HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 5/15/2002117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 15, 2002, 10:00am, County Board Room Members Present: John Blahnik, Brett Rondeau, Delores Kittleson, Kenneth Jardine, Marco Bichanich Others Present: Bill Kacvinsky, Tom Gordon, Mark Abeles-Allison, Kris Kavajecz, Rick Olivo Members Absent: Harold Maki Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Brett Rondeau at 10:00am in the County Board Room. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to nominate Brett Rondeau for Chairman of the Executive Committee. Rondeau asked 3 times if there are any other nominations.. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to close nominations and cast unanimous vote for Rondeau for Chairman of the Executive Committee. Motion Carried Motion by Jardine, Second by Blahnik to nominate Bichanich as Vice-Chairman for the Executive Committee. Rondeau asked 3 times if there were are other nominations. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Jardine to close nominations and cast unanimous vote for Bicharich for Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee. Motion Carried. Motion by Jardine, Second by Blahnik to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2002 meeting. Motion Carried. Tire Clean-Up Program: . Tim Kane presented background information regarding two previous tire clean-up programs that were held in the county. The first collection was in 1995 at 6 sites. Purpose was to clean-up salvage yards and private citizen collections of tires. County received grant monies through the DNR in the amount of $50,000. 877 thousand tons of tires were collected at a cost of $79 per ton. The second collection was completed in 1997 at 7 collection sites. 240 tons of tires collected at a cost of $78 per ton. 75% of cost was paid for by DNR tire collection grant. The tire collection grant program is no longer in existence. Kane handed out information on possible funding for the program if the county chose to proceed with a tire clean-up. The handout listed waste monies that each town receives for waste management grants. Tim provided list of towns that have collected waste tires and provided some statistics on costs associated with the tire collections. Office of the Bayfield County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Kane provided a handout of an estimated budget to conduct a tire clean-up based on estimates from Green Thumb? Kane explained that Kurt Poppy of Drummond shreds tires. He is able to shred approx 5000 per week, however, currently has a stockpile of approx 120,000. He charges approx $1.50 per tire. Discussion was held regarding whether there should be a fee associated with the collection process or whether the county should absorb the cost of this program if they decide to proceed with it. Discussion of timing of the collection. Tim suggested that many logistics need to be considered, such as location sites for clean-up, coordination with LCC to staff collection sites, advertising, etc... Suggested to work on this for the summer of 2003, when it can be included in the budgeting process. Direction for Tim is to investigate further to include in 2003 budget. Superior Days: Tim Kane provided handouts of projects that were discussed at Superior days that have a direct impact in Bayfield County. Items include: Hwy 2 improvements, NGLVC, Aquaculture Facility, Technology development zone designation, premier resort designation for the City of Bayfield, Hwy 2 & 13 intersection improvements. Kane explained that Superior Days is a cooperative lobbying effort that began 17 years ago and has been an annual event ever since. Kane stated that the lobbying group identifies 5-7 issues that the group focuses on for the coming year. Identifying issues early is important. Suggestion from John Blahnik that a 4-lane highway from Minoqua may be a good topic. Bill Kacvinsky provided feedback that the DOT attended the last Hwy committee meeting and they will begin a study of the Hwy 2 & 13 intersection beginning in July of 2002. At this point, Abeles-Allison requested that item #9 on the agenda be addressed next to allow the Information Services Director to return to his department. Discussion and Possible Action pertaining to the upgrade or purchase of servers for Bayfield County: Dag Bystrom, Information Services Director, informed the committee that one of the county’s two servers failed a short time ago. As a result, several departments were impacted. In addition, the remaining server is at the end of its useful life and obtaining a duplicate server would be difficult. The main concern is that if the existing server fails, the entire county system would be down for a minimum of 3 days. In addition, any work that is currently done to the servers must be completed during the night when the system is not in use by the departments. This causes a great strain on the Information Services staff. Bystrom recommended that the county consider purchasing two new servers to replace the one existing server and that the new servers be of a higher quality. Bystrom estimated the cost to be $10,000 for each of the two servers. The two servers would operate in tandem. One server would serve as a back-up to the other. The question was raised whether the new hardware that is being purchased for the Sheriff’s Department would have any impact of the County’s servers. Bystrom informed the committee that the Sheriff’s department hardware would be a totally separate system specifically for the Sheriff’s Department and Jail Records etc…and that the Sheriff’s Dept would still need to use the county’s server for general office needs such as word processing, email, and so forth. Suggestion from Tom Gordon was to transfer the money from the contingency fund (less the amount that Information Services could find in their budget). 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Motion by Blahnik, Second by Delores Kittleson to forward a recommendation to the county board to transfer funds from the contingency fund to the Information Services Budget for the purchase 2 servers at a cost not to exceed $10,000 each. Roll call vote: Blahnik-yes, Bichanich- Yes, Kacvinsky-yes, Kittleson-Yes, Jardine-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-Absent. Yes=5, No=0, Absent=1. Motion Carried Financial Report for First Four Months of the Year: Abeles-Allison handed out graphs of revenues and expenses for the month of April, 2001-vs- 2001, as well as graphs of Year to Date Revenues and Expenses, 2001 –vs- 2002. An explanation of variances from 2001 to 2002 was provided. Project Updates: Jail Project: Hand-out of the most recent site plan for the facility. Brief discussion of parking needs and removal of part of the existing structure followed. Zoning maps: Township zoning maps are in the final stages of completion. This is the first time that townships will have these maps available to them. Direct Deposit of Payroll Checks: Abeles-Allison explained the minor obstacles to implementing this program and advised that it will probably more forward in the near future. Highway Projects: Four bids have been awarded. Joint Dispatch: CDBG application has been submitted. Once the determination of the application is received, further communications will be made with Ashland County. Register of Deeds Office Imaging Project: Otto is planning to retire and wants to implement this imaging project prior to his retirement. They are in the final process of selecting a vendor. Tourism & Recreation Parks Update: A lessee was chosen to oversee the Twin Bear and Delta Lake campgrounds. Jane Fried is the successful applicant. Summary of 2002 Budget Reduction Action to Remove from Budget: 2002 Budget Reduction Review: Mark Abeles-Allison provided a summary of proposed budget reductions from each department, listed by specific line items. Abeles-Allison explained that each department was asked to reduce their overall budgets by 1.5% in an effort to offset the anticipated loss of State Revenue Sharing. Motion by Jardine, Second by Blahnik to accept the suggested budget cuts and forward the recommendations to the full county board for approval. Contingency Fund Allocation of $20,400 for Sheriff’s Department Hardware Resolution: Abeles-Allison asked for approval to transfer $20,400 for the purchase of hardware to support the Sheriff;s Dept software. Motion by Jardine, Second by Blahnik to approve transfer of $20,400 from the contingency fund to the Sheriff's Dept Budget for the purchase of hardware to support the Joint Law Enforcement Software. Roll call vote. Blahnik-yes, Bichanich-Yes, Kacvinsky-yes, Kittleson-Yes, Jardine- yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-Absent. Yes=5, No=0, Absent=1. Motion Carried 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Contingency Fund Allocation of $6620.12 for County Administrator’s Moving Expenses: Abeles-Allison explained that the moving expenses were approved in 2001, but were not incurred until 2002. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to approve transfer of $6620.12 from contingency fund to Administrator's budet for moving expenses. Roll call vote. Blahnik-yes, Bichanich-Yes, Kacvinsky-yes, Kittleson-Yes, Jardine-yes, Rondeau-yes, Maki-Absent. Yes=5, No=0, Absent=1. Motion Carried Policy Goals & Objectives: Abeles-Allison provided a draft list of priorities and guidelines for 2003 budget and asked for feedback of the list. The topic will be discussed further at the June meeting. Dept Head Evaluations for Dept Heads Dave Lee & Dag Bystrom: Suggestion was made by Blahnik to ask Chair & Vice Chair to participate in the evaluations, as well as the County Administrator. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to appoint Abeles-Allison, Bichanich, & Rondeau to conduct evaluation of Dag Bystrom and David Lee. Motion Carried. Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to move into Executive Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(C)and (E) to discuss the purchase and or sale of property as well as to conduct a performance evaluation of the County Administrator. Motion Carried Motion by Jardine, Second by Bichanich to return to open session. Motion Carried. Next meeting, June 11, 10:00am. Motion by Bichanich, Second by Jardine to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm. Respectfully submitted by Kris Kavajecz