HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/27/20191 Bayfield County Clerk Scott S. Fibert, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Rekemeyer, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Allison Radke, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: sfibert@bayfieldcounty.org ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Draft Minutes of the: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting August 27th, 2019 6:00 p.m. Bayfield County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Bayfield County Chairman, Dennis Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk- Scott Fibert, as follows: George Newago- absent; Thomas Gordon- present; Larry Fickbohm- present; Harold Maki- present; Jeremy Oswald- present; Jeffrey Silbert- present; Dennis Pocernich- present; Fred Strand- present; Thomas Snilsberg- present; Marty Milanowski- present; David Zepczyk- present; James Crandall- present; Brett Rondeau- present. Total: 12 present, 1 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Scott Fibert; Clerk III- Allison Radke; Members of area ATV groups. 3. Pledge of Allegiance; The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence was held for Dave Renz. He worked for the Highway Department for over 10 years and recently passed away. 4. Public Comment; Brad Tuberville is a District Ranger with the US Forest Service. He thanked Bayfield County for the collaboration during the National Rainbow Family Gathering. Jack Olson from the Town of Washburn spoke in favor of a section of County C from Big Rock Road to McKinley Road being open for ATV use. It would connect different towns. He said it is safe and necessary proposal. Dennis Bachand also spoke in favor of opening the 1-mile section to ATVs on County C in the Town of Washburn. He said it is a safe alternative to connect ATVers to the Iron River area. Jim Bender spoke from Trails North ATV Club in Iron River. The club found the 1-mile route on County Highway C to be appropriate and safe. 5. Motion Regarding the Minutes of the July 30, 2019 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting; Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to approve the Minutes of the July 30, 2019 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. No additions or corrections. Motion carried. 2 6. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-52; Recognizing Kevin Susienka for 21 years of dedication and service in the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department; Resolution No. 2019-52, Recognizing Kevin Susienka, was read by Supervisor Oswald. Comments were received regarding his service and commitment. WHEREAS, Kevin Susienka has served Bayfield County with distinction, honor and dedication in the Sheriff’s Department for over 21 years, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, honors Kevin Susienka for his over 21 years of public service to Bayfield County and expresses gratitude for his efforts, wishing him well in the years ahead. Motion by Oswald, Milanowski to approve Resolution No. 2019-52, Recognizing Kevin Susienka for 21 years of dedication and service in the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department. Motion carried. 7. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-53; Recognizing Jane Severt, Wisconsin County Forest Association Executive Director upon her retirement; County Administrator Abeles-Allison gave further background information about Jane Severt and her work throughout the state of Wisconsin. WHEREAS, Bayfield County is a member of the Wisconsin County Forest Association (WCFA), which represents the forestry interests of 29 counties across the State; and, WHEREAS, WCFA members sustainably manage over 2.4 million acres of forest lands, making county forests, collectively, the largest public land base in the State; and, WHEREAS, Sustainable County Forest Management is a critical need for Bayfield County, the third largest county forest in the State, with nearly 176,000 acres of County Forest; and, WHEREAS, Jane Severt has held the Position of Executive Director of the WCFA since June of 2007. Prior to this, Jane worked as the Lincoln and Ashland County Forest Administrator; and, WHEREAS, Jane Severt has approached her work with zeal, passion and dedication that has propelled the organization to new levels; and, WHEREAS, under Jane’s leadership, the organization has benefitted Bayfield County directly; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, do hereby recognize Jane’s lifelong career in forest management and extends its appreciation for her commitment to county forestry. Motion by Maki, Rondeau to approve Resolution No. 2019-53, Recognizing Jane Severt, Wisconsin County Forest Association Executive Director upon her retirement. Motion carried. 8. UW-Madison, First Year Summer Internship Program Summary; Mary Beth Barker, UW- Madison Extension Intern for Bayfield County; 3 UW-Madison Extension Intern May Beth Barker presented about the findings from her First Year Summer Internship. She mainly worked under the leadership of Extension Agriculture Educator Jason Fischbach and Community Development Educator Kellie Pederson. Barker highlighted a few projects that she had worked on this summer. Her 4 major projects included: researching dynamic clusters and social network analysis, paddling and wild rice, Northwoods Forage Growers- creating the name and website, and exploring the Vinder social media app for local producers. 9. Bayfield County Fair Presentation and Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-54; Proclaiming March 2020 as Bayfield County Fair Engagement Month; Mary Motiff, Tourism Director; Tourism Director, Mary Motiff, gave information and presented data regarding the Bayfield County Fair. A focus was given to the updated figures from the years 2015 to 2019. This year’s gate admissions were the highest in more than the last 5 years. There was discussion regarding vendors and the associated fees. Motiff gave a presentation with videos and photos from the 125th Anniversary Year of the Bayfield County Fair. Resolution No. 2019-54, Proclaiming March 2020 as Bayfield County Fair Engagement Month was discussed. Comments were received regarding the importance of the Fair. One Supervisor stated that it is a family and community investment. WHEREAS, The County Fair celebrates Bayfield County, its people and culture; and WHEREAS, People of all ages participate in the fair, from the very young with their crafts, to the superintendents with years of experience; and WHEREAS, Any resident of the State of Wisconsin can enter items for judging at the Bayfield County Fair. WHEREAS, The Fair attracts and involves a diverse group of participants ranging from the members of the county’s twelve 4H clubs, to Red Cliff Buffalo Bay Singers to Dirt Dash Drivers; and WHEREAS, The Fair operates 24-hours per day over a period of four days, providing entertainment, food, lodging and utilities to participants; and WHEREAS, Events happen at the fairgrounds throughout the summer in addition to winter storage of boats and vehicles; and WHEREAS, The Fair completed major infrastructure projects in 2019 including water, sewer and electric; and WHEREAS, Fair staff and committee members work throughout the year to organize and plan the event; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in anticipation of the 2020 Bayfield County Fair, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, do hereby Proclaim the month of March 2020 as Fair Engagement Month in Bayfield County. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, do hereby recognize the Bayfield County Fair Committee members Chair Larry Fickbom, Vice-Chair Jeremy Oswald, Jim Crandall, Fred Strand and Tom Snilsberg AND the Bayfield County Fair Staff including Mary Motiff, Ursula Garrison, Molly McCool, Emily Kovach-Erickson, Sheila Wilcox, Kelsie Shields, Scott Williams, Harvey Anderson, Aaron Folsom and assistance from Matt Kubik, Rachel Garz and dozens of volunteers. Motion by Rondeau, Gordon to approve Resolution No. 2019-54, Proclaiming March 2020 as Bayfield County Fair Engagement Month. Motion carried. The following agenda item was moved to earlier in the meeting due to the amount of interested public at the meeting. No objections. 10. Bayfield County Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-15; Amending Title 10, Chapter 3: All- Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Motor Vehicle Operation; Adding 2 Sections to Sec. 10-3-10 Designated Routes; Approximately 1 mile in the Town of Grand View; Approximately 1 mile in the Town of Washburn; Paul Johanik, Bayfield County Highway Commissioner; Highway Committee Chair Crandall reported that this Amendatory Ordinance was endorsed by the Highway Department. It was clarified that there was one dissension vote in the Highway Committee. The changes would add the following 2 routes to Sec. 10-3-10: 1. Town of Grand View: CTH D (Triangle Road to Pioneer Road) – 1 mile 2. Town of Washburn: CTH C (Big Rock Road to McKinley Road) – 1 mile Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to adopt Amendatory Ordinance No. 2019-15, adding the above 2 Sections to Sec. 10-3-10 Designated Routes. Motion carried with one opposed. 11. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-55; Budget Amendment to accept the Women’s Health- Family Planning Program Grant from the Wisconsin Division of Public Health; Sara Wartman, Health Director; Health Director, Sara Wartman, provided a background for Resolution No. 2019-55, Budget Amendment to accept the Women’s Health-Family Planning Program Grant from the Wisconsin Division of Public Health. The grant is for the amount of $6,168. The Health Committee reviewed this Resolution and recommended it for approval. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department has received a grant in the amount of $6,168 from Wisconsin Division of Public Health to outreach to low-income pregnant women and provide referral to Medicaid. Funding is received by reimbursement. Total award to be expended by December 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Budget does not contain any projections to account for any revenue or expenditures for said grant; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Bayfield County Board of Health to accept and expend said grant in 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, hereby authorizes the use of Revenue Account Number 5 100-20-43554 and Expense Account Number 100-20-54109 for Women’s Health-Family Planning Program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby amends the 2019 budget by $6,168 for grant revenue/expenses. Increase Revenue: 100-20-43554 Women’s Health-Family Planning Program $6,168 Increase Expenses: 100-20-54109-50121 Full Time $3,456 100-20-54109-50151 FICA $264 100-20-54109-50152 Retirement $225 100-20-54109-50155 Life Insurance $1 100-20-54109-50154 Health Insurance $1,522 100-20-54109-50332-002 Mileage-RN $100 100-20-54109-50340 Operating Supplies $100 100-20-54109-50391 Medical Supplies $500 Motion by Strand, Zepczyk to approve Resolution Nol. 2019-55, Budget Amendment to accept the Women’s Health-Family Planning Program Grant from the Wisconsin Division of Public Health. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert- yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-yes, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-yes. (12-yes, 0-no, 1 absent) Motion carried. 12. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-56; Budget Amendment to accept Taking Action: Tick Kits from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health Services for Lyme Disease Outreach; Sara Wartman, Health Director; Health Director, Sara Wartman, summarized Resolution No. 2019-56, Budget Amendment to accept Taking Action: Tick Kits from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services for Lyme Disease Outreach. This grant has been received in the amount of $10,000. The Health Committee reviewed this Resolution and recommended it for approval. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department has received a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health Services for Lyme Disease outreach, which will be done by purchasing items for tick kits to be distributed around the county, advertising in various outlets to educate the public, and partnering with local physicians on the importance and proper reporting of tick-borne illnesses. Total award to be expended by July 31, 2020; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Budget does not contain any projections to account for any revenue or expenditures for said grant; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Bayfield County Board of Health to accept and expend said grant in 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, hereby authorizes the use of Revenue Account Number 100-20-43550-008 and Expense Account Number 100-20-54141 for the Taking Action: Tick Kits; and 6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby amends the 2019 budget by $10,000 for grant revenue/expenses. Increase Revenue: 100-20-43550-008 Taking Action: Tick Kits $10,000 Increase Expenses: 100-20-54141-50121 Full Time $3,046 100-20-54141-50151 FICA $233 100-20-54141-50152 Retirement $198 100-20-54141-50154 Health Ins $847 100-20-54141-50290 Contractual Services $500 100-20-54141-50315 Advertising $1,785 100-20-54141-50332-002 Mileage-RN $291 100-20-54141-50340 Operating Supplies $3,000 100-20-54141-50390 Other supplies $100 Motion by Strand, Maki to approve Resolution No. 2019-56, Budget Amendment to accept Taking Action: Tick Kits from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health Services for Lyme Disease Outreach. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald- yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-yes, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall- yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-yes. (12-yes, 0-no, 1 absent) Motion carried. 13. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-57; Budget Amendment to accept Communities Talk Stipend from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); Sara Wartman, Health Director; Health Director, Sara Wartman, reported about Resolution No. 2019-57, Budget Amendment to accept Communities Talk Stipend from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The related community event will be focused on underage alcohol abuse. This stipend is for the amount of $750. The Health Committee reviewed this Resolution and recommended its approval. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department has received a stipend in the amount of $750 made available through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This funding will help to offset the costs needed to prepare for and conduct local events to prevent underage drinking. Total award to be expended by December 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Budget does not contain any projections to account for any revenue or expenditures for said grant; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Bayfield County Board of Health to accept and expend said grant in 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, hereby authorizes the use of Revenue Account Number 100-20-48500 and Expense Account Number 100-20-54101 for the Communities Talk Stipend; and 7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby amends the 2019 budget by $750 for grant revenue/expenses. Increase Revenue: 100-20-48500 Donations $750 Increase Expenses: 100-20-54101-50122 Part Time $697 100-20-54101-50151 FICA $53 Motion by Strand, Zepczyk to approve Resolution No. 2019-57, Budget Amendment to accept Communities Talk Stipend from to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-yes, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-yes. (12-yes, 0-no, 1 absent) Motion carried. 14. Appointment to the Bayfield County Board of Health; Terri Kramolis; The Bayfield County Board of Health recommended the appointment of Terri Kramolis as a citizen member to the Bayfield County Board of Health. She previously served as the Health Director in Bayfield County and is the current Manager for the Northwest Wisconsin Cancer Center in Ashland. Motion by Gordon, Rondeau to approve the appointment of Terri Kramolis as a citizen member to the Bayfield County Board of Health. Motion carried. 15. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-58; Support for 2019 Senate Bill 325 – An act for WDNR to create a deer carcass disposal grant program; Cervid Committee; Cervid Committee Chair, Fred Strand, presented information about Resolution No. 2019-58, Support for 2019 Bill 325 – An act for WDNR to create a deer carcass disposal grant program. This Resolution has been recommended by the Land & Water Conservation Committee, as well as by the Cervid Committee. Comments were received by County Board Supervisors regarding the dumpsters and the logistics of the project. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board, through its Cervid Study Committee, has moved forward with many proactive steps to keep Bayfield County CWD-free; WHEREAS, Bayfield County has hired a CWD Limited Term Employee to implement a County- wide Best Management Information and education program to keep Bayfield County CWD-free; to coordinate the implementation of the DNR’s adopt-a-dumpster program; to work cooperatively with the WDNR, business owners, sporting groups and the public to establish CWD testing kiosks; and to promote hunter participation for CWD testing; WHEREAS, the proper disposal of the remains from hunter harvested deer is needed to reduce the risk of human assisted introduction and spread of CWD; WHEREAS, Grants should be available statewide in all counties to provide for proper deer carcass disposal to help prevent both the introduction and the spread of CWD; 8 WHEREAS, 2019 Senate Bill 325 establishes a program to award grants to the county’s deer management advisory councils (CDAC’s), of up to $5,400 per fiscal year, for the implementation of a deer carcass disposal program; WHEREAS, Since CDAC’s may not always be able to implement the proper disposal of the deer carcass grant program, these grants should also be available to counties, other local units of government and to sporting organizations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting this 27th day of August 2019, supports 2019 Senate Bill 325 with the additions that the grants be available in all counties and that the grants also be available to counties, other local units of government and to sporting organizations. Motion by Strand, Milanowski to approve Resolution No. 2019-58, Support for 2019 Senate Bill 325 – An act for WDNR to create a deer carcass disposal grant program. Motion carried. Supervisor Rondeau departed at 7:06 p.m. The following agenda item was moved to earlier in the meeting, in order to be discussed near the other cervid agenda item. No objections. 16. Discussion regarding Draft Ordinances for Fencing and Import Ordinances; Including a Preliminary Bayfield County Ordinance; Creating Chapter 9: Captive Cervids in Bayfield County, Ordinance Title 5: Public Safety; Cervid Study Committee; This Draft Ordinance was prepared by Bayfield County’s Corporation Counsel and reviewed by Cervid Study Committee Members. Supervisor Strand requested this Draft Ordinance be forwarded to the Planning & Zoning Committee, that they report their findings and recommendations to the Bayfield County Board at the next meeting on October 1st, and that it be placed on the agenda as a possible action item. There was no motion regarding the above item. 17. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-59; Budget Amendment to accept a new DNR Knotweed Control Project -2 and to account for a carry-over from the Garlic Mustard Grant; Land & Water Conservation Department; County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, contributed information on behalf of the Land & Water Conservation Department. Grant revenue covers all expenditures in Resolution 2019-59. The Land & Water Conservation Committee reviewed this Resolution and recommended it for approval. WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Land and Water Conservation Department requests that their 2019 budget be amended as follows to reflect grant funding modifications; WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation was awarded a new DNR Knotweed Control Project (NWCMA) grant in 2019 and after the 2019 budget was submitted. The amount of the grant amount is $3,369. 9 WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation was awarded another new DNR Knotweed Control Project -2 (NWCMA) grant in 2019 and after the 2019 budget was submitted. The grant period runs July 10, 2019-June 30, 2020 in the amount of $4,990. WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation 2019 budget was established anticipating a 2018 carry over balance of $5,334 in the NCWMA-Garlic Mustard (WMA18-0001) grant, however, the actual year-end-carry-over balance was $5,952; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting this August 27th, 2019, approve the following budget amendments to reflect modifications to the grant, cost-share and/or cooperative agreements. Increase revenue account 100-28-43271 (DNR Knotweed Control Project) by: $3,369 Increase expense account 100-28-56133-50290 Contractual (DNR Knotweed Control) by: $3224 Increase expense account 100-28-56133-50311 Postage (DNR Knotweed Control Project) by: $141 Increase expense account 100-28-56133-50390 Supplies & Expenses (DNR Knotweed Control) by: $4 Increase revenue account 100-28-43282-001 (DNR Knotweed Control Project-2) by: $4,990 Increase expense account 100-28-56134-50290 Contractual (DNR Knotweed Control Project-2) by: $4,990 Increase revenue account 100-28-43580-007 (WMA 18-0001) by: $618 Increase expense account 100-28-56144-50290 Contractual (WMA 18-0001) by: $618 Motion by Gordon, Milanowski to approve Resolution No. 2019-59, Budget Amendment to accept a new DNR Knotweed Control Project 2 and to account for a carry-over from the Garlic Mustard Grant. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-yes, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-absent, Maki-yes. (11-yes, 0-no, 2 absent) Motion carried. 18. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-60; Budget Amendment due to the Comprehensive Community Support (CCS) Program; Department of Human Services; County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, relayed information from the Department of Human Services. New Horizons previously ran the Comprehensive Community Support (CCS) Program. Bayfield County Department of Human Services is currently managing the program, which explains the need for this budget amendment. In this Resolution, grant revenue covers all expenditures. WHEREAS, adjustments to and transfers within the Department of Human Services 2019 budget are necessary to satisfy state statutes and accounting principles; and WHEREAS, unanticipated budget adjustments are necessary due to: the hiring of staff to administer the Comprehensive Community Support (CCS) Program, reviewed and approved by the County Board on April 23, 2019; supplemental funding provided by the State to eliminate the statewide waiting list for the Children’s Long-term Services (CLTS) program; and additional funds allocated to Bayfield County as the result of grant applications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 27th day of August 2019, does hereby approve that the following 2019 budget line adjustments. 10 Account Number Description Adjustments Revenue Adjustments 235-50-48907 ADRC North Contingent Funds 50,000$ 235-50-43560-101 HS, St/Fed Revenue, DHS 89,400$ 235-50-43560-107 FS, St / FED Revenue, CCS 100,000$ 235-50-46620 A&D, Children's Waiver 50,000$ 235-50-43560-159 ADRC North, St / Fed Revenue - 75,000$ Total 364,400$ Expenditure Adjustments 235-51-54317-50191 Regional Crisis Initiative 3,850$ 235-51-54317-50225 Regional Crisis Initiative 150$ 235-51-54317-50290 Regional Crisis Initiative 46,350$ 235-51-54317-50513 Regional Crisis Initiative 250$ 235-51-54317-50325 Regional Crisis Initiative 8,800$ 235-53-54311-50121 FS, CCS, Full Time 125,000$ 235-53-54311-50151 FS, CCS, FICA 8,300$ 235-53-54311-50152 FS, CCS, Retirment, ER 6,200$ 235-53-54311-50154 FS, CCS, Health 30,000$ 235-53-54311-50155 FS, CCS, Life 20$ 235-53-54311-50156 FS, CCS, HRA 9,600$ 235-53-54520-50299 FS, CCS, Direct Services (79,120)$ 235-53-54315-50299 FS, Direct Serv., AODA Treatment Services 30,000$ 235-55-54340-50604 AD, CLTS, PD Case Mgmt 5,000$ 235-55-54341-50604 AD, CLTS, DD Case Mgmt 15,000$ 235-55-54320-50299 AD, CLTS, DD Direct Serv 15,000$ 235-55-54342-50604 AD, CLTS, SED Case Mgmt 15,000$ 235-59-54590-50290 ADRC-N, Contractual 125,000$ Total 364,400$ Supervisor Maki departed the room prior to the vote. Motion by Crandall, Oswald to approve Resolution No. 2019-60, Budget Amendment due to the Comprehensive Community Support (CCS) Program. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago- absent, Gordon-yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg- yes, Milanowski-yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-absent, Maki-absent. (10-yes, 0-no, 3 absent) Motion carried. 19. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-61; Establishing a Transportation Coordinating Advisory Committee to the Human Services Board; Department of Human Services; County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, communicated information provided to him from the Department of Human Services. Abeles-Allison explained that many similar communities have established a Transportation Coordinating Committee. Supervisor Oswald volunteered to serve on this committee. WHEREAS, Bayfield County has limited public transportation options; and 11 WHEREAS, the need for public transportation for all residents of Bayfield County has been identified as a need and an opportunity to bring together public and private partners and interested stakeholders; and WHEREAS, some of the transportation needs of the elderly and other vulnerable populations in the community can be met through public transportation and the development of a plan by a Transportation Coordinating Committee; and WHEREAS, grant funding requires a Transportation Coordinating Committee to develop a plan to address public transportation needs while meeting requirements of Wis. Admin. Code §Trans. 2.10; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Department of Human Services Board assembled this 22nd day of August 2019, does recommend that the full County Board establish a Transportation Coordinating Committee, which shall be a subcommittee of the Aging and Disability Services Advisory Committee; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the newly formed Transportation Coordinating Committee will be charged with developing required transportation plans in Bayfield County by which public transportation can be established and recommended to the Bayfield County Human Services Board and ultimately, to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors; and BE IT FURTHER RESOVED, that the Transportation Coordinating Committee shall include, minimally: a Bayfield County Board Supervisor who is a member of the Human Services Board; the Aging and Disability Services Manager; a consumer or agency advocate; a representative who is either elderly or disabled; and a representative from a private provider. Motion by Oswald, Gordon to approve Resolution No. 2019-61, Establishing a Transportation Coordinating Advisory Committee to the Human Services Board. Motion carried. 20. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-62; Recognizing September as Bayfield County Preparedness Month; Veterans Service, Sheriff’s, Child Support, and Emergency Management Departments; County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, informed about Resolution 2019-62. The idea of this month is to encourage citizens to be better prepared for natural disasters or other emergencies. This Resolution was discussed and recommended by the Sheriff’s Committee. WHEREAS, emergency preparedness is the responsibility of every citizen; and WHEREAS, taking steps toward personal preparedness and ensuring that our households and community organizations are prepared for natural disasters can reduce injuries, fatalities and economic devastation following a major crisis; and WHEREAS, September has been named National Preparedness Month with federal, state and volunteer agencies working to increase public awareness and preparedness activities; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County’s participation in the September National Preparedness Month’s activities will encourage individuals and organizations to take additional steps toward preparing for emergencies and natural disasters; and 12 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is encouraging every citizen to make preparedness a priority being prepared for emergencies and natural disasters where they live, work and play; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim September as Bayfield County Preparedness Month; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to share information with local jurisdictions encouraging them to participate in planning and preparedness activities with their citizens. Motion by Oswald, Fickbohm to approve Resolution No. 2019-62, Recognizing September as Bayfield County Preparedness Month. Motion carried. 21. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2019-63; Budget Amendment due to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act (EPCRA), Computer Grant through Wisconsin Emergency Management; Emergency Management Department; County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, gave a background regarding Resolution No. 2019- 63. This computer grant is for the amount of $1,495. This Resolution has been approved the Sheriff’s Committee. WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management applied for and was awarded an EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act) Computer Grant through Wisconsin Emergency Management; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management applied for this grant to purchase a laptop computer to be used as both an office and mobile computer; and WHEREAS, the grant as awarded will pay up to 80% toward the purchase of a laptop computer based on funding available statewide; and WHEREAS, the projected grant award is $1,495; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County 2019 budget be amended to show an increase in the revenue line item of 430-18-43524-001 in the amount of $1,495 and the expenditure line item of 430-18-52503-50810 in the amount of $1,929 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of Emergency Management be authorized to execute documents related to the 2019 EPCRA Computer Grant. Motion by Oswald, Fickbohm to approve Resolution No. 2019-63, Budget Amendment due to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act (EPCRA), Computer Grant through Wisconsin Emergency Management. A roll call was taken as follows: Newago-absent, Gordon- yes, Fickbohm-yes, Oswald-yes, Silbert-yes, Pocernich-yes, Strand-yes, Snilsberg-yes, Milanowski- yes, Zepczyk-yes, Crandall-yes, Rondeau-absent, Maki-yes. (11-yes, 0-no, 2 absent) Motion carried. 22. The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors may entertain a motion to move in and out of Executive/Closed Session pursuant to: §19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. 13 Motion by Crandall, Maki to enter Closed/Executive Session at 7:21 p.m. Motion carried with unanimous vote. The following were allowed to remain in Executive/Closed Session: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Scott Fibert; Clerk III- Allison Radke. Discussion took place regarding the Red Cliff Zoning Lawsuit. There being no further business to conduct in Executive/Closed Session, a motion was made by Maki, Crandall to return to Open Session at 7:31 p.m. Motion carried. 23. Bayfield County Administrator’s Report: a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: ✓ Tuesday October 1st, 2019 (Alternative September meeting date) ✓ October 29th, 2019 ✓ November 12th, 2019 (Statutory Meeting) b) 2020 County Budget Update; Departments have recently submitted their budget proposals. These proposals will be compiled and reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting on September 12th. After the budget is reviewed by the Executive Committee, it will be presented to the County Board and there will also be a public hearing. c) 2020 Census; Progress is being made to nominate individuals to take part in the Census 2020 Complete Count Committee. There was a discussion regarding 2nd home owners. 24. Supervisors’ Reports; Communication methods were discussed regarding meeting notices and packets. The Town of Barnes sent a letter regarding Bayfield County offering ambulance services. It was advised to discuss this issue with the Emergency Management, which is part of the Sheriff’s Committee. It was reported that the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department hit their canine funding goal. 25. Future Agenda Items; None identified. 26. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’, Chair Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott S. Fibert Scott S. Fibert, Bayfield County Clerk SSF/alr