HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/31/2021 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting August 31st, 2021 6:00 p.m. Meeting Held in the Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, WI & Remotely The meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Bayfield County Chairman Dennis M. Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk- Lynn Divine, as follows: Steve Sandstrom-present; Mary Dougherty-present; Larry Fickbohm-present; Charly Ray-present; Jeremy Oswald-present; Jeff Silbert-present; Brett Rondeau-present; Fred Strand-present; Tom Snilsberg-present; Marty Milanowski-present; David Zepczyk-present; Jim Crandall-present; Dennis Pocernich-present. Total: 13 present, 0 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Lynn M. Divine; Health Director-Sara Wartman; Human Services Director-Elizabeth Skulan virtually; Tourism & Recreational Director-Mary Motiff; Ashland County Administrator-Clark Schroeder; Clerk III- Paige Terry 3. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. The Board held a moment of silence for the fallen service members in Afghanistan. 4. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes from July 27th, 2021: Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Fickbohm to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on July 27, 2021. Motion Carried, 13-0. 5. Public Comment: None. 6. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-67: 2021-67 In Recognition and Appreciation of Ashland County for Outstanding Efforts and Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged local government throughout the region; and, WHEREAS, Gathering and sharing information, comparing notes, and coordinating actions is important in crisis situations; and, WHEREAS, in March of 2020, at the outset of COVID-19 Ashland County and the Ashland County Administrator began organizing a regional collaborators meeting; and, WHEREAS, on a weekly basis a group of area representatives from Iron, Ashland, and Bayfield Counties, Bad River, and the Red Cliff Bands in addition to Memorial Medical Center; and, 2 WHEREAS, Weekly meetings were an opportunity for public safety, health, emergency management, and others to participate and share information and questions; and, WHEREAS, Ashland County Administrator Clark Schroeder organized the effort by preparing weekly agendas, researching topics, and probing issues, similar to what was done when he was in Curry County Oregon; and, WHEREAS, During this time, Ashland County also took a lead role in a variety of technological and outreach issues; and, WHEREAS, this effort resulted in cooperative efforts, new insights, shared public service announcements, coordinated purchases and common policy development; and, WHEREAS, this collaboration improved coordination between units of government and improved citizen understanding, the collaborator meeting continues today. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, extends its thanks to Ashland County Board Chair Richard Pufall for the leadership role Ashland County has taken and continues to take during the COVID-19 pandemic; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County extends its sincere appreciation to Clark Schroeder for this unique and critical intergovernmental work during the pandemic; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County wishes Mr. Schroeder all the best in his retirement and salutes him for his local government work in Bayfield and Ashland Counties. Motion by Silbert, seconded by Sandstrom to adopt Resolution No. 2021-67 In Recognition and Appreciation of Ashland County for Outstanding Efforts and Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Motion Carried, 13-0. 7. Bayfield County Fair Review: Tourism & Recreational Director Mary Motiff reviewed the events that took place during the 2021 Bayfield County Fair. Motiff reported that the overall visitor numbers and revenues are down compared to 2019 and that numbers have been continuously going down over several years. The number of donations received are higher than in the past and there were approximately $10,000 less incurred expenses this year. 8. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-68: 2021-68 2021 Bayfield County Fair Recognition and Proclamation WHEREAS, the County Fair celebrates Bayfield County, its people and culture; and, WHEREAS, People of all ages participate in the fair, from the very young with their projects, to the superintendents with years of experience; and, WHEREAS, Any resident of the State of Wisconsin can enter items for judging at the Bayfield County Fair; and, 3 WHEREAS, the Fair attracts and involves a diverse group of participants ranging from the members of the county’s 4H clubs, to the Red Cliff Drum and Dance Troupe to the Dirt Dash Participants; and, WHEREAS, Holding a county fair is a major endeavor requiring a full year of planning, coordinating, organizing and promoting; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Fair Committee works throughout the year to prepare for the event; and, WHEREAS, In addition to normal events and activities, The Fair completed a three-year electric improvement project in 2021 at the fairgrounds; and, WHEREAS, As Director of the Tourism Department, Mary Motiff has led the Fair effort for twelve years now with a team that this year included: Ursula Garrison, Molly McCool, McKenzie Tuura, Harvey Anderson and Alex Gedemer, along with Jessica Soulier, various staff from the Highway Department and dozens of temporary staff and volunteers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, do hereby recognize the Bayfield County Fair Committee members Chair Larry Fickbohm, Vice Chair Jim Crandall, Tom Snilsberg, Mary Dougherty and Charly Ray AND the Bayfield County Fair Staff; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in anticipation of the 2022 Bayfield County Fair, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, do hereby Proclaim the month of June 2022 as Fair Engagement Month in Bayfield County. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Milanowski to adopt Resolution No. 2021-68 2021 Bayfield County Fair Recognition and Proclamation. Motion Carried, 13-0. 9. Public Health Update: Wartman reviewed the changes in COVID-19 cases throughout the nation including the potential for the Delta variant to be present in the community, breakthrough cases occurring in the community, and an additional COVID-19 related death in Bayfield County. Wartman explained that the Bayfield County Health Department has three key focus topics; COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, and disease investigation. Abeles-Allison reported that he and HR Director Kris Kavajecz met with the Health Department prior to the meeting and will be working towards developing recommendations for handling the COVID-19 regulations in the courthouse and adding additional temporary staff members to the department to assist with its efforts. 10. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-69: 2021-69 To Accept Taking Action with Data: Using Environmental Public Health Tracking Data to Improve Environmental Health in a Community WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department has received grant funding in the amount of $8,117.00 from the Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Tracking Program to develop cooling and warming shelters in the county. Total award to be expended by July 31, 2022; and, 4 WHEREAS, the 2021 Budget does not contain any projections to account for any revenue or expenditures for said grant; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Bayfield County Board of Health to accept and expend said grant in 2021. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, hereby authorizes the use of Revenue Account Number 100-20-TBD and Expense Account Number 100-20-TBD for the Taking Action with Data Grant; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby amends the 2021 budget by $8,117.00 for grant revenue/expenses. Increase Revenues: 100-20-43550-008 by $8,117 Increase Expenditures: 100-20-54141-50121 by $1,995 100-20-54141-50151 by $ 115 100-20-54141-50152 by $ 101 100-20-54141-50154 by $ 326 100-20-54141-50290 by $1,500 100-20-54141-50310 by $ 50 100-20-54141-50332 by $ 580 100-20-54141-50340 by $2,550 100-20-54141-50391 by $ 900 Total Expenses: $8,117 Motion by Oswald, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2021-69 To Accept Taking Action with Data Grant: Using Environmental Public Health Tracking Data to Improve Environmental Health in a Community. Roll Call Vote: Sandstrom-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Oswald- yes; Rondeau-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Zepczyk-yes; Crandall-yes; Milanowski-yes; Strand-yes; Silbert-yes; Ray-yes; Dougherty-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion Carried, 13-0. 11. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-70: 2021-70 To Accept WIC Outreach Grant Award WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Health Department has received grant funding in the amount of $3,600.00 from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health Services to provide WIC clinics with access to a comprehensive marketing campaign. This will provide a localized approach to increase brand awareness and drive enrollment among WIC-eligible audiences. Grant start date is January 1, 2021. Total award to be expended by December 31, 2021; and, WHEREAS, the 2021 Budget does not contain any projections to account for any revenue or expenditures for said grant; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Bayfield County Board of Health to accept and expend said grant in 2021. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, hereby authorizes the use of Revenue Account Number 100-20-43550-011 and Expense Account Number 100-20-54107 for the WIC Outreach Award; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby amends the 2021 budget by $3,600.00 for grant revenue/expenses. Increase Revenues: 100-20-43550-011 by $3,600 Increase Expenditures: 100-20-54107-50315 by $3,600 Motion by Oswald, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2021-70 To Accept WIC Outreach Award. Roll Call Vote: Crandall-yes; Zepczyk-yes; Milanowski-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Strand-yes; Rondeau-yes; Silbert-yes; Oswald-yes; Ray-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Dougherty-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion Carried, 13-0. 12. Human Services 2020 Annual Report: Human Services Director Elizabeth Skulan reviewed the 2020 Human Services Annual Report. The Department of Human Services experienced an increase in the number of people served along with an increase in dollars used to provide services. Several human services programs experienced an increase in services; the Foodshare program distributed approximately $1 million more in benefits, but other programs faced a decrease in services. The Birth-3, CCS, senior congregate meals, and homecare for clients all decreased in services in 2020 with some services needing to cease entirely. Skulan reported that the department experienced a difficulty filling vacant positions within the department, which helped lower the department’s expenses a considerable amount. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Crandall to receive and place on file Human Services 2020 Annual Report. Motion Carried, 13-0. 13. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-71: 2021-71 2021 Budget Amendment for Register of Deeds WHEREAS, Bayfield County Register of Deeds has a contract with Fidler Technologies; and, WHEREAS, the Fidlar Technologies Laredo program license fee expenditures have been netted against revenues from document copy transactions fees generated in the Fidlar Technologies Tapestry program; and, WHEREAS, Fidlar Technologies has changed its policy regarding netted credit from Tapestry copy transaction revenue as it is transitioning away from the current Tapestry layout; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County will be receiving separate revenue and expensing actual amounts; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Register of Deeds needs to reflect these changes in the budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, does hereby authorize that the 2021 budget be amended as follows: 6 Increase Revenue Register of Deeds Fees 100-15-46131 by $6,560 Increase Expense Contractual Services 100-15-51711-50290 by $6,560 Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Silbert to adopt Resolution No. 2021-71 2021 Budget Amendment for Register of Deeds. Motion Carried, 13-0. 14. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-72: 2021-72 Allocation of General Fund, Fund Balance to Pave Gravel Sections of County Highway N around Pigeon Lake due to Flooding WHEREAS, Record rainfalls in 2018 overflowed Pigeon Lake; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Highway Department has raised sections of County Highway N by over four feet over the past three years; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Highway Department must maintain this section of County Highway N on a weekly basis; and, WHEREAS, a temporary overlay will improve rideability and safety for all travelers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, does hereby allocate up to $80,000 in General Fund Balances for an initial paving of County Highway N in the Fall of 2021. Increase Revenues: 100-00-49301 by $ 80,000 710-71-49201 by $ 80,000 Total Revenue: $160,000 Increase Expenditures: 100-00-59710-50998 by $ 80,000 710-71-53311-50375 by $ 80,000 Total Expenditures: $160,000 Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Crandall to adopt Resolution No. 2021-72 Allocation of General Fund, Fund Balance to Pave Gravel Sections of County Highway N Around Pigeon Lake Due to Flooding. Roll Call Vote: Silbert-yes; Rondeau-yes; Oswald-yes; Strand-yes; Ray- yes; Snilsberg-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Milanowski-yes; Dougherty-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Crandall- yes; Zepczyk-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion Carried, 13-0. 15. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-73: 2021-73 7 Sale of County Forest Land to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Withdrawal from County Forest Law WHEREAS, Bayfield County received a request to sell approximately 348 acres of County Forest land to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (hereafter, the Tribe) in the Town of Russell; and, WHEREAS, the following parcels have been identified as the properties of interest: N ½ SW, Section 1, T51N-R4W, in the Town of Russell (Tax ID# 28902); S ½ NE and the Entire NW, Section 18, T51N- R3W, in the Town of Russell (Tax ID# 37714); and SW Less Parcel Desc in Doc 2020R-585054, Section 7, T51N-R3W, Town of Russell (Tax ID# 38409) (see Exhibits A, B and C); and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County and the Tribe ratified a Memorandum of Understanding (hereafter, MOU) addressing, in part, lands within the reservation; and, WHEREAS, one goal of the County Tribal Relations Committee is to facilitate the repatriation of county owned lands located within the reservation to the Tribe, as per the MOU, while fostering mutual respect and cooperation; and, WHEREAS, as part of any potential land transaction, Bayfield County is subject to exercising reasonable business judgement in the conveyance of real estate; and, WHEREAS, as part of their application for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funds to purchase the approximately 348 acres of land, the Tribe indicated that the parcels will be transferred to Trust through the fee-to-trust process with BIA; and, WHEREAS, during their meeting August 9, 2021, the Forestry and Parks Committee approved the Tribe’s land acquisition proposal, for the above described property (roughly 348 acres total), in the amount of $1,500.00 per acre, or $522,000.00 total, and recommended the issue be sent to the County Board for consideration; and, WHEREAS, as part of the Forestry and Parks Committee’s recommendation to sell the land to the Tribe, all net proceeds from the sale are to be reinvested in forest land and made part of the County Forest, preferably leveraged with grant funds to increase buying power; and, WHEREAS, the sale of County Forest land currently enrolled in County Forest Law is inconsistent with the purposes set forth in ss. 28.11, Wisconsin Statutes (County Forest Law); and, WHEREAS, any proposal to sell County Forest land will first require filing an application to withdraw said parcel(s) from County Forest Law; and, WHEREAS, the Forestry and Parks Committee has recommended the sale of the above parcel(s), and subsequent removal from County Forest Law, with all net proceeds being reinvested in land that would be enrolled in County Forest Law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, authorizes the Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Administrator, on behalf of Bayfield County, to make an application to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, pursuant to Section 28.11(11), Wisconsin Statutes, to withdraw the real estate described above from the provisions of the County Forest Law (Section 28.11, Wisconsin Statutes); and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, if the application for withdrawal from County Forest Law is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors 8 approves the sale of the above described property to the Tribe, in the amount of $522,000.00, and authorizes the Forestry and Parks Administrator and County Administrator to prepare, sign and submit any and all paperwork and documents and/or undertake any required action to complete the sale; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all net proceeds from the sale of the above described property must be reinvested in forest land that will be enrolled in County Forest Law and made part of the County Forest and that the Forestry and Parks Administrator will search for other lands to add to the County Forest. Motion by Strand, seconded by Zepczyk to adopt Resolution No. 2021-73 Sale of County Forest Land to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Withdrawal from County Forest Law. Motion Carried, 13-0. 16. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-74: 2021-74 Request to Amend the Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation 2021 Budget WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Land and Water Conservation Department requests that their 2021 budget be amended as follows to reflect grant funding modifications; and, WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation was awarded additional grant dollars in the USFS GLRI Weed (NWCMA) grant after the 2021 budget was submitted; and, WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation was awarded a DNR Knotweed Control grant after the 2021 budget was submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, approves the following budget amendments to reflect modifications to the grant, cost-share and/or cooperative agreements: Increase Revenues: (USFS GLRI Weed Grant) 100-28-43590-105 by $11,778 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-43582-001 by $21,168 Total Revenue: $32,946 Increase Expenses: (USFS GLRI Weed Grant) 100-28-56108-50123 by $ 9,278 (USFS GLRI Weed Grant) 100-28-56108-50340 by $ 1,000 (USFS GLRI Weed Grant) 100-28-56108-50332 by $ 1,500 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-56134-50290 by $ 7,278 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-56134-50123 by $10,390 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-56134-50332 by $ 1,500 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-56134-50340 by $ 1,200 (DNR Knotweed Control) 100-28-56134-50530 by $ 800 Total Expenses: $32,946 9 Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2021-74 Request to Amend the Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation 2021 Budget. Motion Carried, 13-0. 17. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-75: 2021-75 DNR Lake Monitoring & Protection Network Grant Bayfield County Aquatic Invasive Species Project 2022 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is committed to provide high quality water resources for use by the public for recreation and enjoyment of natural beauty; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County is presently implementing the Bayfield County Aquatic Invasive Species Strategic Plan, revised and adopted in November 2016, to protect all water resources in the county from introductions of aquatic invasive species, to control those aquatic invasive species populations that exist, and to help safeguard water quality, wildlife habitat, property values and the tourism industry; and, WHEREAS, we recognize some activities of the plan need to be altered to strengthen the overall prevention and containment strategies, and improve the risk assessment of AIS in the majority of high use water bodies in the county; and, WHEREAS, we are committed, experienced, networked, and qualified to carry out the responsibilities of a lake monitoring & protection network grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, requests grant funding and assistance available from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under the “Lake Monitoring & Protection Network” and hereby authorizes the County Conservationist, Land and Water Conservation Department, to act on behalf of Bayfield County to: • submit an application to the State of Wisconsin for financial aid for lake monitoring and protection purposes; • sign documents; • take necessary action to undertake, direct, and complete an approved lake monitoring and protection network grant; and • submit reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation within 60 days of project completion date; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County will meet the obligations of the lake monitoring and protection network grant project including timely publication of the results and meeting the financial obligations of the lake monitoring and protection grant. Motion by Strand, seconded by Sandstrom to adopt Resolution No. 2021-75 DNR Lake Monitoring & Protection Network Grant Bayfield County Aquatic Invasive Species Project 2022. Motion Carried, 13-0. 18. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee Appointment: 10 Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Sandstrom to approve the appointment of Michael Higgins, Iron River to the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee to finish out the current term which expires April 30, 2022. Motion Carried, 13-0. 19. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-76: 2021-76 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Projects Funding Budget Amendment, # 3 WHEREAS, on July 27, 2021, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors approved five additional projects for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding; and, WHEREAS, the five projects are listed as: • New Home Delivered Meal Route Structure for the Department of Human Services • An Aging Services Coordinator for the Department of Human Services • Adding Alarms to each of the Four Radio Towers Owned by Bayfield County • Purchasing a New Camera for the Bayfield County Board Room • Planning and Setting Aside Funds for Legal Review and Agreements with Third Parties; and, WHEREAS, Supporting the public health response is allowed under sections Sections 602(c)(1)(A) and 603(c)(1)(A) of the ARPA guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for Home Delivered Meals (HDM); and, WHEREAS, the increase in need for HDM has led to drivers being unable to deliver meals to program participants in a reasonable timeframe causing some meals to arrive too cold or too warm; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Human Services Department would like to add three additional meal delivery routes to optimize meal delivery times; and, WHEREAS, Three additional delivery routes would require the purchase of three additional vehicles along with the proper equipment to deliver the meals; and, WHEREAS, Estimated costs for the new vehicles and all associated equipment are $107,000; and, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an increased demand for Aging Services; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Human Services Department is looking to hire an Aging Services Coordinator to assist with the increased need of services throughout the County; and, WHEREAS, an Aging Services Coordinator would be hired by January 1, 2022, with the position being funded through December 31, 2025; and, WHEREAS, Estimated Costs for funding the Aging Services Coordinator position for the time previously mentioned timeframe are $360,000; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County currently owns four radio tower sites equipped with towers and appropriate equipment; and, 11 WHEREAS, None of the four towers are equipped with an alarm system; and, WHEREAS, the Four Towers are crucial for sustaining the Bayfield County emergency communications operations; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County is looking to equip all four radio tower sites with an alarm system to better protect the sites from potential damages; and, WHEREAS, Estimated costs to equip all four Bayfield County-owned tower sites with an alarm system are $15,000; and, WHEREAS, improving upon government services is allowed under § 35.6 Eligible uses. (a) In General. Subject to §§ 35.7 and 35.8 and sections 602(c)(1)(C) and 603(c)(1)(C) of the ARPA guidelines; and, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the Bayfield County government offices implementing a vast number of new policies regarding telecommuting and the use of technology; and, WHEREAS, most Bayfield County meetings were held remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County is seeking to purchase a new camera for the County Board Room that would make it easier for virtual attendees to participate in Bayfield County meetings; and, WHEREAS, Estimated costs for purchasing a new camera for the Bayfield County Board Room are $1,400; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County has amassed a large number of projects dedicated towards the utilization of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County is planning to set aside funds to seek legal review and agreement from Corporation Counsel to ensure that Bayfield County is following proper procedures when pursuing and distributing ARPA Funds; and, WHEREAS, Estimated costs to set aside the proper amount of funds for legal review from Corporation Counsel over the next four years are $15,000; and, WHEREAS, additional justification for each of the five projects is made on the attached memo citing interim rule provisions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 31st day of August 2021, approve the following budget amendments to fund the four previously described projects: Increase Revenue: 276-00-43333 by $498,400 Increase Expenses: 276-56-54610-50810 by $107,000 276-56-54610-50121 by $360,000 276-00-57100-50810 by $ 1,400 276-00-51321-50212 by $ 15,000 276-18-57100-50810 by $ 15,000 Total Expenses: $498,400 12 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that unexpended funds shall roll over to the next year. Motion by Silbert, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2021-76 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Projects Funding Budget Amendment, #3 approved at the July 27, 2021 County Board Meeting. Roll Call Vote: Sandstrom-yes; Dougherty-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Ray-yes; Oswald-yes; Silbert-yes; Rondeau-yes; Strand-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Milanowski-yes; Zepczyk-yes; Crandall-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion Carried, 13-0. 20. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding EMS Committee Appointments: Abeles-Allison reviewed the list of applicants for the Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee. Divine informed the board that the EMS Council will decide on final representatives at their September meeting. No action was taken. 21. Reports; a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: a. September 21, 2021 b. October 26, 2021 c. November 9, 2021 b) Advisory Redistricting Committee: Abeles-Allison informed the board that the Redistricting Committee will hold a public hearing on September 21, 2021. During the public hearing, four different mapping options will be made available for public input. The committee will be proposing maintaining the current number of 13 supervisory districts. Divine reviewed the process of the redistricting public hearing. Discussion took place regarding the mapping options proposed by the redistricting committee. c) Joint Tribal County Meeting: Abeles-Allison proposed the following dates for the joint Tribal- County Meeting: November 16, 23, or 30 at 6:00 p.m. in Red Cliff. d) Budget 2022 Process, Executive Committee Meetings in September, open to all: Abeles- Allison explained that the 2022 budget would be proposed at the upcoming Executive Committee meeting and additional meetings would be held throughout September to finalize numbers. e) BOA Meeting Update: Abeles-Allison reported that the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment upheld the decision of the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee, which was to deny Kristle KLR a conditional use permit. f) WCA Conference, Resolutions and Constitution: Chairman Pocernich reviewed the resolutions that have currently been approved and indefinitely postponed for the upcoming WCA Conference. g) CWD Update: Abeles-Allison reviewed the CWD educational efforts that are planned to take place and informed the board that the DNR will not be conducting CWD testing this year. Taylor County reported their first confirmed case of CWD on a deer farm. 22. Supervisors’ Reports: Silbert reported that the Northern Lights Nursing Home had received funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and that the board had approved a vaccine mandate for staff members. Sandstrom informed the board that he is a member of the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee and encouraged the board to seek financing options for the AIS Committee as funding has continued to drop. Fickbohm reported that Siskiwit Falls in Cornucopia held their grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony that was quite successful with great attendance. Silbert reported that the upcoming UW Extension meeting is cancelled. 13 23. The Board may entertain a motion to move in and out of Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1) (c) to consider the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Chairman Pocernich dispensed with moving into closed session due to the only item being listed was the minutes from a previous meeting. 24. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat