HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 3/5/2008Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, March 5, 2008 Ag Research Station, Ashland, WI Members Present: Kenneth Jardine, Brett Rondeau, Thomas Gordon, Bill Kacvinsky, John Blahnik Excused: Dee Kittleson Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator; Kris Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Chairman Rondeau. Minutes of February 12, 2008: Motion Jardine, Rondeau to approve. Motion Carried. Internet Access to County Records: Abeles-Allison informed the committee that some counties have records in the Register of Deeds and land related offices available on-line for a fee. The program, NAZCA, has been endorsed by the Wisconsin Counties Association and had been discussed in the past. Counties receive a percentage of the fee collected for access to the on-line records. Abeles-Allison will be meeting with affected departments in the near future to discuss this technology option for Bayfield County. Motion by Gordon, Blahnik to authorize Abeles-Allison to meet with affected department to discuss NAZCA and bring a recommendation back to the Executive Committee. Motion Carried. County Facility Maintenance Project Updates: The committee reviewed the financial status of the Courtroom renovation project. It is estimated that the project will come in about $50,000 under budget. Ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on June 6th. State Chief Justice will be present for the ceremony. Six contractors have submitted pre-qualification documents for the Exterior Renovation Project. The committee reviewed a diagram of the area that will be targeted during the first phase of the project. A pre-bid inspection will be held on March 18th, with a lift available for potential contractors to inspect the condition of the stone. Bids will be due in April. County Board will review bids and select contractor on April 15th. Executive Committee will review bids and interview contractors on April 8th. The proposed elevator installation at the West end of the courthouse had been put on hold until a determination is received regarding the ADRC in Human Services. Bids and RFP Update: Bid results for the annex roof project were reviewed. Motion by Kacvinsky, Gordon to award contract to Ero Nasi for the Annex Roof Replacement Project. Bids for the Solar Water Heater and HVAC projects will be received on March 11th. Budget Amendment Resolution: Abeles-Allison explained that several budget amendment resolutions are being considered. Tourism will need two amendments, one for grant work at Delta Park that was unable to be completed in 2007 and one for some trail work. Another budget amendment may be considered to offset the impact of anticipated shortfalls related to low interest rates. Reports: The Town of Bayfield Industrial Park Project plan was reviewed. A grand opening of World Class Manufacturing is scheduled for March 29th. The committee discussed that the agreement draft from Impact Seven should indicate a total. Financial report from the County Treasurer was reviewed. The report will be adjusted to separate Northern Lights Nursing Home accounts separate of county funds. Committee members commented on the newspaper article written by County Treasurer, Dan Anderson, and suggested a letter be written commending him on his comments. The Group Health Trust insurance claim summary through January 31, 2008 was reviewed. The committee reviewed the Land Use Plan proposed for the Ag Station. Public Hearing regarding the Land Use Plan will be held following the Executive Committee meeting. Abeles-Allison distributed the County Administrator performance evaluation form. Motion Gordon, Blahnik to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.