HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 3/11/2003Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting
March 11, 2003
4:00pm County Board Room
Members Present: John Blahnik, Harold Maki, Brett Rondeau, Kenneth Jardine,
Marco Bichanich, Delores Kittleson
Others Present: Tom Gordon, Mark Abeles-Allison, Bill Kacvinsky, Jan Karlen,
Tim Kane, Paul Lundberg, Rick Olivo, Clendon Gustafson, Judge John Priebe,
Bob Kent, Mitch Hamm, Kris Kavajecz
Meeting called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Rondeau.
Motion by Blahnik second by Bichanich to approve the minutes of the January
14, 2003 Executive Committee Meeting. Motion Carried.
Presentation by Cable Union Airport Commission: Motion by Jardine,
Second by Bichanich to table this item until the next meeting. Motion Carried.
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Juvenile Truancy Ordinance:
Judge Priebe thanked the committee for allowing him to present this information
and for considering a change to the current ordinance. Priebe gave a brief
background on his interest in the Truancy Ordinance. He believes that because
of the lack of values being taught in the home, that the school districts are key in
promoting values in our county's youth. Priebe reviewed the current ordinance
and process for processing truancy issues. He would like to modify the system
to allow the school districts to issue citations on the spot and coordinate with the
District Attorney's office to set an immediate court date, reinforcing the
importance of the truancy issue. Jardine requested the definition of truancy.
Priebe read the definition of Truancy and explained the difference between
simple truancy and habitual truancy. Priebe explained that he, Human Services
and the school districts are working together in an informal committee, to draft a
revised ordinance. The draft has not been finalized at this point. Maki asked how
severe the problem with truancy is. Bob Kent of the Bayfield School District
stated that he would estimate approximately 10-12 unexcused absences per
week at Bayfield High School. Parents are notified when a student is truant. Kent
stated that the Tribe uses a similar system to the one being proposed and it has
had a positive impact on the truancy rate. Kittleson questioned if this could
potentially overburden the courts with truancy citations. Priebe does not foresee
this as a problem. Priebe would like to see the ordinance state that the student
and the parent be required to appear in court. Priebe explained that the Board
will be asked to entertain a change in the current ordinance in the near future.
Mitch Hamm stated that the City of Washburn has an ordinance, however, it
requires the school to contact an officer and the officer then has to come to the
school to issue the citation. From that point, the citation is handled through the
court system, and in most cases, the juvenile pays the fine and does not have to
appear in court. The issue has not been brought formally to each school board,
however, informal discussions have taken place and support is perceived. The
committee agreed that the proposed ordinance changes should be reviewed by
the Human Services Board and Executive Committee when they are finalized. A
public hearing may be required.
Tire Clean-Up Status Report on Participation: Tim Kane provided a summary
of the current responses from municipalities regarding support of a county-wide
tire clean-up program. Tim provided a handout of the specific commitments
received from towns that have responded. Kane explained that the next step is to
designate the collection sites. RFP's will need to be sent to contractors and
contracts executed. Volunteers will need to be organized to staff the collection
points. It is possible that the WCC crew may be able to assist as the collection
points. Maki questioned where the wheel tax monies go that are paid when tires
are purchase. Kane explained that the tax used to go for tire clean-up efforts,
however, the DNR tire disposal program was sunsetted in 1997. Tim Kane will
check into this. Maki suggest that the Federal Forest Service be asked for a
donation to assist with the program since many tires from National Forest Lands
will be cleaned up.
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Forestry Land Acquisition
Fund: Paul Lundberg presented a request to change the county’s policy
regarding the balance in the Forest Land Acquisition Fund. Current ordinance
says this is account will maintain a $50,000 balance, As funds are spent to
purchase forest lands, the fund is replenished by applying 10% of each
stumpage sale to the fund, until it is brought back to the $50,000 balance.
Lundberg is requesting that the fund balance amount be raised to $150,000. He
explained that with approval of the Forestry and Executive Committees, the fund
may be increased.
Discussion was held regarding what authority would be required for land
acquisitions. Lundberg explained that the Forestry Committee has complete
authority to purchase Forest Land using funds from this account, however, they
target properties that are completely surrounded by existing Forest Lands.
Clarification was made that the Executive committee would need to approve the
10% allotment from stumpage sales. The purpose of the Executive committee
review was so that the committee could evaluate the county’s financial position
and determine if the monies were needed in other areas other than in the Forest
Land Acquisition Fund.
Motion by Maki, Second by Bichanich to approve the revised wording of the
ordinance as presented. Clarification from Abeles-Allison that this will now go
back to the Forestry Committee and a Public Hearing may be needed to approve
the ordinance change.
Blahnik questioned whether this conflicts with the goal of the county to
encourage economic development. Jardine explained that the goal of Forestry
Land Acquisition is to target land within current forest blocks.
Motion Carried.
Lundberg requested that the committee entertain a motion to replenish the
current land acquisition balance to the $50,000 level per current ordinance.
Motion by Jardine, Second by Blahnik to approve the designation of 10% of
stumpage receipts to return the current Forest Land Acquisition Fund balance to
$50,000. Motion Carried.
New Forester, Mike Amman started last week. Information on the next timber
sales will be presented to the Forestry committee at their next meeting. Very
similar offering to last year.
ITBEC Funding: Abeles-Allison explained that Bayfield County has not been a
member of this organization in the past. He explained that funding for this
membership would come from BCEDC, Bayfield County Tourism Association,
and local chambers. By Bayfield County being the member, it benefits all
organizations in the entire county. Blahnik commented that he would prefer that
Abeles-Allison or Kacvinsky be appointed to be the representative from the
County, in concert with Pat Thornton.
Out-Of-State Travel Procedures: Abeles-Allison explained that a question was
raised regarding out-of-state travel for Board members. Abeles-Allison
suggested that out-of-state travel requests of board members be pre-approved
by the Executive Committee. Discussion of whether a policy should be created.
Motion by Jardine, Second by Kittleson to authorize Abeles-Allison to create a
policy whereas County Board Supervisors must receive pre-approval of out-of
state travel by the Executive Committee. Motion Carried
Bio-Terrorism update: Abeles-Allison presented information on current
happenings regarding bio-terrorism procedures. He explained that specific
Health Department personnel will be vaccinated for small pox. Abeles-Allison
handed out a copy of a letter from County Mutual Insurance Company explaining
the impact on potential Worker's Compensation claims pertaining to pre-event
small pox vaccinations. Abeles-Allison provided a draft copy of a proposed
county policy regarding pre-event vaccinations for small pox.
Approval to Sell Fleet Vehicles: 3 vehicles were discussed. Abeles-Allison
explained that the vehicles are being under-utilized. He proposes selling the
vehicles and not replacing them.
Motion by Maki, Second by Bichanich to approve the sale of the 3 vehicles in
question. Motion Carried.
Maki questioned the number of vehicles the county has in the fleet and if there is
a way to reduce the number of vehicles and better utilize them.
Finance Report: Abeles-Allison provided two handouts of Year-to-Date Fund
Balances for each Fund. Abeles-Allison explained specific points of interest on
this spreadsheet. A brief discussion was held regarding the county’s General
Fund Balance and how those monies will be designated in the future. Potential
expenditures were discussed.
Other Actions or Reports:
Iron River Incubator: Abeles-Allison explained that NWRP has approached
Bayfield County for partnering and providing financing to NWRP to construct a
23,000 square foot business incubator in Iron River. NWRP and Bayfield Electric
have prompted this project. Discussion of whether reduced size of facility was
considered. Under 18,000 square feet would eliminate grant funding for the
project. Brief discussion was held regarding the benefit that this project could
have for economic development opportunities in the County.
Blahnik presented copy of minutes and the meeting notice from January 14,
2003, to justify his early exit from the last Executive Committee Meeting. He also
explained that he is offended by name calling by attendees of county meetings
and that committee members do not stop the inappropriate behavior when it
Abeles-Allison noted that in the budget, $25,000 was allotted for the Highway
Department to complete work for other county departments. Abeles-Allison
pointed out that the Highway Dept may do some work for the Ashland Airport as
an in-kind contribution in addition to or in place of monetary contribution.
Motion by Jardine, Second by Bichanich to adjourn. Motion approved. Meeting
adjourned at 6:00pm.