HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 2/10/2011Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 10:00 AM, February 10, 2011, Bayfield County Board Room, Washburn, WI Members Present: Beth Meyers, Brett Rondeau, Dee Kittleson, William Kacvinsky, Marco Bichanich, Kenneth Jardine Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary, Dan Anderson-County Treasurer (10:00-10:15am), Rick Olivo-Daily Press (10:08- 11:40am) Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Rondeau. Motion Kittleson, Meyers to approve minutes of the December 9, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting. Motion Carried. Investment Policy: Abeles-Allison reviewed previous discussions on this topic, reporting that the county has discussed potentially investing approximately $2 million dollars in a managed portfolio. Currently our banking agreement with Bremer Bank awards .9% interest on up to $10 million dollars. Anything over that is earning approximately .25% interest. The RFP for managed portfolio services was reviewed. Abeles-Allison, Anderson and Kacvinsky will meet prior to the next meeting to review the proposals received and make a recommendation to the committee. Anderson exited the meeting at 10:15am. Budget Amendments: Abeles-Allison explained that this will be discussed later in the agenda, when the financial report for 2010 is reviewed. Records Retention Policy: The Wisconsin Counties Association has developed a broad records retention policy for all counties, which has been accepted by the State of Wisconsin. Abeles- Allison has recommended that the county consider adopting the WCA policy. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan: Auditor notes and the recent 5-year plan provided by departments were reviewed. Abeles-Allison provided examples of projects that have already been identified. Examples included: Highway garage realignment (closure of GrandView, expansion of Mason), Forestry Garage, IT Infrastructure such as wireless or fiber, Courthouse brownstone repairs, wind turbine, business incubator, Ag Station Infrastructure, Dam Improvements/Repairs, Trail Development. County Board Supervisors were asked for input on projects and assistance in prioritizing the projects/funding over the land term. Recommendation was made to discuss this at the budget planning session held in the Spring. Brownstone Restoration Project: One proposal was received in response to the RFP. Motion Meyers, Kittleson to authorize Abeles-Allison to verify whether receipt of a single proposal is acceptable under the Save America’s Treasures Grant. If this proposal is acceptable through the grant, to schedule a meeting with C&S Engineering to discuss their proposal. Motion Carried. Executive Committee will meet with C&S Engineering at 4:00pm on February 16th if single proposal is acceptable through the grant. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2011\Executive Committee Minutes 021011.doc Page 2 of 2 Reports: • 2010 Budget by Organization report was reviewed by department and fund. • County Treasurer Report was reviewed. • AERC: The current contract with AERC allows for a review by Ashland and Bayfield Counties at the 18-month point. Committee suggested that an on-site inspection/review be conducted upon implementation of the recent sub-leases, when animals are brought to the Ag Station. Suggestion to have a joint meeting with Ashland County on site. • Telemark: There has been some discussion at the Town level about creating a TIF district. Very preliminary discussions at this point. • Re-districting: Due to 2011 Census, minor redistricting may be considered, particularly in the northern portion of the county. Executive Committee will be tasked with developing the redistricting plan. State statute allows for up to a 5% deviation of representation between districts. • County-Tribal Meeting: Still working to set a date. • Park & Ride Lot: UWS Survey has been received. County Administrator working with Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center on options as well. State has funding available for one- time implementation of facility. • CNG Project: Bids have been received. Working with the state on the acceptability of the equipment that was bid. • Dam RFP: Hazard Analysis proposals currently being accepted. • HVAC: Project being fine-tuned. Timers turn heat down at night, can be managed by departments individually. • Superior Days: Several delegates from Bayfield County will be attending the end of this month. • BCEDC: Currently searching for a new Director. • Northern Lights: Handout was reviewed. • Criminal Justice: Grant application for Risk Reduction Treatment Court being drafted. The committee took a break at this time. Meeting resumed at 11:30am. Motion Jardine, Kacvinsky to enter in/out of Executive Session Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c, e, g): Approval of the December 9, 2010 Executive Session minutes; Conduct performance evaluation of County Administrator; Deliberate or negotiate the purchase of public properties; Consider oral or written advice from legal counsel with regard to litigation and/or potential litigation; Consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Entered Executive Session at 11:40am Motion Kacvinsky, Bichanich to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 1:30pm. Abeles-Allison was invited back to the meeting to participate in the evaluation. Meeting Adjourned at 2:00pm