HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/3/1982August 3, 1982 " ve) C�Z! U BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MEETING August 3, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Edwin Renoos. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Thomas Gordon, Edwin Erickson, Walter Barningham, Carolyn Sneed Clayton Beckman, Russell McGillivray, Charles Diamon, Fred Janz, James Stephenson, William Rave, Josephine McGowan, Larry Seidel, Harold Wickman, George Koval, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Herbert Spears, Walter LaJoie Absent - William Carter Present - 18 Absent - 1 TOTAL 19 No. 2 A prayer was led by Larry Seidel after which the board recited the pledge of allegiancE No. 3 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Koval to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 4 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is eligible to receive Federal Aid Bridge Replacement Funds for projects to replace or repair Town and County Bridges, including necessary approach work; and WHEREAS, The cost of these projects is shared by local units of government at 20% and by Federal Aid at 80%; and WHEREAS, Federal Aid Bridge Replacement Funds are administered by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation;'and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation policies require the county to (select the projects and approve -priorities; and WHEREAS, As a result of the recent change in criteria by the Legislature from a 50 to a 40 sufficiency rating of the bridges on Non -Federal Aid Highways and contact with the various Townships, it becomes necessary to review the previous priority list approved Ion April 20, 1982; and WHEREAS, It is necessary to remove from the previous priority list the following three bridges: 1) Bridge on Dam Road, Town of Namakagon, Sec. 8, T43N, R6W 2) Bridge on White Birch Road, Flag River, Tn. of Port Wing, Sec. 34,T50N, RBW 3) Bridge on Beach Road, Town of Port Wing, Sec. 21, T50N, R8W WHEREAS, The Highway Committee of Bayfield County hereby submits a revised list of 1priori.ties to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and recommend their approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in ession this 3rd day of August, 1982, approve the priorities listed as follows: 1) Bridge on Bayfield Line Road, Town of Oulu, Sec. 15, T48N, R9W 2) Town Line Road, Bridge over White River, Towns.of Mason/Grand View, Sec.36. T46N, R6W 3) Bridge over Muskeg River, Kaukamo Rd., Tn. Oulu, Sec. 11, T48N, R9W 4) Bridge over 4 Mile Creek, Tn. Washburn, Sec. 21, T49N, R5W 5) Bridge over East Fork Iron River, Tn. Orienta, Sec. 23, T49N, R9W SIGNED: Erickson, Rave, Spears, Diamon, Jan7, 1982 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to receive the resolution and place it on file. Motion carried. The following relocation order was read: No. 5 RELOCATION ORDER Project: 8161-0-21 Name of Road: U.S.H. 2--Washburn Road Highway: S.T.H. 13 F 100(1) County: Bayfield Right of Way Plat Date: May 12, 1982 Plat Sheet Numbers: 4.0 -- 4.14 Date of Previous Order: January 15, 1981 Description of Termini or Project: Beginning at a point 1320.82 feet S 89°16,58" E and 1399.67 feet S 1934`1b" W of the center of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 5 West, thence northeasterly to a point 3959.90 feet S 88057109" E and 4151.06 feet N 0000' E of the southwest corner of Section 6, Township 48'North, Range 4 West. To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, im,=. prove, or maintain a portion of the highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 4.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Department of Transportation hereby orders that: 1. Said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown n the plat. 2. The required lands or interest in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired y the Division of Highways and Transportation facilities, in the name of the State of isconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09(1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes, xcept parcels 100, 101 & 102 which was acquired by the Town of Barksdale, Bayfield County. 3. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Department. ated: June 3, 1982 Signed: H.L. Fiedler Moved by,Rave and seconded by McGowan to adopt the order. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 6 REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on the hearing of the petitions to amend the ayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a Public earing pursuant to Section 59.97(5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been duly nformed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the petition escribed as follows be approved: The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the Southeast ne-Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4), both in Section 10, Township 47 orth, Range 9 West, Town of Hughes be charged from Forestry One (1) Use to Residential (2) Use. The property described as Exhibits 2 and 3 of Volume 354, P. 289, Register of Deeds, ocated in Government Lot, Two (2) and the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southeast e-Quarter (SE4), Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 7 West be changed from Industrial .Tse to Commercial Use. August 3, 1982 That part of the unplatted portion of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Nor.theast0 One -Quarter (NE4) lying West of Spider Lake Road, Section 18, Township 47 North, Range 8 West be changed from Residential One (1) Use to Residential Four (4) Use. Dated: August 3, 1982 Signed: Sneed, Stephenson, Spears, Renoos, LaJoie, McGillivray. Moved by Seidel and seconded by Spears to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following ordinance was read: No. 7, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4), both in Sec+tion 10, Township 47 North, Range 9 West, Town of Hughes is changed from Forestry One (1) Use to Residential Two (2) Use. The property described as Exhibits 2 and 3 of Volume 354, P. 289, Register of Deeds, located in Government Lot 2 and the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4), Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 7 West is changed from Industrial Use to Commercial Use. That part of the unplatted portion of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the 9 Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) lying West of Spider Lake Road, Section 18, Township 47 North, Range 8 West is changed from Residential One (1) Use to Residential Four (4) Use. Dated: August 3, 1982 Signed: Sneed, Renoos, Stephenson, LaJoie Spears, McGillivray Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Janz to adopt the ordinance. Motion carried. The following dog claim was once again brought before the county board: No. 8 :tate.of Wisconsin ) ayfield County j SS. I Walter Swanson, being first,duly sworn on oath depose and say that I am the legal caner of certain domestic animals located in the Town of Barksdale, and County aforesaid. hat on the 7th and 8th day of November, 1981, 42 exotic chickens met with death resulting rom and directly caused by a dog or dogs owned by unknown. That upon or before the discovery of the death of said animals, I observed the ollowing: On Saturday morning, November 7, our yard was covered with feathers and that ur steel stock gate was knocked off its hinges. Then discovered chickens scattered from oop and fenced yard. Located dead and injured chickens in coop. After counting 36 dead nd missing, called sheriff's office for aid. On Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8, at 4:30 p.m. arge black dog, Irish setter type and German shepherd type attacking remaining chickens. his attack caused loss of 6 more chickens. Again notified sheriff's office. Officer nvestigated and advised us to file this claim. That by reason of these facts I claim that the death of said animals is due to the ork of some dog or dogs. And I therefore assess the fair and reasonable market value of Aug. 3, 1982 said animals herein described, as follows: As these birds were my daughter's 4-H project there was more invested in them than can be recovered by money. Exotic chickens were purchased from Allen's Hatchery, Missouri, at $1,,25 a piece for day old on May 15th. Now 6 months old, we feel at least $5.00 invested in them, plus the personal investment of my daughter's tender loving care. Have you paid the current dog tax on all dogs owned by you? Yes Signed: Walter Swanson Route 1, Box 78 Washburn, WI 54891 The clerk informed the board that it was recommended by the Executive Committee that the claim be denied. Moved by LaJoie and seconded by Beckman to deny the claim. Seidel then explained that the claim was improperly handled because it should have been investigated by the town board and not the Sheriff. He also stated that there was no conclusive evidence that the damage was done by dogs. Janz then stated that the reason Swanson is so persistent is because of the recent dog damage claim in the amount of $3,000 which was paid to the owner of a horse supposedly killed by dogs. Janz stated that this claim was also improperly handled in that the Sheri was contacted and not the town board. McGowan then questioned if the proper procedures for filling out a dog claim could be printed annually in the paper. Stephenson stated that it would be up to the town boards to take on that responsibility not the county'.s. The question was asked on the motion to deny the claim. Motion carried. No.9 Next Gene Miller, Forest Ranger from the DNR Barnes Ranger Station, gave a presenta- tion on fire organization. He showed a slide presentation and gave out a 1981 Wisconsin Forest Fire Report to the board members. Miller also informed the board of a fire exercise to be held in Barnes on August 28, 1982, and gave the board members an idea of what is involved in the exercise. ,v& The following resolution was read: No. 10 6,'. MoruCa� . 1K°C, U WHEREAS, The different State Departments now formulate their own accounting manual, CL-doc. and WHEREAS, The different accounting manuals do not necessarily lend themselves to a consistent and complete accounting system, and WHEREAS, A uniform chart of accounts and accounting system will reduce the administra- tive effort on the county level and promote a more complete understanding of the State accounting, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors go on record requesting that the Wisconsin County Boards Association actively promote the implementation of a uniform state accounting system in the State of Wisconsin, and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Executive Director of the Wisconsin County Boards Association. August 3, 1982 SIGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Stephenson, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by Seidel and seconded by Gordon to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, The State Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Economic Assistance, has delegated the responsibility of administering the Energy Assistance Program to counties for the program year 1982.=83, said program to be administered with r State and Federal funds,.therefore. BE IT RESOLVED, By the-Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 3rd day of August 1982-do hereby create the position of Income Maintenance Assistant/Energy Coordinator within the Bayfield County Department of Social Services effective Sept. 1, 1982, at the salary range of Income Maintenance Assistant. SIGNED: Sneed, Gordon, McGillivray, Spears, Renoos Moved by Spears and seconded by Sneed to adopt the resolution. Rave questioned if the hiring process will be through the state testing program and will it be advertised out. Sneed stated that the selection process will be according to the merit rules. McGowan questioned if this is a state funded position. Sneed stated that she believed so. Diamon stated that at one time Mr. Dashner, the Social Services Director, had stated that he was overstaffed. He questioned as to why couldn't this position be given to one of the people already in the department. McGowan then asked if it would be possible to specifically state in the resolution that this position ia. only for a one year term_-.. No. 11a Moved by McGowan and seconded by Koval to amend the resolution be saying "for a one year term commencing Sept. 1, 1982." Motion carried. No. 11b The question was asked to adopt -the. -resolution as amended. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, has authorized the preparation of a countywide Farmland Preservation Plan for Bayfield County, pursuant to Section 91.51 -- 91.65 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Act provides a program of optional state income tax credits to eligible farmland owners in exchange for not developing their farmland, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Agriculture and Extension Education Committee, function ing as part of the Farmland Preservation Technical Committee, has reviewed and recommends the text of said plan and its associated maps for adopti-on by the full county board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby adopt the Bayfield County Farmland Preservation Plan, as recommended by the Ag- riculture and Extension Education Committee. old u LU-t-acV e1 to Cc BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That s-ald Plan be transmitted to the office of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Board in Madison to obtain proper certification so that it may be effectively implemented. SIGNED: Wickman, Barningham,. Beckman-, Janz, Koval Moved by Seidel and seconded by Barningham"to adopt the resolution. Tom Anderson, Agriculture Agent, gave a brief summary of the plan to the Board, stating that the state is giving Wisconsin State Income Tax Credits to farmers for placing their land under farmland preservation. Anderson explained that in order to qualify for this tax credit, a farmer must have a minimum size farm of 35 acres and $6,000 worth of gross farm products coming off the farm in one year. Anderson, went on to say that 60 counties have plans adopted and that only 3 or 4 counti.e have elected not to pursue the matter. The question was asked on the motion to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. ,.The following resolution :was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, Section 59.20(9), Stats., sets a fee of 10 cents per copy and 25 cents for transcript of any certificate; and WHEREAS, The prescribed fee was set many years ago and is no longer adequate to (meet today's cost of rendering such service to the taxpayer; and WH:?REAS, The Executive Committee now recommends that Section 59.20(9.), Statutes, be amended to allow county boards to set the fee for copies and transcripts.in the _Treasurer' Office, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that we do hereby support legislation amending'Section 59.20(9), Stats., to allow county boards the option of setting the fees for.copies of documents and certificates in the office of County Treasurer, and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor of Wisconsin all Wisconsin legislators representing Bayfield County, Wisconsin County Boards Associa- tion, and all Wisconsin County Treasurers. SIGNED: Seidel, Stephenson, Sneed, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by McGowan and seconded by Spears to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. AT- 1 )1 Moved by Seidel and seconded by McGowan to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The chairman called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. with the following members answering roll call: No. 15 Present - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diarcon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - Carter, McGowan Present - 17 Absent - 2 TOTAL 19 August 3, 1982 The following resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, -A summons and. complaint was served upon Bayfield County by Trudeau Develop- ment, Inc., Bayfield, Wisconsin, and All -Wood, Inc., Baraga, Michigan, and WHEREAS, They, Trudeau Development, Inc., and All -Wood, Inc.., claim that they do have title to certain parcels of land located within the City of Bayfield, namely on Lots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, Block-88, Village (now city) of Bayfield, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, They claim to have paid the taxes on these parcels of land to the City of Bayfield and to Bayfield County for each and every yearfor a period in excess of 30 years, and WHEREAS, They claim to have been in uninterrupted adverse possession of said premises and the whole thereof, claiming title thereto, exclusive of any other right for more than 30 years under written recorded conveyances, and WHEREAS, Trudeau Development, Inc., claims. to have fee title thereto, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee recommends that the County Board of Supervisors not contest the claim of Trudeau Development, Inc., thus allowing the claim of Trudeau Development, Inc., to,ownership of said parcels lo.cat.ed in Lots 1,2,3,11,12, and 13, Block 88, Village (now city) of Bayfield, Bayfield-County, Wisconsin. SIGNED: Seidel, Stephenson, Sneed, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Gordon to adopt the resolution. McGowan arrived at.this time. Moved by Spears and seconded by McGillivray to adjourn as a county board and Ireconvene as. a committee of the whole. Motion carried. Howard Hanson, an attorney from Hayward representing Trudeau Development, was first Ito address the board. Hanson explained to the board that the land in question is a strip of land in the City of Bayfield previously occupied by a railroad. The land was not on any inventory list of tax deeds owned by the county. The railroad eventually abandoned the land and fruit - growers took over up until 1947. At that time, the land reverted to the Washburn State Bank, who in turn, gave a warranty deed to the predessors of All -Wood, Inc. From 1947 to date, the parcel of land has passed down to various owners up until the present owners, Trudeau Development, Inc. Hanson also stated that the tax records on the piece of land in question have been checked from as far back as 1919 and each year the taxes have been paid by the owners or the predessors. Hanson asked that the county allow Trudeau Development, Inc., to have clear title Ito.the property. One of the owners of All -Wood, Inc., next spoke to the committee, stating that All- lWood had no idea that they did not' have clear title to the land. Erickson stated that he had a conflict of interest in this matter and asked the lboard that he be allowed to abstain from voting. William Bussey, District Attorney, then spoke to the board saying that the board had 13 options. August 3. 1982 MIN Qh17 1. The county could defend the lawsuit to try to establish county's interest; 2. Not to defend action and default, thereby giving Trudeau title; 3. Quit claim.any interest in the property that the county may have to the City of Bayfield. Bussey informed the board that the City of Bayfield does not want the property and therefore, he recommended that the county default on the lawsuit and the title would then go to Trudeau Development. Richard Wartman, representing Trudeau Development, addressed the board saying that Mr. Hanson and Mr. Bussey had explained the entire situation and he was present to answer any specific questions. Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Gordon to adjourn as a committee and reconvene as a county board. Motion carried. NT - 1 r, Moved by Seidel and seocnded by LaJoie that Erickson be allowed to abstain from the vote. Motion carried. The question was asked to adopt Resolution No. 16. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 16b Ayes - Gordon, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, JAnz, Stephenson, Rave McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Spears, LaJoie Nayes -Renoos Absent -Carter Abs�i�n - EncY%-scsR Motion' carried. Ayes - 16 Nayes - 1 Absent - % 1 Abstain- 1 19 The following resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has appointed the Bayfield County Agriculture and Extension Education Committee to review applications for Farmland Preserva- tion Agreements under the Farmland Preservation Law, Chapter 91 of the Wisconsin Statutes, 0 WHEREAS, The Agriculture-. Committee has reviewed the following list of applicants: Alfred P. and Martha J. Adams, Route 1, Box 217, Iron River, Wisconsin; Donald A. Anderson Route 1, Mason, Wisconsin; Margaret Brilla, Route 2, Mason,. Wisconsin; Richard Brilla, Route 2, Box 190, Mason, Wisconsin, Louis Brost, Jr., Star Route, Iron River, Wisconsin; Jim E. Crain, Star Route, Box 42, Iron River, Wisconsin; Toivo Elonen, Route 1, Iron River, Wisconsin; Michael J. and Lisa Evans, Star Route, Iron River, Wisconsin; Fresh Flow Dairy Farm, Route 1, Box 267, Ashland, Wisconsin; Jerome E. Hager, Route 1, Box 106, Mason, Wisconsin; Martin Hamann, Route 1, Box 246, Mason, Wisconsin; John D. and Joyce , Hare, Route 2, Box 176, Mason, Wisconsin; Thomas W. And Gladys M. Hecimovich, Route 1, ox 278, Ashland, Wisconsin; John D. Hellstrom, Route 1, Mason, Wisconsin; Ronald R. ellstrom, Route 1, Mason, Wisconsin; Michael R. Isaakson, Herbster, Wisconson; William A. ohnson, Route 1, Box 304, Ashland, Wisconsin; Paul Kallinen, Route 1, Iron River, Wiscon- in; Thomas and Donna Kriskovich, Route 2, Box 171, Ashland, Wisconsin; Allen L. Kohlhoff, r., Route 2, Box 156, Ashland, Wisconsin; John and Gladys Maslek, Route 2, Mason, Wis.; August 3, 1982 Robert E.. and Susan E. Milder, Route 1, Box 38, Mason, Wisconsin; Robert Netz, Route 1, Box 314-B, Ashland, Wisconsin; Tony and Judy Nicoletti, Star Route, Box 123, Herbster, Wisconsin; Clifford A. Rantala, Route 1, Box 215, Iron River, Wisconsin; Carl E. and Margaret A. Rautio, Route 1,. Box 167, Iron River, Wisconsin; Warren E. and Janette E. Roberts, Route 1, Box 167 Iron River, Wisconsin; Richard E. Robertson, Route 1, Box 49, Mason, Wisconsin; Merrill Rosenwinkel, Star Route, Box 32, Herbster, Wisconsin; Dale J. Sechen, Route 2, Mason, Wisconsin; Martin P. Skaj, Route 1, Box 231, Mason, Wisconsin; Charles L. Spiehs, Route 1, Box 68, Iron River, WI 54847; Clifford Duane Spiehs, Route 1, Box 78, Iron River, WI 54847; Lylyn Stadnyk, Route 2, Box 172, Ashland, Wisconsin; Kenneth D. Swanson, Route 1, Box 105, Port Wing, Wisconsin; Gerald L. Tutor, Star Route, Box 33, Iron River, Wisconsin; Darrell And Allice Vaillancourt, Route 1, Box 99, Mason, Wisconsin; Martin and Margaret Zifko, Route 1, Box 286, Ashland, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, The committee has found that all of these applicants have met the eligibility requirements as set forth in Sections 91.01 and 91.35 of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby approves all of them as recommended by the Agriculture and Extension Education Committee. SIGNED: Wickman, Barningham, Beckman, Janz, Koval Moved by Separs and seconded by Diamon to adopt. Motion carried. Wyor, N 6d d The following resolution was read: No. 18 al" Cc . WHEREAS, Section 9. 74.80 of the Statutes established the authority of the county to charge interest on overdue or delinquent real estate taxes, personal property taxes and special assessments at the rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month, and WHEREAS, The board of any county or city council of any city authorized by law to collect or sell its own taxes may be ordinance impose a penalty of 6% or less in addition to the interest under sub (1) on any overdue or delinquent real estate taxes and special assessments that come overdue or delinquent on or after the January 1st preceeding the effective date of this subsection, and WHEREAS, The -Executive Committee deems it not to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to impose this 6% penalty, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors go on record this 3rd day of August, 1982, as opposing the .implementing of the 6% or less penalty as provided by Section 9. 74.80(2) of the Statutes. SIGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Stephenson,'Ludzack, Renoos .Moved by- Stephenson and seconded by Sneed to adopt. The clerk then'read a few notes the treasurer made on the subject. The question was asked on the motion to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, Atkins Lake Park.was once designated as a camping site, and WHEREAS, Due.to vandalism, a sign prohibiting overnight camping. was posted, and WHEREAS, Since that time campers have used Atkins, thus destroying the seeded area in ront of the beach, and WHEREAS, Nurnerous individuals use Atkins Park for swimming and picnicking, and WHEREAS, With the campers at the park it limits those who want to use Atkins Park for wimming and picknicking, and WHEREAS, Until a resolution is adopted, even though a sign prohibiting overnight camping is posted, the Sheriff can't legally instruct the campers to leave. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby formally adopts an ordinance prohibiting overnight camping at Atkins Lake Park. SIGNED: Ludzack, Barningham, LaJoie Moved by Seidel and seconded by Rave to adopt. Renoos questioned if the Town Board was in favor of this resolution. Tom Nutt, Recreation Director, stated that he did not contact the town board on this. A short discussion followed. The question was asked on the motion to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board has been negotiating �z�yrz� with the American Federation of State, County and municipal employees for a contract and a wage settlement for 1982, and WHEREAS, The two parties have now come to an agreement on a new contract and a wage settlement for 1982, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the contract and wage settlement for 1982 be approved with the follow- ing additions as outlined below: 1. 372 hour work week commencing September 1, 1982; 2. Salary - 72% increase on top step of salary schedule, and decreased for each step below by the same percentage as now exists; 3. Retroactivity - Salary package to be retroactive to January 1, 1982; 4. Mileage - Increase the mileage payment for use of personal car to 220 per mile; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the proper county officials be authorized and directed to execute the new revised contract. SIGNED: Erickson, Wickman, Rave, Stephenson, Gordon, Renoos Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wickman to adopt the resolution. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 20a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Carter, Ludzack Ayes - 17 Nayes 0 Absent 2 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. No. 21 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Barningham to .schedule the Equalization Meeting with the State for August 31, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Motion carried. August 3, 1982 zJ ^�F V6 The following resolution was read: No. 22 e WHEREAS, The -Executive Committee had requested a survey of the heating system in the old rest home, and WHEREAS, This survey has been completed, and the recommendation was to replace all electric valves and thermostats with air operated valves and termostats, and WHEREAS, It also was recommended that all water heaters and boilers have vent dampers installed, and WHEREAS, It is the Executive Committee's opinion that ft is in the best interest to have these items installed or replaced at a total cost of $6,309.71, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors meeting this 3rd day of August, 1982, uthorize the'`'Executive,Committee.to proceed with the projects listed above. IGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Stephenson, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Rave to adopt. A roll call vote was taned with the following results: No. 22a yes - Gordon, Erickson; Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie , ayes - None bsent - Carter, Ludzack Ayes 17 Nayes 0 Absent 2 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. `"%)" No. 23 Moved by Rave and seconded by Stephenson to allow the Executive Committee decide where the funds are to come from to finance the projects of boiler repair and the two roof- ing projects. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, The 4-H program has an international focus; and WHEREAS, The goals of the 4-H program transcend national boundaries and 4-H groups from different countries often exchange ideas and cultural experiences; and WHEREAS, 27 Bayfield County 4-H Junior Leaders and chaperones traveled to Minnedosa, nitoba, Canada, June 24 - July 4 of 1982; and WHEREAS, The Junior Leaders will receive the Junior. Leaders of Minnedosa, Manitoba, anada, on August 9-16 of 1982; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edwin Renoos, Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, do hereby proclaim: 1. A warm and heartfelt welcome to the Junior Leaders of Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada, and wish them a pleasant and rewarding stay in our beautiful county. 2. Further, August 9', 1982, shall be known as International Exchange Day in honor f our visiting friends from the North. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have set my hand this third day of August, 1982, and affix the seal of the County of Bayfield. SIGNED: Edwin K. Renoos, Chairman, County Board of Supervisors Moved by Spears and seconded by Rave to receive the resolution and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 25 WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government have begun so-called "Crisis Relocation" plans for emergency evacua- tion of nine Wisconsin high -risk areas, and WHEREAS, Some serious questions have been raised about the effectiveness of such a plan, such as 1) whether an orderly evacuation would be at all feasible, considering the 72 hours estimated time needed; 2) that evacuation planning may lead to a false sense of security and a belief that nuclear war is winnable and/or survivable; 3) that this type of emphasis on the part of government may lead many citizens to begin to accept the inevitabil ity of nuclear war, and; 4) that evacuation during a time of international crisis might trigger an attach rather than prevent one; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors go on record in opposition to the federal proposed crisis relocation planning because it believes that crisis reloca- tion will not work, reduces federal funding for other vital programs, justifies additional defense spending, which wastes valuable resources, and misleads the public into thinking nuclear war is surviV6e., when the only real defense against nuclear war is to prevent it from happening, and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to the Wisconsin Congressional Delegation, the Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government, all members of the Wisconsin Legislature, the Wisconsin County Boards Association, Chairmen of all other County Boards, and the National Association of Counties, asking them to join in opposition to continued crisis relocation planning. SIGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Stephenson, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Gordon to adopt. Motion carried. No. 26 Moved by Erickson and seconded by McGillivray to adjourn. Motion carried. n Renoos,-County Board Chairman Q4,7,� Ja s C. Strom, Bayfield County Clerk