.00) 65202 County Parks - Other 1,600.00 none ) 1,500.00 65203 Snowmobile Trails 15,000.00 50,000.00 65207 Fairs & Exhibits - FRS 1,000.00) 65207 Fairs & Exhibits - Other 1,200.00 none ) 1,000.00 TOTAL $ 18,300.00 $ 53,500.00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 66105 Conservation $ 95800.00 $ $ 5,800.00 66106 Bounties none 4,000.00 66204 Zoning - FRS 111.00) 66204 Zoning - Other 250.00 none ) 111.00 TOTAL $ 10,050.00 $ 9,911.00 TOTAL OUTLAY $ 57,438.00 $9995696.54 HIGHWAY 64111 Road Construction on C.T.H.S. $ none $ $100,000.00 64104_ Highway Building Windows none 18,000.00 64105 Equipment Purchases - FRS 37,838.46) 64105 Equipment Purchases - Other none 12,161.54) 50,000.00 64161 County Aid Bridge Construction 17,451.43 2,540,c25 TOTAL $ 17,451-.43 $ 170,540.25 REVENUES GENERAL REVENUES 41109 Interest on Taxes & Penalties $ 40,000.00 $ 27,000.00 41114 Shared Tax from State 175,000.00 138,500.00 41201 County Clerk's Fees 200.00 200.00 41210 County Court Fees & Costs 4,000.00 6,000.00 41240 Circuit Court Fees & Costs 100.00 none 41250 Sheriff's Fees 100.00 none 41257 Register of Deed's.Fees ' 12,000.00 14,000.00 41250 Zoning Fees & Permits 12,000.00 12,000.00 41401 County Ordinance Forfeitures 4,000.00 7,000.00 41403 Penal Fines for County, 6,000.00 8,000.00 41500.1 L.E.A.A. 1,900,00 6,000.00 41500.2 State Aid - Drug Abuse none 8,740.00 41502 State Aid for Sanatorium 29,246.00 46,199.00 41503 State Aid for Nurse 1,000.00 1,000.00 41303.1 State Aid for E.P.S.D.T. 2,000.00 5,000.00 41506 State Aid for VD Control none 5.33.00 41512 State Aid for Aged Program none 5,000.00 79e , 7W6' November 13. 1974 REVENUES(CONTTD Acct. 1974 Recommended No. GENERAL REVENUES Appropriation for 1975 4192-2 Recipient Contrib. Mumps Vaccine $ none $ 300.00 41510 State Aid for Welfare Admin. 167,000.00 195,000.00 41511.4 State Aid for Child Welfare 180,000.00 312,400.00 41512.6 General Relief none. 500.00 41514 A.F.D.C.-F none 10,100.00 41514.1 Burials none 5,000.00 41516 State Aid for Retirement 12,000.00 8,000.00 41518 State Aid - Civil Defense 2,715.00 8,770.00 41518.1 State Aid - VeteransService Officer 3,000.00 3,000.00 41520.1 State Aid - Highway Safety none 300.00 41520.2 State Aid - County Conservation 6,350.00 4,900.00 41520.3 State Aid - Manuf. machinery. & equipment none 1,070.24 41521 State Aid - District Attorney 4,500.00 4,500.00 41522 State Aid for Fairs & Exhibits 4,000.00 4,000.00 41523 Home Nursing Service 13,000.00 11,460.00 41528 Fed. Aid - Emergency Employment Act 63,000.00 23,000.00 41528.1 Local Aid - Emergency Employment Act 8,000.00 3,200.00 41544 Indian.Law Enforcement 2,500.00 2,500.00 41545 Indian Relief none 30,000.00 42623 Participant Contrib. - Nutrition Program none 15,000.00 42624 Fed. Aid - Nutrition Program none 105,271.00 41534 St. Aid - Maintenance of Snowmobile Trails 325.00 5,000.00 41535 State Aid - Snowmobile Trails 14,750.00 48,000.00 41560 Federal Revenue Sharing 194,651.00 227,119.00 41918 State Collection Outside Mental Care 2,500.00 3,500.00 TOTAL $ 965,837.00 $ 1,316,862.24 COMMERCIAL REVENUES 42101 Interest on Investment $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 42401 Home & Infirmary 155,000.00 217,400.00 42407 General Hospital Lease 60,260.00 63,940.00 42601 Sale of Maps & Plats 2,000.00 2,000.00 42605 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 855000.00 125,000.00 42605 Sale of Wood (C.F.L-.) 90,000.00 90,000.00 42607 Sale of Wood -(Other county lands) 10,000.00 5,000.00 42642 County Parks 2,500.00 3,500.00 42643 County Fair 10,325.00 8,850.00 42652 Federal Aid - Forest Patrol 3,000.00. 3,500.00 TOTAL $ 453,085.00 $ 554,190.00 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAX $1,418,922.00 $ 1,871,052.24 SUMMARY Total Maintenance Total Outlay - Other than Highway Contingency Highway Outlay GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: Receipts other than Property Tax LESS: Surplus Cash COUNTY TAX LEVY 1974 Appropriation $ 1,672,698..70 57,438.00 70,767.00 17,451.43 $ 1,818,355.13 $ 1,4182922.00 140,D00.00 $ 259,433.13 Recommended for 1975 $ 1,987,739.97 995696.54 125,000.00 170,540.25 $ 2,382,976.76 $ 1,871,052.24 250,000.00 $ 261,924.52 Respectfully submitted this 31st day of October, 1974. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson, Chairman Clifford Hoagland Carl Anderson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham i i I William Carter Revised $ 1,988,739.97- 124,000.00 Moved by Renoos, seconded by Seidel that the budget be adopted as presented with the exception of increasing the grant to the Civil Air Patrol from $500.00 to $1500.00 and re- i ducing the Contingency Fund by $1,000.00. j Ila Bromberg objected to -the item of the bounty appropriation of $4,000.00. No action was taken on the objection of Mrs. Bromberg. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing 1975 Proposed Budget with ; the following results: No. 80a i Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, P. Hanson, Seidel, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Barry, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Bromberg Ayes - 17 Nayes - 1 j TOTAL 18 Motion carried. MOTION NO. 81 Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Erickson to add $100,000.00 of surplus cash into the Building Fund. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 82 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayf field County, Wisconsin, j assembled in annual session this 13th day of November, 1974, that there be and is hereby i levied against all the taxable property in Bayfield County, the following item to wit: U State Tax for Forest Purposes under Sec. 70.58 (2) $ 31,262.19 For all other items of the Budget, the sum of 251,924.52 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland W. H. Carter Carl Anderson Walter Barningham Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Carter to adopt. Motion carried. Chairman Walter Barningham then asked the Board to comment on the arrangement of the furnitur in the County Board Room. Members of the Board -appeared to be dissatisfied with the arrangement and it was suggested by Mr. Spears that the original plan be implemented.. LOTION NO. 83 Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Spears to remodel the Board Room the way it was originally planned. Motion carried. Moved by Barry, seconded by Erickson to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter C. Barningham,CCi irman Bayfield County Board o Supervisors Edward A. Pajara, Clerk Bayfield County