HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/14/20211 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 2:00pm, September 14, 2021 Meeting was held Remotely through Microsoft Teams and in person in the Bayfield County Board Room, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Jeff Silbert, Dennis Pocernich, Fred Strand, Mary Dougherty Members Excused: Larry Fickbohm Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resources Director, Elizabeth Skulan-Human Services Director, Stephanie Eder-DHS Financial Manager, Judge John Anderson, Marty Milanowski, Jim Crandall, Paul Johanik-Highway Commissioner, Bob Anderson-Highway Superintendent, Charly Ray, Kim Mattson, Lynn Divine, Scott Galetka-Land Records Administrator, Sheriff Paul Susienka, Jeremy Oswald, Gail Reha-Bookkeeper Meeting Called to Order at 2:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Approval of Minutes of September 9, 2021: Minutes postponed until the next meeting. Budget Amendment Work Sheet / Process: A budget changes worksheet is kept throughout the budget meetings and then the list is reviewed for final action at the final budget meeting. The 3 largest departments, which make up over 80% of the total budget, will make presentations at this meeting. Budget Review: a. Human Services, page 316: Elizabeth Skulan reviewed the proposed 2022 budget. The proposed budget reflects approximately a $400,000 decrease. This is related to the CCS program. 0% levy increase. Also receiving ARPA funding to increase the meal delivery routes from 2 to 5 and to add an Aging Services Specialist position. A number of senior staff retired in 2021, which will result in a nearly flat budget for wages and benefits because the inflation is offset by lower starting wages for new staff. The risk reserve fund currently has $430,000 balance. Currently in need of 2 Social Workers. b. Highway, page 348: Paul Johanik reviewed that CTH M, 10.9 miles is being completed at this time. In 2022, CTH J will be completed in addition to CTH I. Machinery budget was increased by about $15,000 due to cost of equipment. Continuing to take on work for the state and townships as requested. Average 8.5- 9 miles of reconstruction per year will maintain the 20-year schedule. CTH N, a consultant has been hired to design. Temporary overlays are being placed on the 3 2 gravel patches currently on CTH N by Pigeon Lake. Anticipated funding for CTH N in 2023. Anticipating reduced hours for mechanical work and possibly moving a patrolman to a combined position. c. Sheriff, page 167: Sheriff Susienka discussed the department’s request for 2 FT Jailers and 1 FT Deputy. Jail remodel has been a phenomenal improvement. Abeles-Allison explained that the recommendation includes replacing 2 PT positions with one FT position and the maintaining one male and one female PT position to allow for scheduling flexibility. Susienka explained that the addition of a Deputy would provide for 3 officers on each shift. Sheriff’s office list of Capital Improvements was reviewed. The committee discussed that WISCOM radios were purchased in 2021. Employees in the Highway Department report significantly improved communications and safety related to the new radios. Personnel Review, page 36: The proposed Health insurance premium decrease will result in a reduction in the proposed budget figures. Review of positions that were proposed by departments and what was recommended by the County Administrator in the proposed budget. Galetka provided a handout supporting a request for a part-time addressing technician in the Land Records office. The committee discussed the Capital Improvement request for LIDAR funding. Capital Improvement Review, page 379: Abeles-Allison reviewed the CIP proposal listed in the budget book. Motion Pocernich to adjourn the meeting. Motion failed for lack of a second. Committee members discussed that several large dollar projects are included in the Capital Improvement Budget that will also have offsetting revenues. There are a handful of discretionary projects/items that could be reduced or eliminated. It was also noted that additional projects/purchases were requested by departments but are not included in the administrator’s proposed budget. The committee asked that a list be provided that removes the items with offsetting revenues, and also identifies discretionary projects versus projects/purchases that are needed for the operation. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Kris Kavajecz.