HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/27/2012Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00PM, September 27, 2012 Emergency Operations Center, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Marco Bichanich, Dee Kittleson, Shawn Miller, Kenneth Jardine Excused: Beth Meyers Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, John Bennett, Dennis Pocernich, Elizabeth Skulan, Nikki Revak, Paul Susienka, Scott Galetka, Jerry Merryfield. Rondeau called the meeting to order at 4:00pm Minutes of August 22 and September 11, 2012: Motion Miller, Kittleson to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2012 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding 2013 Budget: a. Sheriff: Paul Susienka reviewed the proposed Sheriff’s department budget including accomplishments and goals. 2012 has been a busy year with staffing challenges. Full staffing is proposed in the 2013 budget with the assistance of a TAD grant in the amount of $75,000, hopefully renewed the end of this year for 2013. Revenues are similar to 2012 based even though boarding of prisoner is down. A number of department grants/contracts will continue. Susienka spoke on the topics of Joint Dispatch currently under discussion with Ashland County as well as the topic of Emergency Medical Dispatch. Two topics that could provide additional service to communities. Capital projects including Cody Software Equipment, Swat Equipment, Binoculars and Infrared equipment, radar detectors in cars, chairs, computer work stations and bullet proof vests were discussed. Susienka mentioned some budget adjustments due to revised calculations for Wisconsin Retirement and Jail Nurse. Jail Assessment items including Swat Gear, camera upgrades, HVAC upgrades and Shower Recoating were on the list. b. Land Conservation: Ben Dufford was unable to attend. Jerry Merryfield: As part of the Land Conservation presentation was moved up on the agenda. Merryfield reiterated the request for $1800 for Bayfield County’s representatives to the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. He reviewed the purpose and noted that $1800 would allow the five WCC elected officials for Bayfield County to attend the meeting. A letter from Merryfield to board members was included in the dropbox. L:\COMMITTEES AND BOARDS\EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE\2012\Executive Committee Minutes 092712.doc Page 2 of 2 c. Human Services: Elizabeth Skulan and Nikki Revak were present to review the budget for the Department of Human Services. They reviewed the narrative and noted that this was the sixth year of a levy freeze. Due to program changes, the budget for human services will drop in 2013 by 7.8% or $441,000. Skulan noted that Family Care expenditures would be reduced by $80,000 in 2013 and that 2014 would be a half year. After that there would be not additional reductions. W2 funding will be dropping in 2013. Revak noted that both ADRC North and Bayfield County will provide sufficient revenues from State and Federal Sources to operate on their own. Skulan reviewed IDP funding and noted that the tribes in Wisconsin have asked to allocate these funds for tribal members themselves. Schultz inquired about publication subscription and dues accounts increasing dramatically; Skulan noted that this was for the JAIS assessment program. Jardine exited the meeting at 5:25. d. Land Records: Scott Galetka reviewed the two capital projects, Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and Data base. The PLSS summary is on page 111 of the packet. It is for an expanded PLSS project. For the past 5 years the county has allocated approximately $20,000 per year and has obtained between 40 and 80 new monuments a year, this is in addition to the bounty system, offered for surveys done as part of other projects and funds for monuments in forestry. The request was to increase this to $82,000. This is in the budget at $20,000. The second project that was not included in the budget addresses database migration. The proposal is for a $40,000 project that will improve accuracy, reduce repeat entries and have shared tables between the multiple county databases. e. Other: The committee discussed the tourism budget including specific discussion about Fair, Trails and Tourism Marketing. Organizational topics were raised about department relevance and requests for reorganization. Abeles-Allison presented a budget modification spreadsheet, which he reviewed. Modifications included new figures, revenue sharing and WRS, as well as a couple of error corrections in the Sheriff, Fair and Clerk of Court Departments. The budget spreadsheet will be included in the minutes. Based on changes, the current shortfall is $42,000. Motion Miller, Kittleson to go in and out of executive session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c,e,f,g) for discussion and possible action regarding approval of minutes from the August 22 and September 11 Executive Committee Meetings and to discuss personnel matters involving union negotiations and personnel performance. Entered Executive Session at 6:05pm. Motion carried. Motion Kittleson, Miller to go out of executive session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 6:20 pm Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.