HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/19/2017194 Minutes of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting September 19, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich at 6:00 p.m. A roll call was taken by Scott Fibert, County Clerk, as follows: Maki-present; Oswald-present; Silbert-present; Pocernich-present; Strand-present; Williams-present; Coughtry-present; Miller-present; Crandall-present; Rondeau-present; Goodwin-absent; Bussey-present; Fickbohm-absent. Total 13: 11 present, 2 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business The following were also present for this evening’s meeting: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Dawn M. Bellile, Deputy County Clerk; Mary Motiff, Bayfield County Tourism Director; Sara Wartman, Health Director; Ellen Heine, Chris Buboltz, and Mike BeBeau, Representatives from Xcel; The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 1. Motion Regarding Minutes of August 29th, 2017 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes for both meetings. A motion was made by Rondeau/Crandall to adopt the Minutes of the August 29th, Special Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. The motion carried. 2. Public Comment. Chairman Pocernich reminded the audience that public comment is for a period of 15 minutes, allowing an individual to speak for no more than 3 minutes at a time. This may also be extended longer at the Board’s discretion. Bill Bailey, a retired businessman from Bayfield County stated that improvements are needed to our existing transmission lines. He stated that in lieu of Xcel’s proposal to build 25 more miles of new power line between Barksdale and Bayfield at a cost of about $26 million, CheqBay Renewables is proposing a submarine cable costing about $10 million less and a large solar project near Bayfield. It has challenges but he sees this as an opportunity not a problem. Bayfield County is one of Wisconsin’s independent sources of using renewable resources and read their mission statement to the Board and audience Robert Owen from CheqBay Renewables. Owen stated he was here for the agenda item on Xcel Energy’s new voltage transmission line. He gave examples of alternate energy proposals that they have been working on and he feels this could be a win/win situation for both entities. He submitted their Alternate Energy Proposal to the Board for their review and told them that if they had questions to please give him a call. Bob Adams, Washburn stated that they have one chance to slow this project down and to receive all of the necessary information to make the best-informed decision. Xcel wants to build a new power transmission line that is more reliable and consistent. He read a letter from which encouraged dialogue with Xcel. He also stated that as citizens we have to protect our communities’ unique qualities. There needs to be responsibility for implementing a power plant. 195 He asked the Board for 6 months’ time to create dialogue with Xcel and to evaluate the project to make the right informed decision. Jay Glase, Town of Washburn, asked the Board to postpone taking action on the proposed transmission lines from Xcel. He felt that the postponement could be made indefinite to make sure everything is looked at to make an informed decision. 96 property owners will be affected by this new transmission line and he doesn’t believe Xcel has done an adequate job in reaching out to our towns with alternatives. He asked that Xcel consider the proposal that was submitted by CheqBay Renewables. He also felt that an energy storage option should be looked at. This option has improved immensely in the past years and will continue to do so. He also stated that he doesn’t want his sons growing up under high voltage transmission lines. Abeles-Allison stated at this time that Roy Settgas, from the Town of Washburn also submitted a letter on his behalf stating he couldn’t be at the meeting but asked that the Board take no action at this time regarding Xcel’s proposed transmission line through northern Bayfield County. Beverly Lindell from the local League of Women Voters for Ashland and Bayfield Counties. She stated she is here tonight to ask for your support to create a resolution for a non-partisan plan for legislative and congressional redistricting. The League of Women Voters has as one of its primary goals fair voting for all. We believe the health of our democracy depends on the integrity of our electoral process. When politicians have the right to draw their own district lines the system can become rigged. The Courts have ruled that our current maps were unconstitutional jury meandered. Citizen groups are now coming together in a non- partisan movement to encourage government officials at all levels to support fair voting maps in our fair voting maps resolution. To date, 24 counties in our State have passed such a resolution and we are hoping that Bayfield County will be the 25th. Her purpose for being here tonight was to ask the County Board for consideration of passing this Fair Voting resolution, which was passed on to the Chair for future discussion. Chairman Pocernich stated to the Board that if others would still like to speak he would need a motion to allow for 10 more minutes of public comment. A motion was made by Bussey/Oswald to allow for 10 more minutes of public comment. The motion carried with one opposition. Susan Hall, Town of Washburn, the Xcel issue was brought to her attention a little over 3 weeks ago and she is amazed at the amount of input and energy that her friends and neighbors, government officials, the 5 towns that are affected. A lot has happened and the Board has received resolutions from 3 of the 5 townships that are involved. She believes this area is poised for thinking big, forward thinking for an alternative to big energy and believes Xcel will find that there are a lot of competent, dedicated and intelligent people willing to work on this along with the County Board to make this a reality. Working on this together is something that will benefit everyone. Hall felt this is an opportunity and there is great energy amongst everyone and it will benefit the county as a whole and the region. Collaboration will take time to work on all of this and she is hoping the Board will allow a 6-month postponement. 196 Phil Norrgaard, City of Washburn, stated that the County Board should be proud of its residents who are very wonderful people, and no one closed minded or angry regarding the Xcel transmission lines. He stated that this has been a good experience for him as a new-comer to the area. The people feel they are listened to. He himself, doesn’t know which would be the best of the 2 alternatives, but he does feel there needs to be more time. Residents are articulating as to what could be done in the near future. A worthy project could be resolved with more dialogue. He congratulated the Board on the quality of its citizenship. Mike Sterner, City of Washburn stated he owns property but not where the transmission line is proposed. He said he was echoing Phil’s comments, wanting more conversation and is also asking for an extension to make plans. He wants to see adequate time being given to this process so that the county and towns can come to a resolution that reflects our towns and community as a whole. Wendy Stein, Town of Washburn, is asking for more time to really take a look at this proposal. She stated that she is not sure that 6 months is enough time and perhaps the extension of time could be contingent that we get the information that we need from Xcel to make the best decisions. Joyce Zifko, Town of Washburn stated she also owns land on proposed transmission line. She is bringing to the attention of the County Board that on County Hwy C, which is where the tie in is proposed, will be going across the soccer field. If you have children, or grandchildren I am sure you would not want to see power poles. This field is used by many and schools come from all over to use this field. She is putting in a pitch for the school systems. There being no further public comment, the Chair closed public comment. 3. Presentation of the Bayfield County Fair. Mary Motiff, Bayfield County Tourism Director, was present to give a presentation on the 2017 Bayfield County Fair. This was a challenge for her as there had been a shift of employees, with fair worker of 17 years, taking a different job within the Courthouse. The new employee hired had to learn the ropes very quickly, and with the former employee still a phone call away if needed, kept the fair going strong. This year, nevertheless it was a great fair year, with all of its challenges. In reviewing the numbers versus revenue, it was noted that the exhibits were up from last year, with would also mean the numbers coming in would be different as well. Motiff also stated that there was a greater attendance and more campers and food vendors. Motiff also explained how sponsorship dollars have worked in helping out with the fair. Motiff thanked everyone for making it a success and encouraged those that have not attended to please do so, you will enjoy yourself. Motiff stated that the Fair Committee had just met prior to the County Board meeting and they honored Theresa LaChapelle for her 17 years of dedication, heart and soul being poured into the fair. Just held our fair committee just prior to this night’s honored and thanked Theresa LaChappelle at their meeting, for 17 years dedication, giving her heart and soul to the fair. The Committee thanked Theresa formally, honoring her with a cake and a “vintage” fair poster for her hard work and dedication. 197 4. Bayfield Second Circuit, Xcel Energy, Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Xcel Energy’s Request to Construct a New Low-Voltage Transmission Line, Partly located on County Forest Land in Northern Bayfield County. Abeles-Allison stated that at the August County Board meeting, the Board was asked to take no action and to bring this item back to the Board in September. This is the same agenda item open for discussion once again. A motion was made by Maki/Silbert to postpone any action on the transmission line for 6 months. Supervisor Bussey stated that he would like to hear what Xcel Energy has to say since they are here tonight. This would be in order as part of discussion. A motion was made by Bussey/Miller to suspend the rules to allow representatives from Xcel to speak to the Board. The motion carried with one opposition. Chris Buboltz, representative from Xcel spoke first stating they have heard many comments from people that are both here, who attended the listening sessions and who have mailed in their comments. They are working on responding to each and every one of the comments received. Buboltz stated that suspending this issue for 6 months seems like it is putting this on a time line, which would seem excessive to Xcel. He felt that other alternative routes could be explored. Buboltz’s proposal would be to come back in November show the work and how we have been able to work with the community in that amount of time and open dialogue once again. In regard to reaching out to towns, they have attempted to get in front of as many of those town boards as we could within the time frame. Discussion took place. An amendment to the motion was made by Miller/Rondeau to postpone indefinitely until the information is obtained. Discussion took place that we may need more time than waiting until November, but if that was the case, they could always postpone again in November. We want to make sure there is good collaboration and dialogue with our citizens. Waiting at least 6 months most felt was adequate time. Xcel was asked of their opinion of Cheqbay Renewables proposal. They answered stating they felt there are options and it needs to be further investigated. If this is postponed, it was asked what this means for Xcel. It would postpone the application process which is what Xcel is in right now. This is only one milestone in the entire application process. Further discussion took place. Supervisor Silbert read an email he received from Tim Rogers concerning the project. Buboltz stated that 6 months can turn into 12 months and with the possibility of new Board members, could delay even further. It is important for approval. Bayfield County is the single largest landowner, any overhead option that we have presented would require some crossing or some level on Bayfield County lands. It was stated that the Forestry Committee approved the request at their meeting and forwarded it to the Board for approval. It was corrected by a Forestry Committee member that the Forestry Committee in fact, did not approve the request, but agreed to send the request to the full Board for discussion. The Board voted on the 2nd amendment to the motion, the motion failed. Further discussion took place. A 2nd amendment to the main motion was made by Bussey/Strand to postpone consideration to our January meeting. Discussion took place on alternatives being reached. 198 This topic could always be placed on an early agenda if agreements have been reached. The motion carried with one opposition. The Board voted on the original motion, the motion carried with one opposition. This item will be postponed until the January, 2018 meeting. 5. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-56, Purchase of Land within the Town of Barnes to Secure Portions of the State Funded ATV and Snowmobile Trails. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, Bayfield County manages one of the largest state funded ATV and Snowmobile Trail programs in the state of Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, maintaining network connectivity on hundreds of miles of trail, while covering most of the major communities in Bayfield County is often a challenge, as land ownership and use objectives change regularly; and WHEREAS, when situated on private land, the trails are at a greater risk of being removed or re-directed, thus creating additional challenges, as finding suitable, safe and enjoyable alternate routes can be extremely difficult or unfeasible; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Snowmobile and ATV trail was recently removed from private land in the Town of Barnes (see attached Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, this trail provides a vital connection into the community of Barnes; and WHEREAS, no practical alternate route exists, meaning both trails would need to be directed onto County Highway N to maintain connectivity; and WHEREAS, though not a long-term sustainable model for the management of the entire program, but where practical and feasible, land acquisition can be used to maintain trail connections; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County was recently awarded a DNR ATV grant for the purpose of purchasing the approximately five (5) acre lot in the Town of Barnes (see Exhibit A), where the trails were recently removed, with the goal of maintaining connections of both the state funded ATV and Snowmobile networks; and WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes has also earmarked funds to assist in the purchase of said property, if needed; and WHEREAS, as per the grant requirements, an appraisal must be ordered to determine the value of the property prior to the final awarding of the funds; and WHEREAS, the DNR ATV grant and funds from the Town of Barnes will cover 100% of the appraisal and purchase of said property; and WHEREAS, during their meeting on September 11, 2017, the Forestry and Parks Committee unanimously approved the purchase of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 19th day of September, 2017, authorizes the Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Administrator, on behalf of Bayfield County, to order an appraisal of 199 the property as described above, accept the DNR ATV grant, and purchase the approximate five (5) acre lot in the Town of Barnes for the purpose of securing the connectivity of the state funded ATV and Snowmobile trails. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman A motion was made by Crandall/Coughtry to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-56, Purchase of Land within the town of Barnes to Secure Portions of the State Funded ATV and Snowmobile Trails. A roll call vote took place as follows: Oswald-yes; Silbert-yes; Pocernich-yes; Strand-yes; Williams-yes; Coughtry-yes; Miller-yes; Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes; Goodwin-absent; Bussey-yes; Fickbohm- absent; Maki-yes. Total: 13, 11 yes, 0 no, 2 absent. The motion carried. 6. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-57, Authorization to Apply for 2018 TAD Grant. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, Bayfield and Ashland Counties and the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians have a history of cooperation on the Treatment Alternatives and Diversions Program; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is planning to apply for TAD funding in 2018 through the Wisconsin Department of Justice to continue these efforts; and WHEREAS, existing funding supports the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office and the County Criminal Justice Efforts in providing focused services for non-violent offenders; and WHEREAS, over 30% of county offenders are from Red Cliff; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County and the Tribe are currently working together on offender treatment, alternatives and diversions; and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Criminal Justice Council recommended County Board support for a 2018 application; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 19th day of September, 2017, do hereby state its intent to support submittal of a new TAD grant application; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County agrees to continue collaboration with the Red Cliff Police Department, Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office and the Bayfield County Criminal Justice Council in addition to Ashland County. By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman 200 A motion was made by Rondeau/Crandall to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-57, Authorization to Apply for 2018 TAD Grant. The motion carried. 7. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-58, 2017 Highway Department and Debt Service Budget Amendment. Abeles-Allison explained to the Board that with the new agreement with Northern Lights Healthcare Centre the monies that would be used in the Highway Department from the debt service will no longer be there. This Resolution takes funding from the debt service fund to replace the funds it would have received from Northern Lights in order to make their 2017 budget. The Board dispensed with the reading of the Resolution, which reads as follows: WHEREAS, the 2017 Bayfield County budget included $408,441 in debt service funding allocated to the Highway Department; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has a new agreement with Northern Lights Healthcare for a longer-term payment schedule. (Bayfield County will pay the debt service on behalf of Northern Lights as scheduled, but will allow Northern Lights to repay the debt to Bayfield County over a longer period of time.); and WHEREAS, the new payment arrangement with Northern Lights in 2017 will result in a shortfall of $408,441 that was allocated for Highway Department projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 19th day of August, 2017, does hereby authorize that the 2017 budget be amended to reflect the use of General Fund, Fund Balance in the amount of $408,441 to facilitate the completion of planned highways projects. Increase 100-00-59710-50998 by $408,441 (Transfer to Highway Fund) Increase 100-00-49301 by $408,441 (Fund Balance Applied) Decrease 710-71-41110 by $408,441 (Property Taxes) Increase 710-71-49201 by $408,441 (Transfer from General Fund) Decrease 380-49151 by $305,000 (Capital Lease) Decrease 380-80-48110 by $172,155 (Interest Income) Increase 380-80-41110 by $408,441 (Property Taxes) Increase 380-80-49121 by $4,015,021 (Proceeds from Long Term Note) Increase 380-80-58100-50610 by $3,975,000 (Principal) Decrease 380-80-58200-50620 by $28,693 (Interest Expense) By Action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Dennis M. Pocernich, Chairman A motion was made by Rondeau/Maki to adopt Bayfield County Resolution No. 2017-58, 2017 Highway Department and Debt Service Budget Amendment. A roll call vote took place as follows: Silbert-yes; Pocernich-yes; Strand-yes; Williams- 201 yes; Coughtry-yes; Miller-yes; Crandall-yes; Rondeau-yes; Goodwin-absent; Bussey- yes; Fickbohm-absent; Maki-yes; Oswald-yes. Total: 13, 11 yes, 0 no, 2 absent. The motion carried. 8. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Redemption Policy and Procedure. Abeles-Allison reported that the Land Sales Committee recently met and at their meeting discussion was held on people wanting to redeem their property after the 5 years is up in back taxes. Property owners are notified each and every year when with their tax statement that they are in arrears, but the problem arises after the 5th year when someone either current owner or relative claims to not have known about the situation and this seems to be coming up more and more. Corporation Counsel, John Carlson outlined a plan for redemption of parcels after the County has concluded the foreclosure process. The new process will begin with the culmination of the 2017 In Rem Process. The reception process will be as follows: • Former owners (legal guardian, guardian ad-litem) must make their intention to repurchase known to the Land Records office within 90 days after the County takes ownership. Notice must be in writing accompanied by a certified check for all outstanding taxes (including current tax year), assessments, interest charges and fees. It is the responsibility of the former owner to verify the final amount due with the County Land Records Office, in advance of payment. • No requests after this date will be considered. • The former property owner may bid on the property at public auction. Discussion took place regarding whether or not land owners are notified when the taxes are delinquent and it was explained to them that they are every year. A motion was made by Rondeau/Miller to adopt the Redemption Policy and Procedure. The motion carried. 9. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Designee to Northern Lights Services Board. Abeles-Allison reported that at the last meeting, Harold Maki and Jeff Silbert were appointed as representatives from the County to the Northern Lights Board. He further reminded the Board of discussion that the Board wanted an internal Bayfield County candidate with County interests in mind. He did receive two letters applications, 1 from Carrie Linder with the Dept. of Human Services and the other from Kathy Wendling, former Bayfield County Board supervisors. Abeles-Allison made his recommendation to the Board to appoint Carrie Linder as Bayfield County’s third designee to the Northern Lights Board. A motion was made by Strand/Williams to appoint Carrie Linder as Bayfield County’s third designee to the Northern Lights Board. The motion carried with one opposition. 10. A motion was made by Oswald/Rondeau to move in and out of Executive/Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(g) Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. The motion carried. A motion was made by Rondeau/Oswald to move out of Executive/Closed session. The motion carried. 202 11. Administrator’s Report: a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: ✓ October 31st, Nov. 14th Statutory. If a meeting is needed in December we will set one at that time. ✓ Discussion on Superior Days, 2018. Abeles-Allison stated that an organizational meeting was held which was attended by Supervisor Strand. Strand stated that they have modified the format slightly this year issuing identification on the first night due to issues in the past. If anyone has any ideas for key topics, please contact either Abeles-Allison, Strand or Tim Kane. b) WCA Annual Meeting. Abeles-Allison stated that he and Pocernich will be attending the conference. c) 2018 Budget Planning Meetings. The Executive Committee set the dates and time for the budget planning meetings. They are Sept. 27th, 28th, and Oct. 2nd, all starting at 4:30 p.m. d) Abeles-Allison informed the Board that WPPA has a tentative agreement with the County – more to come on this. e) Abeles-Allison briefly went over the 2018 proposed budget with the Board. 12. Supervisors’ Reports; a) Strand updated spoke briefly on Enbridge. b) Abeles-Allison informed the Board that Kevin Johnson had been deployed to Florida to help out in the hurricane aftermath and is now back. He was gone approximately 10 days. There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott S. Fibert, County Clerk SSF/dmb