HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 6/8/2004Minutes of the
Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting
June 8, 2004 – 4:00 p.m.
County Board Room, Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rondeau at 4:00 p.m. Present
were: John J. Blahnik, Kenneth Jardine, Verne J. Gilles, and Brett Rondeau. Absent
were, Harold Maki and Neil Paulson. Others present were: the public.
1. Minutes of April 13, 2004 Executive Committee Meting. A motion
was made by Jardine and seconded by Blahnik to adopt the minutes of the
April 13, 2004 Executive Committee meeting. The motion carried.
2. Nomination and Election of Chairman. A motion was made by
Blahnik and seconded by Jardine to nominate Brett Rondeau as Chairman of
the Executive Committee. Rondeau asked three times if there were any other
nominations. There being no further nominations, a motion was made by Gilles
and seconded by Blahnik to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot
for Brett Rondeau as Chairman. The motion carried.
3. Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman. A motion was made
by Jardine and seconded by Gilles to nominate John Blahnik as Vice-
Chairman of the Executive Committee. Rondeau asked three times if there were
any other nominations, there being no further nominations, a motion was made by
Gilles and seconded by Jardine to close nominations and cast a unanimous
ballot for John Blahnik as Vice-Chairman. The motion carried.
4. Report from the Bayfield County Economic Development
Corporation. County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, introduced Bruce Lindgren
and Jim Radtke, both here from the Bayfield County Economic Development
Corporation and who would be giving the report to the Committee. Radtke thanked the
Committee for allowing he and Lindgren to be present to give this report as he feels it is
very important to keep a working relationship between BCEDC and Bayfield County. He
handed out a Report and supporting documentation (attached) for the Board to review
and proceeded to outline activities that have taken place over the past quarter. At this
point, Jardine asked if the Committee could take a few minutes to read the materials
that Radtke just handed to them, which the Committee unanimously decided to do.
Supervisor Maki arrived at 4:07 p.m.
Radtke then continued with his report, going over item by item. Radtke stated
that BCEDC received a thank you note from Dwayne and Marianne Szot for BCEDC’s
help in the start of their business located in Bayfield.
A few questions were asked of Radtke concerning the financial structure of
BCEDC. Abeles-Allison explained that BCEDC is currently having financial issues that it
is trying to work through. They have approximately $20,000.00 in the bank. They
have projected monthly expenses to be around $5,000.00 and this is not enough to get
them through the end of the year. Abeles-Allison and the Committee thought that
BCEDC should make another presentation next month, updating the Executive
Committee with the current status of the Corporation.
Radtke stated to the Executive Committee that he takes his job very seriously
and works at it 24/7. Radtke went on to state that he purchases his clothing with the
BCEDC Logo on it, at his expense, not the Corporations. He went on to state that
economic development is not a simple thing, it takes a lot of time, patience, is more
than running an ad in the local newspaper. It is effected by local, statewide, national
economics as well.
The Committee discussed with Radtke the activity in the Barnes Industrial Park,
which Radtke reported that there is not much activity going on there. Radtke thought
Barnes maybe should be included in the Northwoods Economic Council.
Radtke also went on record to clear up some rumors floating around about he
and his past business practice. He is hoping that by doing so, this will keep the lines of
communication open and the County and BCEDC will have a better business
relationship. He again stressed, the importance of keeping a strong relationship
between the Corporation and Bayfield County.
Radtke also stated that Jerry would like to be at the next Executive Committee
meeting. Abeles-Allison took this information down for next month’s meeting.
5. Direction for the Tourism & Recreation Committee Pertaining to
the Trail Right-of-Way Issue. Abeles-Allison asked that this item be moved up since
there were members of the public here for this topic. He went on to state that the
County Board directed the Tourism Committee to set up listening sessions in regard to
the trail right-of- way issues. He reported that each of the listening sessions have been
recorded and it is hopeful to have this information up on the website soon. Focus on
the trail has been more on the Southern County to Northern Bayfield. Each of the
meetings have had a very good turnout. Where are we now? 4 meetings have been
held, two the property owners, one with town officials and one with user groups. We
are now in the process of selecting a smaller group of individuals from each of the four
session groups to develop concrete plans. This is an opportunity to further refine where
we are going and to further dialogue and negotiating among the people and County.
Abeles-Allison stated the he and Pat Thornton have sat down and reviewed the lists of
people from each of the listening sessions. They tried to find people who were
outspoken and well informed on the issue. Blahnik reported that he received many
telephone calls after the last meeting. Abeles-Allison again reiterated that direction of
County Board was that we were going to sit down and work with the people to find a
solution regarding the trail issue. Bayfield County has not made a decision as to what
they will be doing. If we didn’t go ahead, and just claimed, they can demand that we
have to redo it. Jardine stated that he was pretty sure that all of the property is federal
property. Jardine also stated that if the State owned the land, they wouldn’t even
hesitate to evict the people to get off of it. Bayfield County does not want to do this.
They want to work with the people. A lengthy discussion took place. Maki brought up
the fact that the majority of the people who use our walking, bike, ATV, Snowmobile,
etc. trails do not even live here. It seems like most of our recreational purposes and
concerns are done for people outside our community giving minimal concern to our
local people and their property and this isn’t right.
John Hawksford, who was in attendance today, asked if he could address the
Executive Committee, and the Committee stated that he could. Hawksford felt that the
first thing that needs to be done is to determine who owns the railroad grade. Further
discussion took place on his comment. Everyone has individual opinions, however, no
one has the answer. The County has to decide if they are going to pursue the issue,
they may not pursue and leave it as is. The County Board is trying to assess all of the
information and make an educated decision that benefits everyone.
After discussion, Abeles-Allison stated that it is the plan for “listening group”
people to report back to the Tourism Committee who will in turn report to the full
County Board at their June 29th, meeting.
6. 2004 Financial Report.
(a) Treasurer’s Report, by Account. Abeles-Allison wanted to share
a couple of items with the Executive Committee. He passed out a
report, which is the same report as in their packet only smaller.
The document lists both 2002 and 2003 balances to compare
where we were at this time in the preceding years. He reported
that if you take the jail figures out of the figures we are still a bit
ahead. The crucial point is to make sure that we are ahead.
Purpose of this document was only to keep the Executive
Committee informed of the budget balances and how we stand to
(b) Highway Fund Report. The next report is regarding the
Highway fund balance as of year-end for 2001, 2002 and 2003.
We have been spending more funds on highways. We have spent
approximately $1 million from reserves. Most other counties are
less than this, but we have dedicated our funds for our upcoming
(c) Fund Report. Next report is a Period 13 Review, End of Year
Financial Report. The report was discussed in detail. Some
departments are over, some under, and without knowing what
caused either the overages or increase in revenue, it is hard to
make any kind of judgment on why.
The Committee briefly discussed health insurance. It will be based on the
County’s experience and is usually goes up about 10%.
7. 2005 Budget Planning Process. Abeles-Allison reported on where we
are to date. The next step will be to hold a session in early July for budget direction.
We will have an idea of what a 1, 2, or 3% increase in the levy will generate.
The Committee discussed the possibility of renting out the basement of the new
jail and also the old part of the annex building. It is possible that other Bayfield County
departments that are located in Ashland could be moved to the annex building as well.
This would include such offices as WIC, Land Conservation, possibly Probation and
Discussion took place regarding the timelines as outlined and the fact that it
doesn’t allow committees to see budgets ahead of time. Abeles-Allison stated that he
wanted department heads to compile their budget proposals and submit to him by July
30. Some Committee members felt that this was almost an impossible timeline because
the committees may not be able to meet with the department heads prior to this.
Further discussion took place on whether dates could be moved back a bit or allow
more time in between.
8. Scenic Drive Dam, Town of Delta. Abeles-Allison reported that the
officials from the Town of Delta had been in contact with him regarding the condition of
the Scenic Dam in the Town of Delta. The rock dam is in poor condition and Town
officials have raised concerns that it could cause flooding. There is the possibility of
applying for funds through a Section 154 Project through the Corps of Engineers later
this summer. If funding were received, it would pay 75% of the cost of restoration. It
is estimated that the project would take approximately 3 to 4 years. Discussion took
place that this dam has been there forever and that there has never been a problem,
what makes them think there will be a problem now? If funds are available, do we
want to apply for them to fix the dam. It was asked if an engineer had looked at the
dam. Abeles-Allison reported that no one has looked at it, and that it is Bayfield
County’s responsibility.
Abeles-Allison would like permission to investigate this a little bit further, put a
proposal together for the Section 154 Project funds, and see what happens. Further
discussion took place, and a motion was made by Jardine and seconded by Gilles
to give permission to allow the County Administrator to look further into the
Scenic Drive Dam project and the possibility of receiving Section 154 Project
Funds. The motion carried.
9. Budget Amendment for Interdepartmental Fund. There is nothing
to report at this time.
10. Open Meetings Law. Abeles-Allison reported that he wanted to share
with the committee a letter he received from the District Attorney open meeting laws.
11. Iron River Wayside Transfer. Abeles-Allison reported that he spoke
with the Town of Iron River Chairman regarding the wayside. Iron River is pursing an
agreement with the DOT to obtain the wayside. The County was asked if they wanted
to get involved. Pat Thornton was going to make contact with the Town of Iron River
Chairman once again and will report back. As it stands now, the wayside will be open
through the summer and closing near fall hunting season
12. Agreement Between Bayfield County and Northwest Regional
Planning Commission for Housing Rehabilitation Project. Abeles-Allison
reported that earlier this year we looked at a proposal from Northwest Regional
Planning for the administration of our Revolving Loan Fund. For the first two years of
the grant, Bayfield County did this. A new agreement is now required as we are in the
repay back portion now. This month, $35,000.00 will be returned to the fund, so we
will have over $50,000.00 to lend out. Northwest’s agreement provides for
administration of the fund for a fee of 15%. A copy of the agreement is attached.
Earlier, we were concerned that Bayfield County was doing much of the work and
should be reimbursed for a portion of that work. It was Northwest’s opinion that the
work we do is over and above what we need to do. If we intend to go forward with
this agreement, we need this approved by the Executive Committee with its
recommendation to send it to the full County Board for review and possible approval.
Further discussion took place regarding doing it ourselves vs. having Northwest and all
related items.
A motion was made by Blahnik and seconded by Jardine to approve the
Agreement between Northwest Regional Planning Commission and Bayfield
County, and to send it to the full County Board for approval. The motion
13. Update on Office Relocation for Sheriff’s Department and Others.
All offices have been moved to the new wing. Melissa and Diane were tearing down
and reorganizing their new offices as we speak-tomorrow, June 9th, they will be in
operation once again. Discussion was had on the Health Department move. It was
reported that Kelly has plans and goals for patching holes and carpeting the annex.
14. Document Copy Agreements in Register of Deed’s Office. Abeles-
Allison reported that Pat Olson could not be at the meeting today due to another
commitment. In her place, he explained that attached is a CD Rom Agreement, which
would be implemented for use with title companies and other entities for the copying of
documented information. Pat is proposing monthly fee, proposed to copies. We would
give them all of the images on disk every day in lieu of copies. Depending on the
number of pages, it might cost them more or less, but will save Register of Deed’s
office a considerable amount of time. The fees will increase from 15¢ to 25¢ per copy.
Pat would like to give this to the involved title companies prior to giving it to the County
Abeles-Allison stated that Attorney Bussey has reviewed the agreement and has
made two comments, which require changes. The first change is in the first “whereas”
paragraph, it states that the Executive committee has approved the agreement. State
Statutes dictate that the County Board shall approve any agreements. The second
change is on the second page, #6, last word “misplaced” should be changed to
It is Abeles-Allison’s recommendation that the Executive Committee approve the
CD Rom Agreement and send it to the full County Board for approval. A motion was
made by Blahnik and seconded by Gilles to approve the CD Rom Agreement
and send it to the full County Board for approval. The motion carried.
15. Forestry Land Exchange in the Towns of Hughes and Iron River. A
motion was made by Blahnik and seconded by Jardine to move into Executive
Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §19.85, (1), (e) for deliberation
regarding public property where competitive issues are involved; forestry
land exchange in the Towns of Hughes and Iron River. A roll call vote was
taken as follows: Gilles-yes; Maki-yes; Blahnik-yes; Paulson-absent;
Rondeau-yes. Total: 6; 5 yes, 1 absent. The motion carried.
A motion was made to come out of Executive Session pursuant to
Wisconsin Statutes §19.85, (1), (e) for deliberation regarding public property
where competitive issues are involved; forestry land exchange in the Towns
of Hughes and Iron River. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Gilles-yes;
Maki-yes; Blahnik-yes; Paulson-absent; Rondeau-yes. Total: 6; 5 yes, 1
absent. The motion carried.
16. Reports.
(a) Employee of the Year Update & Picnic. Notices were sent out
to all departments effected. Employees chosen will be honored at
the employee picnic on June 24th.
(b) Update on County Positions. The Highway Confidential
Secretary position has been filled by Sue Butterfield who was the
Account Clerk. Applications are now being accepted for the
position of Account Clerk. Interviews have been taking place for
equipment operator. Pat Kitzmiller, part-time jail cook, has retired.
Larry Weber has hired part-time people to fill in gaps. Discussed
how many Union grievances have been filed. Update on the
Arbitration Hearing regarding Linda Lindahl. A grievance has been
filed by the Teamsters Union regarding Wanda Hyde’s position in
the Highway Department.
(c) It was reported that Highway 13 is closed on “P.” Dangerous by
the curves and there isn’t a speed limit sign.
(d) It was suggested that perhaps a revisit on salaries and
reclassifications be done. Is this something that should be done periodically?
Categories that are not properly based on the way that the schedule is set. This
perhaps should come under Personnel. Some people who are not categorized
correctly and perhaps this should be looked at again.
There being no further business to come before the Executive Committee, a
motion was made by Jardine and seconded by Maki to adjourn. The motion
carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn M. Bellile,
Deputy County Clerk