HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 5/9/2019Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, May 9, 2019 Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Dennis Pocernich, Fred Strand, Tom Gordon (phone) Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kris Kavajecz, Jim Crandall Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Motion Pocernich, Oswald to approve Minutes of March 14, 2019. Motion Carried Supplemental County Highway Funding for 2019 for County Highway A: The Highway Department budgeted for four miles of paving in 2019. The plan was to pave from Faye Rd to Hennesey Rd on County Highway A. The proposal is to increase by six miles for a total of 10 miles, to go from Faye Rd to County Highway B. Six additional miles will cost approximately $1.5 million more. Funding for the additional paving can come from anticipated Highway Fund Balance and General Fund balances. At the end of 2018 highway had zero fund balance, but they are getting reimbursed for several projects. The financial statement shows they are owed $1.3 million. Assuming that ½ of this or $650,000 comes in in 2019, there will still be a shortage of $850,000 which would require General Fund Balance. Motion Gordon, Oswald to recommend a 2019 budget amendment to allocate an addition $1.5 million in fund balance to be used for an additional 6 miles of County Highway A reconstruction. This item to be forwarded to the full county board for consideration. Committee discussed the status of County Hwy M and the delayed federal funding for that project, now anticipated in 2020 or 2021. Motion Carried Short Term Highway Borrowing Proposal for 2020: The Highway Committee has recommended that the County Board consider a short term (1 year) bond issue to begin supporting a six year, 8.6 mile per year highway reconstruction plan. This topic is featured in the county’s 2020 budget survey. Consensus of the committee is to hold off on this discussion until the results of the budget survey are received. Industrial Development Agency, Amendatory Promissory Note and Loan: The original agreement expired in 2015. A loan modification memorandum of understanding has been drafted, which would run through 2027. Approximately $160,000 outstanding on the loan. The current lease with World Class will expire in 6 months. If they were to discontinue the lease, there would be no revenue coming in unless the structure would sell. Motion Gordon, Oswald to recommend the Memorandum of Understanding be forwarded to the full county board for consideration. Motion Carried. Use of Contingency Funds for Records Management System: Motion Pocernich, Silbert to allocate up to $2,000 from contingency for the purchase of Laserfishe access licenses. Motion Carried. County Committee Ordinance regarding quorums and designation of alternates: Suggestion was made to amend the ordinance to allow the County Board Chair or Vice-Chair to serve as a committee member in the event of a lack of quorum. Another option would be to allow the Chairman to appoint an interim alternate for the committee. This could also take the form of an ordinance. Ashland County’s ordinance allows these alternate members only to vote in the event that there is not otherwise a quorum available. Motion Gordon, Silbert to designate the County Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman as ex- officio members of committees if a quorum is needed and that an ordinance amendment be drafted to address this. Motion Carried. Youth Government Scholarship: Abeles-Allison reviewed applications for the Youth Government Scholarship program. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to allocate an additional $1000 from contingency and award each of the 4 applicants $500. Motion Carried. WCA Resolutions for the 2019 Annual Conference: The committee reviewed several draft resolutions for submittal to the Wisconsin Counties Association for consideration. • Abeles-Allison reviewed a suggestion from Sheriff Susienka to modify the resolution addressing mental health issues in county jails. The modification recommended by the Sheriff were reviewed and will be incorporated into the resolution. • Resolution supporting extending the OARS program to the rest of the state. • Resolution supporting funding for Assistant District Attorneys • Resolution supporting non-refundable emergency tax credits for volunteer emergency responders. • Resolution supporting and increase in the PILT Program. Deadline for submittals is the day before the June Bayfield County Board Meeting, so approval will be needed at the May County Board Meeting. Silbert proposed additional resolutions: Urging the legislature to accept the governor’s proposal to accept Medicaid Expansion Funding. Resolution supporting HR763 regarding climate change. Silbert will work with the Health Department and County Administrator’s Office to draft these resolutions. Strand suggested that the county could also consider resolutions supporting prevention of Chronic Wasting Disease. Consensus of the committee is to draft all of these resolutions for consideration at the May County Board meeting. Social Media Policy Amendment: Input is being gathered that will be provided at a future meeting for modifications to this policy. Reports: a. Construction Projects: C&S Design is working on the Department of Human Services office design. Venture Architects will be here next week to begin work on the jail cell construction project. The three new staff for the CCS program are currently occupying the Family Resource Room. b. Financial Report, end of April: Revenues are on track and are about $150,000 over the same time last year. Expenditures are approximately $300,000 less than this time last year. This is a result of the change related to the nursing home debt payment. Highway is at 68% of revenues for the year. Highway expenditures are up slightly over last year. c. Treasurer Report, end of April: Balances are about $1.6 million less than this same time last year. d. Opioid/Methamphetamine Epidemic/Crisis Effort: Two staff with North Lakes Clinic made a presentation at the last Department Head Meeting discussing identification and addressing substance use in the workplace. Gordon exited the meeting at this time. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to move into Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(c)(g), Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Motion Carried. Entered closed session at 5:10pm. Motion Silbert, Oswald to Approve Closed Session Minutes of March 14, 2019. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 5:13pm. Minutes submitted by Kristine Kavajecz