HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/14/2004Exec Minutes 091404
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Minutes, September 14, 2004
Bayfield County Board Room
Members Present: Verne Gilles, Brett Rondeau, John Blahnik, Bucky Jardine, Harold
Maki, Neil Paulson,
Others Present: David Good, Delores Kittleson, William Kacvinsky, Mark Abeles-
Allison, Kris Kavajecz
Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Chairman Rondeau.
Motion Regarding Minutes of the August 10, 2004 Executive Committee Meeting;
Motion by Blahnik, second by Gilles to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2004
meeting as presented. Motion Carried.
Financial Reports, August 2004 treasurer’s report:
A handout was provided by the Treasurer’s Office. The current cash balance of all
investments at the end of August was $12,949,661.93. Blahnik explained that the report
includes the Revolving Loan Fund, which is not county dollars, but Federal/State dollars.
Blahnik suggest that some “administrative” fees could be charged to the Revolving Loan
Fund for the oversight of this financial fund, for the Treasurer’s office. Discussion
regarding designated and undesignated funds. Abeles-Allison reported that the auditors
have provided information on the “undesignated” dollars in the general fund. As of the
end of 2003, $3,726,000 is undesignated.
Paul Lundberg entered the meeting at this time.
Motion by Gilles, second by Jardine to enter executive session pursuant to Wisconsin
Statutes §19.85,(1),(e) (g) for deliberation regarding public property where competitive
issues are involved; forestry land exchange in the Towns of Hughes and Iron River.
Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Good, Kittleson, Kacvinsky, Abeles-Allison,
Kavajecz, and Lundberg were invited to remain in the Executive Session.
Motion by Blahnik, second by Gilles to return to open session. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes,
Motion Carried
Maximus Cost Allocation Contract: Abeles-Allison explained that the county
contracts with this organization to outline reimbursements to the county for certain
operating costs.
Motion by Gilles, second by Paulson to approve the 3-year contract with Maximus for the
cost allocation program. Motion Carried.
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Audit Report/Financial Update
Abeles-Allison reported that the General Fund Balance carry-over from 2003 is
Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendment Resolution for Capital
Improvements Fund: Abeles-Allison handed out a budget amendment resolution
pertaining to the Capital Improvements Fund. He explained the reason for the
amendment resolution.
Motion by Gilles, second by Blahnik to approve the Capital Improvement Fund Budget
Amendment and forward the amendment to the full county board for approval. Motion
Discussion & Possible action regarding proposed 2005 budget & Budget Review
meeting dates: The proposed 2005 budget book was provided to board members present.
Abeles-Allison reviewed the primary budget figures including: mill rate, levy, and budget
total. Abeles-Allison reviewed the significant items impacting the budget in 2005.
The budget for Criminal Justice was discussed, including: budget, responsibilities and the
cost efficiency of this position.
The budget includes a proposal for a full-time computer technician in the Information
Services Department. Abeles-Allison explained that in 2006, the contract with Lewis &
Associates would be significantly reduced, mostly offsetting the cost of the new
technician. However, there would be a one year transition period in 2005, where the
Lewis contract and Computer tech would both be included in the budget.
Hardware and software for the County Clerk’s office is included in the Capital
Improvements Budget. Overtime was not built into department budgets for training on
this new system.
Forestry Department is showing significant revenue increases, which will help keep the
levy down. Comment from Maki that the revenue is due to increased prices for wood, not
necessarily because more bids are being offered.
Health Department budgets this year reflect actual costs for Public Health and Home
Health. A brief discussion was held regarding the home health program and the costs
associated with the program.
Kittleson left the meeting at this time.
Abeles-Allison explained that in 2004, the Sanitary Code Administrator resigned. The
Zoning department tried an employee realignment to see if it would work, without hiring
a replacement. Only having two field employees did not work as well as hoped. The
2005 budget proposes that a full-time employee be added, and that the current summer
intern and contract permit reviewer be maintained. The budget also proposes a fee
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increase to offset some of the cost of the additional staffing. The committee discussed an
issue regarding items being proposed in the budget that have not been approved or
recommended by the oversight committee. Maki strongly opposed the addition of another
person in the Zoning Department.
Abeles-Allison gave a brief overview of the Fair budget.
Register of Deeds has requested an additional half-time employee, however, the proposed
budget includes funding for 600 hours of help over peak summer months.
Highway Department budgeted levy is the same as 2004, zero increase, and does not use
any of the fund balance. Abeles-Allison reviewed specific equipment purchases and
improvements that have been included in the Highway budget.
The committee set budget meetings for Monday and Tuesday, Sept 20th and 21st,
beginning at 10:00 am, and running until 4:00pm.
Motion by Maki to not hire any additional staff. Rondeau asked three times if there was a
second to the motion. Motion died for lack of a second. Maki requested that his objection
to any hiring by noted in the minutes.
Paulson and Kacvinsky left the meeting at this time.
Abeles-Allison reviewed the Budget Summary spreadsheets on pages 10 & 11 of the
proposed budget book. The various sections of the budget book were reviewed.
Maki requested to discuss the proposed Zoning position. A request will be made that the
Zoning Committee Agenda be modified to allow discussion on the proposed position.
Library has requested an 8% increase to $156,000. Abeles-Allison has proposed
approving a 3% increase. It was noted that in the past the county has funded the library’s
request at 100% although statutes state that 70% reimbursement is the minimum
requirement. This item can be discussed further at the budget meetings next week.
BCEDC has requested $62,000 for the FY2005. $45,000 has been included in the budget
for consideration.
Brief discussion regarding the cost for a county nurse to administer jail health services.
This item is being worked out between the Health Department and Jail.
Motion by Jardine, second by Blahnik to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at