HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 2/3/1981February ; 3., .1981 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 3, 1981 -The meeting was called to order at 9:45 p.m. by Chairman Walter Barningham. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Absent - Soderstrom, Sechen Present - 16 Absent - 2 TOTAL 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance were led by Larry Seidel,.board member. No. 2 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. No. 3 Barningham informed the board that he has appointed Benny Rude to serve on the Northwest Wisconsin Library System Board. Moved by Carter and seconded by Meierotto to confirm the appointment. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 4 TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearings on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County. Board of Supervisors, having held public hearings pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law.and being duly informed to the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the.petitions described as. follows be approved: The South-west One -Quarter (SWµ) of the South-west One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Twenty- eight (28), Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, be changed from Forestry-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The North-west One -Quarter (NW-4) of the North-east One -Quarter (NEµ), Section Twenty(20), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range. Eight (8) West, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural-1 Use. The Zoning Committee also recommends that the following petition be cIen-ied:. A parcel of land located in the South-east One -Quarter -(SEµ) of the South-east One - Quarter (SEµ) Section Thirty-two (32) , Township Forty-four (44), North, Range Six (6) West, more specifically described.- in Volume 345, .Page 250 of. -the Register, :of- Deeds office, be changed from Residential-2. Use to Residential-3 Use. SIGNED: Renoos, Sneed, Barningham, McGillivray,, Maki Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Seidel to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. Feb. 3, 1981 The following amendatory ordinance was read: No. 5 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, Is hereby amended so that as amended, The South-west One -Quarter (SW-4) of the South-West One -Quarter (SWµ), Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry-1 Use to Residential - 2 Use. The North-west One -Quarter (NWµ) of the North-east One -Quarter (NEµ) , Section Twenty (20) , Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural-1 Use. SIGNED: Renoos, Sneed, Barningham, McGillivray, Maki (Affidavit of Publication on file in the county clerk's office) Moved by Carter and seconded by Maki to adopt the ordinance. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, An error was made in the legal description provided in Amendatory Ordinance # 10 adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on September 30, 1980, and, WHEREAS, The correct legal description was provided when the notice of this request for rezoning was published and when the public hearing was held on this matter pursuant to Sec. 59.97(5) Wisconsin Statutes; and, WHEREAS, It was the intent of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to adopt Amendatory Ordinance #10 as written below, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Amendatory Ordinance #10 of September 30, 1980, be revised to read as follows: The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, The North-east One -Quarter (NE-4) of the South-east One -Quarter (SE4) , Section Two (2) , Township Forty-three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry-1 Use to Residential 1 Use. The North-east One -Quarter (NE4) of the South-west One=Quarter (SW4) ,- Section Twenty -nine (29) 1, Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forest-ry-l._Use to Residential-3 Use The North-west One -Quarter --(NWµ) of the South-east One -Quarter (SEµ) , Section Twenty-nine (29) Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Foresty-1 Use to Residential-1 Use. The North-east One -Quarter (NEµ) of the North-east One -Quarter (NEµ) of the South-east One -Quarter (SE-4) of the South-west One -Quarter (SW4) , Section Twenty-nine (29) , Towhship Fifty (50) , North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Foresty-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North-west One -Quarter (NWµ) of the North-west One -Quarter (NWµ) of the South-west One - .Quarter (SW4) of the South-east One Quarter (SE y. ,, Section Twenty-nine (29) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East -half C 2) of -the South-west One -Quarter (SW4) , of the South-east One -Quarter (SE4) , Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry-11 Use to Residential-1 Use. SIGNED: Renoos, Sneed, Maki, Barningham, McGillivray Feb. 3, 1981 Moved by Renoos and seconded by Rave to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. David Lee, Zoning Administrator, then presented the board with the Annual Zoning Report. The following resolution was read: No. 7 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BAYFIELD COUNTY OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN WHEREAS, Bayfield County,in.cooperation with the Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning and Development Commission has developed a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan; and WHEREAS, This plan outlines foreseeable outdoor recreation facility needs of Bayfield County that can be adequately maintained; now THEREFORE, BE IT REOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of'Supervisors hereby formally adopts the Bayfield County Outdoor Recreation Plan as the official policy statement for the development of outdoor recreation programs and facilities in Bayfield County. SIGNED: Seidel, Ludzack, Sneed, Diamon Moved by Seidel and seconded by Diamon to adopt the resolution. Fred Goold from the Northwest Regional Planning Commission then explained the update of the outdoor Recreation Plan. The question was asked on the motion to adopt Resolution No. 7. Motion carried. The following.amendatory ordinance was read: No. 8 THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: The County Park Ordinance adopted by the Bayfield County Board on May 8, 1968 as set forth in Vol. 12 at page 628 of the proceedings of the Bayfield County Board is :amended as follows: 1. Section 14P and Section 15P are re -numbered Section 16P and Section 17P respectively 2. A new Section 14P and Section 15P are created to read as follows: Section 14P - No person shall intentionally cause: any loud noise or disturbance in and County park between.the hours=of 10:00 o'clock, P.M. and 7:00 o'clock, A.M. Section 15P - No person shall camp in any County park where camping fees are required without having first paid the camping fee then in effect nor without having on display at his or her camping site a camping fee stub. No Person shall launch any boat or canoe at any County park where boat launching fees are required without first having paid the board launching fee then in effect nor without having in his or her possession a boat launching fee receipt. This ordinance shall,be effective upon passage,and publication. Date passed: Feb. 3, 1981 Date Published: Feb. 12, 1981 SIGIjIED: Seidel, Ludzack, Sneed, Diamon Feb. 3, 1981 p�laq� ,w Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Seidel to adopt. Seidel then stated that these amendments to the ordinance will give the park attendant more authority to handle disturbances on the campgrounds. The question was asked on the motion to adopt the ordinance. Motion carried. The following claim was read: No: 9 NOTICE OF CIRCUMSTANCES AND CLAIM That on the 17th day of August, 1980, at or about 1:15 p.m., a motor vehicle driven by Judith A. McJannet of 760 Wonderland Lane, London, Ontario, Canada, was proceeding in an easterly direction in Bayfield County on U.S. Highway 2, approximately four and one-half miles West of Iron River, Wisconsin, in the Township of Hughes. The driver was proceeding in a prudent and reasonable manner, and the vehicle included passengers named Celia Phyllis McJannet, age 60, and James B. McJannet, age 59, the mother and father of the driver. As the vehicle was proceeding along the highway, it went out of control and rolled over, causing the death of Celia Phyllis McJannet and James B. McJannet, as well as bodily injury to the driver, Judith A. McJannet. That the vehicle went out of control due to unreasonable slippery conditions of the roadway as this portion of the highway was in need of repairs and maintenance; sacd unduly slippery conditions were known to the Town, County and State Authorities prior to the accident, and there were in- adequate signs posted in this area.for the purpose of properly warning vehicular traffic. That the State employees involved included Donald Jorgensen, the District Director of the Department of Transportation, whose office is located in Superior, Wisconsin, and further the Chief Maintenance Engineer of the District, Robert Germond. An itemzied statement of the relief sought or the claim is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A". Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12 day of December, 1980. BEVERLY A. NOFFTZ My Commission Expires: 3-22-81 Notary Public State of Wisconsin John H. Schiek of Melby & Schiek, S.C. Attorneys for Parties 14 E. Davenport St., P.O. Box 1047 Rhinelander, WI 54501 Telephone: 715-369-1050 STATEMENT FOR RELIEF 1. Medical Expenses for Judith A. McJannet 2. Dental Expenses for Judith A. McJannet 3. General Damages for Personal Injury of Judith A. McJannet 4. Funeral Expenses for Parents of Judith A. McJannet, Celia Phyllis McJannet and James B. McJannet, as follows: (a) One Burial Plot (b) Transport Bodies from Wisconsin to Canada (c) Funerals for Celia Phyllis McJannet and games B. McJannet 5.. Travel Expense for Family (Canada to Wisconsin and return to Canada) 6. Loss of Society and Companionship occasioned by loss of Father, James B. McJannet Loss of Society and'Companionship occasioned by loss of Mother, Celia Phyllis McJannet TOTAL 628.50 1,078.00 25,000.00 370.00 402.48 4,970.70 3,600.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 $ 86,049.68 Submitted by Judith A. McJannet, surviving daughter of Celia Phyllis McJannet and James B. McJannet, and the Executors of the Estates of Celia Phyllis McJannet and James B. McJannet, being Canada Permanent Trust Company of 361 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, Canada, said Claim being signed by Attorney John H. Schiek of Melby & Schiek, S.C., Attorneys at Law, on behalf of said parties. Moved by Diamon and seconded by Rave to deny the claim. Motion carried. Feb. 3, 1981 t LJWAS&UO OLAJ-0" L" The following claim was read: No. 10 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Edward A. Pajala, Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, WI 54891 LAWRENCE YOUNG, BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Washburn, WI 54891 NOTICE OF INJURY Pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 59, 81, 893, and 895, Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified as follows: 1. That, Dana Karban is an adult resident of Marathon County residing ` at 1930 Kimberly, Mosinee,Wisconsin, Danda "Karban is the wife and surviving spouse of Joseph R. Karban, deceased, and as such surviving spouse is entitled to recover damages for the wrongful death of her husband, all as provided in Chapter 895, Wisconsin Statutes. 2. That a.t all times hereinafter mentioned, Highway "D" is a public highway located in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. 3. That on or .about August 15, 1980, the deceased, Joseph R. Karban, was riding as a guest passenger in an automobile driven by Stephen J. Beitzel, an adult resident of Manitowoc County residing at-;1419 South 13th St., Manitowoc, Wisconsin. That said automobile was proceeding in a northerly direction on said highway in the'Town of Namakagon, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. 4. That at,said time and place the automobie in which the deceased, Joseph R. Karban, was a passenger left the highway, causing the death of Joseph R. Karban. 5. That the automobile in which Joseph'R. Karban was a passenger left the highway because of the negligent and careless acts of Bayfield County;. Lawrence YQUng, the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner; and their servants and employees, including, but not limited to the following negligent and careless acts: (a) failure to.install and maintain highway signs; (b) placement of signs at a point where they failed to serve the purpose for which they were intended; (c) violation of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin Administrativ/6 Code by failure to erect and maintain signs` required by said statutes and code; (d) violation of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin Administrative Code by erecting inadequate and:,..misleading signs; (e) failure to adequately mark the road so an approaching vehicle would be aware of and be able to follow curves in the road; (f) failure to adequately construct and maintain the roadway so that it Could be traveler at the designated speed limit. 6. The aforesaid negligence, and carelessness was a proximate cause of the death of the deceased, Joseph R. Karban. 7. That Dana Karban, the surviving..spouse of the deceased, Joseph R. Karban, has sustained great pecuniary loss and loss of society and companionship as a result of the death of Joseph R. Karban. 8. That the aforesaid accident was investigated by the office'of the`Bayfield County Sheriff. 9. That this notice of injury is served upon Bayfield County, Lawrence Young, the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner; and their servants and employees, so that they shall .have notice of the circumstances regarding any claim of Dana Karban. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this 5th day of December, 1980. PROSSER, WIEDA BACH & QUALE, S.C. BY: George W. Green, Stephen M. Chandler, Attorneys for Dana Karban. P.O. ADDRESS: 626 East Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Feb. 3, 1981 NOTICE OF CLAIM COMES NOW the claimant, by her attorneys, Prosser, Wiedabach & Quale, S.C. and makes the following claim: 10. That the claimant incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1-9 inclusive of her notice of injury as if fully set forth herein. 11. That the claimant, Dana Karban, is an adult resident of Marathon County residing at 1930 Kimberly, Mosinee, Wisconsin, Said claimant is the wife and surviving spouse of Joseph R. Kar- ban, deceased, arm as such -surviving spouse is -entitled to recover damages for the wrongful death of her husband, all as provided in Chapter 895, Wisconsin Statutes. 12. That Bayfield County is a county government responsible for the maintenance of county highways, -including the maintenance of roadways, and the placement and maintenance of roadway s igns,:: 13. That Lawrence Young is the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner and as such he and his servants and employees are required to perform certain ministerial duties in regard to the main- tenance of all county highways in Bayfield County, including Highway-"D". 14.- That Bayfield County, Lawrence:Young, the Bayfield County Highway -Commissioner, and their servants and employees were careless and negligent in the maintenance of County Highway "D" and in the performance of their duties, all as heretofore set forth; and - that said carelessness and negligence was a proximate cause of the death of Joseph R. Karban. 15. That Dana Karbar4 the claimant, has sustained $3,000,000.00 pecuniary loss as a result of the death of her husband, an honors student; and has suffered a loss of $25,000.00 as a result of the loss of:her husband's-society and companionship; for a total loss of $3,025,000.00. 16. That the claimant, Dana Karban, herewith makes a claim against Bayfield County; Lawrence Young, the Bayfield CountyHighway Commissioner; and their servants and employees, in the amount of $3,025,000.00 WHEREFORE, the claimant, Dana Karban requests that you attend to this claim as provided by Wisconsin Statutes, and that'her claim be paid in the amount of $3,025,000.00. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin this 5th day of December, 1980.. PROSSER-, WIEDABACH & QUALE, S:C. By; George W. Greene, Stephen M. Chandler Attorneys for Dana Karban P.O. ADDRESS: 626 East Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Moved by Rave and seconded by Diamon to deny the claim. Motion carried. dDP440 I The following relocation order was read: No. 11 Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities P.O. Box 7916 Madison, WI 53707 December 3, 1980 Mr. Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Bayfield County Highway Dept. 311 South First Ave. E. Washburn, WI 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Feb. 3, 1981 Dear Sirs: Project 8161-00-21 F 100(1) U.S.H. 2-Washburn Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Department of Transportation deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a previously approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands, according to such revisions, for.the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the Department and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the -lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired shall be made by the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities, pursuant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2)`, Wisconsin Statutes. Sincerely, H. L. Fiedler Administrator' HLF: ld Enc. CC: DD# 8 R/E RELOCATION ORDER Project: 8161-00-21 ; Name of Road" U.S.H. 2-Washburn; Highway S.T.H. 13; County: Bayfield; Right of Way Plat Date: October 7, 1980; Plat Sheet Numbers: 4.0 through 4.14; Date of Previous Order: April 24, 1980. DESCRIPTION OF TERMINI OF PROJECT: Beginning at a point 1220.82 feet S 89016'58" E and 1399.67 feet S 1034'16"W of the center of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 5 West, thence northeasterly to a point 3959.90,feet S. 88057'09" E and 4151.06 feet N 0000'00" of the southwest.corner of Section 5, Township 48 North, Range 4 West. To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve, or maintain a portion of the highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as ,.shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this-change,'pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Department of Transportation hereby orders that: 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the Plat. 2. The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by.the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09(1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. 3. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Department.. DATED: November 20, 1980 SIGNED: H.L. Fiedler, Administrator Moved by Erickson and seconded by Anderson to approve the order. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 12 January 2, 1981 TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Following is the Annual Financial Report of the 1980 Bayfield County Fair. REVENUES: DISBURSEMENTS: Co. Bd. Appropriation 19,312.26 Administrative Expense 1,229.41 State Aid on Premiums .3,510.40 State Taxes 229.87 Gate Receipts 4,832.00 Salaries & Wages for Services 2,141.30 Grandstand.Receipts 1,147.00 Off ic.er's Salaries & Expenses 1,033.62 Spaces and Privileges 1,317.48 Superintendents and Assistants 2,315:16 Patronage Refunds 29.05 Judges 1,015.00 Miscellaneous 455.24 Premiums 5,991.75 Contest.Entry Fees 85:00 Ribbons, Trophies; & Supplies 111637.09 Printing 331.60 -Advertising 1,742.51 Association Dues & Memberships 143.00 Insurance 1,455.86 Utilities 437:90 Rental of Equipment 560.00 Special Acts, Features & Contests 1,535.00 Maintenance-Bii1dings & Grounds 2,283.25 Clerk's Salary- 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 9.30 TOTAL OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURES 25,3291.62 Outlay 5,396.81 TOTAL REVENUE 30,688.43 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 30,688.43 PRESENTED -BY: Meierotto, McGillivray, Barningham, Wickman, Sechen, Harry Lowe 48 Feb. 3, 19.81 -I Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Diamon to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, Section 46.25 of the Wisconsin Statutes establishes a child support and establishment of paternity program within the Wisconsin Department -,of Health and Social Services and requires County and State agencies to cooperate with one another to implement the child support and establishment of paternity program in accordance with State and Federal laws,,regulations, and rules; and WHEREAS, Section 59.07(97) of the Wisconsin Statutes requires the Department to contract with each county to implement the child support and establishment of paternity program provided for by Title IV of the Federal Social Security Act; and WHEREAS, Section 59.07 (97) of the Wisconsin Statutes requires that the county Hoard of each county designate by board resolution the office, officer, board, department or agency as the county designee to implement and administer the child support and establishment of p -gternity program in accordance with the contract with the Department and that the Department shall ensure that the contract is for an amount reasonable and necessary. -to assure quality of service. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Bayfield County enter into a contract with said Department covering administration of the child support and establishment of paternity program - Title IV-D in the form attached hereto, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Board Chairman shall be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign said contract, including appendices A and B attached thereto on behalf of Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the office of the District Attorney shall be and hereby is re -designated as the Child Support Agency for Bayfield County and that the Board of Social Services shall be and it hereby is re -designated as the -policy -making Board to oversee the administration of the Child Support Agency. SIGNED Carter, Rave, Mattson STATE AND COUNTY CONTRACT COVERING ADMINISTRATION OF THE CHILD SUPPORT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY PROGRAM -TITLE IV-D Contract made and entered into this 3rd.day of February, 1981, for the period January 1, 1981, through December 31, 1981, by and between the Department of Health and Social Services, hereinafter referred to as "Department," and the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors or its designee herein- after referred to as "County-." WHEREAS, Section 46.25 of the Wisconsin Statutes establishes a child support and establish- ment of paternity program within the Department and requires the Department and County to cooperate with one another to implement the child support and establishment of paternity program in accordance with state and federal laws, regulations, and rules; and WHEREAS, Section 59.07(97) of the Wisconsin Statutes requires the Department to contract with the County to implement the child support and establishment.of paternity program provided for by Title IV of the federal Social Security Act; and FURTHER AS, Section 59.07(97) of the Wisconsin Statutes requires that the county board designate by board resolution the office, officer, board, department or agency as the county designee to implement and administer the child support and establishment of paternity program in accordance with the contract with the Department and that the Department shall ensure that the contract if for an amount reasonable and necessary to assure quality of service. Feb. 3, 1981 NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Department and the County agree as follows: I. COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CHILD SUPPORT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY PROGRAM A. The County shall perform the duties and responsiblities specified in this contract in accordance with the State and Federal Statutes, State administrative rules and federal regulations in effect during the term of this contract. B. In compliance with the duties and responsibilities specified in Section I.A., the County shall conform its administrative and enforcement activities under the child support and establishment of paternity program to applicable State and Federal rules and regulations, and the policy directives contained in the DHSS-DEA Child Support Enforcement _Manual and the IV-D Administration Manual. C. The County shall: 1. Ensure that child support.and paternity establishment services are provided equally for all cases in which assignment is made under section 49.19(4)(h) 1 of the the Wisconsin Statutes or an application for such services is received by the County. Child Support and paternity establishment services include but are not limited to: a. Establishment of paternity; b. Location of absent parents; c. Determination of child support obligations of absent parents; d. Establishment of enforceable child support obligations;.._, and e. Enforcement of payment of child support obligations. 2. Establish and maintain cooperative arrangements with the district attorney, corporation counsel, family court commissioner, clerk.of court and all other county officials for child support enforcement and related services, as provided in s. 59.07(97), Wis. Stats. 3. Establish an annual budget for the county child support and establishment of paternity program subject to the approval of the Department. 4. Establish and maintain such records as specified by the department, and provide summary and case specific financial and statistical reports based upon such records to the State; 5. Forward all child support monies collected under assignment. to the Department for distribution; 6. Report all child support receipts to the_Department by the 15th day of the month following the month of such receipt; 7. Maintain confidentiali.ty of records as required by State Statute and federal regulations; 8. Provide the .public with information on the child support program. 9. Insure that every person who receives,.disburses, handles or has access to funds collected under the child support and establishment of paternity program is covered.by a bond against loss in accordance with Section 59.13, Wisconsin Statutes and Title 45,,Code of Federal Regulations, Section 302.19. 10. Maintain methods of administration designed to assure that persons responsible for handling cash receipts of child Sgipport do not participate inaccounting or operating functions in accordance with Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 302.20,,unless the Department has granted the county a waiver. February 3 , 1981 11. Allow access by authorized representatives of the Department, State Legislative Audit Bureau and federal government to any and all county records relating to child support. Access to records by any other representative of the State requires written authorization from the Division of Economic Assistance Administrator, 12. Notify the Department in writing whenever it is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations. II. DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE CHILD SUPPORT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY PROGRAM A. The Department shall perform the duties and responsibilities specified in this contract in accordance with the State and Federal Statutes, and State Administrative Rules in effect during the term of this contract. B. In fulfilling its responsiblities under this contract the Department shall develop and maintain policy directives or administrative and enforcement activities relating to the child support and enforcement of paternity program conforming to State and Federal Statutes, and State Administrative Rules. C. The Department shall: 1. Approve, or reject, the annual County Child Support Agency budget within 60 days of receipt. 2. Notify the County within 15 days of receipt of quarterly or monthly reports (EA-CS-103 and EA-CS-104) if the reports are in error; and make appropriate adjustments for claims that are non -allowable or in error. 3. Reimburse the County on a monthly or quarterly basis for 75% of the cost of activities specified in Section I.C. Reports submitted without errors will be reimbursed within 45 days. 4. Provide monthly -incentive payments'to counties''in accordance with procedures specified in Title 45, Code of Federal -Regulations, Section 302.52. 5. Audit and examine the fiscal and other records maintained by the County in the adminis- tration of the child support and establishment of paternity program and notify the County in writing before an audit is to begin. 6. After an audit of the current or prior contract years, make any necessary audit adjust- ments to correct past over or under payments. Such audit adjustments may increase or reduce payments made under this contract or contracts for subsequent periods. The audit adjustment shall be limited to the audited error. The County shall not be liable for an audit adjustment unless the preliminary audit report is submitted to the county within 36 months of the expiration of this contract. 7. Notify the county at least 30 days before the effective date of the Department's intent to reduce or withhold all or any portion of any administrative reimbursement -upon the Department's determination that the County has breached this contract. The County shall have 30 days to seek administrative review of the Department's action in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 227 Wisconsin Statutes. The Department shall not reduce or withhold any monies during the pendency of the hearings. 8. Monitor the county responsibilities as defined in Section I herein. 9® Conduct performance reviews and make recommendations concerning the overall adminstrative efficiency of the program. 10..Notify the county in writing whenever it is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations. III. REIMBURSEMENT FOR FUNDING A. All payments under this contract are contingent upon: FEB. 3, 1981 ._ 1. Performance by the county of all responsibilities identified in this contract; 2. Authorization of Wisconsin and federal law and availability of federal funds; 3. The Department's approval of the annual county child support contract and budget for child support enforcement and related services; 4. When applicable, State and federal approval of cost allocation plans and of expenditures for nonexpendable personal property; S. Authorization of the County Board of Supervisors for the County or its designee to enter into this agreement. IV. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE A. No eligible client shall be denied any services enumerated in this agreement or be sub.j,ected to discrimination because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, or developmental disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (Appendix A). B. In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the county agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, or developmental disability in s. 51.05(5) or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, -recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or apprenticeship. The contractor further agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment oppourtunities in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. C. The County agrees that it will comply with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), all requirements imposed by the applicable HEW regulations (45 CPR Part 84) and all guidelines and interpretations issued pursuant thereto. (Appendix B) D. Requirements herein stated apply to any cooperative agreement or purchase of service agreement. V. MISCELLANEOUS A. Nothing contained herein _shall prohibit the Department or the County from purchasing or providing any services otherwise authorized by law. B. It is understood and agreed that the entire contract between the parties is contained herein, and includes the exhibits incorporated herein by reference. The contract supersedes all previous commitments, promises,representations either oral or written, between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and may be renegotiated at the request of either party at any time upon 60 days written notice. C. The Department hereby delegates to the District Attorney, or County Corporation Counsel if authorized by County Board resolution, its authority to establish paternity or to establish or enforce a child support obligation. D. This contract shall automatically renew at the end of each calendar year unless the parties herein named renegotiate its contents in whole or in part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department and the County Board have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. Date Walter Barningham County Board Chairman 0 Feb. 3, 1981 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973, AS AMENDED The undersigned ( herinafter called the "recipient") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with section 504 of the Regabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), all requirements imposed by the applicable HEW regulation (45 C.F.R. Part 84), and all guidelines and interpreta- tions issued pursuant thereto. Pursuant to 84.5 (a) of the regulation (45 C.F.R. 84.5 (a)) , the recipient gives this Assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal grants, loans, contracts (except procurement contracts and contracts of insurance or guarantyl property, discounts, or other federal financial assistance extended by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare after the date of this Assurance, including payments or other assistance made after 'such date on applications for federal financial assistance that were approved before such date. The recipient recogo,izes and agrees that such federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this Assurance and that the United States will have the right to enforce this Assurance through lawful means. This Assurance is binding on the recipient, its successors, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this Assurance on behalf of the recipient. This Assurance obligates the recipient for the period during which federal financial assist- ance is extended to it by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare or, where the assistance is in the form of real or personal property, for the period provided for in 84.5(b) of the regulation (45 C.F.R. 84.5 (b)) . The recipient (Check a..or..b) a. ( .) employs fewer than fifteen persons: A73 b. ( X ) employs fifteen or more persons, and pursuant to 84.7(a) of the regulation A74 (45 C.F.R. 84.7 (a)) , has dP-,signated the following persons to coordinate its efforts to comply with the HEW regulation: Name of Designee(s) Name of Recipient IRS Employer Identification Number Street Address or P.O. Box City STATE I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date Walter Barningham County Board Chairman Moved by Rave and seconded by Johnson to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. ZIP Feb. 35 1981 &Pq I The following resolution was read:, No. 14 tw. #P-PPIAI I RIGHT - OF - WAY - GRANT In consideration of the sum of One Dollar.and other valuable considerations determined by the Forest Administrator, the undersigned, for itself, its successors and assigns, grants and conveys unto the Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Inc. of Iron River, Wisconsin, its successors and assignsy_a right-of-way easement to place, replace, maintain or remove an underground power cable, including associated appliances such as conduits, marker posts and pressure alarm apparatus on and through certain lands owned by the grantor in a one acre parcel in SWSW Section 3-48-5 Bayfield County, Wisconsin as described in Volume 77 of Records at page 506. No cable shall be laid or apparatus installed, however, outside of the above described right-of-way, Width of right-of-way granted is described on attached platt.. This grant likewise includes the right of ingress and egress on the lands of the undersigned for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted; the right to install a gate or to make temporary opening in any fence on said lands at the point where such fence crosses the route of said cable which may, in judgment of the grantee, interfere with the exercise'of the rights herein granted. Said rights of ingress and egress, however, shall be governed by the conditions contained in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part of this grant. The rights herein granted may be assigned by the grantee in whole or in part. The grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenant not to erect any structure on said lands that would interfere with the installation, replacement, maintenance or removal hereunder of said power line or lines and associated appliances. The grantee, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants that it will pay the reason- able value of any crops destroyed and other physical damage done to the property of the grantor, its successors and assigns arising at any time out of the exercise by it of the rights herein granted. The grantee shall also pay to the grantor the initial compensation required by Bayfield County for the uses granted herein and provided by this easement in accordance with the schedule established by the Board of Supervisors of said County, together with such compen- sation as may be required by the provisions of the aforesaid Schedule "A". This right-of-way grant is subject to all of the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule "A" attached hereto, as aforesaid, and made a part of this conveyance. SIGNED: Seidel, Barningham, Ludzack, Maki, Diamon SCHEDULE "A" 1. A map and legal description tied to established or monumented surveyed corners shall be furnished with each application for an easement. Such map shall indicate"the width and use of said easement. Where underground cable is used, the exact location of the cable must be indicated. Following the laying of such cable, its location must be marked above ground at reasonable intervals. 2. The rights of the grantee of such easement shall apply only to the particular parcel of land granted in the easement and such grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon adjoining County Forest or other County lands outside of the right-of-way for any purpose whatsoever, except the grantee shall have the right to out and/or trim trees overhanging the right-of-way upon written permission of the County Forest Administrator. 3. The easement grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the destruction of trees, shrubs and other plants, without thereafter cutting and properly disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying, for the purpose of avoiding fire hazards, detracting from scenic beauty and preventing unsightly conditions from developing, eb. 3, 1981 4. The grantee shall pay for all reproduction and timber standing on said right-of-way at the time the easement is granted at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimated by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. All timber on such rights -of -way shall be cut in accordance with the practices established by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. 5. The easement grantee shall take all,necessary precautions to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to corner and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Government and private survey references. 6. The easement grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and construction thereon, comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting of forest products and disposition of slash and shall be more specifically prohibited from windrowing slash in, along or upon said rights -of -way and adjoining lands. 7. All overhead lines shall be constructed and maintained so as to have a minimum clearance of fourteen (14) feet. 8. There shall be no change in the contour- of the land as a result of construction, and all stumps, debris and cut vegetation shall be removed or properly disposed of, and shall not be bull- dozed to the edge of the right-of-way or upon adjacent land: 9. Upon the substantial failure of the easement grantee to comply with all the conditions of the easement, including the conditions contained herein, said easement may be cancelled upon ninety (90) days notice to said easement grantee and upon final action therein by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 10. The easement grantee shall have the right of ingress and egress over other County lands adjoining said described right-of-way only where such ingress and egress is required for the exercise of the rights granted by this easement to the said grantee. Such rights of ingress and egress shall be exercised only upon the written approval of the Bayfield County Forest Administra- tor and over designated routes as established by said Administrator. All special damages which may result from the opening up and use of such ingress and egress routes shall be compensated for by said grantee. Right-of-way Grant - Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lot "B" SWSW Section 3-48-5 Checked easement area and found that only a few overmature aspen may be disturbed along with approximately 8 white pine reproduction 1-3". Road right-of-way is cleared 33' from center line of the road. "Commencing at a point 16 rods east of the southwest corner, thence east a distance of 8 rods, thence north 20 rods, thence west 8 rods, thence south 20 rods to place of beginning." William E. Hepner Forest Administrator December 16, 1980 Minimum acreage charge for right of way - $50.00 No charge for timber Mileage - 13.6 miles L $.20� per mile 2.72 TOTAL DUE $ 62. 72 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Maki to adopt. Motion carried. No. 15 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Carter that the D.A. be present when the Board started to discuss the Pureair sewage treatment plant. Motion carried. Feb.. 35. 1981 WIYA..9iroxmh uAda 0&74 The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, The City of Washburn is proposing to build a combined boat repair./construction facility and marina, and . WHEREAS, The proposed facility is a much needed facility for the area, which need has been substantiated by local studies as well -as a marketing study made by the Miller Agency, Duluth, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, It is estimated that construction -of the,facility will provide direct employment for forty-six (46) full,time employees and about three part time employees as well as many more indirectly related positions, and WHEREAS, A committment has already been made by -a local business firm to construct a supper club on the site, if the proposed facility is constructed,.which would alsocreate many new jobs, and WHEREAS,The'estimated cost of the proposed facility is in excess of $3,000,000.00, and WHEREAS, The Washburn City Council has endorsed the project and has approved a $750,000 bond issue to ald in funding the project, and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Waterways has already approved a $730,000 grant for the project, and WHEREAS, a $1,300,000 grant application has been filed with the Economic Development Administration and a $300�-000 grant application has been filed with the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, and WHEREAS, Approval of the E.D.A. grant and the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission grant is vitally important to assure total funding.of the project, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board in session this third day of February, 1981, endorse the construction of the proposed boat repair/construction facility and marina in Washburn, Wisconsin, and be it further RESOLVED, That by this resolution the Bayfield County Board urges the Economic Development Administration and the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission to approve early funding of the project, and be it further RESOLVED, That Copies of this resolution be mailed to Jack Arnold, Economic Development Representative, Room 407, Federal Building, 515 W. lst St., Duluth, MN 55802, and to Bruce Hendrickson, State Director, Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, 1052 Main St., Stevens.Point, Wis. 54481, and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution also be mailed to Senator William Proxmire, Senator Robert Kasten and 7th District Congressman David Obey, urging them to support this project. SIGNED: Meierotto, Johnson, Carter, Seidel, Renoos Moved by Johnson and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. Jim Mattson then addressed the board giving a brief presentation on the marina facility. He stated that the marina will have an economic impact on this area, creating many jobs. No. 17 Moved by Renoos and seconded by Sneed 'to rec'e'iv'e the annual zoning report and place it on file. Motion carried. (Copy on file in County Clerk's Office) Feb.: 3, 1981. plod-, 0 , The following resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS,'Wayne Peterson is the newly elected Bayfield County Coroner and WHEREAS, It may sometime be necessary that the Coroner's Office be'authorized as an emergency vehicle and WHEREAS, Currently no authorization has been found and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Sec. 340.01(3) (h) Wisconsin Statutes, Laws of 1977, authorization for designation has been requested, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Coroner be authorized said designation. SIGNED: Meierotto, Seidel, Johnson, Carter Moved by Renoos and seconded by Wickman to refer the matter to the Sheriff's Committee. Motion carried., (SEE ITEM NO. 29 FOR FINAL ACTION --BROUGHT BACK ON FLOOR) The following correspondence was read: No. 19 yro City of Bayfield P.O. Box 170 ®, 125 S. First St. "�b� Bayfield, WI 54814 January 15, 1981 Members, Bayfield County Board County Clerk, Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Gentlemen: Re: Lots 1-4, 6-9, 14-17, 19-20, Block 43 Lots 11-18,,Block 58 Lots 12-13, Block 42 City of Bayfield F� The Bayfield City Council at their January 14, 1981 meeting, voted unanimously to offer Bayfield County the sum of $500.00 for the above lots which were quoted at $1,063.37, including delinquent taxes plus interest. Please advise if this figure is acceptable. Sincerely, Florence Ahnen City Clerk Moved by Wickman and seconded by Ludzack to sell the lots to the City of Bayfield for the $500 price. Motion carried. epPci 4o The following resolution was read: No: 20 _nWHEREAS, Judith Boutin has been employed in the:C'ounty Clerk's Office since 1971 in the cap- acity of accounts clerk and assistant bookkeeper, and WHEREAS, Her present salary is $976.22 which is that of a clerk, and WHEREAS,There are other people working at a secretary level at a salary of $1,011.22 who have less experience, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has considered a request from Edward A. Pajala, former county clerk, to increase the salary of Judith Boutin to that of a secretary and WHEREAS, The committee believes, that the request is a fair and reasonable request, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the salary of Judith Boutin, the accounts clerk, be increased to be equal to that of a secretary $1,011.22 effective January 1, 1981. SIGNED: Anderson, Mattson, Johnson, Erickson, Barningham Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to adopt. Motion carried. Feb. 3, 1981 &PCh Vo The following resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, Reinhart Deutsch is the engineer and.custodian at the -former Pureair Sanatorium and is the operator of the sanitary, system located on said Pureair Santorium Property which is operated to provide services for the Port Superior Complex, and and WHEREAS, I� is necessary to have a certified sanitary system operator on duty at all times WHEREAS, The salary of Mr. Deutsch is $5.87 per hour and WHEREAS, Mr. Deutsch is paid at the rate of 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has considered the request of Mr. Deutsch to increase his salary from $5.87 per hour to $6.40 per hour and WHEREAS, The committee -believes that the request is a fair and reasonable request, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the salary of Reinhart Deutsch, engineer and operator for the Pureair Sanitary System and custodian of the Pureair Sanatorium Properties be increased to $6.40 per hour effective January 1, 1981. SIGNED: Anderson, Mattson, Johnson, Erickson, Barningham Moved by Anderson and seconded -by -Johnson to adopt. Motion carried. - The resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is interested in the purchase of nine parcels of land in the Towns of Washburn and Bayview, and WHEREAS, The DNR had previously appraised the land at $80,125.20 as of October 30, 1979, and WHEREAS, The DNR has reappraised the land and made a bid of $93,.000.00 and WHEREAS, The Development and Land Sales Committee feel that the properties are worth a minimum of $108,000.00 and WHEREAS, The Development and Land Sales Committee go on record as recommending to the County Board that the DNR bid of $93,000.00 be rejected, now therefore be,it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board go on record this 3rd day of February, 1981, as rejecting the bid of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for the purchase of said parcels of land for the sum .of $93,0.00.00 SIGNED: McGillivray, Renoos, Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Diamon to adopt the resolution. The following correspondence was read: No. 23 Martin & Hillman Powell Route 2 Cazenovia, WI 53924 County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Courthosue Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Sirs: Motion carried. In regard to the statement of taxes on the following described property; we would like to know if this is the total amount needed to redeem our'�property? In a phone conversation with the county treasurer, we understood that we should submit a letter to you. Will we receive title back for the land when this amountis paid? There was a complete misunderstanding on'our part about the taxes. Apparently we did not understand the tax bill that we received, as it must have only been for the tax on our trailer. If there is•a redemption fee besides the tax, would you please let us know? Yours truly, Hillman & Martin Powell Feb. 3, 1981 Copy-! %�o 41,ltin q uu0w qc6 mac,A,v. >*mn -al I5 Moved by Carter and seconded by Johnson to approve the redemption upon.payment of all taxes and interest to date... Motion carried. The following correspondence was read: No... 24 John L. Justice Washburn Public School Washburn, WI 54891 February 3, 1981 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: I am writing this letter to you in regard to the unfortunate mistake made concerning the position of the antenna for the Washburn High School's new FM station. The problem goes as follows: Over a year ago the school system applied for a grant to build its own FM radio station in the school. The grant was approved.and we have put together our.own.s.tation. .At the same time, we asked if it would be alright to place our antenna on the Sheriff's tower and this was approved by.the.Sheriff.:._To our misfortune, due to a misunderstanding as to which tower was the old sheriff's tower the tests (radius) were made for the tower located 250 FT west of Washington Ave. namely the Highway Dept. tower. We started placing our antenna..on this tower only to find out that it was not the Sheriff's tower, but it was the Highway Depts. and were ordered to stop putting up our antenna until the matter was straightened out with the proper authorities. We are asking you for permission to continue placing our antenna atop the Highway tower and place our transmitter and the like in .the building at the base of this tower. If we are not given permission to use this site for our antenna, we will be forced to apply for another license and building permit which will once again delay for a great time the beginning of our broadcasting on our new FM radio station. At the present time we are all set to broadcast, but we need the antenna and also, the phone company is all set to put in our transmission lines as soon as we set up the antenna. This whole misunderstanding plus the slowness of the FCC to issue our license and building permit (which took almost a year) is causing the students involved in this project to :lose interest in something that will benefit the entire community as well as much of this area. Please consider this most worthwhile project and the implications that it will have on the people of the area as well as the wonderful educational.opporutnities that it will afford our students now in the future. We will be impatiently awaiting your answer to this most urgent problem. Thank you in advance for your every consideration in this -'problem. Sincerely, John L. Justice and the Radio Communications Class of Washburn High School Moved by Seidel and seconded by McGillivray to allow .the school.to.set.up their system on the Highway tower providing that prior to the mounting of the.antenna on the tower they get the consent of the Highway Committee. Motion carried.. No. 25 Next discussed was the contract of John DuBois, communications consultant for the jail facility. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Carter to table the discussion until after lunch. Motion carried. (Contract on file in County Clerk's Office) No. 26 William Bussey, District Attorney, next spoke to the board about the Pureair Sanatorium Sewage Treatment Plant. He briefly explained the operation of the plant and the payment schedule for services. He also informed the board that the. sewage payments are five months behind. Bussey then read the following resmlution.he had drafted to the board: No. 26a WHEREAS, Bayfield County, by its operation of the Pureair Sanatorium Sewage Treatment Plant, is currently providing sewage treatment services to the Port Superior Complex as required by an Order dated December 7th, 1978, issued by the Court in Bayfield County vs. Pbrt Industries Inc., Feb. 3,.1981. _ et al, Bayfield County Circuit Court Cash; No. 7565; and WHEREAS, Said Order, as amended by a further Order of the Court in said law suit dated June 14th, 1979, provides that the defendants shall reimburse Bayfield County for the expense of providing such services on a monthly -basis and further provides that the County may terminate such services upon ten (10) days notice if the defendants fail to reimburse the County for such expenses by the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month following the month in which they were incurred; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has not been fully reimbursed for such expenses for the past several months; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that the Executive Committee of said Board is hereby authorized to.or.der termination of.sewage treatment services to the Port Superior Complex, in accordance with the aforesaid Court Orders,.if all amounts due for sewage treatment services provided to said Complex since the issuance of said Court Orders are not immediately paid to Bayfield County, or if any amount which becomes due in the future for such services is not paid when due. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Seidel to adopt the. -resolution. Motion carried. No. 27 Moved by Anderson and seconded by Diamon to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called back to order at 1:30 p.m. by Chairman Walter Barningham. The following members answered roll call: No. 28 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack Absent= McGillivray, Soderstrom, Sechen, Renoos Present - 14 Absent - 4 TOTAL._ 18 . No. 29 Maki pointed out to the board.that Resolution No.. 18 which was referred to the Sheriff's Committee is not a Sheriff's Committee problem. It.was suggested by Maki that Resolution No. 18 be brought back on the floor. Dick Fredericks, Sheriff, then informed the board that -the -County Board -is the.,only body that can grant this request. He further stated that he felt that there were situations where the coroner must reach the scene of an accident in a hurry. Moved by Wickman and seconded by Maki to pass Resolution No. 18. Motion carried. No. 30 Tom Gordon, Red Cliff Tribal Council, appeared before the baord to discuss Red Cliff Law Enforcement. He told the board that the $2,500 that the board denied the Red Cliff Law Enforcement during their budgeting process will put the Law Enforcement out of business. Gordon stated that the $2,500 was needed for insurance and gas in the new automobile that was purchased by funds. Gordon also told the board that they would be spending more by using their own deputies to patrol the Red Cliff area and this would also leave another area in the county unprotected. Feb. 3, 1981 It was also brought up that the Red Cliff police department helps the Bayfield Police also. Dick Fredericks stated that in his opinion the service the Red Cliff police provided was worth $2,500. Moved by Rave and seconded by Wickman to take $2,500 out of the contingency fund for the Red Cliff Law Enforcement. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 30a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Carter, Anderson, Wickman Nayes - Johnson, Diamon, Ludzack Absent - McGillivray, Soderstrom, Sechen; Renoos Ayes - 11 Nayes - 3 Absent - 4 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 31 Bayfield County Alcohol and Drug Center, Inc. Fourmen Building, 12 E. 3rd St. Washburn, WI 54891 January 27, 1981 Mr. Ed Dashner Unified Services Board 117 E. 5th St. Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Dashner: Let me start out by thanking the 51.42 Board for allocating time for me on the agenda, and apologize for not being able to appear in person. I would like to respond to some statements that were made at your last meeting regarding spending by the Bayfield County Alcohol and Drug Center. Because we had a counselor resign during the year and that position not filled, we were in the position to finish out the year with some monies left over. Due to a lot of confusing and conflicting statements by various program directors, we were given no bond and fast guidelines as to what to do with the carry-over monies. Our Board of Directors decided to spend the carry-over monies in such a fashion so as to alleviate the problem of having no operating funds for the month of January. I can assure you that there was never any intent to mis-allocate or misuse these funds in any way. Dp.ring the latter half of 1980 various members of the Bayfield County Alcohol and Drug Center, my self included, were active and eager participants in Plan and Budget Committee meetings. We were initially surprised and dismayed to discover that the amount of funding for our agency had been out to $55,000.00. This represented a severe blow to our plans and expectations for 1981. However, we were and are well aware of fiscal pressures on the County, so we decided to do the best we could at that level of funding and to strive to supplement that $55,000.00 with such things as aggressively seeking third -party pay and various grants that might become available dur- ing 1981. Unfortunately for us, and for the people in Bayfield County who require and desperately need our services, our level of funding has been cut again. For some reason, unbeknowst to me, we have been tendered contracts which total less than $40,000.00. This amount represents approximately one-half of the amount of money we need in order to continue to provide the level of services we have been providing one-half. Because' -of this disasterous cut, we have been forced to cut our staff by one position and are looking at other possible cuts. The net result of this funding cut is a reduction of services available to Bayfield County residents. I cannot stress to you how frustrating these funding cuts have been, We want to be able to provide the level of service that the county requires, and deserves, but we cannot. I'm sorry. Thank -you for your time. Charles Beaudette, President Bayfield County Alcohol & Drug Center Board jdn cc: File Bayfield County Clerk's Office Ron Parks from the Bayfield County Alcohol & Drug Center, then summarized their budgets for the board and he passed copies of their budgets out for the board's review. He stated that the center is in desperate need of funds. He listed some of the services that the Center performs as: Taking crisis calls, counseling families, and handling referrals from the Sheriff's Dept., Court Intake, and Social Services- Dept. Feb. 3, 1981 This concluded the:presentation from Ron Parks-. The following correspondence was read: No. 32 Dear County Clerk: I called Nick Pristash and he told me to -write a letter to you because we want to redeem our lot back, Lot 79, White Rabbit Add. So would you please send me the form or whatever may be needed to: Emmett H. Lesser, 9145 Russell Ave. So., Bloomington, MN 55431. Thank you for your time. Sincerely; Emmett Lesser Moved by Seidel and seconded by Wickman to allow the redemption upon payment of all taxes and interest to date. Motion carrried. The following correspondence was read: No. 33 Wisconsin Energy Extension Service January 23, 1981 Mr. Harry Lowe Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 . Dear Mr. Lowe: Energy programming assistance will be provided to 3 or 4 city and county governments in 1981 by the Local Governments Project of the Wisconsin Energy Extension Service (WEES). Out staff is now seeking governments that have committed or are willing to commit.resources to a local energy effort. As a county extension agent, you are an integral part of a local network and we would like your help in selecting communities as well as in developing,the local energy programs. In 19805 our staff worked with Fond du Lac County, developing a ten year "energy management plan" for all sectors of the local economy. The county board recently approved this plan.as well as a half-time staff position to help the volunteer Advisory Council implement the plan. The ideas, materials, and orgainization developed in the Fond du Lac project will now be. -used to help other communities create their own programs. WEES project staff, UW-'Extension faculty and other resource people will provide technical and organizational support to "compliment local initiatives." This could range from local demonstrat projects, such as building energy audits, to a long range energy plan for government Facilities. WEES and the County agents will work closely with community leaders to assess the situations and determine what level of activity would be appropriate. - The commun.ities:s-alecte,d will be encouraged to establish a committee made up of various department representatives and elected officials which would be responsible for developing energy programs and plans. Ideally, and extension agent or -some other local community leader would work closely with this committee. WEES staff would meet intensively with the committee initially until a momentum is established, and then sporadically according to the needs of the local programs. We would like to select our communities by mid -February and conduct start-up meetings through the end of March. I hope you will be able to assist us in this effort. If your county, or city governments within your county, have strong interests in energy, we would like to meet with them. Any assistance you could provide in establishing these contacts and developing the program would be welcome. For further information, contact Jim Dorr or Jim McNichol at 414-963-5090, or Bill Bernhagen at 608-263-1662, or leave your number and we will get back to you. Sincerely, Jim Dorr Coordinator Local Governments Project CC: Walter Barningham James Strom No action was taken on the communication. The following correspondence was read: No. 34 Feb. 3 ,. 1981 ut `Lb ,, ay avatfi University of Wisconsin --.,Extension Bayfield County Office 117 E. 5th St. Washburn, WI 54891 October 31, 1980 Mr. Arthur Meierotto Chairman, Committee on Agriculture and Extension Education of the Bayfield County Board Route 1 Bayfield, WI 54814 Dear Art: Please be advised that I will retire as Bayfield County Agricultural Agent and Chairman of the Bayfield County Extension Office on December 31, 1980. Thank you for all your help, cooperation and support. It has been a pleasure working with and for a very dedicated and conscientious County Board since June 15, 1953. Very truly yours, Harr J Lowe Y Agricultural Agent and i Office Chairman Bayfield County UW-Extension HJL:kb cc: Palmer McCoy Edward Pajala Moved by Johnson and seconded by Meierotto to receive the correspondence and -place it on file. Motion carried. The following correspondence was read: No. 35 State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave. Madison, WI 53702 Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 86.30, payment for local transportation aids has been distributed to the treasurer in the amount of $85,452.80. This figure reflects a 7/ cutback for fiscal year 1981 and. is based on a combination of 2 years of actual reported costs and 4 years of average costs as shown in the statutes. Second quarter of fiscal year 1981.. County of Bayfield. Moved by Carter and seconded by Johnson to receive the correspondence and place it. on file. Motion carried. The following correspondence was read: No. 36 Town of Delta Bayfield County, Wisconsin ZONING COMMITTEE January 20, 1981 Good day, We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Lee Newman, Bear Trail Lodge, Route 1, Iron River, WI 54847, dated January 11, 1981. See enclosed photocopy. He states in said letter that the Bayfield County Highway Committee has given him permission to place his Bear Trail Lodge sign at its present location on the County Highway H right—of-way at his driveway. We at Town of Delta Zoning Committee would appreciate a written verification of Mr. Newman'.;s Feb. 3, 1981 statements. If you can give us..no such verification, we would appreciate a statement of your action con- cerning the above said sign. Thank you. For'Town of Delta Zoning Committee, STEWART OSCARS Route 2, Box 296 Mason, WI 54856 Encl. Photocopy of Lee Newman letter cc: Bayfield County Board ------------------------------------------- Iron River, WI January 11, 1981 RE: Zoning Board, Town of Delta Dear Sirs, I would like to inform you that we cannot conform with your directive to remove our main entrance.aign at Bear Trail Lodge at this time. We feel that State statutes clearly indicated that authority for placement of such signs is specifically vested in the County. (See Chapter Hy. 10.02 of Wisconsin Administrative Codes.) We have been given said permission by the Bayfield County Highway Committee, and Mr. Swen Soderstrom of that Committee has informed officials of the Town of Delta of that permission. He also asked the Town of Delta to cooperate in letting our sign remain in its present location. In addition, we feel that Town zoning regarding signs is still not being equitably enforced. We have pointed out many situations where violations exist, and the Town has done nothing to enforce these codes. Until such time as the Town can demonstrate that it has proper authority over our sign and that it is enforcing sign regulations against all violating signs in the township, we intend to take no action on our sign. LEE E. NEWMAN Moved by Meierotto and,seconded by Erickson to refer the matter back to the Highway Committee. Motion carried. No. 37 At this time Item.No. 25 was brought back on the floor. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Maki to bring the contract back to the Sheriff's Committee for further study. Motion carried. No. 38 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Rave that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. alter Barningham, Co. 0 Bd . Rha irman 0 ames Strom, County Clerk