HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 2/10/2004117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 BAYFIELD COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes, February 10, 2004 Bayfield County Board Room Members Present: John J. Blahnik, Kenneth Jardine, Marco Bichanich, Brett Rondeau, Delores Kittleson, Harold Maki Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, Bill Kacvinsky, Karl Kastrosky, Kris Kavajecz Call to Order; Meeting called to order by Chairman Rondeau at 4:00 pm. Motion Regarding Minutes of the January 13, 2004 Executive Committee Meeting; Motion by Jardine , Second by Bichanich to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2004 meeting as presented. Motion Carried. Item #4 on the agenda was moved up to accommodate Karl Kastrosky’s presentation. Discussion Regarding Uniform Dwelling Code: Karl Kastrosky addressed the committee regarding the UDC and the potential impact on the county and what the county’s position could be. Kastrosky reported that the Zoning Committee will make a recommendation on how to proceed with the requirements of the UDC. Kastrosky would prefer to see the towns or state take the responsibility, prefers not to see the county take on this responsibility. Estimates are that about 2500 inspections would be needed each year countywide. Kastrosky feels that it will be expensive to the homeowner because there are very few inspectors in the area. Concerns of the committee included delays to homeowners, costs to homeowners, and lack of resources in our rural county. Discussion was held regarding enforcement and the number of inspections that would be required. Kastrosky explained that he just wanted to provide basic information to the committee so they are aware of the changes to the UDC. Kacvinsky suggested the topic be added to the next County Board Agenda for discussion. Towns must make a decision on enforcement by March 15, 2004. Kastrosky left the meeting at this time. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Budget Process for 2005 Abeles-Allison shared suggestions he has received from Board members to modify the budget process time-line. One suggestion was to provide a draft budget to all board members and have a full-day review of the proposed budget with the entire board. Discussion regarding mill rates and valuation was held. Maki suggested putting a cap on increases to outside agencies such as Library, Airports, etc.. Blahnik commented that committee recommendations regarding action items are very important. Discussion was held regarding oversight committees and departments changing or transferring funds within a budget with or without County Administrator’s knowledge. Maki asked about the general relationship between Department Heads in the county. Brief discussion was held regarding how the County Administrator and County Board is perceived by the Department Heads. Clarification that BCEDC has received their full year payment. 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Contract for Jail Literacy Program Abeles-Allison explained that the county received a grant to implement a on-year jail literacy program and that there will be 2-3 contracts, due to the fiscal year calendar for WITC. Abeles- Allison explained the types of instruction that will be provided and a basic breakdown of how the instruction will be distributed between WITC, UWEX and BC Dept of Human Services. Abeles- Allison explained that he and Tom Gordon have met with WITC regarding continued funding after grant dollars are exhausted. The program is completely voluntary and is a privilege for inmates. Motion by Bichanich, Second by Blahink to allow County Administrator to sign the WITC contract and provide a budget amendment recommendation to the County Board accepting the Jail Literacy Grant. Motion Carried. Discussion regarding Office Relocation. Abeles-Allison reviewed a draft office relocation of the current Sheriff’s wing of the Annex building. It is anticipated that the County Health Department will be moved into this space. A handout of office layout was provided. Discussed the potential of future combination of Health and Human Services and how offices could be organized to accommodate this potential combination in the future. Reports and Any other topics of discussion as presented by the committee members or County Administrator: a) Update on County Clean-Up Awareness Week: 1. County Adopt-A-Hwy Program: Blahnik suggest the county consider a sign program similar to the one offered by the state. 2. Highway Department Involvement: Will pick up refuse collected. Also planning a clean-up of county and state roadways b) Report on Cable Union Airport: Rondeau reported on improvements needed at the airport. State will provide 80% funding for improvements. They are also considering constructing a new airport, or collaborating with Hayward to make significant improvements to serve both communities. Sam Johnson has also been contacted regarding donating or selling property for a new airport location. Currently conducting a feasibility study on a new airport. Abeles-Allison reported that although the county approved $20,000 for the airport in 2004, only $5000 is anticipated to be used. c) Update on Groomer Accident Insurance Claim A handout of expenses to date was provided. The total claim will come to about $20,000. The snowmobile alliance will reimburse the county for any expenses not covered by insurance. d) Out of State Travel: Abeles-Allison explained that Neil Paulson will be traveling to Washington DC for a NACo meeting representing Bayfield County and the National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition. Several committee members expressed concern with the approval of this out-of-state travel. 117 East Fifth Street ▪ Washburn, WI 54891 ▪ markaa@bayfieldcounty.org Phone 715-373-6181 ▪ FAX 715-373-6183 e) Space Request for Non-Profit interested in renting space in the basement of the new Law Enforcement Center. Abeles-Allison explained that this is being brought to the attention of the Executive Committee just for informational purposes at this time. f) Concern brought to the attention of the committee regarding employees using citizen parking in front of the courthouse. Abeles-Allison said he has been keeping an eye on this situation and that parking issues should be resolved this summer when construction is completed. g) Abeles-Allison reviewed handout of a newsletter put together for towns. This newsletter is done every few months and includes information pertinent to towns. The committee may go in and out of Executive Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §19.85(1) (c) for the purpose of discussing: • County Administrator Performance Evaluation Kacvinsky reported that executive session was not necessary. 10 of 13 evaluation forms were received from Board Supervisors. Blahnik and Kacvinsky reviewed the responses and tabulated the results and had a conference with Abeles-Allison to review the results. Evaluation was very favorable. Maki asked if there are any items that the board can assist with in improvements. Abeles-Allison commented that he would like assistance with continuing to develop relationships with Department Heads. Comment from Kacvinsky that the County Board needs to support Mark when decisions are made. Committee discussed the need for long term strategic planning goals. Maki expressed frustration with the topic of the Railroad Right-of-Way issue being brought to the full county board without any advance information to the board members and why the public has the impression that the county has already determined that they will be designating this right of way as a public highway. Jardine clarified that meetings must be open to the public and that citizens are concerned they may not have legal title to land they believe they own. Adjournment Motion by Jardine , Second by Blahnik to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.