HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 2/1/1977MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 1, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 present - Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Ila Bromberg, Eric Johnson, William Zamback, Bennie Rude, Larry Seidel, William Rave, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Joseph Berweger, Charles Polich, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham absent - Herbert Spears Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance was led by Larry Seidel, Board member. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Berweger to dispense with the reading of the minutes of o the previous meeting. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 2 RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Bayfield, meeting in regular session this 8th day of December 1976, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a RELOCATION ORDER, a copy of which is attached and forms a part of this resolution. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the Common Council of the City of Bayfield, Wisconsin, meeting in regular session on the 8th day of December, 1976. Edith Gorman, Clerk Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Carter to receive the foregoing resolution and place it on file. Motion carried. The following relocation order was read: No. 3 THE CITY OF BAYFIELD FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing,laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, recon- structing, improving, or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as State Trunk Highway 13, from the intersection of Rittenhouse Avenue and First Street; thence north along First Street a distance of 150 feet, requires certain relocation or change and the acquisition of lands or interests in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked: "PLAT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRES, PROJECT 8161-1-72", Washburn-Bayfield Road (City of Bayfield) S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County, dated November 26, 1976, Sheet No. 4.0, and, February 1, 1977 Pursuant to its authority under Section 62.23(17), Wisconsin Statutes, THE CITY OF BAYFIELD HEREBY ORDERS THAT: ` (1) The highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the City of Bayfield pursuant to the provisions of Section 62.23(17),,and/or 32.02, I%, i n:= i , Wisconsin Statutes. The foregoing order was issued by the City of Bayfield and entered inthe minutes of its meeting on December 8, 1976. Lawrence Wachsmuth, Mayor Edity Gorman, Clerk Moved by Seidel, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing relocation order. Motion carried. No. 4 Mr. Melvin Pederson from NACHPO appeared before the Board in regard to Health Planning. Mr. Larry Young gave a report on what this county has done in regard to Emergency Medical Services. He passed out a report to. all board members. ;:(Copy on file in the county clerk's office Wallace Johnson stated that at the time when the budget was being prepared, it appeared that the Health Systems Agency would be taking over the functions of NACHPO and, therefore, an appropriation should be made to HSA instead of NACHPO.. He further stated that it now appears that the money formerly budgeted to Western Lake Superior should probably be used for paying Bayfield County's share of financing NACHPO. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Carter to transfer the money budgeted to Western Lake Superior to NACHPO. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, Bayfield County Highway Committee, after much study and deliberation, deems it most economical and feasible to relocate a portion of County Trunk Highway "A" beginning at a point approximately 1615 feet north of'the southwest corner of Sec. 9 T47N R8W (Town of Iron River) thence northerly approximately 4.2 miles to the west 1/4 corner of Sec. 21 T48N R8W (Town -of Tripp) more explicitly described as beginning at the junction of U.S.H. #2 at the Iron River Wayside northerly to the junction of County Trunk_Highway "A" and the Hoopers Road, and WHEREAS,.Bayfield County Highway Committee gives the following reasons for recommending relocation of County Trunk Highway "A": (1) Behr visibility at the proposed intersection as no buildings obstruct view of oncoming traffic and -thus creating a safer approach. (2) Less congestion at the proposed intersection and therefore railroad crossing and U.S.H.#2 traffic move more freely. (3) As tourist traffic increases to the Apostle Islands National Park, the most efficient route should be maintained. (4) Cost estimates received from Owen Ayres & Associates show relocation of County Trunk Highway "A" to be considerably less than staying on the present alignment. F 1, 1977 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Bayfield County Board of Supervisors is very concerned about highway safety, maintenance and upkeep of County roads, and as in the past, believes the highest standard should be maintained for all transportation: We, therefore, recommend to the Division of Highways, State of Wisconsin, the relocation of County Trunk Highway "A" as proposed be accepted. PRESENTED BY: Joseph Berweger Edwin Erickson William Rave William Carter BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Hanson, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mr. Young showed the Board what area is involved with this relocation. Mr. Don Wilson from the.Department of Transportation appeared before the Board and gave a report that the Department of Transportation was not in favor of the relocation at this time. Eric Johnson asked Mr. Young what made the Highway Committee change their mind in regard to the relocation. The county Highway Committee earlier had decided not to relocate. Mr. Polich suggested that more study be taken on the relocation matter before a final decision is made. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Carter to table the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 6 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES January 25, 1977 Mr. Walter Barningham,.C.hairman Bayfield County Board Star Route Bayfield, WI 54814 Dear Mr. Barningham: Again, may I thank you for the invitation to meet with your Executive Committee of the County Board. I felt the meeting had been productive in achieving a level of communication between this Department and the Bayfield County Board which should be mutually beneficial to both parties. Even though there has been an exbhange of correspondence dating back to June of last year, with hindsight I wished we had met with you and your Executive Committee much earlier in the develop- ment of this situation. Since our meeting with you on January 14, there have been inquiries and communication from the other three counties indicating a possibility that they are considering creating three individual county 51.42 boards. In addition, there has been an inquiry from.a county in another multi -county board structure, indicating that they too might separate from their present three -county structure. Obviously, all of this has to create considerable concern in many places, including the Legis= lature, for the way in which these individual county actions will affect the delivery of services and the funding of services. For instance, as we.l.had discussed .with you, all of us'should be concerned that.large amounts of state and local funding which is currently going into service delivery will inevitably need to be reallocated to paying for administration costs of potentially a dozen new and separate 51.42 boards. Again, I express the Department's request that you convene a meeting of the other three county board chairmen withrthe Unified Board for the purpose of identifying the specific problems and concerns regarding the Unified Board's operations. I remainconvinced that if this step were taken, the problems could be dealt with effectively, and I -again offer to assist that effort in any way you would desire. There is no question that Mr. Johnson's concerns are serious and should be dealt with, but we are firm in our opinion and request that they be within the structure of a four -county unified board. We believe that with a good faith effort.on the part of all parties we could, within calendar year 1977, bring the four -county unified board into an operating status acceptable to each of the four county's Board of Supervisors. February 1, 1977 The support of you and Mr. Johnson in "going the extra mile" for calendar year 1977 would serve not only to overcome, the problems you have encountered with your unified board, but wooloerve as an example for other multi -county boards as to how to approach solutions to their problems, rather initiating a potentially statewide disintegration -of multi-county,cooperat:ion in the delivery of human services. If your county board does, however, reaffirm its previous action to establish a separate board, it should do so understanding that it will take a period of time for the remaining three counties to prepare their separate or combined board plans/budgets for review and approval. During the course of that work, we would continue to fund the Unified Board. Please let me know if we can be of assistance to you and if you need additional information. Sincerely yours, James A. Krauskopf Deputy Secretary DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Moved by Seidel, seconded by Polich to receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. Thomas Foy., District Attorney, appeared and gave his legal opinion on two questions as outlined in the following letter which had been put to him. January 27, 1977 Thomas P. Fox District Attorney Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Tom: The Executive Committee at their meeting held on January 19th discussed the withdrawal of Bayfield County from the Multi -County Unified Services. Two legal questions were raised at the meeting. 1. Was the action taken by Bayfield.County in withdrawing from the Multi -County Unit legal? 2. Does the Wisconsin Dept. of Social Services have the legal right to fund a four -county Unified Services.unit now that Bayfield County has withdrawn and only three counties are part of the unit? Your opinion on these two questions on or before next Tuesday's meeting of the County Board will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Edward A. Paja.la County Clerk EAP:mas Mr. Fox said that in his opinion Bayfield County had a problem in getting out of the contract before September 1, 1977 at which time the contract will expire. He stated that the state might say that they cannot fund a single county unit as it was not included in the original contract. The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on August 3, 1976 repialed an ordinance created on July 18, 1973 that established a Community Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program conjointly with the counties of Ashland, Iron and Price pursuant to Sections_51.42,and 51.437 of.the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, in order to continue the conjoint relationship with the Counties of Ashland, Iron and Price and to continue the services provided under the multi -county arrangement without inter- ruption of established service delivery., and than February <l, 1977 WHEREAS, continuation in the multi -county arrangement of service delivery is in the best interest of Bayfield County, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors'in session this lst day of February 1977 that said resolution adopted on August 3, 1976 be rescinded, and BE IT URTHER RESOLVED that Bayfield County rejoin in the multi-county.arrangement for the 1977 only, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director employed by the multi -county board known as the Unified Services Board submit a. quarterly report to the Bayfield County Board of Super- visors for review and evaluation each quarter of 1977 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors the month following the end of each quarter; such report to include information indicating all expenditures, fa.cilitie.s and agencies paid and number of clients served within each disability category, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the annual budget request of the.multi-county Unified Ser- vices Board be submitted to the Bayf ieldCounty Executive Committee and the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in the same manner that all other departments of Bayfield County are required to do, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the.Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services be placed on notice that it is expected that an ongoing effort be made by the Department, in calendar year 1977, to effectuate greater coordination and communication with the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and that the Board of Supervisors will again fully review the situation in regard to 1978 participation in the multi -county arrangement prior to the end of 1977. Presented By: Charles Polich Ernest Heglund Bennie Rude Joseph Berweger William Rave Moved by Berweger, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Bromberg, seconded by W. Johnson to adjourn as a county board and reconvene as a committee of the whole for the purpose of allowing public participation in the dis- cussion. Motion carried. The following people were present: James Shaw, Unified Services Board Bob Petrik, Dir., Alcohol & Drug Abuse Tom Lukasiewicz, concerned citizen Glenn Perry, concerned citizen Ann Reiderer, Outreach,. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Randy Spangle, Information Referral Center Bob Kroft, concerned citizen Father Culver, Pres., Ashland Area Council on Drug Abuse David Randby, District Admn., Mental Hygiene S. Zakowski, Family Services Diane Brander, ABC Development Center, Inc. D. Strzok, Work Coordinator, ABC Development Center, Inc. Sue Erickson, New Horizons Workshop All of the staff members representing the multi -county unified services board and also those concerned citizens who spoke were in favor of the county remaining in the multi -county system. Mr. Da.shner, Director, Dept. of Social Services, spoke in favor of separating from the multi -county system and handed out proposed budgets showing the cost under the various options. Moved by Carter, seconded by E. Johnson to recess for lunch. Motion carried. February 1, 1977 The meeting was called to order,a,t 1:20. PM with the following.members answering roll call: Erickson, Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Zamback, Rude, Seidel, Rave, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter A. Hanson, Berweger,.Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Absent: Spears Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 Mr. Polich continued the discussion on the mulit-county system. Mr. Polich favored the multi -county system at least for one more year. He said it was buying one years time for further study. Mrs. Bromberg favored pulling out of the multi -county system and forming a. single county unit. She stated that even if they stayed in for multi -county system for one more year, the state still would not give them much help and it would be just as difficult to separate next yea.r as it would be to separate now. Moved by Renoos, seconded by E. Johnson to adjourn as a committee of the whole and reconvene a.s a.county board. motion carried. The clerk re -read Resolution No. 7. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the resolution with the following results: No.7a Ayes - Meierotto, Rude, Rave, Heglund, Berweger, Polich, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Zamback, Seidel,'W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Ludzack, Renoos Ayes - 7 Nayes 10 Absent - 1 Total 18 Motion Lost. The following resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Holmgrer� of Port Industries, Inc., appeared before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on September 28, 1976, and suggested that Bayfield County purchase certain facilities formerly owned by said Port Industries, Inc., which suggestion was referred to the Executive Committee of said Bayfield County Board, and WHEREAS, Said Robert Holmgren discussed said proposal with said Executive Committee at its meetings on October 14, 1976, November 3, 1976, November 22.E 1976 and December 2, 1976 and said Executive Committee further considered said proposal on December 29, 1976, and WHEREAS, It is the opinion of sa.id Executive Committee that the proposal of Port Industries, Inc., is not in the interest of Bayfield County and its residents, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors reject the propose of Port Industries, Inc., which proposal. would have required Bayfield Co unty.to be a major partici- pant in the purchase, finance and operation of Port Superior and which proposal is not in the interest of Bayfield County and its residents. Moved by Seidel-, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. February. ;1, 1977 Bob Holmgren,,Port, -Industries, Inc., appeared before the Board in regard -to the above resolution. Mr. Holmgren urged Bayfield County to get involved and become a. major parti- cipant in the purchase, finance and operation of Port Superior. He asked the Executive Committee why they are not in favor of the proposal. He stated that he thought the county and the entire area would benefit. Several members questioned the philosophy of a program where federal monries are used to finance a facility that is actually a private facility but under public sponsorship. Mr. Holmgren agreed that he does not necessarily agree with the philosophy, but 3evertheless, the federal monies are available and they are being used in that manner .and Bayfield County should`also take advantage of the federal dollarss A roll call.vote was taken on the adoption. of Resolution No..9 with the following results: No. 9 Ayes - Meierotto, Bromberg, E. Johnson, Rude, Seidel, Rave, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, Zambaek Absent - Spears Ayes - 15 Nayes - 2 Absent - 1 Total 18 Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 10 TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the petitions described as follows be approved: That part of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) lying north of Highway 13, Section Nineteen (19)1" Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Four (4) West, be changed from Agricultural Use to Commercial Use. The West -Half (Wz) of the East -Half (EZ) of the West -Half (Wz) of Government Lot Two (2) and the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest One Quarter (SW4), both lying in See - Lion Fifteen (15) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Nine (9) West, Be changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The classification list to be amended to include boat houses as permitted uses in Residentia1-1, Residential-2, Residential-3, Residential-4, and Residential -Recreational Dis tricts and conditional uses in Commercial, Agricultural-1, and Forestry-) Districts. The classification list to be amended to include garages (private) so that they are permitted uses in Residential-1, Residential-2, Residential-3, Residential-4, Residential - Recreational, Agricultural-1, and Forestry-1 Districts, and conditional uses in commercial districts. The classification list to be amended to include garages (commercial) as permitted used. in Commercial and Industrial Districts. February 1, 1977 That' Section 20 '(Zoning Districts, dimensional requirements) be amended so that as amended the radius of a culdesac shall not be less than 45 feet in the Forestry-1, Residential-2, Agricultura1-1, Re'sidential-3; Forestry-2, Agricultura-2, Industrial, Commercial and Residential-4 Districts - That part of Section Twenty -Eight (28) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, ' Ra.nge Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Buskey Bay, Millicent Lake, Hart Lake, Cat Lake, McCarry Lake, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Thirty -Three (33) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of McCarry Lake, Hart Lake, Bass Lake, CrownLake and Twin Bear Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Three (3) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Long Lake and -Hobbs Lake -be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the North-West One Quarter (NWµ) of the North-East One -Quarter (NEµ) and the North-Ea.st One Quarter (NEµ) of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Ten (10) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight .(8) West, lying within 1000 feet of.Angus Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the West -Half (W ) of Section Twenty -Two (22), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000 feet of Millicent Lake be changed from Residential - Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000 feet of Millicent Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Thirty -Four (34), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Hart Lake, Five Island Lake, Twin Bear Lake, and Eagle Lake, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Government Lot Two (2), lying within 1000 feet of Moon Lake in Section Eighteen (18) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Industrial Use. That part of the South -East One -Quarter (SEµ) of the South-West One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Eighteen (18) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 300 feet of the normal highwater mark of Halls Creek be changed from Forestry Use to 'Industrial Use. That part of the South -East One -Quarter (SEµ) of the North-East One -Quarter CIEµ) , Section Twenty (20), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of the normal highwater mark of Perch Lake, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Industrial Use. That part of the South-West One -Quarter (SWµ) of the North-East One -Quarter (NEµ) , Section Twenty (20), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Mullenhoff Lake be changed from Residential-1 Use to Industrial Use. That part of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ) of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ), Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of BismarcI4 Lake be changed from Forestry Use to Industrial Use. That part of the North -Half (N2) of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) Westlying within 1000 feet of Peterson Lake, be changed from Residential - Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. r February T, 1977 That part of Section Twenty -One (21) , Township, Forty -Seven (47), North,, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Lost Lake, Perch Lake, Pike Lake, BUskey Bay, Millicent Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to'Residential-L` Use. That part of Section Two (2), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000 feet of Long Lake, Johnson Lake a'nd.Hicks Lake be changed from Residential - Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the South -Half (S z) 'of the; North' -Half (Nz) and the South=Half (S z) of Section Six (6) , Township Forty -Seven -(47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 300 feet of the normal highwater mark of Iron River be changed'from Agricultural Use to Residential-1 Use. The West -Half (Wz) of the South-West One -Quarter (SW4) of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ) and the North-West One -Quarter (NW-14) of the. North-West One -Quarter (NWµ) of the South-West One -Quarter (SW4) both lying within Section ThirtyOFive (35) Township.Forty-Seven (47) North, Range Eight .(8) West, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Res1dential-1 Use. The Zoning Committee also recommends that the following petition'be denied: The Zoning Committee is asking to amend Section 20 (Zoning Districts, dimensional requirements) so as amended the minimum road frontage of 50..feet shall be allowed in a Residentia1-4 District. Dated: February 1, 1977 Bayfield County Zoning Committee Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Art C. Hanson Walter Barningham Ben Rude Moved by Carter, seconded by Seidel to receive the foregoing eeport and place it on file. Motion carried. The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 11 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and.the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, That part of the North-East One -Quarter (NE4)`of the North-East One -Quarter (NE4) lying North of Highway 13, section Nineteen (19) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Ra.nge Four (4) West, be changed from Agricultural Use to Commercial Use. The West -Half (W2) of the East -Half (E2) of the Hest -Half (W2) of Government Lot Two (2) and the South-Ea,st One -Quarter (SE-4) of the SouthE-;West One -Quarter (SW-4) , both lying in Section Fifteen (15), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range (9) West, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The classification list to be amended to include boat houses as permitted uses in Residential-1, Residentia.1-2, Residential-3, Residentia.1-4, and Residential -Recreational Dis- tricts and conditional uses in Commercial, Agricultura1-1, and Forestry-1 Districts. The cla.ssifica.tion list to be amended to include garages (private) so that they are per- mitted uses in Residentia1-1, Residential-2, Residentia.1-3, Residential-4, Residential -Recreation Agricultural-1, and Forestry-1 Districts, and e.onditional uses in commercial districts. '102 February 1, 1977 The classification list to �be amended to .include garages (commercial) as permitted uses in Commercial and Industrial Districts. That Section. 20 (Zoning, Districts, dimensional -requirement's) -be amended so than as amended the radius of a culdesa.c shall not be,, less than 45 feet in the Forestry-1, Residential-2, Agri- cultural-1, Residential-3, Forestry-2, Agricultural-2-,.:Industrial, Commercial and Residentia1-4 Districts. That part of Section Twenty -Eight (28_) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Buskey Bay, Millicent Lake,,Hart La.ke,.Cat Lake, PleCarry Lake, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Thirty -Three (33.) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within.1000 feet of,McC.arry Lake, Hart Lake, Bass Lake,. .Crow Lake, -and Twain Bear Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residentia1-1 Use. That part of Section Three (3) Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of -long Lake and Hobbs Lake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-l-Use. That part of the -North-West One-Quarter.(NW4) of the North-East One -Quarter (NE-4) and the North-East One -Quarter (NEµ)_ of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Ten (10) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Angus Lake -be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the Uest-Half (Wz) of Section Twenty -Two (22), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000 feet of Millicent Lake be changed from Residential - Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000,-feet of MillicentLake be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Thirty -Four (34), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Hart Lake, Five Island Lake, Twin Bear Lake and Eagle Lake, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Government Lot Two (2), lying within 1000 feet of Moon Lake in Section Eighteen (18), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, be changed from Forestry Use .to Industrial Use. That part of the South-Easst One -Quarter (SEµ) of the South-West One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Eighteen (18) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 300 feet of the normal highwater mark of Halls Creek be changed from Forestry Use to Industrial Use. That part of the South -East One -Quarter (SE4) of the North-East One -Quarter (NEµ) , Section Twenty (20) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of the normal highwater mark of Perch Lake, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Industrial Use. That part of the South-West One -Quarter (SWµ) of the North-East One -Quarter (NE4), Section Twenty (20), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Mullenhoff Lake be changed from Residential-1 Use to Industrial Use. That part of the North-West One -Quarter (NW-4) of the North-West One -Quarter (NW--4), Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Seven :(47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000 feet of Bismarck Lake be changed from Forestry Use to Industrial Use. February 1, 1977 That part of the North -Half (N2) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying within 1000 feet of Peterson Lake, be changed from Residential - Recreational -Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Twenty -One (21) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North,. Range Eight (8) West, lying within 1000.feet of Lost Lake, Perc.h.Lake, Pike Lake, Buskey Bay, Millicent Lake, be changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of Section Two (2) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West lying 1000 feet of Long Lake, Johnson Lake'a.nd Hicks Lake be changed from Residential: -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the South -Half (S2) of the North -Half (N2) and the South -Half (S2) of Section Six (6) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying within 300 feet of the normal highwater mark of Iron'River.be changed from Agricultural Use to Residential-1 Use. The West-Ha.lf (W2) of the South-West One-Quarter'(SW4) of the North-West One -Quarter (NWµ), and the North-West One -.Quarter :(NW-4) of. the North-West One -Quarter -(NWµ) of the South- West One -Quarter (SWµ) , both lying within Section Thirty -Five _(35) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8)-West, be changed from -Residential -Recreational Use to Residential-1 Use. Dated: February 1, 1977 Bayfield County Zoning Committee Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Art C. Hanson Walter Ba.rningham Ben Rude (Affidavit of publication and notice of public hearing on file in the county clerk's office) The following resolution was read:, No. 12._ WHEREAS, Thomas J. Gallagher lives on Lots 21 through 25, Goff's Subdivision, Section 33, Township 44 North,, Range 7 West, Town of Drummond, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, did construct a garage without first obtaining a land use permit, with said garage being constructed over the septic tank and is currently in violation of the Bayfield County Sanitary and'Zoning Ordin- ances and WHEREAS, the owner refuses to move said garage or the septic tank, and r E s4 WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator and the recommenda- tion of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee that litigation may be required to effect com- plia.nce with the Bayfield County Sanitary and Zoning Ordinances. y�d NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorize the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator to pursue a.ction,- including litigation if necessary, as is required to secure compliance with the Bayfield County Sanitary and Zoning'Ordinance in the matter of the Thomas J. Gallagher garage. Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Art C. Hanson Bennie Rude Walter Barningha.m Moved by Renoos, seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Jake Heinlein, Zoning Admn., explained the resolution to the Board. 104 February 1, 1977. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No:'12a Ayes - Bromberg, E. Johnson, Zamback, Rude, Seidel, Rave, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, A. Hanson, .Renoos, Barningham, Meierotto' Na.yes - Berweger, Polich, Ludzack, Erickson Absent - Spears The following resolution was ra!ad: No. 13 Ayes - 13 Na.yes - 4 Absent - 1 T,btal 18' Motion carried. WHEREAS, the Attorney General under the date of August 20, 1976 (RF-240/314)rules that the power to classify -positions in a. County Department of Social Services resides in the State Department of Health and Social Services and not in a County Board.6r in a committee of such County Board, and WHEREAS-, Section 46.22 (3) Statutes provides in part, that the County Director shall recom- mend to the County Board of Public Welfare the appointment of employees necessary to adminster the functions of the Department, and the County Director shall make recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors who shall fix the salary of such employees, and WHEREAS, County Board action delegating these responsibilities to the County Personnel Com- mittee is in conflict with these rules, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this first day of February, 1977 that the classification of positions in the Department of Social Services will be determined by the State Department of Health and Social Services, as recommended by the Director of the Department and approved by the Social Services Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution supercedes any other county resolution or ordin- ance in conflict with the rules and regulations of the State Merit System governing employees of the Department of Social Services, and. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson W: H. Caster , Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. A lengthy discussion followed. Mr. Dashner was asked to appear before the board and explain the resolution. Mr. Polich suggested that the Board defer action on this resolution and that the clerk be authorized to contact Frank Newgent of the State Dept. of.Social Services and explain the problem Bayfield County is involved with and a.sk Mr. Newgent what procedure the county should follow. Moved by Polich, seconded by Bromberg to table the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. February 1; 1977 The 'following resolution was read:- No. 14 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has ordained to operate a. single county Unified Service Board, and WHEREAS, the Unified Service Board is charged with responsibility of adequate staffing for the Agency, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this first day of February, 1977 that the Unified Services Board be delegated the responsibility to determine staff classifications for the Unified Services Agency. PRESENTED BY: Wallace Johnson W. H. Caster Joseph Berweger AMENDMENT NO. 14a Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Erickson that the resolution be amended to read as follows: Strike period after the�word agency in last paragraph and insert comma followed by "salary determinations to be approved jointly by the Unified Services Board and Bayfield County Personnel Committee". Motion carried. Question was asked for on the original resolution as amended. Motion carried. Mr. Pajala then asked the board that after the joint committees meet and set the salaries was the county clerk's office authorized to.pa.y these salaries without question. The board appeared to be in agreement that this would be the duties of -the joint committee and their action would authorize payment of salaries. NO. 14-2 Moved by Bromberg, seconded by Carter that the county board chairman, Walter Ba.rAingha.m, write to Lorraine Squires and thank her for her dedicated servicesa.s a member of the multi - county Unified Services Board. Motion carried. A vote of thanks was also given to Bennie Rude for his many years of dedicated service on the board. The following communication was read: No. 15- Ja.nua.ry 24, 1977 Edwin Renoos _ Bra.ndview WI 54839 Dear Mr. Renoos: Due to the fact that I often have a conflict in attending meetings of the Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc. Board of Directors meetings, I am appointing you to take my place on the Board of Directors. Gretchen Barnes from the Town of Barnes has been my alternate and I believe she is willing to continue as an alternate. If you find that you cannot attend the meetings of the board, I suggest that you contact Mrs. Barnes. 106 February 1, 1977 I am referring this appointment to the County,Board,for confirmation of the Board. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman WCB:mas Moved by Carter, secnnded by Rave to confirm the appointment. Motion carried. The following resolution,was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board has been contacted regarding the munty sponsorship of a Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program, and WHEREAS, the committee has been informed that.a. federal grant in excess of $100,000 may be available to finance such a program, and ►` WHEREAS, similar programs can be federally fpzna.nced and operated with sponsorship of local groups, and WHEREAS, involvement of the county on a large program of this nature might not be to the N n best interest of Ba field Count •� Y Y NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the Ba.yf field County Board go on record disapproving county sponsorship of the program, bud recommends that efforts be made to obtain grants for sponsorship of such a program under the sponsorship of local groups or municipalities. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Chas. Polich Joseph Berweger Moved by Renoos, seconded by Rave to adopt the foregoing resolution. Joyce Meyer appeared before the Board and asked for county sponsorship of a. federal grant for money available for a Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program. Sandra Brown, hired by the Bayf field Urban.Rural Community School Council, also spoke in favor of the project. A lengthy discussion followed and a. large.portion of members gave their opinion. She did not,ask for .any financial support as the program would be fully funded by federal grants. Both Sandra Brown and Joyce Meyer commented on the need of the program and stated that the program was a. county program and not any particular area. program. Concern was voiced by several county board members in regard to the possibility of county funding of the program after federal funds -are depleted. Sandra -Brown indicated that there was a. possibility that local support might be asked for after the first 2 years of operation. The following legal opinion of Tom Fox, D.A., in regard to county participation in the program was read. February 1, 1977 February 1, 1977 Mr , Edward A. Paj ala Bayfield County Clerk Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Re: Application for funding County -wide Youth Service Program Dear Mr. Paja.la.: ,I have been contacted by Sandra Brown, the consultant writing the grant proposal for the above project, regarding a legal opinion .of the County's liability under that program. From my discussion with Ms. Brown,. -it, is my understanding that the County's participation under the program would be limited to the Sheriff's office. The Sheriff's office would be program ap- plicant and have a. representative on the independent corporate board 'controlling the program. It is my further understanding that the controlling*lboard,_ the Bayfield County Youth Service Board, Inc., would completely control the operation of.the program and would obtain comprehensive liability insurance covering its activities. Based on the above, it is my opinion that the liability exposure for the County as a result of the operation of the Bayfield County Youth Service -Board; Inc.., would be minimal. As it is difficult to forsee future events and circumstances, it is not possible to rule out liability completely. You may want. to contact a visk manager with the County's present insurer to get an insur- ance industry opinion on this matter. Sincerely yours, Thomas P. Fox A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 16a Ayes - Meierot.to, Bromberg, Zamback, Seidel, W. Johnson, Heglund, Ca.rter,.Berweger; Polich, Ludzack, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, E. Johnson, Rude,.Rave Absent - Spears, Hanson Ayes 12 Na.yes - 4 Absent - :1? Total 18 The following resolution was read: No. 17 Motion carried. WHEREAS, the County Board did on November 9, 1976 make an appropriation of $300 toward the Drummond Activity Recreation Troop Program, and WHEREAS, through an over -sight the amount was not included in the 1977 budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said amount of $300 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to a, separate account covering said appropriation. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Arthur Meierotto Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Chas. Polich Joseph Berweger Moved by Heglund, seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried - The following communication was read: No. 18 January 31, 1977 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Edward Paj ala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 February 1, 19.77 Dear Board Members: I am looking for space for a Lake Superior Area Field Office for the University of Wisconsin Sea. Grant Program. I will work along Wisconsin's Lake Superior shore by pr.oviding.,information and assistance on Lake Superior's resources and problems to communities, businesses and the general public. I will need space for a secretary and me, an area for visitng researchers to work and a place for storing office.supplies,and,equipment; Offices such as the Highway Commissioner's old office or the office across the hall from that one would be fine if some repairs are made. The Sea Grant Program will pay rent for the office and will stay at least a couple of years. There is no requirement for -the county to share in paying costs. The University will make a final decision on,renting spa.ee..; This will depend on -cost, availability of someone to,:answer . the . phone -when the.seer.etary is absent and the' availability of facilities such a.s Xerox and mimeograph machines. This is just a request to.find-if the county is willing to make an offer for renting space. Sincerely, Kenneth M. Bro Advisory Services Specialist Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos to refer the communication to -.the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 19 January 27, 1977 Bayfield County Board Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear County Board Members, At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Grand View:held January 26, 1977 the following motion was made by Ed Renoos, seconded by Elmer Westlund and carried: "Petition the Bayfield County Boardtto enter County owned land and any further land a,equired..by the County in Sec. l.thru 12 Township 45 N Range 6W in Forest Crop lands." The following motion was also made by Ed Renoos, seconded by Elmer Westlund and carried: "Petition the Bayfield County Board to sell any County owned land in the Town of Grand View except in Section 27 Township 45N Range 6W/" Your action on these petitions at the next County Board meeting would be appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Janet Maleski Town Clerk Moved by Renoos, seconded by Bromberg to refer the communication to the Forestry Committee. Motion carried: NO. 20 The clerk reported to the board that the following towns have adopted tho comprehensive revision .of the zoning ordinance: Towns of Kelly, Bayfield, Russell, Barksdale, Grand View, Drummond, Iron River The following highway relocation order was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION November 18, 1976 Mr. Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Bayfield Co. Hwy. Oept. Box 428 311 S. First Avenue East Washburn, WI 54891 No. 21 109 . February 1, 1977 I Mr . Edward A. Paj ala \ Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems.•it necessary to make certain revisions on a..previously-approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or ma.intena.nc.e of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisition of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Division of Highways, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2) , Wisconsin- Statutes. Sincerely, John W. Fuller Hwy. Commission Secretary RELOCATION ORDER Project Name of Road 8161-1-21 Washburn-Bayfield Road Right of Way Plat Date PA Sheet Numbers November 1, 1976 4.0 through 4.18 Highway S.T.H. 13 County Bayf ield Date of Previous Order September 27, 1976 Description of Termini of Project Beginning at the intersection of Bayfield Street and Fourth Avenue East, City of Washburn, thence northerly and northeasterly to a. point 240 feet west of the intersection Payne Avenue add Seventh Street, City of Bayfield. To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve, or maintain a portion of the Highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands_ or.interests in.� lands as shown on the right of way plat.for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Seetions'84.02(3)"and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Highway Commission hereby orders that: 1. The said .highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as _shown on the plat. 2. The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the Division of Highways, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09 (l) •or (2) , Wisconsin. Statutes. 3. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Commission. November 17, 1976 Date John W. Fuller Highway Commission Secretary Moved by Berweger, seconded by Carter to receive the foregoing communication and place it on, file.. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 22 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION January 3, 1977 Mr. Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Bayfield County Hwy. Dept. Box 428, 311 S lst Av,e,,,' East Washburn, WI 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-03-30 CAP O11-2(11) Ashland-Bayfield Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County Under date of December 16, 1976,,the Highway Commission deemed it advisa.b.le to rescind its pre- vious approval of the acquisition order fo'r the above -designated project and highway. Sincerely i Joseph Sweda Highway Commission Vice Chairman Moved by Carter, secnnded by Berweger to,receive the foregoing communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 23 TOWN OF IRON RIVER Iron River, Wisconsin 54847 Feb. 1, 1977 To the Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: The Town of Iron River, in a short time, will be in need of additional land for the Town's sanitary landfill. 5 The County ha.s some land --the old gravel pit --which ,east of the present landfill, which might be used for this purpose. Iron'River is interested in acquiring the forty just east of Irnn River's landfill (NW4 of SE4, Sec. 18, T 47N R8W) . Your consideration of this matter would be appreciated. Yours truly', Town of Iron River Joseph Pemberton, Chairman Moved by Renoos, seconded by Carter to refer the communication to the highway committee and then to the executive committee with power to a.et. Motion carried. NO. 24' " It was brought to the attention of the Board that there appears to be a conflict in County Board Rules as they pertain to the Civil Defense Committee. The county Reorganization Plan provides that tho- Personnel Committee shall also be the Civil Defense Committee while the Joint Action Emergency Government Ordinance provides that the Executive Committee shall be the Civil Defense Committee. Moved by Carter, seconded by Seidel that the Executive Committee study the matter and report back to the County Board at the next meeting. Motion carried. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Erickson to adjourn. Motion carried. Aa4( Walter C. Barningham, Cha.iAman cEdward A. Pajala;"Clerk Bayfield County Board of ,Supervisors