HomeMy WebLinkAboutAd Hoc EMS Advisory Committee - Minutes - 11/29/2021 1 Bayfield County Clerk Lynn M. Divine, County Clerk Kim Mattson, Accountant Jeran Delaine, Deputy Clerk Gail M. Reha, Bookkeeper Paige Terry, Clerk III Ph: 715.373.6100 ● Fx: 715.373.6153 ● Email: Lynn.Divine@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov ● 117 E. Fifth Street, PO Box 878, Washburn, WI 54891 Minutes of the: Bayfield County Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee November 29, 2021 6:00 p.m. Meeting Held in the Emergency Operations Center, Annex Building, Washburn, WI & Remotely The meeting of the Bayfield County Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Committee Chair, Steve Sandstrom. A roll call was taken by County Clerk-Lynn Divine, as follows: Larry Fickbohm-present; Steve Sandstrom-present; Brett Friermood-arrived late virtually; Lyn Cornelius-present; Rob Puls-present; Jan Victorson-present; David Larson-present; Sandy Raspotnik-arrived late; Colleen Beagan-present; Dan Vaillancourt-present; Eric Neff-present; Scott Kluver-present; Carrie Okey-present; David Trudeau-absent; Michael Lang-present. Total: 14 present, 1 absent. A roll call was taken by County Clerk-Lynn Divine of the alternate committee members as follows: Gary Victorson-absent; Beverly Steele-absent; Clyde Clauson-arrived late virtually; Tam Hofman-present virtually. Total Alternates: 2 present, 2 absent. A quorum was present to conduct business. Other members present: County Administrator-Mark Abeles-Allison, County Clerk-Lynn Divine virtually, Emergency Management Director-Meagan Quaderer virtually, UW Extension Community Development Educator-Kellie Pederson virtually, and Clerk III-Paige Terry virtually 3. Review of Committee’s Mission: Committee Chairman, Steve Sandstrom, reviewed the mission of the committee with the members. Puls asked for clarification on Bayfield County Resolution No. 2021-49 which mentions discussion and investigation regarding countywide EMS services. Bayfield County Emergency Management Director, Meagan Quaderer, clarified that the committee was not established with the intent to designate or create a countywide EMS service but that does not mean that the topic cannot be discussed or investigated as a possible solution. Committee Chairman, Sandstrom, further stated that the committee members should not begin the discussion process with a countywide EMS service being the sole focus of the committee and urged members to be more open-minded towards investigating other solutions. 4. Public Comment: None 5. Discussion and Possible Action, Minutes from the October 21, 2021 Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee Meeting: Motion by Neff, seconded by Vaillancourt to approve the Minutes of the Monthly Bayfield County Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee Meeting held on October 21, 2021 pending the correction to change Ron Puls name to “Rob Puls.” Motion carried. 6. Discussion Regarding Advisory Committee Process Overview & Logistics: Committee Chairman, Sandstrom explained that the problem that rural EMS agencies is facing is considered a wicked problem and reviewed what the term “wicked problem” means. Pederson explained that the process of finding a solution and how a study model may work for the committee. 7. Presentation and Discussion Regarding, Bayfield County EMS Trend Analysis: UW Extension Community Development Educator, Kellie Pederson, reviewed the trend analysis that was gathered using a survey that was sent out to committee members and Bayfield County ambulance directors. Members of the committee discussed the data in the trend analysis. Commonalities present in the data showed volunteers are not a reliable staffing resource. Neff pointed out four main themes common throughout the 2 analysis; volunteers, funding, coverage/geography, and training. After further discussion, the committee found the following implications of the data received; an aging demographic throughout Bayfield County that will affect current staff and available volunteers, increasing expectations for EMS staff, increasing population throughout the county. The following opportunities were also discussed by the committee: transportation alternatives for patients, technological advances to implement systems similar to Telehealth, implementing a level system for dispatch to know the urgency that a call should be responded to, and more potential volunteers with more individuals moving to the county that are also working from home. Raspotnik posed a question asking why volunteerism is so low. Pederson recommended saving that question for another meeting so it may be looked at more in-depth. 8. Presentation and Discussion Regarding, Bayfield County EMS Operational & Cost Analysis: Quaderer reviewed the number of calls received by the Bayfield County agencies for the years 2015 through 2020, explaining that the number of calls has increased overall since 2015. Quaderer explained that one issue with the data represented is how the data doesn’t take into consideration that some agencies log a large number of calls; however, some calls were made by other agencies asking for assistance. Furthermore, Quaderer explained that each agency faces unique challenges that may affect the total number of calls, some examples given were the Great Divide Ambulance service often assists agencies in a neighboring county and covers a greater area than other agencies, another example being that the City of Washburn contains two assisted living facilities as well as a nursing home which may impact the number of calls received. Quaderer reviewed a County EMS Operational Analysis with the committee and followed with a discussion regarding the different analysis components. Discussion took place regarding the difference in pay rates between the fire departments and EMS agencies. The committee expressed confusion pertaining to the way the analysis data was explained, and it was asked that the analysis be reworked so each EMS agency is represented in its own row in the analysis to make it easier to review the data. The committee discussed whether the name of the agencies should be displayed with the data. Neff asked that a list of equipment for each agency be compiled so that each agency will be able to know what equipment is available at each agency should assistance with a call be requested. 9. Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Topics and Areas of Focus / Direction of Future Meetings: The Committee discussed a variety of topics that should be presented at future committee meetings. Four main topics were agreed upon; volunteers/staffing (how to attract and acquire staff), funding (potential grant opportunities to fund a full-time EMT), coverage/geography, and technology. Other topics presented were: the question of why volunteerism is so low, a developed timeline for committee meeting goals, and clarification on the committee’s scope and vision of success. After some discussion, the committee agreed that each future meeting should focus on a specific topic to help narrow focus and make it easier to schedule potential guest speakers. No future speakers were listed at this time. 10. Discussion Regarding Future Speakers: None listed at this time. 11. Discussion Regarding Future Meeting Dates a) December 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. b) January 24, 2022 6:00 p.m. c) February 28, 2022 6:00 p.m. d) The committee decided to wait to set any more future meeting dates until a future meeting. 12. Adjourn: There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Cornelius, seconded by Vaillancourt to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Sincerely, LYNN M. DIVINE Bayfield County Clerk LMD/pat