HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 4/14/2011Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, April 14, 2011, Bayfield County Board Room, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Marco Bichanich, Kenneth Jardine, Beth Meyers, Dee Kittleson Members Excused: William Kacvinsky Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Tim Kane-UW Extension, Kris Kavajecz, Claire Duquette Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Rondeau. Motion Jardine, Meyers to approve minutes from the March 10, 2011 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Redistricting: Bayfield County has 60 days from March 21st to develop a tentative redistricting plan. Official census population of the county is 15,014 (1 more than the last census). Kane provided an overview of the purpose of redistricting, the timeline associated, and the steps that must be followed. Tentative redistricting plan was reviewed. Public hearing and action are planned before and during the April 19 County Board meeting. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to accept the tentative plan as presented and forward to full County Board for public hearing and action. Tentative plan includes slight modification to Districts 5 & 6. Motion Carried. WCA Records Retention Policy: Committee reviewed the proposed records retention ordinance as recommended by the Wisconsin Counties Association. Motion Kittleson, Bichanich to approve the WCA Records Retention Ordinance as revised by Corporation Counsel and forward to the Full County Board for approval. Motion Carried. 911 Surcharges: Cost for 911 surcharge is 77 cents per land line/month. Government allows 40 cents of this to be added to the phone bills of users for each land line/month. The remaining 37 cents is paid by the County. Total cost comes to approximately $45,000 per year. Communications to the PSC were reviewed. Budget Repair Bill: No changes have been made yet regarding the employee share of retirement contributions pending the outcome of the legal issues regarding the legislation. Investment Policy Resolution: The resolution names 4 persons that may authorize the investment funds be accessed. Requires that 3 of these persons concur on the release of funds. Up to $2 million may be invested for an average of 2 years, but no term longer than 3 years. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to approve the investment policy resolution with the terms discussed. Request that information on this resolution be shared with County Board Supervisors. Motion Carried. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2011\Executive Committee Minutes 041411.doc Page 2 of 2 Merit Network Easement: Merit Network is a fiber optic company that is connecting Michigan with Duluth. They need to place fiber huts every 50 miles along the fiber route and have requested to place a hut at the Ag Station. Merit would pay a one-time installation fee and would allow for potential connection to the fiber network. This discussion is preliminary. Further information to be provided as it becomes available. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and 2012 Budget Planning: Departments have been requested to provide their 5-year capital improvement plans by the end of April. County Board budget planning session is scheduled for May 17 beginning at 4pm. Vehicle Purchases: Handout was provided of vehicle bid summary for 4 trucks. 3 will go to the Forestry Department and 1 to the Land Conservation Department. Abeles-Allison recommended purchase of two from VonHolzen and two from Ashland Ford. Motion Bichanich, Jardine to approve vehicle purchase as recommended by Abeles-Allison. Motion Carried. Brownstone Restoration Project: Review of scope of work planned. Specification for the project will be completed and distributed in the near future with bids due the end of May, beginning of June. Special meeting may be called in early June to approve bids for the project. $160,000 was provided through the National Park Service Save America’s Treasurer’s Grant program toward this project. Reports: • 2011 Budget: Year to date figures were reviewed. Expenses are over those of last year due to the health insurance anomaly (no premiums first 3 months of 2010). Zoning Department has requested additional funding for legal fees due to high cost of cases so far this year for both the Department and Board of Adjustment. Abeles-Allison noted that the County Humane Officer resigned. A temporary agreement is in place with Callae Hyde. • County Treasurers report reviewed. • Compressed Natural Gas Fuelling Station is proceeding through the permitting/approval process. • Eau Claire Loch Flood Analysis is underway. • HVAC portion of the Energy Efficiency project grant has been completed. Highway Lighting upgrades are underway. This will conclude all efficiencies planned for in the grant. • Ag Station: Cattle, chickens and horses are in place. Inspection will take place during the June Executive Committee meeting to be held at the Ag Station. Motion Meyers, Kittleson to enter in/out of Executive Session Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c, e, g) for the purpose of: Approval of the February 10, 2011 Executive Session minutes; Discussion/Possible Action Regarding updates and considering legal advice related to ongoing and new lawsuits. (BOA, Hwy C, trail, DWD Appeal); and Discussion and Possible Action acquiring property for the county. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Entered Executive Session at 5:33pm. Abeles-Allison and Kavajecz were invited to remain in the executive session. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 5:55pm. Meeting adjourned at 5:56pm.