HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 2/26/20191 Bayfield County Clerk Scott S. Fibert, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Rekemeyer, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Allison Radke, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: sfibert@bayfieldcounty.org ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting February 26th, 2019 6:00 p.m. Bayfield County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Bayfield County Chairman, Dennis Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk, Scott Fibert, as follows: George Newago- absent; Thomas Gordon- present; Larry Fickbohm- present; Harold Maki- absent; Jeremy Oswald- present; Jeffrey Silbert- present; Dennis Pocernich- present; Fred Strand- present; Thomas Snilsberg- absent; Marty Milanowski- present; David Zepczyk- present; James Crandall- present; Brett Rondeau- present. Total: 10 present, 3 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Clerk- Scott Fibert; County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; Clerk III- Allison Radke; Wisconsin State Broadband Director- Angie Dickison; Director of Forestry and Parks- Jason Bodine; Director of Child Support- Jennifer Osmak; Highway Commissioner- Paul Johanik; Emergency Management Director- Jan Victorson; Land Records Assistant- Pam Ledin; UW-Extension Area Director- Mary Pardee; Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director- Cole Rabska; From Bayfield Wireless- Mike Cariveau; From Norvado- Chad Young and Jeff Lee; From Century Link- Mark Scribner; Scholarship applicant- Ryan Meeker. 3. Pledge of Allegiance; The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 4. Public Comment – Ryan Meeker, a resident of Washburn, spoke. He is intending to apply for the scholarship that Bayfield County is offering. He has an interest in local government and has participated in Superior Days, representing Bayfield County. 5. Motion Regarding Minutes of the November 13, 2018 and the Minutes of the January 29, 2019 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting; Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2018 meeting. No edits or corrections. Motion carried. Motion by Fickbohm, Milanowski to approve the minutes of the January 29, 2019 meeting. No edits or corrections. Motion carried. 2 6. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-06; In Appreciation of Patricia Bruno for her 25 years of dedication and service in the Bayfield County Departments of Forestry and Park’s, Human Services, Juvenile Court, and Veteran’s Services; Resolution No. 2019-06 was read recognizing Pat Bruno for her retirement. WHEREAS, Patricia Bruno has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Department of Human Services and Forestry & Parks Departments for 25 years, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019, honors Patricia Bruno for her 25 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for her efforts, wishing her well in the years ahead. Motion by Strand, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-06 in appreciation of Patricia Bruno. Motion carried. 7. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-07; In Appreciation of Susan Butterfield for over 23 years of dedication and service in the Bayfield County Highway Department’s Office; Resolution No. 2019-07 was read recognizing Sue Butterfield for her retirement. WHEREAS, Susan Butterfield has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Highway Department for over 23 years, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019, honors Susan Butterfield for her over 23 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for her efforts, wishing her well in the years ahead. Motion by Rondeau, Crandall to approve Resolution No. 2019-07 in appreciation of Susan Butterfield. Motion carried. 8. Presentation of Wisconsin Broadband Forward Certificate; Wisconsin State Broadband Director, Angie Dickison to Bayfield County and the Bayfield County Highway Department; Bayfield County is the latest of 34 Wisconsin Broadband Forward recipients. State Broadband Director- Angie Dickison read and presented the Broadband Forward Certificate from Governor Tony Evers. WHEREAS; 2015 Act 287 created Wisconsin’s Broadband Forward! Community Certification Program; and WHEREAS; the program coordinates and streamlines administrative procedures for the deployment of the next generation broadband technologies to underserved areas by providing a new “Broadband Forward! Community” designation for units of local government who wish to participate by applying through the Wisconsin Public Service Commission; and 3 WHEREAS; Bayfield County is among the latest to become a “Broadband Forward! Community” by meeting the criteria for reviewing applications and permits related to broadband infrastructure projects with the aim of streamlining the process for approving local broadband investment; and WHEREAS; the goal is to promote the availability of broadband resources in support of community vitality and economic development; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Tony Evers, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, congratulate Bayfield County as the latest “Broadband Forward! Community.” 9. State of the County Presentation; Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; On an annual basis, a State of the County presentation is given by the County Administrator. Abeles-Allison gave an overview of some of assets, challenges, and priorities of Bayfield County. Departments and goals were highlighted. There are 22 different departments in Bayfield County. Throughout the year, there have been increased collections and earnings in multiple departments. Employees of the year and all retirees were recognized. There were multiple retirements. Bayfield County is a large organization and a leader among counties. The County employs 220 full and part-time employees. Abeles-Allison reported that Bayfield County has a budget of $32 million. Motion by Rondeau, Silbert to receive and place on file the State of the County Presentation. Motion carried. 10. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-08; County Request for additional State funding for Child Support; Jennifer Osmak, Child Support Director; Child Support Director- Jennifer Osmak was present to request support of Resolution No. 2019-08, increasing State child support funding by $1.5 million GPR for the next 3 years. For each $1 of State GPR that is invested, Counties will receive $2 matching funds from the Federal government. WHEREAS, Bayfield County administers the Child Support Enforcement Program on behalf of the state, providing services to Bayfield County residents including paternity establishment, obtaining child support and health insurance orders for children, and enforcing and modifying those orders; and WHEREAS, our children’s well-being, economic security and success in life are enhanced by parents who provide financial and emotional support; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County’s Child Support Agency ensures that parents take responsibility for the care and well-being of their children, supports the involvement of parents in their children’s lives and provides services to both custodial and noncustodial parents; and WHEREAS, the Child Support Enforcement Program is an effective investment in Wisconsin’s future as child support increases self-sufficiency, reduces child poverty, and has a positive effect on children’s well-being; and 4 WHEREAS, Wisconsin’s Child Support Enforcement Program is ranked 2nd in the nation for collecting current support; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin’s Child Support Enforcement Program is incredibly cost- effective, collecting an average of $5.56 in support for every dollar invested in the program; and WHEREAS, County child support agencies collected $934 Million in child support during 2017, 95% of which went directly to families while 5% reimbursed public assistance programs; and WHEREAS, child support agencies help save taxpayer dollars by establishing health insurance orders for 97% of cases, which reduces state Medicaid costs by moving children from public assistance to private insurance; and WHEREAS, State funding for county child support services has not increased above the 2007 funding level while county agency costs have steadily increased due to growing caseloads, inflation and new federal regulations; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin’s strong performance in child support is at risk without additional state funding. Diminished performance would result in reduced federal funding to Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, decreased federal funding would lead to less funding for Bayfield County’s child support agency. This could lead to reductions in child support enforcement staff and services and reduced child support collections; and WHEREAS, new state investments in child support are amplified by a generous federal match. Every $1 of state GPR invested in the Child Support Program generates $2 in federal matching funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors respectfully requests that state funding for county child support agencies be increased by $1.5 million GPR in each fiscal year of the 2019-21 Wisconsin state budget, which will generate approximately $3 million in additional federal funding each year. This investment will ensure that counties can continue to effectively provide economic support to our children. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the County Clerk to the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, State Senators and State Representatives representing Bayfield County, the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Administration, and the Wisconsin Counties Association for consideration. Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-08, requesting additional State funding for Child Support for the Counties. Motion carried. 11. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-09; 2018 Year-End Budget Amendments Forestry & Parks Department; Jason Bodine, Forestry & Parks Director; Jason Bodine- Forestry and Parks Director spoke about the 2018 year-end budget 5 amendment. Major components of this budget amendment are results of the flood damage from June of 2018. Revenues cover expenditures in this Resolution. WHEREAS, as per Wisconsin State Statute 28.11(9)(d), Bayfield County is required to distribute 10% of net timber sale proceeds to towns that contain county forest lands; WHEREAS, the 2018 expense budget for the 10% net timber sale receipts due to Towns (100-34-56125-50590) was $323,000.00; WHEREAS, the 2018 revenue budget for county forest stumpage (100-34-46811 & 100- 34-46815) was $3,230,000.00; WHEREAS, the actual county forest timber sale revenues for CY 2018 was $4,562,243.45; WHEREAS, the required 10% timber sale payment due to the towns totaled $456,224.36; WHEREAS, the required 10% timber sale payment due to the towns exceeded the expense budget by $133,224.36; WHEREAS, the June 2018 storms caused significant damage to various county infrastructures, including state funded snowmobile and ATV trails WHEREAS, as per an Agreement with the Wisconsin DNR, Bayfield County is charged with maintaining safe snowmobile and ATV trail networks; WHEREAS, as per the Federal Disaster Declaration, in response to the June 2018 storms, repairs to the state funded snowmobile and ATV trails are eligible for FEMA funds; WHEREAS, Bayfield County spent a total of $99,855.25 on repairs to the state funded motorized trails that were damaged by the June 2018 storms; WHEREAS, to date, FEMA grant projects/funds have not been officially awarded and/or distributed, which, in combination with state assistance (funding) are expected to offset nearly all (100%) of the expenses associated with the various trail repairs; WHEREAS, Bayfield County partnered with the United States Forest Service to help with the repair of a dual use motorized trail (ATV and snowmobile), just north of Drummond (Drummond Connector), that was significantly damaged from the June 2018 storms; WHEREAS, the total cost of repairs to the Drummond Connector was $69,668.36; WHEREAS, a combination of state and federal funds has already, or soon will be, received to offset all (100%) of the costs associated with repairs to the Drummond Connector; WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the 2018 county forest stumpage revenue lines to offset the overage in the town payment, as well as costs associated with storm damage trail repair, where reimbursement has yet to be received; 6 WHEREAS, a budget amendment, Resolution 2018-08, approved funding for a Knowles- Nelson Stewardship Grant, authorizing increases in both revenue ($2,920,250.00) and expense ($2,920,250.00) accounts, should the project be approved and grant awarded; WHEREAS, the Stewardship grant, as amended via Resolution 2018-08 did not materialize, was significantly modified, and will be addressed as part of the 2019 budget; WHEREAS, as a result, with the exception of $15,000 required to cover expenses associated with appraisals, all other increases in revenue and expenses associated with Resolution 2018-08 should be removed from the 2018 budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting this 26th day of February 2019 approve the following 2018 budget amendments: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budget amendments listed below comprise an increase in payments to the towns and trail repair expenses by a total of $302,747.97; offsetting increases in revenue by a total of $317,747.97; a decrease in Knowles-Nelson grant expenses by $2,905,250.00; and a decrease in Knowles-Nelson grant revenue by $2,920,250.00; resulting in zero net overall change to the 2018 budget; Increase 2018 10% Timber Sales Due Towns expense line: 100-34-56125-50590 by $133,224.36; Increase 2018 FEMA Grant expense lines: 100-34-56212-50290 by $90,811.00; 100-34-56212-50350 by $9,044.25; Increase Misc. Federal Grant expense line: 100-34-55446-50290 by $40,000.00; Increase Snowmobile Trail Maintenance expense line: 100-34-55442-50240 by $14,834.18; Increase ATV Trail Maintenance expense line: 100-34-55443-50240 by $14,834.18; Increase Misc. Federal Grant revenue line: 100-34-43260 by $40,000.00; Increase Snowmobile Trail Maintenance revenue line: 100-34-43572 by $14,834.18; Increase ATV Trail Maintenance revenue line: 100-34-43575 by $14,834.18; Increase Sale of Wood-CFL-County Share revenue line: 100-34-46811 by $223,271.65; Increase 10% County Forestry-Towns revenue line: 7 100-34-46815 by $24,807.96 Decrease 2018 Knowles-Nelson Grant expense lines: 100-34-56105-50252 by $2,855,250.00; 100-34-56105-50290 by $50,000.00; Decrease 2018 Knowles-Nelson Grant revenue line: 100-34-43586 by $2,920,250.00; Motion by Strand, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-09, 2018 year-end budget amendment from the Forestry & Parks Department. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 12. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-10; 2019 Budget Amendment Accepting the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant for the Purchase of 510 acres of Forestland for Enrollment in County Forest Law; Jason Bodine, Forestry & Parks Director; Jason Bodine- Forestry and Parks Director explained Resolution No. 2019-10, a 2019 budget amendment where revenues cover expenditures. This Resolution has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Forestry Committee. WHEREAS, via Resolution 2018-08, the County Board gave the Forestry and Parks Department authorization to apply for the acquisition of County Forest land through the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant (the Grant); WHEREAS, the Resolution outlined the general parameters for the application; WHEREAS, on February 7, 2019, the Grant application was approved, however the final project was revised and subsequently reduced in size and scope; WHEREAS, as part of the approved revised project, the County would acquire 510 acres of forest land from Ceres Timber; WHEREAS, the Grant will provide funding for 50% of the appraised land value, and other eligible associated costs; WHEREAS, the appraised value of the Ceres Timber properties was $658,000.00 and other eligible associated costs were estimated to be $9,050.00; WHEREAS, the final selling price for the land in the Ceres Timber Acquisition project was $630,000.00; WHEREAS, as part of the Grant, the County is required to provide matching funds for the remaining 50%; WHEREAS, as part of the matching funds, the County applied the appraised value of 181.25 acres of County owned, non-County Forest Law, lands. These match properties were appraised at $304,500.00 and have a Grant value of $152,250.00; 8 WHEREAS, the value of the Grant award, including the State share (50%) of the total project costs and value of the County match properties, is $485,800.00; WHEREAS, the total value of the revised project, including the cost of the land and all other eligible associated expenses is estimated to be $639,050.00; WHEREAS, the total remaining cost of the project, less the Grant award, is expected to be $153,250.00; WHEREAS, in addition to the appraised value of the above mentioned match lands, the County will contribute up to $160,000.00 in proceeds, received from the combined sale of 160 acres of land to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, towards the remaining required match (the re-investment of the proceeds received from said land sales, in forest land that will be enrolled in County Forest Law, was a contingency of both transactions); WHEREAS, the remaining matching funds (approximately $153,250.00, but up to $160,000.00), required to satisfy the terms of the Grant, will be provided by the County, in full, from cash already received from the previously mentioned land sales; WHEREAS, the total value of the Grant award ($485,800.00), which includes the value of 181.25 acres of match lands, plus the required remaining matching cash funds (estimated to be $153,250.00), will be used to complete the project; WHEREAS, also as per the terms of the Grant award, in addition to the 181.25 acres of match land, the County is required to include the 3,040 acres of County owned lands located within the Bibon Swamp. However, as per terms of the Grant, the Bibon Swamp is not eligible to receive match value/compensation; WHEREAS, all properties acquired through the Grant, as well as all County properties used as a match, will be enrolled in County Forest Law and managed as part of the County Forest. When including the 510 acres that will be purchased from Ceres Timber, the 181.25 acres of match lands that will receive value in the Grant, and the 3,040 acres of match lands that will not receive value in the grant, a total of 3,731.25 acres will be added to the County Forest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting this 26th day of February 2019 approves accepting the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant for County Forest Land Acquisition, as presented, and approves the following budget amendment to the 2019 Forestry and Parks Department budget: Expense: Increase Knowles-Nelson Grant - Purchase of Land: 430-34-56105-50252 by $630,000.00; Increase Knowles-Nelson Grant - Other Supplies and Expense: 430-34-56105-50390 by $9,050.00; Increase Transfer to 430 Fund: 100-00-59430-50820 $153,250.00 Revenue: Increase Knowles-Nelson Grant: 430-34-43586 by $485,800.00; 9 Increase Fund Balance Applied: 100-00-49301 by $153,250.00. Increase Transfer from Other Funds: 430-70-49201 by $153,250.00 Motion by Strand, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-10, 2019 budget amendment accepting a grant for the purchase of 510 acres of forestland from the Department of Forestry and Parks. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 13. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-11; Highway Department 2018 Additional Budget Amendment as a result of the June 16 and 17, 2018 Flood Repairs; Paul Johanik, Highway Commissioner, presented to the County Board regarding this budget amendment. The Highway Department was an additional $30,179 short in their 2018 budget due to June 2018 flood related costs. Contractual services will cover this shortfall. WHEREAS, County Highway crews responded in full force the weekend of June 16, 2018 as record rains undermined and destroyed state, county, and local road infrastructure. WHEREAS, an unprecedented number of state and county highway roads and bridges were damaged; WHEREAS, County crews worked around the clock to ensure highway safety and accessibility. WHEREAS, County Highway incurred substantial overtime, hauled and placed extra materials from our pits and purchased materials from private pits and quarries, rented extra equipment and entered into emergency contracts with contractors and other counties to open roads as quickly and safely as possible for the public. WHEREAS, because of the June 2018 flooding the Highway Department incurred over $1.1 million dollars in damages to the county road system. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Highway Department did not budget for the unexpected damages. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Highway Department has utilized available highway funds to pay operating expenses to the end of 2018. WHEREAS, the balance of funds needed after utilizing available highway funds will be shown as a liability in the highway fund and a receivable in the general fund. WHEREAS, As of February 20, 2019, the Highway Department reported a current 2018 budget overage of $30,179. 10 WHEREAS, flood related expenses have been submitted to the state with more to be submitted. WHEREAS, payment has not yet been received from the state. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019, does hereby approve a budget amendment for storm related costs and funding shortfalls that will have to be paid in the 2018 budget. Increase Highway Fund State Revenues-Other 710-71-47233 by: $30,179 Increase Contractual Services 710-71-53321-50290 by: $30,179 Motion by Crandall, Milanowski to approve Resolution 2019-11, 2018 budget amendment from the Highway Department resulting from the June 2018 flood repairs. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 14. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-12; Emergency Management Budget Amendment for the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Computer Grant; Jan Victorson, Emergency Management Director, provided information about this budget amendment which will purchase a printer/copier from grant funds. The printer/copier is to be used by Emergency Management and other offices located in the Annex building. WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management applied for and was awarded an EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act) Computer Grant through Wisconsin Emergency Management; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management applied for this grant to purchase a printer/copier capable of printing maps and graphics including use of color to be used by emergency management and other offices in the annex building; and WHEREAS, the projected grant award is $4846 with match of $2201 to come from the Bayfield County Xerox Fund for a total cost of $7047. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County 2018 budget be amended to show an increase in the revenue line item of 430-18-43524-001 in the amount of $4846 and the expenditure line item of 430-18-52503-50810 in the amount of $4846; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Emergency Management be authorized to execute documents related to the EPCRA Computer Grant. Motion by Oswald, Fickbohm to approve Resolution No. 2019-12, budget amendment from Emergency Management for a EPCRA Computer Grant. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, 11 Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 15. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-13; Amending the 2018 Coroner Budget; County Administrator Abeles-Allison gave information regarding this Coroner budget amendment. Contingency covered the overage of $1,354 in the 2018 Coroner’s budget for autopsy expenses. WHEREAS, unanticipated expenses were received related to the coroner’s office for autopsy expenses in 2018; WHEREAS, sufficient funds are not available in the 2018 Coroner budget to cover these unanticipated expenses; WHEREAS, the use of contingency funds are requested to pay the unanticipated coroner expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019, does hereby authorize that the 2018 Budget be amended as follows: Decrease Contingency 100-00-51410-50000 $1,354.00 Increase Coroner Cremation Fees 100-06-51205-50250 $1,354.00 Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-13, amending the 2018 Coroner budget. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm- yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 16. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-14; 2018 Year-End Jail Assessment Budget Amendment; Sheriff’s Office; County Administrator Abeles-Allison gave a summary regarding this jail assessment budget amendment, due to an unexpected expenditure of $1192 for jail camera upgrades in 2018. Revenue covers the expenses for this jail assessment budget amendment. It was noted that the Resolution was approved and recommended by the Sheriff’s committee. WHEREAS, the 2018 Jail Assessment expense budget is used for Jail related expenses with revenues coming from assessment fees for violations of state, municipal or county ordinances. WHEREAS, there was an unexpected expenditure of $1192.25 on jail camera upgrades in 2018, exceeding the jail assessment budget expenses by $1192.25, and WHEREAS, additional revenue was received than budgeted, 12 WHEREAS, the Space and Security Assessment study highlighted the importance of increased camera locations in safety sensitive areas of the jail and camera installation was originally planned; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office recommends additional jail cameras, in light of the security study; and WHEREAS, the Jail Assessment account has a sufficient balance to cover expenses for cameras; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019 does hereby authorize the 2018 Jail Assessment budget be amended to reflect the expenses from projects to be completed and the sufficient savings balance for Jail Assessment to: Increase Jail Assessment Revenue 245-63-45102 by $1192.00 Increase Jail Assessment Expenses 245-63-52703-50810 by $1192.00 Motion by Oswald, Fickbohm to approve Resolution No. 2019-14, 2018 year-end budget amendment from the Sheriff’s Department. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago- absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm- yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki- absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 17. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-15; 2018 Year-End Squad Fund Budget Amendment; Sheriff’s Office; County Administrator Abeles-Allison explained this squad fund budget amendment. There was an unexpected expenditure, exceeding budget expenses by $8892 on fuel for squad cars in 2018. This was offset through revenues and the use of fund balance. It was also noted that the Resolution was reviewed and recommended by the Sheriff’s committee. WHEREAS, the 2018 Sheriff’s Squad Car Fund expense budget is used for squad related expenses with revenues coming from the insurance recoveries, sale of vehicles and depreciation (squad mileage charges). WHEREAS, there was an unexpected expenditure of $22,828.05 on fuel for squad cars in 2018, exceeding the Sheriff’s Squad Car Fund budget expenses by $8,892.03, and WHEREAS, the fuel prices were higher than expected in 2018, WHERAS, the revenue from the Sale of Larger Fixed Assets was higher than expected, WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Squad Fund account has a sufficient balance to cover expenses for fuel expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 26th day of February 2019 does hereby authorize the 2018 Sheriff’s Squad Car Fund budget be amended to reflect the additional revenues from the 13 sale of larger fixed assets and the use of fund balance to offset the additional fuel expenses. Increase Squad Car Fund Balance Applied 760-76-49301 by $5,132.00 Increase Sale of Larger Fixed Assets Revenue 760-76-49401 by $3,761.00 Increase Squad Fund Fuel Expenses 760-76-52120-50351 by $8,893.00 Motion by Oswald, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-15, 2018 year-end budget amendment for the squad fund from the Sheriff’s Department. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich- yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-absent, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 18. Bayfield County Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-02; Amending Title 10, Chapter 3: All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Motor Vehicle Operation; Adding 2 Sections to Sec. 10-3-10 Designated Routes; 4.48 miles on CTH H from Horstman to Finger Lake Road and 3.81 miles from Scenic Drive to Scenic Drive in the Towns of Delta and Iron River; Paul Johanik, Bayfield County Highway Commissioner; Highway Commissioner Paul Johanik provided information regarding Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-02. It was recommended for approval by the Highway Committee. The route can be revoked by the Highway Commissioner should there be any issues. The only change is the addition of the following 2 routes to Sec. 10-3-10: CTH H from Hortsman Road to Finger Lake Road – 4.48 miles CTH H from Scenic Drive to Scenic Drive – 3.81 miles Motion by Crandall, Rondeau to approve Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-02, adding 2 sections to Section 10-3-10 Designated Routes in the Towns of Delta and Iron River. Motion carried. 19. Reports of the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee No. 2019-03; No. 2019- 04; No. 2019-05; Petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance regarding the Zoning of: (Please receive and place on file as one item.); Rob Schierman, Planning and Zoning Director; County Administrator Abeles-Allison summarized the three reports from the Planning and Zoning Committee on behalf of Rob Schierman, Planning and Zoning Director. a) Across the Pond Veterans Park, Inc. parcel in the Town of Hughes from Forestry- 2/Residential-1 to Forestry-1; REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing of petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.69(5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes; notice thereof having been given as provided by law; and having been duly informed of the facts 14 pertinent to the following changes; hereby recommends the following action on said petition: The Zoning of Across the Pond Veterans Park, Inc 10-acre parcel (Tax ID# 37679) (Document No. 2017R-571023), A parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼) more particularly described as Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map (CSM) No. 2019 recorded in Volume 12 of Certified Survey Map, Pages 32- 34 on October 30, 2017 as Document No. 2017R-570625 in Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-Seven (47) N, Range Nine (9 ) West, Town of Hughes, Bayfield County, WI from Forestry-Two (F-2) / Residential-One (R-1) to Forestry-One (F-1). b) Mark and Kimberly Otto’s parcel in the Town of Barnes from Residential-2 to Residential-3; REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing of petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.69(5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes; notice thereof having been given as provided by law; and having been duly informed of the facts pertinent to the following changes; hereby recommends the following action on said petition: The Zoning of Mark and Kimberly Otto 2.0-acre parcel (ID# 2835) (Document No. 2018R-574953): located in part of Government Lot One (1), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is on the East line of said Government Lot 1 which is 658 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence running North along the East line of said Lot, a distance of 140 feet; thence running West parallel to the South line of said Lot a distance of approximately 833 feet to the shore of Kelly Lake; thence running in a Southerly and Southwesterly direction along the shore of Kelly Lake, a distance of 150 feet; thence running East parallel to the South line of said Government Lot 1, a distance of approximately 897 feet to the point of beginning in Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Forty-Five (45) N, Range Nine (9), Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, WI from Residential-Two (R-2) to Residential-Three (R-3). c) Thorp Properties LLC parcel in the Town of Iron River from Residential-1 to Commercial; REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing of petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.69(5)(e), Wisconsin Statutes; notice thereof having been given as provided by law; and having been duly informed of the facts pertinent to the following changes; hereby recommends the following action on said petition: 15 The Zoning of Thorp Properties LLC 6.64-acre parcel (part of Tax ID# 19461) (V. 1137 P. 96), A parcel of land located in the Southeast Auarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) described as follows: to locate the point of beginning, commence at a 2" capped iron pipe at the N 1/4 corner of said Section 18 and run S 03°17'46" W, 1304.22 feet on the N- S 1/4 line of said Section 18, to a 1-/14" iron pipe at the CN 1/16 corner; thence leaving said N-S 1/4 line and on the North line of said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, S 89°59'28" w, 173.12 feet to the point of beginning. Thence from said point of beginning by metes and bounds: Leaving said North line, S 03°16'02" E, 774.60 feet; thence S 89°35'04" W, 876.58 feet to the Easterly right of way line of Co Hwy A; thence on said Easterly right of way line, North Easterly, 859.94 feet on the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 572.65 feet, a central angle of 86°02'24" and a chord which bears N 46°33'51" E and measures 781.38 feet; thence N 03°32'39" E, 242.89 feet to the North line of said SE 1/4 of the NW ¼; thence leaving said Easterly right of way line and on said North line, N 89°59'28" E, 250.00 feet to the point of beginning in Section Eighteen (18), Township Forty-Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, Said parcel contains 289,134 square feet which is 6.64 acres, including 1.21 acres, more or less, within the right of ways of iron river dump road and w. gravel pit road. Said parcel is subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record or use, if any. from Residential-One (R-1) to Commercial (C) – The remainder of the 20-acres will remain as R-1. Motion by Rondeau, Gordon to receive and place on file Reports No. 2019-03, No. 2019-04, and No. 2019-05. Motion carried. 20. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2019-03; Amendment regarding the Zoning of Across the Pond Veterans Park, Inc. parcel in the Town of Hughes from Forestry-2/Residential- 1 to Forestry-1; Rob Schierman, Planning and Zoning Director; Ordinance No. 2019-03 was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Committee. The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended as follows: WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69 (5) authorizes the County Board to adopt a zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69(5)(e) authorizes the County Board to change district boundaries; and 16 WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the County of Bayfield that the District Boundaries be further modified and amended in the manner hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby ordain as follows: The Zoning of Across the Pond Veterans Park, Inc 10-acre parcel (Tax ID# 37679) (Document No. 2017R-571023). A parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼); more particularly described as Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map (CSM) No. 2019 recorded in Volume 12 of Certified Survey Map, Pages 32-34 on October 30, 2017 as Document No. 2017R-570625 in Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-Seven (47) N, Range Nine (9 ) West, Town of Hughes, Bayfield County, WI from Forestry-Two (F-2) / Residential-One (R-1) to Forestry-One (F-1). Motion by Strand, Rondeau to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-03. Motion carried. 21. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2019-04; Amendment regarding the Zoning of a Mark and Kimberly Otto parcel in the Town of Barnes from Residential-2 to Residential-3; Rob Schierman, Planning and Zoning Director; Ordinance No. 2019-04 was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Committee. The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended as follows: WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69 (5) authorizes the County Board to adopt a zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69(5)(e) authorizes the County Board to change district boundaries; and it is deemed in the best interest of the County of Bayfield that the District Boundaries be further modified and amended in the manner hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby ordain as follows: The Zoning of Mark and Kimberly Otto 2.0-acre parcel (ID# 2835) (Doc #2018R-574953) located in part of Government Lot One (1), more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point which is on the East line of said Government Lot 1 which is 658 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence running North along the East line of said Lot, a distance of 140 feet; thence running West parallel to the South line of said Lot a distance of approximately 833 feet to the shore of Kelly Lake; thence running in a Southerly and Southwesterly direction along the shore of Kelly Lake, a distance of 150 feet; thence running East parallel to the South line of said Government Lot 1, a distance of approximately 897 feet to the point of beginning in Section Twenty-Six (26), Township Forty-Five (45) N, Range Nine (9), Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, WI from Residential-Two (R-2) to Residential- Three (R-3). 17 Motion by Strand, Rondeau to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-04. Motion carried. 22. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2019-05; Amendment regarding the Zoning of a Thorp Properties LLC parcel in the Town of Iron River from Residential-1 to Commercial; Rob Schierman, Planning and Zoning Director; Ordinance No. 2019-05 was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Committee. The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted June 1, 1976, be and the same, is hereby amended as follows: WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69 (5) authorizes the County Board to adopt a zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statutes §59.69(5)(e) authorizes the County Board to change district boundaries; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the County of Bayfield that the District Boundaries be further modified and amended in the manner hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby ordain as follows: The Zoning of Thorp Properties LLC 6.64-acre parcel (part of Tax ID# 19461) (V. 1137 P. 96) A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE ¼ NW ¼) described as follows: to locate the point of beginning, commence at a 2" capped iron pipe at the N 1/4 corner of said Section 18 and run S 03°17'46" W, 1304.22 feet on the N-S 1/4 line of said Section 18, to a 1-/14" iron pipe at the CN 1/16 corner; thence leaving said N-S 1/4 line and on the North line of said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, S 89°59'28" W, 173.12 feet to the point of beginning. Thence from said point of beginning by metes and bounds: Leaving said North line, S 03°16'02" E, 774.60 feet; thence S 89°35'04" W, 876.58 feet to the Easterly right of way line of Co Hwy A; thence on said Easterly right of way line, North Easterly, 859.94 feet on the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 572.65 feet, a central angle of 86°02'24" and a chord which bears N 46°33'51" E and measures 781.38 feet; thence N 03°32'39" E, 242.89 feet to the North line of said SE 1/4 of the NW ¼; thence leaving said Easterly right of way line and on said North line, N 89°59'28" E, 250.00 feet to the point of beginning in Section Eighteen (18), Township Forty-Seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, Said parcel contains 289,134 square feet which is 6.64 acres, including 1.21 acres, more or less, within the right of ways of Iron River Dump Road and W. Gravel Pit Road. 18 Said parcel is subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record or use, if any. from Residential-One (R-1) to Commercial (C) – The remainder of the 20-acres will remain as R-1. Motion by Strand, Rondeau to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-05. Motion carried. 23. Bayfield County Emergency Fire Wardens for 2019: Emergency Fire Warden Organization List; There was a discussion regarding the declining number of Emergency Fire Wardens. Motion by Rondeau, Milanowski to approve the 2019 Bayfield County Emergency Fire Warden Organization List. Motion carried. 24. Discussion and Possible Action: Bayfield County Board Support of Re-Submittal of a BUILD Grant for All Season Roads on County Highways A and N; Abeles-Allison informed that the BUILD grant would help Bayfield County build an all- season road on County Highways A & N. Comments were received including how to budget for this project and in support pursuing the project. If selected, this grant would be received in 5-6 years. Motion by Crandall, Rondeau in approval of a re-submittal of a BUILD Grant for All Season Roads on County Highways A and N. Motion carried. 25. The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors may entertain a motion to move in and out of Executive/Closed Session pursuant to: §19.85(1)(c), Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance valuation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; or §19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. Motion by Rondeau, Gordon to enter Executive/Closed Session at 7:18 p.m. Motion carried. The following were allowed to remain in Executive/Closed Session: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Scott Fibert; Forestry and Parks Director- Jason Bodine; Clerk III- Allison Radke. Discussion took place with topics including: County Administrator’s evaluation and Red Cliff Zoning Lawsuit. There being no further business to conduct in Executive/Closed Session, a motion was made by Rondeau, Milanowski to return to Open Session at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried. 26. Administrator’s Report: a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: ✓ March 26th, 2019 19 ✓ April 16th, 2019 – This Statutory meeting will be held on the 3rd Tuesday in April. (There are conflicts. Different dates were discussed. April 23rd at 6:00 p.m. was decided.) ✓ May 28th, 2019 b) Superior Days Summary; The 34th Superior Days was reported to have been a receptive, well-organized, positive, and worthwhile experience. Cooperation between different governmental entities was observed. c) Wisconsin Counties Association Legislative Conference; A summary was given of the Legislative Conference and speakers were highlighted, including Governor Evers, former Governor Tommy Thompson, and legislative leadership. d) Opioid/ Meth/ Substance Abuse Epidemic; The opioid/meth/substance abuse epidemic is being faced from a holistic departmental perspective. Department Heads were given a list of questions to help work towards various responses. e) Northern Lights; There was an offer and an acceptance for a new Administrator at Northern Lights. This individual has a financial background. It was discussed to give the new Director a few months in the position before meeting again. 27. Supervisors’ Reports; Narcan was reported to have been used according to the Sheriff’s Committee. There will be a jail tour and dinner with the Sheriff’s Committee on March 18th. There will be a WCA Legislative Update meeting in Hayward on Wednesday March 20th. 28. Future Agenda Items; None identified. 29. Adjournment; There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott S. Fibert Scott S. Fibert, Bayfield County Clerk SSF/alr