HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/29/19841`76 a May 29, 1984 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS May 29, 1984 9:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edwin Renoos. The following members answered roll call: No. I Present - Linda Brown, Edwin Erickson, Thomas Gordon, Carolyn Sneed, Russell McGillivray, Charles DiamiQn, Fred Jacobson, Fred Janz, Rudolph Janes, Harold Wickman, George Koval, Karl LUdzack, Edwin Reftoos, Herbert Spears, Walter LaJoie Absent Clayton Beckman, William Rave,.Josephine McGowan, Larry Seidel Present 15; Absent - 4; Total - 19 No. 2 The pledge of allegiance was recitLd by the board. No. 3 Moved by Spears and seconded by LaJoie to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve of the minutes as written. Motion carried. No. 4— A presentation was made by William Bussey regarding the oil and gas leases requested by Mr. Charles Beach, oil and gas man. He state.d.that he has expressed his concerns about the lease with Mr. Beach and that Mr. Beach is willing to work with Mr. Bussey to work out some of these concerns. Mr. Bussey suggested that he and the Executive Committee along with Mr. Beach work together on. this and come to some type of agreement on the leases. Larry Seidel arrived at this time. Bussey informed the board that they may like to lease some land and hold some back until a later date; this way, if oil is discovered, they can negotiate a lease on the remaining land at a bigger profit. He also added that if no oil is discdvered, the county would be losing the money that they would have gained if they had signed the leases in the b eginning. Bussey also informed them that they have the option of signing all the county lands over on leases. Another option was not to sign any leases at all. Bussey stated that these are some things that'the board should think a6out before a final decision:Us-�made. Bussey also updated the board on the gas and oil leases on county forest lands with Amoco. He stated that county forest lands.have state regulations on them, which require provisions in the lease that will protect the county forest resources, This has to be done before the DNR will approve the lease. He also stated that a monitoring team. has to be formed to decide what resources will be affected and then place provisions in the lease to protect.these resources. Bussey stated that a monitoring team has been chosen and that William Hepner, County Forest Administrator, is part of this team. Mr. Beach was present to answer any questions the board may have regarding the oil and gas leases. McGillivray.stated that Bayfield County should proceed with caution in this matter and study the matter thoroughly before making a decision. Spears agreed with McGillivray stating that we have'nothing to lose by waiting awhile to study the matter. The following letter was read regarding the subject: No. 4a Bayfield County Board of Supervisors May 24, 1984 Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 At the meeting of the town board of supervisors on May 8, 1984, the board went on record favoring public hearings by the county board of supervisors, before oil and gas leases are approved. John Haveman, Clerk Town of Bayfield Bayfield, WI 54814 dd: Carl Wichlidal Larry Weber Don McCutcheon May 29, 1984 4 f; PQ� pq�,� a4,r 6e Moved by Seidel,and seconded by LaJoie to receive and place on file. Motion carried. Gordon suggested.that the county somehow notify people who have bought land from the county that the county.does retain the mineral rights on these lands. He suggested that maybe.a public,hearing should be held or a notice be,published in the newspapers.. No. 4b Moved by. Gordon and seconded by LaJoi,e t7o— efer the rriatterof havinga�,public h earing on the gas and oil leases to the E xecutive Committee for study. Seidel stated that if a public hearing would be held on this subject, experts from both sides of the issue should be found to be present at the hearing. Jacobson stated that Gordon s fears.. of people- not knowing that the - county retained the mineral rights to their property are.very real; however, he does not feel that a public -hearing should be held on -the matter and that other,means be used to notify land owners that the county possibly owns the mineral rights on their property. McGillivray stated that Ashland County has done some research on �this matter and maybe they would be willing to share this information with Bayfield County. y Ludzac'k agreed �Tith Jacobson, stating that he felt a public notice.could be published notifying people that they,may not own their mineral rights. He stated that it would then be up to the individual to find out if he -or she is the owner. of the mineral rights on his or her� propefty. Sneed stated that the,time may comb when a public hearing will be nedded, but now is not the*time. The question was askeld.on+he-motion' to refer the matter of having a public hearing to the Executive Committee. Motion carried. No. 4c Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Koval to have the District Attorney offer Ashland County $250 to �share their information that they received from research on the oil and gas leases. Some discussion was held on thisr--mbtion. No. 4d Moved by Jacobson and seconded by Sneed that the District Attorney be authorized to spend up to $250 to further the cooperation between Bayfi.eld County and. Ashland C ounty in regard,to existing, pending, and future oil leases. A discussion was held on this motion, after which Jac.obs.on and Sneed withdrew the motion. The question was asked on the motion to offer $250 to Ashland County, for 'information they may be able to give us on gas and oil leases: A roll call vote -was taken with the following results: No. 4e Ayes � Brown, Erickson, Gordon, Sneed, McGillivray, Diamon, Jabobson, Janz, Janes, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, L�dzack, Renoos, Spears,-LaJoie Nayes None Absent Beckman, Rave, McGowan Ayes - 16; Nayes 0; Absent - 3; Total 19 Motion carried. The following charter was discussed: No. 5 CHARTER BAY AREA RURAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION The parties to this contract agree to and do hereby create a commission to be known as the Bay Area Rural Transportation Commission. ARTICLE I CREATION, NAME, PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS Section I - Authority: The commission.is created under, by virtue of and pursuant to theopro kisions of S. 66-30� Wis. Stats., as amended. May 29, 1984 Section 2 - Namei The commission shall be known as the Bay Area Rural Transportation Commission; herein- after referred to as the "Commission". Stidtibh 3 - Purpose: To provide, preserve, promote, protect, plan, assist, finance, acquire, operate, main- tain and enhance existing and future transportation systems in Ashland and Bayfield Counties, Wisconsin, including but not limited to the existing Bay Area Rural Transit System, BART, providing service to the I communties of Red Cliff, Bayfield, Washburn, Ashland, Odanah and the corridor connecting these communities to establish and maintain effective coordinated public transportation services for the benefit of the member municipalities. Section-4-Definitions: For the purpose of this agreen�ent: a) "Municipality" means any city, village, town, county, or federally recognized Indian tribe or band. b) "TransporttLtion System" means any public or private passenger or freight, transportation facility or operation including, but not limitedl-6 motor buses or any other systems of public transportation utilized by, or for the benefit of the citizens of Wisconsin. The term "transportation system" will be brb'adly construed to include au�,iliary facilities such . . I as but not limited to depots, maintenance facilities, and motor vehicle parking areas. c) "Governing body" me-ans 1. the common council of a city; 2. the board of trustees or board of supervisors of a village or town; 3. the board of supervisors of a county; 4. the tribal council of a federally recognized Indian tribe or Bank; or 5. the board of Commissioners or trustees of a mass transit commission, district or authority. d) "Board" means the Board of Commissioners of the Bay Area Rural Transportation Commission. e) I'Member Municipality" means a municipality -which is a member of the Commission under the terms of Article II of this contract. f) "Commission" means a person designated by' a Member Municipality or by the Board pursuant to Art. 11, Section 10 to serve on the Board of Commission-. g) "Fiscal Year" means January 1-through December 31. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section I Creators: The Red� Cliff and Bad River bands of Lake Superior Chippewas, the Cities of Bayfield, Washburn and Ashland and the Counties of Bayfield dnd Ashland are the creating municipalities and original members of this Commission. Section 2 - Member, Eligibility and Prodedure: Any other municipalities within the Counties of Ashland and Bayfield are eligible for membership upon ordinance of their governing bodies accepting this contract, filing a certified copy of such ordinance with the Commission, and approv,;il by a majority vote of the Board. The municipality shall designate the name of their representatives to the Board. These municipalities shall then be members of the Commission subject to compliance with Wis. Statutes with rights and responsibilities as specified in the by-laws. Section 3 - Financial Contributions: Any member who fails to comply with Article VI, Section 5 (payment of allocated cost) shall, upon resolution of the Board, cease to be a member in good standing, and its representatives on the Board shall be ineligible to vote until payment is made. Section 4 - Withdrawal: Any member Municipality may withdraw from the Commission upon a majority vote of its governing body. I Section 5 - Number of Commissioners Per Member: The number of Commissioners representing each municipality .shall, as closely as possible, be equal to that muniQipality's proportionate share of the cost of operating the BART system withe each member having at least on,- Commissioner. Original membership Commi.,§sioners shall consist of: City of Ashland.- 2; Ashland County - 1; BadRRiv--r Reservation - 1; Bayfi-- ld County 1; �City of Washburn - 1; City of Bayfield - 1; Red Cliff Reservation - 1. Each representative shall have I vote. I I Section 6- Term: The Commissioners shall serve for a period of two (2) years, four to be appointed each year so as to provide a staggering of terms. Section-7.--Compensation: Commissioners shall not be paid, by the Commission but shall be compensated for authorized travel and other -expenses. og' 29. 1984 Section 8 — Removal: A commissioner may be removed from office by a two-thirds' vote of the Board or by a majority of the governing body.of the appointing municipality for misconduct, malfeasance or neglect of duty in office. Any vacancy so created shall be filled as provided in Section 10. Section 9 Succession: A commissioner shall hbld office untilhis or her successor has been appointed, except� in�the'case of removal pursuant to Art. 11,: Sec. 8- Section 10 Vacancies: Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the appointin g municipality within sixty (60).days.after.occurrenc . e ofthe vacancy; or by the Board within thirty (30) days thereafter if not made within said,60 day.period by the appointing municipality. Section 11 Indemnification: The commission agrees to hbld harmless or indemnify its directors, officers, commissioners, employees aind agents ag ainst any claims or judgements arising out of.orin connection with their work under the provisions of -this contract., The Commission shall see.k*appropriate counsel to defend claims filed against these individuals concerning,work done under the charter, and shall pay for such legal services. ction 12,- Liquidization: In the event.of liquidization, the assets shall be used for payment of the obli- tions and'debts of the Commission, and the remaining'assets,�if any, shall be. distributed to the remaining Der municipalities in ratio to past capital contributions by those remaining municipalities ECLE III.- POWERS,bg THE COMMISSION on I - The Commission under this'contract may exercise the power granted by law from time to time to its member municipalities-' If these municipalities have varying powers of duties under the law, each may act under the contract to the extent of its lawful powers and duties. Thus, the Commission has the status of a municipality. This section shall supersede any conflicting charter provisions, andshall be liberally construed. The.Conirission especially possesses all powers'of the member municipalities relating to the promotion and'operation of:.transportation systems which further the purposes of the Commission as expressed in Article I, Sectiori 3 of this charter.. The commission's power.includes, but is not limited to, the following: ai To purchase, lease, use,' sell, subsidize, contract for, own, operate, or provide for the operation of ny transportation system orany part thereof or any property or franchise necessary or desi�able for the urpos.- of the Commiss . iop, with or from any governmental or private body', including the right to contract for nanagement or any:6ther'services; b) To conduct or co,ntract:for transportation -studies anddplanning, and to coordinate these plans with any other political subdivision 6 . r,public agency including Wisconsin State agencies; c) To employ a transit manager and such other employees as it deerris.desirable to accomplish its purposes;_ d) To make, amend and repeal all by-laws, rules and I regulations not inconsistent with the purpose of agreement as deemed necessary to the 'discharge of the powers, duties and functions of the Commission; e) To establish and.alter rates, fares, and other charges for servides and facilities; f) To establish and -alter schedules and routes; g) To apply for and/or accept gifts or grants of money or bther property; h) To promulgate policies -which may affect the operational efficiencies of.the transportation system; i To adopt, use and alter at will a corporate seal; j) To do all acts.and things necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business and the general fare of the Commission in order to carry out the powers granted to it by this charter or 'any other law. tion 2 - Board of Commissioners: All actions of the Bay Area Rural Transportation Commission shall be ercis.ed under the control and direction of the Board. 29, 1984 Section 3 - Financing. : The commission, upon approval of the member municipalities, may under Section 66-30 (3m), Wisconsin Statutes, finance the acquisition, development, rem odeling, construction of buildings and facilities for purposes of the Commission under Sec. 66.066, Stats. Member municipalities may jointly or separately finance such projects, or any agreed share of the cost thereof, under Chapter 67, Stats. The Commission may exercise any power of any of its members to borrow funds in the furtherance of the' Commission's contractual functions. Section 4 - Under Section 194.33, Wis. Stats., no common motor carrier of PtLssengers�z.:shall operate any motor vehicle within or throughang,member city, village or town except in compliance with action taken by the Commission on behalf of its member municipalities in relation to such streets and routes. ARTICLE V - INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Section I - Intergovernmental Agreements: This Commission, may enter into agreements under Sebtion 66-30, Wis. Statutes and any future amendments to this sectio; with any municipality, as defined in Sec. 66.30, Stats. or with any private entity. ARTICLE VI-. FINANCING Section-l-,Budget,Preparation: The T ransit Manager or any other person as directed by the Board shall, annuallyn, before the 15th day.of September, prepare the operating budget, and shall presebt it to the' .Board for consideration and approval. Approval of the budget shall be accomplished prior to expenditure of funds in the following fiscal year beginning on January first. Section.2-_Budget Review: The Board shall have full authority to amend in any manner the proposed budget, and before final action on the budget, shall send copies of it to the member municipalities for review and approval. Section_3_-,Budget_Hearing:. Me Board shall establish a date and place for public hearing and review of the proposed budget before final approval is made thereon. Section 4- Final Approval: Final approval of the budget shall be made by the Bo ard. Upon final approval of the budget, the Board shall certify it to each member municipality together with a statement of the member's share thereof, which shall be determined as follows; 1) Urban Service. Since the City of Ashland is considered by the state to be an urban area (popula- tion - 5,000+), it is eligible for Section 18 and State 85.20 Transit Assistance dollars. Since -the type of service provided in Ashland is different than the rural service, (slower speeds, more stops, requirifig more labor and fuelper ,rile), the City of Ashland purchase service based on the percentage of time the rural tem spends in Ashland. At the present service level, 34% of the transit service time oedurs in Ashland and thus the City purchases service at a price equal to 34% of the.total-systeff, cost. Fares collected for trips within the City will be applied toward the price of that service with the balance of the cost coming from local and whatever state and federal dollars and City can secure. 2) Rural Service. Rural service cost is relatively'consistent throughout the system. The cost of service shall be divided -equally among the rural member communities. Cash contribuations from local units can be reduced by the provision of "in kind" service or "soft" i�deral or state match items. ection,5_-,Capital_Ex2enditures: Each member municipality shall pay an equal share of Capital costs. ection 6 - Payment: Each member shall pay its allocated cost within thirty (30) days after the start of he new fiscal year. Budget allocations as provided for in Section 4 hereof, approved by member municipal - ties and included in such municipal budgets �3hall be a legal debt for which the Commission may bring legal ction. RTICLE VII - PUBLICNOTICE OF MEETINGS ection 1 - Notification: The Commission shall notify its official newspaper and each member municipality regularly scheduled and special meetings, submitting with such notice the time and �lace of such me'eting , 0 copies of the proposed agenda. May 29, 1984 Section 2 - Rules: The meetings shall be open to the public, and the Board may*establish reasonable tions to enable members of the public to be heardoniany matter coming before the committee. Sebtion 3 - Records: All minutes and budget records of the Commission shall be' deemed public records and be made available to the.public under reasonable rules and regulations, including charges for copies, which the board. shall establish, except for those documents and records usedn"in negotiations or legal actions or proceedings to which the Commission is a party. ARTICLE VIII - ACCOUNTING & BUDGETARY PROCEDURES Section 1--� Procedures: The Commission shall establish appropriate accounting and budgetary procedures in its laws. tion 2 - Annual Audit: An annual audit shall be performed by the Wisconsin Department ofTransportation or by an independent certified public accountant hired by the Commission to audit the accounting and etary records of the commission. This shall be completed within five (5) months after the close of each fiscal year. Certified copies of annual audits shall be filed with the gbverning board of each member ty. Section 3-Financial Re ort: The Commission shall publish a certified annual statement which shall be rnished to the governing bodies of each member and released to the public. TICLE IX - EFFECTIVE.DATE ection I- Effective -Date: This charter shall become fffective upon ratification and execution by member unicipalities. ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS. Section I - Procedure: This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the board and upon ratification a majority vote of the governing bodies of the member municipalities. ;ion. 2- Eff ective- Date! Upon ratification, amendments shall become effective when copies of said amend- s have been delivered by eartified mail'to each'member municipality. XT - SEVEWILITY any article, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or provision of this Charter is held invalid, illegal, unenforceable, the remainder of this contract shall not be affected. In witness whereof, the following parties executed this contract on the respective dates shown: cipality : Officer, Title Ed Pa.jala was��present to answer.any questions the board hadonnthe charter. Moved by Gordon and onded by Jacobson to adopt.the charter.. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 5a -OBrown, Erickson, Gordon, Sneed, MdGillivray, Diamon, Uacobson, Janz, Janes, Seidel, Wickman, Koval , Renoos, Spears, LaJoi_- I es - None ent Beckman, Rave, McGowan s - 16; Nayes - 0; Absent 3; TOTAL - 19 Mption carried. May 29, 1984 91- gb cr-ow EVU 40j No. 6 Renoos stated that he Has appointed Edward Pajala as representative for Bayfield County on the B.A.R.T. Board. Moved by Spears and seconded by Erickson to approve the nomination of Edward Pajala to the board. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, Bayfield County does 4 operate the Pike Lake Park and campground and WHEREAS, The well for drinking wateri.6,n6t approved by the State as being palatable, and WHEREAS, It was the opinion of the Forestry, Conservation, Recreation, and Parks Committee to request the Executive Committee for the drilling of a new well, and WHEREAS, The Executite Committee has studied this request and deems it to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to have this new well drilled and WHEREAS, Dick Squires Well Drilling, Co.,-,�has submitted a proposal to drill this well for $1,738..00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 29th day of May, 1984, authorizel the Forestry, Conservation, Recreation and Parks Committee to sign a contract with Dick Squires Well Drilling Co., to drill a well at Pike Lake County Park for a sum not to exceed $1,738.00 and to transfer this amount of money from the contingency Account to the County Parks Outlay account. SIGNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGillivray Moved by Diamon and seconded by Gordon to adopt. A f�oll call vote was taken with the following results:1 No. 7a Ayes - Brown, Erickson, Gordon,- Sneed, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Seidpl`cWickman Koval, 7 1 7 Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Beckman, Rave, McGowan Ayes - 16; Nayes - 0; Absent - 3 Total - 19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHERE -AS, The Cable Natural History Museum has requested that a tract of land described as follows: I NENE, am'.d E. for 436 ft.,on Lot 8, Sec!z, 15-.43-6 as described in. V. 359 P.D78-79 South of Old County Highway Ild"I be granted a tax exempt status, and WHEREAS, This request was presented to the county board in August 1983 and referred back to the lExecutive Committee and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County District Attorney has ascertained that the county board has the authority Ito exempt this property pursuant to 70-11(20) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee deems it t6 be in t�e best interest of Bayfield county to deny such Irequest, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board meeting in session this 29th day of May deny the request of the Cable Natural History Musemrrto have the NENE and E,for 436 Ft. on Lot 8, See. 15-43-6 as described in Vol. 359 P. D78-79 South of Old Highway I'd" exempted from property tax. SIGNED: Sneed, Wickman, Ludack, McGillivray Moved by Seidel and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Sneed then commented that the Executive Committee was not too sure about the description as they were under the impression that part of the description was to be denied exempt status and part was to be granted. She suggested that it be referred back to the Executive Committee. Seidel and*Lajoie withdrew their motion at this time. Moved by Ludzack and seconded by Seidel to refer the matter back to the Executive Committee. Motion carried. May 29, 1984 and The following.res*olution was'read:., No. 9 WHEREAS, The terms of two members of the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment will expire on July 1, 1984 WHEREAS, -It i.� recommended to the County Board of Supervisors that Gordon Strub, Town of Iron River, be appointed,to the said Board*of Adjustment to fill on-e of the said -vacancies, and WHEREAS, It is recommended to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that Vernon Halvorson, Town of Russell, be appointed to the said Board of Adjustment to fill the other of the said vacancies, now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That Gordon Strub and Vernon.Halverson are hereby appointed to the Board of Adjustment for three (3) year�terms commencing July 1, 1984. SIGNED: Edwin Renoos, Co. Bd. Chdirman Moved by Diamon and seconded by Wickman to adopted. Motion carried. The following claim was read: No. 10 NOTICE OF CLAIM TO',.. Ashland County C/O Office of County Clerk, 201 Second St. West AshlAnd, Wi 548016. Bayfield County C/O Office of.County Clerk 117 East 5th St., Washburn, WI 1 54891� State of Wisconsin C/O Office of Attorney General 114 East Capitol Madison, WI 53702 Delores Filipczak Official Circuit Court Reporter C/O Bayfield County Courthouse 117 East 5th St. Washburn, WI 54891 PLEASE BE ADVISED, that Garla6d City Corporation, a Wisconsin Corporation, GarlandCity Properties, and Milo John,Munson, all three of whom are claimants herein, and the undersigned attorney, Thomas W. Moran IV, of Borg, Peterson, Cirilli & Moran, 1511 Tower Ave., Supetior, Wisconsin . 54880, on behalf of his clients the above mentioned claimants hereby make a claim against the above named Ashland County, Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin, and their respective agents and employees, and Delores Filipczak, for damages sustained by Garland City Corporation, Garland City Properties, andMilo John Munson, arising out of a series of events. which culminated and concluded with the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin denying the Petition for Re view in the case of Richard S. Sennott V. Gat -land City Corporation, et al, Appellate Case No. 83-484. On or about March 16, 1983, the claimants' appelate'attorney, Jeffrey T. Jackomino, ordered that a transcript of all the proceedings in the case of Sennott v. Garland City Corporation, et al, Ashland County Circuit Court Case No. 82-SC-605, for the purpose of pursuing an appeal from an adverse judgement in said case which had been entered and docketed on February 23, 1983. The issue for appelate review in sa case involved a ruling by the Honorable Thomas Galla)3her, acting Circuit Court Judge for Ashland County wherein Judge Gallagher denied the claimants' motion for d�l iscovery at a pre-trial.hearing on February 8, 1983. Delores Filipczak, acting official Circuit Court Reporter for Ashland County, recordedthe pre"trial hearing including the arguments and rulings by the Court on that day. However, although Ms. Filipczak the official Circuit Court Reporter for Bayfield County, certified that appellate attorney Jackomino had ordered a trnascript of all the proceedings, she carelessly and negligently failed to transcribe the pre-trial hearing and file same with the Ashland County Clerk of Court's office. By reason of Delores Filipczak's failure to -perform her duties in accoedance with the degree of care skill, judgement and professionalism which is usually exercised under like and similar circumsta. nces in the transcrTption, compilation, and transmittal of the court transcript reque�;ted by the claimants' appellate attorney, the claimants' appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals, District No. III, was denied and, without a transcript to refer to,, the Appellate Court affirmed the trial court's rulings on December 6, 1983. By reason of Delores Filipczak's negligence in failing to perform her duties in accordance with professional standards, failing to consult pertinent documents oe knowledgeable court offic, )(316) and by transcribing and 29, 1984 filing a transcript which she knew or should have known was incomplete and upon which the claimants, their agents and employees, relied upon to their detriment before the Appellate Court, the Court of Appeals for the Third District ruled, inter alia, that it must confine its analysis to the record, that it was the: - claimants' duty to obtain a sufficient record, and without a sufficient record the appellants lose their opportunity to appeal an order. By reason of the County of Ashland's, by its agents and employees, careless, negligent, and unprofesa-r sional failure and negligence to supervise the work of Delores Filipczak who was acting as its official cour reporter on February 8-�- 1983; and by reason of the County of Bayfield's and the State of Wisconsin's, by their respective agents and employees, failure to properly superviseand control the work product of their employ--.-, Delores Filipczak, they, jointly and severally, through their negligent acts and omissions, together with Delores Filipczak are directly and proximately responsible for the damage and lbsses sustained by the claimants. The amount of said claim against each of the aforesaid, individually and severally, is in th amount of $28, 021.,05, which covers the aggragate damage and injury suffered to the' several claimants. The amount of said claim covers, inter2-alia, the loss of butiness reputation and opportunity, attorney's fees incurred by the claimants, costs incurred by the claimants, the total judgment entered against the claimants by the trail court in this dase to date, and the mental distress, anxiety, and emotional distress occasioned thereby, all resulting from the aforesaid negligence and wrongful conduct and the mishap occasioned thereby. Dated this 27th day of February, 1984. Thomas W. Moran IV Attorney for Claimants 1511 Tower Ave. Suprior, WI 54880 715-394-7783 No. 1 Oa William D. Bussey Coufthouse Washburn, WI 54891 March 15, 1984 Jim Strom, Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Jim: In reply to your letter of March 5, 1984, regarding the notice of claim of Garland.City Corporation Et Al. against Delores Filipczak, Bayfield County Et Al. I hecommend that the claim be denied by the County Board on grounds that itl'lis without merit and may not have been timely filed. Notice of the disallownace ,,should be serviced upon the attorney for the claimants be registered or certified mail with returne receipt requested and the notice should include a statement that notaction on the claim may be brought against Bayfield County: after six months from the date of service of the notice. Sincerely, William D. Bussey Moved,by Janz and seconded by LaJoie to deny the claim. Motion carried. The following order was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, The County Highway Committee of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, pursuant to Order of the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities, acquired under Section 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, or predecessor thereof, certain lands or interests therein; and WHEREAS, The titl--.to said lands or interests in said lands is transferable to the State of Wisconsin pursuant to said Section 84.09 on Order of the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities to the County Clerk and the County Highway Committee. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the said County Clark and County Highway Committee convey to the*2State of Wisconsin without charge the title or easement acquired With the following parcel(s) of the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities project designated below: May 29, 1984 Parcel - 4; Grantor - Carolin Ante and Anton Ante; Location - PartS of Goverment Lots 4, 3, 2, and 1, Sec. 17-T. 47NI R. 5W; Volume (reel) - 159; Page (Image) - 427; Document Number - 190523 Recorded 10-27-53 SIGNED:H.L.Fiedler, Administratbr Moved by Seidel and seconded by Spears to approve. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, The terms of office to the.Northwest Regional Planning Commission for, Edwin Renoos and Wallace Johnson have expired', and WHEREAS, County Board Chairman Edwin R6noos has appointed Wallace Johnson and himself, Edwin Renoos, to serve on the Northwest Regional Planning Commission, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 29th day of May, 1984, do con- firm this appointment. SIGNED:- Sneed, Ludzack,.Seidel, Spears', LaJoie, Brown, Erickson, McGillivray, Jacobson, Wickman, Koval, Diamon, Janz Moved by Spears and.seconded by Koval to adopt. Motion carried. The following notice was read: No. 13 NOTICE - ACCESS TO PUBLIC RECORDS T -his notice pertains to access to public records of the Bayfield County Clerk, Bayfield County Board, Execu- tive Committee, Personnel and Labor Relations Committee, Sheriff's, Emergency Government and Veteran's Service Committee, Zoning and Building Code Committee, Agriculture, Soil Conservation, Fair and Fencing Committee, Development and County Land Sales Committee, and Forestry, Conservation, Recreation, and Parks Committee. The county clerk is an elected county official with duties prescribed by statute. The county board is the governing body of Bayfield County, and the above committees are committees of, and created by, the county board. w The county . clerk is the legal custodian of his records and the records of the county board and above committees. Except as otherwi�se_ provide : d by law, any member of the public. may inspect such records by making a request to the county clerk or his designee at the county clerk's office in Washburn, Wisconsin, during normal office hours which . are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Except as otherwise provided by law, any member of the public may obtain copies of such records for a fee stated below by making a request to the county clerk or his designee at this office during normal office hours. FEES Voter hegistration & poll lists -current Candidates Others Voter registration lists -prior elections Candidates or Political Parties Others Poll lists -prior elections Nomination Papers Campaign finance reports Tally & canvas reports Candidates or Political Parties Others $.10 per page .90 per page .25 per page .90 per page .25 per page .90 per page .90 per page .90 per page 1.10 per page COUNTY BOARD AND COMMITTEES Minutes Ordinances Resolutions Reports Correspondence Contracts LICENSES Marriage license applications Hunting & fishing license applications Dog license reports GENERAL ACCOUNTING RECORDS_ Invoices Receipts - General Other Ledgers and associated documents MISCELLANEOUS Official oaths Insurance policies Requisitions Purchase orders Payroll records Personnel records (non -confidential) Certified copies of any of the above .90 per page 1.10 per page 1.10 per page .90 per page .90 per page .90 per page .90 per page .30 per page 1.10 per page .90 per page .30 per page .90 per page 1.10 per page .90 per page .90 per page .30 per page .50 per page 1.10 per page .90 per page additional .25 Certain documents and records maintained by this office can only be reproduced using photographic or other specialized reproduction devices. These documents and records include the following: Building plans and blueprints Actual, necessary & direct cost of reproduction Zoning maps Actual, necessary, & directo-- cost of reproduction County board - supervisory dist. maps Actual, necessary & direct cost of reproduction If copies are to be mailed to the requester, the requester shall also pay the actual, necessary and direct cost of mailing. The county clerk may require requests for inspection and/or copying of public records to be in writing. Certain records of the county clerk, county board and above committees may not be open for public inspection,because of their legally recognized confidefttial nature. If a record is requested which the county clerk determines to be confidential, he shall inform,'ihe requester of his decision and the basis for it. If the requester objects to the decision, he may make a r�eque.�t to the Bayfield Couhty District Attorney, whose office is at the Courthouse in,Washburn,�Wisconsin, to review the matter. This notice is given pursuant to the Bayfield County Access to Public Records Ordinance and Sections 19.31 through 19.39 of the Wisconsin Statutes pertaining to public inspection and reproduction of public records, copies of which are available for inspection�,:�a6d copying at the Bayfield County Clerk's Office. Moved by Spears and seconded by Gordon to adopt. Motion carried. A The following resolution was read: No. 14 pro WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a federally recognized Indian Reservation, namely p. -the Red Cliff Reservation, and ry May 29, 1984 WHEREAS, the County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason df federal legislation transferring jurisdiction over Indian criminal law matters to the State and County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Sections 20.455(2)(d), 59-07(141) and 165.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, duly assembled this 29th day of May 1984, that application be made to the State of Wisconsin, for assistance under the provisions of Sections 20-455(2)(d), 59-07(141) and 165.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1985. SIGNED: Edwin Renoos Moved by Gordon and seconded by Jacobson to adopt. Bill Bussey was present to explain the resolution. A discussion was held on whether the money should be retained by the county or be turned over to the tribe. The question was asked on the motion.to adopt. Motion carried. No. 15 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Janz to adjourn. Motion carried. .7 Edwin Renoos, Bayfield County Board Chairman es C. Strom., Bayfield County Clerk I