HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 1/12/2012Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, January 12, 2012, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Kenneth Jardine, Beth Meyers, Dee Kittleson, Marco Bichanich Members Excused: William Kacvinsky Others Present: County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison, Kristine Kavajecz, Gene Jordan- Northern Lights Health Care Center Meeting called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Rondeau Motion Jardine, Bichanich to approve minutes of the December 8, 2011 meeting. Motion Carried. Northern Lights: Gene Jordan provided an overview of the status of Northern Lights activities. He reported that the census in the nursing home is trending down due to home health and Northern Bridges services keeping people in their home longer. 10 beds have been converted to short-term care beds for rehabilitation services. Medicare/Medicaid funding cuts total about 10- 12%. Changes have also been made to the Medical Assistance payment structure. Jordan reported that all bond payments were made to Bayfield County in 2011. He also reported that the long term plan for the facility is to add more assisted living facilities. The facility is in a transition period right now, with funding changes and census trends. Northern Lights may been to come to the county in the future to discuss covenant exemptions. Abeles-Allison explained that during the county audit, the auditors have commented on the requirement for required funding to meet the covenant requirements. County Administrator Authority: A resolution was reviewed authorizing the County Administrator to sign contracts on behalf of the county and also for the County Administrator to initiate discussion with legal counsel with regard to potential and ongoing legal actions which involve the county. Motion Bichanich, Meyers to approve the resolution as presented and forward to the full county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Budget Amendment: The committee reviewed a handout identifying two significant revenue shortfalls anticipated in 2012; Reduced boarding revenue in the Sheriff’s Department and a reduction of interest rates on county investments. Also reviewed the impact of reduced health insurance premiums –vs- what was budgeted. Electrical Engineer for Generator Proposal: A handout was provided summarizing the proposals received for engineering services related to the purchase and installation of a courthouse generator. Preference of the committee was to stay with a local vendor unless there were glaring differences in the proposals. The consensus of the committee was to authorize Abeles-Allison to conduct reference checks on the Powertek and C&S Design proposals. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2012\Executive Committee Minutes 011212.doc Page 2 of 3 Motion Meyers, Bichanich to authorize Abeles-Allison to proceed with selection of an engineer and award the project. Motion Carried. Ag Station Purchase Resolution: Abeles-Allison reported that Ashland County accepted/approved the sale of their interest in the Ag Station property for a cost of $175,000. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to recommend the approval of the purchase resolution as presented and forward to the full county board for consideration. Abeles-Allison reported there was as septic problem at the site, but it has been resolved. County Board Training/Orientation Topics: An April/May training date is being planned. Committee members were asked for topics to be included: Robert’s Rules of Order presented by the Local Government Center . A survey was presented to committee members identifying their needs with regard to technology training for the iPad. Save America’s Treasures Grant Covenant: The covenant document was reviewed. Motioin Jardine, Bichanich to approve the covenant as presented and forward to the full county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Reports: Budget: Fund balance has dropped slightly less than $1million over the past year, due to capital projects. The 2011 budget is right on target. Forestry was credited with providing surplus revenues, which reduced the amount of fund balance that would have been used. Various departments/funds were reviewed. Treasurer’s financial report was reviewed. Ashland Airport Overlay Project is being watched. Town of Eileen has indicated great concern. Library Board: Northern Waters Library Board is opposed to Bayfield County forming joint library districts. The County Library Board is continuing to investigate the possibility. Wellness Fair: Scheduled for February 1. 7am-11am in the EOC. Insurance: Health Insurance presentations are scheduled for Jan 19th at 11am and 2pm. Worker’s Compensation: Orientation with the new vendor and the on-line claim reporting system will take place on Jan 13. Jardine commented that he has receive comments/concerns from the general public regarding Norvado’s cell tower proposal. Concern that more land will be government owned and therefore, non-taxable. It was noted that tower equipment is considered personal property and is taxable. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2012\Executive Committee Minutes 011212.doc Page 3 of 3 Motion Jardine, Bichanich to enter in and out of executive session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e,g) for discussion and possible action regarding Executive Session Minutes of November 10 and December 8, 2011; written or oral advice from legal counsel with regard to potential or ongoing litigation and purchase of public property. Roll Call: All-Yes, Motion Carried. Entered Executive Session at 5:25pm. Motion Jardine, Bichanich to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 5:37pm. Discussion regarding next meeting date/time. Tentatively set for Feb 13 at 4pm. Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.