HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/10/1981.. November 10, 1981 4"" tole. 4 &o . &C k111V V-. MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS November 10, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Chairman Walter Bam ingham. The following members _answered-_roll_.call: No. 1 Present - Edwin -Erickson, Arthur Meier.otto., Walt er.!B.arningham, Carolyn Sneed, Dale Maki, Russell McGillivray, Larry Seidel, James Mattson, William -Rave, Wallace'John.son, William Carter, Charles Diamon, Harold Wickman, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos Absent - Swen Soderstrom, Carl Anderson, Robert Sechen PRESENT - 15' ABSENT - 3 TOTAL 18 A prayer and pledge of allegiance were led by Larry Seidel', board member. Carl Anderson and Robert Sechen arrived at this time. No. 2 Moved by Rave and seconded by Diamon to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve of the minutes as written. Motion carried. No.3 The winners in the three categories of the Soil & Water Conservation Speech Contest next gave their speeches before the board. Margaret Stuber, 4-H Agent, introduced each contestant to the board. Peggy Arnson, in the elementary division, gave her speech on acid rain. Patty Galligan, in the junior division, gave her speech on erosion and Elizabeth 1,Norlin, in the senior division, gave her speech on wood fug. The speeches were well received by the County Board. No.4 The annual report.of the Bayfield County Highway. Committee was next brought up for I.board action. Moved by Diamon and seconded by Erickson to receive the report and place it on file. IMotion carried. (Copies of the report are on file in the County Clerk's Office.) - The following resolution was read: No. 5 BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 10th day of November, 1981, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are hereby authorized to attend state road schools, conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Signed: Erickson, Rave, Diamon, Soderstrom Moved by Renoos and seconded by McGillivray that the resolution be tabled until the next county board meeting when the budget is adopted. Motion carried. 0 November 10, 1981 The �following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, For the construction.and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purposes or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old gquiipment as may be considered to be for the best interests of the County. Signed: Erickson, Rave, Diamon, Soderstrom Moved by Erickson and seconded by Rave to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. Qa�cf," I The following resolution was read: No 7 COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1982 The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the County for highway work in the year 1982 shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: WHEREAS, The State Department of Transportation has notified Bayfield County that the 1981-82 transportation aids to be paid to Bayfield County will be $376,997.65 regular aids plus a supplement,of $12,708.50, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement ;Federal Aid for Construction, right-of-way and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county highway system of said County, which are not recovered from Federal Funds, and to expend any balance for construction, repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, and for other authorized purposes as required, including maintenance of buildings,snow and ice removal and control and to re-imburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom. WHEREAS, Appropriations are made in -the Bayfield County Budget for 1982 in addition to the amounts to be received from the state, BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board does hereby direct that any balance.remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the County budget, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the following year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to ma ayments for the purpose for which such funds are to be used, as hereinb.efore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purpose for which appropriated and to re-imburse such funds in the county treasury from'�-highway revenues. WHEREAS, The County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged ith the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for hich provision is made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, November 10, 1981 0tyQ41_, 1/8 �i c ede"- BE IT RESOLVED, That the Highway Commissioner'shall'have the authority to _employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate such personnel as he'deems necessary for such purposes, provided, however; that'the County Highway Committee may be action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate any such person, the term 1tPersonnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen;' laborers, foremen., clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on.-suchactivities. Signed: Erickson, Rave, Diamori, Soderstrom Moved by Diamon and seconded by Rave to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, It has been the policy of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to grant County Aid to various Townships in the County who have satisfactorily completed bridge and culvert repairs and replacements and have filed the necessary petitions to the County Board for County Aid, and WHEREAS, It has been the policy of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to include the County Bridge Aid as an item in the Bayfield County Highway Department Budget, and WHEREAS, From time to time the amounts petitioned have had a significant impact on the Bayfield County Highway Department Budget, and WHEREAS, These Bridge Aid Funds are not used by the Bayfield County Highway Department bur' are paid directly to those Townships that :::have'properly filed those petitions and have cmet the requirements of 81.38 and 84.01 (23) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Highway Committee is of the opinion that the County Aid for Bridges be a separate line item in the -County Budget and not a part of the Bayfield County Highway Department Budget; BE_-.JT. THEREFORE RESOLVED, That the County Aid for Bridges be -removed as an item in the Bayfield County Highway Department Budget and transferred to a line item in the General Government portion of the County Budget, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Board Chairman and County Clerk disburse the appropriated sum to the various Townships as provided for in 81,.'38 (1) Wisconsin Statutes subject to approval of the Bayfield County Highway Committee. - SIGNED: Erickson, Rave, Diamon, Soderstrom Larry Young, Highway Commissioner, was present to explain'the resolution. Moved by Erickson and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: -No. 9 WHEREAS, The 'people of Bayf ield','County stand for safety iii'all nuclear matters; and WHEREAS, Nuclear contamination can be brought to generations to come and our unborn; and WHEREAS, There is great debate among reputable scientists on the issue of safety in nuclear matters from health issues of 'cancer and genetic mutations to the lack of appropriate technologies available for storage of radioactive waste and clean up of radioactive spills, now therefore be it November 10 `�`ler-vvn� � V6 RESOLVED, That neither the Federal Government, the State Government, nor their contractors have the right to unilaterally contaminate the land, waters, and food sources of the people of ;Bayfield County, and be it further _ RESOLVED,.That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors shall go on record in opposition of any and all such projects and plans proposed and under consideration that could have a detrimental effect to the life and habitat of its residents., wildlife, food and mineral resources, and be it further RESOLVED,.That,the.Bayfield.County Board of Supervisors shall demand the right to be present and participate on any council, commission or crher.organization formed for the express purpose of considering the land areas of Bayfield .:County, Wisconsin and lands adjoining Bayfield County, Wisconsin for any mining, waste disposal or other project which could lead to nuclear or toxic chemical contamination in Bayfield,County,,Wisconsin,,and be it further RESOLVED, That -,upon passage of this resolution, copies be forwarded to Governor Dreyfus, Senators Proxmire and Kasten, Congressman Obey, State Senator Theno and Assemblyman Jaronitzky. Signed: Seidel, -Johnson, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham - ..Moved_by,.-Johnson and seconded by Seidel to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 10 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in its, employ an,energy consultant, Cary Wiik, and WHEREAS, Mr. Wiik, at the request,of the Executive Committee, is preparing a study of the Courthouse for methods of,,conservation,of energy, and WHEREAS, Mr. Wiik was authorized by County Board action on September 29, 1981, h Resolution No. 13 to prepare a study of energy conservation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That a maximum of $2,510.00 be transferred from the contingency account to the Courthouse account for payment of services rendered by Mr. Wiik. Signed: Johnson, Carter,,Seidel, Renoos,,Meierotto, Barningham Moved by Seidel and seconded by Mattson to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following.resolution was read: No® 11 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in the past been a member of the Wisconsin County Board's Association, and WHEREAS, It is deemed to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to continue said membership, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Bayfield County continues membership in the Wisconsin County Board's Association,.and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be instructed to pay to the Wisconsin County Board's Association the annual membership fees and magazine dues amounting to $1,295.93. SIGNED: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham Moved by Johnson and seconded by Ludzack to adopt. Motion carried. �. The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, The several committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required, in the conduct of the business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by Statute, and November 0. 1981 WHEREAS, By action of the County Board, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the Statutory limit may be extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the several committees of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, be and they are hereby authorized to hold such meetings during the year 1982 as may be necessary to the proper conduct of the business of said Bayfield County. Signed: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham Moved by Renoos and .seconded by Anderson to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, It may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year,, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled this loth day of November, 1981, that the chairman of the County of Bayfield, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans inthe amount not exceeding $50,000.00 in the aggregate, if, in their opinion, it should be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. Signed: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham Moved by Rave and seconded by Wickman to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, It appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1977, Tax of 1976, therefore be it herby RESOLVED, That the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of '.1977, Tax of 1976 by the IN REM procedure under Sec. 75.521, Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Seidel to adopt the resolution. Diamon suggested that the county change the 5 year limit on taking Lax deeds to three years and to increase the interest rate so that more money could be generated into the county. Anderson stated that this matter should be given alot of thought before a final decision is made on it. The question:: was asked on the motion to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. A0 The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS', There are now outstanding and uncashed certain checks­issued.:by Bayfield County between the dates of August 24th, 1979 and December 14th 1979; all as more set forth in the schedule:.,dttached hereto, and WHEREAS, Said checks can be re -issued upon the proper application by the payee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all of the Bayfield County checks listed in the schedule, attached hereto, be cancelled subject to re -issuance upon proper application. Signed: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos November 10, 1981 V vo Outstanding checks as carried from Security State Bank for the year 1979 Stop payment will be ordered: GENERAL FUND: Issued to: Check No. Amount Date Issued Dan Odeen 2812 $ 1.00 8-24-79 Cynthia Bonovia 3005 1.00 9-5-79 Roseann Susan Bonavia 3006 2.25 9-5-79 Russell Darwin 3049 4.00 9-5-79 Eileen 4-H Club 3054 6.00 9-5-79 Frankie Halverson 3113 1.50 9-5-79 Troy Jaronitzky 3137 28.00 9-5-79 Susanne R. Johnson 3153 15.00 9-5-79 Debbie Kmetz 3162 3.50 9-5-79 Leah Landry 3189 3.50 9-5-79 Alan Pope 3253 1.75 9-5-79 Dan Pope 3254 _ 1-.00 9-5-79 Joanne Peterson 3259 .50 9-5-79 Shirley Rice r 3276 3.75 9-5-79 Michelle Seidel 3287 2.25 9-5-79 'Theresa A.Sandor 3309 2.00 9-5-79 Sioux River Valley 4-H 3320 4.00 9-5-79 Diana I. Vajacek 3337 1.50 9-5-79 Robert Pope 3440 .75 9-14-79 Bill Weber 5194 24:90 ll!�.19-79 Iry Berlin 5728 40.20 12-10-79 Ruth Frederickson 5796 8.88 12--14-79 PAYROLL ACCOUNT Carl E. Anderson 10717 25.57 4-13-79 Arthur R. Meierotto 12580 7.27 8-31-79 TOTAL $190.07 Moved by Johnson and seconded by Renoos to table the resolution until it is found out if the county must pay a fee to:'have the checks cancelled. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 RESOLVED, That the following banking institutions: All banks in Bayfield County, Northland Savings and Loan, qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and are hereby designated, until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys coming into the hands of the treasurer of the County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin. RESOLVED' FURTHER, That withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named depositories shall'be only by order check, as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes; that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the following persons:' James C. Strom, Clerk and Daniel R. Anderson, Treasurer and countersigned by Walter C. Barningham, or their successors and shall be so honored. RESOLVED FURTHER, That in lieu of their personal signatures(s), the following facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by them as shown below (Imprint of signature stamp shown here) may be affixed on such order cheek(s); that any one of the above named depositores shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimile(s) notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution until changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the .,cashier of the respective above named depositories. Signed: Walter Barningham Moved by Erickson.,and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. Motion carried.' "a lS0 �J is November 10, 1981 0&4-V Vo 1 J i The following resolution was read: No.17 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth the certain tax Certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on the tax on exempt property, or property on which there was.a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that;the,taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax. certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. Signed: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham NAME OF CLAIMANT & REASON FOR ILLEGALITY Town of Barnes Illegal Tax Town of Bayfield County owned Town of Clover Illegal Tax Town of Grand View Illegal Tax Town of Grand View Illegal Tax . City of Bayfield City owned City Bayfield. City owned DESCRIPTION Par.in Lot 5, desc. in V. 290 P.465 & par. desc. V.208 P.281 less par. desc. V.325 P.208 Sec. 17-49-9 NWSW, Sec.10-50-5 ALLOWED FACE YEAR OF 8ALE1_;CERT.# OF CERT. 1981 89 $ 193.51 1981 . 643 51:37 DELINQ.TAX CHRG .BACK TO DIST. $ 193.51 51.37 Par. Lot 1 desc. in 1981 958 24.10 24.10 V. 227 P.226 less par. desc. V.323 P.38;.V.232 P.197; V.308. P.190, Sec. 33-51-7 Par. in Lot 5 & Lot 3 1981 1115 96.15 96.15 desc. in V.234 P.608 Sec. 33-44-6 Par.in lot 5 & lot 3. 1981 1116 96.15 96.15 desc. V.234 P.610-611 Sec.33-44-6, Lot 2, Block 100 1981 1866 8.03 8.03 Lot 1, Block 100 1981 1865 11.37 11.37 City of Bayfield Lot 20, Block 29 1981 1823 9.91 9.91 part of lot is City owned. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Ludzack to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: N0.18 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were, issued on a tax on exempt property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurert's report,;and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are.based are not justly, reassessable. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amount of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. SIGNED: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Barningham 4-2 / J November 10, 1981 NAME OF CLAIMANT & ALLOWED FACE DELINQ.TAX CHRG. REASON FOR =LLF.GALITY DESCRIPTION YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF CERT.. BACK TO DIST. Town of Barnes Par.E.of W2 of 1976 66 28.06 28.06 Double Assessment with Gvt. Lot 8 & E. P.512B, this desc was of Hwy. 27 written in by Town Sec.9-44-9 Town of Bayfield E2 of SWSW 1978 249 34.98 Illegal Assessment Sec. 13-52-5 1979 288 37.31 now owned by U.S.A. 1980 294 41.96 114.25 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1978 251 9.33 Illegal Assessment Lot 14 1979 290 9.33 18.66 now U.S.A. condemnation judgment dated 11/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1978 252- 235.53 Illegal Assessment now Lot 15 1979 291 235.53 471.06 U.S.A. condemnation judgment dated 11/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1978 -253 20.99 Illegal Assessment Lot 1:6 1979 292 20.99 41.98 now U.S.A. condemnation judgment dated 12/29/76 Town.of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1978 .254. 65.30 Illegal Assessment Lot 17 1979 293 67.63 132.93 now U.S.A. condemnation judgment dated 12/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1978 255 25.65 Illegal Assessment Lot 18 1979. 294 25.65 51.30 Now U.S.A. condemnation judgment-dat-ed 12/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat. 1978 256 100.28 Illegal Assessment N. 8A, Lot.19, 1979 295. 100.28 200.56 now U.S.A. condemnation judgment 12/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1977 789 118.84 Illegal Assessment Lot 22 less par. 1978 -257 158.58 now U.S.A. condemnation - 1979 296 158.58 judgment dated 12/29/76 1980- - -295 170.33 606.33 Town of Bayfield NESW Sec.24-52-5 1978 258 69.96 Illegal assessment 1979 297 72.29 now U.S.A. condemnation 1980 296 78.99 221.24 judgment dated 12/29/76 Town -of Bayfield NWSW, SEC.24-52-5 1978 259 69.96 Illegal assessment 1979 298 72.29 now U.S.A. condemnation 1980 297 78.99 221.24 judgment dated 12/29/76 Town of Bayfield Sz of A? -of NWSE 1978 260 34.98 Illegal assessment Sec.24-52-5 1979 299 25.65 now U.S.A. condemnation 1980 298' 29.62 90.25 judgment dated 12/29/76 Town of Bayfield 'Sz of NWSE 1978 261 25.65 Illegal assessment Sec.24-52-5 1979 300 34.98 now U.S.A. condemnation 1980 299 39.50 100.13 judgment dated 12/29/76 Town of Cable NESE, Sec.22-43-7 1980 452 4.57 4.57 Illegal Assessment this is now platted Southridge Addition Town of Cable NW SE lying'N...- 1980 453 4.57 4.57 Illegal Assessment of Frel's Rd., Desc. this is now platted V.252 P.488 Southridge Addition Sec.22-43-7 November'10. 19 `�'7Drv»uL NAME OF CLAIMANT & REASON FOR ILLEGALITY Town of Grand View Double Assessment P.108D covered by P.113D Town of Pilsen Town of Iron River Illegal Assessment American Legion DESCRIPTION Par.in S2 of NE desc. in V.273 P.386 Sec.19-44-5 Par.in NW SW desc. in V.208 P.606 Sec.17-47-7 Par. in NWSE desc. in V. 51 P.500 less par desc. in V. 177 P.522 Sec. 7-47-8 ALLOWED FACE YEAR OF SALE CURT.# OF .CERT. 1976 795 92-.75 1976 1239 21.58 1976 879 5:23 1977 1372 5.57 1978 888 6.60, DELINQ.TAX CHRGI. BACK TO DISX. 92.75 21.68 17.40 Moved by Anderson and seconded by Meierotto to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.19 WHEREAS, The 1975 taxes on Lot 5, LobergTs Subdivision of Lots 1 & 21) 3 & 4, Block 1 Original Plat of Iron River, Wisconsin, have not been paid, and WHEREAS, A statement issued by former County Treasurer Nick Pristash on May 20, 1977, indicated there were no taxes due on the property for 1975, and WHEREAS, On the basis of this information the property was sold to a -new owner without any 1975 taxes being paid, and WHEREAS, The property had been sold several more times before it was discovered that the 1975 taxes had not been paid and that the statement issued by the then County Treasurer was erroneous, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee recommends to the County Board that the 1975 taxes on Lot 5, LobergTs Subdivision of Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 1, Original Plat of Iron River, Wisconsin, be absorbed by the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting this loth day of November, 1981, agree that the unpaid taxes of 1975 levied against Lot 5, LobergTs Subdivision of Lots 152,3, and 4, Block 1, Original Plat of Iron River, Wisconsin, be absorbed by the cb,�, ty. SIGNED: Johnson, Carter, Seidel, Renoos, Moierotto, Barningham Moved by Carter and -seconded. -by Mattson to adopt the resolution: Clerk Strom also read to -.the board various correspondence from the District Attorney and North Wisconsin Abstract Co., Which gave the board an idea of the events leading up to this resolution. The question was asked on the motion to adopt Resolution No. 19. Motion earn ed. The following report was read: No.20 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Pursuant to Section 59.47(5) of th-e Wisconsin Statutes William D. Bussey, being duly sworn, states that he has been the District Attorney for Bayfield County during the period from October 14, 1981, to the date of this affidavit; that during said period no money was received by his office for fines, recognizances, forfeitures, penalty or costs; that any such payments resulting from matters in which he was involved were made direct to the Clerk of Court for BayfieldCounty, Wisconsin. SIGNED: William D. Bussey Subscr6!bed and sworn before me this 5th Day of November, 1981--Carol Miller --Notary Pub My commission expires 5-26-85 23z"I November 10, 1981 �� V-� .0/14 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Wickman to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following proposal was read: No.21 Maitland & Company, S.C. Certified Public Accountants Castle Drive Washburn, WI 54891 October 19, 1981 Executive Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, WI 54891 Gent:}amen: We submit our proposal to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1981. It is estimated that the cost of this audit will not exceed $9,400.00. In addition to the foregoing, an estimate of $500.00 is made for the 1981 annual State report. Should additional services be requested by the Bayfield County Executive Committee or Bayfield County officials, financial arrangements will be agreed upon at that time. Also, we will provide every member of the County Board with a copy of the complete audit. The audit will include all funds maintained by the Bayfield County Clerk and Treasurer, as in previous examinations of Bayfield County, and will be completed by October 15, 1982. Very truly yours, John H. Maitland Certified Public Accountant JHM:gm Moved by Seidel and seconded by Mattson.to adopt the proposal. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of Bayfield County Ambulance Services to upgrade their communication system, and WHEREAS, An advanced life support communication system will be constructed by the Northwest Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc., and WHEREAS, The County shall acquire ownership of two communcation towers and all related + equipment after a ten year period, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Bayfield County enter into the attached contractual agreement with the Northwest Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc., for said purposes. SIGNED: Johnson, Carter, Seidel; Renoos, Meierotto, Barningham NORTHWEST WISCONSIN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereto, Bayfield County, hereinafter called the "County" and the Northwest Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc., hereinafter called the "Council", agree to install and operate a hospital and Basic Life Support ("BLS") and Advanced Life Support ("ALS") unit communications system upon the following terms and conditions: DUTIES OF THE COUNTY 1. The COUNTY will participate in Northwest Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services System Plan,to utilize the communications equipment to provide communication between "BLS" and "ALS" trained emergency medical service units and physicians for a term of ten (10) years after the completion of the installation and acceptance of the communications system by the COUNCIL. Should the COUNTY fail to utilize said equipment for said purpose, ownership of the said communcations system, and equipment shall -revert to the.COUNCIL, Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services. its successors or assignees or to the State of November 10. 1981 � Dft �0 2. The COUNTY shall.maintain-and assume electrical utility recurring costs.for the said communications equipment located at the COUNTY for the said ten (10) year period. The equipment installed shall carry a cost free one(1) year warranty from the time of system acceptance. DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL 3. The COUNCIL shall pay for the installation and equipment of the said communications system, including electrical utility connections. 4. The COUNCIL, its successors or assignees will give the equipment to the COUNTY subject to the provisions contained in this agreement upon determination by the COUNCIL and the COUNTY that the system functions as specified by the COUNCIL (Exhibit "A"). S. All Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") licenses and mobile transceiver authorizations will be held in the name of the State of Wisconsin, Division of Health EMS Systems Development Section. The State EMS Communications Officer will be provided with keys to the facility and equipment for routine inspections and emergency response. 6. The the COUNCIL hereby assigns to the COUNTY all of the rights of the COUNCIL contained in that contract between JayEn, Inc. and the Northwest Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc., dated the 26th day of June, 1981, said contract covering the purchase and installation of said emergency medical services communication system. A copy of said contract is attached hereto marked ".Exhibit B" and its provisions insofar as they affect the COUNCIL and the COUNTY shall be incovporated herein by reference. Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Diamon to'adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following letter was read: No. 23 Bayfield, Wisconsin November 2, 1981 Bayfield County Veterans Service Commission Washburn, WI 54891 I hereby resign as a member of the above Veterans -Commission which I have enjoyed being a member of for years. Respectfully yours, Arthur Fiege Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to accept the resignation and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, Arthur Fiege, Chairman of the Bayfield County Veterans' Service. Commission, is resigning from his position on the Commission, and WHEREAS, His service to Bayfield County for over 38 years has been.distinguished by dedication to service to Bayfield County and to the people of Bayfield-County and WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County is desireous of recording an acknowl,:dgment and recognition of this ,:.distinguished public°: -.,service, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in regular session assembled this loth day of November 1981; go on record recognizing the outstanding and meritorious service of Arthur Fiege during his tenure _hn office, and be it further RESOLVED, That this resolution be made a part .of.tlia:permanent records of Bayfield County and that a certified copy.thereof be presented to Mr. Fiege. November 10, 1981 SIGNED: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos, Rave, Erickson, McGillivray, Maki, Wickman, Anderson, Diamon, Ludzack, Sechen, Mattson, Sneed, Barningham Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. No. 25 vo Chairman Barningham next stated that he would like to appoint Toivo Elonen to the Veter Service Commission. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Diamon to approve of the appointment of Elonen. Motion carried. No.26 Barningham next informed the board that he would like to appoint Arnie Lindquist to V'�L, the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. Moved by Carter and seconded by Erickson to approve of the appointment of Arnie Lindquist to the NWRPC. Motion carried. V-6 I No. 27 Barningham stated that he would like to appoint Thomas Anderson to the Veterans' Service Commission. Moved by Johnson and seconded by 14Tattson to approve of the appointment. Motion carried. No.28 Moved by Diamon and seconded by Carter to adopt a resolution commending Clarence (Pete) Peterson for his service to the Veterans' Service Commission. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 29 WHEREAS, Section 85:21 of the Wisconsin Statutes authorizes the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to make grants to the counties of Wisconsin for the purpose of assisting them im providing specialized transportation services to the elderly and the handicapped; and WHEREAS, Each grant must be matched with a local share of not less than 1006 of each county's allocation of state aids; and WHEREAS, This body considers that the provison of specialized transportation services would improve and promote the maintenance of human dignity and self-sufficiency of the elderly and the handicapped. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on this loth day of November, 1981, authorize' Louis J. Stolle to prepare and submit to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation an application for assistance during 1982 under Section 85.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes, in conformance with the requirements issued by that Department and also authorize the obligation of county funds in the amount of $1,400.00 in order to provide the required local match. BE IT FURTHER -RESOLVED That the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County authorizes Louis J. Stolle to execute a state aid contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation under Section 85.21 of.the Wisconsin Statutes on behalf of Bayfield County. SIGNED: Johnson, Carter, Sneed, Mattson, Rave. r Moved by Rave and seconded by Johnson to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. November 10, 1981 No. 30 Johnson suggested that the clerk give an update on the 1982 budget work. Clerk Strom informed the board that -he is waiting for a worksheet from the state to determine our tax levy. To. date, we have still not received the worksheet. Johnson encouraged the board to give the Executive Committee any suggestions they might have on ways to cut the budget. Some suggestions that were considered were for the county to retain the in -lieu of taxes monies which is -usually distributed to the various townships, to retain the monies in the dog license fund, to use the monies in the building fund, and to cut back on the number of conventions attended by county personnel. Anderson stated he would like to see the contingency fund out so that it would just cover the bare essentials. " McGillivray stated that he.did not think it was necessary for whole committees to attend conventions or meetings. He felt that the adminstrator could attend and report back to the committee. Renoos stated he would like to see a one year moratorium on conventions to see how it would affect the budget. Rave disagreed stating that some conferences: and conventions are very worthwhile. This concluded the discussion on the 1982 budget. kt6j, Y- ) No . 31 11eC<C Clerk Strom brought up the matter of the eight hour work day which is to begin December 1, 1981. He informed the board that the specific courthouse hours have not jet been set. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Carter that the courthouse hours be established from 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon and from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., as of December 1, 1981. Anderson then brought up the fact that he would like to see the courthouse open straight through all day'with the employees taking staggered lunch breaks. . - _ A number of board members agreed with Anderson. ,I The question was. asked oh.the motion to.: establish the c.ourthouse hours. Motion carried. No. 32 Moved by Diamon and seconded by Wickman that the Personnel Committee take into consideration that the courthouse offices remain open during the noon hour by having the employees stagger their lunch breaks. Motion carried® The following communications were read: No.33a & 33b State of Wisconsin Dept, of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave. Madison, WI Dear Municipal and County Clerk: SUBJECT: Correction of the Estimated Calendar Year 1982 Transportation Aids'., The letter that you recently received pertaining to your calendar year 1982 aids estimate contained an error. Due to a programming problem, the letter you, received contained an estimate for Connecting Highway Aids. Please disregard this portion of your estimate... Your Highway Aids estimate and $70 per mile supplement figures are correct. - We apologize .for.: any. inconveniences this may;, have caLiaede. If you have any- questions regarding your estimate, contact Ted Stephenson at (608)''266-2934. Sincerely, Ted Stephenson, Director vember 10. 1981 State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation, P.O. Box 7914 Madison, WI Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Municipal and County Clerk: Subject: Estimate Calendar Year 1982 Transportation Aids The following is our currect estimate of the transportation aids that you will receive in calendar 1982. This estimate should enable you to begin your 1982 budget development. This estimate is based'on-a combination of three years of:actual reported costs and three years of average costs as required for this year in the statutes. Another statutory change calls for these transportation aids=to be paid -in four equal calendar year payments beginning in 1982. In addition to these regular aids payments, the recently enacted budget legislation provides for a $70 per mile supplement in 1982. This supplement will be paid in a lump sum by separate check on March 15; 1982. 1982 Aids Estimate 3761)997.65 1982 Supplemental 12,708.50 1982 Connecting Highways 3,710.23. (Corrected in previous letter) 393,416.38 For those municipalities receiving connecting highway aids the reimbursement per mile rate for connecting highway maintenance by municipalities has been increased by 9 percent over that of 1981. If you have any questions -regarding your estimate contact Ted Stephenson at (608) 266-2934. 33b State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave. P.O. Box 7914 Madison, WI 53707 Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 November 1, 1981 Ref. No. 4-000 Dear Local Government Official: Subject: Final Estimated Calendar Year 1982 Transportation Aids The following is our final estimate of the transportation aids that you will receive in calendar 1982. This estimate should enable you to begin your 1982 budget development. This estimate is based on a combination of three years of actual reported costs and three years of average costs as required for this year in the statutes. Another statutory change calls for these transportation aids to be paid in four equal calendar year payments beginning in 1982. In addition to these regular aids payments; the recently enacted budget legislation provides for a $70 per mile supplement in 1982. This supplement will be paid in a lump sum be separate check on March 15, 1982. 1982 Aids Estimate 376,997.64 1982 Supplement 12,708.50 1982 Connecting Highways ..00 3892706.14 For those municipalites receiving connecting highway aids the reimbursement per mile rate for connecting highway maintenance by municipalities has been increased by 9 percent over that of 1981. If you have any questions regarding your estimate contact Ted Stephenson at (608) 266-2934. Moved by Carter and seconded by Diamon to receive the correspondence and place it on file. Motion carried. The following correspondence was read: No.34 State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave® Madison, WI 53702 Bayfield Co. Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 10-05-81 Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 86-.30, payment for local transportation aids has been distributed to the treasurer in the amount of $942249®41. First Quarter of Fiscal Year 1982 County A Bayfield :CC r Nomember 10, 1981 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Carter to receive the correspondence and place it on file. Motion carried. No.35 Moved by Erickson and seconded by McGillivray to adjourn. Motion Carried. Walter Barningham, Co. Bd. airman Ja) es C. Strom, Bayfield County Cle