HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/18/2017134 Minutes of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting April 18, 2017 – 5:30 p.m. Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich 5:30 pm. A roll call was taken by Scott Fibert, County Clerk, as follows: Miller- present; Crandall-absent; Rondeau-present; Goodwin-present; Bussey-absent; Fickbohm- absent; Maki-present; Oswald-absent; Silbert-present; Pocernich-present; Strand- present; Williams-present; Coughtry-absent. Total 13: 8 present, 5 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for this evening’s meeting: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Dawn M. Bellile, Deputy County Clerk; Kevin Johnson, Veteran’s Service Officer; Jennifer Augustine, Northern Lights Director, Karen Crowell, Representing the Northern Lights Board Supervisor Fickbohm arrived at 5:35 pm. 1. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 2. Motion Regarding Minutes of March 28, 2017 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meetings. The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes. A motion was made by Rondeau/Williams to adopt the Minutes of the March 28, 2017 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. The motion carried. 3. Public Comment. None. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-28, In Recognition of Memorial Day 2017. Kevin Johnson, Veteran’s Service Officer, said a few words on the Resolution reminding everyone that this is a very important day. We come together to honor and recognize our military who have given their lives to protect our country. County Clerk Fibert read the Resolution which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the United States government established Memorial Day for the remembrance of our men and women that have died while serving in the armed forces; and WHEREAS, the freedoms all U.S. citizens enjoy have been secured and protected by our military heroes from the Revolutionary War through today’s ongoing confrontations around the world; and WHEREAS, service members from Bayfield County have made this ultimate sacrifice; and WHEREAS, May 29th, 2017 is federally recognized as Memorial Day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 18th day of April, 2017, recognizes May 29, 2017 as Memorial 135 Day in respectful remembrance of those men and women that have given their lives to the protection of our Nation. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman Supervisor Coughtry arrived at 5:37 pm. A motion was made by Silbert/Rondeau to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-28 In Recognition of Memorial Day 2017. The motion carried. 4. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-27, Honoring Karen Vlasaty upon her Retirement from the Bayfield County Treasurer’s Office. Vlasaty was not present this evening to accept her plaque. Chairman Pocernich read the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, Karen Vlasaty, has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Department of Human Service and Treasurer’s Office for over fifteen (15) years; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 18th day of April, 2017, honors Karen Vlasaty, for her 15 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for her efforts, wishing her well in the years ahead. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman A motion was made by Rondeau/Maki to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-27, Honoring Karen Vlasaty upon her Retirement from the Bayfield County Treasurer’s Office. The motion carried. Pocernich explained that Jenna Galligan has been hired and appointed to fill Vlasaty’s position. 5. A motion was made by Rondeau/Maki for the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to move in and out of Executive/Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1) (e),deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session; and (g) Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved and to allow Jennifer Augustine and Karen Crowell to remain in closed session, and to allow Jason Bodine for his topic. The motion carried. There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made by Rondeau/Bussey to move out of Executive/Closed Session. The motion carried. 136 Now in Open Session, Chairman Pocernich announced that he would be leaving for a mandatory Town Meeting and Vice-Chairman, Fred Strand, would be taking over the meeting. 6. Northern Lights. A motion was made by Maki/Williams to approve the Line of Credit for $150,000 Note, the 6-month extension for the Line of Credit, continuation of the Note and a Year 2021 payoff in the amount of $30,000.00 and the Line of Reserve. Discussion took place. A roll call vote was held as follows: Crandall-absent; Goodwin-yes; Bussey-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Maki-yes; Oswald-yes; Silbert-yes; Pocernich-absent; Strand-yes; Williams-yes; Coughtry-yes; Miller-yes. Total: 13; 11 yes, 0 no, 2 absent. The motion carried. A motion was made by Bussey/Silbert to approve the Presale Report. Discussion took place regarding refinancing and that this will reappear on the May 30th agenda. The motion carried. 7. Town of Cable Railroad Grade and Deed. A motion was made by Miller/Rondeau that the railroad grade Deed be granted as requested. The motion carried. 8. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-26, Support for Bayfield County, WI for Chequamegon Bay Renewables, Inc. (CBR) to Pursue the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar in Your Community Challenge Grant (Solar Grant) to Study and Potentially Construct Solar PV on County Property. Abeles-Allison reported that Bill Bailey from Bailey Greenhouse, along with 3 others, would like to make a presentation to the Board regarding this topic. A motion was made by Bussey/Goodwin to suspend the rules to allow for the presentation by Chequamegon Bay Renewables via Bill Bailey. The motion carried. A powerpoint was given regarding renewable energy, where the solar panels would be housed, and the anticipated power savings. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the Solar Grant from the DOE’s Sunshot initiative presents Bayfield County with a unique opportunity to install solar photovoltaic energy (PV) at a cost otherwise unattainable by the county on its own accord, to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to create a source of local energy; and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County strives to save tax dollars, create new business and economic opportunities, assure clean land, air and water, improve working and living environments; and WHEREAS, CBR will use the Solar Grant funds to secure a solar developer through the RFP process, and such developer would determine size, location, and feasibility of constructing solar PV at county buildings sites, and with county approval would oversee the construction of said installations to be grid-tied to Xcel Energy’s system as per Xcel’s established interconnection agreement; and 137 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is willing to work with the City of Washburn and the Washburn School District to advance a larger solar project than any one entity could achieve on its own, and therefore achieve an economy of scale which will reduce costs for all; and WHEREAS, no up-front money is required by the county; and WHEREAS, the construction of the PV installations would be paid for by investors, of which local investors would be given preference; and WHEREAS, the County would benefit by reduced energy charges as a result of reduced transmission fees; and WHEREAS, the County would own the PV installation, in its entirety, after a period contractually specified, and would benefit from this ownership by reduced electric bills and be able to use it as a hedge against future electric rate increases for the life of the solar modules which is estimated to be 40 years or longer; and WHEREAS, by owning the PV installation, the County could reduce future electric demand charges if battery storage becomes economically viable, which the industry predicts will happen in 3-5 years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 18th day of April, 2017, does hereby support CBR’s efforts to acquire the Solar Grant and use those funds to develop the solar project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President of CBR has the support of Bayfield County to prepare and submit documents and serve as the contact between the CBR and the United Stated Department of Energy. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman A motion was made by Oswald/Bussey to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-26, Support for Bayfield County, WI for Chequamegon Bay Renewables, Inc. (CBR) to Pursue the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar in Your Community Challenge Grant (Solar Grant) to Study and Potentially Construct Solar PV on County Property. Discussion took place that Bayfield County isn’t committing to anything, just supporting the grant application. We need to learn more before we determine whether it is even right for County. The motion carried. 9. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-29, Supporting the Application for Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation, Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin Communities Grant. Abeles-Allison explained that every couple of years, the Department of Energy offers grants. Bayfield County is planning to do some retro projects in the courthouse and jail annex and we should apply for this. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: 138 WHEREAS the Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation has announced a new round of grants for Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin Communities; and WHEREAS the grant supports cost-effective projects that result in energy savings; and WHEREAS Bayfield County is a member of both the Energy Independent Communities and Green Tier Legacy Community; and WHEREAS Bayfield County has three projects that will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs; and These projects include improving the operations and efficiency of the courthouse and annex HVAC Systems, lowering fueling costs for a Bayfield County Sheriff Squad and adding six panels to the County Solar Photovoltaic program reducing energy and demand. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board supports the application for this Energy Grant; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 18th day of April, 2017, does hereby support the application for Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation, Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin Communities Grant. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman A motion was made by Rondeau/Oswald to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-29, Supporting the Application for Wisconsin Office of Energy Innovation, Clean Energy Investments in Wisconsin Communities Grant. The motion carried. 10. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Two Positions to the City of Washburn, County of Bayfield Housing Authority. Abeles-Allison reported that the Housing Authority has two positions they would like to renew. The appointments would be for Rachel Coughtry and Carol DeMars for a new 5-year term each. The terms would run from June, 2017 to May, 2022. A motion was made by Rondeau/Bussey to approve the reappointment of Rachel Coughtry and Carol DeMars to the City of Washburn, County of Bayfield Housing Authority for an appointment running for 5- years from June, 201y to May, 2022. The motion carried. 11. Discussion Regarding Highway Department Overtime Policy Change. Abeles-Allison reported that this item has been added to the full Board agenda because the question has come up concerning the process of the Personnel Manual Amendment. County Ordinance 2-3-12, Section 7, describes the Personnel Committee duties to include: “Develop, review annually and update as necessary a Personnel Policy encompassing the needs of the County.” Last month, the Highway Committee recommended a modified overtime policy for the Highway Department to the Personnel Committee. The policy proposed multiple topics 139 including changing the work week, paying overtime after 8 hours worked, paying overtime on weekends, counting benefit time as time worked, paying overtime on both holidays and designated holidays and requiring overtime on Friday’s in the summer. In 2012, the County moved to the Fair Labor Standards Act provision of overtime (after 40 hours worked). This together with our Personnel Policy changes occurred in 2011 as State laws changed. These topics were addressed by the County formed Transition Committee. Last week at the April Personnel Committee meeting, the Personnel Committee approved paying highway workers overtime on weekends throughout the year. Supervisor Miller also gave background on what had taken place in 2010 due to Act 10. Miller stated that major decision such as negotiations as this should go to full Board and as far as he was concerned, the process wasn’t followed properly. A lengthy discussion took place on original language in the policy and how Union negotiations can be done by Personnel but the final decisions must be reviewed by full County Board. A committee doesn’t have the authority to overturn a full board decision. A lengthy discussion took place on the powers of the Board and Personnel Committee. It was also stated that the Highway Committee did not have the right to approve such a request and forward to Personnel. Miller reminded everyone how during Act 10, every action was scrutinized and went to full Board, and now a new Board and Committees later, it doesn’t have to? Miller believed that this should have gone to full Board as it is a controversial matter. He also felt that once other departments see how this was done, they are going to work on flex schedules as well wages. He further reminded that most of the motions made at Executive Committee are also forwarded to the full Board. Supervisor Rondeau spoke up and stated that he had made a motion for this to go to full Board but for a lack of a second motion, it died. A lengthy discussion continued on how, if possible, this can be rectified. Language needs to be changed in the Personnel Policies and supporting Ordinances that would encompass the needs of the County. This matter, addressing policies, will be referred back to the Executive Committee and then forwarded back to the full Board. 12. Administrator’s Report: a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: * April 25th suggested with Red Cliff has been postponed as date and times conflicts with each party – still working on * May 16th at 6:00 p.m. Budget Planning Meeting * May 30th at 6:00 p.m., regular May Meeting * June 20th at 6:00 p.m., early meeting date due to County Clerk’s convention being held here in Bayfield County the following weekend. 140 b) The Bayfield County Veteran’s Office will be hosting a Spring Conference in Bayfield County May 15-19th; a sunset cruise will also be part of the conference for attendees. c) Draft County Survey was passed out for the Supervisors to review, edit and give to Abeles-Allison if they have any suggestions. d) Hydro Atlas Update. Coastal funding is going away and Federal funding has changed. We had a tentative approval, however, will be coming back with updates. e) Space & Security Study Report. The consultant needs more time to make further compilations. We will be making a report to the Board on May. 13. Supervisors’ Reports. a) Tribal Relations. There will be 2 meth/heroine presentations at the Red Cliff Casino at 1 and 6 p.m. The Tribal Relations Committee will be attending. b) State Forestry Meeting will be held in Bayfield County for the first time in 50 years. Everyone will be going around the Apostle Islands, dinner at Links. There will be no cost to Board members who would like to attend. c) Joint Finance Committee. Ben Dufford and Bill Bussey testified at the Joint Finance Committee Meeting for the Land Conservation Department. They waited 2½ house to speak. It was well attended and several different topics came up. There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Vice-Chair Strand adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott S. Fibert, County Clerk SSF/dmb