HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 3/1/2022 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors’ Meeting March 1, 2022 6:00 p.m. Meeting Held in the Bayfield County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, WI & Remotely The meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Bayfield County Chairman Dennis M. Pocernich. A roll call was taken by County Clerk- Lynn Divine, as follows: Steve Sandstrom-present; Larry Fickbohm-present; Jeremy Oswald-present; Brett Rondeau-present; Tom Snilsberg-present virtually; Marty Milanowski-present; Jim Crandall-present; Mary Dougherty-present; Charly Ray-present; Jeff Silbert-present; Fred Strand-present; David Zepczyk-present; and Dennis Pocernich-present. Total: 13 present, 0 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. The following were also present for today’s meeting: County Administrator- Mark Abeles-Allison; County Clerk- Lynn M. Divine; Human Resources Director- Kris Kavajecz virtually; Highway Patrolman- Dalton Collins; Bayfield Wireless-Mike Cariveau virtually; Norvado-Chad Young virtually; Carlson Dettman Director of Total Rewards Consulting-Patrick Glynn virtually; and Clerk III- Paige Terry virtually 3. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. 4. Public Comment: Bayfield County Highway Patrolman, Dalton Collins spoke on behalf of the Bayfield County Highway Department asking the board to take a serious look at the Department’s wages and any changes being proposed as the market is getting competitive. 5. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes from January 25, 2022: Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Rondeau to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Meeting held on January 25, 2022. Motion carried, 13-0. 6. State of the County Presentation: Abeles-Allison reviewed the state of the county presentation. During 2021, Bayfield County reconstructed 7.8 miles of highway, utilized additional funding resources through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and CARES Act, implemented numerous technological innovations. The county was able to successfully implement remote connectivity for meetings as well as online permitting processes for zoning and other online service applications for other departments. 2020 census redistricting took place in 2021 with new districts successfully established for the board supervisors. Financially, the county had a year- end cash balance of $23.2 million and a valuation increase of 7%. 7. Market Analysis Presentation: Patrick Glynn presented the market analysis to the Board. It highlighted challenges Bayfield County is currently facing and provided some potential solutions. One recommendation was to increase the work week from 37.5 to 40 hours and revise the current employee wage scale. There was much discussion regarding the issue and it will be discussed again at the next board meeting. 8. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-21: 2 Support for Bayfield Wireless Broadband Grant Application in Bayfield County WHEREAS, having access to high speed (broadband) Internet is a necessity for full participation in today’s economy and society; and, WHEREAS, broadband is an essential infrastructure for Bayfield County, its communities and its citizens to remain competitive in the 21st Century for economic development, business development, job creation, communication, public safety, education, healthcare, entertainment and other future uses; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County has identified over 200 households with broadband connectivity below the state minimum in Bayfield County; and, WHEREAS, the citizens and businesses in Bayfield County have expressed a strong need for improved broadband internet service; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County wants to be proactive and serve as a catalyst for broadband improvement throughout the county by partnering with broadband providers willing to help extend this infrastructure to underserved households and businesses; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County approached broadband providers countywide with potential projects; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County received a request from Bayfield Wireless to partner and provide matching funds for State Broadband grants through the Wisconsin Public Service Commission in the portions of the Towns of Port Wing, Orienta, and Clover for the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas of the County; and, WHEREAS, cooperation and collaboration among Bayfield County and Bayfield Wireless will be necessary for success. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March, 2022, hereby strongly supports the goal of providing the best possible broadband internet availability in terms of speed, adoption rate by its citizens and data capacity for the citizens of the county; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, 1. Bayfield Wireless may reference the existing Public/Private Partnership Agreement between Bayfield County and Bayfield Wireless dated August 1, 2021 (see attached), in a 2022 Wisconsin PSC Broadband grant application for the fixed wireless broadband services it proposes which will utilize the existing Bayfield County Port Wing communications tower. 2. Bayfield County will provide matching funds for the proposed grant project in the form of a one- time $96,000 in waived rent for the Port Wing Tower (same as the 2021 grant project utilizing Hillside Tower). 3. In the event, the Wisconsin PSC awards a grant for the proposed Port Wing project the following conditions apply to the project and Bayfield County’s ongoing participation in the project: a. Bayfield County and Bayfield Wireless will enter into a new PORT WING TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT with the same terms as the existing HILLSIDE TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT dated August 1, 2021 (see attached). b. The use of the Bayfield County Port Wing communications tower for the proposed project will be subject to legal review of existing Agreements with other service providers to assure there are no conflicts with the existing Agreements. c. The use of the Bayfield County Port Wing communications tower for the proposed project will be subject to engineering review of the project's additions to the tower to assure the 3 tower meets the loading requirements and does not interfere with Bayfield County and existing service providers. Mike Cariveau of Bayfield Wireless informed the Board that new applications for Wisconsin Broadband grant funding will be accepted in March, with a final Bayfield County tower being the focus of its application. Motion by Silbert, seconded by Milanowski to adopt Resolution No. 2022-21 Support for Bayfield Wireless Broadband Grant Application in Bayfield County. Roll Call Vote: Dougherty- yes; Fickbohm-yes; Oswald-yes; Silbert-yes; Strand-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Zepczyk-yes; Crandall- yes; Sandstrom-yes; Ray-yes; Rondeau-yes; Milanowski-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion carried, 13- 0. 9. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-22: Support for Norvado Broadband Grant Application in Bayfield County WHEREAS, having access to high speed (broadband) Internet is a necessity for full participation in today’s economy and society; and, WHEREAS, it is essential infrastructure for Bayfield County, its communities and its citizens to remain competitive in the 21st Century for economic development, business development, job creation, communication, public safety, education, healthcare, entertainment and other future uses; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County has identified over 320 households with broadband connectivity below the state minimum in Bayfield County; and, WHEREAS, the citizens and businesses in Bayfield County have expressed a strong need for improved broadband internet service; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County wants to be proactive and serve as a catalyst for broadband improvement throughout the county by partnering broadband providers willing to help extend this infrastructure to underserved households and businesses; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County approached broadband providers countywide with potential projects; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County received a request from Norvado to partner and provide matching funds for State Broadband grants through the Wisconsin Public Service Commission in the Towns of Bell and Washburn for the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas of the County; and, WHEREAS, cooperation and collaboration among Bayfield County and Norvado will be necessary for success; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March, 2022, hereby strongly supports the goal of providing the best possible broadband internet availability in terms of speed, adoption rate by its citizens and data capacity for the citizens of the county; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Bayfield County will commit the following amounts to the described projects: • West Washburn: $32,800 (2% of project total of $1.64 million) 4 Project Description by Norvado Inc. West Washburn (Map Attached) Route miles of fiber = 44.2 Number of premises passed = 232 Total Project Cost = $1,640,000 This area does show as having service today so it is unlikely Norvado or another provider would build to this area without additional funding. From conversations with residents in this area as well as the Northwest Regional Planning Commission’s (NWRPC’s) survey it is evident that broadband service is not available in this area and Norvado’s grant application would include this information (the NWRPC survey/map can be found at the following web site: Northwest Wisconsin Broadband Report (nwrpc.com)) • Town of Bell: $13,000, 2% of total project $650,000. Project Description: Norvado Inc. Town of Bell – Bayfield County (Map Attached) Route miles of fiber = 17.92 Number of premises passed = 88 Total Project Cost = $650,000 This area is identified as being unserved today. Abeles-Allison informed the board that the State of Wisconsin’s goal is to have two broadband service providers for all areas of the state where one provider would offer fiber and the other would offer fixed wireless. Chad Young with Norvado reviewed a map of the currently unserved and underserved portions of Bayfield County and reviewed the area that will be serviced through the grant. Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2022-22 Support for Norvado Broadband Grant Application in Bayfield County. Roll Call Vote: Fickbohm-yes; Silbert-yes; Strand-yes; Milanowski-yes; Crandall-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Dougherty-yes; Ray-yes; Oswald- yes; Rondeau-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Zepczyk-yes; Pocernich-no. Motion carried, 12-1. 10. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-23: Authorizing Supplemental ARPA Funds for Emergency Response Command Trailer WHEREAS, on October 26, 2021, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors approved allocating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding to acquire a new Command Trailer for the Bayfield County Emergency Management Department; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County Emergency Management, Health and Sheriff’s Offices proposed purchasing an emergency response trailer to be used for health department vaccines and clinics and other emergency response operations during severe weather events; and, 5 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Emergency Management and Health Departments and the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office have gone through a competitive procurement process with five responders; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors approved an allotment of $40,000 on October 26, 2021; and, WHEREAS, After careful review, the Health and Emergency Management Departments and the Sheriff’s Office feel the Victory Company proposal, which includes costs of $54,369, best meets the project specifications; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March 2022, does hereby approve allocating an additional $14,369 of ARPA Funding for this purpose: Increase Revenues: 276-00-43333 by $14,369 Increase Expenditures: 276-14-57100-50820 by $14,369 Quaderer reported that the department went through the RFP process and received multiple bids; however, most were considerably higher than the allotted amount for the project. Quaderer reviewed two quotes that were received that were closer to the allotted project amount and informed the board that the department would be choosing the Victory trailer proposal. Motion by Oswald, seconded by Ray to adopt Resolution No. 2022-23 Authorizing Supplemental ARPA Funds for Emergency Response Command Trailer. Roll Call Vote: Crandall-yes; Zepczyk- yes; Milanowski-yes; Snilsberg-yes; Strand-yes; Rondeau-yes; Silbert-yes; Oswald-yes; Ray-yes; Fickbohm-yes; Dougherty-yes; Sandstrom-yes; Pocernich-yes. Motion carried, 13-0. 11. Report of the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee No. 2022-03: 6 Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to receive and place on file Report No. 2022-03 Petition to Change District Boundaries of multiple parcels owned by the Town of Grand View, from Commercial (C) to Municipal (M). Motion carried, 13-0. 12. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2022-03: 7 Motion by Strand, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Ordinance No. 2022-03 Petition to Change District Boundaries of multiple parcels owned by the Town of Grand View, from Commercial (C) to Municipal (M). Motion carried, 13-0. 13. Report of the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee No. 2022-04: 8 Motion by Strand, seconded by Zepczyk to receive and place on file Report No. 2022-04 Petition to Change District Boundaries of a parcel owned by David & MaryBeth Tillmans, Town of Bell, from Residential-Recreational Business (R-RB) to Residential-Four (R-4). Motion carried, 13-0. 14. Bayfield County Ordinance No. 2022-04: 9 Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Ray to adopt Ordinance No. 2022-04 Petition to Change District Boundaries of a parcel owned by David & MaryBeth Tillmans, Town of Bell, from Residential-Recreational Business (R-RB) to Residential-Four (R-4). Motion carried, 13-0. 15. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-24: Support for Lost Creek Headwaters Land Acquisition Project in Partnership with Landmark Conservancy WHEREAS, Bayfield County will be contacted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources related to Landmark Conservancy’s grant application to the DNR Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program for its Lost Creek Headwaters project, inviting Bayfield County to adopt a non-binding resolution of support for the project; and, 10 WHEREAS, Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Department will be seeking grant funding from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program to support the Lost Creek Headwaters project with an intent to own the property; and, WHEREAS, this project would involve the acquisition of approximately 160 acres (see Exhibit A), near County Highway C, in the Town of Bell, as funded, in part, by the DNR Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program for natural resource protection and public recreational access including hiking, cross-country skiing, hunting, fishing and trapping; and, WHEREAS, Bayfield County is interested in improving land protection with public access to the Lost Creek watershed of the South Shore Streams area of Lake Superior and other nearby and/or similar natural areas as supported by Bayfield County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Bayfield County Forest Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as well as the Town of Bell’s Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee voted to support this project during their meeting on February 14, 2022, including pursuing funding through the DNR Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled this 1st day of March 2022, do hereby support Landmark Conservancy’s Lost Creek Headwaters project, as described above; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors also supports pursuing funding through the DNR Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors approves applying for funding from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program for assistance in the acquisition of land, as described above; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the Forestry and Parks Administrator and County Administrator to act on behalf of Bayfield County to: submit an application to the State of Wisconsin for land acquisition grant funding; sign documents; and take all necessary and required action(s) to undertake, direct, and complete an approved land acquisition project. Motion by Ray, seconded by Fickbohm to adopt Resolution No. 2022-24 Support for Lost Creek Headwaters Land Acquisition Project in Partnership with Landmark Conservancy. Motion carried, 13-0. 16. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-25: Supporting the Town of Eileen’s Application for a Rural Business Development Grant (RDBG) For Utility Feasibility WHEREAS, Bayfield County has established a business park on county property along US Highway 2 in Bayfield County to provide more local business opportunities and jobs; and, WHEREAS, the county performed a Development Study for the Business Park with the Assistance of Northwest Regional Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, in 2018 Bayfield County and the Town of Eileen collaborated on an access road connecting into the Business Park; and, 11 WHEREAS, the Business Park has access to single and three phase electricity, natural gas, fiber for broadband and phone; and, WHEREAS, the parcel does not have municipal sanitary sewer or water; and, WHEREAS, a feasibility study and engineering analysis is necessary to investigate water and sewer expansion at the Business Park; and, WHEREAS, the cost to perform this evaluation is greater than the county or town can afford on its own; and, WHEREAS funding sources are available to help cover feasibility and engineering expenses. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March, 2022, does hereby support the Town of Eileen in applying for and seeking grant funding to assist with utility expansion exploration. Motion by Milanowski, seconded by Rondeau to adopt Resolution No. 2022-25 Supporting the Town of Eileen’s Application for a Rural Business Development Grant (RDBG) for a Sanitary Sewer Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Project at the Bayfield County Business Park. Motion carried, 13-0. 17. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-26: Request to Amend the Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation 2022 Budget WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Land and Water Conservation Department requests that their 2022 budget be amended as follows to reflect grant funding modifications; and, WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation 2022 budget was established anticipating a 2021 carry over balance of $2,514 in the DNR-WMA 21-0006 Private Forest Grant, however, the actual year-end- carry-over balance was $6,217.91; and, WHEREAS, the Land & Water Conservation 2022 budget was established anticipating no carry over balance in the AIS#6 grant, however there was a year-end-carry-over balance of $6,385.82; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March 2022, approves the following budget amendments to reflect modifications to the grant, cost-share and/or cooperative agreements: Increase Revenues: (DNR-WMA 21-0006 Grant) 100-28-43274-103 by $ 3,704 (AIS#6 Grant) 100-28-43590-100 by $ 6,386 Total Revenue: $10,090 Increase Expenses: (DNR-WMA 21-0006 Grant) 100-28-56114-50290 by $ 3,704 (AIS#6 Grant) 100-28-56208-50290 by $ 6,386 Total Expenses: $10,090 12 Motion by Strand, seconded by Milanowski to adopt Resolution No. 2022-26 Request to Amend the Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation 2022 Budget. Motion carried, 13-0. 18. Bayfield County Resolution No. 2022-27: 2021 Health Department Budget Amendments WHEREAS, amendments to the 2021 Health Department budget are necessary due to increases/decreases in federal and state grant funding; and, WHEREAS, this will not affect the amount of tax levy requested by the department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 1st day of March 2022, amends the 2021 budget by ($581,288) and authorizes the increase/decrease of the following revenue and expense accounts for 2021: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENTS Revenue Amendments 100-20-43550-006 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (6,700) 100-20-43550-007 Prevention Grant 5,400 100-20-43550-008 Taking Action Grant (7,500) 100-20-43550-011 WIC grant 16,600 100-20-43550-018 Opioid STR Grant 2,377 100-20-43550-144 ELC Cares 5,534 100-20-43550-147 ELC Enhancing Detection Grant (240,000) 100-20-43550-802 PH Workforce Grant (44,343) 100-20-43550-809 Imm covid supp 3 grant (5,303) 100-20-43550-811 ARPA Covid Rec Grant (266,300) 100-20-43554 Womens Health/Family Plan Grant (18,612) 100-20-43555-146 Quarantine Grant 2,089 100-20-43560-119 WIMCR (1,000) 100-20-46510-001 Water Testing Fees 6,210 100-20-46510-002 PNCC (4,800) 100-20-46510-003 Health Check (5,000) 100-20-46510-105 Family Planning Fees (2,500) 100-20-48500 Donations (19,000) 100-20-48501 Employee Wellness donation/grant 1,160 100-20-48508 AODA/HYHE 1,000 100-20-48519 HCET 400 100-20-48520-002 Community Opportunity Grant (1,000) Total Revenue Amendment ($581,288) Expenditure Amendments 100-20-54101-50121 Full Time (33,300) 100-20-54101-50340 Operating Supplies 2,560 100-20-54104-50290 Contractual Svc 1,000 100-20-54104-50340 Operating Supplies 4,400 100-20-54107-50121 Full time (25,000) 100-20-54107-50122 Part Time 11,120 100-20-54107-50290 Contractual svc 6,600 100-20-54107-50348 Educational Supplies 2,500 13 100-20-54107-50390 Other supplies 11,000 100-20-54107-50810 Capital Equipment 10,380 100-20-54109-50121 Full Time (10,000) 100-20-54109-50154 Health Ins (4,146) 100-20-54111-50121 Full Time (5,300) 100-20-54111-50154 Health ins (1,400) 100-20-54114-50121 Full time 6,210 100-20-54141-50121 Ful Time (1,605) 100-20-54141-50332 Mileage (580) 100-20-54141-50340 Operating Supplies (2,550) 100-20-54141-50391 Medical Supplies (900) 100-20-54141-50290 Contractual Service (1,500) 100-20-54141-50154 Health ins (211) 100-20-54141-50151 FICA (87) 100-20-54141-50152 Retirement (17) 100-20-54141-50310 Office supplies (50) 100-20-54144-50135 Overtime 4,000 100-20-54144-50154 Health Ins 1,000 100-20-54144-50390 Other supplies 534 100-20-54147-50121 Full Time (115,000) 100-20-54147-50136 On Call Pay (3,000) 100-20-54147-50151 FICA (11,000) 100-20-54147-50154 Health Ins (25,000) 100-20-54147-50391 Medical Supplies (17,000) 100-20-54147-50390 Other Supplies (15,000) 100-20-54147-50290 Contractual Services (4,000) 100-20-54147-50530 Rents & Leases (5,000) 100-20-54151-50123 Temp employee (5,303) 100-20-54152-50121 Full Time (148,000) 100-20-54152-50123 Temp Employee (4,000) 100-20-54152-50151 FICA (11,000) 100-20-54152-50154 Health Ins (65,000) 100-20-54152-50290 Contractual Services (27,000) 100-20-54153-50121 Full Time (23,000) 100-20-54153-50123 Temp Employee (1,623) 100-20-54153-50151 FICA (1,800) 100-20-54153-50152 Retirement (1,600) 100-20-54153-50154 Health Ins (11,600) 100-20-54153-50390 Other supplies (2,800) 100-20-54153-50810 Capital Equipment (1,920) Total Expenditure Amendment ($581,288) Motion by Oswald, seconded by Crandall to adopt Resolution No. 2022-27 2021 Health Department Budget Amendment. Motion carried, 13-0. 14 19. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Jail/Courthouse Microgrid Project: Abeles- Allison provided an update on the grant received last year for the Jail/Courthouse Microgrid Project. The project has been broken into three phases, the first two phases came in on budget, but the third phase is considerably over budget. No action was needed at this time. 20. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Fred Schlichting to the Bayfield County Ethics Committee: Motion by Crandall, seconded by Fickbohm to approve the appointment of Fred Schlichting to the Bayfield County Ethics Committee. Motion carried, 13-0. 21. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Marissa Lee to the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment: Motion by Silbert, seconded by Sandstrom to approve the appointment of Marissa Lee to the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment with a Term ending June 30, 2023. Motion carried, 13-0. 22. Bayfield County Proclamation No. 2022-01: Fair Housing WHEREAS, the year 2022 marks the 54th Anniversary of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, known as the Civil Rights Fair Housing Act; and, WHEREAS, the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 seeks to provide equal housing opportunities, to affirmatively further housing choices, to eliminate legal barriers to equal housing and to emphasize equal housing as a fundamental human right for all; and, WHEREAS, individuals in Bayfield County have the right to choose where to live without discrimination based on age, sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, lawful source of income, and status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Dennis Pocernich, Chairman, Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2022 as Fair Housing Month. Motion by Oswald, seconded by Ray to adopt Proclamation No. 2022-01 Fair Housing. Motion carried, 13-0. 23. Reports; a) Future County Board Meeting Dates: a. March 29, 2022 b. April 19, 2022 (statutory requirement): Abeles-Allison reminded the board that the April meeting would begin with a swearing in ceremony in the County Courtroom at 8:30 AM and would reconvene in the County Board Room after. c. May 31, 2022 b) Superior Days Summary: Abeles-Allison reported that the Superior Days turnout was smaller than usual, but the group made some great legislative contacts. c) Thank You Letters 24. The Board may entertain a motion to move in and out of Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1) (c) to consider the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or 15 exercises responsibility (e) to deliberate or negotiate the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (g), to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. Motion by Rondeau, seconded by Milanowski to enter Executive/Closed Session at 8:28 p.m. Motion carried, 13-0. Discussion took place regarding the Closed Session Minutes from November 9, 2021, the WPPA Memorandum of Understanding, Teamster Wages, the County Administrator Evaluation, and a Litigation Update. There being no further business to conduct in Executive/Closed Session, a motion was made by Milanowski, seconded by Crandall to return to Open Session at 9:44 p.m. Motion carried, 13-0. Open Session; 25. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Market Analysis: Oswald suggested waiting to take action on the item to allow employees the opportunity to review the information and offer their input. Abeles-Allison recommended putting the item on the March 29 agenda. 26. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Chairman Pocernich adjourned the meeting at 9:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat