HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/12/2019Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, September 12, 2019 Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Dennis Pocernich, Fred Strand, Tom Gordon Members Excused: None Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Assistant, Mary Motiff-Tourism Director, Tom Mayfield-National Healthcare Capital, Attorney Linda Coleman, Kent Dumonseau-Memorial Medical Center, Kellie Pedersen-UW Extension Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None received. Motion Gordon, Silbert to approve minutes of July 11, 2019 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (6-0) Leadership Academy Presentation, Mary Motiff: Motiff was a Bayfield County participant in the first ever UW Madison Extension Leadership Academy program. The program was an 8-month experience. Motiff thanked the committee for the opportunity to participate. She shared a handout outlining some of the activities involved in the academy. Approximately 30 persons participated, with diverse participants. The committee viewed a short video from Mark O’Connell, WCA President regarding the Leadership Academy. Motiff exited the meeting at this time. Memorial Medical Center Conduit Bonding: Tom Mayfield and Kent Dumonseau provided information on a planned expansion at MMC in the amount of $48 million. The expansion will include an expanded surgery center, in-patient behavioral health center, and rehabilitation center. MMC anticipates expanding employment up to a total of about 450 employees by 2022. The project is expected to begin in 2020 and will take approximately 3 years to construct. The project will require approximately $30 million in financing with the remainder coming from reserves. Ashland County will provide approximately $18 million in bonding capacity between 2019-2020. There is no county liability if MMC were to default. Bayfield County is being asked to provide the remaining $12 million bonding capacity for 2019-2020. Any costs that the county incurs to review the bonding documents will be paid by MMC. The county authorized bonding capacity for an expansion at MMC in 2011. This bonding situation is identical to the 2011 bonding. The county would be required to hold a public hearing regarding the bonding as a procedural requirement. This could be done in connection with a county board meeting. Motion Gordon, Pocernich to support the bonding request from MMC and forward this to the county board for consideration. Discussion regarding Highway financing which may take place at the end of 2019. The committee also recommended that legal counsel review this topic in advance of the County Board taking any action. Motion Carried.(6-0) Mayfield and Dumonseau exited the meeting at this time. Housing Project: Kellie Pederson with the UW Extension provided an update on the ongoing Housing analysis. WHEDA has provided some input/direction to get the county’s housing analysis off the ground. CDBG Housing Study Grant will be developed and submitted. City of Bayfield will be the lead applicant because they have the highest LMI. There are elements regarding senior housing in the county’s comprehensive plan. A public informational meeting will be held in the near future regarding the housing study. Motion Gordon, Silbert to support the Housing Study and forward to the County Board for consideration. Motion Carried (5-1 with Pocernich opposed) Pedersen exited the meeting at this time. January 20, 2020, Martin Luther King Jr. Day / County In-Service Day: State and Federal offices are closed this day. The proposal is to close the courthouse to the public this day and have it as a training/employee development in-service day. Motion Silbert, Gordon to approve designating January 20 as Bayfield County In-Service Day. Motion Carried (6-0) Employee Retention and Recruitment: The Personnel Committee has begun discussion on both of these topics. a. Jailer Hiring, referred by Sheriff’s Committee: Oswald reported that the Jail has a hard time recruiting and retaining part-time jailers. Neighboring counties are offering higher wages. Abeles-Allison explained that the Personnel Committee and County Administrator’s office will analyze the situation and will develop a strategy to address this concern. b. Dept of Human Services Resolution 2019-02 Regarding Social Worker Wages: The department and Human Services Board has recommended an increase to the starting wage for Social Workers to help address the difficulty in recruiting and retaining Social Workers. Financial Policies Fixed Assets minimum, $500: Recommendation from the County Clerk’s Office and auditors to modify the definition of a capital expenditure to include any item that costs $500 or more (currently $250). Motion Gordon, Pocernich to modify the definition of a fixed asset as a capital purchase of $500 or more effective January 1, 2020. Motion Carried. (6-0) Motion Pocernich, Silbert to move into Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(c)(g), Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Approve Closed Session Minutes of July 11, 2019 Wagman Litigation Update Red Cliff Lawsuit Attorney Linda Coleman was invited to participate in the closed session Motion Carried (6-0). Entered Closed session at 5:29 pm Motion Gordon, Silbert to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at 5:49pm. Coleman exited the meeting at this time. Budget 2020 Presentation: Abeles-Allison presented the proposed 2020 budget. Books were distributed to committee members and the layout of the book was reviewed. 4.3% increase in the overall budget proposed. Proposed levy of $11,408,239, an 18.79% increase. The increase is a result of levy for highway improvement financing. Transfers from the general fund are significantly less than previous years because fund balance is not proposed to be used for highway improvements. Budget Meeting Dates: Sept 19, 5:00pm (EOC). Oct 1, 4:00pm (CBR). Oct 7, 3:00pm (EOC) Reports: Materials were provided in the meeting packet. Thank You note from Ryan Meeker for the Local Government Scholarship was passed around the room for committee members to view. Meeting Adjourned at 6:33pm. Minutes submitted by Kristine Kavajecz