HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/3/19760 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AUGUST 3. 1976 The meeting was called to order at 9:40 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No._l Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Clifford Hoagland, William Zamback, Otto Korpela, Larry Seidel, William Rave, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Joseph Berweger, Charles Polich, Karl Ludzack, Walter Barningham Absent - Edwin Renoos Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance was led by Larry Seidel board member. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Meierotto to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. The following reAution was read: No. 2 WHEREAS, the Ba.yfield County Board of Supervisors on July 18,-1973 created an ordinance as recorded'in Volume 14, Pages 146 through 148 establishing a Community Mental Health,,Mental Retardation, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program conjointly with the Counties of Ashland, Iron and Price pursuant to Section 51.42 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, continuation in the Multi -County Program Delivery System is not in the best interests of Bayfield County, therefore BE -IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 3rd day of August 1976 that said ordinance be repealed as of December 31, 1976, and any contracts entered into pursuant thereto be terminated a.s of December 31, 1976, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County individually establish a Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services Program and that the Bayfield County Department of Social Services be instructed to develop said program in contract with the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, said program in conformance with Section 51.42of. the Wisconsin Statutes. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson William E. Rave William Carter William Zamback Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hanson to adopt. Johnson called for a roll call vote. August 3, 1976 A lengthy discussion followed. Wa.11a.ce Johnson and Ila Bromberg spoke in favor of the resolution. Charles Polich spoke in favor of remaining in the 51.42 Board for at least another year during which time a comprehensive study would be made. The clerk read the following letter addressed to Walter Ba.rningham, chairman of the county board, from Dr. Ganser, Admn., Division of Mental Hygiene, in regard to -he Unified Services Board. A question was raised by Charles Polich regarding the time element. He stated that he be- lieved the time was too short for the county to prepare a budget and get organized and be ready to operate by January 1, 1977. Mr. Ed Dashner, Director of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services, spoke and said that there wa.s time enough to set up the county program in time for funding. Several other county board members spoke for and against the resolution. July 26, 1976 Mr. Walter Barningha.m, Chairman Bayfield County Board Star Route - Bayfield, WI 54814 Dear Mr. Ba.rningha.m: I have received a report from Mr. David Randby, the Division's District'Administrator, that the Bayfield County Executive and Social Services Joint Committee voted on July 20, 1976 to recom- mend the separation of Bayfield County from the Unified Services Board of Ashland, Bayfield, Iron and Price Counties. Apparently the Joint Committee has recommended that Bayfield County proceed to form a single -county 51.42/51.437 board system. The purpose of this letter is to ask for your assistance in further clarification of,the situation. First, as you know, the Department of Health and Social Services has never re -certified a 51 board that sought to separate from a multi -county board arrangement. Lacking this experience, the Department needs to know what procedural steps the Bayfield County Board intends to take to seek Department certification. .In particular, it wouldhe helpful to know how and when the Bayfield County Board intends to abolish the present 51 board affiliation and how and when the proposed 51 board will be created. Second, there are a number.of programmatic and fiscal concerns that must be satisfied by the Department. As I wrote to Mr. James Shaw in another context, the Department's policy is to maximize the dollars available for direct services'a.nd to minimize the dollars required for administration. It is presently assumed by,the Department that counties with low population bases can have the same advantages as counties with larger populations by combining their resources'i to get the services people need in the most effective and efficient manner. Thus, Bayfield County will have to: -demonstrate that its proposed separation does not detract from the service delivery system now in place and indeed improves on it. I am directing the Bureau of Mental Health, the Bureau of Mental Retardation, and the Bureau of Alcoholism and.Other Drug Abuse to formulate the specific questions related to those disability programs that must be addressed in order to evaluate the programmatic effects of Bayfield County's proposed separation. I will be forwarding those questions to you in the very near future with a request that Bayfield County provide the Department with the necessary information. After that information is evaluated and other factors reviewed, including Departmental and legislative indications concerning the optimal organization of service delivery systems, the request for re -certification will be acted on. In the meantime, I hope to hear from you soon regarding the procedural steps the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors will be following to pursue separation. Would you please send this infor- mation to Mr. David Randby? Sincerely L. H. Ganser, M.D. Administrator DIVISION OF MENTAL HYGIENE A roll call vote was ta:kem on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 2a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Zamback, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Ludzack, Ba.rningha.m Na.yes - Hoagland, Korpela, Spears, Heglund, Polich' Ayes - 12 Na.yes - 5 TOTAL 17 Motion carried. r U t 3 ', 1976 The following resolution was read: No. 3 WHEREAS, Bayfield County formerly belonged to "Wisconsin Indian Head Country" to promote advertising and felt that it was not receiving representation from such a large organization, and WHEREAS,,, the minutes of the Conservation Committee meeting dated April 23, 1976, indicates that the Conservation Committee unanimously favors Bayfield County belonging to a smaller organization with possibly only six counties of northern Wisconsin to insure better dollar distribution of tourism advertising and better representation, and WHEREAS, a letter to the Bayfield County Board Cha.irman.from the Division of Tourism dated July 144, 1976, states in part, "There should be strong logic in joining counties together, either because they share geographical or historical features. . ." and WHEREAS, the "Region I" proposed by the Tourism Council containing Bayfield County is basically the same area as "Indianhead" and this would indicate the need to disapprove this proposal of the state to include Bayfield County along with 16 other counties as far down as Pierce and Jackson Counties, and favor a more advantageous region of six counties which would give Bayfield County more identity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors not approve the proposal to create tourism regions as indicated on the attached map as submitted to the County Board Chairman on July 14, 1976, by the State of Wisconsin, Division of Tourism. Dated this 3 day of August, 1976. Larry Seidel Ila Bromberg Karl Ludzack Art Hanson William Za.mback Moved by Seidel, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. No. 4 Mr. Ted Kruse,. Executive Director, Northern Community Mental Health Center gave a presentation to the Board regarding the Northern Community Mental Health Center. He presented a chart of the areas involved and explained the new facility. No. 5 Albert Johnson and David Wentz representing the Cancer Alert Program next appeared before the Board. the The clerk informed the Board that two gentlemen were not present at the request of the county employees. He stated that the employees had accepted the decision of the County Board of the June lst meeting. However, the two men had made a request to the county board chairman requesting time to present their case, said request being granted. They stated that they actually represented the Cancer Alert Program and Lone Star Life Insurance Company, Texas, was their carrier. Mr. Wentz stated that by not being on the payroll deduction plan, the premiums for individuals would be 25% higher and that the waiting period would be extended. Moved by Carter, seconded by Johnson to accept the proposal of payroll deduction and that the initial cost -of the program be borne by the insurance company and that the conditions as outlined in Resoution #12 on June 1, 1976 which was defeated will prevail. August 3, 1976 A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No..Sa Ayes - Ba.rningham, Erickson, Meierotto, Hoagland, Seidel, Johnson Nay.es - Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Bromberg, Zamba.ek, Korpela, Rave, Spears Ayes - 6 Nayes - 11 Total 17 Motion Lost. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Johnson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. 0 The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM with the following members answering roll call: No. 6 Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Barningham Absent - Renoos Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 The following petition was read: No.' 7 PETITION'TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To the County of Bayfield, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY PETITION the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to establish a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district pursuant to authority vested in it by Section 33.24, Wisconsin Statutes. WE STATE OR BELIEVE: 1. That the petitioners are owners of land to be included within the proposed district. 2. That the district, if established, shall be known as the Lake TaijWad.ah District. 3. That the proposed district is necessary tocbf ine the present and anticipated.problems of Lake Tahkodah and to identify their causes and to implement various remedial measures to deal with the problems and to undertake activities such as protection of the fishery, maintenance of.a.ppropria.te lake levels, control of aquatic weeds and reduction of sedimentation. 4. That the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity or public welfare will be pro- moted by the establishment of the district. 5. That the lands to be included within the district will be benefited by the establishment of the district, and that the lands proposed for inclusion'.in the district are the fol.- lowing: in the town of Drummond: in Section 35 of T. 44 N. - R. 7 W.: the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4; the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4. in Section 34 of T. 44 N. - R. 7 W.: the SE 1/4; the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4; the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4; the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4. in the town of Cable: in Section 3 of T. 43 N. - R. 7 W.: the NE 1/4; the NW 1/4; the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4; the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4. in Section 2 of T. 43 N. - R. 7 W.: The W 1/2 of the NW 1/4. The proposed boundaries of the district are set forth on the plat drawing attached to this petit and incorporated herein, which drawing indicates the approximate area of the district and the approximate boundary of the Lake Tahkodah watershed. August 3, 1976 /s/ Gerald A. Lavine Signature of signer /s/ Gerald A. Lavine Name of signer 3137 Lindberg Street and number Madison Wisconsin City and state STATE OF Wisconsin COUNTY OF. Bayf ield Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of June , 1976. /s/ Robert Masterson Signature of Notary June 10, 1976 M_y Commis_sion expires May 29, 1977 Date of signing DO NOT WRITE BELOW DOTTED LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aff idavit of Petition Circulator STATE OF WISCONSIN ss. COUNTY OF Ba.yfield Susan P. Roller being duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she is an owner of land .within the boundaries of the proposed district; that to the best of his or her knowledge, all persons who have signed the foregoing petition own land within the boundaries of the proposed district and that the accompanying map and description indicates the territory.to be included in the proposed district and that the petition has been signed by persons constituting 519/6 or more of the land owners within the proposed district.. Signature of Petition Circulator: /s/ Susan P. Roller P. 0. Address: Route 2 City: Cable., WI 54821 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of June 1976. /s/ Christine M. Wallin Signature of Notary My Commission expires 11-11-79 Separate identical petitionsvere signed by the following: NAME DATE_- `. Mrs. Evelyn'Kuehnast 6/26/76 Ruby G. Tamaluma.s 6/18/76 Elner Jones 6/16/76 Herbert Luedtke 6/25/76 Lucille E. Marx 6/19/76 James S. Buckner 6/18/76 Fr. Dean T. Buttrick 6/26/76 Glenn F. Roberts 6/25/76 Earl G. Wenzel 6/18/76 Gerald W. Paul 6/18/76, Virginia C. Kline 6/11/76 Ronald A. MacDonald 6/03/76 Eugene J. Petersen 6/25/76 Robert D. Reed 6/25/76 Margaret Reichert 6/17/76 Lorraine A. Blaha 6/15/76 Walter M. Moore 6/23/76 Margueritte Polaski 6/22/76 Donald B. Johnson, Jr. 6/14/76 Ronald F. MacDonald 6/28/76 Alice V. Foslien 6/25/76., Arnold G. Lonstrup 6/14/76 Mrs. Mary Lou Rockenbach 6/17/76 Jon Kurtz 6/22/76 Mary R. Quilling 6/17/76 Robert Leeper 6/13/76 Nathan F. Hughes 6/3/76 Peter E. Roller 5/29/76 Gale 0. Hoch 6/4/76 Patricia Paul 6/17/76 Samuel J. Gerrish 6/28/76 Herbert E. Leinberger 6/25/76 Estella Carlyon 6/16/76 Herman C. Stieg 6/23/76 Marlene 0. Ba.ecker 6/4/76 August 3,.1976 NAME DATE Robert M. Davis 6/14/76 James A. Smith 6/10/76 Duane A. Hambrecht 6/18/76 Roger F. Peterson 6/21/76 William E. Biss 6/15/76 Samuel Johnson 6/21/76 M. C. Lavine 7/07/76- Wayne M. Oliver 7/01/76 H. C. Hostetter, Sr. 6/29/76 Moved by Spears, seconded by Meierotto to receive the petitions and place them on file. Motion carried. The following petition was -read: No. 7a Terrance Ppgwizd, in his own behalf and as President of Ta.kodah, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation, hereby petition as the owners of 52 percent of the lands within the proposed Lake Takodah district in objection to the formation of such district on the following grounds:. 1. That the proposed district is not necessary. 2. That'tthe public health, comfort, convenience, necessity, or public welfare will not be promoted by the establishment of the district. 3. That the property to be included in the district will not be benefited by the establish- ment thereof. 4. That the proposed district boundaries were improperly based upon an erroneous watershed determination which has no bearing to the question of property being benefited by such district. WHEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONERS, Terrance Pogwizd and Takodah,' Inc.,a Wisconsin corporation, request that the Board find against the proposed petitions for such district and dismiss the proceedings. /s/ Terrance Pogwizd Terrance Pogwizd in his own behalf and as President of Takodah, Inc. Signature of Terrance Pogwizd authenticated this 12th day of July, 1976. s/s Thomas J. Gallagher Thomas J. Gallagher Member State Bar of W is. Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg to receive "the foregoing petition and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 7b 1218 Dover St. Chippewa Falls, WI July 7, 1976 Mr. Ed Pajala, County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI Re: July 13 hearing on the creation of the Lake Tahkodah District Dear Sir: The purpose of this letter is to convey to the county supervisors holding the hearing on Lake Tahkoda.h my feelings about the need for a lake district. d t 3, 1976 I did not get my petition signed before they were submitted to you on June 29 as I was a patient at rLayo Clinic and my mail was delayed. However, I wish to be included as a. signer and am also concerned about the condition of the lake; it's apparent loss of clarity in tre lakes water and the existence of algae. I am conveying my support for the creation of the lake district to protect the lake. Sincerely, Melvin Lavine Moved by Korpela, seconded by Polich to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following affidavit was read: No. 7c STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Edward A. Pajala, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the County Clerk of Bayfield County; 2. That he has examined,the attached list of owners identified as Exhibit A and the tax and assessment rolls for the County of Bayfield; 3. That from said examination it appears that said list of names in Exhibit A comprises all the land owners within the boundaries of the proposed Lake Tahkodah District indentified more particularly in a petition to establish a public inland I&e protection and rehabilitation district known as the Lake Ta.hkodah District filed in the office of the Bayfield County Clerk on June 29, 1976, a copy of which is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit B. s/s Edward A. Pajala Edward A. Pajala Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of July, 1976 s/s Irene Sieren Irene Sieren, Notary Public, Wis. My commission expires 12/17/78. Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Hanson to receive the. foregoing affidavit and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, on June 29, 1976, a verified petition was filed with the Bayfield County Clerk �..� requesting establishment of a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district to be known as the Lake Tahkodah District, and WHEREAS, a hearing was held on Tuesday, July 13, 1976, pursuant to Section 33.26, Wisconsin Statutes, with the Bayfield County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors Committee of the Bayfield County Board presiding. The committee members presiding were: Arthur Meierotto, o Chairman, Ernest Heglund, Vice Chairman and Karl Ludzack, a member of the committee. Z� r z� a 3. 1976 FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Based on the report of the committee holding the hearing on the matter, this Board finds and concludes: 1. That the petition dated June 29, 1976, was signed by at least 51/ of the landowners (or owners of 51/ of the land) in the proposed district. 2. That the public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district is necessary in order to define the present and anticipated problems of Lake Tahkodah and to identify their causes and to implement various remedial measures to deal with the problems and to urEbrtake activities such as protection of the fishery, maintenance of appropriate lake levels, control of aquatic weeds and reduction of sedimentation. 3. That establishment of the district will promote the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity or public welfare. 4. That property finally included in the district will be benefited by establishment thereof. 5. That formation of a district will not cause or contribute to long-range environmental pollution as defined'.by Section 144.30 (9) , Wisconsin Statutes. ORDER IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED THAT: 1. Pursuant to Section 33.24, Wisconsin Statutes, a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district is hereby established to include the area within the following boundaries: In the Town of Drummond: In Section 35 of Township 44 North Range 7 West: the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4; the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4. In Section 34 of Township 44 North Range 7 West: the SE 1/4; the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4; the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4; the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4. In the Town of Cable: In Section 3 of Township 43 North Range 7 West:. Government lots 1,2,3, and 4; the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4; the East 190 feet of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4. In Section 2 of Township 43 North Range 7 West: the'West 1/2 of the,NW 1/.4:- 2. The district shall be a body corporate to the extent provided by Chapter 33, Wisconsin Statutes, and be known as Tahkodah Lake District. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1976 By the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County Administration Building, Washburn, Wisconsin = Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISORS Arthur Meierotto Walter Barningham Karl Ludzack Ernest Heglund Ila Bromberg I1 Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 8a Ayes - Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Barningham, Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback, Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter Na.yes - none Ayes - 17 Nayes - 0 Total 17 Motion carried. r� August 3, 1976 The following resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, the patient capacity of the Bayfield County Rest Home is thirty-two persons, and WHEREAS, a rest home of 32 patient capacity cannot be effeciently operated, and WHEREAS, studies recently made indicate that there is a need for additional nursing home beds in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, there is'a`possibility of obtaining some form. of state or federal funding to aid in construction of an addition to the'Ba.yfield County Rest Home, and WHEREAS, the initial action that must be taken by a county if nursing home construction is planned is to file with the Area Health Planning Agency an intent to build, and WHEREAS, filing such a. document does not commit the county to build until such a time as approval is made by the County Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home be authorized to file with the Area Health Planning Agency an intent to increase the size of the present nursing home to a 64 bed capacity nursing home, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee together with the Board of Trustees of the Rest Home be authorized to further study the feasibility of such a program. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Moved by Spears, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. An ordinance relating to the establishment of a Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program -was read:;No. 10 Mr. Johnson stated that there appeared to be certain errors in the content of the ordinance and he made a motion that the ordinance be referred back to the Social Services Department for corrections. Motion was seconded by Spears. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:- No. 11 Accepting Excessive Backwater For A Portion of The Onion River Flood Plan. in Bayfield County WHEREAS, existing STH 13 crosses the flood plain of the Onion River in Bayfield County, Wisconsin restricting the natural flow of floodwaters in the Onion River drainage basin causing a backwater of two and zero -tenths feet above the Wisconsin Flood Plain Management Standards outlined in Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 116 and, WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation proposes to replace the existing twenty-seven foot long bridge carrying STH 13 over the Onion River with a new fifty foot long bridge which will accommodate the flood waters of the Onion River without raising the Backwater higher than that experienced in past years and, WHEREAS, conformance to the Wisconsin Flood Plain Management Standards would require the construction of at least one hundred and fifty foot long bridge estimated to cost approximately one hundred and.eighty.thousand dollars and such conformance would constitute an undue expense and hardship on area and regional transportation and could delay or inhibit the proposed improvement of STH 13. In t 3. 197 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE9DLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby agree to establish and accept backwater elevation for the Onion River flood plain west of STH 13 for a one hundred year frequency flood of -six hundred and zero -tenths feet above sea level elevation as established by the 1929 datum of the National Geodetic Survey which backwater elevation is understood to be two and zero -tenths feet above the Wisconsin Flood Plain Management Standards outlined in Wisconsin. Administrative Code NR.116 and which backwater elevation will result in flooding(Dnditions no more severe than those produced by the existing Bridge and Gra.deline. Presented by: W. H. Carter H. G. Spears Otto Korpela Art C. Hanson Moved by Spears, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No]-' 12 WHEREAS, the Legislature recently enacted a public works bill, which in part, provides Federal Funding for public works, and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board has,previously considered the construction of a new county jail and sheriff's offices and WHEREAS, Bayfield County ha.s previsouly engaged the services of an architect to prepare plans for a new jail, which plans have been completed, and WHEREAS, priority for public works funding will be given.to municipalities that are able to initiate a public works program at an early date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the joint committee comprised of the Bayfield County Sheriff's Commission and the Executive Committee be authorized and directed to pursue the possibility of obtaining funds for construction of a county jail and sheriff's offices under the.recently enacted public works bill, and be, it further RESOLVED, that said committee be authorized to make application for such funding if deemed to be in the best interest of the county. SHERIFF'S COMMISSION C. E. Hoagland Ernest Heglund Otto Korpela Edwin Erickson Charles Polich' Moved by Erickson, seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, the secretary in the office of Emergency Government and Recreation has been employed on a four day a week basis, and WHEREAS, the workload in the office has increased to a degree where it is now necessary to have a secretary in that office on a full-time basis to properly take care of the workload, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the position of secretary in the office of Emergency Government and Recreation be a full8time position. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Ernest Heglund Otto Korpela Edwin Erickson Charles Polich Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Polich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. G The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, 1975 Senate Bill 704 proposes to create State Statutes relating to regulating rates of solid waste disposal sites and facilities by the Department of Natural Resources, and WHEREAS, this bill would require the Department of Natural Resources to inquire into the operation of a solid waste disposal site, both public and private, to investigate rate charges, and WHEREAS, if after a public hearing, rates are found,to be unjust, the Department of Natural Resources must fix reasonable rates, and WHEREAS, after a review of the proposed legislation, the Zoning 'Committee recommends that Ba.yfield County oppose Senate Bill 704 for the following reasons: 1. The proposed regulations would be additional State invasion into the affairs of local government and private business. 2. The Department of Natural Resources was not intended to be a cost regulating agency and does not have experience in the financial operation of a solid waste disposal site: 3. If a need for State regulations exists'or can be demonstrated, then'these charge regulations may more appropriately be controlled by the public service commission. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board -of Supervisors°be opposed to Senate Bill 704 as proposed. W. H. Carter H. G. Spears Otto Korpela Art Hanson Moved by Korpela, seconded'by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS, the South Shore School District is planning to construct a high school on a part of the Okerstrom and Heydla.uff's Addition to Port Wing, Wisconsin, and said school district, having purchased all of the land necessary for such construction, desires to vacate all of the streets and alleys within the area purchased; 12 August 3,, 1976 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that by virtue of the authority granted in section 236.445, and according to the procedural requirements of section 66.296, and since the public interest requires it, the following streets and alleys are hereby vacated and -discontinued: 3rd Street, from the -west boundary of blocks 6 and 11, to the east boundary of blocks 8 and 9; 4th Street, from the west boundary of blocks 11 and 14, to the east boundary of blocks 9 and 16; Lake Avenue, from the south boundary of blocks 14 and.15,.to the north boundary of blocks. 6 and 7; Robert Avenue, from the south boundary of blocks 16, to the north boundary of blocks 7 and 8; All alleys in blocks 6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15 and 16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a hearing shall be held as required in -section 66.296 (2) (b), with notice to be given as provided therein.and as further provided in section 66.296 (5). C. E.Hoagland Walter Barningham Joseph Berweger Edwin K. Renoos Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Polich that the resolution be received and placed on file and the county board hold a hearing on the matter on September 28, 1976 as provided by Section. 296.(2)(b) Wisconsin Statutes and that further -action be taken on the resolution following said hearing. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, the county does not have an accurate inventory of office supplies and other equipment in the County Courthouse,.Sheriff's Office and Jail, and WHEREAS, such an inventory would be in the best interest of the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee be authorized and directed to take necessary action to properly inventory all office supplies and equipment in the County Courthouse, Sheriff's Office and Jail. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Moved by Berweger, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 17 REPUBLICAN PARTYOF BAYFIELD COUNTY JULY 20, 1976 Mr. Walter Barningham County Board Chairman Ba.yfield County Board Bayfield, WI 54814 3 . 19.76 1.3 Dear Mr. Ba.rningham:- I am advised by Mr. Harry Lowe that the procedure for securing a booth at the Bayfield County Fair requires approval by the eoutity board. Please accept this correspondence as an official request by the Bayfield-..County Republican �. Party to secure such a booth. Such action was a.pprovedly the Bayfield Republican Party Executive Committee at a meeting on 3 July 20, 1976. Please advise of your decision at your earliest possible convenience. Most Sincerely, John Van Hollen Secretary Bayfield County Republican Party Box 262 Mason, Wis. 54856 Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Rave that -the request for a booth by, all political parties at the Bayfield County Fair be denied. Motion carried. No. 18 Chairman Barningham presented to the Bayfield County Board a Bicentennial dinner plate which he had received on behalf of the Board from the.Washburrr,. State Bank. Moved by Seidel, seconded by Hanson that a letter of appreciation be sent to the.Washburn State Bank. Motion carried. - The following letter was read: No.' 19 CIVIL AIR PATROL Ashland & Bayfield Counties 14 July 76 Walter C. Barningham Bayfield County Board Star Route Bayfield, WI Dear Mr. Barningham: On behalf of our Squadron I would like to request that, if possible, the Bayfield County Board consider an additional allocation of $750.00 for Civil Air Patrol services during 1976. If these funds were made available to us it would bring us to the level that we have received from Bayfield County in years past. Our Squadron is at this time attempting to obtain a. full time Corporate aircraft to be based at the Ashland Airport. To obtain this aircraft our Squ:ad.ron must be able to provide about $1500.00 to our Wing Headquarters per year to cover the cost of risk and hull insurance as well as payment into the Wing maintenance fund. At this time our Squadron rents an aircraft at a cost of $20-.00 per hour to provide Emergency Air Services to Bayfield County as well as a flight program for our teenage Cadets. This $20.00 per hour charge has--always-been paid for out of Senior Memberassessments, never out of County funds. We feel the advantage of having a local aircraft are many. Most of our calls require an air- craft be available as soon as possible and as many times the rental plane must be reserved in advance, we have to call on other Units which sometimes takes hours. With the new National Lakeshore and the upcoming increase in use of our p.arks,.-fs?-lthebne_ed,1for Emergency Air Services from Civil Air Patrol can only increase in Bayfield County. As you know, the Civil Air Patrol is funded only for fuel costs on actual search missions. All other costs must be born by the local Unit. Also, Wisconsin is one of the few States that provides no State funds at all for it's Civil Air Patrol Wing, thus all costs for aircraft fall on the units that have them. August 3 , 1976;, We did not, at the start on.1976 feel that the 50% decrease in funding from Bayfield County would hurt our program. However, as with everything, our costs have increased and we now request that the Board consider 'additional funding for the current year 1976. Sincerely, lst Lt Thomas Kinney Unit Commander Moved by Polish that the request be referred to the proper committee for evaluation. Wallace Johnson advised the Board that the letter had already been brought to the attention of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee had decided to take no action other than to refer it to the entire county board. It was also pointed out that the county board had been requested by the Civil Air Patrol to include an item of $1500 in the '76 budget for Civil Air Patrol and the Executive Committee had reduced that request amount to $750 which was, approved by the county board. There being no second to the above motion, a motion was made by Bromberg and seconded by Berweger that the request be denied,. Motion carried. The following letter was read: No. 20 Star Route - Box 75 Bayfield WI 54814 July 22, 1976. Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Ed: Due to the resignation of Roberta Durham as a member of the,Bayfield County Housing Authority, I have appointed Dale Berglund to fill the Vacancy effective May 19, 1976. Please present this to the County Board for confirmation at their next meeting. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham, Chairman_ -. , Bayfield Co. Bd. of Supervisors WCB:mas Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Meierotto that the appointment of Dale Berglund be approved. Motion carried. No. 21 • , The clerk advised the Board that the proof sheets for the.new plat book have arrived from Rockford Map Publishers. They have been distributed to the local assessors for necessary corrections. The clerk pointed out to the Board that the cost per book -will be 30� more than the book which was printed in 1974 and he asked for a recommendation as to what the selling price.of the new.book should be. . .. Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Hanson to leave the price of the new T76 book at $9.75, the same as it was in 1974, which price includes the state tax. Motion carried. 15 0 3, 1976 The following Ordinance was presented to the County Board: No. 22 AN ORD INANC E The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: ESTABLISHMENT. Pursuant to Section 51.42 Wisconsin Statutes there is established a community mental health, mental retardation, alcoholism and drug abuse program for Bayfield County, a Wisconsin municipal corporation, created and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. This. Ordinance supersedes all previous ordinances and/or contraetural agreements to provide mental health, mental -retardation, alcoholism and drug abuse services. - SECTION 2: NAME.- The name of said community mental health, mental retardation, alcoholism and drug abuse program shall be the Bayfield County Unified Services Board until such time or if the. duly appointed Board of Directors of said program elect to change or modify the program name.. SECTION 3: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The County Board of Super- visors shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Appoint a unified governing and policy -making Board of Directors. (b) Authorize the preparation of a local plan which includes an inventory of all existing resources, identifies needed new resources and services, and contains a plan for meeting the needs of the mentally ill, mentally retarded, alcoholic, drug abuser, and other psychiatric disabilities, including the establishment of long-range goals and intermediate -range plans, detailing priorities and -estimated costs in providing for coordination of local services and continuity of care. (c) Review and approve the overall plan, program and budgets prepared by the Board of Directors. (d) Authorize the Board of Directors of the program to apply for grant -in -aid -pursuant to this section. (e) Make appropriations to operate the program. (f) Fix the salaries of program employees per County Personnel Policy. SECTION 4: BOARD OF DIRECTORS (a) The Board of Directors shall be composed of,nine members of recognized ability and demonstrated interest in the problems of community mental health, mental retardation, `. aleoholism,and drug abuse, except that no more than five persons shall be -appointed N� from any one interest group. (b) The Board of Directors shall be composed -of three members of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services Board, three members representing the disability groups, one Native American Representative and two County Board Representatives. eJ (c) The term of office of any member of the Board of Directors shall be three years, but of the members first appointed at least one -third -shall be appointed for one year; at least one-third for two years; and the remainder for three years- Vacancies shall be filled -for the remainder of an unexpired term in the manner that.original appointments are made. Any board members may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the appointing authority, on due notice in writing of the charges against -him., SECTION 5: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Subject to Section 51.42 and the rules promulgated thereunder, the Board of Directors shall: (a) Assume fiscal and program responsibility for existing mental health and mental retardation services previously created under Section 51.36 and 51.38, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall provide (b) Collaborative and cooperative services with public health and other groups for programs of prevention;; (c) Comprehensive, diagnostic and evaluation services; (d) Inpatient and outpatient care and treatment; residential, facilities, partial hospitalization, pre -care, after -care, emergency care, rehabilitation and habilitation services and supportive transitional services; (e) Professional consultation; (f) Public informational and educational services; (g) Related research and staff inservice training; 16 August 3, 1976 (h) Program needs of persons suffering from mental disability, including but not limited to mental illness, mental retardation and alcoholism or drug abuse; (i) Continuous planning, development and evaluation of programs and services for all population groups; and shall (1) Establish long-range goals and intermediate -range plans, detail priorities and estimate costs; (2) Develop coordination of local services and continuity of care where indicated; (3) Utilize available community resources and develop new resources necessary to carry out the purposes of this section; (4) Appoint an advisory board of persons of demonstrated interest and recognized ability -in community mental health, mental retardation, alcoholism and drug abuse so as to insure continued imput with respect to programming at the community level. (5)- -Appoint a director of the program on the basis of recognized and demonstrated interest in and knowledge of the problems of mental illness, mental retardation alcoholism and drug abuse with due regard to training, experinece, executive and administrative ability and general qualifications and fitness for perfor- mance of the duties of the director; (T) Recommend the salaries of personnel employed to administer the program; (7) Fix fee schedules based on ability to pay; and ;(8) Enter into contracts to render services to or secure services from other agencies or resources including out-of-state agencies or resources; (9) Provide that no one be denied 'services -on the -basis of -race, color, c reed, national origin or inability to pay. SECTION 6: REPORTS. The Board of Directors shall make annual reports to the Boards of Super- visors of the respective participating counties on its programs and activities and shall make such reports as may be required by the administrator of the Division of Mental Hygiene and/or the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services. SECTION 7: EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. The program shall become operative January 1, 1977. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson William Zamback William Rave Charles Polich William H. Caster The'Ordinance .vas a corrected copy of the Ordinance which has been referred back to the Department of Social Services for corrections. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing Ordinance. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, the-Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has ordained to create a Unified Services Board pursuant to Section 51.42 of the Wisconsin Statutes effective January 1, 1977, and WHEREAS, staff must be employed, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supmrvisors in session this 3rd day of August 1976 that the Director of the Department of Social Services be authorized to recruit and hire necessary staff to begin employment�bffective January 1, 1977. PRESENTED BY Wallace Johnson William E. Rave William Zamback Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Zamback to adopt the foregoing resolution. Korpela requested a roll call vote. August 3, 1976 Amendment No. 23a Moved by Johnson, seconded by Seidel to amend the next to the last sentence of the resolution to read "recruit and recommend hiring the necessary staff". Motion carried. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion as amended with the following results:' No. 23b Ayes - Erickson, Me�erotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback; Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Ludzack, Barningham Nayes - Korpela, Polich 'l Ayes - 15 Na.yes - 2 Total 17 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Department of Social Services is directed to prepare an annual Budget and Plan pursuant to Wiscbns'in Statutes 51.42 for submittal to the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, and WHEREAS, administrative expenditures are incorporated in the Budget and Plan, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 3rd of August 1976 that the following positions and tentative salaries be created: ....1 Director - parttime $5000 1 Administrative Assistant - one-half basis $4900 1 Clerk II - one.=half basis $3600 1 Coordinator of Services $15000 PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson William Carter Charles Polich William Zamback 1 Moved by Johnson, seconded by Bromberg ,to adopt the. foregoing resolution., Motinn carried. The following resolution was read: No. 25 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Compensation Schedule is inequitable as it provides for salaries in the Social Services Department to be at levels below other Court House clerical and related positions, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee is desirous,co'f providing equal benefits for related. task performance and employment responsibilities, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 3rd day of August 1976 tl-at the Social Services Department classifications of Case Aide I, Clerk II, Homemaker I, Social Service Aide 'I and Typist II be the same as County Clerk Stenographer, Document Recorder, Extension Stenographer'and Zoning Stenographer, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thatthe Social Service Department classification of Clerk I and Typist I be the same as County Clerk's Clerk, Extension Clerk, Forestry Clerk, Veterans Service Clerk, and Zoning Clerk as per the attached schedule, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these salary adjustments take effect August 1, 1976. Dated August 3, 1976 PRESENTED BY Wallace Johnson William Carter William Rave William Zamback e t 3 , 1976 1 ,t 13 BAYFIELD COUNTY COMPENSATION SCHEDULE SOCIAL SERVICES Revised January 1, 1976 Pay Range and Monthly or Hourly Automatic-Anniversary.Date Pay Adjustments Hiring Job Rate Rate 6 Months 18 Months (Minimum) (Mid=Point) (Maximum) Director 1197.50 1250.50 1303.50 Social Worker III 969�A00 1011.50' 1053.50 Social Worker II 900.50_ 939.50 08.50 Social Worker I. 846.50 882.50 918.50 Clerk IV 654.50 681.50 708:50 Complementary Services Supervisor, 654.50, 681.50 708.50 Nutrition Program Director 654.50 681.50 708.50 Case Aide II 592.50 615.50 638.50 Clerk III 592.50 615.50- 638.50 Homemaker II 592.50 615.50 638.50 Social Service Aide II 592.50 615.50 638.50 Typist III 592.50 615'.50 638.50 Case Aide I 564.50 586.50 608.50 Clerk II -564.50 586.50 608.50 Homemaker I 564.50 586.50 608.50 Social Service Aide I 564.50 586.50 608.50 Typist II 564.50 586.50 608.50 I Clerk I 510.50 529.50 5�8. 50 Typist I 510.50 529.50 548.50 This position is nota county merit system Positions not filled Moved by Carter, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 24a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback; Korpela, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, B.arri2ngham Nayes - rone Ayes - 17 Nayes . - 0- TOTAL 17' Motinn carried No. 26 A general discussion was held,regarding salaries of courthouse personnel. It was pointed out that there appeared to be obviousldiscrepancies in the salary structure. Comparisons of salaries of various employees were made and the Board,was in general agreement that discrepancies did exist and the matter should be studied. August 3., 1976 W Moved by Spears, seconded by Rave that the Personnel Committee immediately take up the problem of the discrepancies in salaries and re-evaluate said -salaries. Motion carried. No. 27 The clerk presented to the County Board price quotations of dictating equipment for the zoning office. He advised the Board that the zoning administrator has requested the purchase of .dictating equipment for his office. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Carter to refer the matter to the zoning committee and report back to the county board. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County.Board did on August 19, 1975, authorize.a county contri- bution of $5,000 for repair of the Bayfield City dock, and WHEREAS.,. two payments .have. been made in the total_ amount_ of.,$3,,.250 covering said appro- priation, and WHEREAS, it appears that the funds were not properly used, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board directs the County Clerk to withhold further payment of such funds. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Edwin Erickson Moved by Spears, seconded by Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Rave to table the above resolution. Motion carried. r Motion No. 29 Moved by Spears, seconded by Polich that Bayfield County withhold any further funds pertaining to the foregoing resolution until the matter is resolved. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:. No. 30 WHEREAS, it is necessary that Bayfield County formulate and adopt an Affirmative Action Plan for the County in order for the county to continue receiving certain federal funding, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has made.a'-study-.of adopting such a plan, -and. WHEREAS, said Personnel Committee is of the opinion that it is necessary for the county to hire a. qualified p.erson.to-formulate and develop such as Affirmative Action Plan, and WHEREAS, it is not known at this time what the salary of such a person would be, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Personnel. Committee: with :the.approval of the Executiv e Committee of the County Board be authorized and directed to take whatever necessary steps are required to formulate and develop an Affirmative Action Plan for the county, and be it further RESOLVED, that said committees be authorized to establish the salary of the person hired subject to final approval of the County Board. �o August.3, 1976 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C.E. Hoagland Charles Polich Otto Korpela Ernest Heglund Edwin Erickson Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Korpela. to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution and letter were read: No. 31 WHEREAS, John H. Maitland, Certified Public Accountant, has made certain recommendations to the county board in reference to certain governmental operating procedures in a letter dated October 16, 1975, addressed to the Executive Committee, said letter being attached to and being made a part of this -resolution, and WHEREAS, the -Executive Committee is of the opinion that said recommendations should be adopted, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that -the Executive Committee of the county board be authorized to take whatever action is necessary to adopt the recommendations made by John H. Maitland in the attached letter. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto JOHN H. MAITLAND CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT BOX 777 WASHBURN, WISCONSIN 54891 October 16, 1975 Executive Committee Bayfield County Washburn, WI Gentlemen: Joseph Berweger During the course of our examination of the financial accounts of Bayfield County, the following items pertaining to accounting procedures were considered to require your attention. Property of Bayfield County, except property of the Rest Home and the Highway Department, is not accounted for after purchase or construction.. Location, use and eventual disposition of these assets are uncontrolled and subject to misappropriation. We recommend that a complete inventory be taken of equipment, including identification and valuation of such equipment, and a complete inventory be taken of buildings with the description, location and valuation. Upon completion of the inventory, property accounts should be established and maintained. Future entries in these accounts would be few, but the accounts would insure proper inspection of inventories with the use of continuing records. We suggest a review of all policies that govern expense account reporting. Consideration could be given to increasing the minimum amounts requiring supporting data. Expense accounts, should include actual bills, number of persons involved, exact dates of travel and purpose and authorization of travel. All expense accounts must be fully documented regardless of their funding on reimbursements. We recommend that all departments maintain close contact frith the County Clerk's records to observe and reconcile their respective control accounts. This is essential for departments that have the responsibility of filing funding claims with various governmental.agencies. The contact between departments and the County Clerk would help insure that the proper claims are timely submitted. August 3. 1976 Section 59.08(l) of the Wisconsin Statutes requires that public works, including repair and remodeling, shall be let by bid if estimated in excess of $1,000.00. It is suggested that the Executive Committee insure that future contracts adher•to this requirement. Page 21 of the audit report discusses tax certificates held by county. We continue to suggest that the tax certificates which are merged with the county's title be transferred to the tax deed account in accordance with Section 75.36(9) of the Wisconsin Statutes. On deposit with the funds of the Clerk of Circuit Court are numerous old accounts of various descriptions, including some amounts which are not supported by documents. We suggest that the proper authority review,all old accounts and institute proper disposition. An insurance record should be established and maintained current at all times to show the in -force coverage of all insurance of Bayfield County. Dog license fund excess amounts to $4,340.89 as of December 31, 1974. Review should be made of Section 174.09(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes for .possible .refunding of the excess to the districts. Very truly yours, John H. Maitland Certified Public Accountant Moved by Johnson, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 32 July 19, 1976 Huntington, Ind. 46750 Bayfield Co. Board Bayfield County I am writing to plea for an opportunity to redeem Lot No. 3, 2nd Add. to Long Lake for taxes due in 1969. I have owned this lot since 1957. Due to my stay in the hospital and the sudden passing -of my husband, the notice that was sent to me this spring was not taken care of. I wish very much to keep this lot as it has been a place of relaxation and recovery many times, and now that I have retired, I had hoped of spending more time there. I can only pray that you will give this 'consideration. and give me the chance to redeem this lot, for which I would be grateful. Thank you very much. Mrs. Hazel P. Smith 738 N. Broadway Huntington, Ind. 46750 Moved by Seidel, seconded -by Meierotto to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 33 9 .;; WHEREAS, Bayfield County did on April 26, 1976 take a tax deed'on a parcel of land in the Town of Iron River described as Lot 3, Second Addition to Long Lake, Sec. 2-47-8, and WHEREAS, said property was formerly owned by Hazel P. Smith, and WHEREAS, it does appear that the property was not redeemed prior to the taking of the tax deed due to the death of the husband of Hazel P.`,Smith, and WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Statutes does provide that the county can authorize the redemption of lands even after a tax deed has been taken, and August,3, 1976 WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has calculated that the total tax plus interest and other involv charges amounts to $99.70 providing such -redemption is made prior to August 31, 1976, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Hazel P. Smith be authorized to redeem Lot,3, Second Addition to Long Lake, Sec. 2-47-8 upon the proper payment of the delinquent tax plus. other charges. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel C. E.- Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Joseph Berweger Moved by Carter, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motinn carried. The following communication was read: No. 34 U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Chequamegon National Forest Park Falls, WI 54552 REPLY TO: 5420 Purchase July 13, 1975 SUBJECT: Johnson, Carol L. - #3647 FS, Wisconsin, Chequamegon TO: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you of the U.S. Forest Service's intent to purchase the following described lands; Township 45 North, Range 8 West, Section 12, NWµ SW-4 except for a 1.4 acre exception to the United States (for Forest Road 392). This 38.6 acre parcel lies within the Rainbow Lake Wilderness Area which Congress designated as -part -of the National Wilderness Preservation System by the Act of January 3, 1975. Acquisition of this isolated parcel of private land will enable us to better manage the Rainbow Lake Area as a winderness per the appropriate laws enacted by Congress. If you have any comments about this proposed purchase, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, WAYNE K. MANN Forest Supervisor Moved by Erickson, seconded by Bromberg to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. August 3, 1976 No. 35 Walter Barningham, chairman, recommended the appointment of the following people to serve on the initial District Board of Commissioners of the Lake Tahcodah District. Susan Roller Gerald Lavine ,Mary Quilling Karl Ludzack Moved by Meierotto,. seconded by Polich that the recommendations of Mr. Barningham be approved and the persons named be appointed. Motion carried. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Bromberg to adjourn. Motion carried. l�rA ward A. Paj ala , erk Bayfield County