HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 8/11/2011Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, August 11, 2011, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Bayfield County Annex Building, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, William Kacvinsky, Kenneth Jardine, Beth Meyers, Dee Kittleson, Marco Bichanich Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz, Scott Galetka-Land Records Administrator, Brenda Spurlock-Criminal Justice Coordinator The group sang “Happy Birthday” in honor of Kenneth Jardine’s 79th birthday. Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Rondeau. Motion Meyers, Bichanich to approve minutes of the July 14, 2011 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Budget Presentations: Galetka provided an overview of the draft 2012 budget for the Land Records Department. When asked if he had to make cuts, where would he make them, Galetka responded he would investigate enhancing revenues and would reduce contract areas. It was noted that all transactions related to plat books will be moved to the Land Records budget from the County Clerk’s budget. Abeles-Allison provided handouts and reviewed the budget request for the County Clerk’s office. Notable items include payroll/fringe benefits as well as higher cost for numerous elections in 2012. County Board proposed budget was distributed. Total reflects about a $5000 decrease from 2011. Discussed reducing the number of county board meetings or combining committee meetings when possible. Board members were hesitant to reduce the number of County Board Meetings, but would consider combining committee meetings when possible. Review of the General 00 Department budget. Abeles-Allison noted that sales tax revenue is projected to increase, which shared revenue will decrease. Committee reviewed the budgeted contributions for library operations and the funding formula. Various options for library funding will be considered. Libraries are exempt from the levy cap. Bridge aid requests for 2012 are down. Great Lakes Visitor Center and Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation requests are up. These will be discussed in more detail when the draft budget is completed and analysis begins. Reviewed proposed County Administrator budget. No significant changes from 2011. Treasurer, Register of Deeds and Information Services budgets to be reviewed at the next meeting. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2011\Executive Committee Minutes 081111.doc Page 2 of 3 Brenda Spurlock entered the meeting at this time and provided a handout of her proposed budget along with program summary. Discussion regarding the various grants which are funding the programming as well as requests for levy funds to continue the programming. Spurlock exited the meeting at this time. FEMA Floodplain Maps: Galetka displayed the revised floodplain maps with an overlay showing the old floodplain maps. Several hundred homes will be removed from the floodplain, with just over one hundred being added to the floodplain. Galetka exited the meeting at this time. Municipal Dam Grant Resolution: Draft resolution to approve application for the Municipal Dam Grant Program was reviewed. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to approve the resolution authorizing an application for municipal dam grant funds for repairs of the Middle Eau Claire Lakes Dam and forward to the full county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Hazard Mitigation Grant Application: The Emergency Management Department is required to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan every 5 years in order to be eligible for certain federal disaster assistance. Grant Funds are available to assist with developing/updating the hazard mitigation plan. Motion Jardine, Kacvinsky to approve application for the hazard mitigation grant program. Motion Carried. Tribal-County Relations Ordinance: Abele-Allison explained that the “County-Tribal Study” Committee has recommended that the name of the committee be changed to the County-Tribal Relations Committee. An ordinance revision is required to facilitate this change. Motion Meyers, Kittleson to approve the ordinance amendment and forward to the full county board for approval. Motion Carried. Northern Lights Audit Review: Motion Kacvinsky, Meyers to receive and place the audit and management letter on file. Motion Carried. Concealed-Carry Policy: Abeles-Allison reported that the concealed carry legislation will be effective on November 1, 2011. Several counties are taking action to prohibit weapons in the courthouse or on county properties, with limited exceptions. Handouts of draft policies were reviewed. Various scenarios for exemptions were discussed. Legal counsel has indicated that if a local policy is enacted, then the county may be liable if an incident occurs. If there is not a local policy then the county cannot be held liable for any incidents. The topic will be considered further at the county board level. 2012 Budget: Abeles-Allison explained the dire budget situation and asked for any suggestions the committee members had that should be considered during the budgeting process. Suggestions included: consider adjusting department head wages if programs within the L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2011\Executive Committee Minutes 081111.doc Page 3 of 3 department are eliminated or staff reduced. Evaluate appropriate staffing in departments, ensure it is appropriate for the work being done. Consider a request from the Zoning Administrator for reduced work hours as he approaches retirement. Brownstone Project: Abeles-Allison provided an estimate to complete the brownstone work on the entire courthouse in 2011. Cost is estimated at approximately $10,000 more than was originally budgeted in 2011 for phase 1 of the project. Discussion that by completing all of the work in 2011, significant cost savings will be achieved. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to authorize the County Administrator to negotiate prices in the change order to complete tuckpointing, patching, and cornice replacement on the North Face of the courthouse not to exceed a cost of $37,244 including engineering costs. Authorization to utilize up to $10,000 from the contingency fund to cover costs if needed. Motion Carried. Motion Kacvinsky, Kittleson to enter Executive Session Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c, e, g) for the purpose of discussing legal correspondence/advice with regard to the Railroad Grade Lawsuit. Roll Call Vote: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Entered executive session at 6:25pm. Kavajecz and Abeles-Allison remained in the closed session with the committee. Motion Kacvinsky, Jardine to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 6:31pm. Kavajecz exited the meeting at this time. Abeles-Allison noted two documents in the meeting packet related to the budget. A proposal for an electronic voting system for the county board as well as electronic document/communication systems for board members. A demonstration of a paperless system was viewed. Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.