HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/9/1976Wk November_ 9; .1976 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - NOVEMBER 9, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Ila Bromberg, Clifford Hoagland, William Zamback, Bennie Rude, Larry Seidel, William Rave, Herbert Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Charles Polich; Karl Ludz-ack, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent'- Arthur Meierotto, Joseph Berweger Present - 16 Absent - 2 Total 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance was led by Larry Seidel, Bca rd member. Moved by Spears, seconded by Erickson to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. No. 2 Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos that the item of appointing the highway commissioner for a term of two years be put on the agenda for the Wednesday meeting. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 3 Be it resolved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November 1976, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schaols conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem andnexpense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. PRESENTED BY: Edwin Erickson W. H. Carter William E. Rave Herbert G-. Spears BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Renoos, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 4 PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and -ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the 50 November. 9, 1976 nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carryon the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to be for the best interests of the county. PRESENTED BY: Edwin Erickson William H. Carter William E. Rave Herbert G. Spears BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 5 COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR:YEAR 1977, SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby .ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1977 under the provisions of Section 20.395 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes, shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT, WHEREAS the division of Highways has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Three hundred seventy four thousand one hundred dollars,$($374,100.00) will become available'at the end of the fiscal year under the.provisions of Section 83.10 and 20.395(2)(yb) and (2) (yd) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending next June 30. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the s sum to the extent required*to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right-of-way and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal Funds and to expend any balance for construction, repak ing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, and for other authorized purposes as required including maintenance of buildings, snow and ice removal and control, and to reimburse the general,fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom, pursuant to Section 83.01(6) of the Statutes.. SECTION III. WHEREAS appropriations are made in the Bayfield County budget for 1977 in addition to the amounts to be received from the state and available for work in the county under Section 20.395 of the Statutes. BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appro- priation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, and any balances.remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year ovember 9�'-1976 SECTION IV. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.395 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after next June 30 BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purpose for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appro- priated prior to next August 1, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.395 of the Statutes, SECTION V. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of lighways for which provision is made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, pro- viding, however, that theCounty Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes deter- mine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County -Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend or reinstate any such person. The term "Personnel" or "Person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. PRESENTED BY: Edwin Erickson William H. Carter William E. Rave Herbert G. Spears BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Polich, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No,. 6 WHEREAS, On or about July 1, 1974, the Town of Cable entered into an agreement with Bayfield County by which agreement Bayfield County agreed to blacktop a portion -of road in the Town of Cable and Town of Cable agreed,to pay Bayfield County for such blacktop and road work incidental thereto based on the work, labor, materials and equipment rental required by Bayfield County to complete said blacktop project, and WHEREAS, Said blacktop project was completed on or about August 25, 1974, resulting in a statement for repair, materials and equipment rental to said Town of Cable in the amount of $37,262.44 from Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, The Town of Cable has failed and refused to pay the total of said statement but has paid $35,000.00 on account, refusing to remit the balance of $2,262.44, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Highway Department has made diligent effort to collect the total of said statement as due and is convinced that said Town of Cable will not remit said balance due voluntarily, and WHEREAS,'The Highway Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on the recom mendation of the auditor recommends that said debt of the Town of Cable be forgiven and re- moved from the accounts receiable of the. Bayfield County Highway Department, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors forgives the debt of the Town of Cable in the amount of $2,262.44 and directs that said account be closed. Edwin Erickson William Carter William Rave - Herbert Spears November 9, 1976 Moved by Spears, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 6a Ayes - Bromberg, Spears, Carter, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - Erickson, Hoagland, Zamback, Rude, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Heglund, Hanson, Polich, Barningham Ayes - 5 Nayes - 11 Absent - 2 Total 18 The following petition was read: No. 7 PET IT IO N COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin GENTLEMEN: Motion Lost. This petition of the Town of Delta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The bridge on the Pike, River Road crossing the White River in the NEµ of the NEµ Section 21', Township 46 N., Range 7 W on a public Highway maintainable by the Town of Delta required immediate emergency replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Delta provided for such portion of the cost of construction as required by, Statute. The total cost of replacement is $22,030.00 WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Delta in the amount of $11,015.00, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: William Meyer Leonard Wuennecke Theodore Viskoe TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF DELTA BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing petition and place it on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: No. 8 PETITION COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin This petition of the Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County, Wisconsin respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Runyan Bridge on the Star, Route Road Section 16, Township 50 N., Range 4 West on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Bayfield requires immediate replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. 53 The Town of Bayfield has provided for such portion of the cost of construction as is required by Statute. The total cost of replacement is $1229.00 WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost,.to samd Town of Bayfield in the amount of $614.00,_all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Walter C. Barningham Allen Rabideau Richard Pratt TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF BAYFIELD BAYFIELD,CDUNTY, WISCONSIN Moved by Spears, seconded by Erickson to receive and place on file the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The Annual Report of the Highway Committee was presented: No. 9 (Report on file in the county clerk's office) Moved by Renoos, seconded by Polich to receive the foregoing highway committee report and place it on file. Motion carried. The Report of the Highway Commissioner was presented: No.. 10 (Report on file in the:county.clerk's office) Moved by Renoos,,seconded by Seidel to receive the foregoing highway commissioner report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 11 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Thomas P. Fox, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he was the duly elected and acting.District.Attorney.in and for Bayfield County during the years 1975 and 1976; that during.the year 1976, no collections were made by said office as�and for fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to criminal or County matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin.; that there was collected from the period September 1, 1975 through July 31, 1976, on old age assistance liens the sum of $1,754.41, representing Bayfield County's share of said collections; as more fully set forth in the records of the Department of Public Welfare in and f6r said Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That this report is made to the County Board of Supervisors at their November meeting, pursuant to the prmvisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Thomas P. Fox Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of November, 1976. Irene Sieren, Notary Public, Wis. My commission expires 12-17-78. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Bromberg to receive the foregoing report and place it on file. Motion carried. November 9, 1976 The following communication was read: No. 12 Nov. 15 1976 Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Dear Mr. Pajala.: Please be advised that I am hereby re -appointing Kenneth C. Howell as a member of the Bayfield County Housing -Authority for a five year term. Mr. Howell's present term expires in December of this year. Please present this to the County Board for confirmation at their next meeting, Nov. 9th. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman Moved by Carter, seconded by Seidel to approve the foregoing appointment. Motion carried. The following application was read: No. 13 October 15, 1976 Executive Committee Bayfield County Washburn, WI Gentlemen: I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1976. It is estimated that the cost of the general county audit will not exceed $7,000.00. In addition to the foregoing,.an estimate of $500.00 is made for the 1976 annual state report and an estimate of $250.00 for the 1976 Bayfield County Fair report. Should additional services be requested by the Executive Committee,, financial arrangements will be agreed upon at that time. The audit will include the records of the general county, sinking funds and Highway Department, as in previous examinations of Bayfield County, and will be completed by October 15, 1977. Respectfully submitted, John H. Maitland Certified Public Accountant Moved by Rude, seconded by Rave to approve the application. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing application with the following results: No. 13a Ayes- Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback., Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears -,:Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham,_Erickson Nayes - none Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Absent - _ 2 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the non -represented employees of Bayfield County met twice and were provided the results of a survey questionnaire given to said employees regarding salary and benefits for the year commencing January 1, 1977, with the most recent meeting of said employees having been September 1, 1976, and 55� ovember 9. 1976 WHEREAS, the meetings and questionnaire provided a consensus among said employees that the following three items were of top priority in negotiations for the year commencing January 1, 1977, to -wit: 1. That Bayfield County pay the.first $40.00 on the family plan health insurance and 100% of the single plan health insurance for non -represented county employees; 2. That the cost of living be maintained on the same computation basis, as .present, except that it be retroactive to the first day of each quarter so that all months are included; 3. That the day after Thanksgiving be provided to said employees as an additional paid holiday, and WHEREAS, said non -represented county employees believe that a stronger line of communi- cation 'should exist between the-Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and the Personnel Committee of said .Board and to this end, a quarterly meeting should occur between the Per- sonnel Committee, the non -represented employees and the County Board Chairman to discuss any and all personnel matters, and' WHEREAS, said non -represented county employees request that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors act.favorably upon these requests, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors recommend for adoption by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors the fol- lowing adjustments in the compensation schedule for non -represented positions, in accordance with its resolution of February 26, 1974, and as modified by subsequent actions: 1. That Bayfield County pay the first $40.00 on the family plan health insurance and 100/ of the single plan health insurance for non -represented county employees; -2. That the cost of living be maintained'on the same computation basis as present, except that it be retroactive -to the -first day of each quarter so that all months are included; 3. That the day .after Thanksgiving be provided to said employees as an additional paid holiday; 4. That quarterly meetings between the personnel committee of the.;Bayfi.eld County Board_of Supervisors, the Bayfield County Board Chairman, and the non -represented employees be initiated to discuss any and all personnel matters. INTRODUCED BY: C. E. Hoagland Ernest Heglund Bennie Rude Edwin Erickson Charles Polich Louis Stolle Grace David Joyce Meyer Violet Weber Moved by Erickson, seconded by Rude.to adopt the foregoing resolution. AMENDMENT NO. 14a Moved by Ludzack, seconded by Spears to amend item one on the second page of the reso- lution to add f60-116w ng 100% of the single plan health insurance the wordsInotto exceed $40.J A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution as amended with the following results: No. 14b Ayes - Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Heglund, Carter, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Erickson Nayes - Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback, Johnson, Hanson Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes - 11 Nayes - 5 Absent - 2 Total 18 Motion carried. 0 November 9,01976 No. 15 Mr. Frank Bellucci, Program Coordinator of the Drummond Activity Recreation Troop, appeared before the board.. He read the following letter to the board: 11-9-76 Gentlemen, D.A.R.T. stands for Drummond Activity Recreation'Troop. It is funded by the Wisconsin Council 6n Criminal Justice. Our target age group is 6-13, but we serve all teenagers, drawing a good number from the 12-16 age group, who have demonstrated by their attendance at our activities, a need for our type of organization. We serve all of` Southern Bayfield County, and include Mason and Benoit asIRrt of our ser- vice area. For the year to date we have served over 2000 kids ;, From June 15th to September llth, by count, we served 1198 kids. Some of our winter activities included instructional basket- ball, chess instruction, gymnastics, -skiing, sledding, and broomball. Our summer program in- cluded swimming, volleyball, softball, movies, canoeing, horseback riding, golf, tennis and arts and crafts. I feel we have had a positive effect on the youth in,southern Bayfield County. D.A.R.T. is coming to you today to seek your assistance in achieving our local matching share of $2174.42. Our share in 1976 was $833-33 which was met by donations and fund raising activities. We are asking for your assistance in the amount of $300.00. We hope to obtain the remaining funds through donations and, if needed, fund raising activities. I hope I have given you a background to our organization, and its affect on Bayfield County. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Thanking you in this matter. Sincerely, Frank Bellucci' D.A.R.T. Program Coordinator Moved by Renoos, seconded by Ludzack that lBayfield Coun.tytappropriate $300 toward D.A.R.T. A roll call vote was tden on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 15a Ayes - Hoagland., Rude; Seidel,:Rave, Heglund;.Carter, Hanson, .Polich-, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson Nayes - Zamback, Spears, Johnson, Bromberg Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes Nayes Absent Total The following resolution was read: No. 16 12 - 4 2 18 Motion carried. WHEREAS; the-Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has ordained to operate a single 51.42/437 Board, and WHEREAS, a budget proposal has been submitted to the Department of Haalth and Social Services, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 9th,day of November 1976 that the 51.42/437 agency programs will be funded in part with county funding,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a funding level at 20 per cent of the State allocation be established. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson, William Rave, William Carter, William Zamback Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Johnson to adopt. November 9, 1976 Amendment No. 16a Moved by Seidel, seconded by Renoos to change the last paragraph to read "Be It Further Resolved that a funding level at 20/ of the state allocation not to exceed $39,000 be established". A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution as amended with the following results: No. 16b Ayes - Zamback, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich; Lud.zack, Renoos, Barn-ingham, Erickson -,.. Bromberg, .Hoagland, Nayes - Rude Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes - 15 Nayes - 1 Absent - 2 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No_ 17 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of'Supervisors directed the Department of.Social Services to prepare and submit a coordinated single Social Service and 51.42/437 budget, and ,WHEREAS, no additional staff were provided thou requiring agency staff to work over- time,:therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 9th day of November 1976 that Wilma Lamken be reimbursed for overtime work at her current salary rate, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the work performed be paid as certified by the agency director. A PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson, William Rave, William Carter, William Zamback,,. Charles Polich Moved by Johnson, seconded by Bromberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hanson that action on this matter be tabled until later. Motion carried. Moved by Hanson, seconded by Erickson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM by Walter Barningham, chairman with the following members answering roll call: No. 18 Present - Erickson, Bromberg,.. Hoagland, Zamback, Rude, Se.i.del,.Rave,.Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Absent - Meie rotto, Berweger Present - 16 Absent 2 Total 18 November.9, 1976 Moved by Johnson, seconded by Carter that the resolution in regard to the overtime in the Social Service Dept. be removed from the table. Motion carried. (See Res. #17) Amendment No. 19A Moved the Johnson, seconded.by Renoos to amend the third paragraph of the resolution by adding after current salary rate "not to exceed 130 hours". Motion carried. A roll call vote was taken ,on the'adoption of the foregoing resolution as amended: No. 19b Ayes - Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund,. Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback Nayes - none Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Absent - 2 Total 18 The following resolution was read: No. 20 , Motion carried. WHEREAS, members of the Bayfield County Board have shown an interest in participation in the group health insurance plan now available to county employees, and WHEREAS, such participation can be made available to the members of the county board, and WHEREAS, most county board members do not by their total number of days of employment qualify for the county contribution toward such participation, but participation can be made available provided that each member pay all necessary premiums, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that members of the Bayfield County Board be authorized to participate in the group,health insurance plan now available to other county employees, and be it further RESOLVED, that the regular 30 day probationary period for participation shall apply, and be it further RESOLVED, that the effective date for coverage under said group health insurance plan for the county board members shall be January 1, 1977, providing each member desiring to participate shall have made proper application for such coverage within the prescribed 30 day period, and be it further RESOLVED, that each participating county board member shall pay the full amount of the premium.to the County Clerk on or before the deadline as established by the County Clerk. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C. E. Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Seidel,to adopt the foregoing.res,olution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and November -9, ,.1976 59 WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. Wallace Johnson C.E. Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter •Barningham , Re: ILLEGAL TAXES November 9, 197E BAYFIELD COUNTY Name of Claimant & Reason of Illegality " Description Year of Sale Tn. of Barnes Par. in Govt. Lot 2 Double assessment desc. in V.228 P.627 less par. desc. in V.235 P.459 Sec. 10-44-9 1973 Tn. of Drummond That part of Lot 1 Illegal assessment - desc. in V.160 P.421 no longer carried on Sec. 33-45-7 1970 roll. Tn. of Drummond NWNE W of Hwy. desc. Illegal assessment. in V. 219 P.378 On improvement only, Sec. 30-44-7 1973 voluntarily burned to ground July 1970 Allowed Face Cert.No, of Cert. Delinquent Tax charged back to Dist 58 72.43 72.43 1158 4.62 4.62 386 34.42 34.42 Tn. Iron River NENW, S & W of R.R. less Double assessment - par. desc. in V1.180 P.189; covered by other V.212 P.289; V.212 P.547; plates V.218 P.513; V.223 F. 464; V.221 P.337; V.221 P.336 Sec. 33-47-8 1971 637 97.86 97.86 Tn. Iron River Par. NWSW less 250' Incomplete desc. - E & W, Sec.33-47-8 1971 641 97.86 97.86 Illegal assessment:, - Tn. of Kelly SESE less par. desc. Double assessment - in V.163 P.55 (3.99A) 1968 582 5.06 5.06 covered by P.432B. Sec. 14- 1l& -S Tn. of Namakagon. Par.. in Lot. 3 desc.-. Double assessment in V.238 P.367 Sec. 10-43-7 1974 1109 157.66 1975 1212 212.27 369.93 .Tn. of Pilsen Par. in NWSW, desc. Double assessment - in V.208 P.606 assessed to Art Sec. 17-47-7 1970 1623 15.73 Schmidt, but..t.his desc.. . 1971 953 17.34 actually included in desc. 1972 1020 17.18 given on P.317E (par, 1973 784 13.02 owned by Gary Joski) 1974 1210 16.79 1975 1360 17.02 97.08 Village of Cable No, desc. Drive-in Illegal assessment on leased land 1968 1120 68.45 68.45 Village oe Cable No. desc. Res .::on - Illegal assessment leased land 1968 1121 93.09 93.09 Moved by Renoos, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. November.9, 1976 The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer sEtting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a.double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates -described -in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or vil]Eges wherein such lands are situated. Re: TAXES OMITTED FROM SALE OF 1976 Name of Claimant & Reason of Illegality Tn. of Namakagon Double Assessment Description Par. in Lot 3,_ desc. in V.23-8 P.367 Sec. 10-43-6 Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter C.Barningham Year of _ Sale 1976 Delinq. Certificate Allowed Face Tax chr Number of Cert. back to D istri 1114 219.30 219.30 Moved by Seidel, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, There are now outstanding and uncashed certain checks issued by Bayfield County between the dates of February 1975 and December 1975, all as more fully set forth in the schedule attached hereto, and WHEREAS, Said checks should be cancelled as a matter of good bookkeeping practice, and WHEREAS-, Said checks can be re -issued upon proper application by the payee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all of the Bayfield County checks listed in the schedule, attached hereto, be cancelled subject to re -issuance upon proper application. Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter C.Barningham l Checks writ!n on Drummond State Bank: Stop payment ordered: GENERAL FUND: Issued to: Check No.: Amount: Date Issued: Benoit Busy Bees 4-H 5339 $ 5.00 9-16-75 Jim Kurschner 5533 13.00 9-16-75 Brenda Lustig 5569 3.00 9-16-75 William R. Schmidt 5707 3.00 9-16-75 Christine Seidel 5717 3.25 9-16-75 M, November 9, 1976 Issued to: Check No.: Amount: Date Issued: Siiauijc. River Valley 4-H 5718 17.00 9-16-75 Mary Tomlinson 5753 4.00 9-16-75 Thomas A. Locke - John R. Connors 6932 115.00 11-21-75 Nettie Harvey 7277 .10 12-08-75 PAYROLL: Caroline.Newago P 764 3.39 2-14-75 Kathleen M. Rasmussen P5085 15.00 7-15-75 Total 181.74 Moved by Seidel, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, the County Budget is made up`'about 14 months in advance of the closing date of accounts, and WHEREAS, there are occasions when due to unforeseen expenditures, over -runs will.occur in department budgets, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the County Clerk, County Treasurer and the .County Board Chairman be and they are hereby authorized to expend additional county funds in such amounts as may -be necessary to cover said budget deficiencies. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Cliff Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Johnson, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. =The following resolution was read: No. 25 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF COUNTY, CITY,VILLAGE TOWN OR SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEYS RESOLVED, that the following banking institutions: All banks in Bayfield County, Wisconsin qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and are hereby designated, until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys coming into the hands of the treasurer of The County of Bayfield, State. of Wisconsin. RESOLVED FURTHER, that withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named depositories shall be only by order check, as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the following persons: Edward A. Pajala, Clerk, and Nicholas Pristash, Treasurer, and countersigned by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman, and shall be so honored. RESOLVED FURTHER, that in lieu of their personal signature(s), the following facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by them as below shown Walter C. Barningham,.Edward A. Pajala, Nick Pristash may be affixed on such order check(s); that any one of the above named depositories I sti November 9., 1976 shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimileQs)) notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons. FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution until.changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the l respective above named depositories. THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a legal meetingheld on the 9th day of November, 1976. Dated November 9, 1976 (Signed) Edward A. Pajala Clerk Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried;i No. 25-2 Mr. Renoos raised the question of why is there continuously amounts of about $40,000 - $50,000 in the checking- account of the W-Ashburn State Bank as 1ong.as. the,'County.,Board has decided to rotate the general .checking,,account with..the three:banks. in Bayfield:County :, The clerk in- formed the board that the County Treasurer has daily receipts and he deposits all, receipts in the.Washburn.State•Bank and then periodically transfers the monies into the bank that is carrying the general checking account. Several members.indicated,that,transfers.should;be made daily to the proper bank,,. Moved..by Polich, seconded by Hoagland that the matter of transferring funds be referred to the Executive Committee. Motion carried. No. 26 Moved by'Renoos, seconded by Seidel.to adjourn as a County Board and reconvene as a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of the public budget hearing. Motion carried. The following county residents were present forthe public hearing. All of whom were concern with the reduction made by the Executive Committee in the County Recreation Budget: Robert H. Leisen, Vern Jacobson;. Fred J. Gall, Philip Rasmussen, Robert Leher and Mike Bark. Mike Bark!; read a prepared text in reference to the recreation/tourism industry. (Copy of the text on file in the county clerk's office) Moved]y Renoos, seconded by Erickson to adjourn as a Committee of the Whole and reconvene as a County Board. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 27 BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 October 26,1976 Co. Bd. of Supervisors Bayfield County, Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: We hope that all of you will come share coffee and doughnuts with us on Tuesday, Nov. 9,1976 at 2:00 P.M. November 9, 1976 Cordially, Ann H. Bratley, NHA 1AYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Heglund to receive the letter to recess for a short time for coffee at the rest home. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No."28 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in the past been a member of the Wisconsin County Board's Association, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to continue said membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Bayfield County continues membership in the Wisconsin County Board's Association, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be instructed to pay to the Wisconsin County Board's Association the annual membership fees and magazine dues amounting to $675.52. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Hanson, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 29 REIMBURSEMENT FROM STATE ON 1976 CHILD SUPPORT.CONTRACT AMOUNT RECEIVED AS 25% INCENTIVE REIMBURSEMENT ON AMOUNTS FORWARDED ON -MONTHLY CHILD SUPPORT ROLL TO STATE. January 1976 $236.95 February " 1 209.70 March " 477.60 April " 394.30 May " 366.55 June it '979.35 ., . $2,'664.35 TOTAL AMOUNT REIMBURSED ON TWO QUARTERLY COST REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE STATE FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 1976. (REIMBURSED 75% OF AMOUNT SUBMITTED). (deprec. over 5 yr. period) Salary Reimbursement Equipment (items over $300) (typewriter) Material & supplies TJ-ephone Postage Travel Sheriff's Dept. $2,664.35 10,940.51 $ 13,604.86 TOTAL AMOUNT REIMBURSED TO DATE. TOTAL CONTRACT FOR 1976 $32,850.87 $ 10,204.37 75.00 288.45 113.56 31.73 133.65 93.7T $ 10,940.51 AS THE PROGRAM IS SET UP, THE BUREAU OF CHILD SUPPORT WILL REIMBURSE THE COUNTY FOR THE FULL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT. SALARY REIMBURSEMENT BREAKDOWN Violet Weber $1,086.24 Irene Sieren 1,384.99 Tom Fox 4,780.69 D. MacDonald 2,952.46 $10,204.38 November 9, 1976 Tom Fox, District Attorney and Donald MacDonald, Child Support Specialist, appeared before the Board in regard to the Child Support Agency. Mr. Fox first appeared before the Board and reviewed the operation of the agency. Questions were asked by Board members which were answered by either Mr. Fox or Mr. MacDonald. Moved by Erickson, seconded by o o Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 30 WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale -,of 1972, Tax of 1971, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1972 by the IN REM procedure under Sec. 75.521, Wisconsin Statutes. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Carter, seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 31 WHEREAS, it may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County.in, annual session assembled this 9th day of November, 1976, that the chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby.authorized to make short -term,loans lin the amount not exceeding $50,000.00, in the aggregate, if, in their opinion, it.should be'to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningha.m Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried, The following resolution was read: No. 32 WHEREAS, the several committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required, in the conduct of the business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by Statute, and WHEREAS, by action of the County Board, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the Statutory limit may be extended, noW therefore be it RESOLVED, that the several committees of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, be' and they are hereby authorized to hold such meetings during the year 1977 as may be necessary to the proper conduct of -the business of said Bayfield County. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Rude, seconded by Spears to adopt the foregahg resolution. Motion carried. November 9,.19,76, 2 The following resolution was read: No. 33 WHEREAS, it has.been customary to pay.various boards the same per diem as is received by the county board for regular meetings, and WHEREAS, the per diem of the Bayfield County board has been increased to $20.00 for committee meetings, and WHEREAS, no adjustment has been made in the per diem paid to the Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home ar'the Zoning -Board of Adjustment, now therefore be.it RESOLVED, that the per diem of the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the members of the Board of Trustees for the Bayfield County Rest.Home be set at $20.00 and be it further RESOLVED, that in the event that the per diem for the..county board committee meetings is further adjusted, a similar adjustment shall be made in the per diem of the aforesaid Board of Trustees and the.Zoning Board of.Adjustment. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson C.E.Hoagland Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Renoos, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 34 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION.. Sept. 30, 1976 Mr. Lawrence C.Young, Commissioner Bayfield Co. Hwy. Dept. - Box 428 311 S. First Avenue East Washburn, WI 54891 Mr. Edward A.. Pajala. Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems it -necessary to make certain revisions on a previously approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated -project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Div. of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09(1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, John W. Fuller Hwy. Com. Sec. 9 Project Name of Road ION ORDER Highway County 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield Right of Way Plat Date Plat Sheet Numbers Date of Previous Order August 30, 1976 ' 4.0 through 4.18 May 19, 1976 Description of Termini of Project Beginning at the intersection of Bayfield Street and Fourth Avenue East, City of Washburn, thence northerly and northeasterly to a point 240 feet west of the intersection of Payne and Seventh Street, City of Bayfield To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve, or main- tain a portion of the highway designated'abo've, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Highway Commission hereby orders that: 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the pl 2. The required lands .or interests" in lands as shown on the, plat shall be acquired by the Division of Highways, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisiors of Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin Statutes. 3. This order supersedes and amends any.previous order issued by the'Commission. September 27, 1976 Date John W. Fuller Hwy. Commission Secretary Moved by Carter, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 35 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TEANSPORTATION July 2, 1976 To all County Board Chairmen Dear Chairmen: Safer Off -System Roads Fiscal 1977 Program (15 months) The "Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1976" was signed into law on May 5. One of the interesting fea- tures of the Act is the provision that creates the Safer Off -System Roads Program from the Federal - Aid Safer Roads Demonstration Program of 1973 and the Off -System Roads program of 1974 amendments. The participation has been set at 70/ federal aid and 30/ local matching. The Highway Commission has allocated $7,059,962 to the counties'in federal aid. Your county's share is $89,530. This was accomplished by using the national apportionment formula to calculate the -amount to be made available within each county. The attached chart documents this amount for the 1977 period (July 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977). The computation is based on $4,325,962 apportionment available for fiscal 1977 and $2,734,000 of Transitional Quarter funds made avail- able ty the Commission. The.Districts will work with the County Board in administering this pro- gram. It will be the responsibility of the County Boards to set priority and select the projects to be constructed in each county. Each County will have two years (until September 30, 1978) in which to obligate the funds herein allocated. At the end of this period unobligated funds will be reverted for reassignment by the Highway Commission so that other local units will have ample time in which to obligate the funds. Projects may be sponsored by any public authority within the designated county: Improvements may include, but are not limited to the correction of safety hazards, the replacement of bridges, the elimination of high -hazard locations and roadside obstacles. The State of Wisconsin does not have legal authority to construct or maintain projects under the jurisdiction of counties or municipalities. Therefore, formal agreements will be required for such work. Form ED-516-7-75 "Project Agreement for the Programming and Construction of a Federal Highway Improvement Project" and the standard supporting resolution by the local unit is recom- mended. Compliance with construction standards will also be required. November-9 76 Off -system roads are defined as any toll -free roads (including bridges) which are not on any federal -aid system and which are under the jurisdiction of ard.maintained by a public authority and open to public travel. Projects located in urbanized areas will need to be included in the Transportation Improvement Program for that area. This means that the Metropolitan Planning Organization will also be depended upon to endorse the project. In the non -urbanized situations, all projects will be required to be included in the federal "Sec. 105 Program" for the federal fiscal year planned. Your Division of Highways District Office will provide further assistance in implementing the program. Sincerely, Robert T. Huber Hwy. Com. Secretary Moved by Seidel, seconded'by Manson to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion- carri.ed. The following cofthunications were read: No. 36 r STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION Sept. 22, 1976 TO THE CLERK OF BAYFIELD COUNTY Estimated County Trunk'Highway Allotment Fiscal Year Ending June 30', 1977. Pursuant to s. 84.01(lb), Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following esti- mated county trunk highway allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977. Basic County' Trunk Allotment s.20.395 (1) (qa) to be paid on June 30, 1977 $ 63,000.00 Supplemental County Trunk Allotment s.20.395 (l) (qb) 1 & 2 309,100.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED 1977 ALLOTMENT $ 374,100.00 Pursuant to 20.395(l)(gb) 2e, the payment of the supplemental allotment will be made in two installments. The first installment, or prepayment, equal to one half of the 1976 Supplemental County Trunk Allotment, will be paid April 15, 1977. The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1977. STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION June 30, 1976 Bayfield County Dear Treasurer: Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Dir. Bureau of Accounting and Auditing By D.E.McDaniel, Chief Accounting Section Allotment for County Trunk Highways June 30, 1976 Sections 20.395 (1) (QA) and 83.10 (1) , Wisconsin Statutes November. 9 , 1976,. The enclosed check is in payment of your county's allotment for county trunk highways available June 30, 1976, pursuant to Sections 20.395 (1) (QA) and 83.10 (1) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The amount of the allotment is as follows: Proportionate Share of $3,500,000 $53,175.03. County Trunk_Highway Mileage at $65 per mile 11;807.90 Total Allotment $64,982.03 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the County Clerk in compliance with Section 14.42(10),, Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Dir. Officeuof Budget;"Finance & Accounting By D.E.McDaniel, Chief Accounting Section STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEFT. OF TRANSPORTATION August 16, 1976 TO THE COUNTY TREASURER SUBJECT: Supplemental Highway Aid. County Trunk Highways Sections 20.395 (1) (qb) and 20.395 (1) (qb) 2 Wisconsin Statutes June 30, 1976� The enclosed State Treasurer's check represents the balance of your 1976 highway aids pursuant to Sections 20.395 (l) (qb) l and (1) (qb) 2 after deducting the amount previously paid to you on April 15, 1976 in accordance with Section 20.395(1)(gb)2e, Wisconsin Statutes. This allotment is supplemental to and is to be used for the same purpose as the county trunk highway allotment under Section 83.10(l). The total amount available for the counties is apportinned among them on the basis of the last allotment for county trunk highways under Section 83.10(1). The total of th:e supplemental aid for county trunk highways for your _county under Sections 20.395 (1) (qb) l and (1) (qb)2 • SL*I detailed on the enclosed summary sheet. jouv A copy of this letter is being mailed to the clerk of amuni.cipali.ty in accordance with Section 14.58(10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk of the municipality shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall file and keep this statement for six years. Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Dir. Bureau of Accounting & Auditing By D.E. McDaniel, Chief Accounting Section Moved by Hanson, seconded by Johnson to receive -the foregoing communications and place them on file. Motion carried. November. 9 1'976 The following communication was read: No. 37 September 20, 1976 Executive Committee Bayfield County Board In the past 18 months, as an observer only, I have followed closely the actions and meetings of the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program: What I-origi.nally:thought of as a fine too]<.for coastal protection and possibly funding, I now find somewhat disturbing, especially since the Coordinating and Advisory Board is somewhat top heavy with Lake Michigan elected officials. Bayfield County has, to my knowledge never been asked to participate in the Coastal Zone Program, exoEpt through a Technical Advisory Comm. which is at..least partially comprised of county zoning comm. members and staff; it is not the decision making portion and, I understand, has not been encouraged to be aggressive in the advisory role. The Board will be putting together a legislative package in the next few months. Although they have come up with some rather idiotic proposals such as the donation of Bayfield County forest crop land, I don't believe there will be legislation forcing such a move. It will pro- bably be more on the order of regulations regarding shoreline zoning, commercial fishing regu- lations (if they are Lake Michigan oriented they could be disastrous to Lake Superior fishermen), shoreline zoning, estuaries and rocredt 6nal''areas. Nuclear power siting may also be a part of that package (I believe Lucy is pushing in that direction)---kinda scary as prime shoreline could face condemnation. I believe that it is important that Bayfield County should have an active'voiee and would urge the executive committee request a spot on the Coastal Coordinating and Advisory Council to protect the interests of Bayfield County.. To be honest, there is the possibility that anyone assigned to that Council could ultimately face severe local criticism for the eventual regulations that could face the Lake Superior area but don't think we can a6ford to sit back and do nothing. As one Lake Superior resident serving on the Council said, "I feel I'm being used." I have discussed this with John Post of NWRPC who shares some of my concern. He stated that if Bayfield County wanted a place on the Council (and he recommended it) they should take that request through the NNR.PC. Ila Bromberg Moved by Spears, seconded by Rude to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. Moved by Bromberg that the county apply for a slot through the Northwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission for a representative on the c-oastal.-manq.gement council. Bromberg withdrew her motion as the suggestion that a resolution presented would be better. Moved by Carter, seconded by Hanson to adjourn until Wednesday morning at 9:30 A.M. Motion carried. 70 November 10, ,1.9-76. MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following member•s�,answered roll call: No. 38 Edwin Erickson, Ila Bromberg, Clifford Hoagland, William Zamback,.Bennie Rude., Larry Seidel, William Rave, Herbert.Spears, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Charles Polich, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - Arthur Meierotto, Joseph Berweger present - 16 absent - 2 total 18 A prayer..and pledge of allegiance was led by_Larry Seidel, board member.: Moved by Seidel, seconded by Carter to dispense, with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. The following application was read: No. 39 COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Bayfield County, WI Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner November 9, 1976. TO: THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN County Board Members: I herewith -submit my application for reappointment to the position of Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Your vote of confidence will be greatly appreciated as it.has been in the past. I wish, at this time, to once again request your support by extending to me your approval of my reappointment as Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence C. Young Moved by Erickson, seconded by Spears to nominate Lawrence Young as highway commissioner. The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Spears, seconded by Polich that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Lawrence Young for Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Lawrence Young was appointed highway commissioner for a term of two years. No. 40 Earl Neilson, of the'Bayfield County Housing Authority, appeared before the board and reported on the housing authority to date. 71 November 10, 1976- Mr. Neilson stated that the housing authority does have need for a portion of the $18,000 of county funds which were appropriated for the housing authority at the November 1975 meeting of the board. He stated that among other needs was a need for fire proof draperies for the units. Members of the board voiced opposition to the county funding the purchase of draperies. They appeared to be in favor of the tenants providing their own draperies. Mr. Neilson further stated that there were also other necessary items that should be purchased and he listed the need for financing certain office expenditures. c&The clerk stated that if it would help clarify the matter, he would bring up a copy of the '75 resolution pertaining to the allocation of the $18,000. No. 41 Mr. Leo Lay, Mrs. Carolyn Sneed and Mrs. Ann Bratley, representing the Bayfield County Rest Home, appeared before the board in regard to the expansion of the rest home. Mr. Lay stated that assistance of an architect and auditor would be needed to help complete the application to NACHPO. Moved by Polich, seconded by Hanson that tlis matter be referred to the Executive Com- mittee of the county board to meet with the board of trustees of the rest home for further study. Motion carried. Motion No. 43 Moved by Seidel, seconded by Rude that an amount not to ex6eed­$3,.0.00 Lo be taken out of the contingency fund be allocated for further study and cost figures in regard to expansion of the rest home. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motibnn.with the following results: No. 43a Ayes - Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg; Hoagland, Zamback, Rude Nayes - none Absent - Berweger, Meierotto Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Absent - 2 Total 18 Motion carried. The. following• Bay.field County .Rest Home- report was. -presented:, No_. =44 . (Report on file in the county clerk's office) Moved by Rude, seconded by Spears to receive the foregoing report. and place,it on file. Motion carried. The *clerk stated that 'he nowhad a copy of the 1975 resolution in reference to the appropriation of the $18,000 for the housing authority. He read the resolution in its entirety which was followedgby a lengthy discussion. 72 November 10., 1976 Motion No. 45 Moved by Carter, seconded by Rude that the housing authority be authorized to use the money as requested .and submit- -th'e' vouchers to' the county clerk. Motion lost. Rude requested a roll call vote. Rude withdrew his request for a roll call vote. Motion No. 46 Moved by Seidel, seconded by Rave to again bring up the Larry Erickson matter which was tabled at the September meeting. Motion carried. The following resolution'was read: No: 47 WHEREAS, Larry Erickson built and maintains a cabin located in the SWµ of the SWµ, Section 21, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, Town of Keystone, which cabin was built without a land use permit and has been and currently is in violation of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance,.and WHEREAS, The Town of Keystone in which said cabin is located refuses to give its approval for the existence of said cabin to the Bayfield. County Zoning Administrator in that the continued existence of said cabin could cause complications in the operation of the Town of Keystone sanitary land fill, and that said approval by the Town of Keystone is required for the issuance of a land use permit, and WHEREAS, The owner of said cabin refuses to remove it from said premises, and WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator and the recommendation of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee that litigation may be required to effect compliance with the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorizes the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator to pursue such action, including litigation if necessary, as is required to secure compliance with the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance in the matter of the Larry Erickson cabin. Edwin Renoos Herbert Spears W. H. Carter Art Hanson Moved by Spears, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by.Erickson to adjourn for lunch.' Erickson withdrew his motion. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution withthe following results: No. 47a Ayes - Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack,.Renoos; Barningham, Erickson, Hoagland, Zamback, Rude, Seidel Nayes - Bromberg Absent - Meierotto, Berweger Ayes - 15 Nayes - 1 Absent - 2 Total 18 1_ Motion carried. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Zamback to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. November 10.,.1976 The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM with the following members answering roll call:, No. 48 .Erickson, Bromberg, Hoagland, Zamback, Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson,:Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich' Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Absent - Meierotto,- Berweger. Present - 16 Absent - 2 Total. .18 �1 The following resolution was read: No. 49 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has the greatest number of miles of -any of the Lake,Superior South Shore counties, and WHEREAS, the majority of Lake Superior South Shore commercial fishermen are Bayfield County.residents, and WHEREAS, sports fishing, boating and Lake Superior shoreline recreation is one of Bayfield County's principal industries_, and WHEREAS, it is.vitally important that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors be involved with all issues and decisions concerning the future of Lake Superior shoreline and Bayfield County residents, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Bayfield County request representation on the Wisconsin Coastal Management Coordinating and Advisory Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to John Post, Executive Director, North- west Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Larry Seidel Art Hanson Bennie Rude Ila Bromberg Wallace Johnson Ernest Heglund Moved by Polich,.seconded by Spears to refer this matter to the Executive Committee for further study. Motion carried. No. 50 Chairman Barningham read a letter he had received from John Post, NWRPC, in reference to coastal management. He indicated that he had referred the letter William.Hepner, Forest Administrator, and Mr. Hepner had replied by letter -which letter was also read by Chairman Barningham. Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Rude to refer the correspondence to the Forestry -Committee for further study. Motion carried.. The following communication was read: No. 51 STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................ ... In the MatteroftheDeterminationofthe Amount ofLOAN Loan which is a Lien on Lands of -Lee. E. Getschow,. $150,000 8/10/70 Donald A. Carroll, and John Walsh, Jr., in Washburn 150,000 1/08/71 #1 School District, Bayfield County, Wisconsin 180,000 3/29/71 ........................................................ November 10, 1976 -=Township 40 North, Range 6 West, 4th.P.M. 7. Section 36: East Half of the Northeast Quarter, containing 80 acres, more or less.. Application having been made by Lee E. Getschow; Donald A: Carm11, and John Walsh, Jr., to the Department of Revenue in accordance with -Section .25.05 (5a) of -the Wisconsin Statutes for determination of the amount of the school district loan which is- a lien on'the Jt. 1 School Distr Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wiscnnsin, on which lands an option to purchase has been given to the United States Government, a tax exempt body, the Department of Revenue finds as follows: That according to the last assessment the full valuation of the whole property of said Jt. 1 School District is $18,892,100; that the full valuation of the lands in said school district to be sold is $6,893; that the property which the assessed valuation of the lands, proposed to be sold, according to the last assessment, bears to the full valuation of the whole school district 'is '.0003648'62; that''the unpaid halance''of said school distriot- 1'oan' from the' state trust fund is $345,950 ; and that the amount to be paid by said Lee E. Getschow, et al TO,THE BOARD OF COMMIS— SIONERS OF PUBLIC LANDS, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 505 North Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53705 is $126.22, plus interest at two and one-half per cent from March 15, 1976. Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 6th day of August, 1976 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT-OY REVENUE Glenn L.-Holmes, Director Bureau of Property & Utility Tax Moved by Spears, seconded by Erickson to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following County Extension Budget was read: No. 52 November- 9 , 1976 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Committee on Agriculture and Extension Education hereby submits the following proposed budget for,the University Extension Office for 1977.' -The itemized budget is as follows: Salary, County Agent Car Expenses, County Agent Travel Expenses, County Agent Office Expenses Clerk Hire (1) Clerk Hire (2) . Clerk Hire (3) Agricultural & Resource Development'Committee Soil & Water Conservation District .Supervisors Northwestern Assn - Soil & Water Conservation District (Dues) Pri-Ru-Ta (Dues) Wis. Assn of Soil & Water Conservation Districts (Dues) Wis. Associated County Extension Committees, Inc. (Dues) County Truck & Jeep Maintenance Professional Improvement Affirmative Action Committees Salary, Extension Home Economist Car Expenses, Extension Home Economist Travel Expenses, Extension Home Economist Adult Programs, Extension Home Economist Salary, 4-H & Youth Agent Car Expenses, 4-H & Youth Agent Travel Expenses, 4-H & Youth Agent 4-H Clubs 4-H Leaders TOTAL OUTLAY $ 7,282-:86 2,000.00 800.00 5,500.00 8,402.94 7,202.94 7,322.94 1,750.00 2,000.00 40.00 100.00 12-.00' 25.00 -400.00 450.00 300.00 5,042.94 2,000.00 350.00 250.00 4,580.94 2,000.00 350.00 1,200.00 1.800.00 Signed BAYFIELD COUNTY COMMITTEE ON.AGRICULTURE & EXTENSION EDUCATION $ 60,975.56 $- 1,000.00. - Walter Barningham Karl Ludzack Ernest Heglund Ila Bromberg Moved by Bro-mb-ergseconded by Heglund to approve the foregoing budget. Motion carried. 5 November 10, 1976 75 The following Fair Budget was read: No. 53 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY ABOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Fair Committee requests an appropriation of'$31,575.00 for the 1977 Bayfield County Fair. The proposed budget is as follows: REVENUES: DISBURSEMENTS: Administrative Income $ 500.00 Administrative Expense All State Taxes $ 1'000.00 400.00 St. Aid on Premiums 4,000.00 Association Dues 125.00 Co. Bd. Appropriation 18,925.00 Advertising 1,500.00 Entries - Speed 100.00 Insurance 1,000.00 Exhibitor Entry Fees 400.00 Judges 800.00 Gate Receipts 3,000.00 Building - Maintenance 4,000.00 Grandstand Receipts 3,.500.00 Officers Salaries 2,000.00 Space & Privileges Police, Gate, etc. 2,500.00 including rides & shows 1,000.00 Postage, Express 300.00 Use of Grounds - Rentals 150.00 Clerk Salar 1 200 00 y Premiums Printing Purses Speed Rental of Equipment Ribbons & Badges Special Acts & Features Superintendents.&Assistants Supplies Telephone Water, Light & Heat Replacement -of Damgged or stolen articles TOTAL $ 31,575.00 TOTAL OUTLAY Signed BAYFIELD.-COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE 6,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 500.00 100.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,750.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 $ 31,575.00 1,000.00 Walter Barningham Karl,Ludzack Ernest Heglund. Ila.,Bromberg Moved by Heglund, seconded by Rude to approve the foregoing budget. Motion carried. The following Rest Home Budget was read: No. 54 BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME Proposed Budget-1977 Administration Salaries. $ 21,000.00 Supplies 800.00 Telephone 750.100 Employee Benefits & Incid. labor costs 58,000:00 Travel 1,400.00 Miscellaneous 2,800.00 I Department Total $ 84,750.00. Housekeeping and ProDert Maid Salaries $ 14,350.00 Bedding 1,000.00 Housekeeping Supplies 2,500.00 Laundry Salaries 9,300.00 Laundry Supplies 2,500.00 Plant Salaries 3,940.00 Fuel_ 55000.00 Electricity, Water & Sewer.- 4-,0,00.00 Plant .Supplies 800.00 Maintenance Salaries 4,000.00 Ground Supplies & Expense 800.00 Building Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 Department Total $ 49,690.00 Care of Patients Dietary Salarie''s Food Dishes & utensils Dietary Supplies Drugs Medical Supplies -Patient Care Salaries - Recreation & Activity Personal Services & Supplies' $ .21,553.00 20,000.00 300.00 750.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 • 95,400.00 400.00 300.00 Department Total '$ 143 703.00 November 10`,' 1976 Prepayments_ Insurance Outlay General Anticipated Wage Increase GRAND TOTAL $ 2,500.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 305,1443-.00' Anticipated Revenue $ 231,000.00 Moved by Rude, seconded by Polich to receive the foregoing budget and place it'on file. Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 55 REPORT OF •THE 'BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE To: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County the hearing of the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant'to Section 59.97(5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly iriformed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the petitions described as follows be approved:. - The North One -Half (N2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Nine (9) , Township Fifty (50) Noorth, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Residential - Recreational Use to Commercial Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ)-, Section Thirty -Five (35) , Town- ship Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The South-West One -Quarter (SW-4) of the North-East One -Quarter (NEµ) , Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range .Eight (8) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWµ,NWµ) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Six (6) West, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the extended South line oT Superior Avenue and the West section line; thence Easterly along the South boundary of Superior -Avenue to the intersection of the East boundary line of Cudworth Street .991.5'.feet, more or less,; thence Northerly atf:an'angle of 90 degrees 66 feet.to place of beginning; thence northerly on the extended East line of Cudworth Street 144.feet, more or less,.to the South boundary of that parcel of land deeded to the Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company and recorded June 17, 1905, in Volume 58 of Deeds, page 16, Records of Bayfield County; thence Easterly along the South boundary of the aforesaid Chi- cago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company property to the South boundary of the Superior & Southeastern Railway Company's right-of-way to .a point 66 feet North of the South line of Superior Avenue; thence Westerly parallel to and-66 feet distant from said South line of Superior Avenue 260 feet more or less., to place of beginning; be changed from Residential-1 Use to Commer- cial Use. That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWµ NWµ), Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Forty -Five (45) North;, Range Six (6) West, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the North line of Superior Avenue, in"accordance with original map of the Village of Pratt and the West section line of said Section 22; thence running East along the North line of said Superior Avenue to the point of intersection with the West line of parcel of land deeded by the Superior &South Eastern Railway -Company to George F. Bowers,Sr., by deed dated May 23, 1923; thence North at right: angles along -the said West line of the parcel deeded George F. Bowers, Sr. May 25, 1923., to the South boundary of that pareel<of land deeded to the, Chicago, St. .Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company,'thence Northwesterly, along South boundary of the aforesaid Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company property to the west. line of said Section 22; then.ce South along said West Section line -'of'said section to the.point of beginning,,be--changed-from Residential=i Use''to Commercial Use. That part of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Twenty -One (21) , Township Forty -Five (45), tRange Six (6) West., described as follows: Commencing at- a point om'the Section line . between Sections 21 and 22, in Township 45 North of Range 6 West in Bayfield County, Wisconsin 700 feet South of the common corner to Section 15, 16, 21-and 22 in said Township and -Range; running thence West 35-feet, thence 'South:320"feet to the North line of Superior Avenue; thence East 'a distance of 40 feet to said section 1'ine;_thence North on the- section line -to -the place of -beginning, be changed :from Residential-l-Use to Commercial Use. The_Zoning Committee also.reeommends.that the following -petitions be'tabled:' A parcel of land in -Government Lot. -Two (2) , Section •Twenty-two (22) , Township -Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, described •as follows: Beginning at the point where -the north and south 1/8th line, being the east line of said Lot'2,'intersects the'southline of the right-of-way_ of State Trunk Highway #13; which is the poin.t'of beginning; -thence south-westerly along -the south line of the right-of-way of said State Trunk Highway #13•a distance of 250 feet to an iron pipe; thence south on:a line parallel with the north and south 1/8th line a distance of 200 ft.; thence easterly at a right angle to the north and south l/8th line; thence North along -said 1/8th line to the point of beginning., Conveys all that part of Government.Lot.2. Section 22,'Township 50 North, Range 4 West, lying.North of the one-eighth-line.r-unning East and West through said lot and lying South of State Trunk Highway #13. as now located; and North and .,East of the Sanatorium road. as -now laid out, less parcel described as follows: Commencing at the point where the North acid South one - eighth (1/8th) line, being the East line of said Government Lot 2, intersects the South line of the right-of-way of State Trunk Highway #13, which is the point of beginning; thence South- westerly along the South line of the right-of-way of said State Trunk Highway #13, a distance of 250 feet to an iron pipe; thence South on a line parallel with the North and South one - eighth (1/8) line a distance of 200 feet; thence easterly at a right angle to the north and south one -eighth (1/8th) line; thence north along the one -eighth (1/8th) line to the point of beginning. All that part of Government Lot 3, Section 33, T.50N., R.4W., as described in Volume 213 of Records at Page 525 excepting therefrom a parcel as described in Volume 255 of Records at Page 128, Bayfield County Registry, lying within within the boundary of STH 13 right-of-way which is described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 33, T. 50.�T, R. 4 W., thence S. 89 degrees 27' 54" E., 1046.99' along the south line of said Section 33, to a point of intersection with the centerline of STH 13, which is the place of beginning, thence N. 89 degrees 27' 54" W., 203.0f to the point of a curvature of a 0 degrees 44' 34" November 10', 1976 curve right whose tangent bears N. 68 degrees 09' -02" E., thence along the. arc of said curve right 230.83', thence N. 69 degrees 54' 12" E., '136.60'., thence N. 75 degrees 36' 50" E., 100.50', thence N. 9 degrees 54' 12" E., 443.80' to the..po nt of curvature of a,4 degree.11� 25" curve left, thence along the arc of said curve left 349.-59'-, thence N. 55 degrees 15'-18" E., 1294.98' to the point of curvature of a.1 degree 00' 41" curve left,. thence, along the arc,-of.said curve left 135.4E thence N. 59 degrees 15' 55" E.., 141.39' to the -point of curvature of a 1 degree 00' 32" curve left. whose tangent bears N. 52 degrees 27' 54" E.,-thence along the are of -said curve left 180.32"f, thence N. 50 degrees 38' 45" E., 353,78' to the point of,eurvature__of. a 1-degree 00' 32" curve .left, thence along the are, of -,said curve left 379.. 83'.., thence N.. 46 degrees 48' _ 50" E. , 130.26',to,a4e point,of.curvature of a 2 degree 49' 03" curve left, thence along the are of said curve left. 352.83.,., thence. N.. 36 degrees 52'.. 20" E. , . 447.52' to. the point of, curvature of a 0 degree 30' 08";curve left, thence along.the are of said curve,left.487.73',,thence.N. 34 degrees 25' lb" E., 55.57' to -the point of eurvature.of a 5 degree 13' 41" curve left,_thenee along the are of said curve left 226-A C , thence N: 22 degrees 33' 46"E., 224.40' to the point of curvature of a 1 degree 20 degrees 57" curve left, thence along the arc of said curve left 345.82', thence N. 17 degrees 3 3' 52" E., 107.70'.to the point of curvature of a 2 degree 43' 49" curve left, thence along the are of said curve left,386.14', thence N. 7 degrees 21' 19"-E., 219.76' to the point.of curvature of a 1-degree 31T-12" curve left, thence along the are of said curve left 644.85', thence N. 2 degrees_26.t,. 44" W., 91,.32', thence .N.,87.degrees -33' 16" E., 50.0' to a point on the centerl-he of•STH 13,-thence-continue N..87 degrees 33' 16",E., 50.0', thence S 2 degrees .26' 44" E., 91.32' to the.point of`curvature.of a 1,degree•28'. 50" curve right, thence along the are of said curve 661.96', thence S. 7 degrees 2l''l9" W.,-219.76' to -,the point of curvature of a 2 degrees 36' 22" curve right, thence along the arc of said curve right 282..49', thence S. 18 degrees 08'. 31" W., 519.86' to the point,of curvature of a 3 degree 1' 54" curve right, thence along the are of said curve right 560.66',, thence S. 35 degrees 11' 28" W., 887.60' to the point of curvature of a 2 degree 31' 19" curve right, tl*ence along the arc of said curve right 586..88', thence S_ 50 degrees 6' 59" W., 931.80' to the point -of .curvature of a 1 degree 30' 28" curve right, thence along the arc of said curve right 331..64', thence S. 55 degrees 08' 20" W., 1214.30' to the point of curvature of; a 3.� degree 01'.. 54T' curve right, thence along the are of said curve -right 4.72.25' , -thence S. 69 degrees 44' 08" W,, 485.76T , thence N. 89 degrees, 27' 54" W., 176.14'.;to the place of beginning, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Commercial Use. Dated: November 9,.1976 William Carter Bennie Rude Art Hanson Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Herbert Spears Edwin Renoos Moved by Spears, seconded by Polich to receive the foreg&iing report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 56 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended: November 10,='1976 The North One -Half (N2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Nine (9) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Commercial Use. The West One -Half (WZ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) , Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Agri- cultural Use. The South-West One -Quarter (SWµ) of the North-East One- Quarter (NE4), Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW4 NW4) of Section Twenty - Two (22;.., Township Forty -Five (45)' `North, Range Six (6) West, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the extended South line of -Superior Avenue and the West section line; thence Easterly along the South boundary of Superior Avenue to the intersection of the 'East'boundary line of -'Cudworth Street 991:5 feet', more or'less; thence Northerly -at an angle of 90 'degree's 66 feet to place of beginning;'' thence northerly on the- extended 'East line of Cudworth Street-144-feet,' more ­or less; to -the South boundary '.of that parcel of -'land deeded to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company and recorded June,-l7, 1905, in'Volume'58 of Deeds page•16,' Records of 'Bayfield Cduntythence Easterly along the South boundary of the aforesaid Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company property to the South boundary of the Superior & Southeastern Railway 'Company's 'right=of-way to a point 66'feet North of the South line of Superidr"Ave'nue;-the­nee Westerly'parallel to and 66 feet distant from said South line"of Superior Avenue '260feet more "Or' less, to place of beginning, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Commercial Use'.' That part,of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW--4 NW4),_Section Twenty -Two �(22), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Six (6) West, described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the North line of Superior Avenue, in accordance with original map of the village of Pratt and the West section line of said -Section 22 thence running East the North line of said Superior Avenue to the point of intersection with the West line of parcel of land deeded by the Superior & South Eastern Railway Company to George F. Bowers, Sr., May 25, 1923, to the South boundary of that parcel of land deeded to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minnea- polis & Omaha Railway Company thence Northwesterly, along Sounty boundary of the aforesaid Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company property to the West line of said Section 22; thence South along said West section line of said section to the point of beginning, be changed from Residential -I Use to Commercial Use. That part of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4), Section Twenty -One (21), Township Forty -Five (45), Range Six (6) West, described as follows: Commencing at a_point on the Section line between Sections 21 and 22, in Township 45 North of Range 6 Wiest in Bayfield County, Wisconsin 700 feet South of the common corner to Section 15, 16, 21 and 22 in said Township and Range; running thence West 35 feet, thence South 320 feet to the North line of Superior Avenue; thence East a distance of 40 feet to said section line; thence North on the section line to the place of beginning, is changed from Residential -I Use to Commercial Use. Dated: November 9, 1976 Walter C. Barningham Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance. Motion carried: (Notice of publicahearingd.andfaffidavit of publication on file in the county clerk's office.) November 10, 19761 The following resolution was .read:. No. 5.7 ,11.1 : .. WHEREAS, salaries of the employees of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services are reimbursed by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Family Services, based on an established minimum and maximum monthly salary level, and WHEREAS, PW-PA 10.13 (7) requires. annual adjustment by the County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, the cost of living increases cannot be ascertained in advance, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BYtheBayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 10th day of November 1976 that the maximum rate of pay for each classification be established at $75.00 above the January 1, 1977 adjusted level. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson William Rave William Carter William Zamback, Mr. Dashner., Director,..Dept. of .Social Services, was present to,explain the need. -for adopting the foregoing -resolution.. ,He staied,that-the;.resolution itself would not have any affect on increasing the salaries of any ,personnel in the Social Services Dept. He stated that, titre was, however, -neces,sary,.that the resolution Ibe adopted to protect ,the county re.imburs,eme,nt for salar.ies as the reimbursement would only be paid up, :to,,the maximum,.salgry level as ,established by the county board.., He further,:stated.-that if.the cost of living increases, would cause the salaries to exceed the.present maximums,. no reimbursement could be reeeived.by the county for; that portion of the _salary .exceeding,the maximum— With,the $75.inerease,in,the maximum,, the salaries would not be,.expected to increase, to, exceed the maximum.:established amount.. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hanspn_to adopt the ;foregoing;r.eso.lution. Motion ,carried. The. following resolution,.was,read: No. 58: WHEREAS; the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has accepted the responsibility to carry out the terms and the objectives of the federal grant offer by the United State Environmental Pro- tection Agency for funds to demonstrate methods of sediment and erosion control in the red clay area of Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota which includes As.hland,lBayfield, Douglas and Iron Counties in Wisconsin aid Carlton County in Minnesota, and WHEREAS, a grant of 3.6 million dollars was approved by N.S,E.P.A, and the Bayfield County share of this Grant will be approximately $225,232.00 to be- used to demonstrate methods of sedi- mentation and erosion control in the Pine Creek Watershed inr,the `Town of Pilsen, and WHEREAS, the planning phase of the project is completed and the need of soil survey work, land management practices, land treatment practices, channel protection measures and need for land use regulation recommendations, were identified by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and ap- proved by the Bayfield County Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisors for implementation during the next three years, and WHEREAS, the 2S% non-federal share of project funding must be assured by the State, County, Local and Private Contributions of in kind services and funds, and November 10, 1976 WHEREAS, at their April 1975 meeting, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors by Resolution pledged their continued support.of the Red Clay Project with the carryover Phase I appropriation andif needed a budgeted amount of not more than $10,000 per. -year for 1977 and 1978, and WHEREAS, there is some doubt as.to how much, if any, of county cost sharing funds will be needed in 1976 because State agencies and local landowners are also making in kind contributions to this s program, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors appropriate $10,000 for Red Clay Project Cost Sharing.but that these funds be left in the contingency budget to be used if and when needed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized to either transfer from the contingency fund to the Bayfield County Soil & Water Conservation account or directly to the appropriate agency sufficient funds to meet Bayfield County's share of the 1977 cost of this project. Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION.DISTRICT.SUPERVISORS Walter Barningham Arthur Meierotto.. Ernest Heglund , Ila Bromberg Karl Ludzgck Moved by Bromberg „seconded ,by Hanson to amend the resolution to change the last paragraph to put $10,000_into.the Soil & Water Conservation Accounty Budget.to cover this..item. Motion carried. reared: Moved by Bromberg, seconded by ,Seidel.to.approve the r.esoluti:on.as amended. A' roll call vote was taken on the. adoption of the foregoing resolution.as amended.with the following results: No. 58a,. Ayes - Erickson, Bromberg, Hoagland,,Rude, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Heglund, Carter,,Hanson, Ludzack., Renoos, Barningham, Nayes - Zamback,.Spears,.Polich Absent - Meierotto,. Berweger. . Ayes - 13 Nayes .. 3 Absent - 2 Total .l8 The following resolution was read: No. 59 Motion carried. WHEREAS,,. counties receive their charters and. authority from state government under the state.and federal constitutions, and counties are subject to state statutes as are any other municipal corporations; and ,WHEREAS, the Wisconsin State Legislature has adopted programs from time to time without providing state funding for the same programs in order to pay for implementation and admin- istration of .these programs by loc,al.uni.ts of government, including counties; and WHEREAS, the State of Montana has provided that the state legislature may not require a local unit of government to expend money on a state program unless the state legislature includes a means to finance the activity legislated; MOM BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors goes on "record supporting either an amendment to -the Wisconsin State Constitution or appropriate Wisconsin State Legislation which would require that no local 'unit of government in the State of Wisconsin may be required to expend monies to pay for a program mandated by the State Legislature unless State monies or some non -county funding is made available for said mandated program; -and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County 'Clerk is herewith directed to send a certifi copy of this resolution to the Honorable Daniel Theno, Wisconsin State Senator, and the Honorable David Kedrowski, Assemblyman, Ashland, Bayfield, Iron and Price counties, together with a certified copy to the Honorable Patrick'J: Lucey,' Governor of -the State of Wisconsin. Charles Polich .Moved by Hanson, seconded by_Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.. 60 WHEREAS, Bayfield County and -other -state semi -rural counties yearly are presented with State Equalized Valuations by the Supervisor of Assessments, which are increasing so rapidly that all lands --- farm, unimproved, wild, etc.--- are being evaluated out of all reason, and WHEREAS, this escalating equalization facing counties, particularly in the northern section of —the state, will continue to become more crucial in the state as 'more and'more people seek out homes in our beautiful Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, it clearly reveals that state equalization procedures are in desperate need of reform, to assure that everyone pays his fair share,'but most certainly that equalization figures.should not solely be based on speculative sales of property, and WHEREAS, the people of Wisconsin more than a year ago approved a`constitutional amendment to allow the State Legislature to set up procedures for the evaluation of farm and undeveloped lands based on their use, instead of their speculative value, and therefore the task at hand in the Legislature is to interpret and legislate the intent of that constitutional amendment; and there has been only one proposal, apparently too controversial and too broad in scope to get legislative support the past session, and; WHEREAS, complete answers to the very complex question of assessing and equalization are not easy, and there are many suggestions which have merit, but gain little support in the State Legislature; ' THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors -go on record whole- heartedly supporting the concept embodied in'the ebnstitutional amendment, the carryout of its intent through a responsive and comprehensive legislative bill,- meeting -the absolute'and vital need of Wisconsin counties, namely,' evaluating farm and undeveloped lands based on their use, and not on their speculative value, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors duly assembled this loth day of`November;-1976, go on record to promote''and�support legislation, spelling out neces- sary changes in the Equalized Valuation Law. Charles Polich November, .10% 1976 Moved by Rude, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. The following,resolution was,read: No.. 61 Motion carried. WHEREAS, it is the considered opinion of this body that the certification exam for local assessors asks questions only 25 percent of which are relevant to the practical skills needed by a competent local assessor, and WHEREAS,, the remaining questions are irrelevant and typically require statutory research,and WHEREAS, many competent local assessors are therefore failing said exam; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors goes on record as opposed to the continued use of the present exam and grading system, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a new exam be formulated and approved by a body of experienced urban and rural local assessors, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to our Legislators, the State Department of Revenue, and the Governor of the State of Wisconsin. Charles Polich Moved by Erickson, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following 1977 Proposed County Budget was presented: No. 62 BAYFIELD COUNTY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 197,7, TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors submits this proposed county budget for the'9�977, together with a report of operations. VALUATIONS The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has recommended a total county valuation for all real and personal property of $216,522,400.00. The recommended value was approved by the county board on September 28, 1976 and all 1976 county and state taxes will be apportioned accordingly. The equalized valuation of the county shows an increase over the 1975 valuation of $28,984,670.00 or just slightly over 15%. The increased valuation will be reflected in less state aids re- ceived,by the county and schools. COUNTY TAX LEVY Section 70.62 of the Laws of 1975 created new levy limits on the county. The 1975 county tax levy was $319,703.00 and with the allowable adjustments the 1976 levy cannot be more than $478,996.00. The levy as proposed by the Executive Committee is $344,413.62. The committee has included in the 1977 budget in the revenue section an amount of $171,634.00 Federal Revenue Sharing monies and is also recommending that $250,000.00 of surpl,us cash be applied to keep the tax levy as low as possible. N vember 1'0 Preliminary figures available at the time when the following budget was prepared indicated a maximum levy of only $356,547.00 and the committee was forced to drastically reduce certain items in the budget to stay within the limit. The final maximum levy limit. amount of $478,996.00 las since become available and some adjustments may merit consideration of the board. FEDERAL REVENUE 'SHARING AND SHARED'TAXES The Federal Revenue Sharing receipts have been reduced by about 50% in recent years. The amount included in this budget is monies actually received in the fiscal yaar July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, less $30,000.00 which was applied on the 1976 budget for purchase of the new accounting equipment. Only $57,395.00 has been allocated to Bayfield County for the last half of 1976 and no estimates are available at the present time on the amounts to be received in 1977 under the recently re-enacted Revenue Sharing bill. Receipts from State Shared Taxes for 1977 have decreased from $170,138.00 in 1976 to an esti- mated $134,753.00 in 1977. The large reductions in Federal Revenue Sharing and State Shared Taxes are the primary reason for the increase in the maximum levy limit. The local tax effort (county levy) is an important factor used by the Federal and State agencies in calculating the amount of Revenue Sharing funds and State Shared Taxes. Because the county board has been very conservative in the early 70Ts, we are now suffering from decreased revenues from those two sources. Unfortunately, there is a time lag of several years in the calculation of the aids and, consequently, any increase in the tax levy this year would not have an immediate effect on revenues. One important factor that should not, however, be overlooked is, if the levy limits continue in force, next years base levy will be the amount that is levied this year, not the amount that could be levied, which will be adjusted again by several factors such as population growth and further reductions in Revenue Sharing and State Shared Taxes, if any. All unnecessary items should of course, be del eted from the budget each year, but necessary items should be retained as it might be difficult to stay within the limit in future years if the budget in any year is not realistic; requiring compounded expenditures in future years. HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Sale of the Tri-County Sanatorium has moved very slowly-. The institution is now completely closed and although bids have been received and accepted, final consummation of the sale has not been realized. It appears at this time that it might become necessary to re -bid the facility. The Rest Home continues to be operated as a County Home. Occupancy for the year through the month of September has been 94/ with a per -capita cost of $25.16 and a per -capita revenue other than county tax of $20.54. With the increased county cost of operation the committee will continue studying the feasibility of either leasing out or sell the institution.. INDEBTEDNESS The only county indebtedness continues to be the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital Bond issue. Annual principal and interest payments are included in this budget. The amount is offset in the revenue section by equal payment by the hospital board. AUD IT The 1975 Audit Report by John Maitland, C.P.A..has been completed on schedule. Copies_of the report are available for inspection at the office of the county clerk or from members of.the Exec. Committee. With Mr. MaitlandTs assistance and guidance the conversion of the county bookkeeping operation to the new computer has been very smooth and timely. The committee recommends the acceptance of Mr. MaitlandTs proposal to audit the 1976 co, rec The Executive Committee recommends approval of the following budget, with adjustments, only after careful study to determine actual need. November 10, 1976 Acct.No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 51211 51212 51221 51261 51403 51410 5.1412 51521 51540 51540 51561, 51610 51710 51810 51941 51962 51963 51964 51965 51966 52110 52110 52221 52131 52134 52141 52421 52611 52711 53110 53110 53109 53111 53112 53131 53230 53231 53251 53331 County Board Co.'& Circuit Court County Court Family Court Commissioner Coroner Assessor of Incomes EXPENDITURES .L 7 / V Appropriation $ 16,165.00 41,804.00 14,012.18* 3,900.16 3,350.00 300.00 Recommended for 1977 $ 20,875.00 60,654.38 15,359.00* 3,900.00 4,950.00 none County Clerk 32,450.00 38,379.00 Elections 11,600.00 3,450.00 Assessment of Property 115124.00 201,975.00 Co. -Treasurer - Fed. Rev. Sharing $205000.00) Co. Treasurer - Other 21,325.00 2,908.00)22,908.00 Special Accounting 7,150.00 27,S00.00 District Attorney 22,465.00 24,525.88 Register of Deeds 31,654.50 33,398.92 Court House 31,675.00 382595.00 Property & Liability Insurance Workmen's Compensation Retirement Fund (Co. Share) Soc.- Sec. Fund (Co. Shure) Health Insurance (Co. Share) Life Insurance (Co. Share) TOTAL 6,000.00 9,000.00 2;000.00 3,000.00 68,000.00 75,000.00 26,000.00 29,000.'00 11,000.00 12,000.00 600.00 700.00 $ 3622574.84 $ 424,170.18 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY Sheriff - Fed. Rev.Sharing Sheriff - Other Civil Air Patrol 6tiriminal Investigation Juvenile Police Relations Spec. Education & Community Relations Fire Suppression Emergency Government Jail & Sheriff's Residence TOTAL $ HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 1105000.00) 152,563.00 67,98326)177,983.26 750.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 none 15,000.00 300.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 14,427.00 15,000..00 5,050.00 4,550.00 173,740.00 $ 214,483.26 General Health - F.R.S. 15,000.00) General Health - Other $ 42,310.00 27,515.88)42,515.88 R.S'.V.P. none 375.00 Health Planning (NACHPO) 600.00 Health Systems Agency-W.L.Superior none Home Nursing Program 12,400.00 State General Hospital 1,903.52*Cr. State Orthopedic Hospital 308.03* Home and Infirmary 280,600.00 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Service 11,795.51 none 600.00 13,975.00 2,811.79*Cr. 21.00* 296,643.00 12,300.00 Revised 185,983.26 $ 222,483.26 Acct. No. 53381 53411 53541 53611 53612 53613 53621 53622 53623 53624 53681 53682 53683 53710 53711 53712 53713 53811 53821 53841 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES (CONT'D_) 1976 Appropriation Unified Serv.Bd.Operations . $ 39,000.00 ., Tuberculosis Sanatorium 58,000.00 Apiary Inspection 200.00 Social Services 176,000.00 Co. Child Support Agency 25,000.00 Burial 10,000.00 Resident Indigent Relief 10,000.00 Indian Relief 20,000.00 Indo China Relief 5,000.00 State Dependent Relief none Nutrition Program for Elderly 122,669.00 Industrial School for Bows 1,221.20* Correctional Instit. & Camp 807.10* Aid to Families with Dependent Children- I none Aid to Families with Depend.Ch_jJd.. Children 310,000.00 Aid to Families with Foster Children 10,000.00., St. Care of Depend.Children 991.92* Veteran's Relief 400..00 Veteran's Service Office 30,204.00 Care of Veteran's Graves 200.00 TOTAL $ l;165,803.24 Recommended for 1977 $ 39,000.00 none none 187,162.00 21,253.94 5,000.00 10,000.00 none 5,000.00 300.00 81,450.00 S.67*Cr. none 17,531.00 480,000.00 16,088.00 none .200.00 31,584.26 200.00 $ 1,258,381.62 EDUCATION AND RECREATION 55111 Co. Library & Bookmobile $ 10,700.00 $ 10,700.00 55131 Historical Society 1,725.00 1,500.00 55141 Fairs and Exhibits 32,725.00 31,575.00 55181 Co. Contribution for Conventions 800.00 none 55321 Snowmobile Trails and Areas 8,000.00 8,000.00 55711 Tuition Non -Res. Handicapped 2,000.00 3,000.00 55712 Transport.NR Handicapped 600.00 600.00 TOTAL $ 56,550.00 $ 55,375.00 CONSERVATION 56111 County Forestry $ none $ 54,9644.50 56121 Co. Brest State Aid 46,918.21 16,557.-50 56232 Soil & Water Conservation 2,000.00 none 56350 Agricultural Agent S6,264.92 60,975.56 56351 Severance Tax Due State 18,000.00 20,000.00 56352 Severance Tax Due District 9,000.00 10,000.00 56353 10/Timber Sales to Municip. 500.00 500.00 56360 Conservation - F.R.S. 1,634.00) 56360 Conservation - Other 23,706.00 16,797.00)18,431.00 56411 Regional Planning Commission 4,630.00 5,210.00 Revised 10,000.00 26,431.00 MCI 10. 1976 EXPENDITURES (CONT'D) Acct. No. CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 1976 Recommended Appropriation for 1977 Revised 56431 Zoning - F.R.S. 25,000.00) 56431 Zoning - Other $ 41,672.50 19,555.00)44,555.00 56432 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment 1,700.00 1,700.00 TOTAL $ 204,391.63 $ 232,923.56 $ 250,923.56 INDEBTEDNESS 59111 Principal on Bonds $ 25,000.00 fi 25,000.00 59211 Interest on Bonds 37,290.00 31,000.00 TOTAL $ 62,290.00 $ 56,000.00 UNCLASSIFIED 51911 Tax Deed Expense $ 6,650.00 $ 7,107.00 51912 Repairs to Tax Deed Prop. 200.00 200.00 51931 Maps and Plat Books 9,500.00 250.00 51967 Employee Longevity Pay 7,500.00 7,500.00 TOTAL $ 23,850.00 $ 15,057.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $ 2,049,199.71 $ 2,256,390.62 $ 2,282,390.62 GENERAL GOVERNMENT OUTLAY 61261 Coroner $ none $ 100.00 61410 County Clerk 34,000.00 250.00 61540 County Treasurer 300.00 none 61610 District Attorney 550.00 180.00 61810 Court House 1,000.00 1,500.00 TOTAL $ 35,850.00 $ 2,030.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY - OUTLAY 62110 Sheriff 8,290.00 3,738.50 62113 L.E.A.A. 1,400.00 none 62611 Civil Defense 1,300.00 none TOTAL $ 10,990.00 $ 3,738.50 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES - OUTLAY 63110 County Nurse $ 745.00 $ 250.00 63251 Home and Infirmary 4,400.00 3,500.00 63611 Social Services Admn. 600.00 500.00 63612 Co. Child Support Agency none 800.00 63821 Veterans Service Office none- 650.00 TOTAL $ 5,745.00 $ 5,700.00 EDUCATION AND RECREATION 65131 Historical Society $ none 65141 Fairs and Exhibits 1,000.00 1,.000.-04 65321 Snowmobile Trails 100,000.00 755000.0"0 65411 County Parks 2,000.00 5,150.00 TOTAL 1032000.00 81,250.00 2,000.00 4,150.00 81,250.00 Mi� O November 10, 1976 EXPENDITURES (CONY D) Acet . No. CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT - OUTLAY 1976 Recommended Appropriation for 1977 Revised .66111 Forestry $ 7,494.29 $ none 66211 Rivers 6,000.00 6,000.00 66350 Agricultural Agent 1,000.00 1,000.00 66431 Zoning 90.00 none 66360 Conservation 2,000.00. 4,150.00 (taken out) -TOTAL $ 16,584.29 $ 11,150.00 $ 7,000.00 TOTAL OUTLAY $ 172,169.29 $ 103,868.50 $ 99,718.50 HIGHWAY 64211 Road'CorEtruction on C.T.H.S. $ 45,000.00 $ 108,261.00 64221 Roads and Bridges 781)155.00 none 63241 Co. Aid. Bridge Construction none 14,179.006 64451 Highway Building 25,000.00 none TOTAL $ 148,155.00 $ 122,440.00 REVENUES GENERAL REVENUES 41491 Interest on Taxes $ 27,000.00 $ 45,000.00 42111 Federal Revenue Sharing 263,474.00 171,634.00 42211 Shared Taxes from State 170,000.00 160,000.00 134,753.00 42261 St.Aid - Manuf. mach.&equip. 963.00 850.00 42361 Fed.Aid - Nutrition Program 72,663.00 70,126.00 42542 Fed.Aid - L.E.A.A. 840.00 1,860.00 42621 St.Aid - L.E.A.A. 70.00 none 42624 Indian Law Enforcement 2,500.00 2,500.00 42625 St.Aid-Emergency Govt. 8,099.00 7,500.00 42627 St.Aid - Highway Safety 300.00 300.-00 42628 Juvenile Police Relations Spec. none 13,500.00 42713 St. Aid for E.P.S.D.T. 6,000.00 5,000.00 42714 St. Aid for VD Control 183.00 none 42715 St. Aid for Aged Program 5,000.00, 4,000.00 42736 St. Aid.- Drug Abuse 11,795.51 11,000.00 42741 St. Aid for Sanatorium 34,000.00 none 42761 St. Aid for Social Serv.Admn. 171:1000000 181,785.00 42761.01 St. Aid - Social Serv.Outlay 480.00 500.00 42762 St. Aid for Child Welfare 310,000.00. 480,000.00 42762.01 A.F.D.C. - F. 10,000'.00 16,088.00 42762.02 A.F.D.C. - I. none 17,531.00 42763 St. Aid for General Welfare 400.00 300.00 42764 St. Aid for Co. Child Sup.Agency 25,000.00 none 42766 Burials 10,000.00 5,000.00 42767 Indo China Relief 5,000.00 5,000.00 42768 Indian Relief 20,000.00 none 42781 St. Aid - Veteran Serv.Officer 3,000.00 3,000.00 42832 State Aid - Fairs 4,000.00 4,000.00 vember 10.. 1976. REVENUES (CONT'D) Acet. 1976 Recommended No. GENERAL REVENUES Appropriation for 1977 Revised 42843 St.Aid - Snowmobile Trails - Const. $ 99,000.00 $ 74,000.00 $ 42845 St.Aid - Main. of Sno. Trails 5,000.00 4,000.00 42871 State Aid - Forestry none 16,587.50 42876 State Aid - Co. Conservation 3,450.00 3,000.00 43511 Zoning Fees and Permits 12,000.00 12,000.00 43611 Co..Qrdin. Forfeit.&,Defaults 10,000.00 9,000.00 43631 Penal Fines for County 12,000.00 15,000.00 44111 County Clerk's Fees 400.00 500.00 44132 Co. Ct. Fees and Costs 6,000.00 6,000.00 44141 Register of Deed's Fees 14,000.00 14,000.00 44311 Home Nursing Service- 12,400.00 12,750.00 44312 Health Services - (Clinics) 500.00 none 44315 Participation Contrib.-Nutrition Program -19,000.00 11,324.00 TOTAL $ 1,355,517.51 $ 1,384,635.50 $ 1,359,388.50 COMMERCIAL REVENUES 42541 Fed. Aid - Forest Patrol $ 5,500.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 44151 Sale of Maps and Plats 4,000.00 3,000.00 44322 Home and Infirmary 225,000.00 231,000.00 44513 County Fair 8,900.00 8,650.00 44551 County Parks 3,200000 3,,600.00 48111 Interest on Investment 45,000.00 45,000.00 48291 General Hospital Lease 62,290.00 562000.00 48631 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 75,000.00 85,000.00 75,000.00 48641 Sale of Wood (C.F.L.) 90,000.00 100,000.00 48651 Sale of Wood (Other Co.Lands) 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 523,890.00 $ 543,650.00 $ 533,550.00 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAX $1,879,407.51 $ 1,928,285.50 $ 1,893,038.50 SUMMARY Total Maintenance $ 2,049,199.71 $ 2,256,390.62 $ 2,282,390.62 Total Outlay - other than" Highway 172,169.29 103,868.50 99,718.50 Cu�rCinge Contingency 80,000.00 40,000.00 Highway Outlay 148,155.00 122,440.00 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,449,524.00 $ 2,522,699.12 $ 2,544,549.12 LESS: Receipts other than Property Tax 1,8795820.51 1,928,285.50 1,893,038.50 LESS: Surplus Cash Applied 250,000.00 250,000.00 COUNTY TAX LEVY $ 319,703.49 $ 34445413.62 $ 401,510.00 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of October, 1976. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson, Chairman, Joseph Berweger: Clifford Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Edwin Renoos Larry Seidel Walter Barningham November. 10_, 1976,, Del 6'YL� %% • 60 3 Moved by Hanson, seconded by Johnson to accept the Sheriff's Budget as presented in the 1977 proposed budget, „ A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 63a Ayes - Johnson, Hanson, Polich, Bromberg, Zamback, Spears Nayes - Heglund, Carter, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Hoagland, Rude, Seidel, Rave Ayes - 6 Nayes - 10 Absent - 2 Total 18" 'Motion Lost. Motion No. 64 Moved by Renoos, seconded by Hoagland to add $8,000 to the Sheriff's Operation Budget. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 64a Ayes - Heglund, Carter, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningharb Erickson, Hoagland, Rude, Seidel, Rave Nayes - Hanson, Polich, Bromberg, Zamback,Spears, Johnson Ayes - 10 Nayes - 6 Total 16 Motion carried. Motion No. 65 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by"Seidel to reinstate the $8,000 into the Conservation Budget which was previously deleted by the -Executive Committee. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 65a Ayes - Carter; Hanson, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg, Hoagland, Rude, Seidel, Rave,Spears, Heglund Nayes - Polich,-Z:amback, Johnson Ayes - 13 Nayes - 3 Absent 2 Total 18 Motion No. 66 Motion carried. Moved by Renoos, seconded by Spears to add $7,555 to the Zoning Dept. Budget. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 66a Ayes - Renoos, Rude, Spears, Carter Nayes - Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg_, Hoagland, Zamback, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Heglund Ayes = 4 Nayes - 12 Absent - 2 Total 18 Motion Lost. November .10,, . 1976 1 Motion No. 67 Moved by Rude, seconded by Bromberg to add to the Fair Outlay Budget $1,000. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 67a Ayes - Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham, Bromberg, Rude, Seidel, Rave, Johnson, Heglund, Hanson Nayes - Polich, Erickson, Zamback, Spears, Carter, Ayes - 10. Nayes - 5 Absent - 3. Total 18 Motion carried. Motion No. 68 Moved by Renoos, seconded by Seidel to adopt the 1977 County Budget as amended in this session. Renoos withdrew his motion. Motion No. 69 Moved by Zamback, seconded by Ludzack to delete the county library and bookmobile item from the budget with an amount of $10,700. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 69a Ayes - Polich, Ludzack, Zamback Nayes - Renoos, Barninham, Erickson, Bromberg, Rudg:;., Seidel, Rave', Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson Ayes - 3 Nayes - 12 Absent - 3 TOTAL 18 Motion Lost. Motion No. 70 Moved by Renoos, seconded by'Seidel to approve the budget as amended during this session. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 70a Ayes - Renoos, Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg, Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Ludzack Nayes - Zamback, Johnson, Polich The following resignation was read: No. 71 P.O. Box 8 Port Wing, WI 54865 November 8, 1976 Mr. Walter Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn,.WI 54891 Ayes - 12 Nayes - 3 Absent - 3 Total 18 Motion carried. 1976 Dear Walt: As I will be absent from my district. for an undetermined_period of time, I hereby temder my resignation as County Board Supervisor, effective upon receipt. I would like to recommend that the runner-up candidate in the last supervisor election, Mr. Eric Johnson, be appointed to fill the vacancy created by my resignation. Sincerely, Clifford E. Hoagland Moved by Polich, seconded by Spears that the county board accept the resignation of Clifford Hoagland as a member of the County Board. Motion carried. Motion No. 72 1 Walter Barningham appointed Eric Johnson to fill the unexpired term of Cliff Hoagland. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Seidel to approve the appointment of Eric Johnson. Motion carri The following resolution was read: No. 73 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 10th day of November, 1976, that there be and is hereby levied against all the taxable property in Bayfield County, the following item to wit: State Tax for Forest Purposes under Section 70.58(2) $ 43,304.48 For all other items of the Budget, the sum of $4015510.00 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Walter Barningham Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 73a Ayes - Barningham, Erickson, Bromberg, Rude, Seidel, Rave, Spears, Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - Zamback Ayes - 14 Nayes - 1 Absent - 3 Total _ l8 Motion carried. Motion No. 74 Moved by Erickson, seconded by Spears that the county clerk send a letter of appreciation to Clifford Hoagland for serving as a member of the Bayfield County Board. Motion carried. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter C. arningham, Chairmaly Bayfield County Board of Sup visors Edward A. Pai ala , j Jerk Bayfield County"