HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/20/1976557 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS April 20;' 1976 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 A.M. by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered.roll call: No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Clifford Hoagland, William Zamback, Otto Korpela,,Larry Seidel, William Rave, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Joseph Berweger, Charles Polich, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham - Total 18 present - None absent. A prayer and pledge of allegiance was led by Larry Seidel, Board member. Moved by Spears, seconded by Berweger to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. NO. 2 Barningham announced that the nominations were open for county board chairman. Bromberg nominated Wallace Johnson. Mr. Johnson declined the nomination. Hoagland nominated Walter Ba.rningham. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. Korpela nominated Larry Seidel. Mr. Seidel declined the nomination. Moved by Polich, seconded by Johnson that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Walter Barningham as chairman of the m unty board. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot of the board for Walter Barningham as chairman of the Board for a term of two years. NO. 3 Carter nominated Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the county board. Korpela nominated Ila Bromberg. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Polich seconded by Seidel that the nominations be closed. Bromberg declined the nomination. Moved by Seidel, seconded by Erickson that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot of the board for Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the board. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot of the board for Wallace Johnson as vice-chairman of the board for a term of two years. No. 4 The chairman suggested that the members representing each of the five highway districts meet together for a caucus to decide on a nom-inee or nomi.i'-pees for their respective highway districts. It was pointed out to the board that additional nom,tnees`can be made from the floor by any of the board. the highway committee. The caucuses were held and the board proceeded to elect 558 April 20, 1976 Meierotto reported that Edwin Erickson was nominated as a candidate for District #1. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Renoos that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Edwin Erickson as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Edwin Erickson was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #1. Zamback announced that there were two nominees in District #2 which were William Carter Arthur Hanson The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Polich , seconded by Seidel that the nominations be closed. ' Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Spears that the selections be handled by ballot. Motion carried. Barningham appointed Seidel and Hoagland to act as tellers and they passed out ballots to the Board. The results of the first ballot were as follows: Carter - 11 Hanson - 7 William Carter was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #2. Johnson reported that Joseph Berweger was nominated as a candidate for District#3. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There ,were no further nominations. Moved by Polich, seconded by Heglund that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Joseph Berweger as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Joseph Berweger was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #3. Seidel reported that William Rave was nominated as a candidate for District #4. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Seidel that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for William Rave as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and William Rave was declared elected a member of the highway committee representing District #4• Renoos reported that Herbert Spears was nominated as a candidate for District #5. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Polich that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Herbert Spears as a member of the highway committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Herbert Spears was declared,.elected a member of the highway committee representing District #5. April 20,.1976 Larry Young, Highway Commissioner, appeared before the Board and handed out the financial report of the highway department. (Copy of the report on file in the county clerk's office) The following communication was read: No. 6 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION April 6, 1976 Mr. Ronald A. Glass, Clerk Town of Barksdale, Bayfield Co. Route 3 Ashland, WI 54806 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 1186-1-21 S.T.H. 137-East Co. Line Road U.S.H.2 Bayfield County The following action was taken by the Highway Commission at its meeting on April 5, 1976. "There was presented a resolution by the Town Board of the Town of Barksdale, Bayfield County, petitioning the Commission to transfer to the Town of Barksdale, jurisdiction over and main- tenance responsibility for the following described frontage road: "A frontage road located in the southeast one quarter of the southeast one quarter of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 5 West, and the southwest one quarter of the southwest one quarter of Section 36, Township 48 North, Range 5 West, on the north side of U.S. Highway 2, located on the alignment and on a right of way as delineated on the map, or copy thereof, marked 'Plat of Right of Way Required, Project 1186-1-21'. "This change effects an addition of 6.45 mile to the town road system for the Town,of Barksdale. "It was moved by Sweda and seconded by Young that the jurisdiction over and maintenance responsibility for the above described frontage road be transferred to the Town of Barksdale, Bayfield County, in accordance with the resolution enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Barksdale dated February 24, 1976, and the transfer of jurisdiction shall be effective immediately, except that this transfer of jurisdiction does not include the authority to dispose of any lands or interests in lands on or along the subject road as shown on the said map, or copy thereof, marked 'Plat of Right of Way Required, Project 1186-1-21'. Carried." Sincerely, Joseph Sweda Hwy. Commission Vice Chairman Moved by Berweger, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, present Department of Natural Resources hunting ordinances permitting the use of dogs in hunting bear in Northern Wisconsin during a, special season has resulted in a total disregard by bear hunters.- for trespassing ordinances resulting in: a) Mental anguish of landowners when numerous dogs and huntere pursue bear through private, posted land; b) Possible danger to human life from indiscriminate firing of weapons on private land; c) Threat to livestock and property from the indiscriminate firing of weapons and the "spooking" of animals by running dogs; 560 April 20 , _1976 d) Health hazard from animal remains abandoned on private property, and WHEREAS, Northern Wisconsin citizens find the "UNsportsmanship" of this type recreational hunting very distasteful, and WHEREAS, the Ebandonment of strayed, or lost, hunting dogs that either survive as strays to feed on wildlife or become the responsibility of local citizens to dispose of, creates serious rural problems, and, WHEREAS, the limiting of hunting bear with dogs to the northern counties of Wisconsin is discriminatory to the landowners of those northernmost counties who must bear the entire brunt of state's bear hunting with dogs. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors request that the -pre- sent state ordinances be revised to forbid the hunting or pursuing of bear with dogs,. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to the Conservation Congress at Drummond on April 26 and that a copy of this resolution be also sent to the DNR Board and to Senator T.heno and Assemblyman Kedrowski. Ila Bromberg Herbert Spears' Arthur Hanson Wallace Johnson The following communication was offered in support of the foregoing resolution. TOWN OF BELL Cornucopia, Wisconsin Ila Bromberg, Supervisor Bayfield County Dear Ila: At our annual meeting of April 8 there was a very heated discussion on bear being hunted with dogs, the result was that a leash law was passed and a motion was made and duly passed to have you represent the Town of Bell at the Conservation Congress of the DNR to be held in Drummond on April 26, 1976 in a protest concerning the hunting of bear with dogs, 4 WD; and CB radios. This is a very strong issue within our town and we would appreciate any help that you can give us on this problem. Sincerely, Floyd Iddings, Chairman P.S. This action was carried without one dissenting vote. Moved by,Hanson, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, the County of Bayfield owns the West One-half of Lot Thirteen. (13), Block Thirty- ` eight (38), Original Townsite of Washburn having acquired title because of non-payment of taxes, and WHEREAS, said property is in a dilipidated condition and has been condemned, and WHEREAS, said property is only a. twenty-five (25) foot lot and not large enough for a home, and WHEREAS, the City of Washburn will buy said property and see that the building is razed, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that notwithstanding a resolution of April 20, 1966, concerning sale for public use that said property be sold to the City of Washburn for a.ppurchase price of One hundred and fifty-one ($151.00) Dollars. Walter.C. Barningham. 1. ril 20, 1976 Moved by Hanson, seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing resolution. Robert Spears, Attorney, City of Washburn, was present at the meeting in support of the above resolution. Mr. Spears explained to the Board that the one-half lot in question is county owned and has recently been advertised for sale by the county. Representatives of the City of Washburn had objected to the sale on the grounds that the purchaser might not tear down the house as required in the bid and, consequently, the property could lay there with debris for an indefinite length of time. He informed the Board that the Executive Committee had taken into consideration the objection of the City of Washburn acid rejected all o.f the bids. He further stated that the offer that the city was now making for the property was the same amount as the high bid had been. He further added that the city would first of all wreck the building and clean up the lot and they would then sell the property. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 8a Ayes-- Erickson, Meierotto, Heglund, Hanson Nayes - Bromberg, Hoagland, Za.mback, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Carter, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Ayes - 4 Na.yes - 14 Total 18 Motion Lost... Moved by Rave, seconded by Seidel that the county allow the City of Washburn to tear down the building and clean up the site before the property is re -advertised for sale by the county. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 9 RESOLVED, by the Ba.yfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting in regular session this 20th day of April, 1976', that the Pureair Sanatorium property be sold to Canfield Realty Co. of Schofield, Wisconsin, for $217,300. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that every effort be made to lift the restrictive covenant on Government Lot Four (4), it being understood that Canfield Realty Co. will pay an additional $45,000 if and when the restrictive covenant is lifted. Wallace Johnson William Carter Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Walter Barningham Moved by Johnson, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Bromberg to amend the resolution to strike out that consideration be given to the property that has a restriction on it. Bromberg withdrew her motion. 562 -Moved by Bromberg -to include in the deed the same restrictions in regard to use of the land for other than public purposes as there is in the deed to the Sanatorium. Bromberg's motion lost due to lack of a second. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following -results: No. 9a Ayes - Meierotto, Hoagland, Zamback, Seidel, Rave, Spears, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson Nayes - Bromberg, Korpela Ayes - 16 Na.yes - 2 Total 18 Motion carried. NO. 10 Mr. Robert Clark and Mr. Greg Palmquist, representatives of the CEP Program, -appeared before the Board to discuss the CEP Program in Ba.yfield County. Mr. Clark asked for'Bayfield County's continued support of the CEP Program. Moved by Polich to -table the above matter for the time being. Mr. Polich's motion lost due to lack of a second. No further action was taken on the above matter. Moved by Hanson, seconded by Erickson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was'called to order at 1:15 P.M. with the following members answering roll call: No. 11 Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson,'Berweger, Polich,'Ludzack,-Renoos, Barningham - Total.18 present. No. 11(b)- Gary Gylund, Recreation Director, reported on the vandalism in the county parks. He stated that 6 grills had been taken from the Atkins Lake Park and 2 grills had been taken from the Big Rock Park. The iron pipes with which the grills are anchored to a concrete base had been cut off with a hacksaw: Two additional grills at the Atkins Lake Park had been damaged in attempting to remove them. Questions were raised as to the need for the county furnishing grills for the county. parks. Mr. Gylund stated that the grills had been purchased and installed prior to his taking over the parks. NO. 12 Mr. Louis Stolle, Nutrition Program Director, spoke to the Board on the progress of the Nutrition Program to date. He stated that Northland College is no longer preparing the meals as they have in the past. The Washburn School District is now preparing meals for the Washburn site. Meals are also being prepared in Cornucopia for Cornucopia and Bayf ield. Two cooks are employed at the Cornucopia -site under the Pride Program. He stated ttat he expects to open meal sites in Drummond and Iron River and will hopefully be utilizing10914M Program and Green Thumb Program employees at those sites. Mr. Stolle also advised the Board that there would have been available for the county Nutrition Program a total of $6000worth of surplus commodities in 1975, however, due to lack of storage and freezer space only $71 of such commodities were used. It is hoped that commodities will be used more extensively in 1976. He stated that to date approximately 135 meals are served each day with a goal of 200 meals each day in the future. NO. 13 John Blahnik, Administrator, Bayfield County Memorial Hospital, gave a report on the hospital to date. He informed the Board that the John J. Hopkins Clinic Addition is now open and he reminded the Board that construction was financed 100% by hospital funds and grants. He also informed the Board that the hospital is current on the lease payments to the county. According to Mr. Blahnik there are again 2 full time doctors on the staff with several other doctors on the part time staff. He is also expecting to interview one or two additional doctors who hopefully will be added to the staff. Moved by Carter, seconded by Erickson to receive the hospital financial report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Commission has given consideration to the purchase of CB radios for all of the sheriff's department cars, and WHEREAS, the Commission is of the opinion that cars- equipped with such radios would be helpfull in law enforcement and also in speeding up the arrival of squad cars to accident scenes, and WHEREAS, the cost of a CB radio is from $125.00to $135.00 per unit, and eight units are needed, and WHEREAS, there was included in the 1976 outlay budget for the sheriff's department an amount of $8,020 for the purchase of automobiles, and WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Commission has leased rather than purchased two new automobiles at a cost of $275.00 per month per unit, and WHEREAS, the total lease cost for 1976 will be $7,150.00 which will be charged to the Sheriff's Department operational budget, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that $7,150.00 be transferred from the Sheriff's Department Outlay budget to the Sheriff's Department operational budget to cover the cost of the lease agreement, and be it further April 20, 1976 RESOLVED, that the balance of $870.00 be transferred from said outlay budget to the operational budget and be applied toward the purchase of the eight CB radios, and be it further RESOLVED, that a sum sufficient, estimated to be $210.00 be transferred from the contingency fund to the sheriff's operational budget to cover the balance of the cost of eight CB radios. SHERIFF'S COMMISSION C. E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Ernest Heglund Moved by Erickson, seconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 14a Ayes - Hoagland, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Manson, Ludzack, Barningham Erickson, Meierotto Nayes - Bromberg, Zamback, Spears, Berweger, Polich, Renoos Ayes - 12 Nay - 6 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reservation, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2) (b)'of the Wis- consin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, duly assembled, this 20th day of April, 1976, that application be made to the State of Wisconsin, for assistance under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)-(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1976, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall continue in force from year to year and that the proper officers of Bayfield County shall -make claim annually for such financial assistance in policing said Reservation and for expenses directly connected therewith, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resoluthn be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such application, as is required under the provisions of Section 20.455(2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Wallace Johnson William Carter Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. :)e April 20, 1976 The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, the secretarial chair in the zoning office is in need of replacement, and WHEREAS, no provisions were made in the zoning budget for the purchase of a, chair, and WHEREAS, the cost of a new chair is approximately $125.00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that $125.00 be transferred from the contingency fund to the zoning outlay budget to finance the purchase of said new secretarial chair. ZONING COMMITTEE William Carter Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Herbert Spears Art C. Hanson Moved by Hanson, seconded by Spears.to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 16a Ayes - Hoagland, Zamback, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Ba.rningham, Erickson, Meierotto,. Bromberg Nayes - none The following communication was read: March 10, 1976 Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Total 18 motion carried. No. 17 TOWN OF PORT WING BAYFIELD COUNTY,WISCONSIN PORT WING, WI Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: The Town Board of the Town of Port Wing requests that you present the attached -resolution to the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their next regular session. Respectfully submitted, Keith Larson Town Clerk March_l, 1976 Be it hereby resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Port Wing requests that the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors recommend to the County Board meeting in regular session that the Board transfer lands in the said town Block 6, Lots 3-12 of the Okerstrom Heydlauff Addition to the Town of Port Wing for the purpose of transferring these lands to the South Shore School District, Joint School District No. 1, Towns of Bell, Clover, Orienta, Oulu, Port Wing and Tripp, Ba.yfield County, Wisconsin, for a school building site. TOWN OF PORT WING By: Keith I. Larson, Town Clerk Robert Jardine, Chairman David Olson, Supervisor Richard Hogfeldt, Supervisor 5sf April 20. 1976 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried, Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Heglund that lots-3-12, Block 6, Okerstrom'Heydlauff Addition to the Town of Port Wing be sold to the Town of Port Wing in the usual manner and in compliance with a resolution adopted pertaining to sale of county owned lands to municipalities which was adopted on 4/20/66 and recorded on page 287 of county board journal No. 12. Motion carried. The following communications were read: No. 18 Chequamegon National Forest Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552 Reply to: 5420 Purchase Subject: ERDMAN, ROGER W. - #3771 FS, Wisconsin, Chequamegon TO: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors - Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: April 5, 1976 This letter is to advise you of the U.S. Forest Services intent to purchase the following described lands: Township 44 North, Range 8 West, (4th P.M.), Section 22, S2SEµ, (80 acres), Bayfield County, Wisconsin If you have any comments about this proposed purchase, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Wayne K. Mann Forest Supervisor Chequamegon National Forest Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552 Reply to: 5420 Purchase March 2, 1976 Bubject: BENNIE, MARGARET P. - #3646 To: Bayfield County Board.of Supervisors Courthouse. Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you of the U.S. Forest Services intent to purchase the following described lands: Township 44 North, Range 6 West (4th P.M.) Section 14, E2NEµ, NW µNEµ, NE µSEµ, Bayfield County, Wisconsin If you have any comments about this proposed purchase, please let us know. If possible, please send any comments prior to April 15, 1976. WAYNE K. MANN Forest Supervisor Moved by Carter, seconded by Hanson to receive the foregoing communications and place them Ion file. Motion carried. April 20, 1976 NO. 1� Moved by Renoos, seconded by Seidel that Bayfield County go on record opposing any v purchases of private land by any state or federal agency. Motion carried. The following 1976 Emergency Fire Warden List was read: No. 20 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES P. 0. Box 80 Brule, WI 54820 Mr. Edward A. Pa.jala Bayfield County Clerk Court House Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Attached is the recommended list of emergency fire wardens for Bayfield County for 1976. Would you kindly present this list to the County Board for their approval at the next meeting. Please notify us as to what the Board's action is sometime before March 15, 1976. You may keep the attached list for your records. Very truly yours, BUREAU OF FIRE CONTROL Thomas W. Roberts Area Forest Ranger Attached. , EMERGENCY FIRE WARDEN ORGANIZATION LIST To the Honorable: The County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: State of Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources Box 450 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 In accord with section 26.12(3) and section 26.14(3)'of the Wisconsin Statutes we recommend the following men to act as authorized emergency fire wardens for the prevention and sup- pression of forest fires in this county for the year 1976 and ask your approval of this organization list. EMERGENCY FIRE WARDENS Vernon Tutor, for town of Barksdale John P. Desrosiers for town of Barnes Jerry Friermood for town of Barnes William Friermood for town of Barnes Walter Pease for town of Barnes Stanley Barnes for town of Barnes George J. Martin for town of Barnes Michael Bonney for town of Bayfield Leonard Johnson for -town of Bayfield William Hepner for town of Bayfield Rueben Da.ubner for town of Bell Paul S. Regorrah for town of Cable Robert Anderson for town of Cable Thomas Rondeau Jr. for town of Cable Richard Sorenson for town of Cable Bokkie Beeksma for town of Clover Washburn - Rt. 1 54891 Solon Springs -*rt54873 Solon Springs TT 54873 Solon Springs " 54873 Solon Springs " 54873 Solon Springs " 54873 Solon Springs " 5.4873 Bayfield 54814 Bayfield 54814 Bayfield 54814 Cornucopia 54827 Cable 54821 Cable 54821 Cable ,.54821 Cable 54821 Herbster 54844 Anthony Janoch Edward Puig Jr. Arthur Hanson William Meyer Walter G. Nordby George Siebert Kenneth Greenwood Bart Nemetz Paul Nemetz Edward Sechen Dudley Wallin John E. Hanson Wayne Wheeler Kenneth Patenaude Lee Kavajecz William Stuart Marshall Brinkman Thorwald Levin Sigurd Swanson Robert Hanson Lillian Meyers F E. D. Kravick Ralph Wagoner Richard MacNeill Nels V. Pearson Duane Kick Patricia Cairns Robert Keys Arnold Anderson Norm Matson Chuck Sela.nder Darrell Richards Robert Raade Steve Wingate Bill Pfeifer Reino Makela Harry Pudas' - Erick Sande Clifford Hoagland George Tribovich Joseph Pascale Jr. Alden E. Allen Edward A. Pajala Orlyn Lowe for town of Clover for town of Clover for town of Delta for town of Delta for town of Drummond Herbster Herbster Mason - Rt. $#3 Mason Drummond for town of Drummond Drummond - Rt. #1 for town of Drummond Drummond for town of Eileen Ashland - Rt. #1 for town of Eileen Ashland - Rt. ##1 for town of Eileen Mason - Rt. ##2 for town of Grandview Grandview for town of Iron River Iron River for town of Iron River Iron River for town of Iron River Iron River for town of Iron River, Iron River for town of Kelly Mason - Rt. #1 for town of Keystone Mason - Rt. #3 for town of Lincoln Mason - Rt. #3 for town of Lincoln Mason - Rt. #1 for town of Mason Mason for town of Mason Benoit for town of Namakagon-Grandview Cable for town of Namakagon-Grandview Cable for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward'' for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Namaka.gon Hayward for town of Namakagon. Hayward for town of Namakagon Hayward for town of Oulu Brule - Rt. #1 for town of'Oulu Iron River for town' of Pilsen for town of Port Wing for town'of Russell for town of Russell for town of Russell for town of Washburn for town of Washburn Ashland Rt:.--#3 Port -Wing Ba.yfield: -' Rt. '#1 Bayfield - Rt. #1 Bayf ield.. Rt #1 Washburn - Rt. #1 Washburn 54844 54844 54856 54856 54832 54832 54832 54806 0%.41. 03:30 54839 54847 54847 54847 54847 54856 54856 54856 54856 54856 54856 54821 0%-4PQJ 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54843 54820 54849 54806 54865 54814 54814 54814 54891 54891 6 April 20, 1976 Donald Snippen D. Niles Eilertsen Murry A. Hartshorn James J. Dibbell George A. La.Fa.y Joseph S. Brandis Jr. Phillip Tetzner Duane H. Raspotnik Joseph Johanik Florence M. Hedican Isabelle M. Moe Francis G. Koenig Ronald L. Nelson Eugene A. Skrine Brule, Wisconsin February 6., 1976 for town of Washburn Washburn - Rt. #1 54891 for town of Washburn• Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for -town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 for town of Washburn Washburn 54891 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ._By.. Thomas W. Roberts, Area. Forest Ranger Upon the suggestion of William Carter, Iron River, the name of John Ja.tzo was added to the list. Moved by Carter, seconded by Hanson to approve the list as read. Notion.carried. The following communication wa,s read: No. 21 NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION April 9, 1976 Mr. Edward Pa.jala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Under the by-laws of the Commission Bayfield County has two representatives. At your April organizational meeting could the membership on the Commission be affirmed or reaffirmed? The present members on the Commission are: County Board Chairman Walter Ba.rningham (or his duly authorized representative) County Board Representative Wallace Johnson (appointed in a manner prescribed by .the County Board) A copy of the by-laws is enclosed for your reference. (on file in county clerk's 'ffice) A reply .sheet is enclosed with a return envelope. Please contact me if you have questions or wish clarification. Sincerely, Charles Tollander Chairman 570 April 20,. 1976 Moved -by Spears, seconded by Renoos to reaffirm these appointments. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 22 January 20, 1976 Dear Sir: I am making application to redeem the following described land: Parcel located in the NW NW Sec. 27T 45N R5W as follows: Commencing, at the NW corner of Sec. 27, thence East along section line 730.6 ft. to an iron pipe first point of determination, thence angle right 900 338 ft. to iron pipe thence angle left 303S' 382.7 ft. to iron pipe thence angle right 44028' 233 ft. to iron pipe thence angle left 76017' 47.9 ft. to iron pipe on the waters edge Marengo River, place of beginning, thence retracing same line to first point determination, thence angle right 900 and along section line 75 ft. to iron pipe thence angle right 0 900 338 ft. to iron pipe, thence angle left 3 30',.536.2 ft. to iron pipe o,n waters —edge. Marengo Riv thence Southwesterly along waters edge Marengo River 262.5 ft. to place of beginning. Sincerely, Emma Turney 163 N. 4th Ave. Park Falls, WI 54552 Moved by Polich, seconded by Berweger to refer the matter to the Executive Committee and report back to the County Board of their findings. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, the U. S. Postal Service is in the process of closing small post offices, and WHEREAS, the Post Offices in Bayfield County are small post offices, and WHEREAS,.the closing of any post office in Bayfield County would have an adverse effect on Bayfield County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors oppose the closing of any post office in Bayfield County. Arthur Meierotto - C. E. Hoa.gland_. Wallace Johnson William Carter, Joseph Berweger Walter C. Barningham Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. NO. 24 Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg that a copy of the above resolution be sent to the U. S. Senators and Congressmen. Motion carried. April 20, 1976 The following resolution was read: No. 25 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee included in the 1976 proposed budget an amount of $4,518.75 to cover the salary of a. -part time zoning and sanitary inspector and also an .amount of $1,750:00 to cover expense's of said inspector and, WHEREAS, said amounts'were, upon recommendation of the Executive,Committee, delEted from the 19.76 budget by the County Bodrd, and . WHEREAS, it.does. appear that it will be necessary for .the County Zoning 'Department to hire an additional assistant inspector for a period ofsix months, and WHEREAS, the full time assistant zoning and sanitary inspector has been -on the C.E.P. payroll for three days of each week and there are, therefore:;, unused funds -in the zoning budget, originally intended for the salary of the full time assistant inspector, and and WHEREAS, it appears that the C.E.P. program will.continue until at least July 1, 1976, WHEREAS, it is estimated that after applying the estimated amount of $2,900.00 of unused funds, it would be necessary to appropriate an additional $1,650 for salary and $1,750 for travel expense to fund another assistant zoning administrator for a period of six months, now therefore be it RESOLVED;•:that another assistant zoning and sanitary administrator be hired for a period not to exceed six months and that a sum sufficient estimated to be approximately $3,400. but not to exceed $3,600. be transferred from the contingency fund to the zoning department budget to cover the salary and expense of said assistant. ZONING COMMITTEE William Carter Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Herbert Spears Art Hanson Moved by Carter, seconded by Spears to adopt.the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 25a Ayes - Zamba.ck, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Meierotto, Hoagland Nayes - Johnson, Heglund, Polich, Ludzack, Bromberg Ayes - 13 Nayes - 5 Total 18 The following report was read: No. 26 Motion carried. REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5�, Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the following petitions be approved: 572 April 20, 1976 A parcel of land in the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Thirty-three (33), Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway "63", as now located, and the centerline of Township of Drummond Road, commonly called Lake Owen Drive, as now located; thence by metes and bounds, easterly along the centerline of Highway "63" a dis- tance of Four hundred (400) feet; thence southeasterly, a distance of Two hundred seventy three (273) feet to an iron stake monument driven into the ground, (which such monument is located near the westerly line of the Lake Superior District Power Company easement); thence westerly Five hundred sixteen (516) feet to a point in the center of said Lake Owen Drive; Thence northerly along ,the centerline of.Lake Owen Drive a.distance of Three hundred (300) feet to the point of beginning, be changed,from Residential -Recreational Use to Comm rcial Use. The ,Northeast one -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWy) , Section Four (4) , Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, be changed from Agricultural Use to Residential-2 Use. DATED: April 20, 1976 S igned Bayfield County Zoning Committee William Cart.er Larry Seidel Arthur Hanson Herbert Spears., Edwin Renoos Walter Ba.rnin Moved by Carter, seconded by Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 27 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted May 4, 1971, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, A parcel of land in the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Thirty-three (33) , Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 7T631T, as now located, and the centerline of Township of Drummond Road, commonly called Lake Owen Drive, as now located; thence by metes and bounds, easterly along the centerline of Highway 1163" a distance of Two hundred seventy three (273) feet to an iron stake monument driven into the ground, (which such monument is located near the westerly line of the Lake Superior District Power Company easement thence westerly Five hundred sixteen (516) feet to a point in the center of said Lake Owen Drive; thence northerly along the centerline of Lake Owen Drive a distance of three hundred (300) feet to the point of beginning, is changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Commercial Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Four (4) , Town- ship Forty-four (44) North, Range Six (6). West, is changed from. Agricultural -Use to Residential-2 Use. Signed. Dated: April 20, 1976 Bayfield County Zoning Committee William Carter Larry Seidel Art Hanson Herbert Spears Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Renoos, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance. Motion edrried. I April 20, 1976 and The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, The terms of two members of the Board of Adjustment will expire on July 1, 1976, WHEREAS, It is recommended to the Board that Gretchen Barnes of Barnes, Wisconsin, be appointed to said Board to fill one of said vacancies and that Carolyn Sneed of Washburn, Wisconsin, be appointed to fill the second vacancy, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Gretchen Barnes is hereby appointed to fill one of the Vacancies on the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment for a period of three yea-rs, commencing July 1, 1976,-and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Carolyn Sneed is hereby appointed to fill the second vacancy on the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment for a period of three years, commencing July 1, 1976. William Carter Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Herbert Spears Arthur Hanson Moved by Hanson, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing -resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 29 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the rates for publication of Official County Board minutes and publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing year, 1.52 .462 33.00 per folio for the first publication per folio for printing supplements of County Board proceedings for the distribution of the supplements by other than the official paper BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the publisher, of the, official paper. send a. copy of the County Board minutes to- each County Board member, to the,Clerk of each Town, Village.and City, Town Chairmen not on the County Board, Village Presidents, City Mayors, and to the.County Clerk, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washburn Times be the official paper for the ensuing year, effective April, 1976. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson William Carter Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Walter Ba.rningham Moved by Spears, seconded by Polich to amend the resolution to provide that if the rate is not acceptable, the Executive Committee is authorized to negotiate for an acceptable rate. Motion carried. Question was asked for on the resolution as amended. Motion carried. 574 The following communication was read: No. 30 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION April 1, 1976 Bayfield County Clerk Estimated 1977 Allotment for State Trunk Highway System You are hereby notified that the estimated allotment in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977, under provision of Section 20.395(4gf) and 84.03(3), for expenditures on the State Trunk Highway System in your county is $121,000.00. By joint action of your county and the Highway Commission, such allotment in the sum of $121,000.00 has previously been authorized to be advanced for the improvement of portions of the State Trunk Highway 13 between Washburn and Ba.yf ield; and U.S.H. 2 from S.T.H. 137 to East Co. Line. ,No further action is required with reference to such previously approved advance. Sincerely, I Rebecca Young Highway Commission Secretary Moved by Berweger, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. A letter from the Federal Power Commission was read. The letter pertained to repair of the White River Dam Project and is filed in the county clerk's office. Cliff Hoagland gave a, brief report on a CEP employee in the sheriff's office. He stated that the problem regarding the one CEP employee who is employed in the sheriff's office who re- quested at the February meeting that he either be absorbed by the county and classified as a regular employee or receive some assurance of job security'has been studied by the commission. Mr. Hoagland stated that after 'a thorough study of the matter 'it was the recommendation of the commission that the employee continue as a CEP employee with the county and that he only be included on the county payroll on the days that he is not paid by CEP. NO. 31 Moved by Erickson, -seconded by Spears to 'issue plat books to the new.county board members who do not already have a, plat book. Motion carried. The following fair financial report was read: No. 32 April 20, 1976 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: Following is the Annual Financial Report of the 1975 Ba.yfield County Fiar. April 20, 1976 REVENUES: DISBURSEMENTS: Administrative Income $ 505.64 Administrative Expense 733.00 Aid - State 4,134.21 All State Taxes 234.52 i Aide - County, 12,129.57 Association Dues & Membership.... 125.00 Entrie Entries = Speed- 105.00'. Advertising' 1,085.15 Gate Receipts 3;340.75— Insurance',.' 98.94 Grandstand Receipts 2,818.50 Judges 573.80 Space- &'Privileges, Maintenance-Bld'gs: & Grounds 2,321.97 including rides & shows 1,182.97 Officers Salaries & Expense 1,634.78 Police, Gate, Other Help 3,429.84 Postage :176.00 Premiums 5,777.50 Printing - Premium Book 142.70 Purses - Speed 2,182.00 Rental of Equipment 330.00 I Ribbons & Badges 19.57 1 Special Acts & Features 2,000.00 Superintendents & Assistants 1,681..40 Supplies 1,511.03 Telephone' 100.04 Water, Light & Power 59.40 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 24,216.64 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 24,216.64 Cash On Hand None Cash On Hand None TOTAL $ 24,216.64 TOTAL $ 24,216.64 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAR COMMITTEE Arthur Meierotto Ila Bromberg Ernest Heglund Walter Ba.rningham Stephen Barry Harry J. Lowe Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg to receive the foregoing report and place it on file. Motion carried. NO. 33 The clerk made a brief report on the progress made to date in regard to the Affirmative Action Plan and he read the following letter received from the Dept. of Administration. STATE OF WISCONSIN Dept. of Administration One W. Wilson St.,Madison, WI April 7, 1976 Mr. Edward Pajala County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Ed, 576 April 20, 1976 Ed Ennis and I wish to thank you for.makng the time available .to discuss Bayfield County and the Model Personnel System. As per our discussion, Bayfield County would receive our assistance in setting up such a system: We also discussed the possibility of funding for a shared personnel person with the IPA (Inter.governmental Personnel Act) Coordinator, Joe.Pelliteri. His positive reaction to the project indicated that funds may be available. -He is willing;to talk to interested parties and the IPA application for funds deadline is June lst. We'll be in touch with you to wra.nge further meetings and if we can be of any assistance at all, please call. We also enjoyed meeting Walt and Cliff.and found their comments on the Model quite informative. Please give them our greetings and have an enjoyable spring! Sincerely, Laurel Munger Project Assistant Model Personnel System State Bureau of Human Resource Services The following communication was read: No. 34 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEFT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES February 24, 1976 Mr. Edward Pa.j ala. Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Please be advised that Bayfield County's eligibility to participate in the Snowmobile Aids program has been extended through Fiscal Year 1979. This extension is based on the updated plan approved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on February 3, 1976, and submitted to me through Jim Dienstl, former DNR District Snowmobile Aids Coordinator, this past week. I have not been able to discover who authored this plan to commend them for their excellent job. If you have access to this person, or persons, please extend our appreciation for the effort. Sincerely, Bureau of Planning Richard D. Lindberg Supervisor of Special Projects Moved by Seidel, seconded by Johnson to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. NO. 35 Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to raise the per diem for the Board of County Canvassers from $15.00 'to $20,00 per day. Motion carried. April 20, 1976 °Q A Bayfield County Jail keport was presented: No. 36 (The report is. on file in the county clerk's office) Moved by Polich, seconded by Bromberg that the jail report be placed on file and that it be referred to the new Personnel and Sheriff's Committee. Motion carried. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter C. Barningham, Chair Td n Bayfield County Board of S pervisors Edward A. Pajala,f�erk Bayfield County/