HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 4/10/2008Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 1:00 PM, April 10, 2008 Emergency Operations Center, Washburn, WI Members Present: Kenneth Jardine, Brett Rondeau, Thomas Gordon, Bill Kacvinsky, John Blahnik, Dee Kittleson Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator; Larry Beyer-PTD Architects; Kris Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm by Chairman Rondeau. Minutes of March 5, 2008: Motion Jardine, Kittleson to approve. Motion Carried. Courthouse Restoration Proposal Presentations: Abeles-Allison provided a review of the process for the restoration project. It was bid out in 3 phases as a Design-Build project. Three companies will make presentations at this meeting. Introductions were made around the room. Tom Cromroy, President & Owner of Advanced Masonry explained his company’s proposal. This firm works with Craig Milkert of Collaborative Design Group as engineer for the project. Highlights of Mr Cromroy’s presentation included that he has been in business about 10 years, specializes in historic preservation and they have a historic preservation staff person. Several restoration project samples were provided. Advanced Masonry proposes to repair/patch. Replacement of stone would be a last resort. Patch material to be used has a life of 20+ years. Could do all 3 phases in 1 year, has a 5-person crew. Select tuckpointing. John Felton with Building Restoration Corporation provided samples of replacement stone and patch materials proposed to be used. A detailed diagram of stones to be repaired/replaced was provided, totaling approximately 400 (200+ to be replaced). Stair work was not included in the bid. Could do all 3 phases in 1 year. 100% tuckpointing. Angelo Luppino, Ed Heel and Steve Schraufnagel presented for Angelo Luppino Construction. They proposed 100% tuckpointing, would completely replace the steps with a cement that was tinted to appear like brownstone. Anticipate minimal replacement of stone, primarily would do patchwork. Provided photos of restorations done on a couple of area projects, although none shown were brownstone. Kacvinsky arrived at 2:55pm. Committee discussed the 3 presentations beginning at approximately 3:20pm. Discussed the value of 100% tuckpointing, replacement of some stone and the funding available for work this year. A timeline was discussed regarding a decision and timeline for completion of the 3 phases. Motion Jardine, Kacvinsky to have discussion with Building Restoration Corporation to finalize the scope of the project and cost for phase 1 with portions of phase 2 and to authorize Abeles- Allison to provide the County Board with a budgetary amount available for this project. Motion Carried. Solar Water Heater & HVAC Projects: Abeles-Allison provided a handout regarding the solar water heater project. Jamie Patterson of Bayfield will be the contractor for this project. It is a $70,000 project, with approximately $25,000 in incentives. Hot water generated will primarily be used for the jail showers, kitchen and will include a heat exchanger for hot water heat in the annex. 10 year payback is projected. Motion Gordon, Blahnik to authorize Abeles-Allison to move forward with the Solar Water Heater Project, not to exceed $55,000 and work to be completed by Jamie Patterson. Motion Carried. Four bids were received for the HVAC project. Window units will be eliminated. Central air will be installed in the upper level of the courthouse and Health Department. Split units will be installed in offices in the lower section of the courthouse. Abeles-Allison recommend that the bid be accepted from Blakeman Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $81,700. Motion Blahnik, Kittleson to accept the bid of Blakeman Plumbing and Heating for the Courthouse HVAC project in the amount of $81,700. Motion Carried. Other Projects: The annex roof project is scheduled to begin in June. Courtroom project is progressing. Paneling is currently being installed. Elevators for the Department of Human Services will be discussed at a later date. Budget Amendment Resolution addressing the anticipated revenue shortfall will be addressed at a future meeting. It is anticipated that the $275,000 anticipated shortfall will primarily be addressed by not immediately filling position vacancies. Abeles-Allison provided an article on Performance Based Budgeting. This item, along with local benchmarking will be placed on the next Executive Committee Agenda for discussion. Review of Health Insurance Utilization and Prescription Drug Program statistics Abeles-Allison reported that NWRPC and BCEDC recently met to resolve communication issues. Blahnik also met with Bill DeVries of BCEDC on this topic. Kavajecz exited the meeting at 4:00pm. Kittleson assumed minute taking at this time. The County Board Budget Planning Meeting Agenda was reviewed for input. Items to be added include: Trail 63 Issue, Library monies to Ashland, Committee Restructuring. Karl Kastrosky with the County Planning & Zoning Department provided two handouts summarizing historical statistics on fees collected and paid out through his department. Kastrosky reported that a $200,000 grant has been received for Comprehensive Planning. Committee discussed developing an RFP for a Comprehensive Planning Consultant. Motion Gordon, Blahnik to adjourn. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.