HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 2/14/2019Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, February 14, 2019 Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Fred Strand, Brett Rondeau , Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Dennis Pocernich, Tom Gordon Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kris Kavajecz-Assistant, Cole Rabska-Bayfield County Economic Development, Elizabeth Skulan-Human Services Director, Sheriff Paul Susienka, Deputy Andy Mika Meeting Called to Order at 4:05pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Motion Gordon, Strand to approve Minutes of January 10, 2019. Motion Carried Report from Bayfield County Economic Development-Cole Rabska: Rabska referred to the report that was provided with the meeting packet. Rabska reported that he attended the WHEDA conference, announced the April Business On Stage event, will be working on the business park sign, and will be attending a business incubator support meeting. KV Tech will be building this summer and fully functional by 2020. Bayfield County Human Service Plans regarding the CCS program in Bayfield County: Abeles-Allison stated that this is a huge topic. Comprehensive Community Service Program works with individuals with substance use and mental health issues. New Horizons North has been the vendor providing this service for Bayfield County for the last several years. Skulan reported that there have been concerns with the service provided and the focus on revenue observed in the past year. Several meetings have been held with New Horizons North, but have resulted in a final letter from New Horizons North stating that the county must provide them with more funding, or sever services in 30 days. Another meeting has been scheduled tomorrow. The county is also considering hiring staff to take on this work. Approximately 50 county residents have annually used these services, however, it is believed that more could use the service. Funding comes from Medicaid. Skulan reported that 1 of 2 things will happen: New Horizons North will negotiate with the county and the county will enter into a short-term contract for services with specific deliverables, with the contract to be extended if the deliverables are met, or they will not negotiate and the county will take on the program in conjunction with Ashland County. This would likely result in the hiring of 3 new employees. Motion Gordon, Pocernich to support Abeles-Allison and Skulan in their efforts to work with New Horizons to resurrect the contract to meet the needs of Bayfield County and if unable, work with Ashland County to ensure that the services continue to be provided to citizens. Discussion took place. Motion Carried (6-0) K-9 Program: Sheriff reported that this discussion began in 2018 and was also discussed at the most recent Sheriff’s Committee meeting. The department is compiling a list of expenses related to the creation of a K-9 Program. A space has been reserved in the 2020 K-9 training program in Minneapolis. Not including start-up costs, annual cost is estimated at about $7,000. The department is considering what funding mechanisms may be available to offset start-up costs of an estimated $50,000. Intended use for the K-9 would be for drug search as well as search and rescue situations. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to support the implementation of the K-9 Program in 2020. Discussion followed. Motion Carried. Highway 5-Year Financial Plan: The Highway Committee will be reviewing this at their next meeting. Abeles-Allison reported that the county could consider a short term borrowing for highway expenses in 2020. Abeles-Allison also suggested that the county could consider committing another 5-year, $500,000 of fund balance annually to be used for highway projects. Oswald reported that the atmosphere in Madison has a lot of discussion about highway funding and this should be considered as well. 2018 Budget Summary and Budget Amendments: Anticipating 3 budget amendments for the county board: Jail Assessment, Squad Fund and Coroner budget. Motion Pocernich, Strand to recommend to the county board to consider approval of the 3 budget amendments. Motion Carried. BUILD Grant: Federal transportation project on County Highway A was submitted in 2018, but was not awarded. Abeles-Allison would like approval to submit for this funding again in 2019, which would require advertising and publicizing the project. The project would be to convert this road to an all-season road. Motion Strand, Gordon to authorize submittal of the BUILD Grant again in 2019 to include generation of community and legislative support. Motion Carried. Mineral Rights: An update will be provided at the next meeting. Reports: a. Bayfield Wireless Update: The project is moving forward b. Contract Employee Agreements: Premier contract employees have resolved the health insurance issue. c. Northern Lights Update: A new administrator has been hired and will start in March. Sewer issue has been corrected. Director of Nursing has resigned. d. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding EMS Support: Question has been asked if county employees that are first responders can be authorized to respond to calls during the work day. e. Opioid/Methamphetamine Epidemic/Crisis and Response Plans: Details to be provided at a future meeting. f. Financial Report: Report for the first month of the year does not show any concerns. g. Superior Days: Strand reported that he was more optimistic this year than in previous years. Transportation funding was a primary topic discussed at Superior Days. Suggestion was made that the attendees provide a written summary of the activities. Meeting Adjourned at 5:12pm. Minutes submitted by Kristine Kavajecz