HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/26/1981August 26, 1981 -ro . P DR4,1A_ CARFE �Aa wow MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD�OF SUPERVISORS August 26, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chairman Walter Barningham. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Soder- strom, Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Absent - None Present - 18 Absent - )0 TOTAL 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance were led by Larry Seidel, board member.. No.2 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Soderstrom to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve of the minutes as written. Motion carried. No.3 Jenny Schmidt and Idell Marshall, from the State Department of Revenue in Eau Claire, next addressed the board concerning the county values for 1981. Ms. Schmidt explained the formula the state uses in arriving at the equalized values. She stated that the state uses only normal sales which appear to be between a willing buyer and seller and the state does not use any county or' -other municipal land sales. Questions about particular townships were asked of the Department of Revenue representa- tives which were answered by the same. No. 3a After the board discussed the figures at length a motion was made by Renoos and seconded by Johnson to adjourn as a county board and reconvene as a committee of the whole. Motion carried. At this time representatives from the Town of Barnes and other interested tax payers questioned the Department of Revenue -representatives about their particular townships. No.3b Moved by Seidel and seconded by Erickson to adjourn as a committee of the whole and reconvene as a full county board. Motion carried. This concluded the discussion on the county values for 1981. The following resolution was read: No. 4 WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has finished negotiations with the Courthouse employees, Highway Department, and the Dispatchers, and WHEREAS, No settlement has been reached with the elected officials, and WHEREAS, The elected officials cannot receive retroactive payments of any kind, and WI£ REAS, To compensate the elected officials for the benefits lost for the first 8 months of 1981 and to grant them a salary increase comparable to the .other employees, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Committee recommend that the elected officials, except the District Attorney, be granted a 6.5/ increase in salary for 1981 and a 10% increase in salary for 1982 both payments to start on September 1,1981, and be it further August 26, 1981 1 O,A0F_ RESOLVED, That all benefits which the other employees received and can be received by the elected officials also be granted to the elected officials. SIGNED: Anderson; Mattson, Johnson, Erickson, Sechen, Barningham Moved by Erickson and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. Clerk Strom explained to the board the reason for the increase stating that elected officials cannot receive retroactive pay in wages or other fringes so, in order to reimburse the elected officials for wages lost since January 1, 1981, and to bring the salaries back in line, the increase of 16.5% was needed. He also informed the board that at the present time the chief deputy is making more than the Sheriff and the deputies are making more than some of the elected officers in the courthouse. Ludzack voiced his concern about setting a precedent with the unions with the 100% 1982 increase. The question of whether these retroactive monies could be reimbursed to the elected officials in one lump sum was discussed. The Clerk stated that the District Attorne-yostudied this aspect of the situation and found it to be illegal. It was also 4uestioned if a percentage increase could be granted the elected officials If large enough to reimburse them for retroactive pay lost but dropped to a lower percentage after the first of the -year so as not to set a precedent for the unions. Clerk Strom stated that this aspect had also been looked into but according to the statute you may not decrease an elected official's salary. The Question was asked on the --motion to adopt Resolution No. 4. A roll call xrote was taken with the following results: No. 4a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivary, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman Nayes - Soderstrom, Sechen, Ludzack, Renoos Ayes - 14 Nayes- :4 ABSENTS 0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The follwwing resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, The salaries of the elected officials, except the District Attorney, have been settled and - WHEREAS; The District --Attorney does not wish the same.percentage increase as the elected officials, and WHEREAS, The District Attorney feels an 8/ increase for himself would be sufficient, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel�Committee recommends that the District Attorney be granted an 8/ increase effective September 1, 1981, and continue until the end of his term, and be it further August 26, 1981 1° j)dz" @t ot- tw) Apup-se P .W ggat *wwkR f, RESOLVED, That all benefits which the other elected officials shall receive also be granted to the District Attorney. SIGNED: Anderson, Mattson, Johnson, Erlekson, Sechen, Barningham Moved by Anderson and seconded by Diamon to adopt the resoltion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 5a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - Soderstrom Absent - None and Ayes - 17 Nayes - 1 Absent - 0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, Vera Schultz has worked on a part-time basis in the County Treasurer's Office, WHEREAS, Vera Schultz has worked in this capacity since 1975, and has put in a total of 301 days and WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the Personnel Committee that Vera Schultz salary be adjusted to the six month level, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Committee recommend that Vera Schultz be placed on the six month step on the salary schedule. SIGNED: Anderson, Mattson, Johnson, Erickson, Sechen, Barningham Moved by Johnson and seconded by Mattson to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No.6a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - None Absent - None and Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Absent - 0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, Jill Arnson has replaced the medical secretary in the County Nurse's Office WHEREAS, Jill Arnson has assumed the duties of' --the medical secretary when said secretary) was ill or on vacation, and WHEREAS-, The Personnel Committee believes that a move to the six month step on the salary schedule for the medical secretary is fair and just, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Personnel Committee recommends that Jill Arnson be placed on the six month step on the salary schedule effective September 1,1981. SIGNED: Anderson, Mattson, Johnson, Erickson, Sechen, Barningham [4% Moved by Johnson and seconded by Seidel to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 7a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom, Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - None Absent - None Walter Ayes -18 Nayes -0 Absent --0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. No. 8 Moved by Soderstrom and seconded by Erickson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. 1 C unty Board Chairman )/Iames C. Strom, Bayfield.County Cler