HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 10/11/2007Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 10:00 AM, October 11, 2007 Ag Research Station, US Hwy 2, Ashland, WI Members Present: Dee Kittleson-Vice Chairman, Kenneth Jardine, Brett Rondeau-Chairman, John Blahnik Members Excused: Thomas Gordon, Bill Kacvinsky Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kris Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary, Bill DeVries-BCEDC, Marian Vaughn-BCEDC, Rick Geisen-BCEDC, . Meeting called to order at 10:00am by Chairman Rondeau. Minutes of September 18 & 20: Motion Jardine, Blahnik to approve minutes of the September 18, 2007 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Motion Blahnik, Jardine to approve minutes of the September 20, 2007 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Presentation by Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation: Abeles-Allison commented that BCEDC had not been notified of the earlier budget meetings and will make a presentation requesting full funding of their request. 3 representatives of BCEDC were present to request the funding of $65,000 for 2008. DeVries reviewed 2007 accomplishments. Vaughn reviewed ongoing contacts with potential and existing businesses. Geisen provided his input as a new member of the BCEDC board. A handout was provided for the committee’s review. Discussion Regarding Cost Control Associated Proposal: Abeles-Allison reviewed a handout from Cost Control Associates and explained that he Wisconsin Counties Association also endorses this organization. Cost Control Associates would retain approximately 45% of and savings they find during their audit. They would review utility and phone charges for overcharges. Motion Blahnik, Jardine to authorize County Administrator to contact Cost Control Associates and Xcel Energy regarding this service. Motion Carried. Discussion Regarding Courthouse Exterior Project: Handouts were provided of the proposal from PTD Inc. Motion Kittleson, Jardine to ender agreement with PTD, Inc regarding the courthouse exterior project. Motion Carried. Discussion Regarding Courtroom Renovation Contract: Abeles-Allison provided a summary of anticipated expenditures for the courtroom renovation project from KKE. Motion, Blahnik, Jardine to authorize Abeles-Allison to approve change orders up to $10,000 each. Motion Carried. Discussion was held regarding Department of Human Services request for use of the basement area in the future and change orders that would result from this request. Any requests must be made in the form of a presentation to the Executive Committee. Reports: Budget publication is in both the Daily Press and County Journal. A 3% levy increase is reflected. Abeles-Allison explained various options depending upon the outcome of the state budget. Financial reports were reviewed. Regional Revolving Loan Fund status was reviewed. Northern Lights Bonding update will be provided at the October 30 county board meeting. A letter was reviewed pertaining to the tribal taxation issue. Motion Blahnik, Jardine to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.