HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 11/12/2015Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00PM, November 12, 2015 EOC, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Kenneth Jardine, William Bussey, Brett Rondeau, Harold Maki, Dee Kittleson, Members Excused or Absent: Shawn Miller Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz, James Crandall, Fred Strand, Kathy Wendling, Jennifer Augustine-Northern Lights Healthcare, Karen Kozie, Erica Peterson, Patrick Glynn-Carlson Dettman Consulting, Scottie Sandstrom-Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation. Meeting called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Brett Rondeau. Public Comment: None Minutes of October 8, 2015: Motion Maki, Bussey to approve minutes of the October 8, 2015 meeting. Motion Carried. Northern Lights Health Care Report-Jen Augustine: Abeles-Allison explained that Northern Lights completed their recent audit. The auditors made an innovative suggestion for the county to consider. The county currently holds bonds for the nursing home, which will mature in 2027. Northern Lights pays approximately $470,000 annual bond payment. Jen Augustine reported that Medicaid currently pay $147 per day, a loss of $145 per day to the nursing home for these patients. If the County were to hold the nursing home license, not the other businesses (assisted living, home health etc), Northern Lights then becomes a county facility. They would then be eligible for supplemental payments from the state through the Dept of Health and Human Services. The intent would be that the county would hold the license only, but not manage it. The intent today is to determine if this topic is worth further discussion. Consensus of the committee is to further investigate the advantages and disadvantages of this idea. Presentation, National Marine Sanctuary, Karen Kozie: Erica Peterson and Karen Kozie are exploring a designation for a NOAA National Marine Sanctuary designation for the Chequamegon Bay Region. A full presentation will be made to the County Board. There is a nomination phase and designation phase. The group is currently in the nomination phase, determining if there is local stakeholder support to make a nomination. Dec 14 there will be a public information session at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center regarding the possible nomination of a National Marine Sanctuary. BCEDC Quarterly Report and Business Park Update and Planning Follow-up, Scottie Sandstrom: Quarterly report was presented to the committee by Scottie Sandstrom. Handout was provided. Motion Jardine, Kittleson to receive and place the BCEDC Quarterly report on file. Motion Carried. Wage Study Update: Abeles-Allison introduced Patrick Glynn with Carlson-Dettman Consulting. The consultant is in the process of collecting county comparable data for the Northern third of the state. Abeles-Allison distributed a draft of the revised County Administrator job description for review/input. The committee will discuss the job description in depth at a future meeting. Reports: 1. Treasurer Report: Very similar balances to the previous year. 2. Financial Report: General Fund expenditures at the 77% range, overall very good. Human Services at about 70% overall, very good. 3. Large Scale Livestock Committee: One final presentation to be heard next week. Reports and recommendations will be made to the County Board. Pursuing an operational ordinance to address some solutions. 4. Iron River Veteran’s Memorial Park: Review of materials from Ray Kangas 5. Business Park Update: Very close to closing on the parcels at the business park. Motion Jardine, Kittleson to enter in and out of closed session pursuant to Wis. Statutes 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of discussion and possible action regarding minutes of 10-8-2015. Motion Carried. Entered closed session at 5:37pm. Motion Jardine, Bussey to approve closed session minutes of the October 8, 2015 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Motion Maki, Kittleson to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 5:38pm Meeting Adjourned at 5:38 pm. Respectfully Submitted by Kristine Kavajecz, Assistant to the County Administrator