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117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org
Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2002, 10:00am, County Board Room
Members Present: John Blahnik, Brett Rondeau, Delores Kittleson, Marco Bichanich, Harold
Members Excused: Kenneth Jardine
Others Present: Tom Gordon, Mark Abeles-Allison, Kris Kavajecz, Frank Graves, Jim Radke,
Bruce Lindgren, patricia Thornton, Sam Gurtner, Robert Hom, and Otto Korpela
Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Brett Rondeau at 10:00am in the County Board Room.
Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2002 meeting.
Motion Carried.
Presentation by Robet Hom, Ashland JFK Memorial Airport: Robert Hom, Airport
Manager, presented several handouts and statistics regarding the JFK Memorial Airport. In his
presentation he stated that 3 of 4 full time employees and both part time employees are Bayfield
County residents. He also stated that approximately 43% of the traffic through the airport is by
or for Bayfield County residents and businesses. It was explained that the airport is responsible
for the maintenance of the facility and tarmacs. Individuals build and maintain their own
hangars. The airport has a 10-year plan, which includes the construction of a perimeter fence as
well as the resurfacing of runways at a cost in excess of one million dollars. Mr. Hom reported
that federal funding dollars are being reduced to offset the cost of increased homeland security
and that local governments and private individuals will be relied on more heavily to provide the
funding for airport maintenance. Mr. Hom explained that Ashland and Bayfield Counties have
recently entered into cooperative agreements on non-related topics, however, he felt that the
airport was another area where the two entities could form a stronger cooperation. Mr. Hom
requested that Bayfield County consider contributing $40,000 annually for the airport budget.
The total airport budget is currently $120,000.
Office of the
Bayfield County Administrator
Mark Abeles-Allison
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117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org
Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183
Tom Gordon explained the history of Bayfield County’s involvement with the Ashland JFK
Airport. Gordon stated that at its inception, the airport was the Ashland/Bayfield County
Airport, and that Bayfield County was a strong supporter of the creation of the airport. In later
years, Bayfield County provided no funding for the airport and during that time, the Airport was
renamed the Ashland JFK Memorial Airport. In the last several years, Bayfield County has
contributed $5000 to $15,000 annually to Ashland County for the airport, to be used at their
Maki asked several questions: 1) Does the airport charge landing fees?-Not currently. 2) Are the
hangars self-sustaining? –Yes, the aircraft owner builds and maintains their own hanger. 3) Has
the DNR been approached for funding for the fencing project? –It has been considered. 4) How
many Bayfield County Airports are there and does the county provide funding for them? –There
are 8 Bayfield County Airports. The only airport that receives funding from the county is the
Cable Airport, who receives approximately $5000 annually. 5) What is the difference between
the Ashland JFK Airport and the 8 Bayfield County Airports? -Mr. Hom stated that the main
difference is that the Ashland JFK Airport has paved runways and fuel availability. The county
airports are all grass and have much shorter runways and no fuel availability.
Abeles-Allison stated that Mr. Hom had been asked to attend the meeting to provide information
to the committee and that no action was necessary at this time.
A motion was made by Maki and second by Bichanich to conclude the discussion and review the
request for funding during the 2003 budget planning process. Motion Carried.
Presentation by Jim Radke of the Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation:
Mr. Radke presented a handout of budget information from the past two years and a proposed
2003 budget. The total budget is reduced by $6000 from 2002. Included in the proposed budget
is a request for $42,000 from Bayfield County. This reflects and increase of $12,000 over 2002,
but is equal to the amount the county provided in 2000. Radke also provided a handout and
explained the organization’s planned activities and goals for 2003.
Radke reported that the organization has hired a very qualified part time secretary. He also
reported on two new businesses that have been recruited to the county and two current potential
prospects. Maki asked if the organization also works with existing Bayfield County businesses
that wish to expand. Radke stated that they do encourage and assist with current businesses.
Maki commented that the organization needs to work closely with Zoning to remove barriers for
home based businesses, which seem to be the trend in the county. Gordon commented that all
towns should be working together with the county to form comprehensive plans that address
concerns of all citizens on a countywide basis and are consistent from town to town.
Graves commented that the organization has been in existence for 3 years. The first year was
primarily organizational, the second year was spent building a network of contacts, and the third
year has been spent attracting businesses and expanding the contact network. Abeles-Allison
commented that the state trend is that the youth of the state leave the state for employment.
Radke commented that in the state, the average county contribution to economic development is
approximately 56% of the budget and that if Bayfield County approves $42,0000, it would be
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117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org
Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183
contributing $42% of the budget. Radke further stated that he is willing to meet with any of the
County Board Supervisors to explain the organization and its goals.
Snowmobile Groomer Report from Tourism:
Sam Gurtner, current Director and Past President of the County Snowmobile Alliance, presented
information regarding the request for the county to secure a Trust Fund Loan at a 4% interest rate
and then enter into a contract with the Snowmobile Alliance for the use of the groomers and
repayment of the loan. Gurtner explained that there are 9 clubs in the Snowmobile Alliance and
that the clubs provide all of the volunteer labor to maintain the 429 miles of snowmobile trails in
the county. The county receives an annual grant from the DNR for the maintenance of the trails
($250 per mile). The county, in turn, contracts with the Snowmobile Alliance to complete the
actual maintenance work. Gurtner explained that if the county purchases 3 groomers at a total
cost of $270,000 at the 4% interest rate, it would save the Snowmobile Alliance nearly $60,000
over the five year term of the loan. The savings would be attributed to a $37,395 savings to the
Alliance for equipment insurance, and a $21,600 savings in interest.
Kittleson asked what the life expectancy of the equipment was. Gurtner explained that they
recommend trading or selling the equipment before it reaches 5000 hours. (Current groomers
accumulate approximately 800-900 hours per year). Maki asked if Corporation Counsel has
been consulted regarding any legal issues related to this proposes purchase. Abeles-Allison
explained that Corporation Counsel had been informally consulted, however, a formal contract
had not been constructed and reviewed. Rondeau commented that without snowmobile revenue
in the winter months, many county businesses would not be able to survive. Maki asked what
the committee needed to do at this point. Gordon suggested that the committee decide whether or
not to proceed with the process and make a formal recommendation to the County Board.
Motion by Maki to obtain legal clarification from Corporation Counsel regarding the proposal
and pending the recommendation of Corporation Counsel, the Executive Committee forward a
recommendation to the full County Board to approve the purchase of 3 snowmobile trail
groomers. Discussion whether to forward the recommendation to the county board first or to
Corporation Counsel first. Blahnik stated that although he supports the purchase, he expressed
concern regarding the liability of the county if an accident were to happen. Second by Blahnik.
Motion Carried.
Register of Deeds Imaging Software Report and Action:
Otto Korpela reported that in 2001, $75,000 was budgeted for the purchase of micro-imaging
software. The Register of Deeds office has reviewed several software programs and are
recommending Fidlar-Doubleday as the choice for Bayfield County. The second choice is
ImageTec. The two programs are similar in price, however, Korpela felt that Fidlar-Doubleday
provided a wider range of options and capabilities. It was explained that most Register of Deeds
offices have converted to micro-imaging technology and that Bayfield County is quickly running
out of storage space for the hard-copy documents that are recorded using the existing recording
system. With the implementation of the micro-imaging software, a CRT would be available for
public use in researching documents.
Page 4 of 4 Executive Committee Minutes 07/09/02
117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org
Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183
Korpela explained that the county currently has contracts with two local title companies for the
filing of their documents. The companies are currently charged 15 cents per page for the
recordings. Korpela recommends that the contracts be revised to reflect a higher per page filing
rate and he will investigate and make a recommendation for an appropriate amount.
Maki asked how long the software would be useful. Korpela explained that the contract would
include upgrades for 5 years and that at that point the contract would need to be renegotiated. He
also stated that with the micro-imaging system, the records would be maintained on permanent
CD’s in his office and that a back-up would be kept in the Information Services Department. In
addition, title companies could purchase copies of specific CDs at a price to be determined.
Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to approve the purchase of Fidlar-Doubleday micro-
imaging software. Motion Carried.
It was noted that the Register of Deeds office annual revenues currently exceed expenses.
Financial Report for May 2002: No report was provided.
Budget 2003 Policy Goals & Objectives:
A budget planning session has been scheduled for July 10, 2002 at 6:00pm in the County Board
Room. Snacks will be provided. Abeles-Allison reviewed several topics that will be discussed at
the budget planning session.
Abeles-Allison provided a handout of items that may be offered at a county auction later this
summer. The committee was asked to review the list to ensure that there were no items they felt
the county should not include in the auction.
Kittleson noted that she is not receiving copies of minutes from all county committee meetings
and requested that Department Heads be reminded to copy all County Board Members on
minutes from committee meetings even if they are not a committee member.
Motion by Blahnik, Second by Bichanich to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at