HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 12/10/2002Executive Committee Minutes December 10, 2002, County Board Room Members Present: Kenneth Jardine, Brett Rondeau, Dee Kittleson, Harold Maki, Marco Bichanich Members Absent: John Blahnik Others Present: Tom Gordon, Mark Abeles-Allison, Dan Anderson, Kris Kavajecz Meeting was called to order at 10:00am by chairman Rondeau. Motion by Jardine, second by Bichanich to approve minutes of the November 12 meeting. Motion carried. DISCUSSION REGARDING TIRE COLLECTION PROGRAM: Tim Kane provided information received from towns regarding their participation in a tire collection program. Options for financing the program were discussed. Tim provided information on fees for the disposal of the tires after collected as well as transportation costs. A question was raised regarding where the monies go that are paid for wheel taxes when new tires are purchased. Discussed collecting waste tires at recycling locations on designated dates. Towns could be asked to provide staff and labor at the collection sites. Motion by Bichanich, Second by Maki to send each town a letter indicating that the County will be sponsoring a tire clean-up program and that the county will pay half of the cost. The towns will be requested to pay a portion of the expense, based on population. Motion Carried. Further discussion pertained to what types of tires to accept and what entities will be permitted to dispose of tires. Service stations and business that charge a fee for the disposal of tires will be excluded. The collection will be scheduled for June of 2003. The notice of the collection will include the statement that no rims will be accepted. Locations will be determined through discussions with towns. JOINT DISPATCH RESOLUTION: Mark Abeles-Allison provided background on the Resolution authorizing funding to hire a consultant to evaluate the cost and feasibility of a joint dispatch center. A consultant would be hired to evaluate the radio, tower, console, and associated dispatch equipment as well as connectivity issues and would determine if the grant funds will be sufficient to equip the dispatch center. Motion by Jardine, Second by Kittleson to approve the resolution authorizing up to $10,000 to hire a consultant to evaluate and provide recommendation of whether or not the grant from the Department of Commerce will be sufficient to equip a joint dispatch center and authorized that the resolution be forwarded to the County Board for approval. A brief discussion was held regarding the sharing of costs to operate the facility, including utilities. Motion Carried TRIANGLE PARKING. The Washburn City Council voted to sell the triangle parcel to the County for a minimal fee and that the parcel be used as a parking area. Green space requirements will be a stipulation of the sale. The City’s attorney is reviewing statutes pertaining to the sale. DISCUSSION REGARDING UNFUNDED LIABILITY. Tom Gordon explained how unfunded liability works. Abeles-Allison reviewed the current funding liability schedule that the county now follows. Abeles-Allison reviewed information provided by Ehler's & Assoc outlining 5 options for refinancing of the unfunded liability. Each option was reviewed. Discussion was held regarding the options and how it will impact the county and employees in the future. Motion by Maki to request Mark, Dan, & Tom to review these options more closely and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee. Second by Jardine. Jardine Rescind second, Maki rescind Motion. Motion by Maki, second by Bichanich to recommend Option 3 to be reviewed by the Administrator, Treasurer, and County Clerk. The option should be investigated further and the County Board be provided with this information at the meeting this evening. Motion Carried. COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM UPDATE: Abeles-Allison and Kavajecz provided a brief explanation of the program and provided a handout of the program cycle and timeline for implementation of the program. Kittleson posed the question of liability. Abeles-Allison will investigate liability further. BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION: A Resolution was presented with the agenda which outlined budget amendments to reflect the Groomer Purchases and Jail Project Expenditures for 2002. Motion by Jardine, Second by Bichanich to approve the resolutions for budget amendments for the Groomer Purchase and Jail Project. Motion Carried. FINANCIAL REPORT: Handout was provided regarding YTD (through October 2002) comparisons from 2001 and 2002. Revenues and expenses were provided. There was no discussion on this information. Discussion was held regarding the designation of excess revenue dollars to be used to add a basement under the jail expansion project. Abeles-Allison provided handout of notes from the Sheriff's Committee meeting. A suggestion was made by Gordon to transfer monies from excess revenues for the cost of acquiring the property. These monies were taken from the funds designated for the jail expansion project. The jail project will be re- bid with the same square footage, but will reflect many cost saving changes. The basement will be bid as an add-on option, not to be included in the base bid for the jail project. Discussion was held regarding the sensibility of constructing a basement under the jail to be used for future office expansion. Motion by Jardine, Second by Bichanich to inform the County Board that funds are available through excess revenue to construct a basement under the jail project and a recommendation that excess revenue be used to pay for the basement if the County Board approves its construction. Motion Carried. MEMBERSHIP TO NATIONAL FOREST COUNTIES & SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION: Neil Paulson is a board member of this organization and he recommends that the county fund this membership for 2003 and that in 2004 the county solicit support of the townships to pay for the membership. All monies go directly to the towns. Motion by Maki, Second by Kittleson to approve membership to the National Forest Counties & Schools Association in the amount of $1166. Motion Carried. MANDATE RELIEF UPDATE: State has developed a form and procedure for relief from specific mandates. The County Clerk and Administrator will keep an eye open for potential uses for this program. GOVERNOR'S FISHING OPENER: The opener will be held in Bayfield County in 2003. The county will be sponsoring one of the meals for the opener. INSURANCE SURVEY SUMMARY: Survey results were reviewed. A brief discussion was held regarding the option of offering compensation to employees in lieu of enrollment in the County Health Insurance Plan. This information will be reviewed more in depth by the Personnel Committee. LETTER FROM OTTO RUSCH: Committee members received and reviewed a copy of correspondence from Otto Rusch regarding the allocation of funds for the Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation and criteria for funding in 2003. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: Jardine stated that he is concerned that new employees are not provided insurance for the first six months of employment and that this is discouraging promising candidates from accepting employment with the county. He would like Exec Committee and County Board to review the current policy and consider offering insurance upon hire rather than after 6 month waiting period. Motion by Jardine, Second by Bichanich to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 12:20pm.