HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/23/1982November 23. 1982 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS November 23, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m, by Chairman Edwin Renoos. The following members ansu Bred roll call: No. 1 Present - Thomas Gordon, Edwin Erickson, Walter Barningham, Carolyn Sneed, Clayton Beckman, Russell McGillivray, William Carter, Charles Diamon, Fred Janz, James Stephenson, William Rave, Josephine McGowan, Larry Seidel, Harold Wickman, George Koval, Karl Ludzack, Edwin Renoos, Herbert Spears, Walter LaJoie. Absent - None No. 2 A prayer was led by Larry Seidel and the board recited:, the pledge of allegiance. No. 3 It was moved by Spears and seconded by Ludzack to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve of the minutes as written. Motion carried. No. 4 Margaret Stuber next presented the winners of the Soil and Water -Conservation Speeches, who each gave their winning speech for the board. The winners in the various categories were: No.5 Karen Derf, Peggy Arntsen, and Beth Norlin. Moved by Erickson and seconded by Janz to adjourn as a county board and reconvene as a committee to hold a public hearing on the 1983 budget. Fredricka Smith, representing the Barnes Homemakers, first addressed the board requesting the county to help support a health fair that the homemakers sponsor. Edward Pajala, Representing B.A.R.T., next addressed the board asking them to reconsider the cut made in the B.A.R.T. budget. Jack Shubat, Transit Manager for B.A.R.T., also spoke to the board giving the board various statistics about the transit system. He stated that 75% of the ridership is from Red Cliff to Ashland; 45% of the riders are senior citizens or handicapped; 15% are students; and 40% are adult riders. He further stated that according to their tabulations, 8% of the riders ride the transit system for medical purposes; 40'0 are for employment purposes; 30'% are for personal reasons; and 22% are for educational purposes. Spears questioned if the rates were reasonable. Shubat answered that they did not want to charge too much, because he felt that would decrease ridership. Ken Todd, Ashland County Board Chairman, also spoke to the board in favor of B.A.R.T. Diana Strzok, Director of New Horizons North, spoke to the board explaining to them how dependant their organization is on B.A.R.T. She informed the board that without B.A.R.T. they would have to petition Unified Services for more money to run vans for their clients. Mike Simon, citizen who rides B.A.R.T., spoke supporting the system stating that B.A.R.T, is a viable and much needed service for the area. Seidel questioned what would -happen to B.A.R.T. if Bayfield�County did not continue to support it. Don Chatfield, Department of Transportation, answered that }he county would no longer have representation on the B.A.'R.T. committee, there would be a reduction of service and an increase in fares. November 23, 1982 Peg Stuber, 4-H Agent, next addressed the committee. She told the board about how one secretary from her office.was put on the Coanty Board payroll so that she could be a floater secretary for the entire courthouse. Stuber saw this as a 50% reduction in the secretary's time giving Mrs. only a part time secretary in her office. Richard Fredericks, Sheriff, was next to speak to the board. Fredericks told the board that he is opposed to the Sheriff's Department budget. He stated that according to the state average, we need two officers for every 1,000 people, therefore, Bayfield County would need at least 24 officers. At the present time, Bayfield County has eight officers. The total number of law enforcement officers in Bayfield County including county and city officers only amounts to 15. Fredericks concluded by -saying that Bayfield County is way below the state average of law enforcement officers. No. 6 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Rave to adjourn as a committee and reconvene as a county board. I Motion carried. The following application was read:: No, 7 Office of County Highway Commissioner Washburn, WI 54891 November 9, 1982 TO: The Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin County Board Members: I herewith submit my application for re-election to the position of Bayfield County Highway Com- missioner. Your vote of confidence will be greatly appreciated, as it has.been in the past. I wish, at this time, to once again request your support by extending to me your approval of my re-election as Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence C. Young LCY:rj Diamon nominated Larry Young for the position of highway commissioner. LaJoie asked if the job had a job description. Young stated that the highway commissioner's duties are written in the statutes. The chair called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Spears and seconded by Barningham that nominations be closed and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Young. NO. 8 Moved by LaJoie,and seconded by Ludzack to table the matter and refer the matter to the Personnel Committee. Young then stated that there is a job description in the Personnel Policy. The question was asked on the motion to table the matter. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 8a Ayes - Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie Nayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Rave, Spears Ayes - 11 Nayes - 8 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. November 23,1982 Corke6 -VO 3 -u.. tZat. kMudue u No. 9 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Stephenson that the present highway commissioner remain in his present status until the above matter is settled. Motion carried. No.10 Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Stephenson that the matter of election of a highway commissioner be tabled. Motion carried. Spears stated that the election of the Highway Commissioner is the responsibility of the whole county board. McGillivray stated that the election'of the Highway Commissioner is'an election that no one knows about because it is not advertised. At this time, Janz requested that the District Attorney be called in. The District Attorney was then called in to advise as to the legality of the matter. Janz asked William Bussey, District Attorney, if it was necessary to advertise the position of Highway Commissioner. LaJoie asked if there is a job description for the position. Stephenson asked if the!Personnel Committee had the authority to write up a job description and advertise in the paper for the position. Bussey stated that he would research this matter and answer the board's questions:,after lunch. The following resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, The auditor has suggested that Bayfield County consider the use of a postage meter for all mailings from the courthouse and jail, and WHEREAS, In .the preparing of the 1983 budget by the Executive Committee, they have removed all postage from all budgets and placed in the courthouse budget those monies for postage, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee feels it is in the'best interest of Bayfield County to utilize a postage meter for all mailings, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the clerk be authorized to purchase a postage meter to provide for all mailings from the courthouse and jail. SIGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Stephenson, Carter, Renoos Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Gordon to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with'the'following results: No. 11A Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 19 Motion carried-& The following petitions for bridge aid were read: No. 12, 12a, 12b No.12 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable.body that: The bridge on the Long Lake Road between between'Sections'four and nine, Township 48.N., Range 5W, on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Washburn required replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. November 23, 1982 The Town of Washburn provided for such portion of .the cost of construction as required by Statute. The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Washburn was $17,450.60. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County.Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Washburn in the amount of $8,725.30 all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Wilner Ekholm, Jeff Casey, Daniel E. Olson No. 12a To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, repectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Iron River Bridge on the Airport Road in Section 11, Township 48 N Range 9 W, on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Oulu required replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu provided for such portion of the cost of construction as required by Statute. The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Oulu was $38,213.62. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Oulu in the amount of $19,106.81, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: David Reijo, Frederick Strand, Clayton Johnson XTn l 9 k To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Lincoln, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Marengo River Bridge in Section 1, Township 45 N Range 5 W on a public highway maintainable by tr? Town of Lincoln required replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Lincoln provided for such portion of the cost of construction as required by Statute. The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Lincoln was $57,553.42. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town of Lincoln in the amount of $28,776.71 all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Harold Wickman, Joe Vaillancourt, Terry Brown Moved by Seidel and seconded by Spears to approve the petitions. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 12c Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diarnon, Janz, Stephenson,. Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. do J The following resolution was read: No. 13 UU-pv WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in the past been a member of the Wisconsin County Board's Associa Lion, and WHEREAS, It is deemed to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to continue said member- ship, now therefore be it and RESOLVED, That Bayfield County continues membership in the Wisconsin County Board's Associati BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be instructed to pay to the Wisconsin County Board's.Association, the annual membership.fees.and magazine dues amounting to $1,295.93. Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Carter, Stephenson, LaJoie r 4, F,/.Y,4 i90 Moved by Beckman and seconded by Janz to adopt the resolution. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 13a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Daimon, Janz, Stephenson Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack,.Renoos-, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, The several committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required in the conduct of the business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted by Statute, and WHEREAS, By action of the County Board, the number of meetings of said committees beyond the Statutory limit may Ise extended, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the several committees of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, be and they are hereby authorized to hmld such meetings during the year 1983 as may be nee.essary tothe proper conduct of the business of said Bayfield County. Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Carter, Stephenson, LaJoie Moved by Stephenson and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15' WHEREAS,,It may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses m ithin the next year, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual sessgon assembled this 23rd day of November, 1982, that the chairman of the County of Bayfield, the County Clerk and the County -Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to'make short term lavtis in the amount not exceeding $50,000.00 in the aggregate, if, in their opinon, it should be to the county's interest to make such loan or loans. Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Carter, Stephenson, LaJoie Moved by Spears and seconded by Ludzack to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:. No. 16 WHEREAS, It appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1978, Tax of 1977, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED, That the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1978, Tax of 1977 by the IN REM procedure under Sec. 75.521, Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Carter, Stephenson, LaJoie Moved by Sneed and seconded by Beckman to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, The auditor in his audit letter has stated there is a discrepancy in the amount of $96.00 in the Zoning Department which was due to receipts being $96.00 larger than the deposits, there also is a net amount due the Rest Home of $1,880.56 from uncollected client charges, and WHEREAS, The auditor has suggested the Executive Committee resolved these two conditions, and November 23,1982 WHEREAS, In the opinion of the Executive Committee, these amounts are not collectable and therefore recommend that these monies be forgiven, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the $96.00 in the Zoning Department and the $1,880.56 my -the Rest Home be forgiven. Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Stephenson, Carter, Renoos Moved by Rave and seconded by McGowan to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 17a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 Total 19 Motion carried. C&P*Qb The following resolution was read: .No. 18 L41 4nd4. WHEREAS, The Executive Committee .of the Bayfield County Board .of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are Illegal and void in that said certificates -.were issued on a tax on exempt property on which there was a double -or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination'it.has.been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amount of said illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective. towns, cities., or villages wherein such lands are situated. Signed: Seidel, Ludzack, LaJoie, Stephenson, Sneed NAME OF CLAIMANT & ALLOWED FACE DELINO. TAC CHRG. REASON FOR ILLEGALITY DESCRIPTION YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF CERT. BACK TO DIST. Town of Barksdale Par. Lots 2 & 3 , 1980 5 4.25 4.26 Property does not desc. in V. 152 P. 541 exist. Sec. 18-48-4 Town Barksdale Ez-of W2 of NWNW 1980- 41 44.47 44.47 Illegal tax per Tn. of desc. in V. 267 Barksdale P. 214 li Sec. 18-48-4 Town Barksdale All Lot 5 except 1978 22 39.81 39.81 Property does not strip 571.5 ft. exist wide off N. side of- - said Lot containing .92 A Sec. 25-48-5 Town Barnes Lot 3, Sec. 30-45-9 1979 137- 106.37 Double Assessment 1980 129 116.50 222.87 Town Barnes Lot 3 less 2.73A 1978 73 173.06 Illegal, no longer of Hwy. desc. in 1979 72 135.24 308.30 exists V. 168 P. 307 less par etc. Sec. 5-44-9 Town Barnes Par Lot.3 desc, in 1978 64 6.66 6.66 Illegal, no longer V. 157, P. 321 or exists V. 183 P. 210 Sec. 2-44-9 Town Barnes 1978 58 83.21 83.21 Illegal, no longer exists Prr Ez Lot 4 desc. V. 210 P. 299 (N. 100 ft of S 500 ft) Sec. 2-44-9 Town Barnes Par Lot 1 of Sec. 8 1981 553A 894.07 894.07 Illegal tax per & Gvt. Lot 11 desc. in town motion V. 333 P. 499 Lot 1 of CSM V. 2 P. 90 Sec. 9-44-9 November 23, 1982 NAME OF CLAIMANT & REASON FOR ILLEGALITY DESCR-IPTION Town Barnes County owned Blackdeers Add. to Potawatomi Estates Town Barnes Illegal tax per town Redclouds Add to Potawatomi Estates Town Bayfield E 2 of SWSW Illegal U.S.A. owned Sec.13-52-5 _Town Bayfield S2 NWSE Sec.24-52-5 Illegal Town Bayfield S z N 2 NW SE Illegal Sec. 24-52-4 Town of Bayfield NWSW,Sec. 24-52-5 Illegal Town Bayfield NESW, Sec. 24-52-5 Illegal Town Bayfield NW SW, Sec. 10-50-5 Error in 1981 charge - back ALLOWED FACE DELINQ.TAX CHR . YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF CERT. BACK TO DIST. 1981 179 29.03 29.03 1981 171 1977 787 1981 647 1981 652 1981 651 1981 650 1981 1981 Town Bayfield Sand Island Plat in 1981 Illegal U.S.A. owned Sec.13-24-5 less par V.86 P. 23 Lot 22 Town Bayview NENW less Par desc. 1981 State Owned in V. 208 P. 609 Sec. 17-49-4 Town Cable Par in NE SE N. of C. 1977 Illegal assessment Tr. D. in V. 221 P. 141 1979 Etc. 'Town Cable Par in SESE desc. in 1977 Double Assessment V. 299 P. 492 Town Clover Par Lot 1 desc in 1980 State -Owned. V. 252 P. 103 Town Clover Robert Bartlett Jr. 1981 Double Assessment 2nd Add. to Orchard City 1979 Pt of Lot 3 W of Lenawa Rd. desc. in V. 221 P. 146 Town Delta Par in NW SE desc in 1980 Illegal Assessment V. 172 P. 34.2 Town Delta Par SW NW desc in V.213 1977 Double Assessment P. 624 Sec. 3-46-8 1.25 acres Town Grand View Par Lot 5 & in Lot 3 1979 Double Assessment Sec. 34 desc. in V. 307 P. 129 Sec. 33-44-6 Town Grand View NW NW less par desc 1979 Non property -left V. 158 P. 157; V..157 P. 306 etc. Sec. 27-45-6 Town of Hughes Par Lot 2 desc in V.1521977 Property does not exist P. 481 or V. 157 P. 238 Town of Iron River Second Add. to Long Lake 1979 No such description Lot 21 less par Sec. 2-47-8 Town Iron River Sub div of NE SW E. of 1978 Double Assessment. 200 ft of Lot 5 desc. in 1977 V. 261 P.405 less par etc. Town Iron River Lot 11, Block 1 1981 Two houses have been assessed, should have been one. Per town letter Tbwn Orienta NW SE, Sec. 21-49-8 1980 County owned Town Port Wing NESW less par V.228 1979 No property left P.90; V.227 P.273 etc. 1978 649 307.70 20.85 43.75 41.18 82.34 82.34 643 .10 648 177.55 691 57.19 717 976 695 750 1212 803 1345 866 892 1375 1239 1264 1377 1366 3.58 4.01 98.21 217.78 2.62 14.82 48.40 81.28 159.84 8.60 17.72 18.77 33.03 27.88 303.65 90.31 33.31 36.59 307.70 64.60 41.18 30.88 82.34 82.34 .10 177.55 57.19 7.59 98.21 217.78 34.34 48.40 81.28 159.84 17.72 18.77 60.91 303.65 90.31 T NAME OF CLAIMANT & ALLOWED FACE DELINQ.TAX CHRG REASON FOR -ILLEGALITY.- DESCRIPTION YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF.CERT... BACK TO DIST Town Port Wing E2 NWNE less par 1981 1698 22.02 22.02 No property left desc in V.106 P.36 etc.etc. Sec. 32-50-8 Town Port Wing Part of SE SE desc. -1981 366. 172.38_ 172.38 County owned _ in V.336 P.55 Sec. 21-50-8 Town Tripp SESW, Sec. 3-48-8 1978 1425 52.20 5.2.20 County owned - Town Washburn Par NESE desc. V.227 1979 1462 8.42 8.42 Error in Tax Roll P. 380 See. 11-48-5 Village of Cable Lot 1, Block 4 1980 1587 190.72 190.72 Church property should not be assessed Village of Cable Lot 2, Block 4 1980 1588 22.44 22.44 Church property should not be assessed City of Bayfield Lot 20, Block 29 1980 622 10.40 10.40 Owned by City of Bayfield City of Bayfield Block 93 1981 1861 627.50 627.50 Error in tax roll tax was collected by Local Treasurer not entered on tax roll Moved by Spears and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 19 'Whereas, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth the certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on the tax on exempt property or property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts ofsaid illegal and void tax certificates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. Signed: Seidel, Ludzack, LaJoie, Stephenson, Sneed NAME OF CLAIMANT & ALLOWED FACE DELINQ.TAX CHRG.- REASON FOR ILLEGALITY DESCRIPPTION YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF CERT. BACK TO DIST. Town Barksdale Barksdale Bub. 1982 25A 385.87 385.87 Illegal Tax Lots 1 & 2: Lot 6 less par, for hwy. Sec. 24-48-5 Town Barnes Blaekdeers Add. '1982 162 33.89 33.89 County owned to Potawatomi Estates Lot 102 Town Barnes Whiterabbits Add. 1982 166 33.89 33.89 County owned to Potawatomi Estates Lot 79 Town Bayfield Par Wz NEµ NEµ 1982 600 113�40 113.40 ;illegal desc. Sec.22-50-4 Town Bayfield E2 SWSW 1982 680 45.90 45.90 owned by U.S.A.'' Sec.- 13-52-5 Town Bayfield Sand Island Plat 1982 681 186.30 186.30 Owned by U.S.A. in Sec. 13: Lot 22 less par in V. 86. P.33 See.24-52-5 Town Bayfield NNNW Sec. 24-52-5 1982 682 84.74 84.74 Owned by U.S.A. Tract 06.1111, s:ti:^r A November 23. 1982 NAME OF CLAIMANT & ALLOWED FACE DELINQ;SAX CHR REASON FOR ILLEGALITY DESCRIPTION YEAR OF SALE CERT.# OF CERT, BACK TO DIS Town of Iron River S'k SW NE desc. in 1982 1596 14.36 14.36 County owned V.347 P.155 less par. Sec.16-47-8 Town Iron River Part of NW SW desc: 1982 1597 45.95 45.95 County owned in V.347 P.155 Sec. 16-47-8 Town Iron River Hessey's Add.,Lot 10, 1982 1653 331.30 331.30 Assessment on 2 houses Block 1 should have been one. Per town letter. Town Lincoln SENE less Tw Hwy 1982 1788 20.77 20.77 County owned & less par desc in V.205 P.431; V.173 P. 417 etc. Sec.29-45-5 Town Mason N 10 A. of NWSW less 1982 1847 163.25 163.25 Illegal tax as per par desc in V.302 P.43 town letter Sec.29-46-6 Town Namakagon Par in Lot 2 & 11 1982 1920 61.72 61.72 Double Assessment less par desc in V.167 P.637 etc. Sec. 11-43-6 Town Port Wing Okerstrom Heydloff 1982 2317 73.45 73.45 County owned Add. to Port Wing Lots 6-12 Block 12 Moved by Diamon and seconded by Koval to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No, 20 WHEREAS, Bayfield County lies within the designated project forest fire prone (or high hazard) area of northwester Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin, and particularly northwestern Wisconsin, has experienced serious forest fires in the past which have had an impact on many citizens and homeowners; and WHEREAS, Lee Sherman Dreyfus, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, was concerned about the impact of these fires and, therefore, created a Special Committee on Forest Fire Management and charged the.Committee with: a. obtaining input" from the public and meeting with State and local government officials to discuss citizen and government activities in the event of a forest fire; and b, making needed improvements in governmental responsiveness and recommendations to the Governor concerning citizen education, safety and personal preparation efforts; and , WHEREAS, The Final Report of the Governor's Forest Fire Study Committee addresses the dangers involved and makes recommendations to mitigate or minimize the forest fire danger, if the agencies involved carry out these recommendations on an on -going basis; and WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the Bayfield County Fires and Emergency Association, the Bayfield County Forestry Department, and Bayfield County Emergency Government, that Bayfield County will be better able to cope with problems associated with forest fires if the recommenda- tions in the Governor's Forest Fire Study Committee Fire Report are implemented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby endorses the Final Report of the Governor's Forest Fire Study Committee in its entirety, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors urges the Governor to enact prompt and thorough compliance with the recommendations of the Forest Fire Study Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be instructed to send copies of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of Wisconsin and the Chairman of the Forest Fire -Study Committee. SIGNED: Ludzack, Koval, Beckman, McGowan, LaJoie Moved by Ludzack and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. November 23, 1982 The following resolution was read: No. 21 � w RESOLVED, That all banks in Bayfield County and Northland Savings and Loan, qualified as a public depository under Ch. 34 Wis. Scats., is hereby designated as a depository in which the funds of this Municipality may from time to time be deposited; that the following described accounts be opened and maintained in the name of this Municipality with the Bank subject to the rules and regulations of the Bank from time to time in effect; that the persons and the number thereof designated by title opposite the following designation of accounts is hereby authorized for all on behalf of this Municipality to sign order checks as provided in s.66042(6), Wis. Scats., for pay- ment or withdrawal of money from said accounts and to issue instructions regarding the same and to endorse for deposit, negotiation, collection or discount by Bank any and all checks, drafts, not bills, certificates of deposit of other instruments or orders for the payment of money owned or held by this Municipality; that the endorsement for deposit may be in writing by stamp, or otherwis with or without designation or signature of the person so endorsing .and that any officer, agent, or employee of this Municipality is hereby authorized to make oral or written requests of the Bank for the transfer of funds or money between accounts maintained by this Municipality at the Bank. Checking Account Number of Signatures Required - 3 Names of Authorized Persons: Edwin Renoos James C.Strom Daniel Anderson Savings Account Number of Signatures Required - 3 Names of Authorized Persons: Edwin Renoos James C.Strom Daniel Anderson Moved by Seidel and seconded by Wickman to adopt. Motion carried. 40 The following report was read: No. 22 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Pursuant to Section 59.74(5) of the Wisconsin Statutes, William•D. Bussey, being duly sworn, states that he has been the District Attorney for Bayfield County during the period from Nov.5,1981 to the date of this affidavit; that during said period no money was received by his office for fines, recognizances, forfeitures, penalty or costs; that any such payments resulting from matters in which he was involved were made direct to ,the Clerk of Court for Bayfield County, Wisconsin. SIGNED: William D. Bussey Moved -by Seidel and seconded by Sneed to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. v 4 The following dog claim was read: No. 23 21Oavc, Vt4-� STATE OF WISCONSIN) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNER BAYFIELD COUNTY ) I, Clover M. Johnson, being first duly sworn on oath depose and say that I am the legal owner of certain domestic animals located in the Town of Port Wing, and County as aforesaid. That on the 29th day of August, 1982, and at an earlier time, chickens were killed and taken - a full grown gosling, a hen gnznea and on August 29 a hen turkey and wild tem turkey met with death resulting from and directly caused by a dog the owner thereof being unknown to me. That upon or before the discovery of the death of said animals, I observed the following: A dog running out of yard and in area when foul were killed or missing. That by reason of these facts, I claim that the death of said animals is due to the work of some dog or dogs, and I therefore assess the fair and reasonable market value of said animals here described, as follows: Hen turkey - $15.00; Wild Tom Turkey - $15.00; Chickens (5) - $20.00; Guinea and Gosling - $10.00. Total - $60.00 Have you paid the current dog tax on all dogs owned by you? Yes SIGNED: Clover M. Johnson Port Wing.', WI 54865 November 23, 1982 -4o AFFIDAVIT OF INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) S.S. BAYFIELD COUNTY ) We, Town Board of Port Wing being individually first duly sworn.on oath depose and say that we have investigated the claim of Clover M. Johnson for damages.as aforesaid Ao ascertain and determine whether, in fact, said damages were caused by some dog or dogs. That we have diligently investigated said claim, and now find the facts to be as follows: As stated above. That by reasons of the facts as aforesaid, we further find-..,-.:..-. (a) That said damage was caused by some dog or dogs. And, we further find that the assessed value of said animals at last assessment was $60.00. SIGNED: William Soderberg, C.E. Hoajland, Eric Johnson Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Beckman to allow the claim. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 23a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. No. 24 Chairman Renoos stated that he received correspondence from the Bayf field County Housing Authority requesting that he make an appointment to their board. Renoos informed the board that he wished to appoint Robert Jardine for a five year term expiring December 15, 1987. It.was moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to confirm the appointment..Motion carried. No. 25 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Spears to confirm Chris Pederson's appointment to the Housing Authority. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 26 �a WHEREAS, Bayfield County has the responsibility of providing Radiological Defense Officers who would assist the Emergency Government Coordinator in the planning, development, and implementa Lion of a detailed radiological defense program; and WHEREAS, the mission of a Radiological Defense Officer is as principal technical advisor to the Emergency Government Coordinator and the head of the government on matters pertaining to radiological defense against nuclear attack and peacetime emergency response; and WHEREAS, the State Division of Emergency Government is offering a Radiological Defense Officer/Monitor Instructor course scheduled for one week during the month of November, 1982; and WHEREAS, the State Division of Emergency Government has limited enrollment in the above mentioned course to those persons meeting the following requirements: 1. :The student must be a full-time government employee who has made a committment to serve in the Radiological Defense Officer capacity when called upon for planning, exercising, or further training; and 2. The supervisor/director of this employee must make a commitment to provide this person to the Emergency Operating Center staff of the government unit for the purpose of meeting program requirements of planning, exercising, or further training; and i! 'n` N November 23, 1982 WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the citizens of Bayfield County that Radiological Defense Officers be identified and trained; and WHEREAS, Ladislaus J. Strzok, currently employed as full-time Assistant Zoning Administrator for Bayfield County, has agreed to make the above commitment as a Radiological Defense Officer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that. the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors hereby approves of Ladislaus J. Strzok as a Radiological Defense Officer for Bayfield County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby agrees that Ladislaus J. Strzok may utilize normal working hours in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Radiological Defense Officer position. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby allows Ladislaus J. Strzok, as part of his normal duties, to participate in -required training, including the Radio- logical Defense Officer/Monitor Instructor course, with no loss of benefits or salary that are received in his position as Assistant Zoning Administrator. SIGNED: Ludzack, Beckman, Koval, McGowan Moved by Carter and seconded by Sneed to adopt.. Sue Gatts, Emergency Government Director, was called in to explain her resolution. The question was asked on the motion to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. No. 27 Moved by Spears and seconded by Seidel to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called back to order at 1:05 p.m. by Viee-Chairman Larry Seidel. The following members answered roll call: No. 28 Present - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Spears, LaJoie Absent - Renoos Absent - 1 Present - 18 TOTAL 19 The following letter was read: No. 29 Schraufnagel & Co. Box 49 Washburn, WI 54891 James C.Strom Executive Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, WI 54891 Dear James: On behalf of D. Schraufnag6_1 & Co., I would like to apoligize for the difficulties we've had with the administration building roof, and to thank you for your patience in dealing with the matter. As you are aware, we are confronted with a possible product failure, and are in the process of defining the problem to the distributor, and at the same time, trying to keep the building from leaking! Needless to say, we won't be billing the county for the remaining contract amount until we get this problem worked out, and have completed the job to the county board's satisfaction. Thanks again for your personal help, Jirr�and for the county board's patience concerning this matter. Sincerely, Thomas Blain D. Schraufnagel & Co. Washburn, WI 54891 Moved by Stephenson and seconded by McGowan to receive the letter and place it on file. Motion carried. November 2.3, 1982. Tvrnp•� AT. 2 n Catherine Ekstrom, next appeared before the board, stating that the problem she had wished to talk to the board about had been resolved at a previous Personnel Committee Meeting. She thanked the board for their time and left the meeting. No. 31 William Bussey, D.A., returned to the meeting to answer the questions the board had raised regarding the hiring of a highway commissioner. Bussey stated that there is no legal requirement that the position of commissioner be advertised. He further stated that the Highway Commissioner is elected by the county board; however, the county board could -instruct one committee to advertise the position, conduct interviews, etc. This would be entirely up to the board. He also added that it would be unwise to go through this procedure at this late date. If a Highway Commissioner is not elected before the term of commissioner runs out, the county could lose some of their state allotment highway funds. Bussey recommended that a highway commissioner be elected right away and not to wait. He further added that -the board could make a provision for upcoming years of how to deal with the matter of advertising for the position, but at this late date, it is not recommended. Bussey also stated that the duties of the highway commissioner are spelled out in the Statutes. The following ordinance was read: No. 32 The Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors does ordain as follows: Section 1. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance, the statutory pro- visions in Chapter 340 to 348 of the Wisconsin Statutes describing and defining regulations with respect for veh&cles and traffic for which the penalty is a forfeiture only, including penalties to be imposed and procedure for prosecution, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this ordinance in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets, and alleys of the State of Wisconsin. Section 2. No operator of any motor vehicle shall excessively accelerate such vehicle to cause said vehicle to make undue tire noise. Any person violating this section may be required to forfeit not less then $10.00 nor more than $200.00. Section 3. This ordinance shall be known as the Bayf ield County Traffic Ordinance and its numerical designation shall be No. 82-1. Section 4. All previous traffic ordinances adopted by the Bayf field County Board, including those adopted on November 14, 1967, November 13, 1957, July 17, 1956, November 12, 1947, and in November, 1936, are hereby repealed. Section S. This ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication. Bill Bussey explained the ordinance. Moved by LaJoie and seconded by Spears to adopt. Motion carried. No. 33 Dean Johnson, representing CEP, next appeared before the board giving them.an update on the CEP program. No. 34 Moved by McGillivray and -seconded by LaJoie to bring the matter of election of a highway commissioner back on the floor. Motion carried. November 23. 1982 go" 010 iNo. 35 Rave nominated Larry Young for Highway Commissioner and Janz seconded the nomination. The chair called three times for additional nominations. Moved by Spears and seconded by Koval that nominations be closed and that the unanimous ballot be cast for Larry Young. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 35a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - Stephenson, Ludzack Absent - Renoos Ayes.- 16 Nayes - 2 Absent- 1 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. No. 36 Moved by McGowan and seconded by Stephenson that the Personnel Committee have the authority to write a job description for the position of highway commissioner and that the position be advertised and that applications be taken from around the state the next time the job of commissi is open.. Ed Renoos arrived at this time.,. The question was asked on the motion... Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 37 WHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purposes or appropriations made for such purposes are avail- able, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to be for" the best interests of the County. SIGNED: Erickson, Rave, Spears, Diamon, Janz Moved by Erickson and seconded by Rave to adopt the resolution. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 37a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Rave, Wickman, Koval, Spears: Nayes - Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie Ayes - 10 Nayes - 9 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 38 Be it resolved by the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors assembled in session this 23rd day of November, 1982, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are hereby authorized to attend state road scho6ls, conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid,from the County Highway Administration Fund. SIGNED: Erickson, Rave, Spears, Diamon, Janz Moved by Spears and seconded by Diamon to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 38A Ayes - Carter, Daimon, Janz, Rave, Koval Nayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie I November 23, 1982 d- amtemd�an+i' �o N� Ayes- 5 Nayes- 14 TOTAL 19 Motion Lost. Spears voiced his opinion that at times, it would be beneficial for the full highway committeE the highway commissioner, and the board chairman to attend these schools. The following resolution and amendment were read: No. 39 and 39a COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1983 The County Board of Supervisors of Bayf field County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the County for highway work in the year 1983 shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation has notified Bayffield County that the 1983 transportation aids to be paid to Bayffield County will be $371,142.28 regular aids, plus a supplement of $12,706.40. BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal Aid for Construction, right-of-way and other costs on any Federal projects located on.the county highway system of said County, which are not recovered from Federal Funds, and to expend any balance for construction, repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, and for other authorized purposes as required, including maintenance of buildings, snow and ice removal and'control and to re-imburse the general fund for any expenditures that may -be made therefrom. WHEREAS, appropriations are made in the Bayfield County Budget for 1983 in addition to the amounts to be received from the State, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropria- tion for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the County Budget, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the following year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purpose for which such funds are to be__used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purpose for which appropriated and to re-imburse such funds in the county treasury from highway revenues. WHEREAS., the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibiity of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highway for which provision is made and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have the authority to employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate such personnel as he deems necessary for such pposes, provided, however, that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the. number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate any such person. The term 'ppersonnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, forment, clerks, stenographers or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. SIGNED: Erickson, Rave, Spears, Diamon, Jana. No, 39a AMENDMENT WHEREAS, The County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provisons are made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has the duty of hiring and firing of all other county personnel, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee deems it in the best interest of Bayfield County to authorize the Personnel Committee to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as it deems necessary for such purposes. The term"personnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers foremen, clerks, stenographers or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. Signed: Edwin Renoos Moved by McGowan and seconded by Stephenson to adopt the amendment. A lengthy discussion followed. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 39b Ayes - Gordon, Sneed3 Beckman, McGillivray, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie Nayes - Erickson, Barningham, Carter, Diamon,.Janz, Rave, Wickman, Koval, Spears Ayes - 10 Naves - 9 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. Moved by Ludzack and seconded by McGillivray to adopt the amended resolution A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 39c Ayes - Gordon, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Stephenson, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie Nayes - Erickson, Barningham, Diamon, Janz, Rave, Koval, Spears Ayes - 12 Nayes— 7 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. The following correspondence was read: INo. 40 State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave. Box 7915 Madison, WI 53707 October 1, 1982 Bayfield County Clerk: Estimated FY 1983 Allotment for State Trunk Highway System You are hereby notified that the estimated allotment in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983, under provision of Section 20.395(3aq) and 84.03(3), for expenditures on the State Trunk Highway System in your county is $121,000.00. By joint action of your county and this department, our records indicated $131,264.10 of future allotment has been advanced and committed. Such advancement extends approximately into fiscal year 1985. Sincerely, Bert E. Morelock, Director Bureau of Accounting & Auditing. Moved by Ludzack and seconded by LaJoie to receive the correspondence and place it on file. Motion carried. The following correspondence was read; No. 41 and 41a October 7, 1982 Bayfield County Clerk Ref. No, 4-000 Dear Local Government Official: Subject: Final Estimated Calendar Year 1983 Transportation Aids. November 23, 1982 Cop V4 The follo-zing is our final estimate of the transportation aids that you will receive in calendar 1983. As a result of the reviews of reported costs, this estimate may vary from the one provided in June.- This estimate should enable you to continue your 1983 budget development. The amount listed below will be paid in four equal payments mailed 611;the first MorAdj in January, April, July and October. In addition to these regular aids payments, current legislation provides for a $70 per mile supplement in 1983. This supplement will be paid in a lump sum by separate check on March 15, 1983. 1983 Aids Estimate $371,142.28 1983 supplement 12,706.40 1983 Connecting Hwys .00 383,848.68 Please notify us of any mailing address corrections required to insure correct distribution of payments and correspondence to clerks, treasurers, and heads of government. These corrections should be mailed to the address indicated above. If you have any questions regarding your estimate, please contact Ted Stephenson at (608)266-2934. No. 41 a October 4, 1982 Bayfield County Clerk Dear Municipal or County Clerk: Pursuant to Wisconson State Statute 86.30, payment for local transportation aids has been distributed to the treasurer in the amount of $94,233.84, Quarterly payment - October 1982 County of Bayfield Sincerely, Theodore E. Stephenson Director Moved by Seidel and seconded by Wickman to receive the correspondence and place it on file. Motion carried. The following neport was read: No. 42 (1982 Annual Report of the Bayfield County Highway Committ-ee on file in County Clerk's Office) Moved by Barningham and seconded by Rave to receive the report and place it on file. Motion .carried. The following report was read: No.-43 (1982 Annual Report of the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner on file in County Clerk's Office) Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 44 WHEREAS, Current resolutions affecting the Sheriff's salary require the petition be compensated by wages and fees, and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin State Statute has recently been changed, mandating that fees be turned over to the County Treasurer for deposit in the General Fund, and WHEREAS, It is now in the best interest of Bayf ield County to rescind previous resolutions which allow the Sheriff to keep his fees, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That any and all resolutions dealing with the payment of Sheriff's fees be rescinded and the Sheriff be compensated in the form of.wages only. SIGNED: Ludzack, Beckman, Koval, McGowan, LaJoie Moved by Beckman and seconded by McGowan to adopt: Motion carried. November 23, 1982 601°'` 4 The following -'resolution was read: No. 45 WHEREAS, All.Bayfield County courthouse budgets -.were prepared without including any funding for salary increases -for the year 1982, and WHEREAS, Salary increases have been granted by the County Board to adjust 1982 salaries, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be authorized and directed to transfer to the following funds the following amounts to cover said salary °:increases: `56350 Extension 4,651.00 55141 Fair 90.00 52611 Civil Defense 912.00 51211 C1:-of Court 3,421:00. 51410 Co. Clerk 4,746.00 51610 District Attorney 2,956.00 53612 Child Support 1,729.00 51221 Family Commissioner 272.00 56361 Recreation 1,141.00 51540 County Treasurer 2,705.00 51810 Courthouse :2,264.00 51710 Reg.of Deeds 3,476.00 56111 Forestry 6,028.00 51911 Tax Deed 528.00 51521 Assessment 774.00 56431 Zoning 4,530.00 53110 Co, Nurse 3,353.00 53131 Home Nursing 2,574.00 52110 Sheriff 17,526.00 53821 Veterans 2,194.00 53686 Nutrition Program 1,162.00- 51211.01 Co. Intake Worker 1,287.00 Retirement (Co. Share) 8,511.00 � Social Security (Co. Share) 4,418.00 u TOTAL 81,248.00 SIGNED: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Stephenson, Carter, Renoos Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Koval to adopt. Motion carried. p The following resolution was read: No, 46 7D�YnC�`V WHEREAS, There are now outstanding and uncashed certain checks issued by Bayfield County 4)� between the dates of February 15, 1980, and October 13, 1980; all as more set forth in the schedule attached hereto, and WHEREAS, Said checks can be reissued upon the proper application by the payee, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all of the Bayfield County checks listed in the schedule attached hereto, be cancelled subject to reissuance upon proper application. SIGNED: Seidel, Ludzack, Stephenson, Sneed, Carter, Renoos OUTSTANDING CHECKS as carried from FIRST BANK OF APOSTLE ISLANDS for year 1980 Stop Payment will be ordered: GENERAL FUND: Issued to: Check No. Amnnnl- Date Issued. Myrtle Howe 22 30.40 4-18780 Myrtle Howe 23 8.00 4-18-80 Lucille Townsend 38 24.86 4-18-80 Wis. Dept, of Trans.. 84 5.00 4-18-80 Lois Arntsen 496 3.54 4-30-80 Fred Johnson ,Sheriff 2379 9.25 8-12-80 Barbara Clinton 3087 3.50 9-22-80 Fernando F. Figuero 3120 .75 9-22-80 Kathleen Gilles 3144 2.50 9-22-80 Frank Halverson 3165 .75 9=22-80 Walter Johanik 3194 2.50 9-22-80 Pauline Johanik 3195 12.00 9-22-80 Mark Luostari 3250 35.00 9-22-,80 Jodi Newman 3315 1.00 9-22-80 Joe Pope 3342 .75 9-22-80 Dan Pope 3343 1.00 9-22-80 Robert Pope 3344 1.25 9-22-80 Hans Schellenberg 3407 1.00 9-22-80 Rhonda Spiehs 3414 8.25 9-22-80 -, November 23,, 1982 d0p.Aa„i 10 'ro FA Issued To Check No. Amount Date Issued Serena Suzuki 3417 2.75 9-22-80 Evelyn Tutor 3423 5.75 9-22-80 Blanche Johnson 3499 53.07 9-22-80 John Michael Garland 3978 10.00 10-13-80 PAYROLL ACCOUNT: Larry D. Seidel 5197 18.59 2-15-80 TOTAL ................ $241.46 Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Wickman to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 47 WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Legislature recently passed Senate Bill 72 which abolishes Soil and Water Conservation Districts and WHEREAS, This bill creates a Land Conservation Committee, and WHEREAS, Each County Board must create a Land Conservation Committee, and WHEREAS, County Board Chairman Edwin Renoos has.designated the Agriculture Committee as the new Land Conservation Committee, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 23rd day of November, confirm the appointment of the Agriculture Committee as the Land Conservation Committee.) Signed: Seidel, Sneed, Ludzack, Carter, Stephenson, Renoos Moved by Ludzack and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.48 WHEREAS, Section 85.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes authorizes the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to make grants to the counties of Wisconsin for the purpose of assisting them in providing specialized transportation services to the elderly and the handicapped, and WHEREAS, each grant must be matched with a local share of not less than 10/ of each county's allocation of state aids, and WHEREAS, this body considers that the provision of specialized transportation services would improve and promote the maintenance of human dignity and self-sufficiency of the elderly and the handicapped. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on this 23rd day of November, 1982, authorizes Louis J. Stolle to prepare and submit to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation an application for assistance during 1983 under Section 85.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes, in.conformance with the requirements issued by that Department and also authorizes the obligation of county funds in the amount of $1,600.00 in order to provide the required local match. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County authorizes Louis J. Stolle to execute a state aid contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation under Section 85.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes on behalf of Bayfield County. PRESENTED BY: Sneed, McGillivray, Gordon Spears,LaJoie Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Sneed to adopt. Motion carried. 0 November 23. 1982 The following proposal was read: No. 49 Maitland & Co., S.C. �ohv► Washburn, WI 54891 Mgt �l2mc� October 19, 1982 Executive Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, WI 54891 Gentlemen: We submit- our proposal to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for one year ending December 31, 1982. It is estimated that the cost of this audit will not exceed $10,000.00. In addition to the foregoing, an estimate of $500.00 is made for the 1982 annual State report. Should additional services be requested by the Bayfield County Executive Committee or Bayfield County officials, financial arrangements will be agreed upon at that time. Also, we will provide every member of the County Board with a copy of the complete audit. The audit will include all funds maintained by the Bayfield County Clerk and Treasurer, as in previous examinations of Bayfield County and will be completed by October 15, 1983. Very truly yours, John H. Maitland Moved by Seidel and seconded by Rave to approve the proposal. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 49a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 50 I�urm� WHEREAS, A life insurance for spouse and dependants has been proposed by the State of Wisconsin Employee Trust Fund, and WHEREAS, This proposal had been presented to the Bayfield County Board on August 31, 1982, and was referred to the Personnel Committee for fLr Cher study, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has studied the proposal and now recommends to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that this proposal be approved. SIGNED: Erickson, Stephenson, Wickman, Gordon, Rave, Renoos Moved by Spears and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. "ocvVS'A' The following resolution was read: No. 51 WHEREAS, Reinhart Deutsch is the engineer and custodian at the former Pureair Sanatorium and is the operator of the sanitary sewage system located on said Pureair Sanatorium property which is operated to provide services for the Port Superior -complex and and WHEREAS, It is necessary to have a certified sanitary system operator on duty at all times, WHEREAS, The salary of Mr. Deutsch is $6.40 per hour and WHEREAS, Mr. Deutsch is paid at the rate of 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee has considered the request of'Mr. Deutsch to increase his salary from $6.40 per hour to $7.04 per hour and WHEREAS, The committee believes that the request is a fair and reasonable rgquest, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the salary of Mr. Reinhart Deutsch, engineer and operator for the Pureair Sanitary System and custodian of the.--Pureair Sanatorium Properties be increased from $6.40 per hour to $7.04 per hour effective April 15, 1982. SIGNED: Erickson,Stephenson, Wickman, Gordon, Rave, Renoos November 23, 1982 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Gordon to adopt the resolution. A roll call vote,was taken with the following results: No, 51a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nair -es - 0 TOTAL --19 Motion carried. 10: The following resolution was read: No. 52 �. �I l i ncAson a,ze, WHEREAS, The labor contract between Bayfield County and Bayfield County Employees Local Union No, 40, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, representing the Bayfield County Courthouse Personnel expires on December 31, 1982, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board has been negotiating with the Bayfield County Courthouse personnel represented by Bayfield County Employees Local Union No, 40, AFSCME, AFL-CIO for a new labor contract, and WHEREAS, The two parties have come to a tentative agreement on a new contract, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the contract which expires on December 31, 1982, be renewed with the changes and additions as outlined in the tentative settlement agreement attached to and made mart of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper county officials be authorized and directed to execute the new revised contract pending ratification by Bayfield County Local Union No. 40, AFSCME, AFL-CIO. SIGNED: Erickson, Stephenson, Wickman, Gordon, Rave, Renoos Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Sneed to adopt. Strom informed the board that the union has approved the settlement. A roll call vote was taken on the resolution with the following results: No. 52a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos Nayes - Spears, LaJoie Ayes - 17 Nayes - 2 TOTAL 19 Motion carried T e Bayfield County Courthouse Personnel AFSCME Union Agreement was accidently omitted. It is typed i� on Pag,he 3fo11owing correspondence was read: No. 53 Bayfield County Publishing Washburn, WI 54891 October 11, 1982 James C. Strom County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Mr. Strom: The present legal rate we charge Bayfield County was approved in April of 1981. We had said the rate would be good fora year, giving us a chance to compare it in relation to our steadily increasing costs. A half year tardy, we are proposing a rate that would be effective for your 1983 calendar year. Well aware of the increasing pressure on the county board to hold down costs, we ask_`for a five percent increase in the legal rates. That is only a few months short of a 2z%o increase per year. Our percentage increase is broken down in the table below. Compared to the legal maximum rate granted under State law, the county's rate for three papers is discounted 53%. The county has the advantage of appearing in the Washburn TIMES, Bayfield County PRESS and Iron River PIONEER for not much more than it costs to be in one of them. We offer guaranteed circulation with all papers on a paid basis. Unlike publications sent unrequested to box holders, our papers are well-read. And when a subscriber is inadvertently missed, we are quick'to hear about it. November 23, 1982 We are proud to be such long-standing county institutions, one paper over 100 years old and the other two close to 90 years old. And we welcome suggestions. We would expect this proposal to be referred to the Executive Committee. consideration, we would be happy to appear in person if we,are notified. TIMES -PRESS PIONEER LEGAL MAXIMUM lst Insertion lst Insertion RATE WE CAN /line=$.254 ,/line=$.254 CHARGE /inch=2.03 /inch=2.03 RATE PRESENTLY BEING CHARGED PROPOSED 1983 RATE Thank you. Sincerely, Leslie and Ban Satran, Jr. Co -Publishers 2nd Insertion /line=$.201 /inch=$1.61 lst Insertion /line=$=213 /inch=1.70 2nd Insertion /line=$.169 /inch=1.35 lst Insertion /line=$.223 /inch-1.78 2nd Insertion /line=$.177 /inch=1.42 Moved by Sneed and seconded by Stephenson to approve. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: 2nd Insertion /line=$.201 /inch=$1.61 lst Insertion /line=$.041 /inch=.33 2nd Insertion /line=$.033 /inch=.27 When it comes up for Ise. Insertion /line=$.045 /inch=.36 2nd Insertion /line=$.035 /inch=.28 No. 53a ALL THREE lst Insertion /line=$.508 /inch=$4.06 2nd Insertion /line=$.402 /inch=$3.22 lst Insertion /line=$_253 /inch=2.03 2nd Insertion /line=$.202 /inch=1.62 lst Insertion /line=$.268 /inch=2.14 2nd Insertion /line=$.212 /inch=1.70 Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Ayes - 19 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 11 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 54 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the Pureair Sewage Treatment Plant located on the Pureair Sanatorium property in the town of Bayfield, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, The Pureair Sanatorium is no longer in operation and said plant is currently treating sewage only from Port Superior, a private marina -restaurant -condominium complex; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been involved in extensive litigation concerning the ownership and operation of the aforesaid plant which has not yet been completely concluded; and WHEREAS, The Pureair Sanatorium property and Port Superior both lie within the Pikes Bay Sanitary District, which was established to provide sewage treatment services for said properties` and WHEREAS, The sale of said plant and the appurtenant sewage collection system to the Pikes Bay Sanitary District upon the terms and conditions stated below would be in the interest of Bayfield County and the public in that it would enhance the marketability of the Pureair Sanatorium property conclude the aforesaid litigation, and provide an appropriate means of providing future sewage treatment servies to said properties, NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, That-Bayfield County sell its interest in the Pureair Sewage Treatment Plant and collection system to the Pikes Bay Sanitary District for the sum of $16,000 plus any amount that Bayfield County is required to pay Port Industries, Inc. under the court's decisions in Bayfield County vs. Port Industries, Inc. et al. Bayfield County Circuit Court Case 2�. N No. 7565, subject to the following conditions which must be met before or at the time of the sale: 1. The parties participating in the aforesaid legal action must agree that the trial court's decision will not be appealed. 2. Bayfield County must be fully paid for all sewage treatment services provided subsequent to September 30, 1980, up to the time of sale by those receiving the services. 3. The sanitary district must agree not to assess -,-or tax Bayfield County as an owner of property within the sanitary district so long as the county is not utilizing the sewage treatment system. 4. The sanitary district must agree to provide sewage treatment services to any purchasers of the Pureair Sanatorium Property upon reasonable terms. 5., Approval of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources must be obtained for transfer of the operating permit for the sewage treatment system from Bayfield County to the sanitary district. 6. The sanitary district must agree to accept the system in its present condition and to assume full responsibility for any needed repairs and/or maintenance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of said sale and upon receipt -by the county of the above state sum, those portions of the interlocutory judgement in the above legal action entitling Bayfield County to recover the amounts of $1,362.74 and $11,924.04 for past sewage treatment services shall be deemed by the county to be fully satisfied. SIGNED: Seidel, LaJoie, Ludzack, Stephenson, Sneed, Renoos Moved by Seidel and seconded by McGowan to adopt. A roir'eall vote was taken with the following results: Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - McGillivray Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Absent -.1 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. No. 55 Next discussed was the 1983 budget. Each item was gone through line by line giving the board members the opportunity,to discuss or change any --item they did not like. The following report was read: No. 56 To: The county board of supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing of the petition to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors having held a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 59.97(5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes,hereby recommends that the petition described as follows be approved: The E.I. DuPon+ de Nemours Company property in Section Nineteen (19), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Four (4) West and Section Twenty -Three (23), Section Twenty -Four (24), Section Twenty -Five (25), and Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, Town of Barksdale be changed from Forestry One (1), Agricultural One (1), and Residential One (1) Uses to Residential -Recreational Business Use. SIGNED: Sneed, Renoos, Stephenson, Spears, LaJoie Moved by Spears and seconded by Seidel to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. November 23, 1982 The following amendatory ordinance was read: No. 57 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County.Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, the E::I� DuPor* de Nemours Company property in Section Nineteen (19) TownshippForty-Eight (48) North, Range Four (4) West and Section Twenty Three (23) , Section Twenty -Four (24) , Section Twenty -Five (25) and Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five-(5)West,, Town of Barksdale is changed from Forestry One (1) Agricultural One (1) and Residential One (1) Use to Residential -Recreational Business Use. SIGNED: Sneed, Renoos, Stephenson, LaJoie, Spears Moved by Seidel and seconded by Sneed to adopt. Robert Spears, attorney, addressed the board, representing Eliason Reak.ty, St. Germain, WI. Eliason Realty wishes to develop the DuPont Property. Spears -stated that Eliason Realty is a substantial developer and he gave a brief history and some information on Eliason Realty. He stated that some plans Eliason Realty has for this propery is lake front development, condo development, and 18-hole golf course, tennis courts, etc. Mike Bonevich, attorney from Appleton, representing DuPont was next to speak to the board. Bonevich was asked what DuPont intended to do with the land if it was not.developed--will they place it in forest crop? Bonevich stated that he did not think it was the intent of the DuPont Corp. to place the land in forest crop; however, he stated that DuPont did want the zoning to be changed back to Forestry Use if the land was not sold.. Bussey asked if there would be a time limit on the sale. Bonevich answered that the sale would take place on or before February 28, 1983. No. 58 v'• Moved by Sneed and seconded by Stephenson to amend ordinance No. 57 to read as follows: The Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, the E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company property in Section Nineteen (19), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Four (4) West and Section Twenty -Three (23), Section Twenty -Four (24) Section Twenty -Five (25) and Section Twenty-Sux (26), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, Town of Barksdale is changed from Forestry One (1) ," Agricultural One (1) , and Residential One (1) Use to Residential -Recreational Business Use, conditioned upon the change -of ownership of e aforementioned property from DuPont to Eliason Realty by March 31, 1983. Motion carried. No. 59 The question was asked to adopt the ordinance as amended. Motion carried. At this time the budget was once again discussed. Each item was again gone through so board embers had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss any items. T,T -, n n Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Sneed to increase the Zoning Board of Adjustment budget $1,600 to $2,100. No. 61 Moved by Koval and seconded by Diamon to table the budget. Motion carried. IO• �,ll 3ussec� No: 62 William Bussey, D.A., spoke to the board informing them thatTelemark'is filing bankruptcy. They have submitted a plan of payback to be voted upon by their creditors. Their original plan was not approved. The revised plan states that payment of their unpaid taxes for 1980 which amount .to $35,000 would be deferred until Jaunary 1, 1984, at which time they will pay $150 per month for 5z years; however, they would not receive any interest on the taxes for 1980. No. 63 RESOLVED, That Bayfield County accept the debtors amended consolidated plan of reorganization filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Wisconsin, Western Division, and the Chapter 11 proceedings regarding Telemark Management Co., Inc., The Telemark Co., Inc., the Telemark Land Co., Inc., Historyland,Inc., and Thaw, Inc. Moved by Erickson and seconded by Barningham to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 63a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Stephenson, Rave, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie Nayes - Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Jana, McGowan, Spears Absent - McGillivray Ayes - .12 Nayes- 6 Absent- 1 TO'"AL 19 Motion carried. a. . H Moved by McGowan and seconded by Sneed to adjourn until 6:30 p.m. Motion 'Lost. No. 65 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Rave to adjourn and come back to order in one hour. Motion lost. No. 65 Moved by Janz and seconded -by Carter to adjourn and come back tomorrow. Motion lost. No. 67 Moved by LaJoie and seconded by Seidel to bring the budget back onto the floor. Motion carried. The highway budget was discussed. Moved by Diamon and seconded by McGowan to take $61,304 out of the highway account and place it in as a separate line item. Motion carried. ]ART was next discussed. No. 69 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Gordon to increase the BART budget to $6,000. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 69a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Diamon, Stephenson, Rave, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Nayes - Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Janz, McGowan, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - McGillivray Ayes - 9 Nayes - 9 Absent - 1 TOTAL 19 Motion lost. Noviamber 23, 1982. No. 70 Moved by Stephenson and seconded by Gordon to raise the BART contribution from $3,000 to $5,200. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 70a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Carter, Diamon, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan,.Seidel, Koval, Ludzack Nayes - Sneed, Beckman, Janz, Wickman, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - McGillivray Ayes - 11 Nayes - 7 Absent - 1 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. T.T.-. 71 Moved by Koval and seconded by Carter to place $2,200 in the election budget. Motion carried. No. 72 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Sneed to adopt the budget as amended. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 72a Ayes - Gordon, Erickson, Barningham, Sneed, Beckman, Carter, Diamon, Janz, Stephenson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - McGillivray Ayes - 18 Nayes- 0 Absent - 1 TOTAL 19 Motion carried. BAYFIELD COUNTY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1983 TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors submits this proposed county budget for the year 1983 together with a report of operations. VALUATION The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has recommended a total county valuation for all real and personal property of $449,932,900.00. The recommended value was approved by the county board on September 28, 1982, and all 1982 county and state taxes will be apportioned accordingly. The equalized valuation of the county shows an increase over the 1981 valuation of $24,501,650.00 or 5.75%. In 1981:Ithe increase was 7.56%. COUNTY TAX LEVY & LEVY LIMITS Section 70.62 of the Laws of 1975 created new levy limits on the county. The 1981 county tax levy was 1,056,194.78 and with the allowable adjustments the 1982 levy cannot be -,more than approximately $1,497,924.00. The levy as proposed by the Executive Committee is $1,177,455.82. No amounts have been included in any of the department budgets for salary increases for 1983. There is, however, an amount of $75,000.00 included in the contingent fund which may take care of salary increases and other contingencies. The committee has included in the 1983 budget in the revenue section an amount of $151,800.00 Federal Revenue Sharing monies. Due to more realistic budgeting in the revenue section for 1982, there is no surplus cash available to be applied to the budget in 1983. The county levy limit for 1983 has been increased due to the increases in state equalized valuations and increased population, as well as by the lack of surplus cash that is not available to decrease the 1982 levy. The proposed county tax levy this year is $121,261.04 over the 1981 levy and is $320,468.18 below the approximate allowable tax levy. This year after completion of the tentative budget by the Executive Committee using budget figures as approved by various county board committees and department heads as well as other estimated expenditures, the grand total expenditures amounted to $3,961,929..31 with revenues of $2,369,147.56. With no surplus cash to apply, this would have left a tax levy of $1,592,781.75. The levy would have been $94,857.75 over the allowable approximate levy limit: The committee could not recommend a budget with a tax levy over the tax levy limit and even by adjusting the budget to bring it down to the levy limit, would have represented a county tax levy increase of 41.8% over the 1981 levy. The committee agreed that it was --necessary to make many drastic cuts to bring the county tax levy down to a more acceptable figure. Many cuts were made in the budget as first compiled. REVENUE SHARING FUNDS The local tax effort (county levy) is an important factor used by the Federal and State agencies in calculating the amount of Revenue Sharing Funds and State Shared taxes. Because the county board has been very conservative in the early 70's, we are now suffering from decreased revenues from those two sources. Unfortunately, there is a time lag of several years in the cal- culation of the aids, and consequently, any increase in the tax levy -this -,,year will not have an immediate effect on revenues. PAYMENTS IN -LIEU -OF -TAXES Bayfield County has received in 1982 $86,176 in -lieu -of -taxes on Federal Forest Lands. The amount is less than the $115,781.00 received in 1981. The payments are based on 75� per acre on Federal Forest Lands less the amount received as payment for timber harvest on said lands. Pursuant to County Board action 75% of the money is being distributed to the towns in which the Federal Forest Lands are located. BAYFIELD COUNTY JAIL Construction is completed on the new Bayfield County Jailand it has been occupied since April. NORTHERN LIGHTS MANOR REST HOME The new county rest home has now been in use for approximately two and one half years. There are now 68 patients in the new rest .home. There was at one time during the year a total of 80 patients in the rest home. HIGHWAYS The amount of $206,607.78 in the Highway outlay only represents the amount included in the county tax levy; other highway expenditures are not reflected in this budget. It does, however, include $61,304.00 county aid for bridge construction. 4111ON The 1981 Audit Report by John Maitland, C.P.A. has been again completed .-on schedule; copies are available for inspection at the offee of the county clerk or from members of the county board. Mr. Maitland has made several recommendations on various accounting items to the committee. Many of his recommendations have already been discussed and the committee will very likely act favorably on the other recommendations he has made. The assistance of Mr. Maitland and his staff continues to be a great asset to Bayfield County as his services are available throughout the year to all the various county departments. The Executive Committee recommends approval of the following budget for 1983. SUBMITTED BY: Seidel, Sneed, Stephenson, Ludzack, Carter November 23, 1982 Acet. 1981 1982 No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Appropriation Appropriation 51111 County Board 331,350.00 32,000.00 51211 Circuit Court 8311349.28 91,670.12 51211.01 Court Intake Worker 17,850.00 19,406.00 51212.1 Probate Registrar & Reg.in Probate .00_. 1,467.96 51221 Family Court Commissioner 3,870.00 3,920.00 51261 Coroner 6,200.00 6,000.00 51410 County Clerk 66,700.00 .761000.00 51412 Elections 3,750.00 5,000.00 51423 Labor Negotiator 5,500.00 10,000.00 51521 Assessment of Property 15,825.00 20,065.00 51540 County Treasurer 31,149,64 42,179.16 51561 Special Accounting 9,900.00 9,900.00 51610 District Attorney 38,719.60 43,410.15 51621 Legal Counsel Cost Allocation Plan 3,500'.00 3,600.00 51710 Register of Deeds 47,604.28 53,169.24 51810 Courthouse 50,939.00 54,615.00 51911 Tax Deed Expense 9,150.00 9,287.04 51912 Repairs to Tax Deed Property 250.00 .00 51931 Maps & Plats 15,300.00 250.00 51941 Property & Liability Insurance 8,000.00 20,000.00 51962 Workmen's Compensation 10,000.00 13,000.00 51963 Retirement Fund (County's Share) 140,000.00 148,000.00 51964 Social Security (County's Share) 60,000.00 75,000.00 51965 Health Insurance(County's Share) 40,000.00 48,000.00 51966 Life Insurance (County's Share) 1,500.00 1,800.00 51967 Employee Longevity Pay 8,000.00 9,000.00 TOTAL 796,739.67 710,406,80 Proposed for 1983 44,323.71 100,030.78 24,191.25 1,578.00 4,978.00 6,350.00 95,743.06 .00 10,000.00 20 ,474.54 48,203.98 10,500.00 55,296.00 3,600.00 64,794.97 88,267.30 11,915.04 .00 250.00 20,000.00 13,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 REVISED 2,200.00 623,496.63 625,696.63 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 52110 Sheriff - Fed. Rev. Sharing 52110 Sheriff - Other 366,303.00 369,011.26 429,934.63 52131 Criminal Investigation 500.00 400.00 .00 52141 Education & Community Relations 400.00 300.00 .00 52220 Civil Air Patrol 500.00 .00 .00 52133 Wilderness Search & Rescue- .00 .00 100.00 52260 Red Cliff Law Enforcement .00 .00 .00 52421 Fire Suppression 150.00 .00 .00 52611 Emergency Government 14,600.00 14,864.50 24,306.30 52711 Jail .00 .00 57,943.92 TOTAL 382,453.00 384,575.76 512,284.85 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 53110 General Health 63,592.32 57,536.12 58,534.94 53109 R.S.V.P. .00 .00 .00 53131 Home Nursing Program 29,362.00 31,455.00 56,765.64 **Flow thpa.ugh account November-23, 1982 Acet. 1981 1982 No. HEALTH & SOCIAL-SERVIDES Appropriation Appropriation 53230 -State General -Hospital 9,991.75* .00 53251 Home & Infirmary .00 .00 53381 51.42/437 Board 630,866.00 613,204.00 '*53382 Emergency Energy Assistance 2,363.00 *53383 Emergency Energy Assistance Admn. 2,591.00 53611 Social Services 367,531.00 *53611.02 Youth Aids 83,584.00 53612 County Child Support 20,870.64 *53613 S.S.T. Burial 4,000.00 53621 Resident Indigent Relief 10,000.00 53622 Transient Poor Relief 1,000.00 *53623 Ihdo'_China Relief 15,000.00 *53624 Cuban-Haitan Relief .00 53680 Transportation to Elderly 12,276.00 53681 Nutrition Program for Elderly 94,010.00 53682 Supportive Home Care 20,510.00 *53685 Home Delivered Meals 4,473.00 53687 Service Program (State Senior Center) 10,=1.00.00 53691 Bayfield County Unit on Aging 1,500.00 *53710 Aid to Families with Dependent. Children - I 6,000.00 53711 Aid to Families with Dependent Children 1611000.00 k53712 Aid to Families with Foster 20,000.00 366,395.00 76,091.00 24,789.68 3,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 15,400.00 85,098.00 28,500.00 4,885.00 5,133.00 1,300.00 9,822.00 14,000.00 Proposed REVISED for 1983 .00 .00 490,116.00 17,141.00 10,675.00 362,761.00 76,091.00 30,347.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 .00 5,000.00 1,000.00 18,300.00 118,126.00 27,654.00 6,130.00 5,229.00 1,300.00 9,822.00 10,000.00 15.00 cr. 16,100.00 Children 49,704.00 47,232.00 429,815.00 32612 Veterans Relief .00 500.00 500.00 53821 Veterans' Service Officer 34,964.54 35,685.38 45,027.72 53841 Care of Veterans' Graves 300.00 2,500.00 300.00 TOTAL 1,490,589.35 1,463,426.18 1,4081,635.3U 1,406;420::30 PUBLIC WORKS 54550 Public Transportation 3,771.00 6,745.00' 3,000.00 5,200.00 TOTAL ,771.00 6,745.00 3,000.00 5,200.00 EDUCATION & RECREAT"ON 55111 County Library & Bookmobile 13,308.00 14,193.00 15,103.00 55131 Historical Society 800.00 500.00 500.00 55141 Fairs & Exhibits 33,050.00 31,100.00 25,780.00 55181 County Contribution for Conventions 500.00 500.00 500.00 65321 Snowmobile Trails & Areas 22,605.00 22,850.00 28,046.00 TOTAL 70,263.00= 69,143.00- 6911929.00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 56111 County Forestry 43,428.56 82,832.32 122,528.98 56121 County Forestry State Aid 49,820.00 16,626.00 16,613.SS 56350 County Extension Agent- 81,500.60 85,456.76 86,153.61 56360 Conservation 43,855.00 46,407.50 41,160.51 56411 Regional Planning Commission 7,275.00 7,987.00 8,133.00 56431 Zoning 71,864.00 77,332.84 955,054.57 * Flow through account Less Amount from Unit on Aging ($2,000) Acet. 1981' 1982 Proposed No. CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT Appropriation Appropriation for 1983 56432 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment 1,900.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 56433 Payment to Municipalties on Land Withheld from Sale 1,568.00 TOTAL 3019211.16 INDEBTEDNESS 59111 Principal on Bonds 75,000.00 59211 Interest on Bonds (Hospital) 28,380.00 59212 Interest on Bonds(Rest Home) 107,992.50 59213 Interest on Jail Bond 79,627.50 TOTAL 291,000.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3 , 249•, 694.31 GENERAL GOVERNMENT OUTLAY 61211 Circuit Court 950.00 61211.1 Court Intake Worker .00 61212.1 Register in Probate .00 61410 County Clerk 500.00 61540 County Treasurer .00 61710 Register of Deeds .00 61810 Courthouse 7,500.00 63821 Veterans' Service .00 TOTAL 8,950.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 62110 Sheriff 289100.00 62611 Civil Defense .00 62711 Jail .00 TOTAL 289100.00 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 63110 County Nurse .00 63611 Soc. Serv. Administration .00 63612 Child Support Agency .00 63682 Supportive Home Care 59000.00 TOTAL 5,000000 PUBLIC WORKS 64550 Public Transportation 2,324.00 TOTAL 2,324.00 EDUCATION & RECREATION .65321 Snowmobile Trails and Construction .00 65411 County Parks 1,600.00 TOTAL 1,600.00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 66111 Forestry 5,000.00 66121 Forestry State Aid .00 66211 Rivers 7,588.00 66211.01 Forest Regeneration ORAP 8,000.00 66350 County Extension Agent 2,000.00 66360 Conservation .00 REVISED 2,100.00 1,968.00 1,968.00 320,210.42 3731222.32 373,722.32 115,000.00 125,000.00 26,070.00 23,760.00 105,272.50 103,812.50 78,200.75 75,145.00 324,543.25 327,717.50 3,355,383.28 3,318,285.60 3,320,970.60 50.00 .00 .00 500.00 .00 130.00 50,000.00 .00 aI�-, I =1 83,300.00 .00 .00 83,300.00 500.00 2,000.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 .00 7,588.00 8,313.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,200.00 1;550.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 4,750.00 31,250.00 325.00 31,825.00 500.00 2,000.00 150.00 2,650.00 11 11 .00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 .00 7,530.00 8,300.00 .00 .00 November 23, 1982 Acct. No. CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 66431 Zoning TOTAL TOTAL OUTLAY 1981 1982 Appropriation Appropriation 400.00 .00 229988.00 23,901.00 68,962.00 160,881.00 64211 Road Const. of C.T.H.S. 67,935:.65 188,000.00 64213 Machinery 21,250.00 .00 64241 County Aid Bridge Construction 14,817.50 .00 TOTAL 104,003.15 188,000.00 Proposed for 1983 .00 21,830.00 61,555.00 145,303.78 .00 61,304.00 206,607.78 GENERAL REVENUES 41151 Forest. Crop Tax From District 3,800.00 3,000.00 7,000.00 41161 Land Tran.sfer Tax 5,500.00 51500.00. 4;500.00 41491 Interest on Taxes 60,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 42111 Federal Revenue Sharing 166,494.00 177,135.00 151,800.00 42112 Federal Anti -Recession (Interest) .00 .00 .00 42211 Shared Taxes from State 102,023.00 42211.1 Supplemental Shared Tax From State 7,218.00 1491634.00 1191P978.00 42261 State Aid - Manuf. Machinery & Equip. 5,395.00 5,000.00 42361 Fed. Aid - Nutrition Program 70,126.00 70,126.00 70,126.00 42363 Fed. Aid - Supportive Home Care 24,510.00 23,672.00 22,554.00 42365 State Aid -Transportation .00 14,000.00 16,700.00 *42366 Home Delivered Meals 4,473.00 4,885.00 6,130.00 *42367 Service Program(State Senior Center) 10,100.00 5,133.00 51229.00 42542 National Forest Income 27,000.00 28,945.25 28,945.25 42614 State Aid -Family Court Comm. .00 .00 .00 *42624 Indian Law Enforcement 2,500.00 2,390.00 2,390.00 42625 State Aid -Emergency Gvt. 6,500.00 7,432.25 9,900.00 42627 State Aid -Education & Community Relations 400.00 .00 .00 42713 State Aid for E.P.S.D.T. 28,000.00 21,000.00 5,027.15 42714 Blood Pressure Donations 2,520.00 2,500.00 2,332.87 42716 WIC Reimbursement 660.00 1,200.00 1,119.00 42613 Court Intake 8,925.00 .00 .00 42761 State Aid for Soo. Serv. Admn. 349,796.00 434,805.00 339,806.00 42761.01 State Aid for Soc.Serv.Outlay .00 2,000.00 2,000.00 *42761.02 Youth Aids 83,584.00 76,091.00 76,091.00 42762 State Aid for Child Welfare .00 ..00 , 00 *42762.01 A.F.D.C.-F. 49,704.00 47,232.00 42,815.00 A.F.D.C.-Sea Emergency .00 .00 10,000.00 *42762.02 AaF.D.C..- I 16,000.00 9,822.00 9,822.00 42764 State Aid for Co. Child Support Agency 25,000.00 37,500.00 37,600.00 42766 S.S.I. Burials 4,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 *42767 Indo China Relief 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 *42768 Cuban Haitan Relief .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 42781 State Aid -Veterans' Service Officer 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 REVISED November 23, 1982 Acct. No. GENERAL REVENUES 1981 1982 Appropriation Appropriation Veterans' Service Office Reimbursement .00 .00 42832 State Aid - Fairs 4,200.00 4,200.00 42843 St. Aid - Snowmobile Trails Constr. .00 .00 **42845 St. Aid - Maintenance of Snowmobile Trails 22,605.00 22,850.00 42871 State Aid - Forestry 49,820.00 16,626.00 42876 State Aid -Co. Conservation 5,691.00 5,647.50 **42881 Emergency Assistance Energy 2,148.00 20,000.00 **42883 Emergency Asst. Energy Admn. 2,591.00 **42885 Forest Regeneration O.R.A.P. 8,000.00 8,313.00 43511 Zoning Fees and Permits 20,000.00 12,000.00 42611 Co. Ordinance Forefeitures & Defaults 17,000.00 20,000.00 43631 Penal Fines for County 18,000.00 20,000.00 44111 County Clerk's Fees 600.00 2,000.00 44131 Circuit Court Fees and Costs 9,400.00 10,000.00 44141 Reg. of Deeds Fees 23,200.00 25,500.00 Proposed for 1983 REVISED 1,200.00 4,200.00 .00 28,046.00 16,613.65 5,647.50 17,141.00 10,675.00 8,300.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 27,500.00` 44311 Home Nursing Service 19,700.00 20,150.00 51,415.64 44314 Equipment Rental -Co. Nurse 864.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 44315 Participants Contrib.-Nutrition 33,000.00 36,500.00 33,500.00 44316 Supportive Home Care Donations .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 15319,047.00 1,4409889.00 1,343,104.06 COMMERCIAL REVENUES 42541 Federal Aid — Forest Patrol 17,000.00 11,700.00 1,500.00 42765 Unified Services Bd. 558,866.00 542;204.00 410,195.00 441.51 Sale of Maps & Plats 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 44513 County Fair 11,725.00 11,725.00 15,900.00 44322 Home & Infirmary .00 _00 .00 44551 County Parks 59000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 45621 St.Aid -Advertising .00 .00 .00 48111 InterQst on Investment 100,000.00 135,000.00 110,000.00 48112 Inter.sst on Jail Bond 45,000.00 .00 .00 48211 Office Space 3,420.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 48291 General Hospital Lease 103,380.00 61,070.00 58,760.00 48292 General Hospital Rest Home Lease - A 107,992.50 150,272.50 153,812.50 48292.01 Gen. Hospital Rest Home Lease - B 20,952.50 29,789.00 30,301.00 48611 Sale of County Property 1,200.00 .00 .00 48631 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 180,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 48641 Sale of Wood (C.F.L.) 200,000.00 250,000.00 15.5,000.00 48651 Sale of Wood (Other Co. Lands) 85000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 1,3645536.00 1,267,180.50 1,016,888.50 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAX 2,683,583.00 2,708,069.50 2,359,992.56 Total Maintenance Total Outlay -Other than Highway Contingency County Aid Bridge Constr. Highway Outlay GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES Less: Receipts other then Property tax Less: Surplus Cash Applies Less: Bond Monies COUNTY TAX LEVY 1981 1982 Proposed Appropriation Appropriation for 1983 REVISED 3,249,694.31 3,365,383.28 3,318,285.60 3,320,970.60 68,962.00 160,881.00 61,555.00 150,000.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 61,304.00 104,003.15 188,000.00 206,607.78 145,303.78 3,572,659.46 3,764,264.28 3,661,448.38 3,664,133.38 2,683,583.00 2,708,069.50 2,359,992.56 - .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 74,000.00 889,076.46 1,056,194.78 1,177,455.82 1,180,140.82 The following resolution was read: No. 73 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 23rd da'y of November, 1982, that there be and is hereby levied against all taxable property in Bayfield County the following item to wit: State Tax for Forest Purposes Under Section 70.58(2) 89,878.58 For all other items of the budget the sum of 1,180,140.82 SIGNED: Seidel, Stephenson, Sneed, Carter, Ludzack, Renoos Moved by Seidel and seconded by Erickson to adopt. Motion carried. No. 74 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to adjpurn. Motion carried. Edwin Renoos, Co. Bd. Chairman // James C. Strom,, Bayfield County Clerk No. A (c ont' d) BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE PERSONNEL AFSCME UNION TENTATIVE AGREEMENT The following is a tentative agreement: WAGES: A one year contract -- a 32%o increase across the board effective January 1, 1983. A 2 3/4/ increase on the 1982 salary effective June 1, 1983,�to be added;to the 1.982 salary plus the 3z'0 increase to make the June 1,-1983, salary 6 8 more than the 1982,contract. FAIR SHARE: The Fair Share agreement shall cover all employees who_are hired after November:l9, 1982, and to cover all members of the union as of November 19, 1982, Anyone who was not a union member as of November 19, 1982, will have the choice of becoming a union member or not becoming a union member. MILEAGE: Increase the mileage for the use of a personal car to 25� per mile. SICK LEAVE: Increase the accumulation of sick leave to 82 days.