HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/25/1982MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS May 25Lh, 1982 The meeting was called .:.a order at 9:35.a.m. by Chairman, Edwin' Renoos-:_ with the following members answering roll call: No. 1 Present - Thomas Gordon, Edwin Erickson, Carolyn Sneed, Clayton Beckman, William Carter, Charles Diamon, Fred Janz, James Stephenson, William Pave, Josephine McGowan, Larry Seidel, Harold Wickman, George Koval, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Herbert S,,.;years, Walter LaJoie Absent - Russell McGillivray Present - 18 Absent - 1 Total 19 No. 2 A prayer was led by Larry Seidel after which the board recited the pledge of allegiance. ` No. 3 A motion was made by Erickson and seconded by Wickman that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be dispensed with and that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried. No. Marie Nilssen, representing Wilderness Search and Rescue, addressed the board. Ms. Nilssen had with her one of the German Shepherd dogs used in searches. Nilssen explained to the board that their Organization is a volunteer organiza- tion and that alot of their equipment they furnish themselves. She further explained that what the organization is in desparate need of are flashlights, batteries and chemical lights for the frogs for night searches. Stephenson questioned if Emergency Government could help in this situation. Nilssen explained that she has already approached Emergency Government and has re- ceived various army surplus items but she did not know if they would be able to help in this situation. Nilssen also stated that last year Ashland County allocated $1,000.00 for their group, which covers Ashland, Bayfield and Sawyer Counties. a Name Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Janz that the Wilderness Search and Rescue MRQltNussi - submit a request with an exact dollar figure to the county to be included in the Sue 04-r r6 Dicx-4)25 s 1983 Emergency Government or Sheriff's Department budget and that for the time being the county allocate $100.00 to the group to cover the expense of the flashlights and chemical lights. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 4A Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie N.a�7es- NONE Ab6nmt - McGillivray Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Absent - 1 Total 19 Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 5 REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing of the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. Mav 25L%. 1982 is }) sG Hw h ftJORMR The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisor, having held a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been duly informed of the Facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby re- commezids that the petitions described as follows be approved: That part of Government Lot Three (3), Section One (1), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) Kest, lying North of U.S. Highway 2, more particularly des- cribed in Volume 317, Page 440 and Volume 308, Page 493 of the Register of Deeds Office be changed from Forestry One (1) Use to Commercial Use. SIGNED: Sneed, Spears, Stephenson, Renoos, LaJoie Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Seidel to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following ordinance was read: No. 6 AMENDATORY ORDI ANCE The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June.l, 19761 be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, that part of Government Lot Three (3), Section One (1), Township Forty --Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, lying North of U.S. Highway 2, more particularly described in Volume 317, Page 440 and Volume 308, Page 493 of the Register of Deeds Office is changed from Forestry One (1) Use to Commercial Use. SIGNED: Sneed, Spears, Stephenson, Renoos, LaJoie Moved by Seidel and seconded by Ludzack to adopt the ordinance. Dave Lee, Zoning Administrator, gave a brief explanation of the ordinance stating that this area is the parcel of land now occupied by the,Marine Club and Best Western Hotel. He explained that by an error the parcel was zoned as Forestry One (1), instead of Commercial. This ordinance would change the zoning to commercial use. The Question was asked on the motion to adopt the ordinance. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No . 17 DE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in session this 25L% day of May, 1982, that the County Highway Committee be authorized and directed to take all necessary steps, or actions, in connection with re -roofing the Bayfield County Highway Department shop and office in Washburn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all costs in connection therewith to paid from the Bayfield County Building Fund, not to exceed $56,282.00 ADOPTION RECOMMENDED BY: Erickson, Diamon, Jar_z, Rave Moved by Erickson and Seconded by Gordon to adopt the resolution. Larry Young, Highway Commissioner, spoke to the board stating that the highway department -has been having problems with the roof for the last 10 years. Young stated that the roof cannot go through another winter without the chance of the building deteriorating. Stephenson questioned if this was an item that was budgeted for and if the matter went before the Building and Grounds Committee. Renoos replied that the item Mav 25th. 1982 (20py :LN eXenrT 17 To: GNwRy . eJ.aMR was not in the budget and that the Highway Department does not go through the Building and Grounds Committee. Seidel questioned if money could be used from the Building Fund for this project. The clerk answered that he did not have the exact figures but this amount for the roofing project would deplete the building fund. Ludzack suggested that the roofing job be paid for over a period of _years. A 10 minute recess was taken during which time the clergy, was asked to produce the exact figures of how much money is left in the building fund. After the recess the figures were relayed to the board as follows: $123,205.01 = money originally in building fund - 72,000.00 = money to offset budget error - 10,000.00 = money used for energy conservation measures $ 41,205.01 = money presently in building fund. Renoos stated that if the board does authorize the highway office to proceed with the re -roofing the county will have to take out a short term note or take money from the contingency. A motion was made by Ludzack and seconded by LaJoie to approve the resolution with the stipulation that only 1/3 of the cost be paid this year, out of the building fund, and the remainder paid in two equal payments the following two years. Stephenson disagreed stating that the county should use the money it already has and then borrow the balance of the payment needed. Seidel stated that it should be up to the Finance Committee to decide how to pay the bill. Ludzack at this time, withdrew his previous motion. LaJoie withdrew his second. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Diamon that the board go on recored authorizing the reroofing project of the Highway Shop and Office at a cost not to exceed $56,282.00 and that the payment procedure be left at the discretion of the Finance Committee. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 7a Ayes: Diamon, Janz, Stephenson,Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, ICoval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie, Gordon, Erickson, Bayningh.am, Sneed, Beckman, Carter Nayes: None Absent: MCGillivray Aves - 18 Nayes- 0 Absent 1 Total 19 The follooing resolutions were read: No. 8 & 8A PETITION COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisor Bayfield County, Wisconsin Motion carried. Members: This petition of the Town of Clover, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully re- presents and shows to your honorable body that: The Carmichael Bridge over the Cranberry River on Carmichael Road, between Section 20 and Section 29, Township 50 N. Range 7 W. on a public road maintainable by the Town of Clover required immediate emergency replacement in accordance with provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Clover provided for such portion of the cost of construction as re- quired by Statute. The Total cost of replacement if $4,940.00. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Clover in the amount of $2,470.00, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Clayton Beckman Angelo Nicoletti Carl Hinman Town Board, Town of Clover Bayfield County, Wisconsin Mav 25th . 1982 --(,o: eb NO. 8A PETS COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Clover, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Old 13 Bridge over the Cranberry River on Old 13 Road Section 8, Township 50 N, Range 7 W. on a 'pulic road maintainable by the Town of Clover required immediate emergency -replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Clover provided for such portion of the cost of construction as required by Statute. The total cost of replacement is $4,450.00. Whe' refore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Clover in the amount of $2,225.00, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Clayton Beckman Angelo Nicoletti Carl Hinman Town Board, Town of Clover Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Spears and seconded by Janz to adopt. Larry Young spoke regarding the resolution. The question was asked on the motion to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 8b Ayes: Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, Lajoie Nayes.: None Absent: McGillivray Ayes _ 18 Nayes - 0 Absent - 1 Total 19 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 9 ;1TH.EREAS, the Bayfield County ordinance requires membership on the Unified Services Board be on staggered term basis, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 25th day of May 1982 that the following appointments to membership on the Bayfield County Unified Services Board be confirmed: Allan Butterfield 3 Year Term William Carter 3 Year Term Thomas J. Gordon 1 Year Term Josephine McGowan 2 Year Term Carolyn Sneed 1 Year Term PRESENTED BY: Harter, Gordon, Sneed, McGowan, Wickman Moved by Spears and seconded by Beckman to adopt the resolution. Motion Carried Mav 25211 1932 (T: The following resolution was read: No. 10 .� pJ CCU RYT4 ST BANK .RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL Or COUNTY, CITY, VILLAGE, TOWN OR SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEYS C) 4 N RESOLVED, that Security State Bank (the "B',-4_nk11) qualified as a public depository under Ch. 34, Wis . Stag . is hereby designated as a , depository in which the funds of this Municipality may from time to time be deposited; that the following described account(s) be opened and maintained in the name of this Municipality with the'Bank subject to the rules and regulations of the Bank from time to time in effect; that the person(s) and the number thereof designated by title opp- osite the following designation of account(s) is hereby authorizedfor and on behalf of this Municipality, to sign order checks as provided in s.66.042,, Wis. Scats., for payment or withdrawal of money from said account(s) and to issue instructions regard- ing the same, and to endorse for deposit, negotiation, collection or discount by Bank any and all checks, drafts, notes, bills, ceretificates of deposit or other instruments or orders for the payment of money owned or held by said Municipality; that the endorsement for deposit may be in writing, by stamp, or otherwise, with or without de- signation or signature of the person so endorsing; and that any officer, agent or employee of this Municipality is hereby authorized to make oral or written requests of the Bank for the transfer of funds or money between accounts maintained by this Munici- pality at the Bank® Number of Name of Signatures Type or Print Type of Account Required Titles of Authorized Persons 1. Bayfield County (Checking) Three (3) Clerk, Treasurer, and countersigned Edwin K. Renoos (1) Chairman 2. Bayfield County (Checking) Clerk, Treasurer, and countersigned James C. Strom (�) Clerk 3. Clerk, Treasurer, and countersigned Daniel R. Anderson (1) Treasurer Moved by Diamon and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. Motion Carried. (6pxss -7�; The following resolutions were read: No . 11, lla & llb Woy IUDs MT Aowe 11zrr ,MAvr WHEREAS, The labor contract between Bayfield County and the pzeK 3REDERIcK5 General Drivers Union Local No. 346 representing the Bayfield County Highway employees expired on December 31, 1981, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board !Aas been negotiating with the Bayfield County Highway employees represented by General Drivers Union Local 346 for a new labor contract and WHEREAS, The two parties have come to a tentative agreement on a new contract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the contract which expired on December 31, 1981, be renewed with the changes, additions, and deletions as outlined in the tentative settlement agreement attached to and made part of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper county officials be authorized and directed to execute the new revised contract pending ratification by the General Drivers Up -ion Local No. 346. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Erickson,' Wickman, Rave, Stephenson, Gordon, Renoos, Co.Bd.Chrm. BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - 1982 NEGOTIATED SET^sLE14ENT The following shall be the settlement which has been negotiated by the Union Bargaining Committee and the Bayfield County Personnel Committee which each_ party _will_ recommend to their respective groups and boards for adoption and ratification. WAT ae s Each wage classification shall be increased by 53e, per'hour by by by iiay 25Lh, 1982 Holidays- Article 24- Change the present "Floating Holiday" to Columbus Days. Tools, Article 33 Increase the tool allowance for the three (3) employees - entitled entitled to a to- ool -allowance---by - 50 0-0- per--y-ear.__._ __,--_-- All fringe benefits and wages set forth above shall be retroactive to January 1, 1982. The effective date of the contract shall also be January 1, 1982. The above negotiated settlement taas reachcc�-b� -thy parties- ors -- - Play 17, 1982. The foregoing is a FINAL OFFER negotiated settlement. N011aa WHEREAS, The labor contract between Bayfield County and the General Drivers Union Local No. 346 representing the Bayfield County Dispatcher -Jailers expired on December 31, 1981, and TMEREAS, The Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board has been negotiating with the Bayfield County Dispatcher -Jailers represented by General Drivers Union Local 346 for a new labor contract, and WHEREAS, The two parties have come to a tentative agreement on a new contract, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the contract which expired on December 31, 1981, be renewed with the changes, additions, and deletions as outlined in the tentative settlement agreement attached to and made a part of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper county officials be authorized and directed to execute the new revised contract pending ratification by the General Drivers Union Local No. 346. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE:' Erickson, Wickman, Rave, Stephenson, Gordon, Renoos,Co.Bd.Chrm. BAYFIELD COUNTY DISPATCHER -JAILERS UNION The following is a FINAL OFFER negotiated settlement. WAGES - The sum of 52e, per hour shall be applied to the 18 month step. RETROACTIVITY - All fringe benefits, wages, and language changes shall be retroactive to January 1, 1982 CALL OUT,-- ARTICLE MCIII - Add a. Section A as follows: "Any replacement for a Dispatcher -Jailer shall be initially offered to the senior off duty Dispatcher -Jailer by calling his home. If the Dispatcher -Jailer is not home or elects not to work a special or part-time Dispatcher -Jailer may be called. All work performed in the replacement capacity shall be paid at straight time compensation." Nollb 11dHEREAS, The labor contract between Bayfield County and the General Drivers Union Local Union No. 346 representing the Bayfield County Sheriff's Deputies expired on December 31, 1981, and WHEFZAS, The Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board: " has been negotiating with the Bayfield County Sheriff's Deputies represented by General Drivers Union Local 346 for a new labor contract, and 117HERE2-1.1S, The two parties have come to a tentative agreement on a new contract, now therefore be it May 25th, 1982 RES-OLVED, That the contract which ex iced on_ December 31, 1981, be renewed with the changes, additions, and deletions as outlined in the tentative settlement agreement attached to and made a part of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper county officials be authorized and directed to eNlecute the new revised contract pending ratification by the General Drivers Union Local No. 346 PERSONNEL C015-IITTEE: Erickson, Iffickman, Rave, Stephenson, Gordon, Renoos, Co.Bd. BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF"S UNION The following is a FIibAL OFFER negotiated settlement. WAGES - 59(,4 per hour applied to the 18 month step of both the deputy sheriff and the sergeant deputy. RETROACTIVITY - All fringe benefits, wages, and language changes shall be retroactive to January 1, 1982. CALL -OUT -- ARTICLE XuYV - Create Section D.2. as follows: "Full-time officers whcn off duty will be called at their home before part-time employees, or special deputies, on all emergencyand nonemergency situations in their area. When the full time deputy is not home, a part-time or special deputy in the area may be called. This section_ does not apply to social, sporting events, and nonroutine enforcement duties." COMMISERATION LEAVE -- ARTICLE XXVII A. - Add the following language: "An employee may take up to two accumulated sick leave days in conjunction with a commiseration leave.." COURT DUTY -- ARTICLE X.iIX - Change to provide two (2) guaranteed hours of compensation, and The first two (2) hours shall be computed as straight time, and Hours in excess of two (2) to a maximum of eight (8) shall be computed at time and one-half (12). CLOTHING -- ARTICLE X<'`X1 - Rewrite the article as follows regarding a clothing allowance. The shoe allowance remains the same. "Each employee shall receive an annual clothing allowance of $225.00. The choice of cl6thing!-sh all be at the discretion of the Sheriff to maintain reasonable uniformity. The present purchase order system shall be continued with the Sheriff giving prior approval before any purchase is made. Not more than $50.00 of the $225.00 allowance may be carried over into 1983 when it must be spent or forfeited." It was moved by Ludzack and seconded,by Spears to adopt resolution No. 11 Some discussion was held on all 3 resolutions. Stephenson stated that if the County did not agree to the settlement the next step,would be to go into arbitration which would cost the county a considerable amount of money. A roll call vote i,aas taken on resolution No. 11: No llc Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carteo, Diamon, Janz, Rave, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoi Nayes - Absent - None McGillivray Ayes 18 Hayes 0 Absent 1 Total 19 Notion Carried. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Ludzack to adopt resolution No. lla A roll call vote was taken on resolution No. lla: No. lid .Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Rave, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoi Hayes - None Absent - McGillivray Ayes 18 Hayes 0 Absent 1 Total l9 Motion Carried. 1 .4 0 R Mav 25'Eh --ra: AjoRMA Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to adopt resolutkm No. llb: A roll call vote was taken of resolution No. llb: No. lle Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz,Rave, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzac;', Penoos, Spears,LaJoie Nayes - 0 Absent - McGillivray Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 '%bsent - 1 Total 19 The following resolution was read: No. 12 Motion Carried. WHEREAS, There are five county board members on each county board committee, and WHEREAS, It takes three members of each committee to obtain a quorum and WHEREAS, It has happened many times that a quorum was not reached and the meeting could not take place, and ti°7HERAS, This constitutes an unnecessary expense for the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That each member of a committee be authorized to appoint another member of the county board for a replacement for this meeting should he/she not be able to attend a scheduled meeting so as to assure there will be a quorum, and be it further RESOLVED, That this member contact the clerk's office of the appointment. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Sneed, Stephenson, Carter, Seidel, Ludzack, Renoos,Co.Bd.Chrm. Moved by Erickson and seconded by Carter to adopt the resolution. The following communication was read: No. 13 THE STATE OF WI S CONS IN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE May 5, 1982 123 West .1ashington avenue Mailing address: P.O. Box 7857 Hadison, Wisconsin 53707 Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County Bayfield County Courthouse 117 Fast 5th Street Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Members of the Bayfield County Board: Motion carried. Bronson C.LaFollette Attorney General F.Joseph Sensenbrenner, Jr. Deputy attorney General As you know.? it is my responsibility to certify supplemental monies to counties for performing certain law enforcement services. Under sec. 20.455 (2) (d), Stats., I may make these certifications to counties which provide additional law enforcement services by reason of federal legislation removing governmental control over Indians. I am pleased to inform you that I have certified that Bayfield County is entitled to a $21500.00 supplement for providing these services. Sincerely yours, Bronson C. LaFoilette Attorney General Moved by Spears and seconded by Seidel to receive the communication and place it on file. May 25, 1982 o; pAIJ E kU CAR01. 7su= Gordon then stated that he is on a committee that is trying to increase this figure to $25,000.00 Renoos stated that approximately one year ago the county asked for an increase in the $21500.00 figure and instead of increasing it, the state decreased it. The question was asked on the motion to adopt the resolution. Motion Carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the terms of two members of the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment will expire on July 1, 1982 and, Ci EM3U. AS, the alternate member of the Board of Adjustment has resigned effective April 20, 1982, and, WHEREA- S, it is recommended to the County Board of Supervisors that Steen Soderstrom of Barnes, Wisconsin, and Carol Jenicek of Washburn, Wisconsin be appointed to said Board of Adjustment to fill said vacancies, and, WHEREAS, it is recommended that Linda Brown of Bayfield, Wisconsin be appointed to said Board of Adjust - meat to fill the vacancy of the alternate member, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Swen Soderstrom and Carol Jenicek are hereby appointed to the Board of Adjustment for three (3) year terms commencing July 1, 1982, and , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Linda Brown is hereby appointed to the Board of Adjustment to fill the term of alternate member for the remainder of a three (3) year term commencing July 1, 1981. SIGNED: Edwin Renoos Edwin Renoos COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMAN Moved by Seidel and seconded by Gordon to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 15 Cynthia Pluteau, Executive Director 100 Second Street West Ashland, j-'isconsin 54806 April 29, 1982 Mr. Walter Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board Washburn County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear fir. Barningham: The Board of Directors of Northwest Wisconsin Concentrated Employment Program, Inc. will be holding its annual meeting on June 9, 1982. There- fore, we are requesting that each of the county board chairman from the ten counties comprising the Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc. District, recon- firm his county's delegate to the Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc.'s Board of Directors, and we would appreciate being informed of your selection prior to June 11 1982. T,hile it may be your county's policy to have such appointments con- firmed by county board action, Article III (1) and (2) of the Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc. By-laws require (so far as this organization is concerned) May 25th, 1982 rrC;? I v JIDLL£ CEP f KART L&DZF a county board delegate be appointed only by the county board chairman. To ensure maximum county board input, as well as better communication and coordination between all county boards and the Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc.'s Board of Directors, it generally proves more beneficial to all concerned if the appointee is an active county board member who displays a genuine interest in employment and training programs. As in the past, a county board chairman may appoint himself as the delegate. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. We look forward to receiving your letter regarding your appointment. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cynthia D. Pluteau, Executive Director Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc. CDP/acj Mgved by Stephenson and seconded by Gordon to leave this appointment to the discretion of the County Board Chairman. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Ro. 16 April 27, 1982 Mr. Edwin Renoos, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 35 Grand View, Wisconsin 54839 Dear Mr. Renoos: The Bayfield County Unit on aging is, as has been in the past, requesting two appointments from the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of maintaining a direct line of communication between the County Board and the Unit on Aging. Mr. William Carter and Mrs. Carolyn Sneed were appointed for the last term. As Director of the Bayfield"County Unit on Aging, I am requesting the reappointment of Mr. William Carter and Mrs. Carolyn Sneed to the County Aging Unit. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Louis J. Stolle, Director Bayfield County Unit on Aging LJS:bb cc: Larry Seidel James Strom Moved by Gordon and seconded by Ludzack to approve the appointments. Stephenson suggested that appointments such as these should be dealt with by the County Board Chairman. Gordon agreed and withdrew his motion. Renoos then stated he agreed to the recommendation of appointing W. Carter and Carolyn Sneed to the Unit on Aging. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Gordon to approve the appointments. Motion Carried. No. 17 Chairman, Renoos, then informed the board that he wished to appoint Karl Ludzack to the CEP Board. It was moved by Carter and seconded by Wickman to approve the appointment. Motion Carried. iX'rtC R moo' NLURPC AN k). -SOFFNSOP No. 18 Renoos next informed the committee that he wished to appoint himself and Wallace Johnson to the NWRPC. Proved by Seidel and seconded by Carter to approve the nominations. Motion Carried. No. 19 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Stephenson to adjourn. Motion Carried. .