HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 12/8/1981December oa., 1981 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS December 6, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Walter Barningham. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom, Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Absent - Seidel, Sechen Present - 16 Absent - 2 TOTAL 18 No. 2 A prayer and pldege of allegiance were led by Carl Anderson, board member. No.3 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve of the minutes as written. Motion carried. The following petition was read: No. 4 October 21, 1981 TO: James C. Strom Bayfield County Clerk Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Strom: You are hereby petitioned to call a Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday evening, December 8, 1981, at the Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin, for the following purposes: 1) `io adopt the 1982 budget and set the tax levy. 2) All other matters which may come before said Board of Supervisors. Signed: Dale Maki, James Mattson, Carl Anderson, Robert Sechen, Harold Wickman, Karl Ludzack, Art Meierotto, Edwin Erickson, Charles Diamon, Edwin Renoos, Swen Soderstrom,William Rave, William Carter, Carolyn Sneed, Wallace Johnson, Walter Barningham Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Carter to receive the petition and place it on file. Motion carried. NO.5 George Phillips, representing the DNR, addressed the board regarding a proposed trade of land between the U.S. Forest . Service and a prsvate owner. The land in question is the following: 28 acres in the NWNW, 13 acres in the NENW, 40 acres in the NENE, all in Sec. 29, T43N, RSW. Phillips informed the board that the DNR has a serious objection to the trade", --of lands. His reason was because if the trade of lands goes through, it would cut off all public access to Ghos+ Lake. Phillips encouraged the board to support the DNR's stand in this matter by objecting to the proposed trade. Renoos suggested that Phillips write up a resolution for the board to adopt. Robert 9echen arrived at this time December 1981 i _m 4 4 _.. No.6 Moved by Carter and seconded by Maki to_adjourn as a county board and reconvene as a committee of the Whole to hold a public hearing on the 1982 county budget. Motion carried. William Bussey, District Attorney, was first to speak to the board regarding three items. _ The first item was in reference to the County Child Support Agency which is attached to the District Attorney's Office.. Bussey gave a brief explanation of what the child support agency does and then presented his problem. The current child support agent. Donald MacDonald will be retiring in 1982. Bussey explained that the child support budget will need an additional $2,500 to cover the additional -expenses of retirement benefits and he also added there will be a two week period during which time both MacDonald and his successor will.be,employed in order to train the successor in the position;,the $2,500 will also corer this cost.. Bussey.also stated that he expected this amount to be reimbursed from the state. The second item he wished -to discuss was the District Attorney's budget. Bussey stated -_that his budget was reduced by $500 and that he would need at least $300 of that placed back into this budget. He stated that after salaries were taken out, he only ba6veed $4,000 to cover other items including supplies, telephone and xerox. The third item Bussey brought up was.the matter of the elimination,of the position of court intaker worker which is presently filled by Joyce "Meyer. Bussey highly commended Meyer's work stating that if this position was eliminated the,-JdVenile justice system would greatly suffer. Larry Seidel arrived at this time. Clyde Sukanen, principal of the DuPont Elementary School, spoke to the board praising Meyer's work with the school system. Fred Schlichting, principal of the Washburn High School, agreed -with Sukanen stating that the area school districts are concerned about the elimination of Meygr's position. Walter LaJoie, Chairman Town of Barnes, next spoke on the law enforcement, budget, stating the need for more officer's to cover the county. Joseph Pemberton, Chairman Town of Iron River, also spoke to the board regarding the large cut in the Sheriff's budget. Pemberton felt that law enforcement deserved top priority in the budget. Renoos stated that the Sheriff's budget was cut by more the $200,000 and he proposed the question as to where theCouTfN- would get the money to reinstate the original proposed figure..:.. Francis Patrick, Supervisor for the Tn.`of Iron River and representative from the Iron River Lakes, Assoc., answered Renoos by stating that the $200,000 figure was for the hiring of five additional personnel in the Sheriff's Department. Frances stated that even the addition of one deputy would help the situation. He further added that the Tn. of Iron River's Police Department cannot provide adequate protection for the area. Dec. 6, 1981 i. Bob Matteson, Tn. of Namakagon, also supported the views presented by the Towns of Iron River and Barnes. Matteson questioned as to what exactly was out from the Sheriff's budget. Sheriff Fredericks answered that his budget contained no frills, only additional manpower which he felt was badly needed. Ed Pajala; representing the Bay Area Rural Transit System, next addressed the board appealing to them to reconsider the system's budget request. Pajala stated that the system had originally asked for a little over $9,000 but that amount had been out entirely out by the Executive Committee.' Pajala further informed the board that Jack Shubat, manager of BART, has worked the figure down to an amount of $8,745. Pajala also stated that he had talked to Lou Stolle, Director for the Unit on Aging, and Stolle had informed him that he could possible stretch from his transportation fund $2,000 to put toward the BART System. This would still leave in excess of $6,000 to be picked up by the county. Carter stated that the SocialciServices Committee endorsed the BART program because they thought it could be used for transportation in the New Horizons Program. Jack Shubat stated that New Horizons has agreed to u: e the system on a trial monthly; basis. He further stated that there were still a few details to be settled with New Horizons on this. Don Chatfield, Department of Transportation, then spoke explaining to the board that the $2,000 the BART Program wished to acquire from Lou Stolle's funds is part of the transportation funds that Stolle receives from the state not from county funds. Francis Patrick again spoke stating that there are two items that he wanted the board to reconsider: 1) an increase in the Sheriff's budget and 2) the retention of the court intake worker. Sheriff Fredericks spoke again regarding the retention of the Court Intake Worker. Fredericks stated that when he first started work with the county he saw the same juveniles in trouble time after time. He went on to say that since Joy Meyer has taken over the position of court intake worker, this reoccurance of the same juveniles always getting into trouble does not happen., Fredericks further stated that the position of court intake did not work out when it was attached to the Social Services Department. Diamon stated that if the Social Services Department has the time to take on a full time position without adding any additional staff then perhaps an elimination of personnel is necessary in the Social Services Department and not the elimination of the court .intake worker position. McGillivary then spoke informing the board that the reason the court intake position was established was so that it could be separate from the Social Services Departmentand be totally independant. McGillivray also commended Meyer's work stating that she sometimes handles three times the caseloads as some of the social workers. Dec. 'ff., 1981 &t0126-E, "{ Hu,Cip U.5•'Foaesrs cR Mike Fredericks, juvenile officer, addressed the board saying that the juvenile system .is better now with the courtintake worker position than it has been in the past and that the county .has a very capable person 7n the position of court .intake .worker. Fredericks further stated that if the position is eliminated a lot will be destroyed. Rick Thompson, alderman .from the City of Bayfield, next came before the committee regarding.the BART program. Thompson stated that it would be premature to discontinue BART when it was just getting off the ground. System. Don Engstrom and Joe Bresette also talked in support of the Bay Area Rural Transit Moved by Johnson and seconded by Erickson.to adjourn as a committee and reconvene as a county board. Motion carried. The following,resolution was read:. No. 7 TO: The U.S. Forest Service Chequamegon National Forest 157 N. 5th Ave. Park Falls, WI 54552 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board does hereby go on record as being opposed to the land exchange as described by your memo of November 23, 1981, and more particularly described as: 28 acres in NWNW, 13 acres in NENW, 40 acres in NENE, all in T43N, RSW, Sec. 29, of Bayfield County; such exchange resulting in loss of public access being objectionable and not in the best interest of the public. SIGNED: Edwin Renoos Moved by.Rave and seconded by Mattson to adopt the..resolution..Motion carried. The followingresolution was.read: No. 8 - WHEREAS, The Executive Committee intends to maximize resources enabling the county to provide an, effective and adequate program for residents of the,county,. and WHEREAS, The Department of Social Services has funds and personnel available to provide for the court intake worker and dispositional services, and WHEREAS, There could be a savings of $19,406 as per the budget request, by the elimination of this position, and being absorbed by the Department of Social Services, now therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in session this 8th day of December, 1981, that the present position of court intake worker be abolished and that court intake and dispositional services be placed within the Department of Social Services effective January 1, 1982. SIGNND: Johnson, Renoos, Meierotto;�Cariter, Seidel Moved by Daimon and seconded by McGillivray to deny the request. Johnson then stated that this position is costing the county alot of money and that if it were tied into the Social Services Department funding could be acquired for the position. Dec..B, 1981 OtFT- WLA-06 NDP'r1+A W1 aWw 11 McGillivray then quoted 19.79:-Assembly Bill 1168 (4) which read in part: "State Aid - State aid to any county for court services under this section shall be at the same net effective 'I rate that each county'is reimbursed for county administration under s.49.52, except as provided in s.46.26. Counties having a population of less than 500,000 may use funds received uner ss. 46.26 and 49.52 (1)(d), including county or federal revenue sharing funds allocated to match funds received under s. 49.52(1) (d) 2. c and 3.c, for the cost of providing court attached intake services in amounts not to exceed 50/ of the cost of providing court attached intake services or $305000 per county per calendar year, whichever is less." Ed Dashner, Director Social Services, then commented saying thatihis bill had been researched and that the funding for the program could be obtained if the program was supervised by the -Department of Social Services. Bussey contradicted Dashner stating that this bill must have been an amendment to the bill he researched, because it did not make any mention at all to the fact that the position had to be supervised--. by the Department of-Social.,.Services in order to be funded. Anderson then stated that when Meyer's was hired for this position -it was placed apart from the Department of Social Services because of the total dissatisfaction -with the way the department handled the position. Dashner was asked to comment on his position and he stated that when the Executive Committee was having problems with the budget, he suggested -to them that the position of court intake -be eliminated and placed under the Department of,Social Services where it had been previously and where they may be able to receive funding for it. Ludze.ck then questioned if the Social Services Department would ask for additional funding if it abosrbed this position. Dashner stated that this would not be the case. Diamon stated that when the court intake work was handled by the Social Services Department he was extremely dissatisfied with how the department handled the position. The question was asked on the motion to deny Resolution No. 8 A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 8A Ayes �, Erickson,-Mei'erotto, Barningham,'Maki,'McGillivray, Mattson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson Wickman, Renoos Nayes - Sneed, Seidel, Rave, Soderstrom, Johnson., Sechen, Ludzack Ayes 11 Nayes 7 Absent - 0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, The Budget and Finance Committee has, in the process of formulating the 1982 propesed budget, eliminated all funds for conventions from each department, and WHEREAS, It was deemed.in the best interest financially of the county to delete these expenses for conventions, and WHEREAS, There may be times when attendance would be necessary or beneficial to the county, and WHEREAS The Budget and Finance Committee recommends that no one shall receive reimbursement for a convention without prier approval of the Executive Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That there shall not be any reimbursement to any county employee for any convention in 1982 prior to approval of the Executive Committee. SIGNED. Johnson, Renoos, Meierotto, Carter, Seidel Dec. 8, 1981 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Ludzack to adopt the resolution. Carl Anderson questioned.if this covered district meetings. Seidel stated that a district meeting was not considered a convention. Seidel further added that committees: do receive`advance notice of meetings giving them enough time to get approval from the Executive Committee to attend. He also stated that it' would be possible to,receive blanket approval for a number of meetings at onetime. The question was asked on the motion to adopt Resolution No. 9 Motion carried. The following dog claim and letters were read: 10, 10a,. & 10b Owner?s-Claim for Damages to Animals STATE OF WISCONSIN S.S. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) I, George 0. Vernon, being first duly sworn on oath depose and say that I am the legal owner of certain domestic animals located in the Town of Barksdale and County as aforesaid. That on the 2nd day of May, 1981, Easter. Bar Fly,a purebred quarter horse met with death (or injuries) resulting from and directly caused by a. dog or dogs the, owner unknown to me. That upon or before the discovery of the death (or injury) of said animals I observed the following: That the ih-orse was chased into a fence and was between the barbed wire and hog wire and walked or ran about 500? tearing ,at her front shoulder., Dr. Palet had to put her to death because the, injury was too bad to stitch. That by reason of these facts I claim that the death (or injury) of said animals -is due to the work of some dog or dogs. And I therefore assess the fair and reasonable market value of said animals herein described as follows: I paid $3000 in.October 19.80.-The owners were asking $4,500 but were moving"to Oklahoma; two days before they moved they said'I eould have the mare for my offer . of $3 , 000 . Have you paid the current dog tax on all dogs owned by ybu2 Yes Signed by owner: George 0. Vernon Affidavit of Investigating Committee STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) We, The Town Board of the Town of Barksdale, being individually first duly sworn on oath depose and,say that we, have investigated the claim...of.George 0. Vernon for damages as aforesaid to ascertain and determine whether in -fact said damages were caused by some dog or dogs. That we have diligently.investigated said claim and now find the facts to be as follows: A sit was about two weeks after this occurred when -we were notified.,,we had to call others who were there, namely County deputy Carl Frederick and gamewarden Donald Bjork. They said it could have been dogs, but nothing was seen to definitely establish that it was caused by dogs. No bite marks on horse by dogs. z That by reason of the facts as aforesaid we further find, either (a) that said damage was caused by some dogor dogs,, or (b) that said damage was not caused by some dog. or dogs. And further find that the assessed value of said animals at last assessment was -- No assessment on horses. SIGNED. Fred Janz, Gordon Gilbertson, Richard Galligan 10a James C. Strom Bayfield County Clerk Re; Dog Damage Claim On May 2, 1981, I was called by Mike Fredericks to assist him"on an investigation of a dead horse. From my observation of the area and animal tracks and injury to the horse, it is my opinion that dogs caused the horse to injure itself can a barbed wire fence. Don Bjork Warden Dec. 8, 1981 10b James Strom Bayfield County Clerk Re: Dog Damage Complaint Dear Mr. Strom: On May 2, 1981, Mr. Geor.ge.Vernon stopped at my residence and.advised that one of his horses was seriously injured and had to be' -disposed of by a vet. Mr. Vernon thought the injuries were caused by dogs and,,requested.an investigation. Approximately one half hour later, Saturday afternoon, Don Bjork, a, DNR Warden, arrived at the Vernon farm. Mr. Vernon took us to the area where the incident had occurred. The horse had apparently attempted to jump a woven wire fence with one strand of barbed wire on top. In jumping the fence the barbed,wire,,was caught between the horses two:front legs. The horse then ran along the fence line, several hundred feet, pulling the barbed wire from the posts as he ran. The wire caused severe lacerations to the lower chest area resulting in injuries that could not be treated. In checking the area, Don Bjork.and myself found dog tracks along the fence line and around the area. There were no dog. -tracks -in -the -area. where -the horse was lying when we arrived. However, any tracks would have been destroyed by others who had walked in the area. The horse itself had no visible marks that indicated an animal"had attached it. It was obvious that the horse's injuries were caused by the barbed wire. The question remains why the horse attempted to jump the fence. Evidence of dog tracks indicated at least one, possibly more dogs had been in the area. Hair from two dogs was. taken from a strand of fence which the dogs and crawled under. It is possible the horse was harassed by dogs to the point it attempted to jump the fence, however, there was not enouglf evidence, in the area -for Dori Bjork'and myself to conclude, for certain, that dogs were the cause. There was no other evidence in the area to give any indication why the horse would attempt to jump the fence. I..have seen several dogs running in a park in this area, however, I do not know who the owners of these dogs are. I have had no other complaints similiar to this. With the evidence available, I cannot conclude that the horse was chased by dogs to the point it attempted to jump the fence. I could not, however,.deny the fact the dogs may have caused fatal injuries to the Vernon's horse. Sincerely, C.M. Frederick Juvenile Officer Bayfield County Sheriff's Dept. Moved by Carter and seconded by Johnson to allow the claim. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No..10C Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson,.Rave, Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Anderson,.Ludzack Nayes - Soderstrom, Sechen, Wickman, Renoos Ayes 14 Nayes 4 Absent - 0 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. The following claim was read: No. 11 Owner's Claim for Damages to Animals State of Wisconsin ) ss. County of Bayfield' ) I,"Iry Berlin, being first duly sworn on oath depose and say that I am the legal owner of certain domestic animals located in the Town of Lincoln and County as aforesaid. That on the 18th day of August, 1981, 6 cornish rock chick ns and one mammoth white turkey met with death resulting from and directly caused by 'a dog or dogs owned by Town of Lincoln. That upon or before the discovery of the death of said animals I observed the following: All bid dead, chewed and drug outside the chicken year. This being the same mode of operation as observed in this dog before® Said dog has been observed harassing and killing livestock on other farms and was seen running loose near our home on the day of the attacks which occurred between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. 19 That by reason of these facts, I claim that the death of said animals herein described as follows: $3 each -for the chickens; $6 for the turkey. Have you paid the current dog tax on all dogs owned by you? Yes Signed by owner: STATE OF WISCONSIN Janet Berlin ss. County of Bayfield Affidavit of Investigating Committee We, The Town Board of Town of Lincoln, being individually sworn on oath depose and say that we have investigated the claim of Iry Berlin for damages as aforesaid, to ascertain and determine whether in fact -said damages.were caused by some dog or. dogs. That we have diligently investigated said claim and now find the facts to be as follows: No investigation was made. We believe this person to be honest and will take his word for it. That by reason of the facts aforesaid we further find, either (a) that said damage was caused by some dog or dogs, or (b) that said damage was not caused by some dog or dogs. And we further find that the assessed value of said animals at last assessment was that their fair and reasonable market value is $24.00; $3.00 for.each chieken, 6.00 for turkey. Signed: Tiny Brown; Harold Wickman; Joe Vaillancourt Moved by Seidel and seconded by Johnson to allow the -claim. A roll call vote was taken with -the following results: No. lla Ayes - Erickson; Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki; McGillivray,�;Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom, Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - None Ayes 18 Nayes . 0 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution which was tabled by motion no. 15 at the November 10, 1981, meeting was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, There are now outstanding and uncashed certain checks issued by Bayfield County butween the dates of August 24th, 1979 and December 14th, 1979; all as more set forth in the schedule attached hereto, and WHEREAS, Said checks can be re -issued upon the proper application by the payee, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all of the Bayfield County checks listed in the schedule, attached hereto, be cancelled subject to re -issuance upon proper application. SIGNED: Seidel, Johnson, Carter, Meierotto, Renoos. Outstanding checks as carried from Security State BanY\�or year 1979 Stop payment will be ordered: GENERAL FUND: Issued to: Dan Odeen Cynthia Bonovia Roseann Susan Bonoavia Russell'Darwin Eileen 4-H Club Frankie Halverson Troy Jaronitzky Susanne R.'Johnson Debbie Emetz Leah Landry Alan Pope Dan Pope Joanne Peterson Shirley Rice ' Michelle Seidel Theresa A. Sandor Sioux River Valley 4-H Diana I. Vajacek Robert Pope Bill Weber Iry Berlin Ruth M. Frederickson Date Check No. Amount Issued 2812 $ 1.00 8-24-79 3005 1.00 9-5-79 3006 2.25 9-5-79 3049 4.00 9-5-79 3054 6.00 9-5-79 3113. 1.50 9-5-79 3137 28.00 9-5�79- 3153 _ 15.00 9-5-79 3162 3.50 9-5-79 3189. 3.50 9-5-79 3253 1.75 9-5-79 3254 1.00 9-5-79 3259 .50 9-5-79 3276 3.7.6 9-5.-79 3287 2.25 9-5-79 3309 2.00 9-5-79 3320 4.00 9-5-79 3337 1.50 9-5-79 3440 .75 9-14-79 5194 24.90 11-19-79 5728 40.20 12-10-79 5796 8.88 12-14�79 December .8, 1.9.81 '[o •. D46tta0_ IT"Z1 Dias �VUU�_ PAYROLL ACCOUNT: Carl Anderson 10717 25.57 4-13-79 Arthur R. M`eierotto 12580 7.27 8-31-79 TOTAL 190.07 Moved by Johnson and seconded by Wickman to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, In 1978, the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health and Social Services developed a formula for the distribution of Social Services and Mental Hygiene aids to counties; and, WHEREAS; The formula was adopted by the Legislature in 1979; and, WHEREAS, The allocation to counties was in.some instances limited to less funds than the formula proposed; and WHEREAS., The formula attempted.to measure- the community's need for services and amounts of money allocated were meant to meet that need; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County, because of the limitations placed on the implemen ation,of the formula, will .ose.$90,000.00 in Social Services funds and the same amount again in 1983, and $60,000.00 in 51.42 Unified Services funds;and WHEREAS, The Legislature, in ids most recent session -passed increased implementation of the formula which would have provided these funds to the County; and WHEREAS, The Governor vetoed an additional allocation to correct the problem in the biennium budget bill (AB 66) this year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors call upon all legislators representing portions of Bayfield County to strongly support the full implementa- tion of the Community Aids formula so that Bayfield County and other affected counties will receiv their full share of state human service funds, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to State Senator Dan Theno and Assemblywoman June Jaronitzky. SIGNED: Johnson, Carter, Sneed, Mattson, Rave. Moved by Carter and seconded by Rave to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.14 WHEREAS, The Department of Social Services administers financial aid programs, food stamps and emergency assistance programs, and WHEREAS, In the course of such programs some recipients of such assistance become legally obligated to reimburse the department for some or all of the assistance provided, such - as in cases of overpayment or where the assistance is in the form of a loan, and WHEREAS, Though the department's policy is to obtain such reimbursements on a voluntary basis whenever practical, it is sometimes necessary to resort to legal action, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 8th\day of December, 1981, that the.District Attorney be authorized to take any legal action necessary to cover amounts -due the county in any such cases referred to him by the department. PRESENTED BY: Johnson, Carter, Sneed, Mattson, Rave. Moved by Rave and seconded by,Mattson to adopt the resolution.. Motion carried. Dec. 851981 PAO ffaJUA 00(w. Lmjo - - s;qui,t1b6 a- I,OH�U, {�rtywM lvokN4 CARu Gv /l H . The following resolution was read: No.lS WHEREAS, Clarence Peterson, of the Bayfield.County Veterans' Service Commission, is resigning from his position on the Commission, and WHEREAS, His service to Bayfield County for 35 years has been distinguished by dedica- tion to service to Bayfield County and to the people of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County is desireous of recording an acknowledgment and recognition of this distinguished public service, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in special session assembled this 8th day. of December, 1981, go on record recognizing -the outstanding and meritorious service of Clarence Peterson during his tenure in office and be it further RESOLVED; That this resolution be.made a part of the permanent records of Bayfield County and .that a - certified copy - thereof be presented Ito . Mr. Peterson. SIGNED: Carter, Johnson, Sneed, Mattson, Meierotto, Renoos, Rave, Soderstrom, McGillivray, Diamon, Wickman, Maki, Erickson, Ludzack, Sechen, Anderson, Barningham Moved by Diamon and seconded by Wickman to adopt the resolution. Motionrearried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, The taxes on Government Lot 1, Sec. 21, Township 43N, Range 5W, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, have not been paid, and WHEREAS, A statement issued by former County Treasurer Nick Pristash on September 10, 1980, indicated that there were no taxes due on the property for 1975, and WHEREAS, On the basis of this information, the property was sold to a new owner without any 1975 taxes being paid, and WHEREAS, The property has been sold several more times before it was discovered that the 1975 taxes had not been paid and that the statement issued by the then County Treasurer was erroneous, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee recommends to the County Board that the 1975 taxes on Government Lot 1, of Section 21, Township 43N, Range 6W, be absorbed by the County, now; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting this 8th day of December, 1981, agree that the unpaid taxes of 1975 levied against Government Lot 1, of Section 21, Township 43N, Range 6W, be absorbed by the County. SIGNED: Johnson, Meierotto-, Seidel, Renoos.,-Carter, Barningham and Moved by Soderstrom and seconded.by.Sneed to.adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: N0.17 WHEREAS, Mr. Cary Wiik-.has been employed by Bayfield County as an energy consultant, WHEREAS, Mr. Wiik has been surveying the building looking for ways to conserve energy, WHEREAS, Mr. Wiik did meet with the Executive Committee and outlined various methods f energy conservation, and WHEREAS, Monies have been placed in the budget for the purpose of energy conservation pro j;ects and WHEREAS,/, It is the opinion of the Executive Committee that these projects are M Ps roP_ reasonable and will conserve energy and they recommend that these projects be undertaken, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee be given authoriaation'to undertake these energy conservation projects. SIGNED: Johnson, Carter,'Seidel,'Renoos, Meierotto, Barningham Moved'by Renoos and seconded by Meierotto to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following .report was read : No. 18 TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County;on the hearing of the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning'Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97(5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided.by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the petitions described as follows be approved. All existing Zoning Districts in the Town of Namakagon are abolished and the Township rezoned as follows: SEE ORDINANCE NO. 19 FOR DESCRIPTIONS Moved by Renoos and seconded by Seidel to receive the report and place it on file. Renoos then explained the report to the board. Bob Matteson, Town of Namakagon, addressed the board saying that when the town was rezoned in 1971 it was done incorrectly and now they are correcting the errors made in 1971; however, he was dissatisfied with a portion of the rezoning. Soderstrom informed the board that the Zoning Committee went along with everything that Matteson suggested except one item that the town board of Na_makagon requested by changed. Soderstrom further stated that the town board was happy with the rezoning. After a lengthy discussion, the following amendatory ordinance was read; No. 19 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same is hereby amended so that as amended, all existing zoning districts in the Town of Namakagon are abolished and the Township is rezoned as follows: Township 43 North, Range 5 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Section 1--------=---------------All F,-1 Section 2------------------------All F-1 ,., Section 3------------------------All F-1`. _t. Section 4------------------------All F-1 Section 5------------------------All F-1 Section 6------------------------All F-1 Section 7 . . . . . . . . . . (a) E2 of the NWµ excluding that parcel described as Vol. 2, C.S.M., P.290 = R-2 (b) W2 of the NWµ excluding those parcels described in Vol'. 2 C.S.M., P. 176 = R-2 (c) That part of the SWµ lying North of Namakagon Lake and West of Forest Road 192 = R-2 (d) SEµ of the SEµ = R-R (e) W z of the SEµ = R-R (f) That part of the NEµ of the SWµ lying East of Forest Road 192 = R-% (g) That part of -the SEµ of the SW-1-4 lying East of Forest Road 192 excluding the Plat of Namakagon Subdivision and that parcel described in Vol. 337, P. 418 = R.R. 251 December 8, 1981 (h) Those parcels described in Vol. 2, C.S.M., P. 290 = R-R (i) That parcel described as that part of Block 5 as described in Vol. 298, P. 289 and Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 5, Namakagon Village = R.R. (j) Those parcels described in Vol. 2, C.S.M., P. 176 = R-1 - (k) That part of the NEµ of the SW-4 lying East of Namakagon Lake and West of Forest Road 192 = R-1 (1) Plat of Namakagon Subdivision excluding that parcel described .as that part of Block 5 as described in Vol. 298 and Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 5, Namakagon Village = R-1 (m) Those parcels in the S2 of the SW4 described in Vol. 6, P. 93; Vol. 343, P. 260; Vol. 128, P. 405; Vol. 98, P. 169; Vol. 210,. P. 530;.Vol. 218, P. 154 =.R-1 (n) NEµ = F-1 (o) NE 4 of the SE 4 = F-1 (p) That parcel described in Vol. 337, P. 418 = R-2 . -Section.8-----------------------------------All 12-1 Section 9----------------------------------- All F-1 Section 10----------------------------------- All F=1 Section 11---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 12---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 13----------- ------------ ------ ----- All F-1 Section 14------ --------------------------- All F-1 Section 15---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 16---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 17---------------------------------- All F-1 Section, 18 . . . . . . . . . . . - (a) E2 = F-1 (b) S2 of the SW4 except that parcel described in Vol. 241, P. 75 = F-1 (c) SEk of the NW4 = F-1 (d) NEk of the SA = F-1 (e) All that part of Government Lot 1 lying East of Forest Road 192 = R-2 (f) All that part of Government Lot 1 lying West of Forest Road 192 = R-1 (g) Government Lot 2 = R-1 (h) NW4 of the SW-4 except those parcels described in Vol. 348, P: 441 and Vol. 271, P.: 299 R-3 (i) Those parcels described in Vol. 271, P. 299 and Vol. 241, P. 75 = R.R. (j) That parcel described in Vol. 348, P. 441 = R.-1 Section. l9---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 20---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 21--------------------------------- -ALI_ F-1 . . . Section 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) All F-1 except East 25 rods of Lot 6 (b) East 25 rods of Government Lot 6 = R-1 Section 23---------------------------------- All P-1 Section 24---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) N2 of the N2 = F-1 (b) E2 of the E2 = F-1 - (c) That part --of the- W - of. -the W2 lying West of White Bass Road = F-1 (d) That part of the W2 lying South of County Trunk M and East of White Bass Road = R-1 (e) SW-4 of the NE-4 and.the NW4 of the SW-4 = R-1 (f) SW4 of the SEµ =- R-2 Section 26---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 27 . . . . . . . . . (a) All F-1 except the -North 25 rods of that part of'Government Lots 1 and'8 lying East of Delta Lake (b) The North 25 rods of that part of Government Lots 'l and 8 lying East of Delta Lake = R-1 Section 3'8--------------- --------------------- All F-1 Section 29----------------------------------All F-1 .; Section -30---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 31---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 32------------------------------- --All F-1 Section 33 . . . . . . . (a) All F-1 except Government Lot 2 (b) Government Lot 2 = R-1 Section 34 (a) All F-1 except that part of the NW4 lying North and West of Lake Five Road (b) That part of the NWµ lying North and West of Lake Five Road = R-1 Section 35 . . . . . . . . . . (a) W2 of the W2 = F-1 (b) E2 of the W2 = R-1 (c) All that part of the E2 lying North of Buffalo Lake Road = R-1 (d) All that part of the E2 lying South of Buffalo Lake Road = R-2 Dec. 8, 1981 Section 36 . ® . . . . . (a) All F-1 except N 2 of the NE-1 . W 2 of the NW and SE-1-4of the SE-4 (b) SEµ of the SEµ = R-2 (c) N2 of the NEµ = R-2 (d) W 2 - of the _NWµ excluding that parcel described - as "the' W 2 of the NW 4 lying South of White Bass Road less parcels described in Vol. 151, P. 471; V. 208, P. 595; Vol. 209, P__.628; Vol. 228, P. 563; Vol. 231, Pl. 445; Vol. 209 P. 627; Vol. 215, P. 379 = R-R Township 43.North, Range 6,West, Bayfield County Wisconsin Section 1 All F-1 Section 2 . . . . . . . . (a) All R-1 except that parcel described._in..Vol....155., P- 286_..and. Vol. 151,_ Pl. 148, except that part of Government ,Lots ,5.. and 7..excluding- Gottland. Resort._Subdivision and except Lot 1, Block 1 and Lots 1, 2,3, and 4,_ Block 5,.of--Gottland..Resort.Subdivision.. (b) That parcel described in Vol. 155,, P. 28.6. and_ Vol. - 51, .P... 148 R-".. (c) Government Lots 5 and 7 except Gottland Resort. -Subdivision. _=..R-R, (d) Lots 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 5, also, Lot .1,._.Block. l..of Gottland- Resort__Subdivision =. R-R Section 3 (a) All R-1 except the island (b) Island = F-1 Section 4 (a) SWµ = R-R (b) S2of the NWµ = R-R (c) W2 of the W2-- of the SEµ = R-R (d) NEµ = R-1 (e) E2 of the SEµ = R-1 (f) E2, of, the W2 of the SEµ R-1. (g) N2 of the NWµ = F-1 Section 5----------- All F-1 Section 6----------- All F-1 Section 7----------- All F-1 Section 8 (a) All F-1 except the E2 of the NE-1-4 (b) NEµ of the NEµ = R-R (c) SEµ of the NE4 = R-1 Section 9 . . . . . . . . . (a) N 2 of the NW 4 = R-R (b) NWµ of the NEµ = R-R (c) That parcel described in Vol. 238, P. 470 = R-R (d) NEµ of the NE4 = R-1 (e) S2 of the N2 excluding that parcel described in Vol. 238, P. 470 = R-1 (f) That part of the SW-'4 lying East of the Town Road =. R-1 - (g) NW-1-4 of the SE-4 = R-1 (h) That part of the N2 of the SWµ lying West of the Town Road (i) SEµ of the SE-1-4 = R-2 (j) SW4 of the SW 4 = F-1 Section 10 . . . . . . . . . (a) That part of the N2_excluding those parcels described in Vol. 173, P. 261.; Vol. 334, P. 393; Vol. 294, P. 362; Vol. 344, P. 363 = R-1 (b) That part of --the S2 lying North and West of County Trunk D. Excluding those parcels described in Vol. 338, P. 301 and excluding that part of Government Lots 8, 17 and 19 lying West of County Trunk D and North and West of MummT.s_.Bay Road,.less..thos.e.parcels...described in Vol. 229, P. 248; Vol. 176, P. 365; Vol. 172, P. 20,8;_Vol...338, . P. 227; .Vol.-- 20.0.,_.P...36.8 = R-1 (c) That part of the N2 of the SE-4 lying,South_and.East..of.County. Trunk- D__. excluding .that parcel described as Vol. 344, P. 385 = R-2 .... (d) The parcels described as follows will be.Z.oned.R-R:.Vol.-.173,. P....2.61;_.Vol. 334,. P. 383; Vol. 344, P. 363; Vol® 294; P. 361; Vol. 338, P. 301; Vol. 344,-P. 385; That part -)of the Sz of the SEµ lying East of County Trunk D; that part of Government Lots 8, 17 and 19 lying West of County Trunk D and North and West of Mumm's Bay Road, less those parcels described in Vol. 229 P. 248; Vol..176, P. 365; Vol. 172, P. 208; Vol. 338, P. 227 and Vol. 200, P. 368 Section 11 . . . . . . . . . (a) N 2 = R-1 I , .. . (b) N 2 of the N2 of the SEµ . _. , R-1 (c) S2 of the S 2 of the SWµ = R-R (d) S 2 of the SEµ = F-1 (e) S2 of the N2 of the SE-1-4 = F-1 (f) N2 of the S2 of the SWµ = F-1 (g) N2 of the SW 4 = F-1 iz a Dec_. 8, 1981 Section 12 . . . . . . . . (a) - N 3/4 less S 2 of -the N 2 of the SE 4. = F-1 (b) That part of the S2 of the SW4 lying North of Garden Lake Road = R-2 (c) That part of the S2 of the SE4 lying North of Garden Lake Road excluding that parcel described in Vo..221, P. 192 = R-1 (d) That part of Section 12 lying South of Garden Lake Road excluding those parcelsdescribed in Vol. 221, P. 192; Vol. 324, P. 186 and Vol. 346, P. 418 = R-1 (e) S2 of the N2, of the SE4 = R-3 (f) Those parcels described in Vol.. 221,'P. 192; Vol. 324, P. 186; Vol. 346, P.. 418 = R-R Section 13 (a) That part of the N2 excluding the island and excluding those lands described as Lots 17, 18, 2.85 299 30, and 31 of the Namakagon Lakeshore Subdivision = R-1 (b) That .part.of the S2 lying North of County Trunk ,M excluding those parcels described as ..Government Lot 6, Vol. 172, P. 277; Vol. 292, P. 240 and Government Lot 2 = R-1 (c) Those parcels described as Government Lot 6 and Government Lot 2 and those parcels described in Vol. 172, P. 277 and Vol. 292, P. 240 = R-R (d) Those lands described as Lots 17,18, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of the Namakagon Lakeshore Subdivision R-R (e) The island is F-1 (f) That part of the SE4 of the SE4 lying South of County Trunk M = R-3 (g) That part of the SW4 of the SEµ lying South of County Trunk M = F-1 Section 14 . . . . (a) That part of the NW-4 excluding that parcel described as Government Lot 12 and 6 "'R-R (b) That parcel described as Government Lot 1 = R-R (c) The1. E? of the SE4 = R-R (d) That part of the NE4 lying South and West of County Trunk D, South of Garden Lake Road and 300 feet.North and.East of the centerline of County Trunk D R-R (e) The E2 of the SW4 excluding that parcel described as Government Lot 1 = R-1 (f) W2 of the SE4 = R-1 (g) That parcel described as Government Lot 12 and 6 = R-2 _ (h) That part of the NEµ lying North of Garden Lake Road and .300 feet -.North and East_ of the centerline of County Trunk D = F-1 Section 15 . . . . . . ... (a) N2 of the NE-1-4 = R-1 (b) That part of the S2 lying South of Lake Namakagon = R-1 (c) That parcel described in Vol. 147, P. 218; Vol. 202, P. 87; Vol. 251, P® 258 = R-1 (d) Government Lots 3 and 4 = R-R (e) The S 2 of the NE-4 = R-2 (f) The N2 of the SE4 = R-2 (g) That part of the NE-1-4 of the SW4 lying North of Lake Namakagon = R-2...... (h) The SE4 of the NWµ excluding that parcel described in Vol. 147,.P. 218; Vol. 202, P. 87; Vol. 251, P. 258 = R-2 (i) This island is W Section 16 (a) SE4 = R-1 (b) N2 of the SW4 = R-1 (c), . The is-Idnd in the NE- = R-2 (d) S 2 " of the SW4 (e) NW-1-4 = F-1 Section 17 . . . . . . . . (a) SW 4 of the NE4 = R-1 (b) NEµ of the SE4 excluding that parcel described in Vol. 209, P. 240— R-1 (c) W2 of the SE4 of the SE4 excluding that parcel described in Vol. 209:, P. 240 = R-1 (d) That part of the SW4 of the SE4 described in Vol. 317, P. 482 = R-1 (e) NW--4 = R-R (f) SWµ of the SW-1-4 = R-R (g) That parcel described as Vol. 209,.P. 240 = R-R (h) E2 of the SE4 of the SE4 = R-2 (i) N2 of the NE-4 = F-1 (j) SE4 of the NEµ = F-1 (k) N2 of the SW4 = F-1 (1) SE-4 of the SW 4 = F-1 (m) NWµ of the SE4 = F-1 (n) SW4 of the SE4 = F-1 excluding those parcels described in Vol. 209,.P..240; and Vol. 317, P. 482 Section 18---------------------------------- All F-1 Section 19--------------------- ---------- ---- All F-1 I Section 20 . . . . . . . . . (a) All. F-1 except, the. SE4, of the. SEµ, NEµ. of the. SWµ and that part of the N2 of the NEµ lying North of County Trunk M (b) SEµ of the SE4 = R-2 (c) NEµ of the SW-1-4 = R-2 (d) That part of the E2 of the, .NE 4 of the NEµ lying North of County Trunk M = R-2 (e) That part of the N2 of the NE-1-4 lying North of County Trunk M, excluding the E2 of the NEµ of the NE4. .R-1 December 8, 1981 Section 21 . . . . . . . . . (a) That part of the N2 lying North of County Trunk M and Garmisch Road excluding the East 1,345 feet except that parcel described in Vol. 344, P. 8 and 9 = R-R, (b) That parcel described in Vol.'344, P. 8 and 9 = R-R (c) That part of the East 1,345 feet of the NE4,lying North of Garmisch Road excluding that parcel described in=Vol. 344,. P. 8, and 9 = R-1 (d) That part of the NWµ lying South -of County Trunk -M = R=3 • (e) That part of the SW4 of the NE-4 lying South of County Trunk M = R-3 (f) S2 = F-1 (g) That part of the E2 of the NEµ lying South of Garmisch Road = F-1 Section 22 (a) All F-1 Except that part of the "NE q'of'the NE%4 lying North of Garmisch Road (b)'That part" of the NE -It of"the NE4-lying`'North of Garmisch Road and West -of the Town Road = R-1 (c) That part of the NE4 of the NE4 lying North of Garmisch Road and East of the Town Road = R-R Section 23 . . . . . (a) E2 of the NE4 = R-R (b) S 2 = F-1 (c) That part of the S2 of the-NW4•lying South of Garmisch Road =-F-1 (d) That part of the SW 4' • of the • NE 4 lying South •of Garmisch Road = F=1 (e) That part of the SW4 of the NEµ lying North of Garmisch Road = R-3 (f) The N2 of the NW4 except that part lying North of Garmisch-Road and West of the Town Road = R- (g) That part of the NWµ of the NW4 lying North of Garmisch Road and West of a Town Road = R-R/: Section 24 . . . . . . . . . (a) All F-1 except that part of Government Lots 1 and 2 lying North of County Trunk M (b) That part of Government Lots-1 and '2 lying North of County Trunk M'= R-1 Section 25---------- All F-1 Section 26----------All F-1 Section 27---------- All -F-1 Section 28---------- All F-1 Section 29---------- All F-1 Section 30 . . . . . . . . . (a) All F-1 except W 2 of the -NW4 (b) W2 of the NW4 = R-2 •.. Section 31---------- All F-1 Section 32---------- All F-1 Section 33---------- All F-1 Section 34-- All' F-1 Section 35---------- All F-1 Section 36---------- All F-1 These zoning changes were amended by the Bayfield County Zoning Committee -on November 19, 1981. . . ABBREVIATIONS R.-1 = Residential - 1 F-1 = Forestry - 1 - R-R = Residential -Recreational R-2 = Residential - 2 F-2 = Forestry - 2 R-3 = Residential - 3 A-1 = Agricultural - 1 R-4 =_Residentia_ 4 A-2 = Agricultural - 2 W = Conservancy I = Industrial C.S.M. = Certified Survey Map Vol.' = Volume P. = Page N, = North S .- South E = East W = West NW - Northwest NE = Northeast SW = Southwest SE = Southeast Signed: Renoos,=Sneed; McGillivray, Barningham, Soderstrom; Maki Dated: December 8, 1981 Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Johnson-to--table--the^matter until the next meeting for further study. Seidel questioned why the matter should be sent for further study when a public hearing had already been held on the rezoning. A roll"call vote was taken with the following results: No. 19a Ayes - Barningham, Sneed, Mattson, Rave,.Johnson, Carter, Diamon, Ludzack Nayes - Yrickson, Meierotto, Maki, McGillivaay, Seidel, Soderstrom, Sechen, Anderson, Wickman, enoos Ayes - 8 Nayes -10 TOTAL 18 Motion lost. December .$, 1981 No.. 20 Moved by Soderstrom and seconded by Sneed to adopt the ordinance. Motion carried. No. 21 .Clerk Strom then conveyed to.the board a request from Steve Anich to construct a building on a parcel of land he recently purchased by land contract in a tax title land s9.Ie. - The land.contract stipulat-es :that Anich may not build on the parcel until the contract is paid off. Moved by Anderson and seconded by Renoos that the request be- denied. Motion carried. The clerk next w.ent.through the budget.item by item allowing the board to .make changes in the budget where they felt they were needed. No. 22 Moved by Renoos.-and seconded by Mattson to insert $300 back into the D.A.'s budget. .Motion carried. �. -No . 23 Moved by..MO.Gillivray..and.seconded by Soderstrom to.add $-25,000 to the Sheriff's Department budget to allow -for the hiring .of an investigator. A roll call .vote was taken with the following results: No.-23a Ayes - Maki, McGillivray, Soderstrom,%,Carter, Diamon Nayes - Erickson, Me.ierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Johnson, Sechen, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Ayes 5 Nayes 13 TOTAL 18 Motion lost. No. 24 Moved by Carter and seconded by Maki to add $2,500 to the Child Support Account. Motion carried. No. 25 Moved by Rave and seconded by Anderson to restore an amount of $6,.745 into the public transportation account. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 25a-. Ayes Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, --Maki, McGillivray, Seidel,.Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom, Johnson, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack Nayes - Renoos Ayes 17 Nayes . 1 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. December '8, :1981 BAYFIELD .COUNTY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1982 TO THE H0140RABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors submits this -proposed county budget for the_.:year 1982 together with.a report of operations. VALUATION The Wisconsin.Depar-tment..of °Revenue,has.reeommended a total county valuation.for all real and personal property of $425,431,250.00. The recommended value was approved by the county board o-n September-29,_.1981,. and all 1981 county and state taxes .will be apportioned accordingly. The equalized valuation of the county shows an increase over the 1980 valuation of $29,883,690._00 or 7..5.6%. In 198.O the increase was 15.25/. - COUNTY TAX LEVY & LEVY LIMITS Section 70.62 of the Laws of 1975 created new levy limits on the county. The 1980 county tax levy was.$88:9,.076.46 and with the allowable adjustments the 1981 levy cannot be more than approximately $1';403,173.00. The levy as proposed by the Executive Committee is $1,029,743.78. No amounts have been included in any of the..department budgets for salary increases for 1982. There is, however, an amount of $50,000.00 included in the contingent fund which may take care of .salary .increases and other contingencies. The committee has included in the 19.8.2 budget in..the revenue section an amount of $177,135.00 Federal'Revenue Sharing -monies. Due to more realistic budgeting in the revenue section for 1981, there is no surplus cash.,available to be appli:ed.to the budget in 1982. The county levy limit for 1982_has been increased due to the,increases-in state equalized valuations and increased population as well as by the lack of surplus cash that is not available to decrease the 1981 levy. The proposed county tax levy this year iS $140,667.32 over the 1980 levy and is $373,430.00 below the approximate allowable tax levy. This year after completion of the tentative budget by the Executive Committee using budget figures as approved by various county board committees and department heads as well as other estimated expenditures, the grand total expenditures amounted to $4,214,734.09 with revenues of $2,693,537.25. With no surplus cash to apply, this would have left a tax levy of $1',521,196.18. The levy would have been $1181,023.18 over the allowable approximate levy limit. The committee,c.ou3-d not recommend a budget with a tax 1-evy over the tax levy limit and even by adjusting the budget to bring it down to the levy limit,, would have represented a tax levy increase of 41,:S%-ov.er the 19.80.levy._ The committee agreed that it was necessary to make many drastic cuts to bring the..county tax levy down -to a more.aceeptable figure. Many large cuts were made in the budget as first compiled, the largest being a reduction of $85,552.29 in the Highway budget and $220,764.08 in the Sheriff's budget and $23,428.00 in the Sheriff's outlay budget. Recommended staff reductions for 1982 in personnel were made in the Court Intake Worker department, as well as many other smaller adjustments;in other areas. REVENUE SHARING FUNDS The local tax effort (county levy) is an important factor used by the Federal and State agencies in calculating the amount of Revenue Sharing Funds and State Shared Taxes. Be- cause the county board has been very conservative in the early 70s, we are.now suffering from decreased revenues from those two sources. Unfortunately, there is a time lag of several years in the calculation of the aids and, consequently, any increase in the tax levy this year will not have an immediate effect on revenues. Dec. 82 1981 PAYMENTS IN-LIEU=`OF-TAXES Bayfield County has received in 1981 $115,781.00 in,lieu of taxes on Federal Forest Lands. The amount is more than the $109,172.00 received in 1980. The payments are based on 75� per acre on Federal Forest Lands less the amount received as payment for timber harvest on said lands. Pursuant to County Board action 75% of the money is being distributed to the towns in which the Federal Forest Lands are located. BAYFIELD COUNTY JAIL Construction is nearly completed for the new Bayfield County Jail. It is expected that actual occupancy will be very soon after the first of the year. NORTHERN LIGHTS MANOR REST HOME The new county rest home has now been in use for approximately one year. There are now 73 patients in the new rest home. There was at one time during the year a total of 76 patients in the rest home. HIGHWAYS The amount of.$188,000.00 in the Highway outlay only represents the amount included in the county tax levy;, other highway ,expenditures are not reflected in this budget.. AUDIT The 1980 Audit Report by John Maitland, C.P.A., has been again completed on schedule --copies are available for inspection at the office of the county clerk or from members of the county board. Mr. Maitland has made several recommendations on various accounting items to the,committee. Many of.his recommendations have already been discussed and the committee will very_ likely act_faVorably on the other recommendations he has made. The assistance of Mr. Maitland and his staff continues to be a great asset to Bayfield County as his services are available throughout the year to all the various county departments. The Executive Committee recommends approval of the following budget for 1982. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Wallace Johnson, Edwin Renoos, William Carter, Art Meierotto, Larry Seidel, rect. No. 51111 51211 51211.1 51212.1 1221 1261 1410 1412 1423 1521 1540 1561 1610 1621 710 810 1981 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriation County Board $ 33,350.0.0 Circuit Court .,- 83,349.28 Court _intake Worker. 17,850.00 Probate Registrar` &. Register in Probate Family Court Commissioner Coroner County Clerk Elections Labor Negotiator Assessment County Treasurer Special Accounting District Attorney Legal Counsel Cost Allocation Plan Register of Deeds Courthouse .00 3,870.00 6,200.00 66,700.00 3,750.00 5,500.00 15,825.00 31,149.64 9,900.00 38,719.60 3,500.00 47,604.28 505939.00 1. . Authorized by Proposed Exec. Comm. for 1982r for 1982 $ 34,000.00 , _ $ .,32,000.00 $ 9.7,670.12,;1 91,670.12 19,406.00 -.00 1,467.96 35920.00 65900.00 76,175.00 6,100.00 11,000.00 202065.00 43,129.16 9,900.00 43,610.15 1,467.96 3,920.00 6,000.00 76,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 20,065.00 42,179.16 9,900.00 43,110.15 3,600.00 3,600.00 53,869.24 535169.24 555615.00 54,615.00 REVISED 19,406.00 43,410.15 ember 8. 1981 Acct. 1981 Proposed No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriation for 1982 51911 Tax Deed Expense $ 9,150.00 $ 91987.04 51912 Repairs to Tax Deed Property 250.00 250.00 51931 Maps & Plats 151)300.00 250.00 51941 Property & Liability Insurance 8,000.00 20,000.00 51962 Workmen's Compensation 10,000.00 13,000.00 51963 Retirement Fund (Co.'s Share) 1405000.00 160,000.00 51964 Social Security (Co.'s Share) 60,000.00 75,000.00 51965 Health Insurance (Co.'s Share) 40,000.00 48,000.00 51966 Life Insurance (Co.'s Share) 1,500.00 1,800.00 51967 Employee Longevity Pay 8,000.00 91)000.00 TOTAL 710,406.80 823,714.67 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 52110 Sheriff 366,303.00 5891)775.34 52131 Criminal Investigation 500.00 `-400,.00 52141 Education & Community Relations .400.00 300.00 52220 Civil Air Patrol 500.00 .00 52225 Wilderness Search .& Rescue - .0.0. 5 00-00. *52260 Red Cliff Law Enforcement .00 2,390.00 52421 Fire Suppression 150.00 150.00 52611 Emergency Government 14,600.00 16,564.50 TOTAL 382,453.00 610,079.84 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 53110 General Health 53109 R.S.V.P. 53131 Home Nursing Program 53230 State General Hospital 53251 Home & Infirmary 53381 51:"42/437 Board 63,592.32 .00 29,362.00 99991.75* .00 630,866.00 60,236.12 .00 319955.00 .00 .00 617,204.00 *53382 Emergency-Ener.gy Assistance 2,363.00 00.. /� 20,0.00 *53383 Emergency Energy Assist. Admn. 2:,-591.00✓ 53611 Social Services 367.,531.00 366,395.00 *53611.02 Youth Aids 83_,584.00 76,091.00 53612 Co. Child: Support Agency. 20,870.64, 22,289.68 *53613 S.S.I. Burial 53621 Resident Indigent Relief 53622 Transient Poor Relief *53623 Indo China Relief *53624 Cuban -Haitian Relief 53680 Transportation to Elderly 53681 Nutrition Program for Elderly 53682 Supportive Home Care 53685 Home Delivered Meals Service Program(State Senior Center) 53691 Bayfield County Unit on Aging 4,000.00 105000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 .00 12,276.00 94,010.00 20,510.00 4,473.00 10,100.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 105000.00 .00 10,000.00 1,000.00 15,400.00 85,098.00 28,500.00 4,885.00 52133.00 1,300.00 Authorized by Exec. Comm. for 1982 $ 9,287.04 .00 250.00 20,000600 13,000.00 148,000.00 75,000.00 485000.00 1,800.00 9,000.00 777,033.67 369,011.26 400.00 300.0.0 .00 .00 .-0 0 .00 14,864.50 384,575.76 57,536.12 .00 315355.00 .00 .00 613,204.00 202000.00 366,395.00 76,091.00 22,289..68 3,000.00 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 1,000.00 15,400.00 85,098.00 28,500.00 4,885.00 5,133.00 1,300.00 REVISED 24,789.68 - Flow through account - State Special Charges r, Authorized by cet. 1981 Proposed Exec. Comm. No. HEALTH & SOC. SERVICES Appropriation for 1982 for 1982 REVISED * 53710 Aid to Families with Depenh $ $ $ $ dent Children - I 52000.00 9,822.00 93,822.00 53711 Aid to Families with Depen- dent Children 165000.00 14,000.00 1:4-,000.00 53712 Aid to Families with Foster Children 49,704.00 47,232.00 47,232.00 32612 Veteran's Relief .00 500.00 500.00 53821 Veteran's Service Officer 34,964.64 38,357.82 35,685.38 53841 Care of Veteran's Graves 300.00 22500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL 1,490,589.35 1,4701)898.62 1,460,926.18 1;463426.18 PUBLIC- WORKS 54550 Public Transportation 3,771.00 95383.00 .00 6,745.00 TOTAL 31J771.00 9,383.00 .00 6,745.00 EDUCATION & RECREATION 55111 County Library, & Bookmobile 13,308.00 14,193.00 14,193.00 55131 Historical Society 800.00 2,000.00- 500.00 55141 Fairs & Exhibits 331.1050.00 31,500.00 31,100.00 55181 Co. Contribution for Conventions 500.00 500.00 500.00 55321 Snowmobile Trails & Areas 22,605.00 22,850.00 22,850.00 55347 Washburn Rec. .00 .00 .00 55348 DART Program .00 .00 ..00 TOTAL 705263.00 712043.00 69;143.00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 56111 County Forestry 43, 82,832.32 82,832.32 56121 County Forest State Aid 495820.00 162626.00 16,626.00 56350 County Extension -Agent 81,500.60 85,456.76 -85,456.76 56360 Conservation 43-,855.00 46,407.50 46,407.50 56411 -Regional Planning Commission 7-,275.00 7,987.00 7,987400 56431 Zoning 71,864.00 77,332.84 77,332.84 56432 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment 1,900.00 1,900.00.... 1,600.00 6433 Payment to Municipalities on Land Withheld from Sale 15568.00 19968.00 113968.00 TOTAL 301,211.16 3201)510.42 3202210.42 INDEBTEDNESS 9111 Principal on Bonds 75:,000.00 115,000.00 115,000.00 Interest on Bonds (Hospital) 28,380.00 262070.00 26,070'.GO I9211 9212 Interest on Bonds (Rest Home) •107,992.50 105,272.50 1055272'.50 9213 Interest on Jail --Bond 79,627.50 782200.75 7813200.75 TOTAL 291,000.00 3242543.25 324,543.25 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3,249,694.31 356302172.80 3,336,432.28 3,365,383.28 Flow through account December 8, 1981 Acct: No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT OUTLAY 61211 Circuit Court 61211.1 Court Intake Worker 61212.1 Register in Probate 61410 County Clerk 61540 County Treasurer 61710 Register of Deeds 61810 Courthouse 63821 Veteran's Service TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PRO PERTY 62110 Sheriff TOTAL HEALTH & SOC. SERVICES OUTLAY 63110 County Nurse 63611 Soc. Services Admn. 63682 Supportive Home Care TOTAL PUBLIC.WORKS 64550 Public Transportation TOTAL EDUCATION & RECREATION 65321 Snowmobile Trails Constr. 65411 County .Parks TOTAL - CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT OUTLAY 66111 Forestry 66121 Forestry State Aid 66211 Rivers *66211.01 Forest Regeneration ORA P 66350 County Extension,A gent 66360 Conservation 66431 Zoning TOTAL TOTAL OUTLAY HIGHWAY 64211 Road Construction of C.T.H.S. 64213 Machinery 64241 Co. Aid Bridge Constr. TOTAL 1981 Appropriation 950.00 .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 7,500.00 .00 28,100.00 28,100.00 .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,324.00 2,324.00 .00 1,600.00 1,600.00 55000.00 .00 7,588.00 85000.00 2,000.00 .00 400.00 22,988.00 68,962.00 57,935.65 21,250.00 14,817.50 104,003.15 Authorized by Proposed Exec. -Comm. for 1982 for 1982 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 500.00 .00 .00 130.00 130.00 22,000.00(?) 50,000.00 000 .00 22,580.00 50,680.00 106,728.00 106;728.00 500.00 2,000.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00. 1,600.00 1,600.00 89000.00 AI 7,588.00 8,313.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 .00 27,501.00 1612009.00 273,552.29 .00 .00 273,552.29 83,300.00 83;300.00 500.00 2,000:00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 8,000.00 .00 7'588.00 85313.00 .00 .60 .00 23,901.00 160,881.00 1882000.00 .00 .00 188,000.00 REVISED ** Flow through account December 85 1981 r� �cct. No. GENERAL REVENUES 41151 Forest Crop Tax,.from 1981 Appropriation Authorized by Proposed Exec. Comm for 1982 for 1982 District 32800.00 3,000600 3,000.00 1161 Land Transfer Tax 52500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 14 91 Interest on Taxes 605,000.00 755000.00 7513-000.00 2111 Federal Revenue.Sharing 166,494.00 1775135.00 1775135.00 2112 Federal Anti -Recession (Interest) .00 .00 -.00 2211 Shared Taxes from State 1022023.0 2211.1 Supplemental Shared Tax from State 7,218.00-- 149,3634.00 1.491634.00 2261 State Aid - Manuf. ® & Equipment 55395.0 2361 Fed. Aid- Nutrition Program 70,126.00 70.2126.00 70,126.00 2363 Fed. Aid - Supportive Home Care 24,510.00 23,672.00 23,672.00 2365 State Aid - Transportation (85.20?)j .00 142000.00 14,000.00 2366 Home Delivered Meals 4,473.00 4,885.00 4,885.00 Service Program (State Senior Center) 10,100.00 5,133.00 5,133.00 2542 National Forest Income 27,000.00 28,945.25 28,945.25 2614 State Aid - Family Court Commissioner .00 .00 .00 2624 Indian Law Enforcement 2,500.00 2,390.00 21,390.00 2625 State Aid - Emergency Gvt. 613500.00 7,500.00 7,432.25 2627 State Aid - Education & Comm. Relations 400.00 .00 .00 2713 State Aid for E.P.S.D.T. 28,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 2714 Blood Pressure Donations 2,520.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2716 WIC Reimbursement 660.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2613 Court Intake 8,925.00 .00 .00 2761 State Aid for Soc. Serv. Admn. 349,796.00 4341805.00 434,805.00 2761.01 State Aid For Soc. Serv® Outlay .00 2,000600 2.5000.00 2761.02 Youth Aids 83,3584.00 76,091.00 76,091.00 2762 State Aid for Child Welfare .00 .00 .00 2762.01 A.F.D.C. - F. 49,3704.00 47,232.00 47,232:00 2762.02 A.F.D.`C. - I. 16,000.00 9,822.00 913822.00 2764 State Aid for Co. Child Support Agency 255000.00 35,000.00 35,3000.00 2766 S'.,S.I.,Burials 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2767 Indo China Relief 15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2768 Cuban Haitid n.Relief .00 111000.00 12000.00 2781 State Aid - Veteran Service Officer 35000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2832 State Aid - Fairs 44,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 2843 St. Aid - Snowmobile Trails. Constr. .00 .00 .00 2845 St. Aid - Maintenance of Snowmobile Trails, 22,505.00 22,850.00 22,850.D0 2871 State Aid - Forestry 492820.00 162626.00 16,626.00 2876 State Aid - Co. Conservation 5,691.00 5,647.50 5,647.50 2881 Emergency Assistance Energy 2,148.00 _ �20,000.00 Est. 20,000.00 2883 Emergency Assistance Energy Admn. 2,591.00 REVISED 37,500.00 * Flow through. account .Dec. 8, 1981 Acct, 1981 No. GENERAL -REVENUES Appropriation 42885 Forest Regeneration O.R.A.P. 85000.00 43511 Zoning Fees and Permits 205000.00 42611 Co. Ordinance Forfeitures & Defaults 17,000.00 43631 Penal.Fines for -County 18,000.00 44111 County Clerk's Fees 600.00 44131 Circuit Court Fees and Costs 9,400.00 44141 Register of Deeds Fees 23,200.00 44311 Home Nursing Service 19,700.00 44314 Equipment Rental - County Nurse 864.00 44315 Participants Contrib.- Nutrition 33,000.00 44316 Supportive Home Care Donations .00 TOTAL 1,319,047.00 COMMERCIAL REVENUES 42541 Federal Aid - Forest Patrol 17,000.00 42765 Unified Services Bd. 558,866.00 44151 Sale of Maps & Plats 2,000.00 44513 County Fair 11,725.00 44322 Home & Infirmary .00 44551 County Parks 5,000.00 45621 St. Aid - Advertising .00 48111 Interest on Investment 1005000.00 48112 Interest on Jail Bond 451.1000.00 48211 Office Space 3,420.00 48291 General Hospital Lease 1031.1380.00 48292 General Hospital Rest Home Lease.- A 107,992.50 48292.01 General Hospital- Rest Home Lease - B 20,952.50 48611 Sale of County Property 1,200.00 48631 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 180,000.00 48641 Sale of Wood (C.F.L.) 200,000.00 48651 Sale of Wood (Other Co. Lands) 8,000.00 TOTAL 15364,536.00 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER .THAN PROPERTY TAX Total Maintenance Total Outlay -Other than Hwy. Contingency Highway Outlay GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES_ Less: Receipts Other than Property Tax Less: Surplus Cash Applied Proposed for 1982 8,313.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 23,400.00 2.0,150.00 1,100.00 Authorized by Exec.. Comm® 8,313.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 25000.00 10,000.00 25,300.00 20,150.00 1,100.O0 REVISED 361)500.00 36,500.00 .00 .00 1,436,356®75 1,43 8,389. 00 1,440,889.00 11,700.00(?) 11,700.00 5421.$204.00 542,204.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 11,725.00 11,725.0.0 .00 .00 5:,000:00 513000.00 .00 .00 135,000.00 135,000.00 .00 .00 3,420.00 315420.00 61,070.00 61,070.00 -150,272.50 150,272.50 291D789.00 29,789.00 .00 .00 501)000.00 60,3000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 313000.00 31.1000.00 11.1257,180®50 15267,180,50 $ 2,683,583.00 $ 2,693,537.25 $2,705,569.50 $2,708,069.50 - SUMMARY 3,2492694.31 35630,172.80 35336,432.28 3,3651)383.28 68,962.00 161,1009.00 160,881.00 1505000.00 150,000®00 50,000.00 1045003.15 2732552.29 1885000.00 $35572,659.46 $4,214,734.09 $3-,735,313.28 $3,764,264.28 $2,683,583.00 $2,693,537.25 $2,703,569.50 $2,708,069.50 .00 .00 .00 COUNTY TAX LEVY ** Flow through account $889,076.46 $1,521,196.84 $1,029,743.78 $1,056,194.78 December 8, 1981 The following resolution was read: no. 26 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, By.the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 8th day of December, 1981, that there be and is hereby levied against all the taxable property in Bayfield County the following item to wit: State Tax for Forest PurposeS-under Section 70.58(2) $ 85,086.25 For all other items of the Budget the sum of $ 1,056,198.78 SIGNED: Johnson, Meierotto, Seidel, Renoos, Carter, Barningham Moved by Renoos and seconded by Erickson to adopt the resolution. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 26a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Barningham, Sneed, Maki, McGillivray, Seidel, Mattson, Rave, Soderstrom, Sechen, Carter, Diamon, Anderson, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - Johnson Ayes 17 Nayes 1 TOTAL 18 Motion carried. No. 27 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter Barningham, Co. Bd. Chrm. C. Strom, Bayfield County Cler 9