HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/1/1984November 1, 1984 9 11 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS November 1, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Edwin Renoos. The following members*answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wi,ckman, koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - Gordon Present - 18; Absent - 1; Total - 19 No. 2 Larry Seidel, Board Member, led a prayer.and the board recitbd"the pledge of allegiance./ No. 3 Moved by Spears and seconded by LdJoie to dispense with the reading o f the minutes of the previous meeting and to -approve ofthc-minutes as written. Motion carried. No. 4 —D�Lvid Lulich, winner in the elementary level for the Conservation Speaking Contest next gave his winning speech.on Dutch Elm disease. Lulich placed 5th in the district at a recent competition held at Lakewoods in Cable, Wisconsin. 'The following resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 6 adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on February 7, 1984, directing the Bayfield County Unified Services Board to act as lead agency in establishment of a Community Options Program Planning Committee, and WHEREAS, the following persons have been appointed to the Community'Options Program Planning Committee: Alice Schultz, Development Disabilities; Richard Roe, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse; Joan Witzig, Physically Handicapped; Catherine Johnson, Elderly; Ernest Nelson, County Aging Unit; Linda Gordon, Mentally Ill; Carolyn Sneed, Unified Services Board; Thomas Gordon, Dept. of Social Services; John Telford, Medical Profession; Ruth Meschievitz, Hospital/Nursing Home BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 1st day of November, 1984, Ithe approval of the Community Options Planning Committee for 1985. ISIGNED: Sneed, McGowan, Rave, Brown Moved by Rave and seconded by McGowan to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, the Bayfield","Couhty Community Options Prgram Planning Committee has completed planning for jimplementation of the Community Options Program for 1985, and WHEREAS, the Community Options Program Planning Committee has approved and is recommending approval of Ithe �Community Options Plan for 1985 by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 1st day of November, 1984, to approve the Community Options Plan for 1985 for submittal to the State. ISIGNED: Sneed, McGowan, Rave, Brown Moved by McGowan and seconded by Brown to adopt. Motion carried. November 1, 1984 j'Z The following letter was read: No. 7 November 1, 1984 TO: The Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, WI Dear County Board Members: I herewith submit my application for re-election to the position of Highway Commissioner for Bayfield County for the next legal term of office beginning the 1st Monday in January 1984 until the 1st Monday in January 1987. I have been employed as County Highway Commissioner since July of 1973. 1 have met, fulfilled and exceeded all requirements pertaining to the position of Highway Commissioner. I have gained knowledge, skills and abilities in the past eleven plus years in serving in this position, all to the benefit of Bayfield County. In the past I have been rewarded with your vote of confidence by your re-electing me to five consecutive terms. Your vote of confidence is once again requested and your support for my re-election to the position of Highway Commissioner will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence C. Young, Commissioner Bayfield County Highway Dept. Diamon nominated Larry Young for the position of Highway Commissioner. Chairman Renoos called three times for additional nominations. Moved by McGillivray and seconded.by Brown to close nominations.. Motion carried. Moved by Spears and seconded by Janz that -the clerk cast the�unanimous ballot for Larry Young for Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Young. The following resolution was read: No. 8 COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1985 The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the County for highway work in the year 1984 shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: WHEREASj The State Department of Transportation has notified Bayfield County that the 1985 transporta-_ tion aids to be paid to Bayfield County will be $413,370.98. BE IT RESOLVEDFTHAT the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal Aid for Contstruction, right-of-way and other costs on any Federal projects located on the County highway system of said County, which are not recovered from Federal Funds, and to expend any balance for construction, repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bri4qe thereon, and for other authorized purposes as required, including maintenance of buildings, snow and ice removal and control and to re-imburse the general �und for any expenditures that may be made therefrom. WHEREAS, appropriations are made in the Bayfield County Budget for 1985 in addition to the amounts to be received from the State. BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the County Budget and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the- same purpose in the following year. November 1, 1984 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purpose for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefdre authorized from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purpose for which appropriated and to re-imburse such funds in the county treasury from highway revenues. WHEREAS,the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carr�ing out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made and other relat(�d supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Commissioner shall have the authority to employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided, however, that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determin e the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend or re -instate any such person. The term 11pe rsonnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen' laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees'necessary to carry on such activities. SIGNED: Diamon, McGowan, Spears, Janz Moved by Spears and seconded by Beckman to adopt. It was moved by McGowan that the last two paragraphs of the resolution be eliminated.- McGowan wanted the hiring and firing of personnel to be under the powers of the Personnel Committee, as this is the way it is done in all the other departments� The motion was seconded by Sneed. Spears stated that when the Highway Department needs extra part-time help, in the summer months for example, they need the help immediately and cannot wait for the Personnel Committee to meet. Seidel stated that the hiring and firing of personnel is a large responsibility and should not be left up to one person, in this case the Highway Commissioner. Diamon stated that when there is a proble-m the Highway Commissioner -always consults the Highway Committee before making any decisions. A roll call vote was taken -on the amendment to eliminate the last two paragraphs of resolution no. 8 with the following results: No. 8j Ayes Brown, Sneed, McGillivray, Jacobson, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJ6ie Nayes Erickson, Beckman, Diamon, Janz, Janes, Spears Absent Gordon Ayes - 12; Nayes - 6; Absent - 1; TOTAL - 19 Motion carried. - The question was asked to adopt the resolution as amended. Motion carried. The following letter was read: No. 9 October 31, 1984 TO: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 FROM: Mary Ann Ba ' tley Route 3, Box 351 Ashland, WI 54806 RE: Water & Soil Conservation Speech Contest U November 1. 1984 I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things I believe to be of importance. First, a thank you to those who work to put together the speaking and poster contests ' relating to soil Cand water conservation. Last year my daughter, Kristi, was fortunate to win at.the local and district levels and place second at State competition in the Junior Division of the speaking contest. It was not only a. great experience for her but it also was a great education to her and tb)me as well. And Peg Stuber should be given credit for all her time and effort as well. (This year she placed third in.the Senior Division. She represented you at Lakewoods this week.) I would like to suggest that you send announcements to all our schools. It was very noticed that our County had no entries in the poster contest. I am sure we have many talented young people in out schools, but if they are not made aware of the* contest, they obviously can't enter. - Something else I have to say may not be well received, but I feel it needs to be expressed. Last year when the three winners came before you at your meeting, and gave their speeches, I was very much displeased with the treatment they received. Some of you talked during their speeches, another two had a couple chuckles at some private joke, and yet another of you spen+,the time nodding off. Do you have any idea what the impact of that behavior was on those young people? They were honored to be called to speak for you. They, in turn, thought you wanted to hear them speak. I must tell you none of them were feeling good or proud after they left your meeting room. I realized the impact of this last year, but I held my tongue. Now, at-Lhe invitation of Peg Stuber, I asked Kristi if she wanted to give her speech for you. I wonder if you can guess her reaction. She felt her class schedule is of far greater importance. Had she still seen this event as an honor, I know'she would be there to share her.information with you.. But, since we all know it is insuiting to.speak-to a group who does not listen, I don't t I hnk any of us can blame her for not caring to be there. I realize this does not apply to all of you. But may I stress this Point: I have tried to teach my children to have respect for their elders, and especially for those in leadership positions. Now I'm sorry to say she wonders at the need for respect when she was shown so little. The speaking contest is a valuable tool. It causes the student to dig for information. It teaches them things they may not learn elsewhere. And it gives them the opportunity to develop the ability to speak and share what they have learned. I am hoping you feel it is important enough to listen when these young peopl-e do come before you to share what they have learned. Sincerely, Mary Ann Batley Moved by Beckman and seconded by Sneed to receive the letter and place it on file. Motion carried. Jacobson stated that since alot of time and effort were placed into writing this letter, that some sort of response should be given to the letter. Brown stated that a letter should be written by the clerk on the board's behalf. I The following resolution was read: No. 10 Be it resolved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 1st day of November, 1984, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highwa y Commissioner are hereby authorized to attend state road school, conventions, and/or other road meetings, and that their per them and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund and the County Trunk Highway Fund.. SIGNED: Diamon, McGowan, Spears, Janz Moved by Rave and seconded by McGowan to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, for'the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature and necessity for which oa cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds. accumulated for such purposes or appropriations made for such purposes are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and, to trade orisell such old equipment as may be considered to be for the best interests of the county. SIGNED: Diamon, McGowan, Spears, Janz. November 1, 1984 Moved by Diamon and seconded by Spears to adopt. Sneed stated that this item of purchasing equipment should be handled by one committee and should go through the proper channels as the other departments in the y do. Jacobson disagreed and stated that the Highway Committee should have this authority. Koval agreed with Jacobson. The clerk was asked to read the statute pertaining to this resolution. The stated that -the county board may grant this authority to the highway committee; no other ittee was mentioned. A roll call vote was taken with.the following r esultb: No. 11a - Brown, Erickson, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie ayes - Sneed, Ludzack sent - Gordon Ayes - 16; Nayes - 2; Absent - 1; TOTAL - 19 Motion carried. The following letter and petitions were read.: No. 12, 12a, 12b NO. 12 '4r. James Strom Sept. 24, 1984 Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 e: Bridge Aid Town of Oulu Jim: his is to inform you that we have inspecte ' d the two sites in the Town of Oulu for which the Town Board is etitioning the County for fifty percent of the cost of replating two bridges according to 811/38 (1) (2) f the Wisconsin Statutes. e find that the construction has. been completed professionally andd.in a workmanlike manner in accordance ith 81/38(l)(2) and have documented the c'psts incurred to be accurate. ecommendation is made therefore, that the Town of Oulu be reimbursed as follows: ite #1 Project #8353-03-71 uskeg Creek ayfield Line Rd. ec. 15, T48N, R9W onsulting Engineering $10,700-00 .O.T. Engineering 2,121.19 onstruction (Kraemer Const)34,298-35 $47,119.54 Site #2 Project #8353-02-71 Muskeg Creek Kaukamo Rd. Sec. 22 T48N R9W Consulting Engineering $8,500-00 D.O.T. Engineering 1,417.46 Construction(Kraemer Const.) 13,823.51 $23,740-97 One half Bridge Aid due Town Oulu for Site #1 - $23,55-9.77 and one half Brigge Aid due Town Oulu for Site #2 - $11,870.49. Total Bridge Aid due Town of Oulu $35,430.26. he Petition being submitted by the Town of Oulu will be presented to the County Board as per resolution assed November 10, 1981. otal cost for Site #1 was $171,491.73 Federal Share was $137,193-38. ederal share was $55,294.03. incerely, awrence C. Young, Commissioner . 12a o the Honorable County Board of Supervisors ayfield County, Wisconsin bers: Total cost for Site #2 was $69,117.54 is petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your Lble body that: The bridge on Bayfield Line Road in Section 15, Township 48N, Range 9W on a public highway maintainable the Town of Oulu reqf1ired replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81-38 of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu is providing for such portion of the cost of construction as required by Statute. November 1. 1984 The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Oulu was .$47,119.547 Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this'petition to Your honorable body for County Aid for one-half f the Cost to said Town of Oulu in the amount of $23,559.77, all in accordance with Section 81�38 of the sconsin Statutes. ed by Town Board, Town of Oulu . 12b the Honorable County Board of Supervisors field County, Wisconsin bers: is petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your ble body that: The bridge on the Kaukamo Rd. in Section 11, Township 48N, Range 9W on a public highway maintainable y the Town of Oulu required replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81,"38 of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu is providing for such portion of the cost of construction, as required by Statute. The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Oulu was $23,740-97. Whdj�bfore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half f the cost t6 said Town of Oulu in the amount of $11,870.49 all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the sconsin Statutes. igned: Town Board, Town of Oulu Moved by McGillivray and seconded by Beckman to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 12c yes - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval,,Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie ayes - None bsent - Gordon - 18; Nayes - 0; Absent - 1; Total - 19 Motion carried. The following letter and petitions were read: No. 13, 13a, 13b 10- �--i 13 ember 30, 1983 . James Strom �field County Clerk 3hburn, WI 54891 : Bridge Aid, Town of Orienta Jim: s is to inform you that we have inspected the two sites on the Evergreen Road in the Town of Orienta for ch the Town Board is petitioning the County for fifty percent of the cost of replacing the two box verts according to 81-38(l)(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. e find that the construction has been completed professionally and in a workmen like manner in accordance ith 81,38 (1)(2) and have documented the costs incurred to be accurate. ecommendation is made therefore, that the Town-r"of Orienta be reimbursed as follows: ite #1 Site #2 lson Brothers Contractors $3,562.50 Olson Brothers Contractors $3,409.50 own Labor & Materials 467.63 Town Labor & Material 467.62 $4,030-13 $3,877-12 ne half Bridge Aid due Town of Orienta Site #1 $2,015.06 and Site #2 $1,938-56. he petition being submitted by the Town of Orli§_nta will be presented to the County Board as per resolution assed November 10, 1981. incerely, awrence C. Young, Commissioner November 1, 1984 1 11 �Ij No. 13a To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Oritnta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable bodythat: The bridge on Evergreen Road in Section 1, Township 49, Range 9W on a. public highway maintainable by the Town of Oreitna required.replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. The Town of Orienta is providing for such portion of the cost of construction as reqtired by Statute. The total. cost of replacement paid by the Town of Orienta was $3,877-12. Wherefore, Petitioner prays 8,nd.makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the Cost to said Town.of Orienta in the amount of $1,938.56, all in accordance with Section-81-38 of the Wisconsin*Statutes. Signed, Town Board, Town of Orienta No. 13b To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Members: This petition of the Town of Oribnta,.Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your .honorable body that: The bridge on'the Evergreen Road in Section 1, Township 49N, Range 9W, on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Orienta required replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81-38 of the Statutes. The Town of Orienta is providing for such portion of the cost of construction as reqqired by Statutes. The total cost of replacement paid by the Town of Orienta was $4,030-13. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the Cost to said Town of Orienta in the' amount of $2,015.06, all in accordance with Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Town Board, Town of Oriebta I Moved by Diamon and seconded by Wickman to adopt. A roll call.Vote was taken with the following results: No. 13C Ayes - Brown, Erickson, Sneed,, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, 7-acobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Gordon Ayes.- 18; Nayes 0; Absent - 1; Total - 19 Motion carried - The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board at their annual meeting in November, do act on resolutions relating to illegal taxes, omitted taxes and the cancellation of unca'shed checks, and WHEREAS, Because of the early date of this annual meeting this year, the Bayfield County Treasurer will not have these resolutions ready for adoption for this meeting, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board does have the power to designate the authority to take action on these three resolutions to the Bayfield County Executive Committee, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 1st day of November, 1984, hereby delegate to the Executive Committee the power to take action on these three resolutions: November 1, 1984 1. Illegal taxes to be charged back to the towns, cities, and villages; 2. Omitted taxes to be charged back to the towns, cities, and villages; 3. Cancellation of uncashed checks. SIGNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGowan, McGillivray Moved by McGowan and seconded by Erickson to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 1� WHEREAS, Section 85.21*of the Wisconsin Statutes authorizes the Wisconsin Department.of Transportation to,,make grants to the counties of Wisconsin for the -.Purpose of assisting them in providing specialized transportation services to the elderly and the handicapped; and WHEREAS, Each grant must be matched with a local share of not lets then 20% times the amount of the grant; and WHEREAS, This body considers.that the provision of specialized transportation services would improve and promotetti-e.-;maintenance of human dignity and self-sufficiency of the elderly and the handicapped. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on this 1st day of November, 1984, authorizes Louis Stolle, Director of the Bayfield County Unit on Aging to prepare and submit to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Statutes, in conformance with the requirements issued by that Department and also authorizes the obligation of county funds in the amount of $3,400.00 in order to provide the required.match. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County authorizes Louis J. Stolle, Director of the Bayfield County Unit on Aging, to execute a state aid contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation under Section 85.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes on behalf of Bayfield County. SIGNED: Gordon, Brown, Rave, McGillivray. Moved by Rave and seconded by Spears to adopt. I No. 15a Moved by Spears and seconded.by Sneed to table the resolution. Motion carried. . � I After a brief recess itwa:5 moved by Janz and seconded by LaJoie to bring Resolution No. 15 back on e floor. Motion carried. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 15b es - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie es - None bsebt - Gordon s.- 18; Nayes - 0; Absent - 1; TOTAL__�-19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 WH EREAS, The Bayfield'County �-ffergency-..Medical;"S,ervices Council (comprising 10 ambulance services) has as its objective to increase the response capabilities of each service through education, up-to-date equipment purchase, etc., in order to benefit all residents of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, The ability of the ambulance services to respond to emergency medical problems is increased dhen effective and needed educational programs are available, and WHEREAS, The Division of Health, Department of Health and Social Services of Wisconsin has informed the Bayfield County Emergency Medical Services Council that they are eligible to apply for Preventative iealth funds for needed medical education on a 80 - 20 split (Division of Health paying 80 percent of the ,cost of the education and each ambulance service paying 20 percent of the cost of that education) and November 1, 1984 I MR N I ks FA, WHEREAS, The Sheriff's Committee feels it is in the best interests of -the citizens of Bayfield County and surrounding communities, and therefore recommends that the Bayfield County 2mef?.gency Medical Services Council apply'for.this Divisi'on of Health grant, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors agrees to assist the Bayfield County Emergency Medical Services Council in obtaining thi-s grant by agreeing to fund said project until the reimbursement funds from both the Division of Health, Department of Health and Social Servicesland the Bayfield County E.M.S. Council are paid, and be it further RESOLVED, that should the county need to borrow funds to*provide*thi.s education, all interest will be charged to the local ambulance services, and be it further RESOLVED, That all funds expended by the County for this Preventative Health grant will be reimbursed from the State and the ambulance services. SIGNED: LaJoie, Ludzack, Koval, Beckman,.Janes Moved by LaJoie and seconded by,.Wickman to adopt. A roll call vote was taken.with the following results: No.. 16a Ayes - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson,_Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack,.Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Gordon Ayes - 18; Nayes - 0; Absent - 1; Total.- 19 Motion carried. The following letter was read: No. 17 October 16, 1984 Mr. Ed Renoos, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn,*WI 54891 Dear Ed: The term of Lois Albrecht of Bayfield on the NWLS Board of Trustees expires January 1, 1985. Ms. Albrecht has been an active participant on the NWLS Board, a member of the NWLS Executive Committee, and an effective representative of the interests of Bayfield County., Let me recommend that you reqppoint her for another three year term expiring on January 1, 1988. Sincerely, Douglas Baker, Director Northwest Wisconsin Library System P.O.Box 440 Ashland, WI 54806 Moved by Spears and seconded by Wickman to approve the appointm.entt of Lois Albrecht to the NWLS Board of Trustees. Motion carried. The following letter was read: No. 18 September 18, 1984 Executive Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, WI 54891 Dear Members:. We submit our proposal to audit the Bayfield County records and bo * oks of account for the year ending December 31, 1984. It is estimated that the cost of this audit will not -exceed $10,000-00. In addition to the foregoing, an estimate of $1,000.00 is made for the 1984 annual State report. This audit fee quoted is the same as the 1983 audit cost. Should additional serveies be requested by the Bayfield County Executive Committee dr.the Bayfield County Officials, financial arrangements will be agreed upon at that time. Also, we will provide every member of the County Board with a copy of the complete audit. The audit will include all funds maintained by the Bayfield County Clerk and Treasurer, as in previous examination of Bayfield County,.and will be completed by September 1, 1985-. Very truly yours, John H. Maitland Maitland & Co., S.C. Certified Public Accountants Washburn, WI 54891 IN Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to adopt the proposal. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 18a Ayes - Brown, Eeickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes,.Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Gordon Ayes - 18; Nayes - 0; Absent - 1; Total - 19 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has in the past been a member of the Wisconsin County Boards Association, WHEREAS, It is deemed to be in the best interest of Bayfield County to continue said membership, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Bayfield County continues membership in the Wisconsin County Boards Association, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be instructed to pay to the Wisconsin County Boards Association the membership fees and magazine dues amounting to $2,038.15. GNED : Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGowan, McGillivray Moved by LaJdie and seconded by Snbedato'adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 19a yes - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie ayes None bsent Gordon - 18; Nayes Absent - 1; Total - 19 Motion carried. No. 20 Renoos,--, stated that he had a letter from the National Association of Counties questioning if Bayfield ty wished to have a membership in.the association. A one year membership cost $265.00. Moved by Beckman and seconded by Koval to join the National Association of Counties for one year for fee of $265-00. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 20a es - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, LaJoie ayes - McGowan, Spears bseht - Gordon s - 16; Nayes - 2; Absent - 1; Total - 19 Motion carried. The follo�xing resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, The several committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors are required, in the conduct )f business of said Bayfield County, to hold and conduct committee meetings in excess of the number permitted )y Statute, and WHEREAS, By action of the County Board, the number of meetings of said committees beyond Statutory limit y be extended, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the several committees of the §aid Bayfield County Board of Supervisors be and they are reby authorized to hold such meetings during the year 1955 asafhay be necessary to the proper conduct the business of said Bayfield:County. GNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGowan, McGillivray -0 6--'�� M Moved by Seidel and seconded by Jacobson-to.adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS,. I t may be necessary to make short term loans.in-order to meet payrolls and other obligations ,including current and ordinary expenses within the next year, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled this. 1st day of November, i984, that the Chairman of the County of Bayfield, the'County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in the amount not exceeding $50,000.00 in th.e,aggregate, if, in their opinion, it should be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. SIGNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGowan, McGillivray. Moved by Janz and seconded by Wickman to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, It appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1983, Tax of 1979, therefore be it hereby RESOLVED�, That the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directeJli- to take tax .deeds on the Sale of 1980, Tax of,1979 by the IN REM procedure under Sec-.75.521, Wisconsin Statutes. SIGNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, MdGowna, McGillivray Moved by Spears and seconded by LaJoie to adopt. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF COUNTY, CITY, VILLAGE, TOWN OR SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEYS RESOLVED, That the following banking institutions: All banks in Bayfield County & Northland Savings and Loan, qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be andeare hereby designated, until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys coming into the hands of the'treasurer of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. RESOLVED, FURTHER,. That withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named depositories shall be only by order check as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wisconsin Statutes*; that in accordance therewith all order checks.shall be signed by the following persons.: James C. Strom, Clerk, Daniel R. .Anderson, Treasurer, and countersigned by Edwin Renoos County Board Chairman, and shall be so honored. RESOLVED FURTHER, That in lieu of their personal signatures the following facsimile signatures which have been adopted by them as bblow shown (Signature stamp appears here�,may be affixed on such order checks that any one of the above named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing.such facsimile notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of thedesignated person or persons. FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories and said depositories may rely on this resolution until changed by lawful resolttlon and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective above named depositories. Moved by Spears and seconded by Seidel to adopt. Motion carried. A 41, - ., November 1. 1984 No. 25 Moved by Seidel.and seconded by McGowan to adjourn as a county board and reconvene as a committee of the whole to hold a public hearing on the 1985 budget. Motion carried. The 1984 budget:was discussed at this time. It was explained that there was a shortage in the 1984 budget as an error wa!s made in the Sherif f I s budget..in the amount of $93, 000 and because the previous year a resolution was passed stating that each employee shall take one day off pe r month without pay, this amounted to approximately $87,000 which was deducted from last year's budget. This resolution was recently rescinded. The clerk informed the board that these two shortages can be covered by the funds received from the Pureair Sanatorium sale. As no one was present for the public hearing, a motion was made by Seidel and seconded by LaJoie to adjourn as a committee of the whole and reconvene as a county board. Motion carried. No. 26 After some more discussion on the 1984 budget, a motion was,made by McGowan and seconded by Sneed to authorize the addition of funds to the 1984 budget to cover.the $93,000 error in the Sheriffs budget and the $87,000 salary adjustement out of surplus cash. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 26a Ayes - Brown, Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes None Absent Gordon Ayes - 18; Nayes - 0; Absent 1; Total - 19 Motion carried by 2/3 vote. The following report was read: No. 27 STATE OFMISCONSIN ss. COUNTY OF,-'BAYFIELD Pursuant to Section 59.47(5) of the Wisconsin Statutes William D. Bussey, being duly sworn, states that he has been the District Attorney for Bayfield County during the period from November 8, 1988, to the date of this affidavit; that during said period no money was received by his office for fines, recognizances, forfeitures, penalties or costs; that any such payments resulting from matters in which he was involved were made direct to the Clerk of Court for Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Signed; William D. Bussey Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of October, 1984 Linda M. Dennis, Notary Public My commission expires April 13, 1986 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Brown to receive the report and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 28 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors acting in regular session on February 7, 1984, adopted Resolution No. 8. Said resolution authorized the Forestry Committee to "negotiate and conclude" a land trade with Nekoosa Papers, Inc., anc .WHEREAS, Said land trade was concluded and is now a matter of public record, and WHEREAS, Said land trade was to improve blocking within the established County Forest boundaries. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting this day of November 1, 1984, do authorize and direct the Bayfield County Forestry Committee to make application for the November 1, 1984 entry of the twelve (12) descriptions listed below under County Forest Law S.S. 28.11, NENW,.SENW, NESW, NENE, SENE - all in Section 16, Township 43 North, Range 9 West NENW, NWNW, SESW, SWSE - all'in See. 15zi- Township 43 North, Range 9 West NENE, Section 15T Township 51 North, Range 4 West NENW, Section 8, Township 43 North, Range 9 West NWNW, Section 10 Township 49 North, Range 7 West Signed: Seidel, Diamon, Jacobson, Ludzack, LaJoie Moved by Diamon and seconded by Wtbkhan to adopt. Motion carried. The following relocation order was read: No. 29 RELOCATION ORDER STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES PROJECT 8160-1-21 NAME OF ROAD:' Bayfield-C.T.H. 11K11 Road HIGHWAY: STH 13 COUNTY: Bayfield F 0100(12) RIGHT OF WAY PLAT DATE: August 10, 1984 PLAT SHEET NUMBER: 4.0 thru 4.12 DATE OF PREVIOUS ORDER: June 14,1 DESCRIPTION OF TERMINI OF PROJECT: Beginning at a,point approximately 1,794 feet south and 1,100.54 feet west of the north one -quarter corner of Section 13, Township 50 North, Range 4 West; thence northeasterly and northwesterly to a point approsimately 404.07 feet south and 568.94 feetwest of the northeast corner of Section 26, Township -51 North, Range 4 West. To properly establish, lay out, widen,.enlarge, extend, construct, reconstruct, improve or maintain a portion the highway designated above, it is necessary to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Stattites, the Department of Transportation hereby orders that: 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the plat. 2. The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the Division of Highways and Transportation Facilities, in +Kename of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.090) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. 3. This order supersedes and.amends ang previous order issued by the Department. SIGNED: J. L. Fiedler DATE: October 12, 1984 Moved by Seidel and seconded by Brown to receive and place on file. Motion carried. NO. 30 Renoos informed the board 'it this time that he would like to reappoint Gladys Heppard to the Bayfield Housing Authority. Moved by Janz and seconded by Koval to approve the appointment. Motion carried. The following letter was read: -No. 31 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors c/o Executive Committee Courthouse Washburn, WI 54891 3entlemen: The Board_�of Directors of the Bayfield County Historical Society requests an appropriation of $2,800.00 to cover the following 1984-1985 fiscal year costs: 1. Produce two slide shows which would include: "A tour of Bayfield County's buildings and places of �iistorical significance" and a historical slide show of the Bayfield �irea­ --- estimated cost $600.00. .00 2. Enlarge the existing slide shows which would include the history of the following areas: Western Bayfiel County, Cable, Washburn, and the Drummond C ommunity ----- estimated cost $1,000.00 3. Purchase of tape recorder, slide projector and screen ------ estimated cost $1,000.00 Attached are copies of the 1983-84 financial report and the proposed budget for the 1984-85 fiscal year. The Bayfield County Historical Society represents five chapters which are located in practically every part of Bayfield County. The chapters are located in the Bayfield, Washburn, Iron River, Drummond and Cable areas of Bayfield County. The Bayfield, Drummond and Iron River chapers have operating museums. The Board of Directors of the Bayfield County Historical Society believes that the proposed appropriation would help to activate programs that would increase the interest of citizens and visitors in the area's history and improve the economic future of Bayfield County's Recreation Industry. Respectfully submitted BAYFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Harry J. Lowe, Treasurer This matter was tabled until the 1985 budget was discussed. No. 82 Moved by LaJoie and seconded by McGowan to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The board reconvened at 1:00 p.m. with the following members answering roll call: No. 33 Present - Erickson, Sneed, Beckman,.MeGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Absent - Brown, Gordon Present - 17; Absent - 2; Total - 19 No. 34 Renoos informed the board he wished to appoint William Rave to the Unit on Aging. It was moved by Sneed and seconded by Wickman to approve the appointment. Motion carried. No. 35 The 1985 budget-�was then discussed. Each item was gone through line by line. The request of the Historical Society in the amount of $2,800 was again discussed. Presently an amount of $500 was in the budget for the Society. No changes were made in the Historical Society budget. - The following changes were made: $1,,000.00 was taken out of Snowmobile Trails and Constru Outlay, $8,000 was taken out of County Extension Agent.Outlay as this amount was out to $4,000.00 and wds-alrbady placed in the Fair Outlay account, and $5,900 was cut from Conservation Outlay.. After some.di3cussion, it was moved by Seidel and seconded by Rave to approve the 1985 budget as amended. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 35a Ayes Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, MdGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, MCgowan, Seidel, Wickman, Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes None Absent - Brown, Gordon Ayes - 17; Nayes - 0; Absent - 2; Total - 19 Motion carried. The following is the revised 1985 budget for Bayfield County: BAYFIELD COUNTY PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1985 TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARDF)OF SUPERVISORS: The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors submits this proposed county budget for the y.ear.1985, together with a report of operation. VALUATION The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has recommended a total county valuation for all real and personal property of $456,234,930.00 and does not includethe tax incremental district in the City of Washburn. The recommended value was approved by the_County Board on September 25, 1984, and all 1984 county and state taxes will be apportioned accordingly, The equalized valuation of.the county shows an increase over the 1983 valuation of $3,638,530 or .10%. In 1983 the increase was .008%. COUNTY TAX AND TAX LEVY LIMIT Section 1188 of the Laws -of 1983, Act 27 -of August 27, eliminated the tax levy limit which, had been imposed on all counties. The 1984 county tax levy was,$1,384,081.44. The levy as proposed by the Executive Committee is $1,626,870-54., No amounts have been included in any budget, except the Social Services and Highway budgets for salary increases for 1985. The Social Services budget, for state reporting purposes, has a 6% increase for salaries for 1984. .-,There is an amount of $75,000.00 in the contingency fund which may take care of any other salary increases and other contingencies. The committee has included in the 1985 budget, in the revenue section, an amount of $235,000.00 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. There is an.amount of $93,900.00 listed as surplus cash. This cash is from the sale of the Pureair Sanatorium and will offset the outlay cost of $93,'900 for the purchase of the county computer. These levy figures are somewhat misleading, in that there should have been a figure of approximately 1$84,000.00. in the levy for the one day per month per employee lay-off without pay, which was retracted by the county board. Thene also should have been a figure of $93,900.00 more in the'Sheriff's budget due to Ian error in computing the 1984 budget. When these figures are added to the 1984 levy, it gives an adjusted figure of $1,561,081.44. -The proposed levy for 1985 then shows an increase over last year's levy of $65,789.10. However, the effect on the levy will show as an increase of $242,789.10. The final budget as adjusted by the Executive Committee shows expendittires of $4,392,684-03 and revenues lof $2,671,913.49 and gives a tax levy of $1,626,870.54�� IREVENUE SHARING FUNDS The local tax affort (county levy) is an important factor used by the federal and state agencies in icalculating the amount of Revenue Sharing Funds and State Shared Taxes. Because the county,board has been Ivery conservative in the earlY�70's we have been suffering from decreased revenues from these two sources. tunately, this year, the Revenue Sharing has increased from $200,000 last year to $235,000.00 this year. PAYMENTS IN -LIEU OF TAXES Bayfield County has received monies for payment in -lieu of taxes on Federal Forest Lands. Bayfield .y will no longer be allowed'to keep any of these monies, and it is not -determined as yet if the county receive these monies or if they will be given directly to the town. Last year, we had a total of $23,138.50 retained by the county from these payments in -lieu of taxes. year, there is no money in the budget for this. YFIELD COUNTY JAIL. The new Bayfield County Jail, which was occupied in April of 1982, has been filled to capacity most the time. JL 0 November 1, 1984 NORTHERN LIGHTS MANOR REST 'HOME The new Northern Lights Manor Rest Home has now been in use for approximately 412 years. There is now a total of 85 patients in the rest home. There was, at one time during the past year, a total of 86 patients in the rest home. HIGHWAYS The amount of $335,029.00 in Highway Outlay only represents the amount included in the county tax levy; other highway expenditures are not reflected in this budget. It does not include $48,358.88 county aid for bridges, as this is a separate item in the county budget. AUDIT The 1983 audit report by Maitland & Company, S.C., has again beenncomplbted on schedule. Copies are available for inspection at the office of the county clerk or from members of the county board. The assistance of Mr. Maitland and his staff continues to be a great asset to Bayfield County, as his services are available throughout the year to all the various county departments. The Executive Committee recommends approval of the following budget for 1985. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Karl Ludzack, Chairman; Josephine McGowan, Vice -Chairman;' Carolyn Sneed; Russell McGillivray; Harold Wickman cct. No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1111 County Board 1211 Circuit Court 1211.1 Court Intake Worker 1212.1 Probate Reg. & Reg. in Probate 1221 Family Court Commissioner 1261 Coroner 14,10 County Clerk 1412 Elections 1423 Labor Negotiator 1521 Assessment of Property 1540 County Treasurer . 1561 Special Accounting 1610 District Attorney 1621 Legal Counsel Cost Alloc. Plan 1710 Register of Deeds 1810 Courthouse Actual Exp.--'& -198,4 Exp. & Revenues — Proposed Revenues 1983 iApprop. thru Sept. 1984 198-5 26,791.86 102,820.14 26,396.17 2,668-39 5,490-50 5,396.17 101,868-74 2,197.24 8,056.22 22,219.96 55,070.24 10,500-00 60,846-05 1911 Tax Deed Expense 1912 Repairs to Tax Deed Prop. 1931 Maps & Plats 1941 Propq.- & Liab. Insurance 1962 Workmen's Compensation 1963 Retirement Fund (Co.-I's-Share 1964 Soc. Sec. (Co.!s Share) 1965 Health Ins. (Co.'s Share) 1966 Life Ins. (Co.'s Share) 1967 Employee Longevity Pay 33,576-52 23,925-52 111,624.42 76,671-91 26,426.25 20,488.99 3,016-38 6,106-39 6,350-00 104,970-76 15,300-00 7,000-00 22,590.89 57,935-35 10,750-00 61,911.19 3,600.00 3,600.00 69,993.40, 74,607-52 79,019-72 134,541.51 10,848.60 12,281-39 .00 .00 25-00 16,000.00 62,227-07 36,766.00 2,722.90 26,943-00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL $653,312-57 $772,297-57 2,234.69 4,519-36 2,170.94 79,599-71 8,729-76 7,249-78 13,194.82 43,444-05 11,000.00 47,912-59 3,600.00 58,639-59 102,427-38 7,901.23 .00 .00 8,847-15 38,199.89 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 $543,063.06 33,796.00 119,408.22 28,533-00 2,990.81 6,284.00 6,350-00 108,991.00 2,340.00 7,000-00 39,953.69 62,335-00 11,000.00 65,458.00 3,600.00 79,393.40 180,395-50 12,376-76 .00 250-00 37,000-00 27,000-00 .00 .00 .00 .00 nr) $834,455-38 Revised PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 2110 Sheriff -Federal Rev. Sharing 200,000.00 235,000-00(l) Sheriff -Other 454,403.89 152,871.45 352,593-36 221,809.02 2131 Criminal Investigation .00 .00 .00 600.00 2141 Education & Comm. Relations 300-00 .00 .00 .00 2133 Wilderness Search & Rescue .00 100.00 .00 Incl.4in.,Emerg. Gvt. Budget 2260 Red Cliff Law Enforcement .00 .00 .00 .00 2421 Fire Suppression .00 .00 .00 .00 2611 Emergency Government 24,511-05 23,342.62 40,063.08 26,310.88 2711 Jail 53,803-50 29,106.94 30,529.60 26,766.40 TOTAL $533,018.44 $405,421.01 $423,186.04 $510,486-30 November 1, 1984 Acct. Actual Exp. & No. HEALTH & SOC. SERVICES Revenues 1983 531:10 General.Health 61,734-75 53109 R.S.V'.P., .00 53131 Home Nursing Program 84,173-72 53230 State General Hospital 15.00 or. 53251 Home & Infirmary. .00 53381 51.42/437 Board �419,660.45 53380 Emergency Energy Grants 17,058-70 *153383 Emergency Energy Admn. 8,867-30 53611 Social Services 336,107.23 "53611.02 Youth Aids 34,109,21 53612 Child Support Agency 31,093-77 "53613 Burial 49.30 2,465-00 53621 Resident Indigent Relief 17,951-77 53622 Transient Poor -Relief .00 * 53623 Indo China Relief .00 * 53624 Cuban-Haitan Relief .00� 53680 Transportation to Elderly 13,369.01 53681 Nutrition Prgram Elderly 9 4,572 .42 53682 Supportive Home'Care .22PO88.10 "53685 Home Delivered Meals 6,567-03 "53687 Service Prog. (State Sen. Center) 4,266.92 53691 Bayfield Co. Unit on Aging 1,404.69 qj-'"53710 Aid to Families with Dependent Children - 1 14,051-32 53711 Aid to Families with Dependent Children 1,500-00 .*153712 Aid to Families with Foster 1984 Exp. & Revenues Proposed Approp. thru Se t. 1984 1985 52,276-37 47,120-72 50,093.89 .00 .00 .00 105,347-31 94,346-73 124,299.10.. 42-50 or. 42.50 or. 10.00 or. .00 .00 .00 505,879-97 346,238-70 492,376.00 17,000-00 10,083.04 17,000-00 10,000.00 4,343-12 20,000.00 369,926.99 258,479.44 416,042.00 81,961.91 )(27,9,48.01 83,059-00 33,896.80 24,172.4o 36,384.00 5,000.00 1,060.00 5,0010.00 13,500-00 8,742.13 13,500-00 2,000.00 3,796-70 2,000.00 5,000-00 .00 2,500.00 1,000.00 - .00 1,000.00 20,300-00 8,166.91 21,450.00 1 17,626.00 68,621.99 112,785.00 29,610.86 21,353.44 36,946.00 6,672.00 6,200-97 7,072.00. 5,153-00 3,163.64 5,653-00 1,350-00 1,195.41 1,450-00 9,822.00 7,458-33 19,400.00 6,000.00 185-00 3,000-00 Children 59,049.23 39,815-00 2612 Veterans Relief 435.22 . 600.00 3821 Veterans Service Officer 49,126-54 48,856-57 3841 Care of Veterans Graves 13-00 300-00 TOTAL $1,279,650-38 $1,488,852.28 37,620.24 376.40 36,875.83 .00 $1,017,506.65 38,000.00 600.00 53,228.43 300-00 $1,563,128.42 PUBLIC WORKS 54550 Public Transportation 5,000-00, 4,192.00 .1 792.00 4,974.81 TOTAL $5,000-00 $4,192.00 $1,792.00 $4,974.81 EDUCATION & RECREATION 55111 County Library & Bookmobile 15,236.40 15,744.00 15,744.00 16,806.00 55131 Historical Society 500-00 500-00 500-00 500-00 55141 Fairs & Exhibits 22,853-77 28,155-00 32,563-57 27,850.00 55181 Co. Contrib. for Conventions .00 500-00, 00 500-00 **55321 Snowmo. Trails & Areas 22,322.29 �9,602.00 14,225-50 29,595-00 TOTAL $60,912.46 $74,501.00 $63,033-07 $75,251-00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 56111 County Forestry 113,953-18 129,107-19 --81,569-05 138,861.16 6121 Co. F orestry State Aid 17,613.41 16,613.65 16,6'13.161 16,613.65 06350 Co. Extension Agent 89,331.49 91,823.61 67,'605-73 loo,430-72 56360 Recreation 44,129.00 46,792-35 38,233-03 50,306.45 6 11 Regional Planning Comm. 8,133-00 8,113-00 8,113-00 8,282.00 56431 Zoning 98,206-79 98,951.96 77,005-90 99,478.41 6435 Land Cons. Committee .00 1,200.00 658.20 1,200.00 56432 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment 1,572.91 2,100.00 1,822-72 2,100.00 56433 Payment of,Municipalities on Land Withheld from Sale .00 1,968.00 .00 1,968.00 TOTAL $372,939-78 $396,179-76 $291,621.24 $419,240-39 Revised November 1, 1984 Actual Exp. & 1984 Exp. & Revenues Proposed No. INDEBTEDNESS Revenues 1983 Approp. thru Sept. 1984 1985 Revised 59111 Principal.on Bonds 125,000.00 135,000-00 135,000-00 145,000-00 59211 Interest on Bonds (Hosptl) 23,760.00 21,450-00 21,450-00 18,810.00 59212 Interest on Bonds (Rest Home)� 102,212-50 98,812.50 98,812-50 95,072-50 59213 Interest on Jail Bond 75�145-00 71,885-00 71,885-00 68,421.25 59451 Bank Service Charge 244.40 242.90 242.90 266.10 TOTAL $326,361.90 $327,390.40 $327,390.40 $327,569.85 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $3,�31,195-53 $3,468,834.02 $2,667,592-46 $3,735,106.15 GENERAL GOVERNMENT -OUTLAY 51211 Circuit Court .00 .21680.00 1,517-00 11,970-00 51211.1 Court Intake Worker .00 .00 .00 .00 1212.1 Register in Probate. .00 .00 .00 .00 61410 County Clerk 1,o4q.00 800.00 .00 800.00 61540 County Treasurer 1,650.67 500-00 472.95 320.00 1610 District Attorney .00 .00 .00 1,500-00 61710 Register of Deeds .00 .00 .00 50.00 61810 Courthouse .00 28,200.00 7,219.80 93,900-00 3821 Veterans Service .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL $2,699.67 $32,180.00 $9,209-75 $108,540.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY-OUTLAYO 62110 Sheriff 65,273-53 41,720.00 37,405.88 45,820.00 62611 Emergency Government .00 325.00* .00 400.00 62711 Jail .00 500-00 5,487-00 250-00 TOTAL $65,273-53 $42,545-00 $42,892.88 $46,470-00 HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES -OUTLAY 63110 County Nurse 492.88 .00 .00 500-00 63611 Soc. Services Admn.' 1,745-50 1,000.00 376.80 1,000.00 63612 Child Support Agency 953-00 .00 .00 250-00 63682 Supportive Home Care .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL $3,191-38 $1,000.00 $376.80 $ 1,750-00 PUBLIC WORKS -OUTLAY 64550 Public Transportation .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 EDUCATION & RECREATION -OUTLAY 65321 Snowmo. Trails & Constr. .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 65411 County Parks 500-00 500-00 4,317.86 5 . 100.00 65141 Fairs & Exhibits .00 5,093.20 .00 4,000.00 TOTALS $500-00 $5,593.20 $4,317.86 $10,100.00 $9,100.00 CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT -OUTLAY 66111 Forestry 4,836-70 .00 .00 1,800.00 66121 Forestry State Aid .00 .00 00 .00 66211 Rivers 3,000-00 7,530-00 .00 **66211.01 Forest Regineration ORAP 8,458.00 8,372.00 5,405.00 8,300-00 66350 County Extension Agent .00 1,600.00 1,395-00 8,000.00 .00 66435 Land Conservation Comm. .00 .00 .00 .00 66360 Conservation .00 .00 .00 5,900-00 .00 66431 Zoning .00 1,574.6o 851-10 800.00 64241 Co. Aid Bridge Constr. 61,303.82 46,319-38 46,119-38 48,358.88 TOTAL $77,598-52 $65,395.98 $53,770.48 $80,688.88 $ 66,788.88 TOTAL OUTLAY $149,263-10 $146,714.18 $110,567-77 $247,548.88 $2320648.88 HIGHWAY 64211 Rd. Constr. of C.T.H.S. 145,303-78 258,682.69 .00 335,029.00 64213 Machinery .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL $145,303-78 $258,682.69 $.00 $335,029.00- November 1, 1984 ect. No. GENERAL REVENUES Actual Exp. & Revenues 1983 41151 Forest Crop Tax Dist. 8,348-03 41161 Land Transfer Tax 8,814-05 41490 Interest -Land Contract 12,646-30 41491 Interest on Taxes 137,796-58 Gas & Oil Leases .00 42111 Federal Revenue Sharing 151,800.00 42112 Fed. Anti -Recession (If -it.) .00 42211 Shared Taxes from State 42211.1 Supplemental Shared Tax from State 121,175-91 42261 State Aid-Manuf­. Mach. & Equip. .00 42361 `­�,_,,Fed. Aid -Nutrition Program 66,178.80 **422,63 Fed. Aid-Supp. Home Care 18,099.00 **42365 State Aid -Transportation 17,302-79 **42366 Home Delivered.Meals 6,472.00 **42367 Service Program (State Sen. Center) 3,044-93 42542 National Forest Income 92,554.00 42544 Sale of Staff Cars .00 42614 State Aid -Family Court Comm. .00 **42624 Red Cliff Law Enforcement .00 42625 State Aid-Emerg. Government 11,779.24 42627 State Aid-Educ. & Comm. Relations 225.00 42713 State Aid for E.P.S.D.T. 4,262.20 2714 Blood Pressure Donations 2,592-37 42716 WIc Reimbursement 1,152.62 42613 Court Intake .00 42761 Soc. Serv. Rev. Acct. 305,512.00 42761.01 State Aid Soc.Serv. Outlay .00 **42761.02 Youth Aids .00 42762 Economic Asst. Contract 139,680.40 **42762.01 A.F.D.C.-F.-NLRR 9,178.48 42763 A.F.D.C.-Sea Emergency .00 **42762.02 A.D.C.-I. 1.,340.00 State Aid for Co. Child Support 32,141.42 42769 Resident Indigent Rdlief 41o.69 **4276.6 Buriall 49.30 2,465-00 **42767 IndoChina Relief .00 **42768 Cuban Haitan Relief .00 2781 State,"Aid-Vets Serv.Officer 3,000-00 2781.01 Vets Serv. Officer Rdimb. 1,356.00 42832 State Aid -Fairs 3,989.46 42843 St. Aid-Snowmo. Trails Constr. .00 **42845 St. Aid -Maintenance of Snowmobile Trails 26,925.26 1984 E,�,--Exp'�',: &eRevenues Proposed Approp. thru Sept. 1984 1985 .00 10,753.82 .00 5,600.00 6,222-71 7,500-00 21,000.00 17,549.26 20,000.00 75,000-00 98,103-32 85,000-00 .00 .00 22,697-31 200,000.00 200,000.00 235,000-00 .00 .00 .00 99,200.00 116,753-00 47,058.66 .00 .00 .00 .00 84,626.00 49,218.94 72,685.00 29,196.00 16,735.98 23,746.00 20,300.0 0 16,879-00 18,050-00 6,672.00 7,706.00 7,072.00 5,153-00 357.67 5,153-00 23,138-50 .00 10,700-00 .00 .0 0 3,000-00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,698-70 22,749.83 10,959-19 .00 105-00 .00 �2,471-30 2,837-78 2,854.92 2,870-53 1,927-05 2,881-56 1,080.00 720.00 1,080.00 .00, .00 .00 348,505-00 237,176.83 377,291.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 81,263-00 .00 83,059-00 .00 149,542.84 .00 39,815-00 11,863-55 38,000.00 6,000.00 .00 6,000.00 9,822.00 268.00 19,400.00 40,375-00 20,488.63 43,850-00 .1,500-00 .00 1,500-00 5,000-00 ..00 5,000-00 5,000-00 .00 2,500-00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 �,000.00 3,000-00 3,000-00 1,500-00 1,053-00 1,400.00 4,200.00 .00 40200.00 .00 .00 .00 29,602.00 42871 State Aid -Forestry 16,614-58 16,613.65 42876 State Aid -Co. Conservation .00 5,647-50 4*42881 Emerg. Energy Grants .00 17,000-00 2883 Emerg. Engery Admn. .00, 10,000.00 **42885 Forest Regeneration O.R.A.P. .00 8,372.00 43511 Zoning Fees & Permits 14,087.65 17,000-00 43611 Co. Ord.- & Forfeitures & Defaults 18,291.10 20,000.00 13631 Penal Fines for County 24,169.49 34,000.00 14111 Co. Clerk's Fees 585.00 2,000.00 44131 Circu it Court Fees & Costs 24,829-37 25,000-00 44141 Reg. of Deeds Foes 32,144-72 28,000.00 44311 Home Nursing Service 87,140.66 100,203.42 4314 Equip. Rental -Co. Nurse 923.25 867.85 4315 Pai�tic. Contrib. Nutrition 31,323.05 33,000-00 4316 Support. Home Care Donations .00 .00 TOTAL $1,440,351.40 $1,498,845.45 29,548.00 29,595-00 16,614-58 16,613.65 .00 5,647-50 .00 17,000-00 .00 15,843-000 .00 8,300-00 13,756.69 20,000.00 REVISED 12,653.25 20,000.00 18,583-38 349000.00 365.00 2,000.00 18,517-18 25,000-00 26,74-5-59 41,000.00 82,5o4-31 156,460.08 1,550-00 2,029.68 20,966-95 33,000-00 .00 1,200.00 $1,163,492.80 $1,642,467.89 1) 1 b 12 z i—I js 11 November 1, 1984 cct. Actual Exp. & No. COMMERCIAL REVENUES Revenues 1983 2541 Fed. Aid -Forest Patrol 2765 Unified Services Board 4151 Sale of Maps & Plats 4513 County Fiar 4322 Home & Infirmary 4551 County Parks 5621 St. Aid -Advertising 8111 Interest on Investment 8112 Interest on Jail Bond 8211 Office Space 8291 General Hospital Lease 8292 Gen. Hosp. Rest Home Lease -A 8292.01 Gen. Hosp. Rest Home Lease-B 8611 Sale of Co. Property 8631 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 8641 Sale of Wood (C.F.L.) 8651 Sale of Wood (other co. lands) TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAX Flow through account Total Maintenance Total Outlay -Other than Highway Contingency Highway Outlay GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES Less: Receipts Other than Property Tax Less: Surplus Cash Applied Less: Bond Monies 2,150-00 411 996.61 3,456-79 8,441-17 .00 5,031.44 .00 123,289-78 686.45 4,740.00 49,200.00 143,488.90 27,963.69 .00 44,334.92 187,899-70 1984 Approp. 4,000.00 417,056.00 2,000.00 18,569.00 .00 5,000-00 .00 130,000-00 .00 3,420.00 61 450-00 153,812.00 29,241 .00 .00 60,000.00 155,000-00 3,259-91 5,000-00 $1,015,939-36 $1,044,548.00 Exp. & Revenues thru Sept. 1984 4,330-00 351?036.26 1,667-34 13,240.67 .00 3,711.43 .00 121,323-32 .00 2,575-00 40,500-00 110,936.44 19,660.86 .00 17,196.27 75,890-31 Proposed 1985 4,000.00 401,227-00 2,000.00 11,700-00 .00 5,000-00 .00 140,000.00 .00 3,420.00 58,910.00 155,188.60 28,000.00 .00 60,000.00 155,000-00 6,845-31 5,000-00 $768,913.21 $1,029,445.6o $2,456,290-76 $2,543,393.45 $1,932,406.01 $2,671,913.49 SUMMARY 3,231�,195-53�--..3:�,468,834.02 149,263-10 146,714.18 38,740.47 75,000-00 145,303-78 258,682.69 $3,564,502.88 $3,949,230.89 $2,456,290-76 $2,543,393.45 $21,756.00 .00 2,667,592.46 3,735,106.15 110,567-77 247,548.88 15,126.00 75,000-00 .00 335,029.00 $2,793,286.23 $4,392,684-03 $1,932,406.01 $2,671,913-49 $93,900-00 .00 REVISED 232,648.88 $4,377,784-03 COUNTY TAX LEVY $1,384$081.44 $1,626,870-54 $1,611,970-54 No. 36_ Moved by LaJoie and seconded by Sneed to approve placing the $235,000 in Revenue Sharing Funds into e Sheriff's budget. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No.37 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual ession this 1st day of November, 1984, that there be and is hereby levied against all taxable property in Bayfield County the following item to wit State Tax for Forest Purposes under Sec. 70.58(2) $91,593-00 For all other items of the budget the sum of $1,611,970-54 IGNED: Ludzack, Sneed, Wickman, McGowan, McGillivray Moved by LaJoie and seconded by Sneed to adopt. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: No. 37a Ayes - Erickson, Sneed, Beckman, McGillivray, Diamon, Jacobson, Janz, Janes, Rave, McGowan, Seidel, Wickman Koval, Ludzack, Renoos, Spears, LaJoie Nayes - None Absent - Brown, Gordon Ayes - 17; Nayes - 0; Absent - 2; Total - 19 Motion carried., November 1, 1984 No. 38 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Diamon to adjourn. Motion carried. Edwin Renoos, Co. Bd. Chairman sC. Strom, Bayfield County Clerk 0