HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/17/2012194 Minutes of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Of April 17, 2012 – 9:00 a.m. Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin The newly elected Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, consisting of Beth Meyers, William D. Bussey, Kenneth Jardine, Harold A. Maki, Delores Kittleson, John Bennett, Dennis M. Pocernich, Neil Schultz, Wayne H. Williams, Marco T. Bichanich, James A. Crandall and Brett T. Rondeau assembled in the Bayfield County Courtroom at 9:00 a.m. The Honorable John P. Anderson swore in the new Board of Supervisors. The Supervisors then proceeded to the Bayfield County Board Room where the monthly meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 9:15 a.m. by Bayfield County Clerk, Scott S. Fibert and roll call was taken as follows: Meyers-present; Bussey-absent; Jardine-present; Maki-present; Kittleson-present; Bennett-present; Pocernich-present; Schultz-present; Williams-present; Bichanich-present; Miller-present; Crandall-present; Rondeau-present. Total 13: 13 present, 1 absent, a quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison; Deputy County Clerk, Dawn M. Bellile; Mary Motiff, Tourism Director; Karl Kastrosky, Zoning Director; Paul Susienka, Sheriff; Tim Kane, UW-Extension Educator; Ben Dufford, County Conservationist; Craig Parks, AFSCME Union President; Denise Bailey; Scott Galetka, Land Records Administrator; Sheila Mischich, Andy Phillips, and Mike Blaska, Representatives for Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance; Barbara Moeller, Editor of Ashland Daily Press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. Fibert went over a document that had been passed out to the Board members regarding procedures for electing the County Board and Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs. A copy of Robert’s Rules of Order was given to each Board member to review and become familiar with. He then explained the procedures that they would be going through for the day as it pertained to the guest speakers and their topics of discussion. Discussion took place on a majority vote which would be 7 since there are only 12 members present today. A motion was made by Maki/Bennett to accept the rules as explained. Discussion that Chairman and Vice-Chair candidates be allowed to give a statement as to why they would like to hold said positions as well as questions being asked by other members of the Board of the candidates. Further discussion on voting and voting sequence. The motion carried. Maki/Bichanich made a motion that no statement or questions be asked of board chairman, vice-chairman candidates. Discussion took place it would be beneficial to everyone, especially to the new board members; it gives them an opportunity to speak to the entire Board. A roll call vote took place as follows: Bussey-absent; Jardine-no; Maki-yes; Kittleson-no; Bennett-no; Pocernich-no; Schultz-yes; Williams-no; 195 Bichanich-yes; Miller-no; Crandall-no; Rondeau-no; Meyers-no. Total: 13, 3 yes, 9, no, 1 absent. The motion was defeated. 1. Election of County Board Chair. Supervisor Rondeau nominated Miller; Supervisor Maki nominated Meyers. County Clerk Fibert asked three more times for nominations and there were none. A motion was made by Pocernich/Crandall to close nominations for County Board Chairman. The motion carried. Deputy County Clerk, Bellile passed out ballots to each Board member to vote by secret ballot. Miller spoke to the Board giving his background and why he wanted to be County Board Chair. No questions were asked of Miller. Meyers spoke to the Board giving her background and why she wanted to be County Board Chair. No questions were asked of Meyers. The Board then cast their ballots with County Administrator Abeles-Allison collecting the ballots and then tallying with Bellile as Fibert read off names. The vote was 12 votes; 8 votes for Miller and 4 votes for Meyers. The County Clerk then turned the meeting over to newly elected Chairman Miller. 2. Election of County Board Vice-Chair. Chairman Miller asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman: Bennett nominated Kittleson; Williams nominated Rondeau; Maki nominated Crandall. Miller asked three more times for nominations and there were none. A motion was made by Pocernich/Bichanich to close nominations for County Board Vice-Chair. The motion carried. Fibert stated that he would not partake in the tallying process for this office. Fibert passed out ballots to each Board member to vote by secret ballot. Kittleson spoke to the Board giving her background and why she wanted to be County Board Vice-Chair. No questions were asked of Kittleson. Rondeau spoke to the Board giving his background and why he wanted to be County Board Vice-Chair. No questions were asked of Rondeau. Crandall spoke to the Board giving his background and why he wanted to be County Board Vice-Chair. No questions were asked of Crandall. The Board then cast their ballots with Fibert collecting the ballots. Abeles-Allison and Bellile tallied ballots as Fibert read off names. The vote was 12 votes; 6 votes for Rondeau; 5 votes for Kittleson; and 1 vote for Crandall. There was not a majority vote so the voting process took place again. 196 Fibert passed out new ballots and the Board cast their votes. Fibert collected the ballots and Abeles-Allison and Bellile tallied ballots as Fibert read off names. The vote was 12 votes; 6 votes for Rondeau; 6 votes for Kittleson. There was not a majority vote so the voting process took place again. Fibert passed out new ballots and the Board cast their votes. Fibert collected the ballots and Abeles-Allison and Bellile tallied ballots as Fibert read off names. The vote was 12 votes; 6 votes for Rondeau; 6 votes for Kittleson. There was not a majority vote so the voting process took place again. There being a tie vote twice, the names of Rondeau and Kittleson were placed in a box and Abeles-Allison drew Kittleson’s name from the box. Kittleson is the Vice-Chair. Kittleson then thanked everyone for their support. 3. Motion Regarding Minutes of March 28, 2012 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes. A motion was made by Jardine/Kittleson adopt the minutes of the March 28, 2012 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. The motion carried. 4. Public Comment. Chairman Miller asked if anyone from the public wished to comment. Denise Bailey stated that she would like to address the Board, however, it will take longer than 3 minutes, and the content of her comments she felt should be made in Executive Session as they are work sensitive. She asked the Board to grant her permission to talk to them in Executive Session. Chairman Miller asked the Board if they would allow Bailey to come back to the Board during today’s meeting during Executive Session. It was the consensus that they would allow this. Derrick Lewis, Resident of Bayfield County, has issues with Human Services and does not know which way to turn. He stated that he would like more time to state his case as he felt that his concerns have gone to deaf ears and needs to know what steps to take to be heard. Supervisor Maki felt that he should be allowed to be heard whether today or at a committee level another day. A motion was made by Maki/Pocernich to waive the 3-minute rule to allow Lewis to state his case. The motion carried. Lewis stated his case and the Chairman Miller asked if he could summarize his concerns and complaints in a letter form to give to the Board. Miller directed him to go to the Human Services Board and asked to be placed on the agenda. Supervisor Jardine stated there presently problems with Human Services, perhaps it should go to the Personnel Committee. Discussion took place and it was state that it should go to Human Services Board first, and then be referred to Personnel. 197 The Board took a 15-minute recess. 5. Caucus into Five (5) Highway Districts to Recommend Nominations for a Member to the Executive Committee and the Highway Committee. The Board split up into the five highway districts and came back to the Board with their nominations: District 1 - Executive Committee Beth Meyers Highway Committee Harold A. Maki District 2 - Executive Committee Kenneth Jardine Highway Committee Wayne Williams District 3 - Executive Committee Shawn W. Miller Highway Committee Marco T. Bichanich District 4 - Executive Committee Delores Kittleson Highway Committee John Bennett District 5 - Executive Committee Brett T. Rondeau Highway Committee James A. Crandall 6. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Town of Oulu, Pine Glade Cemetery Preliminary Certification. Abeles-Allison explained that the Town of Oulu is expanding its cemetery and need preliminary approval from the County Board. Bayfield County Surveyor, Bob Mick, has reviewed the documents and states that it meets the requirements for such expansion. A motion was made by Williams/Bichanich to approve the Preliminary Certification regarding the Town of Oulu, Pine Glade Cemetery. Discussion. The motion carried. 7. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-21, Request to Amend 2012 Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Budget. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department requests that their 2012 budget be amended as follows to reflect actual amounts at the beginning of the year through the Grant(s), Cost-Share and Cooperative Agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 17th day of April, 2012, hereby approves the following budget amendments to reflect Grant(s), Cost-Share and Cooperative Agreement(s) actuals: 198 Increase revenue account 100-28-43273-001 by $28,105. Increase revenue account 100-28-43273-002 by $5,275. Increase revenue account 100-28-43274-110 by $11,965. Reduce revenue account 100-28-43274-111 by $8,745. Reduce revenue account 100-28-43588 by $12,935. Increase revenue account 100-28-43589 by $31,605. Increase revenue account 100-28-43590-102 by $27,345. Increase revenue account 100-28-46825 by $50,000. Reduce revenue account 100-28-48900 by $25,000 Increase expense account 100-28-56140-50290 by $28,105. (USFS) Increase expense account 100-28-56141-50290 by $5,275. (RAC) Increase expense account 100-28-56106-50290 by $11,965. (J149) Reduce expense account 100-28-56107-50290 by $8,745. (J159) Reduce expense account 100-28-56101-50111 by $7,935. (DATCP GPR) Reduce expense account 100-28-56101-50121 by $5,000. (DATCP GPR) Increase expense account 100-28-56101-50291 by $31,605. (DATCP C/S & SEG) Increase expense account 100-28-56112-50290 by $27,345. (BONY LAKE) Increase expense account 100-28-56101-50290 by $50,000. (GLRI – NC Agmt) Reduce expense account 100-28-56101-50299 by $25,000 (Spec. Cont. Srv) By Action of the BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Shawn W. Miller, Chair A motion was made by Jardine/Bichanich to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-21, Request to Amend 2012 Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Budget. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Jardine-yes; Maki-yes; Kittleson-yes; Bennett-yes; Pocernich-yes; Schultz-yes; Williams-yes; Bichanich-yes; Miller-yes; Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes; Meyers-yes; Bussey-absent. Total: 13, 12 yes, 0, no, 1 absent. The motion carried. 8. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-22, 2012 Forestry & Parks Budget Amendment. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, in 2009 the Forestry Committee approved a policy designating 1% of Gross County Timber Sale revenues for town road repair when revenues exceed 101% of budget; 199 WHEREAS, the funds shall be placed in a line item within the Forestry Budget to be used for Town Road Maintenance on town roads that provide access to County Forest land within the township, at the discretion of the county forestry department; WHEREAS, the balance of funds in the account will be limited to no more than $40,000. WHEREAS, Towns with County Forest Land within their boundaries will submit proposals for road projects to the County Forestry and Parks Administrator and Forestry and Parks Committee for consideration of funding. WHEREAS, county timber sales exceeded 101% of budget in 2011, 1% totals $24,770.66; WHEREAS, the policy requires a budget amendment for the forestry budget in 2012 for these funds to be expended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 17th day of April, 2012, hereby approves the following budget amendment to the 2012 Forestry and Parks Department (100-34) budget: Increase Revenue line 100-34-49301 by $1,770.66 authorizing the use of fund balance for the Town Road Maintenance account. Increase Expense line 100-34-56129-50241 by $1,770.66 for the Town Road Maintenance account. By Action of the BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Shawn W. Miller, Chair A motion was made by Bichanich/Jardine to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-22, 2012 Forestry & Parks Budget Amendment. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Maki-yes; Kittleson-yes; Bennett-yes; Pocernich-yes; Schultz-yes; Williams-yes; Bichanich-yes; Miller-yes; Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes; Meyers-yes; Bussey-absent; Jardine-yes. Total: 13, 12 yes, 0, no, 1 absent. The motion carried. 9. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Rebekah R. Anderson, Farm Service Agency Representative to the Land & Water Conservation Committee. A motion was made by Bichanich/Jardine to approve the appointment of 200 Rebekah R. Anderson as Farm Service Agency Representative to the Land & Water Conservation Committee. Discussion. The motion carried. 10. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-20, Adopting an Amendment to the Bayfield County Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows; WHEREAS, Bayfield County, has developed a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan; and WHEREAS, this plan outlines foreseeable outdoor recreation facility needs of Bayfield County that can be adequately maintained; and WHEREAS, the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has requested that we amend our Outdoor Recreation Plan to include the following changes and improvements so that the project will be eligible for grant funding: Red Cliff Tribal Facilities Frog Bay Tribal National Park (T51N-R3W-Sec 7) Consists of 88.6 acres of pristine forest and shoreline, the former private property was acquired by the Tribe in November 2011. The property has no developments currently but includes a private access easement for adjacent property. Existing Facilities: None Recommended Improvements:  Minimal impact (non-motorized) wilderness walking trails  Foot and suspension bridges  Improve public access to recreational opportunities  Parking area and trail head improvements  Informational signage as needed  Easement gate improvement  Wilderness comfort station  Lake Superior Water Trail marker NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby formally adopt this amendment to the Bayfield County Outdoor Recreation Plan. By Action of the BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Shawn W. Miller, Chair 201 A motion was made by Meyers/Jardine to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2012-20, Adopting an Amendment to the Bayfield County Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Discussion took place and Mary Motiff, Tourism Director, was asked to come up to clarify what is being asked in the Resolution. Motiff explained easements are being worked on to get the trail ready for public access. She also explained that there has never been a trail such as this that will give access to everyone, both from water and land. The motion carried. Chairman Miller asked the Board if they would consider moving the Executive Session to the end of the meeting to be held after the Board Orientation since speakers were already present. A motion was made by Meyers/Crandall to move the Executive Session of the County Board Meeting to be held after County Board Orientation. The motion carried. COUNTY BOARD ORIENTATION Abeles-Allison passed out a document entitled County Board Orientation which outlined briefly what will be taking place in today’s orientation. The orientation started out as follows: 1. Overview of Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance by Representatives, Sheila Mishich, Andy Phillips and Mike Blaska. Mishich gave a power point presentation and discussed miscellaneous issues that arise throughout a year. The Board took a 10-minutes recess at 11:30 a.m. to make sandwiches, etc. and to work through lunch. 2. County Board Roles and Responsibilities – Providing Counties with the Tools to Succeed in the New Environment. Andy Phillips gave a power point presentation discussing how the times have changed. Department Heads were invited to attend this presentation. He spoke about the “old environment,” Union environment vs. the “new” government on how to manage without salary schedule, bands and steps. We must look forward and not backwards as to how things “used to be.” Discussion took place on and off through the power point with Phillips. Mike Blaska spoke to the Board on How to Run Effective Meetings and Robert’s Rules of Order. The Board took a 10-minutes recess. 3. Introduction to I-Pads was given by Computer Assistant, AJ Van Beest. AJ introduced himself and stated that he was asked to give a very brief overview of what can be expected when the new I-Pads arrive. Van Beest stated that the Information Services Department is trying to make information available to the board in a faster and easier way. 202 We are trying to go paperless if at all possible. It is hopeful that in the very near future, your committee and board documents will be sent to everyone via e-mail and you will be able to review the documents right on the I-Pad. He stated that he will be having a workshop on how to upload your documents, how to save them. The Board members will each receive new e-mail addresses which will allow access to their individual accounts. This is presently set up for use now. The I-Pads are expected to arrive around May 22nd. The Board said thank you to AJ for the update of what is yet to come. 4. Ethics & Conflict of Interest. Attorney Jack A. Carlson was present to discuss with the Board ethics and conflicts of interest that can arise while on the Board. He passed out documentation for the Board to refer to regarding Wisconsin Statutes 19.59. Discussion took place on when a person abstains from a certain item on the agenda. Can they stay in the room, do they have to leave? A lengthy discussion took place on an item that was a possible conflict of interest. Carlson explained how it should be handled, the protocol, and how each of the Board members should review their concerns carefully to make sure that they are not caught up in something that would benefit them in any way as this is a conflict of interest. 5. Leading Effective Meetings. Tim Kane, UW-Ext. Educator, passed out a document entitled “Frequently asked Questions” on Parliamentary Procedure and gave a brief summary on the same since the Board was privy to this information prior in today’s orientation. The Board took a 10-minute recess at 2:50 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Miller adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott S. Fibert, Bayfield County Clerk SSF/dmb