HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 1/9/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, January 9, 2020 Emergency Operations Center, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Dennis Pocernich, Tom Gordon, Brett Rondeau, Fred Strand Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Kristine Kavajecz-HR Director, Jan Victorson-Emergency Management Director, Dan Clark-Chief Deputy, Scott Kluver-City of Washburn, Charles Babineau, Dave Wagner-City of Ashland Fire Chief Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Chairman Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Motion Silbert, Oswald to approve minutes of the December 12, 2019 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried. Future of Legion building owned by Bayfield County in Washburn: Bayfield County was notified that the American Legion will no longer be using the building. The Lions Club also has a storage shed on the property. In the past, the county and these 2 entities have shared the cost of the city’s fire and water costs relevant to this property. County offices were asked if they have any uses for this facility. Scott Kluver, City of Washburn, reported that the building falls in a “Park” zoning area. A conditional use permit would be required. The city does not have a current interest in the facility. Continuing Discussion regarding Emergency Medical Services in Bayfield County. This is a continuing discussion on the topic of shortages related to emergency responders. Dave Wagner, Fire Chief-City of Ashland was invited to address the committee. Chief Deputy Dan Clark stated that at the last EMS Council meeting, none of the agencies present were supportive of a county-wide service. Victorson reported that there are 9 ambulance services that service Bayfield County. Bayfield County services responded to over 1300 calls in 2018. One topic identified is that ems members should be able to respond to call for another ambulance service even if they are not on that service’s roster. Educating the public on when and when not to call an ambulance is also a need. EMS is not identified as an “essential service” in the state of Wisconsin. Abeles-Allison clarified that it is NOT the intent of the county to propose a county-wide ambulance service run by the county. The county wants to assist services in their recruitment/retention efforts. Chief Wegner commented that the existing services have significant investments in their services and the county would be best served by supporting those services in what they 2 need to be successful. Chief Wegner stated that event the full-time Fire and EMS services are having difficulty recruiting employees. Enhanced 911 Project: This item was moved up on the agenda. The county has received notification that funding is available for enhanced 911 services, however, there is a very short turn-around time to request the funding/grant (due Feb 4). It is a 60/40 grant that would need to be competed by Spring, 2021. Clark reported that a committee has been put together to discuss a potential application. County match could be allocated in the 2021 budget. Draft Chronic Wasting Disease Report / Plans for 2020: A draft report handout was shared with the committee. Abeles-Allison reviewed the report. 3 components of the initiative was to implement kiosks, collection sites, and adopt a dumpster program. No positive samples were obtained. Bayfield County had the highest number of samples collected in the 5-county region. Superior Days 2020, Issue Review: A list of issues were included with the meeting packet. Chronic Wasting and School Social Worker topic have also been added to the issues identification list. February 11 & 12th is the Superior Days event. County Investment Policy: This topic will be deferred to a future meeting. HR Director Office Plan: Discussion on the location of an office to be located in half of the current mail room area. 2019 Budget Amendments: Will be presented at the County Board meeting. a. Reports: a. Financial Report: Overall expenditures are reflecting under budget for the year. b. Treasurer Report, end of December: $19.4 ending balance, up slightly from 2018. If the bond proceeds are deducted, it would reduce the balance to 3rd lowest balance over the past 7 years. c. Recent Auctions, Land and Vehicles: 2 highway trucks are currently being auctioned. Development & Land Sales approved readvertisement of 5 parcels that did not sell on the original auction. 4 of these parcels sold on the readvertisement. d. Courthouse Snow Day, December 2, 2019: A 36” snowblower has been purchased to address significant snowfalls in the future. This should significantly reduce the need to utilize the highway department for snow removal at the courthouse. e. Fire Hill Update: 110 acre preserve final sale documents were signed. f. Pigeon Lake Field Station: Received a call from the UW expressing interest in working with the county on this property if the county is interested in aquiring it. g. HS Remodel: Bids came in very similar, with a low bid from NASI construction. The 3 bids came in under projection. h. Board Orientation/Re-Organization: There will be 3 new County Board members in April. All existing board members present were thanked for their past an continued service on the board. April 21 is the swearing in ceremony, to be followed by the organizational meeting and an orientation session. A lunch is proposed at the visitor center followed by a joint training with Ashland County provided by the University of Wisconsin. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to move into Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(g), for the purpose of approving closed session minutes of October 7, 2019. Motion Carried. Moved into closed session at 5:30pm. Motion by Pocernich, Silbert to approve closed session minute of October 7, 2019. Motion Carried. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to return to open session. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned at 5:31p.m. Minutes submitted by Kristine Kavajecz