HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 11/16/2004L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2004\Exec Minutes 111604.doc Page 1 of 4 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting November 16, 2004 4:00pm Bayfield County Board Room Members present: Brett Rondeau, John Blahnik, Harold Maki, Kenneth Jardine, Verne Gilles, Neil Paulson Members Absent: None Others Present: Dee Kittleson, Scott Fibert, David Lee, Robert Hom, Bill Kacvinsky, Mark Abeles-Allison, Kris Kavajecz Motion by Paulson, second by Gilles to approve minutes of the October 12, 2004 meeting. Motion Carried. Motion by Jardine, second by Blahnik to move item 10c to the front of the agenda to discuss the Criminal Justice Coordinator position. Motion Carried. Abeles-Allison introduced District Attorney Haukaas and Judge Anderson to provide comments supporting the Criminal Justice Coordinator position. The position is designed to extend the life of the jail facility and provide alternative programming for offenders that may not necessarily warrant a jail stay. Maki questioned the method that will be used to justify the existence of this position. Abeles-Allison explained that statistics will be provided to the Criminal Justice Council on a monthly basis that will show the number of persons that were served by the Criminal Justice program and associated programming. Motion by Blahnik, second by Paulson to accept the job description and approve advertising for the position vacancy for the Criminal Justice Coordinator. Motion Carried. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding JFK Airport Funding.: Abeles-Allison introduced Robert Hom, JFK Airport Manager. Hom requested that Bayfield County consider contributing to a capital improvement to the airport in 2005. He explained that the airport needs to come up with $12,500 as their matching share. He requests that Bayfield County sponsor 1/3 of this amount. The project is for an Airport Use Zoning Overlay, which will identify land use surrounding the airport. The land use plan will impact approximately 14 square miles in the Town of Eileen. The Zoning overlay is not currently required, but Hom believes that it will become a requirement in the future. Hom would like to begin the project in January. Paulson suggested that the two counties and city get together to hammer out a budget for the project and determine the time that will be needed by staff of each entity. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding County Strategic Plan: Abeles-Allison explained that the discussion of creating a strategic plan was identified during the budget planning process. Tim Kane addressed the committee and provided a broad overview for L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2004\Exec Minutes 111604.doc Page 2 of 4 the development of a strategic plan. Various comments were received from committee members in support of a strategic planning process. Further detailed planning will be presented at the December meeting. Land Records Office-Department Update and Discussion Regarding User Fees: Dave Lee provided a handout, which contained examples of the various types of documents his department creates and distributes. Lee explained the complexities surrounding establishing a fee for the service to create and/or distribute these documents. The committee discussed some of the various uses of data, entities that request data, and potential revenue generation. The committee asked Lee to draft a fee schedule for review. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Veteran’s Office Transportation Contingency Fund: Abeles-Allison distributed an email from Chris Johnson, Veteran’s Service Officer regarding transportation fees for his department. The department attempts to coordinate multiple passengers and limit the number of trips. Motion by Maki, second by Blahnik to take up to an additional $4600 out of contingency to cover transportation expenses in 2004. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Parking Designation Plan: Abeles-Allison explained that the Labor-Management Committee has recommended that the parking between the sidewalks on the North Side of 5th street be maintained for public parking only, but allow employee parking outside of the sidewalks. Motion by Blahnik, second by Gilles to approve the revised parking designation plan. Motion Carried. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding New World Systems Accounting Software Contract: Abeles-Allison reviewed the draft contract for software purchase. He reported that by working with Sawyer and Burnett Counties, the price has been reduced by about $30,000. Abeles-Allison requested permission from the committee for he and Kacvinsky to negotiate and enter into a contract. Motion by Paulson, second by Jardine to allow Abeles-Allison and Kacvinsky to negotiate and enter into a contract for purchase of accounting software. Motion Carried. Financial Report: Abeles-Allison reviewed the October financial reports and addressed questions from the committee regarding the reports. Blahnik left the meeting at this time. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Personnel Related Issues: Land Records Administrator: Abeles-Allison reviewed that the Personnel Committee has discussed the proposed oversight of the Property Lister/Tax Deed office by the Land Records Administrator. The proposed change would include a slight wage increase for the Land Records Administrator of approximately 3%. Lee commented that he did not L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2004\Exec Minutes 111604.doc Page 3 of 4 ask for this responsibility and is not particularly supportive of the modification of his duties. Jardine left the meeting at this time. Maki stated that he felt the Tax Deed/Property Lister’s Office should remain as it is, under the supervision of the Clerk’s office. Maki commented that he felt he was not provided information on this matter in advance and does not feel it is necessary to make changes when it appears to be working just fine as it is. Abeles-Allison explained that the Personnel Committee has reviewed this matter and has recommended to the Executive Committee, as committee of record, that this change be made. Motion by Paulson, second by Gilles to transfer the oversight of the Tax Deed/Property Lister’s Office to the Land Records Office. Maki again strongly opposed the proposed change. Yes- 3, Opposed-1 Motion Carried. GIS Technician: Abeles-Allison reported that in the Land Records Office, the Clerk III requested a reclassification to a GIS Technician at the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee stated that the duties of the current position is not clerical, but more technical. The process would be to eliminate the Clerk III position and create a GIS Technician position. Motion by Gilles, second by Paulson to approve the GIS Technician position and post the position. Motion Carried. Computer Technician I: The funding for this position was included in the 2005 budget, at the Clerk III wage level. Motion by Paulson, second by Gilles to approve the Computer Technician I position as proposed. Yes-3, Opposed-1 Motion Carried. Part-Time Clerk I, County Clerk’s Office: Scott Fibert explained that when he takes office, his current position is proposed to be replaced with a half-time Clerk I. This is a union position. Motion by Gilles, second by Paulson to approve and post the Part-Time Clerk I position in the County Clerk’s Office. Motion Carried. Reports and any other topics of Discussion: Superior Days meeting was held today to discuss topics for the February session. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2004\Exec Minutes 111604.doc Page 4 of 4 Kacvinsky commented that he has received numerous letters from the DNR stating that they have purchased particular parcels in the county. He will provided copies of these letters to the Board members in the future. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding County Administrator Evaluation: Members of the Executive Committee were asked to complete a performance evaluation form pertaining to the County Administrator. Kacvinsky reported that he would like the evaluation forms returned to him by December 15th. Forms will be distributed to all members of the County Board. Next meeting is scheduled for December 21, 2004 at 4:00pm. Motion by Paulson, second by Maki to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm