HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 2/14/2002117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes February 14, 2002 Members Present: John Blahnik, Verne Gilles, Bill Kacvinsky, Brett Rondeau, Kenneth Jardine, Roy Settgas, Others Present: Rick Olivo, Paul Lundberg, Tom Gordon, Mark Abeles- Allison, Kelly Trepanier, Paul Susienka, Dave Lee, Kris Kavajecz Members Absent: None Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Brett Rondeau at 9:00am in the County Board Room. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Settgas to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2001 meeting. Motion Carried. Presentation by Kelly Trepanier Concerning Upcoming Tile Replacement in the Courtroom, Main Entry and Ramp, Plus landings and Second Floor of Courthouse. A presentation was made by Kelly Trepanier regarding the replacement of floor tile on the main floor of the courthouse. Tile to be replaced is in the courtroom, Elevator, and Hallway at the East End of the building. Although this particular project was not budgeted, Trepanier explained that monies were budgeted to replace heaters in the building and that the heater project will be postponed at least a year. He proposes to use the money that was budgeted for the heaters for the floor tile project. Kacvinsky questioned if the $25,000 budgeted for the heaters will be sufficient to complete the flooring project. Trepanier stated that the flooring project will cost considerably less than $25,000. Blahnik questioned if carpeting would be a better choice. For the reasons of sanitation and durability, it was felt that tile would be the better option. Blahnik also questioned if the existing tile was asbestos and if it would be removed. Trepanier stated that the tile is asbestos and will be removed overnight and weekend and will not interfere with daily operation of courthouse offices. The tile that was chosen is very similar to the existing tile in the main hall of the courthouse Motion by Blahnik, Second by Jardine to allow the funds budgeted for the replacement of heaters to be used for the floor tile project and for the project to proceed at the discretion of Trepanier. Motion Carried. 2001 budget Summary for Clerk of Court Office: kay Cederberg was unable to attend the meeting due to a jury trial. Mark Abeles-Allison reviewed Cederberg’s information and stated that although several line items of the Clerk of Court budget were over, the total overall budget was under. Abeles-Allison suggested that the Executive Committee adopt a policy that as long as the department’s total budget is under, an overage in line items is acceptable. Abeles-Allison will work on a policy to be presented at a future meeting. Office of the Bayfield County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Presentation by Dave Lee pertaining to Web-Based Services for Bayfield County: A handout was provided and is attached. The handout is a copy of slides that were presented at the meeting to show current and future goals of the Land Records Department and how the department uses technology to assist many other Bayfield County Departments to provide information to internet users. Lee explained the public use kiosk in the Land Records Office and how it is utilized by citizens. Lee provided an overview of the current Land Records Web Site . Lee also provided ideas for future improvements to the web site. Gilles posed the question of how the information provided on the web could impact the revenue currently generated from the sale of plat books. A discussion was held regarding the amount and type of information that should be provided at no charge and to whom. It was suggested that the service be provided at no charge to citizens, however, that a mechanism be created to charge for-profit businesses for such information. Several positive comments were made regarding the quality of the presentation and the benefit this type of information could have on many departments. Budgetary Considerations for the Pending Purchase of Software and Related Hardware for the Sheriffs Department: Paul Susienka presented information pertaining to the tentative agreement that has been reached between the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department, the Ashland Police Department, and Ashland County Sheriff’s Department. The cooperative agreement will allow all three departments to collectively purchase Cody Software at a total cost of $226,400. The three departments would split the cost evenly, $75, 467. The Sheriff’s Department had budgeted $75,000 for the purchase of software. In addition to the software, because of the shared information with the other departments, it will be necessary to purchase hardware to support the information sharing. Tom Gordon suggested that the additional money needed for the project could come from either the contingency fund, or from budget excess at the end of the year. Abeles-Allison commented that the purchase needed to be made in the very near future and he felt that using money from the contingency fund might make more sense. Susienka added that the Sheriff’s Department is also anticipating a Cops Grant in the amount of approximately $130,000. The grant was applied for under the understanding that the money would be used to purchase mobile data terminals for 8 or 9 squad cars. Susienka stated that a second grant is anticipated in the amount of $25,000 fro the Office of Justice Assistance. Some of the monies from these grants may be able to be used to offset some of the cost of the software and hardware purchase. It was suggested that Corporation Council and Abeles-Allison review the Cody Contract. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Jardine to allow the purchase of the $75,467 software and to further authorize Mark Abeles-Allison and the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Chairman, William Kacvinsky to sign the contract once it has been reviewed by Corporation Council. Motion Carried. Joint Dispatch Planning Report: Abeles-Allison asked if he should proceed in looking at funding options that might be available to support a joint dispatch operation. Susienka stated that the joint purchase of software between counties and the City of Ashland is a positive step. The committee suggested that although the possibility of joint dispatch between counties is unlikely in the near future, it would be worthwhile to continue to explore funding options that might be available. Office Space for Tim Davis: The DNR office has moved all employees to the new Ashland facility. Tim Davis, liaison for Bayfield County has remained at the Washburn DNR office, but will need to move by the end of the year. It was urged by Paul Lundberg that it would be in the best interest of Bayfield County to find office space for Tim close to our Forestry Department. Lundberg explained that communication with Davis is crucial and frequent. Tom Gordon 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 suggested that Bayfield County send a letter to Davis stating that office space will be found for him when it becomes necessary for him to move. Review and Take Action on Request from the Cable Are chamber of Commerce for the use of a portion of railroad gradelocated on county land south of County Hightway M in calbe for the purpose of the Off-Road Classic Mountain Bike Race: This item was forwarded to the Forestry Committee for Review and Action. Wisconsin Rural partners, inc- Overview of the Community Resouce Team Program and Discussion of Bayfield County’s possible participation in the program: It was suggested to talk to Tim Kane regarding this program and find out more about it. Dog Pound Update: The city of Washburn was the only entity handling their own dog pound issues. The Sheriff, City of Washburn Chief of Police, Washburn City Administrator, and Mark Abeles-Allison met and discussed future relationship between the departments, city and county. It was decided that the Washburn Police Department would take care of all animal complaints within the city. The Sheriff’s Department would assist when requested and when an animal needed to be transported to the animal shelter. Amanda Buss is currently handing duties of Humane Officer for Bayfield County. Buss is paid a per diem and mileage for her services. Tom Gordon explained the fees involved in transporting and housing an animal in the animal shelter. Revenue Sharing Loss and Impact on the County: Mark Abeles-Allison stated that the County is anticipating a 100% loss of revenue sharing from the state. This amounts to $154,000 for the county, the equivalent of salary for 4 full time employees. Abeles-Allison advised the committee that he is currently working with departments to find cost saving ideas. Some departments may delay replacement hirings. Other suggestions are to evaluate the need for travel, supplies, temp help etc. Abeles-Allison will be reviewing budgets with each department head. Motion by Gilles, Second by Settgas to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 10:55am, 2/14/02. Respectfully submitted by Kris Kavajecz