HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 7/14/2012Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, June 14, 2012, Emergency Operations Center, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Kenneth Jardine, Beth Meyers, Marco Bichanich, Shawn Miller, Dee Kittleson Others Present: County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison, Kristine Kavajecz-Confidential Secretary, Gene Jordan-Northern Lights Health Care, Richard Kettring-AERC, Scott Galetka- Land Records, Neil Shultz, Scottie Sandstrom-Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation, Dennis Pocernich Meeting called to order at 4:00pm by Rondeau May 10 Minutes: Motion Bichanich, Miller to approve minutes of the May 10, 2012 meeting. Motion Carried. Minutes to be sent to the committee as they were not in the packet. BCEDC Mid-Year Presentation-Scottie Sandstrom: Sandstrom thanked the committee for the county’s support. A written summary of activities so far this year as well as ongoing activities was provided. Strategic plan was developed through partnership with APEX. Review of various advertising media that has been used. Reviewed recent and ongoing business contacts. Developed Customer Service training curriculum for Drummond School, to be expanded to other entities throughout the county. List of monthly business contacts is provided to the BCEDC Board at their board meeting each month. Northern Lights- Gene Jordan: Gene reported on plans identified by the Northern Lights Board. Funding currently not sufficient to maintain a credit line with the bank. Northern Lights considering various options to build equity to maintain credit. The bank will be providing 60 day notice to Northern Lights that they must attain the appropriate equity within those 60 days, or the bank will not be able to maintain the credit line. Couple of options to consider would be for the county to purchase the 10 acres adjacent to the Nursing home, or find out if there is a way that the county could co-sign for the line of credit. The county currently holds the mortgage on the building, and the nursing home owns the land that the building sits on. The County issued a $5.9 million bond in 2007, of which 5 million is still outstanding. The county has an interest in making sure that Northern Lights is successful. Another possibility is for the county to buy in to the bonds. WCA Policy Resolutions, Land Records and CVSO: Abeles-Allison explained that annually, WCA asks counties for policy resolution for WCA to consider as part of their forum for the coming year. Scott Galetka explained a resolution supporting a seamless data layer statewide. Motion Jardine, Kittleson to approve the Land Records resolution and forward to the county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Abeles-Allison reviewed the resolution encouraging the state to support using tax dollars to continue the WDVA operations in the state and emphasizes the importance of the WDVA to county veteran services offices. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2012\Executive Committee Minutes 061412.doc Page 2 of 3 Motion Meyers, Bichanich to approve the WDVA support resolution and forward to the county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Meyers exited the meeting at 5:32pm. 2013 Budget Preparations, Planning Session Review and Budget Setup: Abeles-Allison explained how zero-based budgeting works and stated that departments will be asked to use this method during the budget process this year. Courthouse Generator/Electrical RFPs: Abeles-Allison reviewed the capital improvement budget for 2012. $85,000 was budgeted for the generator project. Because some other projects that were planned will not be done and because the generator project has come in significantly higher than anticipated, Abeles-Allison recommends moving the budgeted funds from the projects that will not be done to the generator project. The project will involve significant electrical upgrades in addition to the actual generator, resulting in a much higher cost. The committee reviewed the bids and the situation with the low bidder’s modified bid after bids were opened. Discussion took place regarding whether the bid should be allowed to be modified. Motion Kittleson, Jardine to approve the project at cost of $162,000. Discussion: questions about the size of the system (amps, and dual system) and whether just the electrical upgrade should be done and not the generator at this time. Roll Call: Jardine-No, Kittleson-yes, Rondeau-No, Bichanich-No, Miller-No. Motion failed. Motion Bichanich, Jardine to approve the electrical upgrade, including transfer switch, with the system ready for the generator, but not purchase the generator at this time. Motion Carried with one objection. Restroom Improvement RFP: Originally, a project was bid out for improvements to 4 restrooms, including cleaning, resealing tile, painting, drywall repair, electrical, lighting and plumbing upgrades. Abeles-Allison is hesitant to recommend approving the full project due to the cost. Recommendation is to hire specialized work and to have the maintenance staff do those portions of the project that they can. Motion Bichanich, Miller to contract the tile portion of the job and to do the remainder of the project in-house. Motion Carried. Corporation Counsel Contract: Draft revised contract with corporation counsel reviewed. Minor modifications made. Rate to remain the same. Motion Miller, Kittleson to approve extending the existing contract for corporation counsel for 2013-2015 with the minor modifications discussed. Motion Carried. Garage Floor Project and Change Order: Abeles-Allison reviewed the history of this project. Abeles-Allison recommends splitting the cost of the contested invoice with Luppino. Luppino did participate in a walk-through of the project prior to entering a bid for the project. Motion Kittleson, Jardine to settle with Luppino for $1337. Roll Call: Bichanich-Yes, Kittleson- Yes, Miller-Yes, Jardine-Yes, Rondeau-Yes. Motion Carried. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2012\Executive Committee Minutes 061412.doc Page 3 of 3 Reports: County Treasurer Financial Report, May: Slight gain in May. 2012 Budget: Review of year to date financials. Northern Lights: Nothing additional to report. ATV new trail update utilizing Railroad Grade: Rondeau and Abeles-Allison provided information on potential trail between Drummond and Cable. Contested lands are those that are owned by Bayfield County through quit claim deeds. Corporation Counsel researching this further. Motion Jardine, Kittleson to enter in and out of executive session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c,e,f,g) for discussion and possible action regarding Executive Session Minutes of May 10, 2012, Potential Litigation involving Rip Rap Projects and Personnel, and the Purchase of property. Motion Carried. Entered executive session at 5:50 pm Motion Jardine, Kittleson to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 6:03pm. Meeting adjourned at 6:03pm