HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 11/10/2010Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, November 10, 2010, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Annex Building, Washburn, WI Members Present: Beth Meyers, Brett Rondeau, Dee Kittleson, William Kacvinsky Members Excused: Marco Bichanich, Kenneth Jardine Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Daniel Anderson-County Treasurer, Eric Summers-Stark Agency, Kristine Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary, Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Rondeau. Motion Kittleson, Meyers to approve minutes of the October 14, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting. Motion Carried. Investment Policy: Abeles-Allison reported that the county currently has a banking agreement with Bremer Bank. Consideration is being given to investing up to 2 million dollars in a managed portfolio. County Administrator and County Treasurer have met with the County’s Auditor and Corporation Counsel and have determined that the county may legally do this. Abeles-Allison explained the 3 types of investments the county could consider. The recommendation is to consider General obligation Bonds, which are guaranteed by taxes. All bonds must be AA or AAA rated. Discussion was held regarding allowing all financial institutions in the county to be considered as brokers when selecting a broker. Consensus of the committee is to allow the County Treasurer and Administrator to investigate this investment option further and report their recommendation to the Executive Committee and County Board. Collections Policy: Eric Summers with the Stark Agency made a presentation about his company and their approach to collections. The Stark Agency currently has a contract with the state of Wisconsin. Various collection options were discussed. Summers explained under any agreement the county would have a 30-day cancellation clause and that pre-authorization would need to be received from the county before any legal action could be filed to collect monies owed by any individual. Percentages of collections to be retained by the Stark Agency would depend upon the department the collection was for, and the length of time and status of the delinquency. Motion Kacvinsky, Kittleson to authorize Abeles-Allison to enter into a contract with the Stark Agency and to work out the details of the agreement. Motion Carried. AERC Sub-Leases: The current term of the AERC Contract is 5 years, expiring in July 2014. The group reviewed an email from Rich Lavigne, President of AERC, which provided more detail on the sub-leases being proposed. Clarification was provided that the maximum number of chicken on sight at any given time would not exceed 10,000 once max production was reached. Lengthy discussion was held regarding various concerns about the number of animals, deceased animal handling, maintenance of the facilities, and winter operations. The committee requested that AERC representatives and potential sub-lessees be present at the next meeting to discuss the proposal and answer questions. A site visit to existing poultry farm was also discussed. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2010\Executive Committee Minutes 111010.doc Page 2 of 2 Brownstone Project: Abeles-Allison reported the county has received a grant for $165,000 for brownstone repair and $500,000 is budgeted in 2011 for the repair. Areas that are recommended to be targeted include the Front Steps, Columns, Roofline Cornice, and Stair walls. Suggestion was made that Bill Kacvinsky and Abeles-Allison meet directly with contractors to develop RFPs for the project. Highway Ordinance Amendment: Motion Kacvinsky, Meyers to postpone this item until the December meeting. Motion Carried. Reports: County Treasurer’s report was reviewed. 2010 year-to-date budget reviewed. Audit Highlights were discussed. It was noted that although “Funds” were within budget, several “Departments” were over budget. County/Tribal Law Enforcement Agreement is currently being discussed. Park & Ride: The University of Wisconsin Superior and WisDOT will be conducting a survey on this topic. Bids have been received for the CNG Project and will be awarded in the near future. Land Records Grant to be discussed at the December Meeting. Motion Meyers, Kittleson to enter in/out of Executive Session Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c, e, g) for the purpose of: Approval of the September 13, 2010 Executive Session minutes, Discuss and/or take action regarding employee compensation, performance, evaluations and benefits. Deliberate or negotiate the purchase of public properties. Consider oral or written advice from legal counsel with regard to litigation and/or potential litigation. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Entered Executive Session at 5:55pm Motion Kacvinsky, Meyers to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 6:10pm. Meeting Adjourned at 6:10pm